11:22am Apr 4 2013
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Even after Finn removed his hand from her wings, he noticed her wings and hands still quivered. Something must truly be wrong if it got her so freaked out: he still didn't see what the big deal was, but if the daughter of royals knew that this wasn't normal, then it must not be. Even her lower lip was trembling. Poor thing. Sera replied to his question with another question, a bit sarcastically again. Alright, he supposed he deserved that as well. You ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer right? To be honest, he didn't know what could cause this...unless...should he even tell her what he thought? Or would it just freak her out even more? He almost didn't want to risk upsetting her further, but she had the right to know what could be happening. "Alright, do you want to know what I think?" Finnegan asked, sighing slightly. She wouldn't like this at all and it may just earn him a smack across the face, but he decided to take his chances. If she didn't want to hear it, he wouldn't tell her. It was somewhat more fair to her that way.

4:59pm Apr 4 2013
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Sera pulled her hands away from her wings, looking at her fingertips. No black had rubbed off. They were permanently black, it seemed. It frightened her, yet made her curious all the same. How in heaven did her wings turn as black as sut? She turned around to look at Finnegan.
"Please, tell me what you think." She let her icy eyes stare into his warm, green ones. All of this was too much to take in at one time, but she had to adapt. Gravity, the blackness of her wings- the realization that her mother was gone. She'd probably cry about that later, but she was never one to cry in front of others. She'd rather cry when people weren't looking.
Ooc:// Sorry for the shortness...
Love is all we need~
12:50am Apr 5 2013
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{It's cool. I didn't give you a whole lot to reply to, anyway.}
Finn noticed she had rubbed her fingers against her wings and examined her fingertips, perhaps in some desperate attempt to realize it was only oil or paint coating her wings. Though he had to admit, he had hoped it was something else turning her wings black, as well. Now she had turned and assured him that she wanted to know, but he was still positive she didn't want to hear it. Oh well, no turning back now. "I think...I think that the only way this could even be possible is if you were part demon." Sure, that was a bit blunt, seemingly impossible and almost an insult, but there was the only logical conclusion he could come up with. But as he looked into her crystal blue eyes and saw only sadness, nothing evil in demonic in any kind of way, he knew that she couldn't be a demon - even partially. She was just so...innocent looking.
{Meh, that was shot too.}
9:57am Apr 5 2013
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Despite mainly being calm, what Finn said made her angry. She let her eyes narrow, though, it was more of a sadness than anything. "No. That's not it. You're just making things up." That was one way to hide her sadness- to blame others. Her face was bordering on crying, but she wasn't about to let tears out.
"Demons killed my mom. There's no way I can be part demon." She swallowed a lump in her throat.
"They killed my mom."
Love is all we need~
12:50pm Apr 5 2013
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The moment her eyes narrowed, partially in sadness and partially in anger, he knew that she obviously had not chosen his words carefully, and perhaps he shouldn't have said anything at all. She had asked him what he thought, but how could he have forgotten that her mother had been killed just hours ago by the exact same creature he was suggesting she was? She began blaming him, and once she was finished she was obviously about to cry. He felt the strong urge to hug her or something along the lines of that, but he was already so close to totally set her off he decided it was best not to. It did hurt him to see her so sad, though, and he felt even worse to know it was his own fault. "Demons killed my mom. There's no way I can be part demon. They killed my mom." Oh, God. What have I done. Nice job Finn. He sat for a moment, biting his lip while trying to think of a way to apologize. While saying sorry was almost torturous to him, there was no way he could just push aside the fact that he basically just called her a demon. Still mentally kicking himself, he forced out the words all whilst trying to make them not sound pained. "I...I know. And I'm so...so sorry that had to happen to you. Really." He paused for a moment, "And...I'm sorry for making that conclusion, but - " You did want to know my opinion... The words desperately wanted to come out, but he couldn't say them. It would just get him into even deeper water. "But the thing is, I'm just trying to think of any possible reasons this is happening. Maybe that reason is just way too far-fetched. I'm sure there is something more logical. I'm sorry. Again." He finally managed to stumble and stutter through his apology, ending it by taking in a deep breath and casting his gaze downward. He hoped the apology would help - at least somewhat - and they could hopefully forget about this, too. He had screwed up this meeting two times over now, and he just prayed this would be the last time he messed up today. Knowing Finn, it probably wouldn't be. But for the sake of Sera, he would at least try his hardest.

1:30pm Apr 5 2013
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Sera only half-listened to the apology. She didn't need him to apologize. She hadn't been aiming for an apology. She had been aiming to convince herself that what Finn said wasn't true. She hated how logical it sounded- being part demon. It would explain the black wings.
She sniffled, but it was discreet, and she didn't cry a single tear. Nope. She wasn't going to let this guy see her cry. She folded her wings back so that they were pressed securely against her back, unnoticeable unless you were behind her. Even she couldn't see them, and that made her feel a bit better. Just seeing those inky feathers made her nervous.
"You didn't have to apologize. It's alright." She crossed her arms, taking in a deep breath, then letting it out. Her stomach let out a loud growl- something that never happened in heaven. She was hungry.
In heaven, it wasn't necessary to eat. In fact, there was no food. You didn't need anything to sustain you.
The rumbling caught Sera off guard, and she blinked a few times.
"What was that?" She looked around, expecting it to have come from Finn, or the room. It happened again, and Sera looked down at her abdomen. "Uh.... Is this normal?"
Love is all we need~
10:05pm Apr 5 2013
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Finn faintly heard a quiet sniffle, but no tears sprung from her icy blue eyes. At least that meant she wasn't...totally upset with him. She proceeded to fold her wings in, and at this he realized he should probably bring his own against his back as well, just so she didn't look at his own white wings and compare them negatively to his. Just as he pulled his wings in, she told him he didn't have to apologize. Well, that would have been nice information to know beforehand. He thought, a bit bitterly. He hated having to do things he disliked if he didn't have to. A low, loud grumble snapped him out of his pouty thoughts. His gaze drifted around the room, looking for what the sound could have come from. Sera's own eyes had come to rest on her stomach, leading Finn to realize she was confused by her stomach rumbling - which, obviously - meant she was hungry. It occurred to him that because she had never left Heaven, she never had to eat or drink. She probably had never even tasted food. "Very, very normal." Finn replied with a small laugh, his warm smile finally returning to his face. "You're just hungry. But I don't actually really know where we are and if food is even accessible here, but we'll find somethin'." Though to be honest, he was just glad to be off the depressing topics.

10:10pm Apr 5 2013
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Sera was glad to have heard that what she was going through was completely normal. It meant that there wasn't some monster in her stomach, growling at her. When he mentioned being hungry, it rung a bell. Her parents had told her of their vague memories of food- and how it was a good thing. She could never remember her own time on earth, though. It was odd.
She did, however, know what a kitchen was- her father had told her about being a chef in a past life. "Shouldn't we just... go to the kitchen, or something?" Her brows were furrowed- signalling that she wasn't sure if what she said was accurate.
Ooc:// Jeez. Sorry again for the short post. >.>
Love is all we need~
1:34pm Apr 6 2013
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"I suppose that would be a good place to start looking. We'll have to explore a bit in order to find it, though." Finn took a few steps closer to the door, standing beside it and waiting for her to come and stand beside him. He knew she had been able to walk a few unsteady steps, though he was unsure if she could cross the floor to the door without stumbling or tripping. She had just learned how to walk within the last ten minutes, and he knew she would have trouble yet. He tensed his muscles and prepared to reach out and help her if she had any difficulties.
{I am so sorry. If you combine a major case of RPer's block, a lack of imagination and no time to sit down and type, you get...this.}
1:51pm Apr 6 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// It's fine. I've gone through the same thing that you've had before. And now, instead of it being with roleplaying, now it's with art for me. Oh joy. >.>
Sera nodded as Finn said that it was a good idea to start in the kitchen. Though, she wasn't sure where on earth the kitchen would be. She'd had many sitting rooms back in the castle, and a few entertainment rooms. She guessed that the living room was like a combination of both of them.
She moved over to Finnegan, her legs wobbling slightly, though they got better with each step she took. She stumbled, though, a few steps in front of Finn, and fell forward again, latching onto his arm to stop herself from falling. She stabilized herself again, and gave Finn a sheepish smile before letting go of his arm, her face slightly red again, though it was more cute this time, instead of embarrassing.
Love is all we need~
5:26pm Apr 7 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Artblock...sucks. :c}
Just as he had suspected, as soon as she began walking she was wobbling, if at least slightly. Just when Finn was sure she would make it without any problems, she tripped and quickly took his arm again, though managed to release it after she quickly made herself sturdy. He looked down to see her smiling sheepishly, her face a light shade of red. He couldn't help but thinking how pretty she looked right now - he was a boy, he couldn't help it - and in any other circumstance, he would probably try to kiss her. Of course, he didn't even attempt - only the Lord knew how that would end - but he let his mind run a bit wild anyway. "You okay?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. He kept his gaze mainly on her, though opened the door behind him while awaiting her answer.
5:35pm Apr 7 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Artblock sucks like eggs. But, I'm drawing Ene now, so I'm good.
Sera guessed that her time on Earth would be much less graceful than her life up in heaven. In her entire life in heaven, she'd never tripped, or fallen. She was getting pretty banged up here, but nothing that some time couldn't heal. She could only heal others- her powers couldn't be applied to herself, unfortunately.
"I'm fine. Just may be a little bruised later." She scratched the back of her head and gave him a slight grin. Though she didn't like falling, she had to admit that there was something about those moments before you hit the floor- the moments where you were falling- that gave you an amazing feeling- adrenaline.
She brushed past Finn to exit the door, lingering a bit longer in his close proximity than she probably should have.
Love is all we need~
11:53pm Apr 7 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{I got home today, so my posts will start improving hopefully. c: ...oh, and you're just trying to get Finn to do something he will regret. I just know it. ;~; //sobs}
Once she made it clear that she was going to be alright, she smiled and brushed past him to leave, lingering in front of him just long enough for him to become uncomfortable. It's like she was trying to set him off. He blinked away the thoughts that continuously recurred in his mind, shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts. This "mission" was only to protect her and keep her safe: nothing less, nothing more. While she was beautiful and it was indeed hard to remain focus, he had to. For her safety and his own, as well. He stepped into the hallway and waited for her to follow, standing by the staircase that lead downstairs. "I would assume that the kitchen is downstairs." He said, half-thinking out loud and half-jut talking to himself. He couldn't help but thinking that the stairs would be difficult, but he was sure she would get it. She seemed to catch onto things fairly quickly.

4:07pm Apr 8 2013
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Ooc:// Me? Pfft. I'm not doing anything. //lalala >.>
Sera didn't entirely know about conquering the stairs. She was clumsy enough already on flat land, but on stairs... She wasn't sure what would happen. She was sure that it wouldn't end well, though. She could open her wings for extra balance, but she didn't want to have to look at her black feathers. They'd make her want to cry again.
"Yeah..." She cleared her throat, biting her bottom lip. She eyed the stairwell apprehensively.
"I'll give this a try..." She took one small step down onto the first step, her face concentrating on not falling. If she did fall, she'd fall fast, and hit the ground even harder. She'd end up with more than just a bruise- possibly even a broken bone.
Ooc:// Ohohohoho. I have the perfect scene in mind for the stairwell. >D
Wanna hear it?
Love is all we need~
7:44pm Apr 8 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{'Course I do. Shoot. c:}
Upon noticing the nervousness that shone in her eyes, Finn's muscles tensed and he stood close to her in case he needed to catch her if she fell. He opened his mouth to suggest opening her wings to help her keep balanced, though quickly shut it. He knew seeing her raven-like feathers would only make her even more uncomfortable and less likely to successfully clear the stairs. She sounded unsure of herself as she spoke and slowly but steadily descended down the stairs, taking one small step to clear the first stair. A flash of worry crossed his face and he tensed slightly more, worried for the sake that she'd fall and get herself hurt. Even worse, it would be his own fault. He took the first step to stand beside her, glancing over his shoulder to make sure she was doing alright.
7:51pm Apr 8 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// She'll get over-confident, and end up falling again, and Finn'll try to save her, but he'll end up flipping so that he hits the ground and Sera'll end up on top of him and
I'm unreasonably hyper right now...
Love is all we need~
7:53pm Apr 8 2013 (last edited on 7:55pm Apr 8 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{Haha, I can tell. x3 Sounds fabulous. Dude Finn will not be able to control his emotions. YOU KNOW HIM SO WELL.}
8:07pm Apr 8 2013 (last edited on 8:46pm Apr 8 2013)
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Finn's going to be such a good guardian, though. He's taking good care of Sera so far. Helping her around everywhere, and not yelling at her.
I'll start the scene off. >DDD
Sera, after seeing Finn look over at her with a bit of care in his eyes, making sure she was okay, decided to get a bit braver. Logic should have kicked in, telling her that the last time that she did this, it didn't end well. But, Sera was headstrong and a bit naive at times. She didn't often think of the consequences of her actions.
She pushed down her fear of falling and took another step, and then another. One of her steps was too fast, and she missed the step completely, falling through the air. All was in slow motion for a moment for Seraphiel.
Her hands reached out, and managed to grab Finn's hand in a desperate try to keep herself from falling, but it failed. She was too far into the fall now. And now, Finn was coming with her. There was no way he'd be able to stop her, and her grip on his hand was too firm to break free.
She let out a small yelp when she realized she probably would come out of this situation with a good injury, and closed her eyes. She couldn't yell anything in that moment other than the first word that came to mind.
It wasn't Finn, or Daddy, or God.
Love is all we need~
8:38pm Apr 8 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Aw, dank you. c: He'll probably start yelling at her later, don't worry. x3 Oh, and "the first word that came to mom". that is all}
Finn felt his own pace quicken to keep up as Sera began descending more quickly, a bit of both fear and confidence rising inside him as she sped up. He knew she had the ability to do this, she was turning out to be a fast learner, but perhaps she was becoming a bit too confident. Every step she took was just a bit faster than the last, and just as he had feared, she finally missed a step entirely. Finn knew what was going to happen before it even did, having already braced himself to keep her from falling. Just before he could reach out and stop her, she snagged his hand and before he could even contemplate was happening, he was falling too. He had tried to keep his footing and attempted to keep them both standing, but it was like she was determined to drag them both down. Mid-fall, Finn swore he heard a small yelp followed by the word, "mom". He didn't have time to contemplate what the hell that meant, for it was just seconds before they hit the ground now. He realized he was going to hit first and it suddenly occurred to him exactly how this was going to pan out: no way to stop it now, though. The shock of hitting the hard tile floor was more than he had expected. His head hit the ground so hard the word spun and things faded in and out of darkness before his vision finally returned to normal. It seemed as though every breath of air had left his lungs for a minute and, once combined with the new-found pain in his head and back, he was convinced he was about to die - again. He looked up to look for Sera, only to discover that she was falling. Right on top of him.

8:56pm Apr 8 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Everything happened so fast, even after the initial shock of the fall. She'd managed to get Finn to lose his footing, too, and she felt horrible about it deep down inside herself somewhere. She was just too frightened to realize it at that moment. She knew Finn had lost his footing, too, by the way his hand easily followed the pulling motion of her own.
She didn't even hear Finn hit the ground- her eyes were still closed. She did, however, unconsciously manage to flip herself around so that she was now facing Finn, about to fall face-first on top of him instead of falling onto him backwards. Not that that would help, anyways.
Her wings slightly unfurled, an array of dark feathers dancing behind her silhouette, which was quickly approaching the ground. Luckily, her wings created just enough air drag to stop her from landing so hard on Finn as to where it would break ribs or something.
Still, she landed on him pretty hard. Even she hurt from the impact. Though, Seraphiel got hurt easily. Her hand, still holding his, was the first thing to touch the ground. It landed on top of his delicately. Though, the rest of her body didn't land delicately at all.
Her torso ended up landing on top of his, and the rest of her body fell in direct alignment. She just hoped she didn't somehow manage to knee him in the groin or something. Nope. She felt her knee hit the hard tile instead. It sent a shock throughout her entire body.
When she felt the falling motion stop, her hair fell all around her and on top of Finnegan, too. She was shaking as she raised herself slightly off of Finnegan's form. She didn't apologize right away. She could only think of hos his head must have hit the hard tile so hard it jarred his brain loose or something.
"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" She could barely speak the sentence- it was a whisper. She ran her hands through his hair, maternal nature taking over, hoping that he was alright. She hadn't heard him speak the entire time they were falling. Had... had he died? "Finn?" she whispered his name.
Love is all we need~