11:42pm Jun 24 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Yeah, it was the cutest thing ever! :D If I'm remembering correctly, it was a boy. Had Finn's eyes and Sera's hair. c; Oh, and I just got a new laptop that I will be using instead of my iPad, so my posts will probably be longer now. c: ...lol. Nyquil commercial.}
Finn's wings involuntarily shuddered upon Sera's gentle touch. He wasn't usually comfortable with people touching his wings, but he would admit, it did feel really good. It was soothing and spread a pleasant feeling through the bones in his wings and it seemed to be relaxing him, so he didn't ob ject. He was probably too drunk to ob ject anything Sera did, anyway.
Finn raised an eyebrow when she complimented him. It wasn't that compliments were foreign to him; he'd had plenty of girls back home compliment him. It was just that the comment was kind of out of the blue, and not really relevant her 'drunk' questions.
Sera had began running her fingers through his hair while still ruffling his feathers, and it felt so good that if he were a cat, he'd probably be purring his tail off right then. He had closed his eyes in relaxation and found it surprising when Sera had suddenly pressed her lips against his again. It wasn't that he hadn't wanted her to kiss him again - because good Lord, he wanted her too - it was just that he hadn't really expected it.
He was expecting the second kiss and returned this one. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew that they liked kissing each other. He just almost feel the electricity in the air every time their lips touched.
He wasn't really sure what to say back when Sera complimented him again. He wanted to tell her what he thought of her too, but he didn't know how to say it.
"You're so beautiful, Sera. You really are." He gently stroked the side of her head, feeling her silky black hair beneath his hand. The thing about what he said was that it was entirely true, the first truly honest thing he had said that night since drinking. She really was a beautiful angel.

12:23am Jun 25 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| That sounds like a beautiful baby. A baby with black hair and green eyes. He would've grown up to be pretty. Once we finish this one, you should totes create a character for the baby and we'll also have him have some great destiny and we'll have an rp based around that later, too. >D I'm a ball full of ideas. ||
Seraphiel continued running through her hand even as Finn thought about her compliments to him. She really did think of him as handsome. He was very handsome. And while all angels were beautiful, Finn just seemed to catch her eye wherever he went, whether Seraphiel liked it or not. There was no stopping it. She watched his face as he hovered above her, waiting for him to say something, or to kiss her again, or just... something. She wasn't even sure in that moment what she wanted, but she knew that she was getting really, really sleepy, her eyes half-lidded.
As his hand stroked over her head, over her hair, she closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. It was amazing how gentle he could be, even though he was strong. She knew he was strong, though he may not have been as strong as Callum. She wasn't thinking about him at that moment, but she knew that, with muscles as large as he had, he had to be strong or something was seriously wrong.
She didn't say anything to his compliments to her, but she blushed lightly. She had been told by many people that she was beautiful- she was a princess! But there was something personal about the way that Finnegan told her that made it seem so real. Everything about him was real; the way his lips felt on hers, and the way his hand stroked her hair. It was amazing, and unforgettable.
It was clear that she liked his compliment as she leaned up to kiss him again, softly, before pulling away completely, and yawning. "Hey, Finn....." Her voice was unusually quiet as she blinked her eyes several times. "I'm really sleepy..." She rubbed her eyes with the back of one of her hands.
Love is all we need~
1:56am Jun 25 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{You are not a ball full of ideas; you're a friggin' factory of ideas. Sometimes I feel like you're the only one roleplaying, which is totally alright, because I never have any creative ideas. :I I really like the idea with Sera and Finn's baby. But, would he have wings? :o}
Finn just stayed in the same position with his eyes closed as Sera ran her fingers through his hair repeatedly. He was so comfortable and relaxed at the moment, which was odd, considered he was on top of a counter and preforming what was most likely illegal actions. He just liked being with Sera and being open with her, even if almost all of his words were the alcohol talking.
Finn could tell that Sera was growing tired; the way her voice seemed to be so much quieter than usual and her eyelids began to droop were pretty clear signs. His suspicion was confirmed when she muttered five quiet little words and rubbed at her eyes.
He hadn't realized it until Sera brought it up, but he was feeling drained and kind of dizzy in a really tiring way. The alcohol, at first making him feel warm and strangely happy, had left him drowsy and suddenly craving sleep.
"Go to sleep, then," he told her in the same quiet tone, kissing her gently on the forehead. He moved into a slightly different position so he could rest his head against the cool counter top but still keep as close to her as possible. She was warm, and her body heat acted as a sort of blanket. He blinked a few times in an attempt to keep asleep, but between Sera's warmth and his drowsiness, he was falling asleep fast.

2:13am Jun 25 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Thankyou. <3
And their baby would most definitely have wings; though it would be cool if he had one black wing and one white wing, since Seraphiel has black wings and Finn's are white and stuff. ||
Seraphiel could tell that what she was doing was making Finn happy and calm, and probably more sleepy than he should have been, even if he was drunk. But, not only did stroking through his hair calm Finn down, but it calmed Sera down, too, and was almost like an action of comfort and reassurance. She didn't stop it until he leaned down, pecking her on the forehead with his lips.
She didn't expect him to simply tell her to go to sleep, and then lay down beside her, but she wasn't going to ob ject. If she could go to sleep beside Finn, that would be the most amazing thing ever. It was sort of dark in the kitchen by then, seeing as how the sun was down, and the only light on was a small, dim light over one of the other counters. So, it provided just enough light for Sera to not be afraid. Seraphiel had always been terrified of the dark, even as a child. Even when she had grown up, she'd had to sleep with a relatively bright night light on, that would allow her to see vague outlines and shapes of what was in the room; it had to reassure her that nothing dangerous was around.
She turned to face Finn on the counter, laying on her side, and blinking her eyes several times very slowly. Her hand rested on his arm, though it traveled up to play with the hair just above his neck right before she finally passed out, with her hand on the back of his head, fingers curled into his golden, coppery locks of hair. Her own hair was splayed out around her, but it wasn't annoying. She stayed close to Finn, her breathing slowing, heart rate evening out to a slow, steady pace. She was out cold, and she would be until morning.
|| Feel free to skip to morning if you'd like to. ||
Love is all we need~
3:32am Jun 25 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Ooh. Different colored wings. Clever. :o Why am I not smarter? ;~; //sobs//}
Finn smiled at Sera when she turned onto her side to look at him. She looked just as tired as she sounded, and he subconsciously wondered if he looked just as tired as she did. He stared at her for a few minutes, just looking into her gray-blue eyes. He didn't bother to move her hand away from his hair when she passed out; in fact, the feeling of her hand against his neck was rather comforting.
Sera had been asleep for a few minutes, but Finn couldn't fall asleep just yet. While he was tired, he was finding it hard to sleep with the lights on. The sky was dark, but there was still a faint light above the counter. He would get up turn the lights off himself, but he didn't want to disrupt Sera's sleep, and he was far too comfortable himself.
Around ten minutes later he was becoming too tired to keep his eyes open any longer. "Goodnight, Sera," he whispered into her ear. He knew that she probably wouldn't hear him, but he figured a proper goodnight was in order. He shifted his position until his face was facing away from the light, and slowly drifted into a cold, dead sleep.
- It's the morning now son BI -
Finn'd had a restless sleep. He had slept soundly, but his nightmares were relentless. He'd had a dream that he was back in Heaven - only he wasn't accepted there anymore. One of the angels tore his wings off right in front of his face, and suddenly he was falling. When he hit earth, he didn't stop falling; he just kept sinking and sinking until he was buried in endless darkness.
He woke up from his dark dreams to find himself on top of a counter beside Sera. He was still pretty much on top of her; his head was against the counter and the majority of his body was still in alignment with hers, but his right arm was hanging off the edge of the counter.
He was extremely confused, had a pounding headache and was still too tired to try to process things, so he just moaned softly and buried his head in her shoulder. It didn't cross his mind yet that she was on top of Sera.
{Have Sera wake up first~}

12:56am Jun 26 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Sona is smart. :c Don't beat yourself up. ;c ||
Seraphiel felt the heavy weight of.... something on her when she slowly began to wake. If it hadn't been so freaking heavy, she would've sworn that it was a blanket, but it felt like someone had set a weight on her body, evenly distributing it. She wished to go back to sleep, but a persistent pounding in every section of her head left her with no choice but to open her eyes.
It was then that she noticed that whatever was on top of her had golden hair, and a body structured similarly to her own, along with large white wings.
Finn. The thing was Finn.
She was almost shocked to find him on top of her, but her headache was too persistent to allow her to register what they'd done the previous night. She just knew that he was dreadfully warm, and that the sunlight trailing in through the windows was making her head pound even worse. She buried her face in his hair, inhaling discreetly. Finn smelled nice...
"Finn," she rasped quietly, sounding like she was in pain, which she sort of was. "You need to get off of me." But, despite her words, Seraphiel nuzzled his hair, much like he'd nuzzled her shoulder while she'd been semi-conscious.
Love is all we need~
1:32am Jun 26 2013 (last edited on 1:38am Jun 26 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{ }
Finn had to admit, he was really surprised when Sera spoke. In his subconscious, bleary post-drunkenness he couldn't really tell what was underneath him, so he just passed it off as a "thing" and called it good. Now that it spoke and he realized that the voice was very familiar, he realized that he was laying on top of Sera.
Wait, how did this happen...?
He was even more confused than he was before now, but he quickly realized that Sera was right and moved to sit cross-legged on the edge of the counter. He looked around the kitchen, trying desperately to remember what happened last night. A few things were coming back to him, but most of it was blurred or blacked out.
He very vaguely remembered alcohol and kissing, but he was still too unsure about the details to start feeling bad about anything. He had a feeling that once he remembered he was going to hate himself for what happened last night, though.
He ran his fingers through his messier-than-usual hair and finally looked back down at Sera. He cocked his head to the side and squinted. He felt like he should know what had happened last night, but clear nothing was coming to him. It annoyed him to no end.
"What...what happened last night?" he asked her, his voice sounding a bit more dry and rough than usual. He highly doubted that Sera knew anymore than he did, but it was worth asking. One of them had to know what happened.

2:38am Jun 26 2013
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Seraphiel's light-blocker (Finn's hair) inconveniently, yet conveniently moved when Finn moved. She wished that she had something other than her own pale hands to block out the light. She covered her eyes with her hands, groaning, breathing in deep breaths now that Finn was off of her. She felt like she'd have a permanent indentation of his body against hers. Gosh, that would be awkward.
She didn't really get to observe much, due to the pounding in her head. Her back was all stiff, and she felt like she couldn't turn her neck a certain way from sleeping on the hard counter. She could remember getting what Finn had called 'drunk'. She'd remembered that question being answered. And, while she certainly thought it was a dream, she remembered kissing Finn for a good long while, with him on top of her, and one of her legs slung over his hip.
After that, she didn't remember anything at all. She didn't know why he'd ended up on top of her, and she was a bit naive when it came to matters such as this. She licked her lips, hands still over her face, then answered him.
"I don't even remember much. I think you kissed me, or I kissed you or something," she said nonchalantly, her head killing her. With another groan, she rolled over, inconveniently meeting the edge of the counter. Almost as if in slow motion again, Seraphiel didn't have enough time to register that she'd fallen, or that she wasn't on anything anymore. The extent of what had happened hit her with the floor. She landed on her back, knocking the air out of herself. It wasn't a long fall, but it still hurt her wings.
"Eugh. My wings..." Her voice was almost like a whimper. "Ow..."
And then, just as conveniently as Sera's fall to the floor, the sound of the doorbell rang throughout the home. Seraphiel obviously wasn't about to go get it, as she moaned and groaned, laying on the floor, appearing to be in absolute misery.
Love is all we need~
3:43am Jun 26 2013
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Finn just sat on the counter for a moment, blinking and squinting repeatedly like an idiot. Was it just him, or did everything become a whole lot more unbearably bright? The splitting headache and nauseous feeling stirring in his stomach didn't help much, either.
The second he spotted the broken bottle of wine on the floor, things slowly began filtering in. They had been drinking, and it had ended in a huge mistake that he knew he would regret for as long as he was on Earth; which probably wouldn't be long if he kept up being a total idiot. He moaned softly as the memories flooded in and buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. Sera probably thought he was a terrible person.
Sera didn't seem like she really cared about what had happened, so he didn't feel too bad. He had a feeling that she would start hating him soon enough, though.
His head suddenly shot up as the sound of a solid thud followed by a whimper from Sera. He looked over to see his angel companion laying on the ground, looking truly and absolutely unhappy. He felt so bad for her; she really didn't deserve this. This was all his fault, and Sera shouldn't have to be dragged into his stupidity.
Finn slowly slid off the counter and started towards Sera. He faltered on his first step and was forced to hold onto the counter for a few seconds before he felt sturdy enough to walk over to her. He was just kneeling down beside her to ask her if she was going to be alright when the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house.
"Ugh. What now?" He threw his head back in exaggerated annoyance. He wasn't really sure what to do; he needed to go get the door, but he didn't want to leave Sera on the floor. Whoever was at the door might think he had hurt her or something.
"Sera, I'm gonna go get the door. Try to stand up if you can." He managed to stand up after a few failed attempts and half-staggered, half-walked over to the door. For whatever reason, he had a very strong feeling that it was Callum. Who else would it be?
He didn't want Callum - or whoever was outside the door - to think of him as a total mess, so he did his best to smooth his hair and clothes. After he was sure that he looked okay, he opened the door just wide enough to look outside.
"Um..." He cleared his throat in hopes it would make his voice sound less scratchy. "Yes...?"
{Woah my posts have been so long lately. :o}

12:58am Jun 27 2013
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Every time Seraphiel moved, it was like something was moving in her stomach, too, and it felt like it wanted to come back up the way it went down. She didn't even look at Finn, so she couldn't see his idiotic face, much to Finn's advantage. The doorbell made it sound like her ears were constantly ringing, and she wondered momentarily if someone was just ringing it over and over again like some idiot. Even sweet, innocent, angelic Seraphiel could go to the point of punching someone when she had this terrible... she didn't know what to call it. She just knew that it hurt, and pounded, and it probably had something to do with the alcohol she'd had the previous night.
Flashes of scenes came back to her. Finn had been on top of her, and... He'd actually pushed her down on the counter. Wow. That was impressive. She'd never imagined Finn to be the dominant type... Last time they'd kissed, she'd been on top, but that had been right after she'd dragged him down the stairs and sort of used him as a landing cushion to break her fall. Yeah... maybe that experience really should've been forgotten. If only it could be...
She could hear Finn's voice from across the house, and it still sounded really loud. Normally, Finn's voice would've made her smile. But that morning, Seraphiel was grumpy and pouty and groaning. She had a killer headache, and she felt like she was going to barf out the burger that she'd had the previous night. She dared to peek at the sun; it appeared to be mid-morning. Seraphiel had a weird taste in her mouth, and she felt like she really needed to shower, though she didn't stink.
Meanwhile, on the other end of the house, outside the front door, Callum finally heard Finn's voice, running a hand through his strawberry blonde hair. The male angel was glad to know that someone was home. He was debating on giving up entirely that morning. He'd knocked twice, seeing as how knocking seemed more polite to him, but then he'd finally rang the doorbell. His blue eyes peeked at Finn through the small crack in the door, offering him a big smile. He could hear a tiny bit of hoarseness in Finn's voice, and he decided to mention it. He thought he knew what it was.
"I see you've caught a human sickness, hm, Finn?" He chuckled a little. "It's rare for angels to get them, but some people get them after not coming to earth for a long while," he commented. "I came by to see how Miss Seraphiel is doing. You need to be careful not to get her sick, too. She's more delicate than you, and the sickness may hit her harder..." Callum offered Finn a bit of help. "I can take care of her for a while if you'd like." Callum honestly just wanted to see Seraphiel. He'd hoped that he would go around town with him. He even had a rose in his hand and a card, but those were hidden behind his back.
Seraphiel's father had been pushing Callum harder and harder to get closer to his daughter. Callum did have feelings for Seraphiel, but he was actually a little shy around those that he truly cared about. Really, Callum was a big teddy-bear. He just looked like the strong, silent type.
|| That's good! :D ||
Love is all we need~
3:13am Jun 27 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Finn decided to spring onto Callum's speculation about him being sick to save himself from a really awkward and uncomfortable explanation. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." He looked away and coughed quietly to emphasize his point.
Finn's head tilted to the side just slightly when Callum continued. The other male must have a really good reason for coming all the way back here, but Finn was confused on the angel's reasoning. He appeared to be hiding something behind his back, and his excuse of "just wanting to see Sera" was pretty weak.
It quickly became apparent to Finn that Callum was just here to take his job when he suggested that he could take care of Sera for a while. Finn could tell that Callum kind of had a "thing" for Sera, but trying to take his over was a little extreme.
Finn backed up a little and opened the door just wide enough for Calllum to push past if he wanted to, but made sure to keep Sera out of the other male's direction vision. If Callum saw Sera and realized what happened last night, Finn would be screwed. Not only would Finn be in huge trouble with both Sera's father and The Lord, he would lose his job as a guardian over her for sure. Callum had the power to potentially destroy him and his reputation at this very moment.
"Aright, Callum. Why are you here? And be honest." He decided to ask Callum flat out. He already knew, but he wanted to hear Callum's explanation. Maybe he was here for professional business and not to take his job.
{...aaand my posts are back to being shortish again. :I}

7:44pm Jun 27 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Hey Wolfie, just posting this to let you know that I'm going on a small trip for three days or so and may not be able to post. I'll have internet, but I'll be stuck on my iPad again and I'll be really busy. Just a heads-up. <3}
8:29pm Jun 30 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| I'm totes a butthole for not replying to this sooner. ||
Callum was glad when Finn said that he was sick. It may have seemed selfish of him, but he wanted to look after Sera for a while. He hadn't seen her since they were little kids, and he was pretty sure she didn't remember him. They had been so very young... Anyways, now wasn't the time to reminisce. He could tell that Finn was picking out the suspicion of him just showing up on their doorstep. And sooner or later, the truth would have to come out.
It seemed as if it would be sooner rather than later as Finn asked about why he really was there. This man was relatively sharp, even when sick. Callum sighed. He was a terrible liar, and if he lied, he'd be in trouble. He could tell. Sure, while God didn't like lying, he wouldn't cast an angel out of heaven for simply lying. It would take more than that. He was sure he wouldn't get demoted, either. He would just not have as good of a reputation as he currently had. And, as shallow as it sounded, Callum's reputation as a good guy meant a lot to him.
He ran a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner. "Listen, Finn. I..." He paused. "I kinda sorta like Sera." He seemed a little confused, but truthful. "I have ever since we were little kids." And this only further proved that Callum was just a big teddy bear. Under all those muscles he was a softy. He pulled the card and rose out from behind his back. "I thought I would give these to her as a gift." The card was a sort of welcome-to-earth card, whereas the rose represented something more.
Love is all we need~
8:29pm Jun 30 2013 (last edited on 8:30pm Jun 30 2013)
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Love is all we need~
8:29pm Jun 30 2013 (last edited on 8:30pm Jun 30 2013)
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Love is all we need~
8:29pm Jun 30 2013 (last edited on 8:29pm Jun 30 2013)
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Posts: 6,409
|| Quadruple post. Dude, my computer went nuts. ||
Love is all we need~
9:30pm Jun 30 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{You are totes. //never forgives// In all seriousness though, it's only been three days. I guess I'm just really impatient. x3 I'm home now, though. :D}
Finn couldn't say he wasn't surprised when the truth came out and Callum admitted that he had a thing for Sera. Thinking back to the first time Callum visited, Finn realized that Sera had broken out in a sudden blush when the strawberry-blonde had arrived. Finn guessed that they'd had some sort of fling or something at some point.
This was a little surprising to Finn, as Sera didn't seem like the type of girl that would go after guys like Callum, but then again, there probably wasn't a whole lot of girls that wouldn't go after Callum. Finn was straight as an arrow, but even he would admit out loud that Callum was really pretty good looking.
Finn no longer saw Callum as "competition". If Callum wanted Sera, Callum would get her. Finn would bet that Callum had never gotten Sera drunk or made out with her on top of a counter.
"Look, Callum..." Finn trailed off, swaying side to side slowly, obviously feeling uncomfortable. "While we're being honest here, I..." He paused for a second. "I did something to Sera. Something...terrible. I don't know how open she's going to be to you right now," he admitted, looking away. He just prayed that Callum didn't ask him what he did, because although he was a decent liar, he couldn't get in anymore trouble.

2:06am Jul 1 2013
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Callum felt thoroughly embarrassed by the time that Finn answered. The man seemed to be not so surprised. He seemed to almost have been expecting Callum's confession of having a thing for the royal angel in his house. He had his cheeks tainted a slight red, but that was all to show, other than not wanting to look Finn in the eye. Though, as he wasn't teased about his crush on the girl, he guessed that Finn wasn't that bad. His blush faded.
He was about to ask if he could see Seraphiel again when Finn said that he had something to confess. That he'd done something to Sera. Immediately, Callum's protective nature wanted to kick in, and he wanted to ask Finn what he did to his Seraphiel. But then he calmed himself down, telling himself that Sera wasn't his. Callum was a bit like a guard dog; loyal to a person, and never one to let them get hurt.
He decided that, instead of asking about what exactly Finn did, he would just see for himself. He looked Finn in the eyes.
"May I come inside, now, Finn?" His voice was suddenly serious, and his facial features showed that there was no room for bullcrap.
Love is all we need~
2:38am Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 3:25am Jul 1 2013)
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Finn couldn't look Callum in the eyes; he didn't want to see the disgust in the other male's eyes and have to face the fact that this male was going to find out about what had happened between him and Sera the night before.
When the other male angel asked if he could come in and shot Finn a look that showed he was in a "no-nonsense" mood, Finn finally drew up the courage to look directly at Callum. He could see that this man wasn't going to give in until he got into the house, and Finn knew that trying to close the door would just come off as extremely rude and make Callum even more suspicious, so he just gave in.
"Al-alright Callum. You can come in." He pushed the door open wide enough for Callum to step inside and stepped back. He closed his eyes, tilted his head towards the ceiling and sighed.
He could see everything flash before his eyes before it even happened. It wouldn't take Callum long to figure out that they had been drinking with their hangovers and the broken wine bottle, and after Callum found out about that, then Sera would probably tell him what followed the drinking... and then it would all go downhill from there. Finn knew that Callum had a pretty high "rank" in Heaven, and Finn was sure he would use his power to get him exiled or something.

1:17pm Jul 3 2013
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{Hey RP. I'mma boop your head. *boop*}