10:16pm Apr 8 2013
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And she was about to fall face-first. He didn't know if this was a change for the better or worse: landing on him backwards would probably be twice as painful. Forward wasn't going to be a whole lot better. She let her wings unfurl just slightly before landing, luckily reducing the speed of her fall and the amount of pain he would feel once she landed. It was over within a single second, the sudden burst of pain confirming that she had landed. It didn't at all help his back which already ached from the impact of hitting the floor and God, it did not help ease his general attraction to her either. He didn't attempt to move or even try to shake her grip on his hand. He was still too shocked to respond and even to breathe, though he was aware of her body directly on top on his and in nearly the exact same position. He felt something brush his face, though his eyes were still closed from the initial fall and he didn't bother to check what it was. After a second of still, awkward silence, she lifted off his body slightly. He faintly heard her say something along the lines of "you okay" and managed to catch his breath, swallow the lump in his throat and nod ever so slightly to let her know he was okay - even though she was still on top of him, every part of his body ached and he was most definitely not okay. He felt her hands run through his hair and a more boyish, immature part of his mind couldn't help but think about just how good that felt. He heard her mumble his name quietly and in response blinked open his eyes. Though everything was blurry and his mind was still a bit too dazed to think properly, he managed to reply softly, "Yes...?" He exhaled slowly and blinked a few times, the world coming back into full focus yet again. As he became even more aware of the situation, color returned to his face and began to burn red, his breathing back to normal but much more quickly paced. His heart was pounding so loud he swore she could hear it as he slowly began mentally panicking just slightly. Why wouldn't she get off him? There was no way he'd shove her off, but he swore if she kept laying there he'd start making out with her or something.
{Sorry for the late post: my friend wanted to talk to me and Mom needed some help. c:}

10:27pm Apr 8 2013
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As Finn said that one word- a question of a word- she felt overwhelming relief flood over her. Odd enough, for a moment there, she thought that she had killed him. That he would be reborn into a human body again. But he was alive, and...
Why was his face turning so red? She didn't know why. It wasn't like she was embarrassing him, was she? She really had no clue of the effect she had on men. After all, she'd been kept in the castle up in heaven her entire life. She knew next to nothing about the way that a boy's mind worked.
"I am so, so sorry." That was all that she could say for a moment. Maternal instincts still in full gear, she ran her hand through his hair again. She wasn about to move until she knew that he was fully alright. It wasn't like she was trying to purposefully torture him.
"Do you need me to heal you?" Her eyes were full of worry. This man was her guardian angel- sent to earth with her to make sure no harm came to her. If he was hurt, she was at a loss. She would have no one to watch after her. So she tried to help him out in this situation. After all, she was the one who had almost crushed him.
Ooc:// it's fine. I'm on my phone, so if there are any typos, please ignore them. ^.^'
Love is all we need~
12:58am Apr 9 2013 (last edited on 1:05am Apr 9 2013)
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1:00am Apr 9 2013 (last edited on 1:01am Apr 9 2013)
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{Ignore please.}
1:04am Apr 9 2013 (last edited on 1:04am Apr 9 2013)
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Though still in somewhat of a daze and his thoughts were still partially clouded, he was very aware that she was still running her hands through his hair. It just felt so good, kind of reminded him of the time he was a human and his mother would do the same to comfort him. How he had remembered such little things from his past, he didn't think he'd ever know. She had apologized as well, but he wasn't exactly thinking straight at the moment. Sorry...? Sorry for what...? No...I feel just fine... The pain in his back and head had ceased momentarily, leaving him feeling oddly numb. Oh, it would come back to bite him later, he just knew it. But for now, he might as well just be glad he wasn't rolling on the floor in agony. Still literally on top of him, she had chosen that time to ask him if he needed to be healed. He propped himself up with one hand and ran his free hand along his back, feeling for any blood or bones sticking out. When he had assured himself that his back was fine, his hand moved to the back of his head. Yup, everything was fine there too. "Uh...nope," he assured her, his voice a bit heavier and tired-sounding. Upon moving into a higher-elevated position, he found his own face closer to hers. His bright, emerald green eyes met her icy blue ones, and very slowly, almost as if against his own will, his free hand came to rest on her face, four fingers on her cheek and his thumb just below her head. His eyes closed, head tilted just slightly to the left and every single fiber of his being screaming, "what the hell are you doing!?" And to be absolutely honest, he had no idea. He was supposed to be protecting her, guiding her, supporting her - most definitely not whatever this was. He didn't feel any emotion besides protectiveness over her: maybe the fall had damaged his mind somehow, maybe his instincts were acting up or maybe he just..felt like it. All that he was absolutely positive of was that he was kissing the girl he had been sent to protect.
{gah I wasn't going to have Finn do this but we all knew it was going to happen so you're welcome. ;~; //sob Oh, and I was having trouble with the coding so it took me three posts to figure it out and now I lack the format. :c oh well}

8:45am Apr 9 2013
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Ooc:// It's fine. ^.^ And woah. O.o I didn't expect him to kiss her, but, aaanyways, it played out well. For our entertainment, of course. Not for theirs. XD
Seraphiel was glad when he said that he didn't need to be healed. That was good. As much as she liked helping others, healing took a toll on her.body, and it hurt to do it.
She was taken aback when Finn leaned up, raising both him and her a bit more off of the ground. She expected him to push her off. To get angry for causing pain. To yell or swear, or do anything but what he did.
The tender hand on the side of her face caused her cheeks to burn, a blush staining the flesh there. She didn't know what to do when he leaned forward and closed what little space was left between their faces.
And he kissed her.
She couldn't pull away. She was frozen for a moment. That kiss had sort of came out of nowhere. It was surprising, but she found herself leaning in for a moment, moving her free hand to Finn's face.
God forbid her father ever to find out about this. He would be on deep trouble. Of course, she would be in trouble, too.
But, for a moment, it was like she wasn't in control of her own body. It was almost as if she was on auto-pilot or something.
Love is all we need~
9:44am Apr 9 2013 (last edited on 9:45am Apr 9 2013)
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He was surprised - pleasantly or disappointingly, he wasn't actually sure - when she didn't pull back or even move at all, really. Though, to be honest, he didn't think he could move either. Some oddd force kept him in the exact same place, doing the exact same thing, while his mind couldn't stray from anything else. During that period of time, it was just him and her, no thoughts of consequences, doubts or even regret in his mind. And then, almost like flying into the eye of the hurricane, it all became very, very clear to him that was he was doing was wrong and knew he had to put an immediate stop to it before things got out of hand. He pulled back and scooted a few feet backwards, sitting closer to the middle of the floor with his legs crossed and his gaze focused on the floor. "I am...so...so sorry I don't...know what...happened...I...uh...you were...um...on top of me and I uh...one thing led to another and..." He took it upon himself to shut up because he was sure she didn't want to hear it. It occurred to him that this was his third time screwing up today, all within one stupid little hour. And if God happened to be watching - which, knowing him, He probably was - Finn knew He would not let him go lightly. He didn't know all of the rules or whatever, but he was sure kissing the daughter of the royals was some kind of felony and probably didn't sit very well with her father either. Oh God. What had he done. "I'm screwed. To hell with me." He muttered to himself, not really intending for Sera to hear. He might have actually found that kind of funny if it weren't the given circumstances.

4:36pm Apr 9 2013
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Sera was wondering what to do after this. How would this play out? Kissing was such a taboo- especially with the daughter of the royal family. She was a bit afraid of what would occur after this. Would Finn still treat her the same way? Would he hate her? She'd messed up, hadn't she? She should've pushed him away. This was all flying around in her head after Finn pulled himself away- before he even spoke.
She had been pushed off of him, and was sitting on the ground on her own, without him near her.
"No, I'm sorry," she said after he apologized to her. "I shouldn't have put myself in that situation. I shouldn't have been so close to your face. It was my fault." Well, it sort of was, really. Even if it wasn't, she would've blamed herself. Instead of looking for others to blame, Sera had always been hard on herself instead. If something ever went wrong, she'd turn logic around and make sens of how it happened so that it looked like she did it.
Well, it was her clumsiness that got her into this mess.
"I'm too clumsy. I'm sorry, Finn." She pursed her lips together, then bit her bottom lip.
Well, kissing was one way to create an awkward situation.
Love is all we need~
6:13pm Apr 9 2013
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As Finn sat on the floor, staring at the tiles and keeping his gaze from Sera, he only felt guilt and shame wash over him. He didn't worry over the fact that he had just kissed a royal's daughter any longer - he was less self-conceited than that - but he couldn't help but feeling bad that he had ruined their relationship so quickly and in such an immature fashion. A hint of anger stung his heart as he thought about just how much of an idiot he was. She apologized quickly after he did, taking him by surprise. If anything, she should just be angry at him. They'd be screwed if anyone found out. It was quite ironic, because while she was blaming herself for the "incident", Finn was busy mentally kicking himself and regretting everything that he had done in the past hour or so. After she had apologized a second time, he figured he'd better say something. "Naw, it's alright. I mean, you should really be angry at me. You weren't the one who - you know." He left it at that and looked up at her for the first time since he'd kissed her. She looked uncomfortable, but rightfully so. Anyone would feel awkward if put in a situation like this. "But...you won't tell anyone...right?" he asked, near-desperation making his voice quiet with just a hint of worry. "It was stupid of me to do that in the first place, but I - er, we - really can't have anyone finding out about this."

6:56pm Apr 9 2013
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Ooc:// Sorry if this is sorta semi-late for me. I was at an awards ceremony. :D
Sera was waiting for him to yell at her for being a seductress or something, even though she wasn't one. She was waiting to have him finally yell at her, but he didn't. He said that it was alright. That she should be the one angry at him.
But. But.
She was confused, but didn't ask questions. She had a feeling that it would only make her more uncomfortable, or make her even more confused. She just sat on the floor and waited a few seconds.
"I promise I won't tell anyone. Angel's honor." She put a hand over her heart and nodded, face finally fading back to its normal coloration. Everything was dead silent for a moment, until the loud grumbling of her stomach broke that silence. She looked down at her abdomen again, and, just like that, the awkward air around them was seemingly gone.
She let out a few laughs, and then looked at Finn. "I'm still hungry. Maybe we can limp over to the kitchen?" She began to stand, but she winced as she did so. Her knee was purple and throbbing by then. She'd knocked it really hard on those tile floors.
Though, she didn't want to complain because Finnegan had hit his head extremely hard on those stone-cold, unforgiving tiles. She bit down the pain and didn't ask to be healed. She'd work through this pain. After all, she'd have to learn how to deal with being able to get hurt, and her black wings. And the fact that Finnegan had kissed her, and that she'd liked it.
She pushed that last thought down, and out of her mind. She was not about to think about that. That would just make things all weird again.
She successfully made it to her feet, and stood still, not wanting to move to the wall- it would give away a signal that she was weak. And, while she was pretty weak, she didn't want anyone to know just how weak she was.
Love is all we need~
7:32pm Apr 9 2013 (last edited on 7:33pm Apr 9 2013)
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{Posted it too early. //roll}
7:46pm Apr 9 2013
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After she had swore not to tell anyone, an awkward silence hung over them for a long moment. So, this is how it's gonna be, huh? We just...won't talk to each other...? He forced back a small sigh and nearly suggested that they looked for food or something, just to break the awkwardness, before a loud, low rumble stopped him from speaking. Finn couldn't help but laugh upon hearing her laugh. It was like, contagious or something. When she suggested that they go look for the kitchen, Finn nodded and very slowly rose to his feet, immediately regretting his decision. He knew that moving would trigger the pain in his back and head, but it was easy to forget that you were hurt when no pain was apparent. His back would be fine, the pain wasn't nearly as immense there. But not only did his head ache upon moving, a sharp, unmissable pain was very obvious. Very slowly his hand moved to the back of his head, immediately pulling back in shock. Why was his hair so...sticky? He moved his hand back into eyesight and stared at his hand is disbelief. Was that...blood? It had been hundreds of year since he had seen the thick red substance. There was no pain or suffering in Heaven, let alone blood. He looked up from his hand to look at Sera, then moved his gaze back to his bloodied hand. It hurt, sure, but enough to draw that much blood? He noticed that she was struggling a bit as well, trying not to show that she was having trouble. His first instinct was to help her, but he was going to have to help himself first. It seemed unnatural for so much blood to come from just a small fall. He felt the back of his head again, looking for any cut or injury of any sort. He didn't find anything, only succeeding in getting even more blood on his hand. He wasn't exactly sure where to wipe the blood off: it would be rude to wipe it off on the furniture, but he didn't want to get his clothes all bloody. He caught up to Sera, keeping his hand behind his back. She didn't want her to see it and assume that he didn't help: he was sure he'd be fine and and he didn't wish to drain her of the energy it would take to heal him. He could keep his injury discreet - it wasn't like she had to know. He was the one who was supposed to be helping her.

8:27pm Apr 9 2013
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Seraphiel was moving easily, now, ignoring the pain in her knee. It wasn't that bad now that she was thinking more of the rumbling in her stomach. Still, it hurt pretty bad. Even if she had a tan, she had a feeling that it would've been obviously purple around her knee. Her steps were smoothing out, now, and she was doing pretty well with walking.
When she looked over at Finn, she noticed the odd look on his face. And the fact that he was keeping his hand behind his back. She once again turned to herself for the blame or cause of this mysterious hand-hiding. She thought, perhaps, that she had harmed his hand some time during the fall. After all, she had been on top of him. She decided not to pry at it, though. It may bring up thoughts of the past. And by the past, she meant her falling on him, and then the kiss, and the awkwardness. She wasn't going to let that come back up.
She walked into a random doorway, which had no door, into an area with an open-layout. It led out into another living room, but this one had a television, and more furniture, and it was spacious and... huge. The living room area and kitchen were separated by a long breakfast bar. Along the wall in the kitchen area were recent appliances ideal for cooking, if one of the angels dared to try.
Seraphiel was taken aback by the high ceilings. And all of the room. She blinked a few times, then looked over at Finn.
"Is this where they keep the food?"
Love is all we need~
12:11am Apr 10 2013
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Sera seemed to be skeptical of Finn holding his hand behind his back like that, but what could he do? If he showed it to her, she would either freak out over the amount of the substance or try to heal him, both of which wouldn't help the current situation. To be honest, he just wanted to forget about the incident and get over it. He hoped Sera felt the same. On their "journey" to find the kitchen, Finn found himself stumbling and had to lean against the wall once or twice to keep himself from falling. When she looked back at him he made sure he wasn't using the wall for support - he didn't want her getting even more suspicious that she already was with the whole hand thing. Soon enough, they had come across a door-less entryway, beyond it a second living room and kitchen. "Fancy." He murmured, taking a step into the kitchen and scanning the surroundings. Much nicer from what he had remembered from his time on Earth, a few of the kitchen appliances and the large black box in the corner so advanced that he didn't even know what they were, let alone to use them. Sera suddenly spoke, interrupting him from his evaluation. "Yup," he said, turning towards her, "I'd highly assume so, anyway. Now. I'm going to warn you right now that never once in my life have I ever successfully cooked anything without setting something on fire. But I'll see what I can do." He explained, grinning as though reminiscing something and winking at her. All the while, he made sure to keep the hand smeared with blood out of Sera's vision.
{Late post - homework and crap. :P}

4:08pm Apr 10 2013
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Ooc:// I see. No problemo.
Sera was almost ecstatic as Finn told her that she was right. She grinned, bouncing slightly, though she winced when her knee was jarred. She would get over the pain eventually, she guessed. It didn't hurt as bad now. She looked over at her protector when he mentioned he'd never successfully cooked anything.
She understood what cooking meant. She'd also heard her father speaking of cooking once. And she'd also heard other angels reminiscing about cooking on earth. He also mentioned fire. And Seraphiel, just thinking of fire, thought back to the time she'd seen her mother's killer disappear in blue flames. Demons usually disappeared in black or red flames, but those flames were blue.
She furrowed her brows, and bit her lip. She didn't realize that she was terrified of flames. Any flame, really. Luckily, the stove wasn't an open-flame stove. It was one that had a flat top that would heat up with the turn of a dial.
"I should sit down, I think. I've never tried cooking. I doubt I'd be better than you are." She gave him a sheepish, goofy grin.
Love is all we need~
6:06pm Apr 10 2013 (last edited on 9:26pm Apr 10 2013)
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Finn couldn't help but smile when she became excited over being right. It was almost amusing to see how easily excited she could get over such a simple thing, though shortly after she had winced as though in pain. He considered asking what had caused the sudden cringe, but thought against it. She was over it quickly enough, so he figured it was no big deal. After her slight wince, her ex pression quickly clouded over with what appeared to be fear after he mentioned fire. Oh, of course. Fire probably reminded her of demons, the very creature that killed her mother only hours ago. He decided to keep track of everything he had done or said that he shouldn't have. The score was currently five. Sera sat down, joking about him being a better cook than her. He laughed at this, particularly because it probably wasn't true. "Whatever you say." He turned away from her, investigating the kitchen and what there was to eat that wouldn't involve him having to cook. Even though the back of his head was still bleeding, his back held a dull throb and he wanted nothing more than to sit down, he figured he'd better find something for them to eat first.
{Edited it a bit.}

4:20pm Apr 11 2013
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Sera rubbed her nose absent-mindedly, then she thought of the flames again. The fear returned, until she thought she was about to burst out into tears, but she held it all in behind a straight face. Her mother really was gone. The chances of ever meeting the reincarnation of her mother were little to none. Even if she did meet her, she doubted she'd remember her mother by then.
She bit her lip and turned around to look at Finn. She could tell by the set of his shoulders that he was in pain, but she didn't want to bother him about it. If there was one thing that she'd learned about men, it was that they didn't like to seem weak. They always wanted to look strong. The same issue was with Sera. She didn't like to show pain. Or too much of it, at least.
She decided she would apologize to him again later. She couldn't get over how clumsy she was on this earth. Why God spoke so highly of the place had evaded her so far. Heaven was much better, in her opinion, though she did enjoy the feeling of being able to feel more. To be able to feel pain. Pain made you realize just how good it felt to be well, and unharmed. That was something that Sera had taken for granted up in heaven.
"Hey, Finn," she said to him, sitting down at the bar. She crossed her legs in a lady-like fashion. She decided that she would talk to him while he cooked. "Are you hurt anywhere?" She hadn't been able to ask him that earlier. She'd only asked him if he was alright. "You can tell me, you know." She knew that he probably wouldn't tell her, anyways, but it was worth telling him that he could tell her if she wanted to. "
Love is all we need~
1:14am Apr 12 2013 (last edited on 1:17am Apr 12 2013)
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Finn hadn't wandered much further into the kitchen when her voice interrupted him. He spun around to face her, repeating her question over in his mind. He bit his lip, contemplating whether or not to tell her about the injury he had on the back of his head. It wasn't that she didn't deserve to know. He just didn't want to her to freak out. He finally figured he'd better tell her as he didn't want to start out their relationship with a bunch of lies. She'd find out eventually, anyway. "Err...yeah. The back of my head is bleeding, but to tell you the truth I have no idea why." Unconsciously his hand went to the back of his head where he continued to feel for the source of blood. As he felt around for the injury, he noticed that the majority of the blood had been dried but a tiny trickle of fresh blood snaked down his neck. Simply because it would be a disgusting sight to anyone not accustom to blood, he kept his head turned away from Sera as he felt for the wound. After a second or two more he had discovered a small split in his skin. It was smaller than he had expected it to be for the amount of blood it withdrew, but it also left him relieved. If it was anything huge, he would have been screwed. It would have probably needed a small set of stitches had he been human, but an angel couldn't just walk into an emergency room. It didn't work that way. He'd be fine, he was sure of it, it just might take a while to heal. For a second he considered asking Sera is she could heal it because he could not himself, but he didn't want to bother her. "It's uh...no big deal though. Doesn't matter much," he assured her, though if he were being honest, that would be fairly far from the truth. It actually hurt quite a bit, to the point where he'd probably start whining if he didn't have a girl with him, but he wouldn't tell her that. She would probably be too concerned over him if she knew the full truth. On the bright side, at least his back didn't hurt nearly as much now. Figuring it was about time he actually made something to eat, he turned back towards the kitchen but still continued to listen for her response. Not really knowing what he was doing, he poked his way through cabinets and drawers until his search was deemed unsuccessful. He didn't really remember very many foods from Earth, though one word came to mind: spaghetti. He pushed past a few things in the nearest cabinet and finally managed to find a small cardboard box labeled "Spaghetti" and laid it down on the countertop. He flipped it onto the back and read the directions, none of which actually made any sense to him but seemed simple enough. {I keep forgetting that my iPad won't allow me to use my format...so ignore the weird text sizes please.}

3:09pm Apr 13 2013
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Ooc:// Sorry for not replying sooner. I've been really busy. I had a birthday celebration. XD
Sera could see him contemplating on what to tell her. He had a certain look in his eyes that was easy to decipher. She couldn't tell what he was contemplating on, though. That was the one issue. She wished she could read minds. That power would be much more convenient to have rather than having the ability to heal.
When he said that he was actually injured, she bit her lip. So she had hurt him. She instantly felt bad. Her eyes averted from his, and she looked at the floor as he explored the back of his head for the wound. She could see his slightly bloody hand every now and then. She felt awful every time she saw his blood. Though, she wasn't scared of the blood. She had a feeling, though, that she would be scared if it was coming from her.
When he said that it wasn't a big deal, she looked up. It was too a big deal. He was her protector, and he was hurt, now, thanks to her. She swallowed a lump in her throat. When Finn finished speaking, she began to speak.
"I'm so sorry that I hurt you," she said, putting her head in her hands, leaning on the breakfast bar. "Let me heal you, please. I know you've got to be hurt on your back, too. You hit the ground hard..."
Love is all we need~
10:01pm Apr 13 2013
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Love is all we need~