4:11am Apr 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
Sahaestiel looked at Ebony pleadingly
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
4:29am Apr 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
Ebony bounded over to Ukamundo, grumbling as the sand stuck to her wet fur. She quickly cleaned the wound and looked up at Sahestiel. "Now bandage it before it bleeds more."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:31am Apr 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
Sahaestiel dug into his bag of nothing and produced a linen cloth. He wrapped aroun Ukamundo's head, being sure,not to rub sand in the wound
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
4:45am Apr 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
Ebony shook herself like a wet dog. "Now what?"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:51pm Apr 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
"wait for Ukey to wake up?" The dark clouds persisted and it began to rain
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
12:08am Apr 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
Ebony huffed. "Ungh!" Wharshin raised his hood and leaned against Sunder.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:12am Apr 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(Aw, I'm touched by the ti tle guys XD)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
12:49am Apr 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
(We got 20 minutes free time in math and it was sad D: so this happened XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:31pm Apr 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
(did you get my text or did i waste 4 cents for no reason?)
Ukamundo was not unconscious for long and a few moments later he sat up and spat on the sand. He touched his head, not wincing when his fingers found the wound, and stood up, confdent in hi ability to stay upright. "Sahaestiel, is this Fultia?" he asked.
"I think so; the weather fits" said Sahaestiel.
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
2:05am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
"We can go do interesting stuff now, right?" Ebony asked.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:08am Apr 22 2013
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Posts: 6,296
"Well we have to be sure we're in the right place" said Sahaestiel
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
2:15am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
"Muuugh!" Ebony grumbled.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:17am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
"Should we climb the cliffs?" suggested Ukamundo. Sahaestiel nodded. Ukamundo began scrambling up the rocky cliff. Sahaestiel tried clumsily to cling to the rocks but his paws denied him.
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
2:24am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
Ebony sprang from rock to rock up after Ukamundo.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:27am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
Syra rolled her eyes and told Sahaestiel he could teleport now that he was off the ship.
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
4:07am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
Wharshin sprang up the cliff after Ebony while Sunder paced at the base of it.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:15am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
Sahaestiel teleported down and placed his hand on Sunder, transporting both of them to the cliff top.
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
5:02am Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
Sunder rattled in annoyance and sprang away from Sahaestiel.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:14pm Apr 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
Shaestiel saddened. "I was only trying to help" he said.
(Hi, i'm james. And i approve of your new avatar)
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
3:23am Apr 23 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
Sunder rattled angrily at him.
(I can has Ebby :D The body features are lagging or something though D:)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P