11:38pm Aug 15 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Your butthole-ness has been forgiven. In all seriousness, though, it's only been a week. x3 I guess I'm just impatient.}
Finn followed Sera int the store, not really even having a choice in the matter because she practically dragged him inside. The moment he was inside, he began examining the place. It was practically empty, save for the tired looking teenager at the cash register and a somewhat shady looking man in the back. He subconsciously moved a bit closer to Sera as soon as he noticed the man, although he could tell that the man wasn't any real threat to Sera. He just felt overly protective of her, he supposed.
While scanning over the store, he noticed a small rack of movies labeled "For Rent" a few yards away and lead Sera over to it, his hand still intertwined with hers. As soon as they reached the rack, he pulled his grip away and used both hands to take some random movie off from the rack and examined the cover in his hands.
He didn't look up from the cover while he spoke. "Hey, Sera, I don't know if I apologized earlier." He paused to think. "No, I didn't." He was never very good with apologizing; he didn't like admitting that he was wrong or at fault. But yet, he'd apologized more in the past three days then he could remember apologizing in his entire life.
"Well, I'm sorry. For letting you drink, and, uh, stuff. And what happened afterwards... that was pretty screwed up. And for pushing you against the counter..." He trailed off and bit his lip.
"Just, I'm sorry. I guess I'm a pretty big hypocrite for telling you not to kiss me ever again and then turning around and doing exactly that. Alcohol screws with your mind." He looked up at her for the first time since speaking and put the movie back on the rack. He didn't even know what movie it was. It was just a distraction so he didn't have to look at Sera while he apologized.

6:37pm Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{No little RP, don't die. D: HE'S SO YOOOOUUUNNNNGGGG.}
6:23pm Aug 26 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| I swear that I won't let this die. I just kind of procrastinated on posting for a while, and then I got super busy with the start of school. I'm in all honors' classes this year, and I can't get on the computer as much as I normally can. x.x OTL I'll post soon, I promise. I'll start working on it, now. ||
Love is all we need~
6:28pm Aug 26 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Oh crap, I forgot that you have probably already started school. x_x I start on Wednesday. P: Excuse my stupidity, haha. I just didn't want this to be forgotten because it is legitimately the only Roleplay I bother to consistently reply to on Res. Noooo rush~}
1:58am Sep 15 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Hhhh I always feel so bad when I bump this because I know how busy you are, but I have come to the realization that I really have no reason to be on Res right now, and if this is going to be inactive... idk. I'll probably go on hiatus or something. ;u; So, seriously, no pressure... I just didn't want this to be forgotten. ;c SO TO MAKE UP FOR MY IMPATIENCE HERE IS A CUTE YAWNING KITTEN.}
9:11pm Sep 18 2013 (last edited on 9:11pm Sep 18 2013)
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Posts: 6,409
Sera was curious about all that was in the movie store. She knew that movies were something to watch, and, the more she thought about it, it was almost as if information about Earth was being fed into her head, little by little. Not by experience alone, but by some higher power. God. She knew it was him that was doing it. But, she then thought, if he loved the angels and humans so much, why would he let the demons that threatened her go unpunished. She'd heard that he was a god of justice and judgement, but, she hadn't ever seen him pour down judgement on demons. They were already servants to Satan- what left did they have to lose? What could you do to make them suffer any more? Absolutely nothing, she guessed. Of course, nobody knew how a demon worked- what made them tick.
She felt Finn's hand lead hers as he stopped in the area where there was a rack or two of movies that were for rent. She almost pouted, because she quite liked the feeling of his hand in hers. The soft, yet calloused hold of his palm against hers. It was comforting, yet disturbing at the same time. It reminded her of her emotional attachment to him. And how fast it had formed. Her attachment had formed like a rapidly reproducing virus in her heart. It all started as a spark, and flame had caught like dry tinder after a harsh drought. Sure, she'd tried fighting the fire, and fighting her thoughts and emotions for him, but she'd decided that it was best to just give in.
She couldn't fight the feelings off, and, while she still hadn't formally told him how she felt, it was obvious that they both held feelings for each other, but they were scared to go further- to press the boundaries of an uneasy friendship into an unknown and forbidden land. A taboo. Love.
"Don't apologize, please, Finn," she said to him, blushing on her cheeks. She felt her face heat up when he spoke of pushing her against the counter. She was too timid to admit that she liked it, but she didn't reject him. And, if he ever wanted to kiss her again, she certainly wouldn't reject him. Ever. She liked the feel of his lips on hers. It was purely sensual, emotional. It wasn't completely physical, despite how much physicality had been exerted over her when she'd been pinned against the kitchen counter by Finn's strong, lean-muscled arms.
It was also pretty obvious that she'd enjoyed it by how her cheeks were such a vibrant color.
"It was a good sort of hypocrisy," she admitted to him. "It caught me off guard." She then added. "And while alcohol may mess with your tongue, it makes you speak what truly lies in your heart...." She remembered telling Finn how handsome he was. That only made her blush a little stronger, and her hands moved to her cheeks, hoping that neither the shady man in the back of the store saw how much she was blushing. Though, she could feel the slight stare of the sleepy teenager at both her and Finn, though it was mostly directed at her, since he was a male, and Sera was a female.
Love is all we need~
10:41pm Sep 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
|| Okay, now I'm being impatient. x.x Sinn is stuck in my head. They're just so awkward, it's adorable. ||
Love is all we need~
10:45pm Sep 19 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{I totally understand, though. This was seriously RP I ever even thought about when it was a lot more active. But now I think I'm just going to sit here and make you wait for like a large amount of time Nah, jk. I have like five RPs to reply to, but whatever. I'll start typing the reply for this one right now. c: I got a new keyboard aww yiss.}
3:12am Sep 20 2013
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Posts: 4,355
After he had finished apologizing, his gaze returned to the rack of movies. He still wasn't really looking at the movies at all - he didn't know what any of the movies were about - but he didn't want to look at her. He didn't want to see how she was going to react to his apology; would it just stir up bad memories and make her upset and embarrassed? What if her drunkenness the previous night had caused her to forget about the whole thing, and she was angry that it had ever happened at all?
He didn't really know how he felt about the whole thing. Regret and guilt were two of the most prominent feelings he felt towards the kiss, but some voice in the back of his mind told him that he had enjoyed it, and he hated that voice because he knew it was right. There was just something about being dominant over her and even being so intimately close with her that excited him. Perhaps it was just his lack of recent female interaction, but behind all the guilt he felt towards everything, he had enjoyed it just as much as she had.
He looked over his shoulder at her when she spoke, asking him not to apologize. What didn't he have to say sorry for? He gave her her first drink when she was far under-aged. He was less drunk than he was, and he had kissed her; wasn't that some form of taking advantage of her? Not to mention his awful guardian skills all together; he had hit her, yelled at her... the list when on and on. He wondered how she managed to put up with him at all so far.
Her blush got darker as she thought, and he couldn't help but smile faintly at her. She just looked so cute when her face was turning so red she couldn't even control it.
"And while alcohol may mess with your tongue, it makes you speak what truly lies in your heart..." He had to bite his lower lip to keep himself from laughing. What Sera said wasn't meant to funny - in fact, she seemed dead serious about what she said - but he was amused by how deep and mushy she already was about everything. This was all a "fun-while-it-lasted" type of deal, right? After a while, he'd have to return to Heaven, and she'd probably never see him again. She was much more serious about their relationship then he was, that was for sure.
"I don't remember a single word I said last night, but I'm pretty certain nothing I said 'came from my heart'," he said to her, chuckling softly to himself and shaking his head slowly. "So, uh, what do you want to watch?" He asked her suddenly, wanting to steer the conversation away from it's original topic, something he was very uncomfortable with: love.

10:00pm Sep 21 2013
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Posts: 6,409
|| Don't forget that he's supposed to grow colder towards her and eventually set her up on a date with Callum. >D Btw, when he does that, Sera's going to be pissed.
I think I might have one of her next powers be manipulation over fire- a distinctly demonic trait. And, when she comes back from her forced date with Callum, Finn'll kiss her and junk and her markings will go all glowy-glowy bright. :D ||
Seraphiel was doing fine with Finn until she heard him speak.
"I'm pretty certain nothing I said 'came from my heart'..."
That honestly hurt her. She didn't mind that he didn't remember, but the fact that he hadn't said something from his heart made her a bit upset. She wasn't one to get upset over such trivial things, but when she was with Finn, everything seemed bigger- more important. She knew that he didn't mean to hurt her feelings, but that didn't stop them from being hurt. She really did care about Finn. More than she'd like to admit, but she knew that, in the end, what they had would never work out. She was a princess, and he was a mere guardian, and, now that she thought about it, he wasn't the best guardian in the world. Sure, he'd saved her numerous times, but, in terms of guarding, she really began to think that Callum would do a better job, even though he would probably make unwanted advances on her, because, the only person that Seraphiel wanted advances from was Finn. She only had eyes for him, because not only was he handsome, but he was funny, and could be sweet at times. He tried his best to take care of her while still making her happy. Like, when she'd begged him for the wine, he'd given it to her, because he wanted her to be happy, she guessed. And, she'd ended up being very, very happy.
Any woman would have killed to be in her position, pinned against that counter with Finn's lips making a rapid assault on theirs. She knew that her spot would be envied by nearly all human women, because, in her mind, she wasn't all that pretty. She didn't deserve to have two guys sort of kind-of liking her. She didn't deserve their time.
She was a princess, and while they were of importance to the kingdom, they were virtually useless. They served as symbols of purity, and symbols alone. The women were not trained to fight or take care of themselves. The boys, however, were expected to be able to handle a wife later on in their heavenly life. Sera knew that her father wanted her to marry Callum. And, oddly, bloodlines weren't a harsh thing in heaven. If someone married someone else, so long as they were known throughout the kingdom of heaven, they could marry royalty. It was a matter of status instead of inheritance.
But, Finn lacked in status, too.
Nothing would work.
"Any movie is okay with me," she told him honestly. She had no preferences or wishes. Other than the wish that she wouldn't have to deal with the constant ache of doubt and hurt in her chest. Her voice was quiet, and voiced only half of her hurt. She could bottle up emotions like nobody else, but they eventually all had to break loose.
May God help the person she cries on, for they'll need all the strength they can get.
Love is all we need~
3:34am Sep 22 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Even Finn, who was generally insensitive and ignorant, could see the obvious hurt on Sera's face. And the worst part was, she obviously wasn't even showing all of the hurt she was feeling. He hadn't meant to upset her; he really hadn't. He never really meant to hurt anyone, but it happened often. He was a sweet guy, he really was, but he tended to be a little blunt. He also had a rather immature sense of humor, which often offended others.
Sera was the last person he'd ever want to hurt. Although she tended to be a little stuck-up and overly sensitive at times, she put up with him. He would admit it himself; he didn't deserve to even be in her presence after everything he's done to her in such a short period of time, and it absolutely boggled his mind that she hadn't demanded a new guardian yet. He appreciated it, though. He didn't know what he'd be doing if he wasn't here with her.
In a way, though, he sort of wished that he never came to Earth with her in the first place. He was practically swimming in the guilt of everything he's done. If she had been stuck with anyone else at all, she'd be much safer, much happier. He found that he was constantly hurting her feelings, constantly doing something that would be considered highly inappropriate by Heaven. He didn't know why he couldn't just contain his impulses and be the guardian that God had foreseen him to be.
He didn't even know why God chose him in the first place. He didn't show any redeeming qualities in Heaven; he messed around and made a fool of himself constantly, evening after his death. He was immature and flippant, and many of the angels residing in Heaven knew this. The only reason he could see God sending him to Earth was to hopefully straighten him out, but that obviously wasn't working. He figured that it was just a matter of time before he was switched out with Callum.
"Maybe I said something I meant," he shrugged. "I dunno." Geez, Finn, that really helped. He didn't know where he was going with that, but he decided that he needed to say something - anything at all - to make her feel at least a little better. It probably didn't help.
Her voice reflected a lot more hurt then shown on her face. Her words were quiet, attempting to hide other underlying feelings. He gave a tiny shrug, then turned back to the movies. His guilt overwhelmed his thoughts, so without really thinking, he subconsciously slid some random movie off the rack.
{The movie can be some random horror film. I've never seen any scary movies at all, so you're just gonna have to use your imaaaaaginaaaaation. c:}

5:56pm Oct 1 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{I just realized how unreplyable (new vocabulary word, woop) my post probably is, so whenever you get around to posting, you can totally time-skip. :D Just throwing that out there. //slinks away//}
2:18pm Nov 10 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Finn’s words hadn’t
helped Seraphiel at all. They’d made her feel a bit confused, if anything. She
wasn’t sure what to think anymore, because one moment it seemed as if Finn was
all sweet towards her, and then the next, he was blowing her off or acting shy
or seeming distant. She was confused, and not in the good way. Not in the
interest-keeping way. She felt as if he didn’t want his job anymore, because he
never seemed to be happy around her. And that made her feel bad.
Seraphiel looked to
the movie that Finn held in his hand, and the ti tle didn’t look too weird. She
really didn’t pay all that much attention to it. After all, her mind was
cluttered beyond belief. They had plenty of time to watch the movie that day,
as it wasn’t too close to the sun setting. Even afterward, if they felt like
it, they could go and do something together. Of course, Sera was sure that he
didn’t want to do anything with her at that point. He wasn’t even looking at
her- he didn’t even want to look at her. That was what was running through her
She always imagined
the worst case scenarios. He’d kissed her more than once, about three times,
actually. Well, if you counted their gigantic makeout session on top of the
counter that they’d had the previous night only one kiss, although it had been
many more than that. It was kind of odd how they were both supposed to be holy
beings, yet they were both doing such foolish things. Of course, they’d be
reborn as humans again when they reached the end of their lifespan as angels.
Sera wondered if she would meet Finn in the human world. She wondered if,
maybe, since they’d be mortal, things would work out better than they were now.
Would she have a beautiful human body? Would Finn look the same? Would they
even have the same personalities? How would they even know if they were looking
at each other?
She had so many
questions about things, but nobody could really fully explain them, because
once you became an angel, you could only remember so much from your human life,
and if you were a human, you remembered nothing of Heaven or of your life as an
angel, other than it was much easier than living as a human, if you even
remembered that much.
“We should go, shouldn’t
we?” Sera asked Finnegan in a tiny voice, a voice that spoke of her
apprehension and leaden thoughts. She sighed and then moved towards the
check-out area without hearing from him. Her steps were slow, however, so he
would easily catch up with her.
|| Sorry for the uber
long wait, love! I had a hectic life for the course of a few months. Now, I
should be able to get on more often. If you don’t want to continue this, I
understand. Also, if my posts aren’t up to par, just give me a while. I haven’t
roleplayed in what feels like ages, more or less thought of writing all that much. x.x ||
Love is all we need~
4:08am Nov 11 2013 (last edited on 11:05pm Nov 28 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{No, no bb, of course I want to continue this! This is and probably always will be my favorite RP. Don't worry about it, I understand. <3}
Everything was so quiet and awkward, it actually made Finn physically uncomfortable. He didn't like standing there in silence, forcing him to look anywhere but her. He didn't want to come off like he was ignoring her, but it was so much easier for him to just brush her off instead of trying to talk. What was there to talk about, anyway? All he could think to do was apologize for the umpteenth time, but he didn't see how that would help and he was sick of saying sorry anyway.
He came to realize that he was ultimately the reason for the silence. If only he hadn't found that cabinet and taken out that bottle, things would be different. He wouldn't have kissed her like he did and taken their relationship to a level way higher than either of them were ready for. It actually sickened him, in a way; that he had done nothing less than take advantage of her. He couldn't understand why he was acting like he was. He'd never drank or pinned a girl down like that before, so why would he do it now? He was confused with his own actions and he hated himself for all of it.
So, feeling too awkward to continue trying to look at anything, he flipped his hood up and pulled the drawstrings until the hood covered a good part of his face, his eyes included. This probably was not the greatest idea, because he managed to run into a self of something and knock over half of its contents off. He immediately pulled the hood off to examine the damage, obviously thoroughly embarrassed.
He picked a few things off the floor and set them in their proper place on the shelf, but after a few moments he got bored with it, so he just whistled innocently and discreetly shoved the rest of the fallen items against the wall. He turned back to Sera, pressed his index finger to his lips and said softly, "Shh". He smiled slightly behind his finger, probably the first time he'd smiled since the day before. It was an odd thing to be amused by, but if there was one useful thing Finn had learned, it was how to laugh at himself.
"But, uh, yeah, we should go." He cast a quick glance over at the inventory against the wall, then to the teenager, who was totally oblivious and hadn't noticed him knocking everything off the shelf.
He came up to the checkout, and without saying anything, he passed the checkout girl the money and movie. She looked over him once, then took the money and movie. She passed the case back after a moment, which he took after giving a very soft "thank you". He rejoined Sera at her side, looking down at her hand. Did she want him to hold her hand? He didn't want to risk it becoming uncomfortable again if he just took her hand without his consent. It ended up being awkward anyway, because he just stood there and kind of... Waited.

7:12pm Dec 15 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{Oh man I really hate bumping this because I know you're busy and stuff but?? whispers bump Remember man if you wanna drop the RP just say so and I'll stop bumping this I promise. <3}
5:52pm Dec 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
|| Do you just want to timeskip to some more convenient time. i hate transition scenes, such as walking to and from home. It just seems more convenient for us to skip.
Also, since Christmas break is coming up, I will be free for around two weeks. Also, I sang a solo piece. Want to hear it? :D ||
Love is all we need~
6:14pm Dec 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{YOOO. uwu
Yeah man definitely aah. I was gonna suggest that as well.
Yee, me too! I get off Friday and have until January... Forth or somethin'. uwu}
6:37pm Dec 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
{Oh, I missed that. :o Of course I want to hear your solo! c: I have a concert tonight actually that I have a solo in as well. c:}
7:17pm Dec 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
|| That's virtually the same as me. So I'll time skip. Post will be up soon. ||
Love is all we need~
12:12am Dec 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
|| SOOOO Since they've got a scary movie... ||
Seraphiel didn't look at the name of the movie when they got home. She just looked around the house, purposefully avoiding the kitchen and the stairwell, as to not bring back old memories (aka, the ones of them snogging). She didn't think that Finnegan would want to relive those experiences. Why would he? he'd kissed her multiple times, but he always seemed to confuse her. Did he like her? Probably not. Did he think of her as an annoyance? Probably so. After all, now there were demons that would be on their butts twenty-four-seven, probably, if they ever came back. She honestly didn't want to think about what the citizens from hell were doing. They were probably scheming against her. Why they had to have something against her in particular, she didn't know. It wasn't like she'd done anything to them. In fact, they'd killed her mother for no reason, too. It made her angry, angry enough to go and fight them, if they came back.
She sat down on the couch and looked to the television. She still wasn't too familiar with technology, nor did technological things seem to cooperate with her very well. So she'd leave Finn with the job to deal with the movie, and getting it started. She didn't want anything to drink, or anything to eat, because she felt slightly nauseous at the flying thoughts about Finn and the demons rapidly racking her brain.
"You deal with the movie, please," she told him, but in a polite way, just to make sure that he didn't expect her to do it. If she were to have to do such a thing, it would end up being just her luck that she would completely destroy the dvd player.
She made herself comfortable on the couch, taking up about half of it, but leaving half just in case Finn would like to sit next to her, which he probably would, as this was one of the best seats in the living room to see the television.
|| Hope that wasn't too much of a fail. ||
Love is all we need~