1:08am Jun 18 2013
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Seraphiel had a perplexed ex pression on her face as she heard the name of the liquid. Wine...? It sounded familiar, and almost.... dirty, she guessed, but it sounded good, too, and tempting. She couldn't describe how she felt about the name. And when he sat on the counter beside the bottle, Seraphiel moved over to stand just in front of him, careful not to get too close.
She looked at the liquid as he poured it into a glass. It was dark purple, and pretty. She immediately knew that she wanted some, and when Finn said that it wasn't bad, her urges to taste it were only increased. She looked up at him with a sheepish grin before saying, "Hey! I want some..." She pouted slightly, poking her bottom lip out.
"Let me rephrase that," she said more kindly, dropping her pout. "May I please have some?" She gave him a smile, looking from his eyes, to the bottle, then back to his eyes.
|| Forgive me. This post is so sucky. ||
Love is all we need~
12:04pm Jun 18 2013
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{Don't worry, things will start getting interesting soon. c:<}
Finn looked from his empty glass, to the bottle, and finally to Sera, who was practically begging for some. He knew how out of control this could get, and he was determined not to let anything bad happen; again. But she was just so sweet and innocent looking...how could he say no?
"Sera..." He ran his finger through his hair as he thought. How old was she? Seventeen? Maybe eighteen? It would be illegal for him to let her save some, but then again, it was illegal for him to have some too. He figured that she would probably sneak some in his sleep if he said no, so he finally just decided to give in.
"Alright." He slid off the counter and got her glass, then looked over his shoulder at her. "But if we get drunk, this is all your fault," he said, in a somewhat teasing matter. He knew that if they got drunk it would be his fault.
He handed Sera her glass and took his seat atop the counter again. "Just, don't drink too much, okay?"

12:21pm Jun 18 2013
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Seraphiel watched as Finn debated on whether or not to give her some. She held her bottom lip out in a slight pout, trying to seem as adorable as possible on purpose so that she could have some. When he agreed, she grinned and waited for him to pour her a glass of it. She looked at the dark purplish liquid and then smelled it. It definitely smelled weird, but good at the same time. It smelled sickly sweet.
She was curious about what this 'drunk' was, but she would ask him later. Not now. Her bright silvery eyes looked into the glass as she swirled it, and then took a small, experimental sip from it. It tasted sweet, but not too sweet, and had a sort of backbite to it, without it being overpowering. She knew she'd be overwhelmed if she took big gulps, so she continued to sip at it, surprised by how it became easier to drink as she went on.
"This stuff is pretty good," she said as she finished the last sip of her glass. She then looked to Finn, and grinned. "One more glass won't hurt, right?" She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. "You should have some more, too, Finn."
|| "What is 'drunk'?"
Am I the only one that's picturing these two having a drunk makeout? We're so mean to these two. XD ||
Love is all we need~
1:00pm Jun 18 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{omg you are so not the only one. Which is really messed up. x3}
Finn considered her suggestion for a second. He knew that he shouldn't drink anymore, but it didn't seem to be effecting him, and Sera was right. What would one more drink hurt?
He somewhat reluctantly poured himself another glass and drank it. He started to feel a bit different, kind of dizzy. He couldn't think perfectly straight either, so he gave into Sera a lot easier this time.
"I don't see why not." He shrugged and pushed the bottle a bit closer to her.
He was trying so hard to keep things entirely under control, but it was so hard to say no to Sera. She had a way of charming him into getting him to do things that he couldn't really explain.
He knew that if they got drunk, only God knows what would happen. Things could go so terribly wrong so terribly quickly. Not only could the alcohol potentially screw them up, Sera's father would smack him into next week if he found out. And chances were, the entire kingdom of Heaven had already found out.

1:11pm Jun 18 2013
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Seraphiel felt her head getting a little fuzzy. Due to her small body mass, and her intolerance for alcohol, just one glass had gotten her a little tipsy. Though, she liked the feeling. It made her head feel kinda buzzy, and she felt warm all over, which was a wonderful feeling, because she got cold easily. She found herself looking at Finn, and her thoughts went to all sorts of places.
As Finn filled up her second glass, she grinned and began to sip at it as he filled his own. This stuff was pretty good. Once you had a glass, it just seemed like it got better as you drank more of it. Was that normal? She was pretty sure that it was.
She saw Finn's strong jaw and nose, along with his beautiful green eyes that always seemed to catch her own, along with his lips. They weren't too thin, nor too full, but they were fully kissable. She shook off her thoughts as she suddenly began to speak.
"Hey, Finn," she said, sitting on the counter beside him, her arm brushing his a little. "I'm sorry for being so stupid." It was virtually an apology for anything and everything that she'd done wrong.
Love is all we need~
1:32pm Jun 18 2013 (last edited on 1:33pm Jun 18 2013)
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Finn could tell that the alcohol was effecting Sera's small body, and one part of him knew that now would be the time to take the alcohol away if he really wanted to keep things under control, but as said before, he wasn't really thinking straight. It was hard for him to make a good choice and carry out with it when he wasn't a whole lot smarter than Sera at the moment.
Since Sera'd had a second glass, he took it upon himself to pour himself another glass. By the time he was done with the second round, he was feeling slightly buzzed. He had never drank before, so he really had no tolerance for alcohol and therefore was going downhill fast.
His thoughts were clouded and despite the situation, he was feeling strangely warm and happy. He felt really good, although he should probably feel terrible for getting both him and Sera tipsy.
He was just a bit startled as something suddenly brushed up against his arm, but was even more surprised as Sera apologized. He certainly wasn't in his right mind, but he did know that Sera had nothing to apologize.
"Pfft. What're you talking about? You aren't stupid." His words were slurred a little bit.
{...okay so who's gonna kiss who first? BI}

2:12pm Jun 18 2013
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|| I'm going to have Sera kiss him first, but it'll be short, and she'll insist that she's stupid, and then Finn'll shut her up by kissing her again. XD ||
Seraphiel finished her glass quickly, pouring herself another round of the wine. She was starting to think more simply. In some ways, it was a blessing. In others, it was a curse. She found herself not thinking about Callum at all, and only about Finn. About his face, and the muscles that she could see being flexed when he moved.
She looked up at him slightly when she drank her glass slowly.
He insisted that she wasn't stupid, and, as he slurred his words slightly, she found her eyes on his lips again. She, in her now drunken state from drinking three glasses of wine, placed her hand on his face, near his jaw, allowing her thumb to brush his cheekbone, and then travel to glide across his bottom lip ever so lightly.
Before she knew it she had her lips on his in a gentle kiss. She had her eyes closed, head tilted, and the kiss just held some meaning to it. It wasn't just because she wanted to that time. Her feelings for Finn were speaking louder to her now that she was drunk. After a few seconds, she pulled away from him, remembering how he had said that she made a stupid mistake before by almost kissing her.
This must have made her even more stupid.
"Oh my goodness..." She began to shake a little. "Finn, I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry..." She moved her hand from his face, beginning to have a small sort of panic attack.
Love is all we need~
3:09pm Jun 18 2013
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Finn could tell that Sera was considerably more drunk than he was. But then again, she had drank more than he had. She looked like she was kind of out of it, and although he certainly wasn't totally aware of the world around him either, she wasn't even acting like himself.
Then she did something he hadn't expected even in the slightest. She brought her hand to his face, much like he had done when he kissed her only days ago, and then began to lean forward. He must not have been that drunk, because he knew what she was about to do and murmured the word, "Sera...?"
He was effectively silenced by Sera's mouth against his. He didn't kiss her back immediately, partially because he was still shocked, and partially because she didn't give him time to.
He only half-listened to Sera as she apologized. She didn't have any reason to apologize, because he was heavily considering doing the exact thing just seconds before she did. He had wanted her to.
"Shh..." He cut her off mid-apology and leaned into her, closing the gap between them. His arms moved around her shoulders and pulled her closer, not wanting her to move away. Of course, if he hadn't been drinking, he would have seen so many things wrong with this picture, but all he really cared about in that moment was him and Sera, not even a trace of the thought of consequences in his mind.

7:19pm Jun 18 2013
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Seraphiel's heart was pounding in her chest as he apologized, and she was still mildly freaking out. Her blue eyes wouldn't meet his anymore as she tried to calm her nervous breathing.
But she swore that her pounding heart stopped in its tracks as Finn shut her up by shushing her and them pressing his lips against hers again. She froze up for a moment, having not expected him to be so bold as to kiss her again. But didn't he think that this was stupid? Seraphiel's thoughts melted away as she melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. The counter made it hard to stay close, so she settled for crossing one leg over Finn's, allowing herself to get closer.
Her hands moved to play with the hair above the nape of his neck, clenching it in her hands as her lips moved experimentally against his. She had never kissed anyone before, so she wasn't sure what to do; however, she allowed instinct to take over as she lightly bit down on his lower lip.
Love is all we need~
9:01pm Jun 18 2013 (last edited on 9:02pm Jun 18 2013)
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Finn's grip tightened around Sera's lower back in fear of her trying to pull away and ruin the moment. He pulled her closer until he could feel her body against his own, one hand stroking her wings gently and the other placed against her back.
He could tell that she had never kissed a boy before because she seemed like she was unsure of what to do, but then again, Finn hadn't kissed a girl in what, 300-some years? He was just as clueless as she was.
Suddenly, some hidden, aggressive ferocity that burned deep inside him kind of told him what to do. He had the sudden urge to be dominant and on top, so that was exactly what he did.
He made himself on top.
He took her firmly and gently by the shoulders and pressed her down against the countertop. The counter was just long enough for the both of them, especially now that Sera was underneath him and he took up less room. The scene kind of reminded him of the first time they had kissed, except this time, Sera wasn't the one on top.
{That awkward moment when Callum walks in...c;}

10:02pm Jun 18 2013
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Seraphiel's wings shuddered under Finn's touch, and she enjoyed the feeling of his hand on her back. She wasn't sure what all was going on in that moment. She just knew that they were kissing, and that Finn was pretty good at what he was doing. Her hands stayed in his hair, letting the blonde ish locks fall between her fingers.
A small, soft noise sounded from her throat when she felt herself being pushed against the countertop. Instinct slowly followed as she hooked one of her legs over Finn's hips, her hands moved to his lower back, finding the outline of his muscles, and gripping them slightly.
Her head was buzzin every time that their lips parted, only to reconnect again and again.
|| F. A. I. L. Fail~~~~~~ Anyways, do you want Callum to really walk in? Sera's so drunk at this point that she will try to kiss any attractive male in the vicinity. ||
Love is all we need~
10:24pm Jun 18 2013 (last edited on 1:22am Jun 19 2013)
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Finn wasn't really sure how long he and Sera were in that position; all he was really sure of was that he was doing what he had wanted to do since the minute he saw her. The fact that she was a princess and this was probably some kind of crime didn't cross his mind.
He pulled back after a while and propped himself up on the countertop, looking down at her. "Hey Sera," he half-whispered the two words. His voice was slurred and somewhat rough sounding, an effect of the alcohol. "Are we going regret this?"
If he was still thinking straight, he could answer his own question in a heartbeat; yes, he was going to regret this immensely. In his drunken state he couldn't really think for himself, so he wanted to ask Sera for assurance, although asking a drunk girl probably wouldn't provide the most accurate response.
{Eh. Mine failed too. It's up to your if you want Callum to come in. It'd be insanely awkward, but it'd create a lot of drama. So, it's up to you. c:}
12:24am Jun 21 2013
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9:24pm Jun 23 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Sorry for not replying sooner! I was at my dad's house, and therefore lacking wifi access, so I couldn't make a literate post from my phone. ^.^' Sorry again! I should've notified you! My post will be up soon, Sona! I promise~ ||
Love is all we need~
10:07pm Jun 23 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Oh, don't fret! I just wasn't aware, sorry. c:}
11:14pm Jun 23 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Muhhh... I'll have more drama come later, without Callum interrupting them. Like I said, Seraphiel's likely to end up kissing him, too. XD I've got a dramatic scene planned out in my head. o3o I think I'm gonna have Callum kiss Sera later on to make Finn jealous. ||
Seraphiel wasn't sure of how long they were kissing, but she knew that she never wanted it to stop. It was wonderful, and warm, and what she'd wanted to do ever since she'd last kissed him. She wasn't thinking straight, and as Finn pulled away, only to ask her what she considered a stupid question, she noticed that her breathing was coming in shallow pants, bated from their kissing.
She looked at him for a moment, debating on whether or not to just go ahead and kiss him again, and skip giving him an answer. But, she wanted to give him some sort of an answer so that he wouldn't pull away again. Her voice was slightly slurred, but it was cute, and quiet.
"Who cares?" It wasn't a mean sort of rhetorical question, but more of a 'shut-up-and-kiss-me' rhetorical question. She took in a breath before half-way leaning up on an elbow to kiss him again, wrapping one arm around his neck, trying to gently pull him back down to her. Kissing was something completely foreign to her; well, this kiss was, at least. The one that Finn had given her at the bottom of the stairwell wasn't really the greatest kiss, and she hadn't even had time to react to it, but this one... This kiss was nice.
Love is all we need~
12:27am Jun 24 2013
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Only when he saw the rapid rise-and-fall of Sera's chest did Finn realize he was breathing just as hard. He hadn't really realized it, but he hadn't had a proper breath since they had started kissing.
Sera gave an equally stupid answer to his stupid question, which he was kind of expecting. In the more sober part of his mind he knew that he asked Sera the question to hopefully numb the slowly rising guilt he felt in his chest, but they were both drunk. Neither of them were going to be able to say anything remotely intelligent until the morning when the effects of the alcohol had worn off.
He just gave a small shrug in response to her answer. In all honesty, at the moment, he actually didn't care all that much.
It wasn't long before Sera had gotten impatient and was trying to get him to kiss her again. He gave it a moment before he gave in, but eventually the urge became overwhelming and he leaned back down again and continued the interrupted kiss. He wondered if they were going to do this all night or what, because neither of them seemed to be intent on stopping any time soon.

1:10am Jun 24 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Should we have them pass out on each other, then wake up in awkward positions on the counter? XD I can just imagine Finn still being on top of Sera and he just passes out on her, or she passes out on him or something. XD ||
Seraphiel grinned when she succeeded in getting Finn to kiss her back, moving the arm that she was propped up on to also wrap around his neck, seeing no reason to sit up anymore. She laid back on the counter again, allowing her hair to splay out behind her. She thought for a moment what they were doing, then her train of thought was lost again. It was amazing what drunkenness would do to your train of thought.
She kissed him for what an endless amount of time, though it was only a few minutes, her one leg still curled around his hip. She pulled away from him, just looking up to him, blinking a few times. She felt very tired, and, if Finn wanted to keep kissing her, she wouldn't be one to ob ject. She just decided to see if he needed a break. Plus, she needed to take a breather. Her chest was rising and falling visibly again, and her wings twitched beneath her, feathers fanning out to touch nearby objects.
"Finn..." Her voice was quiet, and obviously drunk. "What is 'drunk'?" She decided to ask it suddenly out of curiosity. If Finn didn't want to answer, he could always shut her up like she did to him earlier by kissing her. That sounded nice to Seraphiel.
Love is all we need~
1:37am Jun 24 2013
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{Woah that was like exactly what I imagined would happen. :o So, yes. Did I ever tell you that I had a dream that Sera and Finn had a baby? x3}
Finn shifted into a more comfortable position above Sera, being especially careful not to crush her under his weight. He might be drink, but he still had some common sense. He weighed more than her, and if he were to put his entire body weight on top of her, he could easily hurt her fragile little body.
It was a few minutes, which felt like much longer, before their kiss was interrupted yet again. The alcohol didn't allow him to know if he was disappointed or somewhat relieved when he was given a moment to breathe. He propped himself up on his palms against the counter, looking down at Sera who looked like such a perfect, fragile and innocent little angel.
Except for the fact that she was drunk.
"Finn...what is 'drunk'?" It was such an innocent and adorable question that he couldn't help but chuckle softly.
"Ahh...Sera. I don't really know how to explain what 'drunk' is other than it's exactly what we are now." It was as if saying the words out loud made the truth so much more real. They were drunk. Drunk! If he was just a little more sober, he would have gotten off of her, gone up to his room and sleep until the hangover that would surely strike him in the morning faded away. But the alcohol seemed to wash away all thoughts of consequences for the time being, so he didn't make any move to get up.

8:58pm Jun 24 2013
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Posts: 6,409
That's so sweet. <3
Their baby would be pretty.
And I can just imagine them passing out and sleeping on top of each other like those couples in the Nyquil commercial. XD ||
Seraphiel found her hands moving to touch Finn's perfect white wings as he explained to her what 'drunk' was. So... drunk wasn't a thing, but a state of being? Her fingers ran through his light feathers. If she wasn't drunk, she would've been envious of them, but she was drunk, and was more focused on Finn's lips. She looked up at him, grinning goofily.
"Finn, you're really handsome," she complimented him, moving one hand to stroke through his hair. His hair was so soft in his hand, and she envied the color. hers was just a simple black, while Finn had gold/coppery hair. She let her fingers run through his hair for the rest of the time that she looked at him, which was for another few minutes. She didn't know why Finn had kissed her back. she'd thought that she'd made a stupid mistake again. But she wasn't about to argue. She began to feel a bit sleepy, and it got harder and harder to keep her eyes open, but she didn't pass out just yet.
She leaned up, kissing Finn again for a good twenty seconds before pulling away, sighing. "You really are handsome." She kissed him on the lips lightly again, then scolded herself slightly. It was like there was some magnetic pull between her lips and his, and it was odd, but wonderful at the same time. She pulled away again, though she was hesitant, and kept one hand running through his hair while the other still lightly stroked through his feathers.
Love is all we need~