11:51pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Dude. Do you know how long that last post took me? Two hours! TWO HOURS! In other words, don't feel bad. c:}
'Well, I'd best be going, hm?' Finn suppressed a sigh of relief. Although Callum was obviously an okay guy, Finn still didn't like having him around. Even though the other angel probably had no intention to, Finn felt like he was competition for Sera; which was odd, because Finn had told himself that he wasn't going to get attached to her before he came to Earth.
He bit back a sigh when Sera grabbed his arm again and told him to stay. At first, Finn's mind automatically assumed that it was because she liked Callum's company more than his own, but she asked him about her wings.
Finn actually didn't want Callum to leave for a minute when Sera brought up her wings. He was curious as to why Callum was so drawn to her as well.
It made sense that he could see her aura and that was partially the reason that he had been so set off by her; but what was so different about her aura? Besides Sera having black wings, she really wasn't different from any other angel. Her black wings really didn't bother him.
Finn sat down on the couch, a few feet from where Sera had just been sitting, and looked up at Calum from his seat, his own eyes filled with curiosity.
{Ew. Writer's block, sorry. :c}

1:25am May 23 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// All is fine. XD And I'm just a fast typer, so it seems like much longer to me to type a post involving a guy. Because I actually have to pause and think, "Okay, how do I not make him seem like a major sissie?"
"Well, your aura is like nothing I've ever seen before." Callum's voice was honest, with no twinges of worry anymore. He knew that Seraphiel wasn't in pain, and that she wasn't going evil, so he was relatively accepting of the changes in her aura, though, it was something to consider odd, seeing as how it had never happened before, in Callum's experience.
"What do you mean?" Seraphiel was becoming distressed, almost a bit angry at Callum's vagueness. She then remembered that she didn't even know his name. That would be her next question, she told herself.
Callum winced at Sera's fingernails digging into his bicep. She had rather sharp nails, if she put enough pressure behind them, he noted. When she sat down on the couch, Callum had no choice but to follow her, less he lose half of his arm to her vice grip.
"I mean that you have both light and dark in your aura. It's unusual. I've never seen that before in my life," Callum elaborated.
Seraphiel was stunned. Well, she hadn't known that her aura had darkness in it. But, so long as it had light in it, she decided that it wasn't too bad. Plus, she didn't want to bombard Callum with too many questions. She was left wordless. What was she supposed to say to that? 'I didn't know'? No. She couldn't come up with a feasible reply.
"What is your name?" She knew that he seemed familiar. She wasn't sure why, though.
"Callum," he said. It then clicked. She had heard her father talk about a boy named Callum all the time. And how he was a proper marriage candidate for Seraphiel. For both of their sakes, if Callum even knew of what her father had said, she pushed the memories away, and thought of him as a completely different person from then, though it was really, really hard.
Still, her face was red and hot.
Another bad issue of being high up in society was that your parents were constantly worried about your marriage candidates. Once she'd passed the age of ten, it seemed as if Seraphiel's parents had forgotten about such matters. She was thankful.
"Oh." Her fingernails dropped from Callum's bicep, and then she looked over to Finn with an awkward smile. Now, she really wanted Callum to leave. She needed time to calm herself down. Her face felt like it was on fire, and, though nobody else felt it, she sure felt awkward.
Callum hadn't seen her ex pression, thanks to Seraphiel having leaned behind him to look at Finn.
"You can leave now, if you'd like. Those are all the questions I had." She swallowed, not looking him in the eye anymore.
While Callum could sense something wrong, he couldn't put his thumb on it, nor would he ever mention it. He hated questioning others' feelings, and, as he stood to dismiss himself, he gave a small bow, and promptly left.
Seraphiel then turned to Finn, acting like nothing had ever happened, though her face was still red. The sound of the door closing marked Callum's departure.
"Well, at least you don't have to cook now."
Love is all we need~
9:57pm May 23 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Sorry for the semi-late reply; I have a bunch of other RPs to reply to and I had to pick up my dogs are the salon~}
Finn sat on the couch and listened intently to the two angel's conversation. Although he was intrigued by Callum's words, he was having troubling grasping the whole concept of Sera's "different aura" or whatever. From the moment he met her, he could tell that she was a little off; her wings had sent shivers of uncertainty up his spine the first time he saw them.
He moved over on the couch so the two could sit down, then glanced towards Sera. She seemed kind of frustrated; angry almost. Why? He knew that she was reluctant to talk about her wings - he could tell by the way she avoided the topic - but she was getting a little more worked up then necessary.
When she asked his name and he gave it to her, Sera's face suddenly began burning a bright red. He tilted his head to the side slightly upon noticing the sudden color in her face, raising his eyebrows slightly.
Why is she blushing? He made a mental note to ask her once Callum left.
Sera shot Finn an awkward smile, her face still a bright shade of red. She seemed to be wanting Callum to leave, but Finn couldn't figure out why. She had acted like she liked having Callum around just a minute ago, but now she wanted him to leave? Girls are weird.
Sera basically told him to get out, and within moments, the sound of a door closing echoed through the house, and then silence. Callum had left, but Finn wasn't sure if he was pleased or a bit disappointed.
Finn kind of wanted to ask Callum one question before he left, but maybe it was for the best that the other angel left before he could ask it. The only way he could have asked is if he told Callum that they had kissed, and Finn knew that of Callum found out, he'd go straight to the Lord, and Finn'd be screwed.
Yes, it was probably for the best.
Sera spoke up, and Finn turned to look at her before replying.
"Yup. We can go find somewhere to eat in a minute...but I have to ask, are you feeling alright? You look a little...red." His head was tilted to the side slightly and his eyebrows raised. He was a bit concerned that she was getting a fever or something.

10:32pm May 23 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Seraphiel felt her face only get more red at Finn's mention of its redness. She bit the corner of her lip. Her voice was a bit nervous, but it wasn't a big deal, really. She wasn't lying when she said, "Yeah, I'm alright. It's just a little hot in here to me." She had been feeling warm, but that was because of what had just went down.
"No need to worry about me," she said. She waved her hand dismissively as the redness in her face began to fade. Gosh, she had just had two attractive men in the same room with her. That was one of the best experiences in her entire life, she guessed. Though, nothing really interesting had happened in her life to date, other than what had happened on Earth... and her mother's death.
"Well, um... We'd best be going." She gave him a small, awkward smile, then stood from the couch, retrieving her hoodie from nearby and slipping it back on to hide her wings. The quickness with which she put on her jacket obviously contradicted with her statement about being warm. In reality, it was only her face that was warm.
Ooc:// Sorry for the mini-fail.
Love is all we need~
11:09pm May 23 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Sera seemed like she wasn't entirely telling the truth, but Finn just shrugged it off. It hardly mattered, anyway.
When Sera stood, Finn did as well. He shoved one of his hands into his front pocket, only to discover that there was something in the pocket. He was confused for a moment, but when he took the ob ject out and discovered that it was his wallet that he had obtained only minutes or so ago, he felt kind of stupid. He could be so forgetful at times.
He quickly stuffed the wallet back into his pocket and went to the door that Callum had just disappeared through. He turned the knob and held the door open for Sera, leaning against it to keep it open,
He wasn't usually very good at remembering his manners, but sometimes they randomly came into play, and now was just one of those times.
{Meh. It's okay. We can be in the fail club together.}
11:38pm May 23 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Seraphiel was glad that Finn didn't question her any further. Any further questions about the previous issue would've just made her face go red again. And, as cute as she was, sometimes, when that happened, she didn't enjoy the feeling the majority of the time. She preferred to be comfortable and not red around people.
She followed him to the door, giving him a thankful nod when he opened it for her. She hadn't known him to have such good manners, but she couldn't say that she didn't enjoy it. It always felt nice to have doors opened for you. She couldn't lie about that. Well, she couldn't really lie about anything. Sera was a terrible liar.
"Hopefully this time will be better than last time," she said to herself, remembering how she and Finn were cornered by demons. She prayed that wouldn't happen again. The sun was setting, seeing as how they had both slept way past lunch. The sun was in her face again, illuminating her icy eyes. She shaded her face from the giant star in the sky and turned slightly to look at Finn.
"Alright, you lead the way." She offered him a small smile, placing her own wallet in the pocket of her hoodie.
Love is all we need~
12:35am May 24 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Oh, and by the way, I'm going camping with a friend after school tomorrow until Sunday, so I won't be able to post for a couple of days. Just a heads-up!}
Finn glanced over at Sera, immediately recalling the demon encounter in his mind at her words. He shuddered involuntarily at the thought.
Finn was reluctant to leave the safe haven of the house because of the hellish creatures. He knew that they had promised not to attack until Finn was ready, but he had learned from experience that no matter what the circumstances, it was never a good idea to trust a demon. They were lying, evil scoundrels who would jump at any chance they got to tear someone's throat out.
He took two steps forward, but faltered and took one step back. He was so afraid of the demons that it was difficult to try and leave their house, where he knew it was safe.
He tried not to let the fear show on his face, but his eyes were a bit more wide then usual.
His first few steps were forced, but after a deep breath, he got going down the road, pausing after a few steps to make sure Sera was following.
"Just...keep behind me if you feel threatened, okay?" he told her, glancing over his shoulder.

11:46am May 27 2013
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1:23pm May 27 2013
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Seraphiel waited for Finn to go ahead of her, and began to follow him, pausing when he said that she could get behind him if she felt threatened. Really, she would rather cling to him if she felt unsafe. She was the type to not realize just how much physical contact she was causing with another person when she was terrified. Hence why, earlier, she had just clung to Finn like he was the only thing tying her to this world.
"I don't know if I'll remember to get behind you. I'll probably just cling to you," she said honestly. Her blush was all gone now. A small growl from her abdomen interrupted the short silence between them.
Ooc:// So. Short. ;c I've got brain farts that would put a can of beans to shame.
Love is all we need~
3:21pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 3:21pm May 27 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{Hehe. Beans.}
"That'd be fine too," Finn assured her, taking his gaze from Sera to look at the road stretching out in front of them. He wasn't really sure where they were going, but he figured if they kept walking, they ought to find some kind of restaurant eventually.
After about five or so minutes or walking, he came across a small cafe. He peeked inside to find that there was hardly anyone in there; which was a good thing, because the less people standing around, the less chance they had of having their secret revealed.
He turned to face Sera and motioned towards the small building. "Wanna eat here?" he asked. He didn't think she would really care, but he figured that it wouldn't hurt to ask.
{Eh mine sucks too. :c}
1:57am Jun 1 2013
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4:02pm Jun 1 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Iloveyou. <3
But I was at my Dad's house, and he has no internet. But now I'm at my grandma's, and I can type a long post. You won't be disappointed. Just give me a sec.
Love is all we need~
4:19pm Jun 1 2013 (last edited on 4:20pm Jun 1 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. Jussst kidding. ;3 All is well~ I love you too.}
6:17pm Jun 1 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| I'm trying a new form of ooc, because on one site, it won't let me do the // thing without it making it disappear. Stupid CSS codes. >.> ||
Seraphiel followed behind Finn quietly, not saying anything as they passed through the city. She stayed close, not allowing him to get too far away from her. She didn't want to get separated from him. Because she had no clue as to how to defend herself. Especially against demons. She would probably just freeze up and start shaking like she did last time. Bless her heart.
She stopped as he ceased walking in front of a small cafe. The smell of delicious food was wafting out of it, and Seraphiel couldn't help but to discreetly sniff the air.
"Yeah, let's eat in here." She glanced up at Finn.
|| Another brainfart. Oh joy. ._. ||
Love is all we need~
10:41pm Jun 1 2013 (last edited on 10:42pm Jun 1 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
Finn took Sera's hand in his own and lead her inside the small building. It was a rather cute little restaurant, simply decorated and smelling of coffee and freshly baked goods. His stomach growled loudly upon entering and smelling the overwhelming scents of the cafe.
He let Sera over to a small round table in the far corner and pulled out her chair for her.
Finn, you're being so nice today! he thought to himself, smiling slightly as he thought. He supposed it was to make up for the fight that he had practically initiated earlier in the day.
{Gosh. This is pathetic. I'm so sorry. :c}
7:56pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// All is fine. :3
Seraphiel was wondering where all of the nice manners were coming from. She couldn't complain- she actually quite liked men with nice manners. She sat down in the chair that he held out for her, her hand still tingling from where he held it. She wondered if it was just her that enjoyed physical contact between her and Finn.
She looked at Finn when a girl came bobbing up to them, her curly brown hair springing as she spoke.
She introduced herself in a friendly voice, announcing that she would be serving them. Then she asked what they would like to drink.
Seraphiel wasn't very used to this, but she knew that the less she spoke to humans, the less suspicion would arise. So she ordered the only thing that she knew about.
"Could I have some water?"
The girl nodded, and mentally memorized what Sera had ordered without writing it down. She then looked to Finn.
Love is all we need~
11:32pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 4,355
After Sera sat down in the chair Finn had pulled out for her, he took a seat across from her. He wasn't really sure what to say while they were waiting for someone to come and take their order, so he folded and unfolded his napkin at least fifty times to distract himself. He finally just set his napkin in his lap when the waitress came over and looked over at her when she asked what they wanted to drink.
He looked over to Sera as she ordered. She seemed pretty confident and comfortable while she spoke, even though it was her first time ever ordering. Finn had always felt awkward when he tried. It felt kind of demanding, like someone was forced to make him food or something.
He looked back towards the girl and ran his fingers through his hair. "Uh...I'm good with water too."
Once the woman left, Finn turned back to Sera. "May I..." he paused for a second. "May I ask you a question?" The question would definitely leave some awkward air in its wake, but he knew that he had to get it out of his mind. It had been burning in the back of his mind since the almost-kiss in the house.

11:41pm Jun 3 2013 (last edited on 11:41pm Jun 3 2013)
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Posts: 6,409
Seraphiel didn't think anything of the way that Finn ordered his drink. After all, she hadn't seen anyone other than Finn order a drink. So, she considered it normal. Though, she would stick with her way of ordering it.
She looked towards Finn, curling a lock of hair around her finger, thinking of what he could possibly want to ask her. She had several ideas, but they weren't what he was planning on asking her- she was sure of it. She hoped it wasn't anything about Callum. That would be weird.
With a small, happy sigh, she answered him. "Sure. I can't guarantee that I'll have a good answer, but I can try." She gave him a small smile.
|| OHMYGLOB. Fail. ||
Love is all we need~
11:51pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Finn was going to feel bad for asking this; knew that he would. He had a feeling that this was something she wanted to let go, something she could just get permanently erase from her mind, but he needed to know. It would drive him insane if he didn't know why.
"Back in...back in the house, why did you almost kiss me?" He didn't look up at her for a minute and instead just picked at the napkin in his lap. "I mean...when someone makes a stupid mistake, people don't usually make it again." He looked up.
He really hoped that this question wouldn't make anything too awkward between the two of them. He also had a pretty strong feeling that he had worded that more offensively than necessary, but what had been said was said, and he would just have to see how it went,
12:46am Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Seraphiel waited a moment, hoping that he wouldn't ask a question about Callum. But then he asked a question that, in her mind, was even worse. She chewed on her bottom lip, averting her eyes from his as the girl brought their drinks over. She would come back later to take their order. Seraphiel would have Finn order for her, because she didn't know anything about food.
She swallowed a lump in her throat as he basically said that she did something stupid. She blinked a few times. She debated on ignoring him like she did last time, but that wouldn't work in this situation. She needed him to get her food. Ignoring him would have to wait until she got back home. Oh, then he would be ignored.
She breathed in slowly, though her face was red with a mix of embarrassment and anger, and tried to slowly calm herself down.
"Why do you want to know?" she asked arbitrarily, crossing her arms, and leaning back on her chair, though all four of the chair's legs stayed on the floor.
Love is all we need~