3:07am Jul 6 2013
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Callum could tell that Finn was hiding something. The way that he wouldn't look him in the eyes made him nervous that he had done something to the very woman he was after. Seraphiel. Little did he know that she simply had a hangover. He waited a moment, thinking over every possibility and how he could fix it or turn it towards the better. If there was one thing that Callum loved to do, it was helping people out. Hence why he was such a big teddy bear.
He squeezed through the door when Finn opened it for him, carrying the card and single red rose with him. He stopped in the living room, searching around then he felt the aura coming from the kitchen. He slowly turned to first see a mass of black hair and feathers. Seraphiel was now face-down on the tile, enjoying the cold feeling of the flooring on her face.
"Oh, Miss Sera!" He rushed to her side, but, as soon as he touched her, he was shaken off. She didn't want to be touched. Sera's head was pounding, and, honestly, in that moment, she didn't want anyone- including Callum and Finnegan- to touch her. She didn't want any sort of physical contact unless it was cuddling to try and hide her face from the light or loud noises.
She covered her ears as Callum began to ask her what was wrong, and squinted her eyes shut even tighter. Callum was a bit shocked that the girl didn't want him to touch her, but then she muttered what was wrong with her. Or at least what she thought was wrong with her.
"I got..... I got 'drunk' last night. Whatever that is," Sera said nonchalantly, though grumpily, curling into a ball on the floor, her black hair and feathers enveloping her pale body.
Callum turned to Finn, his brows furrowed. He was disappointed, and slightly angry. He left Seraphiel's side to go back to where Finn stood and pursed his lips. "You are a lucky man indeed, Finn, that I care enough about this girl to realize that she thinks of you as a friend. If you weren't here protecting her, she would lose you. I will not report you to the Archangels." He was miffed. That much was for sure, but he was being compassionate towards Finn, who, by now, he had recognized as his rival in getting Seraphiel's affections. He could sense a minor change in her aura that signified at a close encounter with someone.
And, while he couldn't be certain about such things, he could make educated guesses.
Love is all we need~
4:41am Jul 6 2013
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Finn closed the door behind him and stood awkwardly beside the doorway while Callum spoke to Sera. They were close enough to easily hear exactly what they were saying, but Finn almost didn't hear them. He was too busy being wrapped up in his own thoughts.
Although he was only half-listening, it didn't take long to figure out that Sera told Callum that she had gotten drunk last night. Finn mentally kicked himself for using that term. Maybe, just maybe, if he hadn't said anything, Callum wouldn't have found out. Then again, Callum had that strange sensory power, so he probably would have figured it out anyway.
Finn watched what happened between Sera and Callum. Sera quickly brushed Callum off when he tried to help her, which Finn couldn't tell if he was pleased with or not. This meant that Callum's whole "rose-and-card" plan was already failing, but it always meant Sera was probably absolutely miserable, which was really all Finn's fault.
To be honest, the current dilemma was really a lose-lose-lose situation.
Finn tensed up just slightly when Callum approached. He was expecting a good punch to the face, or maybe some kind of snide remark, but Callum just looked genuinely disappointed in him. Finn had to give the other man props for how he was acting. If the roles were switched around, Finn had a feeling he'd probably be cussing him out or striking him or something.
Finn couldn't help but sigh quietly in relief when Callum announced that he wasn't going to report him. Honestly, he thought that he deserved to be reported. His behavior was totally inappropriate, and not to mention illegal. It must have taken every bone in Callum's body not to tell him off, Finn guessed.
"I... I know Callum. I screwed up. If it makes you feel any better, I have a killer headache, so I think I'm being punished enough." As if to emphasize his point, his head throbbed a bit harder than usual as soon as he said that. "And... Thanks, Callum. For not reporting me, and, stuff." Well, those were two words he hadn't expected to say today; "thanks" and "Callum".

3:20am Jul 7 2013 (last edited on 3:20am Jul 7 2013)
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Callum could see the relief rolling off of Finn. The quiet sigh was detected easily by the angel's trained ears. Seraphiel groaned on the floor, readjusting herself lightly. She didn't want anyone to touch her or move her, or do anything unless they asked her first. She was just being a very non-touchy person right then. But Finn... For some odd reason, she felt that if he were to come over, she'd cling to him like a child. Maybe because she knew he was feeling the exact same thing she was going through.
"Yeah, Finn. You screwed up big time." Callum pursed his lips at him. "It's not the under-aged thing I'm worrying about. It's the part that you got her drunk. And not just the fact that you got her drunk, but the fact that you were drunk, too." He sighed, rubbing his head with his hand. "I don't know what's up with you? Why do you act all weird around her? You're a guardian angel, Finn. Not a 'get-drunk' angel. I've heard people speaking of you before you went on this mission. And either they were lying about you, or you've changed."
"I... I'm going to leave these here." He placed the rose and the card on the coffee table. "When she becomes more stable, please give them to her and tell her that they're from me, Finn." He looked over his shoulder at Sera. "I'll be back some time later." He didn't state specific times, because if they did this again, he wanted to catch them.
He wanted to make sure that Finn didn't do anything to harm Seraphiel ever again. Even doing something so seemingly harmless as drinking wine posed a threat to Seraphiel.
So, after that, without even dismissing himself further, Callum walked out back onto the streets and headed back to his own earthly home.
Seraphiel groaned on the floor, moving around slightly. Her black wings readjusted on her back, so that they were spread out just barely.
Love is all we need~
4:02am Jul 7 2013
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Finn kind of felt like a small child who had disobeyed his parents and was being lectured by them while Callum spoke to him. Callum was definitely the more mature person in the situation, and compared to him, Finn felt really small and pathetic. It wasn't that Callum was being rude; he was just stating the truth, plain and simple, but it still hurt. It was just a reminder of the mistake had made last night, which he was sure wouldn't be the first.
Even though everything the other man said was entirely true, Finn couldn't help but feel a little hurt. He hadn't changed; at least, he didn't think he had. Sure, he had drank and that was totally unlike him, but was he really acting all that different? He found his behavior to be pretty normal, but given his "sensing powers", Finn guessed that Callum probably knew him better than he knew himself.
Finn was so close to saying something along the lines of, "I haven't changed", but before he could even open his mouth, Callum was gone and had left a single rose and his card on the table. Finn just sighed and dropped down onto the couch, staring listlessly at the card and rose. He was tempted to read the card, but he figured it wasn't really his business. He also kind of wanted to burn the things Callum had left, too, but that would be stooping to levels beyond low. He would give it to Sera as a sort of thanks to Callum for staying as cool as he did with the whole situation.
It took him a few minutes to work up the nerve to go talk to Sera. He stood up, walked until he was standing a foot or two from Sera, bent down and gently put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. He was definitely expecting an immediate rejection, as he figured that she'd probably been touched by him long enough to last a lifetime, but he figured she would want some form of support. She had shaken Callum off too, and he hadn't even gotten her drunk.
"Hey, uh, I could try to carry you upstairs if you want. Since you didn't get to sleep on an actual bed last night, you could probably sleep through today if you wanted to." He tried to keep his voice quiet and soft in an attempt not to annoy her any further.

9:43pm Jul 14 2013
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8:29pm Jul 18 2013 (last edited on 8:29pm Jul 18 2013)
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Seraphiel tossed around while Finn was thinking, and when she felt a hand on her shoulder she, oddly enough, didn't push it away. She found the touch warm and comforting, and immediately knew it was Finn. Normally, she would've shook him off, or reacted to him in a normal manner, but this wasn't a normal situation. They both had hangovers, and they'd made out on top of a counter the previous night. Not on a couch or on a bed or even against a wall, but on top of a counter. A counter.
She seriously doubted many other angels could say that they'd made out with someone on a counter, or even someone as attractive as Finn. Or even made out at all. Eh, who knew. Callum was a relatively attractive man. There was no telling where all he'd made out with people. But, that was just Seraphiel making assumptions. Really, Callum was a very reserved man. He didn't just go around handing out his affections to just anyone, which should've made Sera feel special, if Callum ever got to show his affections for her.
"Fin.... I don't want to go to sleep," she said, sitting up, and bringing her face surprisingly close to his again, though she had her eyes closed. She rubbed her eyes gently, squinting to see Finn's green eyes in front of hers. She didn't back away. She looked at him for a few moments and said, "What did Callum want?" She found it odd for him to have just showed up.
Sure, the angel said that he'd be checking on her, but she didn't think that it would be an every-day sort of thing. She thought that it would merely be a weekly, or monthly thing.
Love is all we need~
5:19pm Jul 19 2013 (last edited on 5:30pm Jul 19 2013)
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{So we've talked about our "ships" for our roleplay right. But there's one we've never discussed. Callegan. o3o You know like if Sera doesn't work about for either of them. //shot so hard//}
Finn was relatively surprised when Sera didn't flinch or pull away at his touch, but only sat up and proceeded to get closer to him. He wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to touch or get close to him ever again after literally being underneath him all night. She didn't have any intention to move away, so he scooted back a little and out of her "personal space".
She then asked what Callum came over for, which he had been expecting (and kind of dreading). He sighed softly, and with some reluctance, he stood and left Sera on the floor. He returned a moment later with the gifts Callum left for her and handed them to Sera before sitting down on the floor cross-legged beside her. He hadn't really wanted to have to give her the gifts yet; he had actually wanted her to go to sleep so he could stall the process of giving her the rose and card.
"Yeah. Uh. Callum's kinda into you, I think." He gave a shrug as if it was no big deal, but truly, he knew that Callum posed as serious threat between Sera and his relationship. Callum was an attractive, mature man, and Finn could tell that Sera noticed these things. If Callum wanted Sera, he'd probably get her. Not only was Callum pretty much the definition of an angel, Finn guessed that he'd probably never gotten her drunk... Or pushed her down against a counter... And then kissed her...

11:04pm Jul 22 2013
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11:06pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 11:06pm Jul 22 2013)
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|| I am legitimately working on a post right now, Sona.
And I have a new nickname for you.
Sonadork. ||
Love is all we need~
11:07pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 11:08pm Jul 22 2013)
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{Oops sorry I just wanted an excuse to use that gif. x3 .... ...BI You're only the fourth person to come up with that. :I}
11:16pm Jul 22 2013
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Seraphiel furrowed her brows at the things that she was handed. A rose and a card that said "Welcome home!" But instead of home, it had 'home' scratched out, and 'to earth' was added to it. Callum had drawn some doodles in the corner of the card that related to the content, and Sera grinned at it for a moment before she heard what Finn said. Callum was... into her... She knew that roses represented some sort of romantic attachment when it came to human things, but.... she didn't know that the same applied to angels.
"Um...." She blinked a few times, chewing on her lip, a bright red blush coming to her cheeks. "Aren't you supposed to put these in water?" She looked at the flower in her hand, and then looked awkwardly at the card. "I.... I don't know what to say about him being 'into' me." She swallowed a thick lump in her throat. She left it at that, not saying a word more on that subject. She got up from the floor and slowly stretched, shaking her wings out behind her. She'd become accustomed to the blackness of her wings.
"Hey, Finn...." Sera looked at him for a moment. "Why did Callum give these to me? I mean, I'm not all that great..." She looked down at her feet. "I'm weak, and temperamental, and I get angry easily. I'm stubborn and stupid, and just...." She paused, sighing. "I don't understand. Men are so confusing."
Love is all we need~
1:01am Jul 23 2013
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Finn could tell that the letter and the rose hadn't been disregarded by Sera. She seemed like she was flattered by the card and flower that Callum had brought, as much as he wished she would just write it off like it was nothing. He had hoped that Sera wasn't as interested in Callum as he was in her, but by the way she blushed profusely and bit her lip, he could tell that she must have some degree of feelings for him.
Finn couldn't blame Sera. Even he would admit that Callum was attractive, both personality and appearance wise, and Sera must feel lucky to know that he was interested in her. Callum didn't really seem like the type of guy to just give out his affections to just anyone.
He nodded just slightly when she asked if they had to put the flowers in water. It was fairly basic knowledge for anyone that had lived on Earth for a decent period of time, but of course, Sera probably didn't know a lot of even the most basic times. He was surprised when she said nothing more on the subject of Callum, but pleasantly surprised. He didn't want to talk about Callum any longer, really.
What Sera said next genuinely surprised him. Hadn't she heard him last night? Sure, he was drunk, but he really meant what he said when he called her a beautiful angel. It was surprising to hear that she thought so lowly about herself.
Finn looked up at the now-standing Sera from his sitting position, a very confused look obvious on his face. "What are you talking about?" He stood up slowly and faced Sera. "I meant what I said last night. I can promise you, you aren't any of those. Callum wouldn't have given those to you if he didn't know how good of a person you are. Just... trust me, okay?"
"And yeah, we're really, really confusing." He grinned lopsidedly and ran his fingers through his fair.
{Sorry that this took so long. ;~;}

1:08am Jul 23 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| It didn't take long. XD I'm just impatient right now. ||
Seraphiel was a bit surprised as Finn seemed confused by her statements. And then he said that he meant what he'd said the previous night. The problem was that she couldn't remember what he said- she just remembered craving his lips on hers, like she was craving it now, but she wouldn't admit to that or give in to such urges. Not yet. She wanted to so bad, though. She could remember the feeling of the cold counter against her wings as Finn's mouth all but consumed her own. Yeah. She could remember that much, but words.... Nope. She could remember them both saying things to each other, but she couldn't remember what was discussed, other than the fact that it made her feel all warm inside.
"I..... I don't know what you said last night, Finn," Sera admitted. "It's like I've got some sort of mental block against words. I.... I'm stupid, aren't I? I mean, I do stupid stuff all the time! She leaned against the counter, putting her face in her hands. "I go and try to kiss you, I'm clumsy and fall and take you down with me. I attract demons, and then cower behind you like a hunted animal." Seraphiel took in a deep breath and let it out, a single tear slipping past her eyelids.
"I'm just sorry for ever coming to Earth. I should've went after my mother as soon as I heard those noises. Maybe I could have protected her. Maybe I could have died in her place." She shook her head.
Love is all we need~
1:40am Jul 23 2013
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Of course Sera wouldn't have remembered what he said. What hadn't he thought of that? They were both drunk, so the alcohol probably washed away the memories of most of the exchanges between the two of them, and now that they had hangovers, the headaches probably didn't allow them to remember much.
"I said that-" He was cut off as she continued. When she proceeded to call herself stupid and list the reasons why, he found himself even more confused. Sure, she hadn't made the most intelligent decisions; but the way he saw it, nothing she did was even remotely as bad as what he had done.
For God's sake, he had been the one had gotten her drunk! She might have been the one to pull him down the stairs, but he was the one who kissed her. She might have kissed him first after they got drunk, but he had been the one to continue when she tried to stop. If either of them were stupid, he knew for a fact that it was him.
"Sera..." He was wordless after her slight ramble. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He approached her after about a half minute of silence and brushed away the tear snaking down her face, then placed a finger lightly on her chin and tilted her head upwards to look at him.
"Shhh, don't say that, Sera. We all make mistakes; trust me, I'm the king of them. Don't get yourself down, okay?"

1:47am Jul 23 2013
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Seraphiel looked up at Finn, after a moment of trying to avoid eye contact for a moment, as he lifted her chin up so that she was forced to face him. Their faces weren't all that far away. And her brain was telling her to close the gap between their mouths again. But she didn't. She didn't want to ruin whatever connection that she and Finn had as friends, if they even had a friendly connection.
She sighed and felt another tear slip past her eye. And, eventually, her face contorted into an ex pression of suppression. She didn't want the tears to come out, so she didn't let them come out. Those things wouldn't come out again, ever since she'd sobbed on Finn the first night they were in this home. She sniffled to keep herself from crying, and pursed her lips, taking in a few sharp breaths.
"Finn.... I just don't know why I was sent here. They said it was going to be safe, and now my wings are black, and Callum says my aura's all weird. I'm not acting like my usual self around you. I promise that I wasn't this dumb before I met you," she said to him, with no intention to offend him. It was just that he broke through her mental barriers so easily. "I mean, I've never kissed anyone before I came to Earth, and on the first day I came here, you and I kissed." She shook her head.
"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing." And then Seraphiel just got to the point. With an almost childish voice, though it was heartbreakingly sad, she said, "I want my mommy...." And with that, she wrapped her arms around Finn's torso, hugging herself against him without much warning.
Love is all we need~
2:08am Jul 23 2013 (last edited on 3:27am Jul 23 2013)
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Finn subconsciously realized that allowing their faces to be so close after recently kissing each other probably wasn't the most wise decision, but he didn't really care at the moment. He tried to push away his boyish and immature thoughts of her beautiful face and attempted to only focus on making her feel better.
He didn't know what to do for a moment other than watch as she tried to force herself not to cry. He felt so bad for her, although he wasn't really sure what to say. He wasn't the greatest comforter; he was more of just a listener. She was trying hard not to cry in front of him, although he wasn't exactly sure why. He didn't think that she should be ashamed to cry in front of him; it wasn't like he was going to judge her for crying or anything.
He wasn't sure what to say for a moment. He didn't take any offense to what she said about him, honestly. It wasn't really a compliment, but it was true. He noticed that Sera wasn't really the composed woman he was somewhat expecting her to be before they came to Earth, but he didn't care. He liked just being able to be friendly and kind of goofy around her.
As he was still thinking of what to say, she feebly complained that she "wanted her mommy" and suddenly wrapped her arms around him. He was startled for a split second, but when he realized that she just needed physical comfort, he returned her hug, one hand against the back of her head.
"It's okay, Sera. It's okay." He felt like he was comforting a child that had woke up crying in the middle of the night, but it felt like the right thing to do, so he didn't question it.

11:34am Aug 1 2013
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{Bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump look at that Frosty go. 8D You know, like, from Frosty the Snowman? That song they sing when- No? Okay. :c}
1:00pm Aug 1 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| OMG. I'm the world's biggest butthole for not replying to this sooner. :c I promise I will reply to it some time today. It may be on my phone, though, so don't be surprised if it's a bit short. ^.^'
I really am a bad person for not replying to this sooner, though. ;~; ||
Love is all we need~
5:18pm Aug 2 2013
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Seraphiel just hugged Finn tightly as he comforted her back, not able to say anything else in that moment. The warmth of his arms felt wonderful around her slim frame, and she nuzzled his chest, the hangover making her overly affectionate towards him, because she liked him. She had admitted to herself that she liked him. She'd liked him for a while, now. Ever since she saw him, she had liked him. She wanted to just hug him for ages.
"No, it's not okay, Finn," she said to him. She looked up at him with her light blue eyes. "Nothing has been okay ever since I got here. I put your life in jeopardy multiple times. I've hurt you, and kissed you, and healed you against your will." She put her face back into his chest, not crying at all, but just sad, and serious, and solemn.
"Nothing will be okay for a long, long time. My mom is gone, and demons are after me. My wings are black, and an angel has a 'thing' for me," she said, clearly distressed. "And I...." And you what? You like Finn? No, Sera. No. You can't say that... she thought to herself.
"And I....." She chewed on her bottom lip, and didn't finish her sentence. She wasn't going to finish it. No. She couldn't.
|| FAIL POST~ ||
Love is all we need~
6:19pm Aug 2 2013 (last edited on 6:35pm Aug 2 2013)
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Finn just stood there, somewhat awkwardly, and kept his arms wrapped around Sera. He wasn't really one for physical comfort, but he figured Sera needed the support. He couldn't sympathize with her very well, as it had been many years since he had lost anyone that was really close to him.
Finn frowned slight as Sera explained to him why it wasn't going to be okay, and in that moment, he felt so terribly bad for her he couldn't even express his emotions in words. The poor girl had lost so much in such a short period of time. It just wasn't fair, that such a such a perfect little angel had to have lost so much in such a short period of time. And to top it off, she was convinced that demons were after her. Well, he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her. He'd make that decision before he even came to Earth the second time.
He pulled away just slightly to look down at her, clearly sensing the distress that was rolling off her in waves. She just looked so sad, and he wasn't sure how to comfort her. Everything he came up with sounded like an empty promise or inappropriate for the current situation.
He tilted his head to the side slightly as she tried to say something twice but cut herself off both times. "You... you what?" He had a feeling that she didn't plan to tell him, so he added, "You gonna tell me, or I will I have to tickle it out of you?"
