11:07pm Mar 31 2013 (last edited on 11:08pm Mar 31 2013)
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((***This is an open 1x1. The first person that I accept gets the spot. No complaining, no arguing, and no fighting. I've tried to do this plot before, but it always ends up dying. I need a person who will be committed to posting in this rp.***))
I sat in my bed, locked away by my parents. They were so protective over me. To them, I was a fragile piece of glass; beautiful, yet delicate. They forgot how sharp glass could be, though. I laid down and sighed. It was boring being in a room all by yourself. I would escape if I could, but there were several guards outside my bedroom door, guarding it. Guarding me.
Just as I was about to fall asleep, loud, clomping footsteps sounded outside my bedroom door followed by angry shouts of the guards. It was all so loud. Then, it got quiet. Deadly quiet. Something was up. I jumped from my bed, my white gown brushing the floor. I cracked my door to find all of the guards dead. I screamed. I screamed an endless scream. Someone had killed them.
Several bangs sounded upstairs, in my mother and father's room. I ran out the door, tears streaming down my face. I avoided the pools of blood that were around the dead bodies of the guards. My bare feat hit the floor delicately as I held up the bottom of my long gown so that I wouldn't trip on it. What was going on? Did the demons attack? No. Surely not. Our castle is the best protected facility in heaven.
I entered my mother and father's room, out of breath from climbing up the steps. But when I got there, my father was on the ground and so was my mother. My father was leaning over my mother, sobbing. A large, tall figure with dark hair and dark eyes streaked past me, holding his injured arm. My father had hurt him, but not killed him.
The figure- a man, I think- disappeared in a flash of blue flames. He was a demon. I rushed over to my father and looked down at my mom. She had a dagger in her chest, and a stream of blood was trickling out of the corner of her mouth. She was dying, and we couldn't save her. Only God could save her, but by the time we got her to the highest place in heaven, she would be dead.
"Collin," my mom said to my dad in a happy voice. She always had a way of sounding happy at times like this.
"Yes, Josephine," my father said inbetween sobs.
"Send our daughter to Earth. She'll be safe there. Nobody will recognize her. Nobody is safe here anymore." And at that, my mother died. Those were her last words. Her last words were concerned about me.
"Sera," my father said, picking my mom up in his arms, "prepare for your descent. You're going to Earth."
Less than an hour later, my father had my mom buried. I was at the uppermost part of heaven, God's palace. My father was in God's chambers, discussing with him how it was my mother's last wish to send me to Earth. Normally, angels couldn't be sent to earth for no reason. They had to have a good reason. My mom's reason is that I am the only offspring of the highest royal family in heaven.
Soon, my father opened the door to God's chamber and motioned for me to come inside. I walked in. God was beautiful. I couldn't really see him, though. He was a huge ball of white light that glowed with love and kindness and warmth. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
"Hello, Seraphiel," God said in the most beautiful voice. His voice reminded me of gold; warm and smooth. "You may begin your descent. Several of the other angels on earth have prepared you a home. We are going to send an angel with you, though. He has been to earth before. He will show you around, and teach you the rules."
Soon, a boy about my age walked in. He was handsome. Of course, all angels had a distinct beauty around them.
"Sera, this is the boy that God was speaking of," my father said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "He will go with you to earth. He will be your guardian there."
I didn't speak. I was nervous to speak around God. I was scared that what I would say would sound disrespectful or something.
God waved goodbye, and the whole room began to spin.
"Goodbye, Sera," God and my father said simultaneously as they turned into a blur. The only person that wasn't a blur was the boy. Of course, he was coming to Earth with me.
The spinning stopped as quickly as it began. I was in a house, a large one at that. I fell to my feet as the heavenly weightlessness disappeared. I looked over at the boy who was standing there without a problem. This was going to be a long stay on Earth.
Demons have attacked the castle of Josephine and Collin. Sera, their daughter, was sent to Earth to be protected by a boy around her age.
The demons, who are wanting to steal away the earth as their own home, are after Sera, who, to everyone's surprise, is the illegitimate child of Josephine. Half demon and half angel, Sera has an unusual air about her. She stands out among other angels, with her dark and pale features contrasting with each other, but she seems to be a pure-blooded angel. That is, unless you get a good look at her.
Across her back are glowing blue markings that are otherwise unnoticeable unless something sets them aglow. There's no doubt about it. Those markings are strictly demonic.
The only reason that this was not discovered is that in heaven, Sera was far, far away from anything that would set her demonic blood into effect. Now on earth, and without her mother telling her about the half-and-half blood running through her veins, Sera must figure out what lies ahead on her own.
The reason that the demons are after her is because she's the missing link. She bridges the gap between heaven and hell. That is all that's in the demons' way of taking earth as their own.
And it's all up to the experienced angel boy to keep that from happening.
1. This is a 1x1. First come, first serve. 2. I play as Sera. Whoever joins must be the boy that was sent to Earth with her. 3. PG-14, please. 4. Romance and action are strongly encouraged. 5. No gay/bi/lesbian characters. 6. Ask to join. 7. Be literate! At least five desc[injection]riptive, well structured sentences per post. 8. I am going to roleplay in first person POV in this roleplay. 9. Have fun!
((Bio Skeleton))
Name: Age: (I want the boy to be a bit older than Sera so that he is more experienced.) Gender: Looks: Personality: Power(s): (Three is the maximum amount.) History: Other?:
((My Bio))
Name: Seraphiel. Her shorter name is Sera, which is pronounced like Sarah. Age: Somewhere around sixteen. She could pass as seventeen. Gender: Female. Looks: Seraphiel doesn't look like the stereotypic angel. She stands just above an average height at five-foot-six. Her hair sets her apart from others of her kind, due to its unusual darkness. Her hair, as mentioned before, is dark; it's so black that, when it's in the right light, it seems to give off a bluish glow. Her eyes are the lightest of a mix of blue and grey. Her skin is an ivory color, and she has no freckles that are dusted across her face, given that she wasn't exposed to the harmful rays of the sun in heaven. Her build is slim, but she has curves in the right places, and her hands and feet are small and delicate, having no callouses from hard work. Now on earth, Sera's wings are a black color, which scares her even more than the glowing marks on her back that appear when something out of the ordinary happens. Though the marks glow, she can easily cover them up with clothes to hide the fact that they are there. Personality: She's a relatively new character, so I'll roleplay her personality out. Power(s): She can heal. Though this power is quite potent when used, it has its disadvantages. Seraphiel, when she heals, takes the pain that the person that she's healing is feeling and makes it her own. She takes their pain, and for a while, it injures her, but once the healing is finished, the pain diminishes. Other powers may pop up later. History: The introduction explains most of it, but she doesn't really speak of her history to most, given that it brings back memories of her mother, who recently died. Other?: No.
EDIT: I just now noticed that I misspelled the ti tle. >.> Forgive that fail.
Love is all we need~
11:12pm Mar 31 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{I am interested, may I?}
11:17pm Mar 31 2013
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Love is all we need~
1:12am Apr 1 2013
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Name- Finn (short for Finnegan) Maverick Age- At least eighteen, though he could easily be nineteen Gender- Male Looks- Finn is fairly tall, exceeding average height being 6'1" with an athletic yet sturdy build, built for running and agility rather than sheer strength. With his almost shockingly vibrant and bright emerald green eyes and his hair an odd mixture of dirty blonde and caramel brown, he sticks out painfully in most every crowd. His hair is cut at the neck in the back and his bangs are cut so they don't fall into his eyes, and while his hair looks decent just combed down, he usually just doesn't bother with it and lets his hair go do whatever it wants, which usually makes it look quite messy. He is decently tanned and is slightly freckled on his nose and cheeks, although nothing too noticeable. Overall he has a rather childish appearance, though good-looking all the same. His wings are longer and slimmer rather than thicker, the tips of each feather faintly dusted with silver
Personality- Finn is stubborn, impatient and a bit short-tempered, but he is also an extreme soft-hearted sweetheart that is immediately friendly and outgoing towards anyone he meets. He would die for the friends he has and makes new friends very easily with his general happy and polite nature. He also trusts everyone before he even gets to know them, both a very bad and very good trait to have. He is reluctant to admit that he was wrong and can't stand it if he happens to be mistaken, as he needs to have things his way or he'll get pouty. He's also extremely childish in many ways, easily excitable over little things and has an immature sense of humor. When he needs to be, however, he can take control of any situation and make himself in charge, and anyone will be surprised to know that he's actually a good leader and makes only the best of decisions. He's smarter than he appears and can get himself out of any situation simply by thinking. Because he likes to have things his way, he can be demanding and easily angered at times, but usually for good reason. Besides that, however, he's actually very kind and gentle, one to give others what they want without a complaint before helping himself. He very rarely cries, and when he does, it's commonly for others and not himself Power(s)- At the moment he can only heal minor wounds well and if he tries hard enough, he can occasionally mend major wounds decently. He hasn't developed any other more extreme powers yet, so for right now that's about all he can do History- Finn was born on Earth in Australian many years back, living a rather simple life. He was a fairly clean kid, never drank or smoked or anything. He had two brothers, one younger and one older, though the elder left for college when Finn was eight and never returned, called or was heard from again, so he was just assumed dead. His younger brother was only a year behind him and they were practically inseparable, more best friends than brothers. When Finn was fourteen, his young brother and him where out on the coast when his brother decided to go out further than him. He got too far out, got his leg caught on something and drown, right in front of him. When he was sixteen, he had a girlfriend that he loved so much he had plans to propose to her two years after they met. Around the time he was going to ask her to marry him, there was a robbery in the store they were both at and Finn stepped in front of his girlfriend and stood between her and the gunman. In the end, he was killed and his girlfriend lived, an extreme example of the amount of loyalty he has in his friends and the ones he loves. Because of losing people he loved so dearly, Finn has vowed to never fall in love again Other?- He loves nature, is afraid of being in love, hates the nickname "Finny" and has a faint Australian accent
{I'm just confused on a few things. First, do they have wings on Earth? Second, has Finn been to Earth after he was an angel or just before? Oh, and excuse any mistakes in the bio, I'm tired and don't feel like reading over it. x3}

1:21am Apr 1 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Your bio is fine. Psh.
And they have wings on earth, though they can hide them under clothes rather easily. Like, if they wear a hoodie or a windbreaker, their wings'll be concealed.
And he has been to earth AFTER he was an angel, too. He can still have vague memories of his time on earth, but I think it would be kinda weird to remember it all.
Seraphiel has never been a human, so she has no clue what earth is like at all.
Love is all we need~
10:59am Apr 1 2013 (last edited on 11:03am Apr 1 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{I've always failed at making bios...awh well, I guess it's alright. Okay, got it. I assume he'd remember his brother dying, his other brother leaving and his death protecting his girlfriend, 'cause you know, those are pretty big deals. x3 But I doubt he'd remember a whole lot his second time on Earth. I guessed that, yeah. Are you going to post first? If you need me to I can, I just can't think of a reply right now. I know you already posted a story thing on the first post, but to be honest it doesn't give me a whole lot to reply with. Dl}
11:49am Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Your bio isn't a fail, and those are major turnpoints, so that would be good for him to remember. XD
Also, since he's been to earth before- as an angel-, don't forget that he'll know what all to do on earth. ^.^
So, anyways, I'll start now. Don't fret if it's long. Also, I'm not going to write in first person. >.> I copy-pasted the whole first post from an old thread. I'll be roleplaying in the usual third person.
Seraphiel's body hit the hard wooden floors with a loud thump as Earth's harsh gravity pulled down on her lithe form. She let out a groan, having hit her head on the hard floors. The world spun for a moment, then leveled out again. She couldn't really focus on anything for a moment.
Everything here was so hard. She felt as if she couldn't even stand up. Still, she tried to get up after a few seconds of lying on the ground. It was a failure. She pushed up with her arms, her previously white wings, which were now black, quivered with the effort. When she was just back on her feet, she fell back down, but landed on her rump instead of flat on her back.
She was still wearing her white dress, which made her black wings look even darker, like a dangerous oil slick.
"Wh-Why is it so hard to stand up?" she asked, brows furrowed in confusion. "What's with this place?" Her voice was a bit frustrated. She'd never needed help from anyone before to do simple tasks. But now, even standing up on her own was a challenge.
Love is all we need~
1:55pm Apr 1 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{I'm cool with longer posts. I used to have quite a bit of trouble with them, but I can manage now. It just takes me a bit longer.}
Finn fell to Earth only seconds before the girl he had been chosen to protect, though he landed somewhat more...smoothly. He had managed to keep his footing by gripping a nearby ob ject to hold himself upright, though even the angel who had visited Earth twice before found the lack of weightlessness shocking, for it had been years since he last left Heaven. He looked over his wings, flexing them slightly and assuring they were okay after his fall. They were only a bit stiff, but that was quickly repaired as he snapped his wings out and stretched them to their full length before pulling them back in against his back. He knew he would have to wear a coat or something over his shirt to cover them up for he knew that a winged human on Earth would just scream "abnormal", but both he and Sera were safe. For now, anyway. His fingers slowly uncurled from the back of the chair he had been holding onto, but he immediately stumbled upon letting go and his fingers found the chair once again. He took a deep breath, straightened himself out, found his balance and released his hold on the chair. At first, the angel was terribly embarrassed looking so incredibly stupid trying to do something as simple as walking, but as he looked over to his "companion", he was relieved to know that she was much worse off than himself. In fact, Finn was actually rather amused and had to bite his lip to keep from laughing too loudly. He allowed her to flail a moment to see if she could manage it herself, but when it became obvious she couldn't do it on her own, Finnegan let out a small sigh and walked - somewhat shakily, but successfully - over to her and held out his hand as an invitation to help her up. He chose to ignore her two questions, simply because they seemed to be rhetorical and introduced himself instead, "The name's Finnegan, but Finn is fine." He decided not to ask her name: everyone in Heaven knew it. She was like a...legend or something.

2:09pm Apr 1 2013
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Seraphiel felt as if she were one of the most idiotic people in the universe for a moment. She couldn't even stand up on her own. She was about to try again when she saw a hand appear in front of her. It was larger than her own, and masculine. She pursed her lips, not wanting to admit defeat just yet.
Her muscles tensed up again as she debated on trying to get up again, but they loosened before she left her place on the ground. Defeated, she looked up at her guardian. Literally a guardian angel. She thought that his name was a bit unusual, but she wasn't one to judge, seeing as how her name was probably never used before.
After he introduced himself, she grabbed his hand with her own in a light, yet firm grasp. Seraphiel delicately pulled herself up off of the ground, using Finn's weight for leverage. Her face was still as red as a cherry when she looked up at him with her ice-blue eyes.
"N-nice to meet you," she said, clearing her throat. Her voice was a light, soprano tone.
She thought that she was stable enough for the time being, so she let loose of his hand- her only anchor in the room. To her disadvantage, she felt her legs start wobbling without something there to steady her. When she felt as if she were about to fall again, she quickly grabbed Finnegan's arm, flustered, her heart beating quickly.
She didn't think that she could say anything. She felt too humiliated to utter many words.
Love is all we need~
3:21pm Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Geez you're fast. I get so distracted so easily - probably why you post in ten minutes rather than the hour it takes me. x3 Sorry for so much OOC, I'm done now.}
Finn could just feel and especially see her embarrassment, and for a second, he actually felt bad for laughing at her. He knew he wouldn't have been able to help it, his mind was just built to be amused at things like that, but he still couldn't help but feel bad for adding to her embarrassment like that. Snapping back into the present as he felt her hand take his, he felt relieved that she didn't try to get up by herself like he knew she wanted to. The chances that she would fall again were great, and the chances that Finn would burst out laughing were be even greater. Even he knew that that would be the quickest way to get on anyone's bad side. While thinking he faintly felt a tug on his arm indicating that she had gotten herself up and looked down, his bright green eyes meeting her nearly gray ones. His guilt intensified when he noticed how reddened by embarrassment her face was, and Finn just nodded in silent agreement when she mentioned that it was nice to meet him. Suddenly, he felt her pull her hand away and he immediately knew what was coming next: yet another fall - if he didn't do something. Just before he could take her hand before she fell again, she reached out and clutched his arm, her heart beating so fast he could practically hear it. Now, much to his dismay, she looked even more humiliated. He felt just about as bad as she did now, only for different reasons. When she didn't say anything for a moment, he broke the awkward silence by asking, "Are you...are you alright, or do you need to hold on for a bit?" He just prayed this wouldn't embarrass her further.

3:39pm Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// I don't mind OOC convos. XD Also, I type, like, insanely fast... ^.^'
Sera was glad that he didn't say much. Her face's redness diminished slowly, until it was just a faint blush staining her cheeks. She was still a bit embarrassed by having to rely on him for so much. Well, after all, he was supposed to look after her.
Oh, gosh. This guy was basically her babysitter, wasn't he? She internally felt a bit angry at this thought. She brushed it off, easily, though.
"Ugh... I think I'll be fine. I just need to be holding onto something," she said back to Finnegan, biting her lip slightly. She pulled one hand away from Finn's arm to brush some deep black hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.
She took a moment to take in Finn's appearance. Deep gold/caramel colored hair that was a bit messy, spring-green eyes, tanned skin. She also noticed that he was quite tall. She felt short in comparison, but that was alright. Well, at least he wasn't shorter than her. Then that would just be awkward. She'd always felt odd speaking to guys who were below her height.
"So, um. How long did it take you to get used to this.... heaviness that's on earth?" she asked her protector, referring to the gravity that pulled them down.
Love is all we need~
7:40pm Apr 1 2013 (last edited on 7:40pm Apr 1 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{Posted too early, sorry. x3}
8:02pm Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Sorry for the late post, I was at the beach. c: And sorry for posting it early, my finger slipped. x3}
Finn was relieved to see the redness drain from her face, hoping they could forget about their meeting, put it behind them and get down to business: keeping Sera safe. He was somewhat glad he didn't have to say sorry for laughing, because he knew it would be such an awkward and painful apology for him and it would only make things worse. She seemed to be gaining her balance and all she would really need was support for a bit: that was all. The rest would all come fairly quickly after she figured out gravity and found her footing. He felt her move one of her hand's from his arm to move a strand of her dark hair from her face, and he soon became aware of her eyes taking in his details. Simply because he had actually never seen her in person before, he took a quick look over her as well. She was obviously shorter, though not by too extremely noticeably. She was such a contrast to himself, with her pitch black hair, stormy gray-blue eyes, pale skin and fragile build. He knew they made such an odd couple, but he didn't mind. She suddenly spoke, snapping Finnegan out of his thoughts. Man, he was getting so easily distracted today. "Not long. Not long at all. Just give it a bit and it should come naturally." He assured her, suddenly realize it might not come as easily to her. He had been a human before becoming an angel, so coming to Earth a second time gave him a head-start in his learning to walk. Sure, it was still difficult as would be expected, but it all came back to him fairly quickly. Oh well, her instincts should kick in eventually, right?

8:34pm Apr 1 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Omg. You're so lucky to be at the beach! I'm stuck in this awful humid, hot place. >.>
Sera's features turned hopeful as he said that it wouldn't take too long. Speaking of getting the hang of it, she felt a bit more stable, if only a minute amount. She furrowed her brows in a focused ex pression as she slowly let loose of Finnegan's arm. She wobbled a bit, and struggled for balance, but she was able to stay standing for a few seconds before holding onto Finn's arm again, a grin on her features, laughing slightly.
This wasn't so tough!
A bit too much confidence possessed her to let go of Finn again and try to walk. She made it a few uneasy steps before she stumbled forward, grabbing onto a nearby chair- they were in the living room, after all. Her black wings stretched out around her for a moment, and she let out a few giggles.
"It may take me a while. I've never been clumsy in my entire life. Of course, no angels are, are they?" It was another rhetorical question.
Then, as she caught a glimpse of her own black feathers, her eyes widened, ex pression changing into a horrified one. Her mouth hung open for a moment before she let out a small yelp.
"What- What are these?!" She touched her feathers, shivering. Her hands were shaking. "These are not my wings!"
But they were.
Love is all we need~
10:12pm Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{I'm usually stuck in rainy ole Washington, I'm just on vacation in San Diego. I can't really reply until you answer a question I have. Should have asked it sooner, but oh well. Does Finn know she's part demon? Oh, and sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I was eating pizza. :D}
10:39pm Apr 1 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// All is well~
And, no, he doesn't know that she's half demon.
While he doesn't know for sure, it can be inferred by the jet-blackness of her feathers. And, later, the blue markings on her skin will glow if she gets angry/over-emotional.
Love is all we need~
12:24am Apr 2 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{Alright, got it. Thank youuu~ Oh, and I have more excuses for taking so long buuut. You get it by now. I'm in San Diego. I'm busy. x3}
Finn watched Sera's ex pression become more determined and felt her hand move from his arm, then watched her unsteadily stand on her own for no more than a second before she fell back and took his arm again, laughing lightly. Seeing how much more determined she was after just a few seconds of standing on her own, Finn returned her small laugh. He knew she would get it easily - if she could manage a few more steps, then she'd have it for sure. She managed to make a few steps before taking a chair for support, laughing again. It surprised him how happy she could be in a time like this, though he was glad she wasn't sulking around, crying her heart out - that would make him sad too, and it wouldn't have been fun for anyone. As soon as her wings moved in around her, Finn realized they weren't even relative to the shade of his own: he'd only ever seen angels with wings the color of his, never before had he seen an angel with pitch black wings. He didn't mention it, though: he figured she probably already knew and if she didn't, she'd find out soon enough, anyway. Come to think of it, though, in those last moments between Heaven and Earth he could have sworn her wings were white... "I...guess not?" Finn replied with a small shrug, not fully understanding the question but quickly realized it wasn't even directed towards him, anyway. Suddenly, a small yelp emitted from the girl, her hand moving to touch her feathers the color of black oil. A tiny flicker of a thought ignited in his mind, but he quickly pushed it away and refused to even consider it. Was that even possible...? Even so, the coal-black set of wings upon her back were indeed her own. He took a few steps until he was closer to her, his hand reaching out to touch her feathers but paused before he made any contact with her. "Do you mind?" He asked, though it was yet another rhetorical question and he reached out and gently stroked one of the sleek black feathers regardless of her not answering, his head tilted slightly in confusion and thought. "I..." He paused a moment, trying to think of a way to put it. "I have never seen anything like this. Wings changing colors: now I've seen it all." He bit his lip and added a bit more quietly, "But something is wrong. Very, very wrong."

4:16pm Apr 2 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// You're so lucky to be in a big city. >.>
Her wings were black! Black! Like those of a demon! Not even fallen angels got black wings- their wings were stripped. The only people that had black wings were....
They were...
They were demons.
When Finn asked her if she minded, she was about to ask what about, when she felt his hand on her wing. An involuntary shudder passed over her, and her wings quivered. Jeez, that felt good. She'd never had anyone else touch her wings- not even her parents did that. It was such an odd feeling, but it felt wonderful. Like when someone played with your hair.
When he said his last sentence, she managed to squeak out two words, in an almost sarcastic tone, though it was high-pitched and frightened. "You think?!" Her eyes were wide, still shaking and feeling her own wings with tremulous hands.
"This.... This isn't normal. This isn't normal at all..."
Love is all we need~
12:09am Apr 3 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{I was at the zoo today, I'll be at SeaWorld tomorrow, and at Legoland Thursday. I get to sit down on Friday and the weekend, though. ;D So sorry for all the delays. ;~;}
A single world flashed through Finn's mind as he gently examined Sera's wings: demon. There was no doubt in his mind now - there was something abnormal about her black wings, something almost satanic. Simply because Finn was never one to judge, his opinion of her wouldn't change: she was still the beautiful angel he had thought she was from the beginning. Even so, something about the black feathers adoring her wings sent a chill up his spine and made him at ease. It didn't seem at all possible - unless, she was cursed in some way? It was hard to imagine, the royal's beautiful daughter cursed by a demon, but he couldn't think of a more logical explanation. He faintly felt her wings shudder beneath his touch as he thought, then quickly removed his hand thinking she was annoyed by him touching her. After a quick observation of her facial expressions, he realized she was rather enjoying it. He had never had anyone touch his wings, but he didn't think it could be a pleasurable experience. He would probably just flick anyone touching him away like a fly if anyone attempted to touch his own wings. A second after he uttered the words, "something is wrong", a high-pitched and sarcastic-toned remark came from the girl. He supposed he deserved that for stating the obvious, and by the tone of her voice and the slight tremble of her hands he quickly realized she was genuinely and absolutely frightened by the color shift in her feathers. It didn't seem like that big of a deal to him, but something was obviously up. Wings didn't just...change like that. "I...I know. Do you have...any idea what has happened?" That was Finn for you: asking a question that could no one could possibly know the answer to. Oh well, it was worth trying, he supposed.

5:21pm Apr 3 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Sera was a bit disappointed, yet relieved at the same time when he pulled his hand away from her wing. Her hands were still shaking, stroking her own wings, wondering if the color would rub off or something. She'd had white wings in heaven.
Beautiful pure white wings like those of a swan. But her wings now looked dirty- tainted. Yet, they looked beautiful all the same. A sort of dark beauty, if you will. Her lip trembled, and she bit it to keep it from so obviously shaking.
As Finn asked her another pointless question, she decided not to answer it sarcastically again. That would give her a bad image, and she wanted to at least keep her personality image clean, and pure- unlike her wings.
"No. I have no idea as to what would cause this. Do you?" Okay, so maybe her last question was a bit sarcastic, but she didn't mean for it to come out that way.
Love is all we need~