6:37pm Aug 2 2013
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Seraphiel was glad that Finn held her there. She could tell that he wasn't one for physical comfort, but she was a very touchy-feely person when it came to comfort. She wanted to hold onto something that she loved, and enjoyed. Something that she knew wouldn't mind her doing so. Something that would protect her, and just let her hold them, or hold her.
When Finn pulled away, she felt a bit disappointed, even though they were still in very close quarters with each other. She frowned at him when he tilted his head to the side. She knew that she'd messed up then, and that she'd said too much. Even just not finishing a sentence was a big mistake.
She pursed her lips together, face a bright red color, and hugged Finn again, hiding her face from him, burying her face into his strong chest. She shook her head, signalling that she wouldn't tell him, and she knew that he would get it out of her sooner or later, but she wanted to fight it off. She wanted him to know, yet didn't want him to know at the same time. So she stayed quiet, and readied herself for whatever was to come.
She was terribly ticklish, though, and it wouldn't be long before he got the answer out of her.
Love is all we need~
8:03pm Aug 2 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Finn could tell that Sera didn't want to tell him by the way she buried her face in his chest, but that only made me want to know even more. He had a few theories on what she was going to say, although what she was actually going to say didn't cross his cross his mind. He didn't think that she had any feelings for him. Between yelling at her, making her cry, getting her drunk and kissing her, he felt like he didn't even deserve to be in her presence.
Finn was a determined person, though, and he was going to find out what what she was trying to say. "Alright, Sera, I didn't want to have to go there, but..." He backed away from her a step, releasing her of his embrace.
He almost didn't want to tickle the answer out of her for a second, as it could easily get awkward and he hadn't really tickled anyone in years, but there was no way he was going to go back on his word now. He moved slightly closer to Sera so he close enough to easily touch her, gave her a few seconds, and then proceeded to tickle her along her sides and near her stomach area. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he had partially only threatened to tickle her because he secretly enjoyed touching her.
Sera was between him and the counter, so there no escaping him now unless she told him what she had began talking about.
{I told you that I cannot write tickling scenes. orz}

8:49pm Aug 2 2013
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Seraphiel frowned again as Finnpulled away from her tight embrace. She knew what was coming, and she knew that it would make her spill the beans. She would have to tell him. But.... What would he say? Would he hate her for it? Would he make fun of her? Or would he be stunned even further by her stupidity? She wasn't sure, and that was what scared her. She was almost sure that he didn't feel the same way.
Sera squealed when Finn began to tickle her, his fingers jabbing and poking along her sides and stomach. She giggled and tried to back up, but she couldn't. She was pinned against the corner, effectively trapped. After a few seconds, she wasn't able to stand it anymore, and she said what she wanted to say loudly.
"I like you, Finn! Like, like you!" She pressed herself against the counter, trying to find some refuge from Finn's tickling fingers.
Love is all we need~
9:55pm Aug 2 2013 (last edited on 9:57pm Aug 2 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
Finn could tell as soon as he began tickling that it wasn't going to take long to get Sera to crack. Although the tickling didn't last more than a few seconds, he enjoyed himself, if at least slightly. Her giggling was cute. She was laughing profusely, and when she realized that there wasn't anywhere she could slip off to, it only took her a few seconds to spill.
"I like you, Finn! I like, like you!" Wait... what? He stopped touching her the moment she told him, backing up a few feet afterwards in surprise. Him? Why did she like him? He wasn't complaining, but he knew for a fact that there were plenty of guys that would be so much better for her. Like Callum, for example, as much as he hated to admit it.
He stood a few feet away from Sera silently, the only emotion apparent on his face confusion. He was just so... surprised. He certainly hadn't excepted her to say that, and he wasn't really sure what to say for a moment. Somewhere, buried under all his other thoughts, he knew that he liked her like she liked him. But he was so afraid of love, of commitment, and he didn't want to admit it.
"Um..." He bit his lip as he thought of what to say next. "Maybe, uh, you shouldn't. Because when I go back, I'm never gonna see you again. I don't want to break your heart or anything." He paused to run his hand through his hair. "Besides, you could do a whole lot better than me anyway."
He prayed that she wouldn't take it the wrong way.

10:08pm Aug 2 2013
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When Finn backed away from her, Sera knew that she had screwed up. She saw the surprise in his eyes. He was probably disgusted with her, wasn't he? He was so attractive, and who was she? A royal from heaven, and she had blak wings. She was constantly putting him in danger, and doing stupid things, like almost kissing him, and admitting her feelings to him. Her heart felt like an anvil in her chest.
As he spoke, it felt like she was being stabbed. She knew that he wouldn't like her back. That he would reject her. That he wouldn't feel the same way. She started to shake as he continued speaking. In that moment, she couldn't speak. She just watched with a look of hurt on he face, as a few tears rolled down her face. When he finished speaking, she finally found it in herself to talk.
"I'm sorry," she said in a rushed voice. "I'm sorry for being so stupid..." She felt a tear roll down her cheek, and she wiped it away quickly, her hands still shaking. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you." She let her black wings spread out behind her just slightly, an something on her back was glowing through her shirt, but it was faint and nearly invisible beneath her shirt.
She then began to walk away from him, aiming towards the stairs. She wanted him to stop her, and tell her that she wasn't stupid, but she knew that was a useless wish. She wiped her eyes as she walked towards a place that she should cry without worry.
|| ohmygodthefeels ||
Love is all we need~
11:51pm Aug 2 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{I know right why do we hate them so. 8'c}
Finn just stood there, feeling like an absolutely horrible person, while Sera cried and apologized repeatedly. He hadn't seen her this upset since the first night when she had a breakdown after she tried to heal him and he just yelled at he for it. She was absolutely heartbroken - poor thing - and by the look on her face, really hurt. Oh, God, why was he such a terrible person? Why had he even forced the words out of her in the first place? None of this would have happened if he didn't force her to tell him like he did.
And then, she turned and walked away without another word. He knew that she was going to upstairs and cry, and he certainly didn't want her to do that. He needed to stop her. But what did you say to a girl after you had broken her heart? He was so foreign to all his "relationship" stuff.
"Sera, stop it. Wait!" He hurried after her, managing to catch up to her before she could go up the first stair. He placed his hand on her shoulder, not hard enough to hurt her at all, just hard enough to have a firm grip in her shoulder. He turned her around to face him and placed his other hand on her other shoulder, being careful not to upset her or startle her even further. He didn't have the slightest idea where he was going with this, but he couldn't just let her walk away so upset. He knew that for a fact.
"Sera, I... um... Sera... I ... the thing is... uh..." He fumbled with his words for a good moment, and in a total spur of the moment decision, he decided what to do.
He leaned down and kissed her so passionately that he wondered if he had known her for days or his entire life. He was sure that this was a terrible decision, that she'd hate him for breaking her heart and then kissing her. But this kiss... this kiss was different. The first one was random and overall all wrong, the second was long but yet induced entirely by alcohol... but this one meant something. It was short, just around ten seconds or so.
He pulled back and looked away immediately, not wanting to see the ex pression on her face. "Trust me. I wouldn't have done that if I didn't seriously like you. I just... I didn't want anyone to get hurt." He sighed softly, still keeping his gaze away from her face. He hated expressing a his feelings and admitting things like he was, but he knew that if he didn't, she'd be absolutely heartbroken.
{Oops I drama'd.}

12:11am Aug 3 2013
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Seraphiel was thinking that Finn wasn't going to interfere. She thought that she was going to go upstairs to her room and cry her eyes out. Her heart felt kind of.... Injured. It was a feeling that she had never felt in her entire life, not even when her mother had died. She had just had an achy, sore feeling in her chest then. Or a feeling like her heart was dying.
She wanted to be her usual defensive self when Finn grabbed her by the shoulder and shrug him off. She wanted to make him think that she was just crying because she was angry with herself. Not sad about rejection, or heartbroken. She wanted him to think that this wasn't a big deal, but that wasn't going to happen. Finn had seen her crying. It was too late to make him think that she was anything but heartbroken.
But before she could think of anything else, he turned her around to face him, and, after trying to say a few incomplete sentences, he apparently gave up on explaining things verbally, and he pressed his lips to hers so passionately that Sera was only surprised for a second. Then she closed her eyes and let the kiss consume her for those few moments. It was a dizzying, emotion-filled kiss. The marking on her back glowed brighter.
When Finn pulled away from her mouth, the mark on her back dimmed and she was left with a surprised ex pression on her face, her eyes slightly wide, cheeks flushed with color. She was so confused until Finn explained that he liked her, too, but he didn't want anything bad to happen to them.
"You.... You like me, too..." Her voice was a happy, relieved murmur. And then she smiled up at him. One last tear fell down her face before she hugged him in an affectionate way. It wasn't a forceful hug at all. It was a warm hug, and not too tight. She stroked his wings lightly, just barely letting her fingers brush against his feathers.
|| Finn should set Callum up with Sera that night, and claim that he only did what he did because he wanted her to be happy. And then she'll come home, angry, because Callum kissed her, and Fin'll be supermegajealous, and he'll kiss her aggressively and that's when the glowy marks on her body will go all nutso. ||
Love is all we need~
3:15am Aug 3 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Aww snap you have such good ideas. ;o; Yeah that'd be interesting. :o}
Finn felt like he was insanely stupid for kissing her when Sera just stood there afterwards, wide-eyed and silent. Sera had been getting down on herself and called herself stupid fairly often, but Finn felt like the stupid one now. This was the third time he'd kissed her in three days; that must be some kind of record or something. He couldn't remember ever kissing any girl before knowing them for a least a month, let alone an hour. He just wasn't really himself around Sera, he guessed.
He finally got the courage to look back over at Sera and was relieved when he realized that she didn't really look angry. First she just looked surprised, and then slowly, an ex pression of relieved happiness set in. He felt almost relieved as she looked when she looked up at him, smiled and wrapped him up in a loose embrace. At the moment, it didn't matter that he was a somewhat awkward hugger. He was just happy that things didn't have to be totally awkward between them anymore, now that all their feelings were confessed and what not.
Truly, though, he wished Sera would have just treated him like the guardian he was supposed to be and not any deeper than that. Or at least, hidden her feelings about him. That way, things didn't have to be romantic or awkward and they could just stay friends. As much as he liked Sera, he didn't have any desire to be in any relationship sort of thing. He knew that he was going to have to leave her eventually, and when he did, he was going to lose her just like he lost his last girlfriend.
He shook away these thoughts for the time being and returned her loose hug, resting his head on her shoulder. The feathers on his wings quivered gently beneath Sera's touch.
"Yeah, what'd you think?" It was more of a rhetorical question, and he wasn't really expecting an answer.

12:15am Aug 6 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Yeah. He'll end up breaking her heart anyways. I can smell it. Why not do it sooner so that they can make up to each other sooner~ Plus, her glowy marks haven't made a major appearance yet, and we're on page fifteen. x.x ||
Seraphiel was still a little bit on cloud nine from that kiss. It was so confusing, though. To tell her not to like him, and then he goes off and kisses her with the passion that two lovers would have. Gosh, it was a confusing cycle between the two of them. A love-hate relationship, perhaps? If they even had a relationship further than friendship, now, because they'd both acknowledged that they had feelings for one another. Or at least Seraphiel thought that they had. What did people do after that point? She wasn't sure. Date?
She released Finn from her embrace after several more moments and shook her head at Finn's question. She decided not to answer. Finn probably knew what she thought, from the way she'd had a miniature emotional breakdown in front of him. And how she always claimed to be stupid. She'd thought that he hadn't liked her at all. That maybe he hated her, or considered her just another ob ject to protect.
She didn't know what to say after that whole ordeal. The kiss, and the awkward embrace.... But she spoke up anyway. "I need to go take a shower," she said to him. She hadn't taken one the previous night due to her drunkenness, and, while she didn't stink, it bothered her not to shower every day. It was a hygienic thing that she had to do. Plus, she liked to smell nice, anyways.
"Maybe we can rent a..... a...." She stumbled over the word for a moment. "A 'movie'. Maybe we can rent one of those," she suggested to him, smiling. It wasn't like she was trying to do something romantic with him. Honestly, she didn't much like going outside, knowing that she could run into Callum any moment. She knew that she still had his number in her wallet, and he would be the first person that she would call, now that she'd figured out how to work a phone, if there was a demon attack. He was bulky and very strong-looking. But she didn't know if Finn still had his number. But she wasn't ever going to call him for leisurely purposes. Not unless something changed her mind.
|| LOLOLOL. Or, or, or, after Finn breaks her heart and stuff, she could try to make him jealous by going out with Callum and junk. a;lsdkjf ||
Love is all we need~
2:24am Aug 6 2013
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{You must have a pretty good nose. :o Because I bet it's gonna happen. Like. Maybe not on purpose but yeah. I think he's gonna break-break-break-break break her heart. OOOOOOOHHHHHHH~ I actually don't like that song but yeah. Oh and also Finn would totes murder Callum if Sera and Callum went out omg.}
Finn just stood there and kept Sera in a loose grip while they hugged. It was a long hug and sure, it got a little awkward the longer it became, but he didn't express any discomfort. It didn't matter that he got a little uncomfortable; he liked hugging Sera. He just liked holding her and feeling her warmth, as strange as that sounded. It just made him happy.
In that few moments of silence, he got time to think. The more he thought about what'd he'd done in the past three days, the more he realized that his actions were incredibly stupid. Getting Sera drunk... that was by far the worst. It wasn't what happened after the drinking that he felt the worst about; it was the fact that he had basically spoiled her innocence. He'd always taken so much pride in the fact that he was clean; and she'd never get the chance to say that she'd never drank. That made him feel guilty beyond measure.
And then he felt stupid for other reasons. He was totally leading her on, wasn't he? Making her think that they were going to happy together forever and ever when in all reality, he knew he was going to have to leave. He knew from the start that this was going to be all temporary. But yet, he had kissed her (three times now, actually) confessed his feelings for her (which may or may not actually be there).
He knew that he was going to break her heart in the end. He wasn't a romantic, he had a lot of trouble showing affection and he had a tendency to be terribly rude and impatient. And if that didn't break her heart, him leaving certainly would. She was going to get hurt in the end no matter what, but despite all this, he made her think that this was going to be a long-term thing.
Finn looked down at Sera when she pulled away. She made a good point there. While he didn't really stink either, he liked to be clean, especially with another female in the house. Getting drunk had made him feel dirty and icky too, both physically and mentally.
"Uh, yeah, me too." He nodded slightly. "Yeah, a movie sounds good." He didn't really want to go out in public either, with the constant threat of Callum confronting them, but a movie did sound nice. He hadn't watched one for years, and if he was remembering correctly, they were entertaining.
"After we both shower we can go find somewhere that rents out movies." He then fully released himself from her embrace, waiting for her to go upstairs and take her shower.

2:28am Aug 6 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Okay, yeah. My brain is all wishy-washy. Like, I can't type straight. I'm crashing, Sona. I need to go to bed. I promise I'll respond to this some time after I wake up, if I can get on the computer. I'm not sure if I'll be able to, because of stupid Junior prep day, but I'll try~
Anyways, love.
May Finnaphiel be in your dreams. ||
Love is all we need~
2:33am Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 2:51am Aug 6 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{Oh no, I wasn't expecting you to reply. I just wanted to let you know that I was posting and not eating vegetables and stuff like tortoises do. Like this, for example: Lookit how slow he's eating. Dl Sweet dreams, hehe. And may Callegan Finnephiel be in your dreams as well, my good man (I call everyone man / sir so don't be offended okay)~ EDIT: Also I kind of got bored so yeah here's me as a tortoise-turtle-thing: As you can see I still have my magical sparkly hair, my laptop (apparently I cannot draw computers of any sort) and of course I'm eating dem lettuces because I'm a vegetarian and whatnot. So yeah as you can see I'm no artist. BI}
11:07pm Aug 6 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| We should procrastinate the kiss until when Finn gets really, really pissed at Callum and Sera, and then he'll be aggressive and they'll both be aware, and her markings will go all glowy-sparkly and they won't care cos they're kissing. And then ten minutes later they're like, hey, what was that sparkly-flashy-glowy-rave light a minute ago?
*rapid inhalation*
I kinda forgot to breathe there for a minute. ^.^' ||
Seraphiel nodded at Finn's words. She didn't say that she would meet him back downstairs. That much was understood. That was virtually the main meeting place in the entire house. She let her mind wander, still with red cheeks as she walked up the stairs and to one of the few bathrooms in the house. Last she thought, there were three bathrooms in the house, so they wouldn't have an issue with sharing a bathroom, at least. Of course, Sera headed towards the master bathroom, because that one had the most peculiar shower with different settings on it. One of them made the water pound your back and it felt like a massage.
In the shower, stripped of all clothes, Sera's mind didn't stop wandering. Honestly, her thoughts in there were completely innocent and non-sexual. She was thinking about their kiss. The feeling of Finn's lips on hers still lingered on her mouth, and she couldn't seem to shake that overwhelming, wonderful numb feeling. It wasn't really a numb feeling, but something similar. The feeling of weightlessness, perhaps? Yes, that was it. She hadn't felt that feeling since she'd left Heaven, and even past those pearly gates, the feeling hadn't been this strong or distinguished.
She scrubbed her body free from any impurities and, after scrubbing her long black hair, too, she stepped out and dried herself off. She wasn't one to do crazy shower routines, so she just put on her clothes, sliding on her shorts, and her hoodie. They'd have to go out to find a 'movie' to rent. And the humans definitely didn't need to see their wings. They'd flip out, and either some of the more crazy religious humans would go around preaching about the apocalypse, or they'd be called freaks of nature, which they most definitely were not.
She walked back downstairs to the living room, and plopped down onto the couch. She didn't turn on the television, but instead just reclined sideways, stretching her long legs out and looking up at the high ceiling.
Love is all we need~
12:50am Aug 7 2013 (last edited on 1:19am Aug 7 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{Heh, okay. x3 Sounds fine by me. //pats Wolfie's head gently// Breeeathe Wolfie. Breathe. Oh and also. Am I the only one that thinks that they need to rent a really sad / scary movie so Sera'll be all like FINN CLING POWERS ACTIVATE.}
Finn watched Sera go up the stairs, and once she disappeared, he found a place on the couch and waited. He just kind of stared at the opposite wall, not really thinking or doing anything... just waiting. When Sera plopped down next to him without much of a warning, he startled slightly and looked over at her.
"Oh, uh, you're done. I'll be right back." He stood and disappeared up the stairs almost a little too quickly, eager to take a shower and feel clean again. He noticed that Sera had picked a specific bathroom, but he just went into the first bathroom he saw and didn't think anything of it.
He stood in the shower and cleaned himself off, not really thinking about how good the hot water felt against his back or how nice it felt to feel clean again; he was just thinking about Sera. It was amazing how that girl could wipe away all his thoughts and replaced them with herself. Of course, none of his thoughts were sexual either; he couldn't take that innocence away from her. That would be beyond lows, even for him.
He exited the shower after a few moment, relishing in the new cleanliness he felt after stepping out of the shower. It really had felt good. The mental dirtiness was still there, in the back of his mind, but at least he smelled nice now. After drying himself off and changing back into his old clothes, he thudded down the stairs and went to sit beside Sera on the couch.
"Ready to go when you are." He turned slightly to look at her, waiting for a response so they could get going.

1:21am Aug 7 2013 (last edited on 1:22am Aug 7 2013)
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Posts: 6,409
|| I'm changing up my art style. Expect to see random doodles of Sinn in the future. For example, http://tinyurl.com/lssmrjn. XD
And they should rent a scary one. Sera won't deal well with a sad movie and will probably get Finn all wet with tears. X3
But she'll cling to him. ||
Seraphiel spent her time on the couch while Finn was gone by braiding her wet hair. She knew that if you braided your hair while it was wet, it would be really soft and silky when the braid came out, and it would have waves. Sera didn't tie her braid too tight, because her hair was so thick that if she were to do the braid tight, her hair would look like she'd stuck her finger in an electrical socket- not that she'd ever done that before, or knew what it would do to you, but by all of the warnings on the household appliances about the outlets, she'd learned that they weren't something to be toyed with. And that they could 'shock' you. She'd never been shocked before, physically.
She finished her braid several minutes before Finn got back. He took faster showers than she did, because he was a man, and she was a woman, and Sera had more hair on her head to wash than he did. She looked over at him as he sat down, and she had the sudden urge to grab his hand, but she didn't. She didn't want to scare him off. She knew that Finn wasn't one for displays of affection, so she would refrain herself from doing anything rash.
"I'm ready, then. Let's go." she stood from her seat, and, with a sudden clever thought, she held out her hand for Finnegan to grab. From there, if he wanted to hold hands, it would be evident, and Sera wouldn't risk embarrassing herself.
|| Ohmygod. I've got my art muse, but my writing muse just pooped out on me. x.x ||
Love is all we need~
5:11am Aug 7 2013 (last edited on 12:05pm Aug 7 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{I know that I already said this on the SB, but I love your new drawing style. x3 It's uber cute.}
Finn looked over at Sera, and after a moment of trying to figure out with different, he realized that her long black hair was done in a braid, whereas he'd only seen in lay flat and straight against her back. Seeing her with her hair done made him slightly more conscious of his own hair, which he hadn't fixed or even dried off at all. Tiny droplets of water still hung off strands of his copper-ish hair, and little clumps of his hair stuck out in different directions. He ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to look slightly more presentable, which didn't end up helping much.
Finn had just started to stand up when Sera held out her hand. He looked from her face to her outstretched hand, and after a moment of considering, he slipped his hand into her own and stood. Instead of shaking his hand out of her grip after he stood up like he was somewhat tempted to once he got up, he kept his hand entwined with hers. This didn't bother him nearly as much as hugging, so he decided to go along with it.
He lead her to the door, opened it for her and paused to allow her to go first. "After you, m'lady," followed by a deep bow. Of course, it was just a joke; not really anything romantic, just something that amused himself.
{Hnng, I know right. I was literally staring at the screen for an hour trying to type out that last post, pretty much expecting the words to type themselves because I was so stuck. Except, for me, I have artist's block and writer's block! :DDD The many joys of being me!}

12:37pm Aug 7 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| I drew another dude last night. He's pretty kickin'.
http://tinyurl.com/lregnbo ||
Seraphiel smiled as Finn tried to rearrange his own hair, but it was pretty much hopeless. His hair was fine the way it was to her, anyways. Of course, she was still envious of Finn's lighter hair, so she would always think it looked nice. But, it could use some straightening up, now that she thought about it. She glanced to his eyes, her own eyes seeming to sparkle when he took her hand and pulled himself up, but kept his hand in hers. She felt his warm palm against hers, and that made her heart flutter a little, along with a small blush staining her cheeks.
She still felt like she was walking on air, but she was a bit clumsy as she walked, due to being distracted by the feeling of Finn's hand in hers. She shouldn't let herself get overwhelmed like that, she thought to herself, but she couldn't help it. there was a certain satisfaction, and almost a sort of drug-like high from Finn showing her even the smallest signs of affection. It was an addiction that wouldn't be easily broken.
At his sudden politeness of opening the door for her, she smiled and squeezed his hand gently, offering a small, "Thank you." And she walked through the door before him, with her hand still in his, dragging him along with her. there weren't as many humans out as there were the previous day, Sera noted, and that was a good thing. Last time, there had been humans everywhere, and Sera had clung to Finn to make them look away. And maybe the action of holding hands signified a greater trust between them. Something that said that they had each other's backs.
And Sera had Finn's back for sure.
Sure, she didn't know how to fight all that well, but if he were to get into danger, she'd defend him like he'd defend her. And while most would consider that a rash action, Sera just liked Finn. Both in the friendly and semi-romantic way. And she didn't need another person dying on her.
Love is all we need~
2:09pm Aug 7 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Yes he is wow. And his hair omg. ;o;}
Although the whole "door-holding" thing was unlike him and pretty much just for his own amusement, Sera was pleased with it, so he made a mental note. Sera likes it when I hold doors for her. Okay. Got it. He nodded to himself just slightly and followed her out of the door, managing to close it and lock the door behind him before she could drag him off.
Finn allowed Sera to lead as she seemed to prefer dragging him behind her anyway. He noticed that she was stumbling just slightly, and along with the slight blush that faintly stained her cheeks, he could tell that the whole "holding-hands" thing actually meant something to her, whereas he could care less. It didn't matter much to him, but she seemed to enjoy having his hand in hers, so he kept it there.
As they walked down the street together, his gaze scanned over the crowd. He noticed that there seemed to be less people then there was on the streets yesterday, which was certainly a good thing. The less attention they attracted, the better. The last thing they needed was people finding out that they were basically dead supernatural-beings that came to Earth to run away from demons. Who knows what would happen to them? They'd probably be taken to some kind of laboratory to be dissected or something.
"Hey, what about that place." He paused and motioned towards a nearly vacant corner store. Maybe it wasn't the best place to rent a movie, but it was nearly empty, and he didn't want to have to encounter more people than he had to. He was sure that there had to be something in there.
{Guess who spent an hour of her life trying to figure out to write that? lD}

12:25am Aug 13 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{The manatee is like, buuuuump.}
2:20pm Aug 15 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Please forgive me for my butthole-ness. I am a butthole. ||
Seraphiel was pretty much silent as they walked, just holding Finn's hand, and enjoying every second of it. She was probably being really stupid by doing this. What if he thought she was too clingy? What if Callum saw them? She didn't really care about Callum, but she didn't like hurting other peoples' feelings. It made her hurt, too, and that was never good. She was extremely empathetic with others, due to her almost maternal nature. She wondered if Finn was annoyed by it. That one time she'd healed him against his will, it had seemed as if he'd been ready to hit her that he was so angry.
She reminded herself to never get him past that point of anger. She didn't want to get hit, but she seriously doubted that Finn would do it. Either way, she wasn't taking unnecessary chances.
She kept close to him, though, because she didn't want to get too far away in case a demon decided to crash their little party. Even though it wasn't a party, or even an event.
When Finn spoke and got Sera's attention, she turned to the place that he gestured to. "That looks like a good place." She could see the movie posters on the inside, and began to walk towards the area, gently leading Finnegan with her.
|| Gosh, that post was awful. ||
Love is all we need~