1:14am Apr 14 2013
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{Well psh, you didn't tell me that it was your birthday! I gotta go buy a present for you now. x3 Oh, and it's cool broham. I was slow too - I have a friend over.}
Finn shrugged when she apologized for hurting him. Sure, he did pull him down the stairs and that was the reason why he had hit his head, but he'd done far worse in the hour so he supposed they were even. When she suggested that she healed him, he looked up from the box of pasta he had been reading and waved his hand. "It's fine, really. Both injuries will heal in time, I'm sure. Don't waste any energy on me - I'm supposed to be keeping you safe, not the other way around." With this, he turned away to look for something to cook the spaghetti in. He managed to find a stockpot he deemed large enough, setting it on the burner. While trying to open the plastic on the package, picked at the plastic a moment, tried to pry to open with his teeth, finally just giving up. He tried to listen for Sera's reply, but the damned package was so frustrating and time-consuming he didn't know if she had said anything or not. He found a knife, sliced it open and slammed the opened package down on the counter. If he were watching the clock he'd realize that took him way longer than it should have. He ran his fingers through his hair and glared at the package. He finally looked back up at Sera, trying not to look too embarrassed.
{Sorry I needed a filler to make the post longer and having Finn fail at something was the best I could do. x3}

2:06pm Apr 14 2013
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Ooc:// I don't need a birthday present, silly, but you're welcome to buy me one. XD
Seraphiel wasn't surprised when he said that she didn't have to heal him, but she wanted to. She wanted to heal him so that he would be better faster, and not be impaired by pain. Plus, she felt really bad. It wasn't like she was heavy or anything, but landing on him wasn't the best thing to do only about an hour after she'd met him. She still didn't know Finn all that well, but she had a feeling that, before all of this was over with, she would know him like the back of her hand. Hopefully.
Watching him struggle with the packaging was interesting. It made weird crackling noises, and when Finn took out a knife, she was reminded of the dagger that the demon who'd hurt her mother was holding. She bit her lip, and pushed the thoughts away. So many things would bring back that awful memory, wouldn't they? She hated it.
Minutes ticked by, and Finn finally opened the package, and Seraphiel let out a laugh. He gave her a slightly embarrassed look, but she could tell that he was holding back the majority of his embarrassment.
"Are you sure that you don't want me to heal you? It won't hurt me too much." She tilted her head, lips pursed. If he said no, she'd just do it while he was sleeping. He had to sleep some time, right?
Love is all we need~
9:36pm Apr 14 2013
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{For lack of a better idea, I sent you an item on your wishlist. x3}
Finn found himself smiling as Sera laughed at his failure. As he thought back on it, he realized that it must have been hilarious to watch, even if it frustrated him to no end during the time. Once again she asked him if she wanted to be healed, and this time he replied with some impatience and agitation in his voice. "I already told you - I don't need your help." It came out a bit more rude then he had intended, because he knew she meant well, but there's a certain point where Finn has to draw the line. Figuring it was about time to stop letting his tendency to easily get distracted get the best of him, he wandered over to the sink and poked at a small handle. After the poke moved the level upward, a tiny trickle of water was released from the faucet. He pushed up a bit more and watched, a bit intrigued, as the water stream became steadier. When he pushed it up at high as it could go, the water poured out in a strong, steady stream. Trying to the pride of his accomplishment, he moved the stockpot beneath the water and waited until it was 3/4 full before moving it back to the burner. All he had to do was figure out how to get the burner on and then he'd be set to go. Above the burners were dials, little points marked with numbers going up to ten. He turned one to eight and watched with content as wisps of stream rose from the water and it began to bubble just slightly on the bottom. "You, Finn, are a genius." By saying that he sounded only sarcastic, but deep inside he was truly proud of himself. He moved back over to the breakfast bar and slid a stool to a place across from Sera on the other side of the bar. "Alright. Talk to me." By saying this he was basically inviting her to talk about anything on her mind. He just hoped she wouldn't bring up healing him again.
{Late post - Church and errands and stuff.}

10:48pm Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// I was baptized this evening, finally. :3
Seraphiel felt a bit hurt when he said that he didn't need her help. It made her feel unwanted, really. She was a bit too sensitive at times, but who could blame her for it? She had been a princess for her whole life, after all. Nobody had spoken in a negative way towards her in the castle.
She looked down at her hands, and, when Finn finally came over to her to speak with her, she didn't look up. She did feel a bit hurt, both physically and emotionally, and having harsh words thrown at her didn't help with the whole issue of her mother dying only hours before.
"So, um..." She paused, unable to think of what to say. Small talk was a bit foreign to her. She usually always spoke with a purpose. Speaking without one was quite different for her.
"So, I heard from my mom..." She paused, gulping. Thinking of her mother at all almost made her cry, but she swallowed her tears, keeping her emotions hidden. "I heard from her that there are animals on earth. God talked about them, too." She had never seen an animal before in person. God had once showed her an image of one, but that was all she knew. "What are animals like?"
Love is all we need~
12:06am Apr 15 2013 (last edited on 12:35am Apr 15 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{Oh really? :o Lucky. I was - so - close to being a baptized Mormon but I just couldn't do it. ;c Too much...responsibility for life, I guess.}
Finn immediately felt bad when he noticed how hurt she looked after he had told her he didn't want her help. He really hadn't intended to hurt her feelings, but if she wouldn't stop talking about, someone was going to have to get her to let it go. He had hoped small talk would help get her off the topic, but it actually seemed quite difficult for her to think of something to say. When she did speak and mentioned her mother, she seemed to look a bit depressed for a moment. He had had parents, and although he didn't really remember them, he had at least known and loved them at one point. It was hard to imagine who he would be today without a mother in his past. When she asked him what animals were like, he actually had to think for a moment. To be absolutely honest, he could really only remember a few vague animals besides the really basic ones - dogs, cats, birds. "Well...there's a lot, I guess. I can only really remember a few, but they all have different purposes and they all look different. They are...hard to explain. I can tell you, though, my favorite animal is an Australian animal called a kangaroo. Really tall, long legs and ears, brown fur. They have little pouches where they keep their babies in," he paused for a moment, realizing he hadn't really answered her question."But...I guess I don't really know to answer that. They're all just really different."

4:20pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// I didn't know that you were a Mormon. My branch of Christianity believes that you must be baptized in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, unless you're innocent and don't know the difference between right and wrong.
What do Mormons think?
Seraphiel was intrigued by how he spoke of animals. So they were all different... She'd never heard of such variety. They all had different purposes, too, it seemed. Well, she guessed that everyone that was an angel had a different purpose, so to say. Some were royalty. Some were archangels who were viewed very highly, while others were fallen angels, cast out of Heaven.
She was also fascinated by how he spoke of the kangaroo. So they kept their children in a pouch? Did they carry around a bag or something? She was a bit clueless as to how animals worked... Still, she had no doubt that she would love them. God had spoke highly of all animals up in Heaven.
"Maybe you can take me to go see animals later?" She cocked her head to the side, and looked up at him. Her hurt feelings were all gone by now, and she was left with just curiosity, and a bit of physical pain, and hunger.
Love is all we need~
4:56pm Apr 15 2013
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{It's not that I don't plan on getting baptized - I just don't want to do it until I'm absolutely positive it's the religion I believe in. I'm getting there, but I'm just not ready yet. I want to get baptized by my brother before he leaves for Utah in August, though. Mormons believe that there are three Degrees of Glory - Celestial being the highest, then Terestrial, finally Telestial being the lowest. If you are not baptized / follow God's words, you reside in the Spirit World until your day of judgement when the Lord decides which section you are to be placed in. Telestial is still supposedly blindingly beautiful, so it's not like you would go to Hell if you weren't baptized. There is like, an outer darkness where truly evil spirits go, but even they are resurrected so there's no true "Hell" in Mormonism. ^o^ ...jeez that ended up long. Sorry.}
Finn nodded in response to her question. "I don't know when, but yeah. We can find some animals later. Birds are easy to find, and they're pretty cool because they are one of the only animals with wings, like us." He hoped the subject of wings wouldn't remind her of her black wings and further upset her, because he'd done enough to irritate her today. He help up finger finger as if to say, "one moment" and hurried over to the bubbling pot. He knew this was normal, however - the water was just "boiling". It had been quite a long time since he had ever seen anything boil, but he could remember how it worked from the last time he was on Earth. He emptied the dry strands of pasta into the water, managed to set a little timer for nine minutes and returned to his seat across from Sera. He didn't actually know what to say, so he waited for her to speak first.

5:40pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Wanna timeskip to where they are finished eating and stuff? And then they have to go to bed because it's late? I want to get to the part where Seraphiel heals him against his will. XD Plus, I'm not good at small talk in rp's...
Love is all we need~
5:54pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{oh my gosh. Yes. Please. x3}
6:16pm Apr 15 2013
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Ooc:// I'm just going to skip to the point where Sera's completely finished eating.
Sera hadn't been able to consume much, seeing as how her stomach hadn't grown to fit much food. Her stomach wasn't bulging with food, either, but she wasn't hungry anymore. In fact, she was stuffed. Sure, the spaghetti hadn't been the best in the world, but it had been delicious to Sera, who had never tasted food before.
She pushed her bowl away from herself- luckily, it was a disposable plastic bowl. The angels who had set up the place for them had been smart enough to leave behind disposable eating wear until the new inhabitants of the home- Sera and Finn- learned how to work the dish washer.
"That," Seraphiel said, "was amazing." She was a bit tired, anyways, and didn't want to trouble Finn very much with her presence. After all, he didn't need her help. Well, she would show him, wouldn't she? She'd give him help whether he wanted it or not. Just wait until he fell asleep.
She brushed the mischievous thoughts away as she left the bowl on the table for Finn to deal with. After all, she had no idea as to what to do with the thing. Plus, she wanted to get out of his way so that he could go to sleep.
"I'm going to go to bed." If there was one thing that Sera knew about as far as homes went, it was how to take a shower, and how to go to bed. Though, she had a feeling that earthly items like showers, and even beds, would be much more different than the ones in Heaven.
And so she left the breakfast bar- where she and Finn had eaten- to go back up the stairwell and found a room that she'd previously spotted through an open door. It was a luxurious room, with maple wood decor and ivory fabric with lace. She sat on her bed, so tempted to sleep, but she wouldn't. She would occupy herself until she knew that Finn would be asleep, or at least dozing off.
Love is all we need~
8:05pm Apr 15 2013
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Finn had picked at the bit of food he had put on his plate but didn't eat much. Being the extremely messy eater he was, more of his food ended up on the table rather than in his stomach anyway, so it was hardly worth trying to eat anything in the first place. Besides that, he was hardly hungry anyway. After Sera had finished her food, she told him it was "amazing" (Finn, who had had actually tasted other foods, begged to differ) and then informed him that she was going to bed before disappearing up the staircase. As soon as she had left, Finn poked around the kitchen until he discovered a trash can hidden in a cabinet beneath the sink. He dumped their two plates in the trash and wandered out into the living room separated from the kitchen by the breakfast bar. He didn't feel like trying to find his own room, so he just collapsed on the couch. He didn't realize just how tired he was until he laid down. The days events had absolutely exhausted him - coming to Earth, falling down stairs...and before he could even figure why he was even so tired, he was fast asleep. Finn had an odd tendency to talk quietly in his sleep, the words he uttered were irrelevant to anything. A friend had once told him that he had been talking to himself about bears in the middle of the night, though he would never remember anything he said. It was common for him to fall asleep hard and fast then wake up on the floor in the morning.

8:23pm Apr 15 2013
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After about ten minutes of hearing no sound downstairs, other than a few words, she crept out of her room, her footsteps not exactly the most quiet, though she tried. She doubted they would wake someone up, though. The sun was down, and she couldn't find a light switch at first. So, she let her eyes adjust to the dark. Plus, using a light would make Finn wake up, probably.
The stairs were an obstacle all their own. This time, Finn wasn't there to help her, and she didn't feel like falling down them again, so she scooted down them on her rump, going down one step at a time by a series of sitting, sliding, and standing again. It didn't make too much noise.
She hadn't heard him come up the stairs, so she knew that he was still downstairs. She was about to go look for bedrooms when she accidentally wandered into the living room. She was about to turn around when she spotted Finn and froze. She hadn't even imagined him to be on the couch.
Though, she noted, when he was asleep, he was very attractive. Gold-brown hair with long eyelashes, and attractive features. Softly sleeping, brows relaxed. She just stood there for a moment before realizing just what she was supposed to do. She was supposed to heal him, down here.
She slowly made her way over to him, placing her hand on his back, and one on the back of his head. Her touch was extremely light to try and not wake him up. She didn't want to have him wake up in the middle of this. That would be troublesome for sure.
When she began to feel slight tinges of pain on her own body as Finn healed, she winced, but soon the pain faded and it didn't hurt at all. It was just a mutual warmth being shared, conducted through her hands and onto his back.
Ooc:// Lol.
Finn should totes wake up and think that Seraphiel's a demon. And pin her down or something.
Then the roles would be reversed. XD
Love is all we need~
9:24pm Apr 15 2013
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{I had a different idea - I don't really think Finn would try to pin anyone down. He has the reflexes of a cow. ;3}
Finn had been in the middle of a very quiet conversation with himself when he very faintly heard footsteps. Deep in his sleep, however, he didn't take the noises into account and blocked the noises out. When light fingertips gently caressed his head and back, a shudder attempted to twitch the fingers away. He softly mumbled something under his breath, instinctively reaching out to push away whatever was touching him. In a second, however, an almost comforting warmth began to spread through his body, and for a moment he relaxed. It did feel really good. It took him a minute to fully understand what was happening. He quickly recognized the feeling and knew that there was only one person who could possibly be doing this - Sera. This time his hand did slap her hands away - harder then he he had intended - and quickly sat up on the couch. He stood up, wings flared, green eyes blazing. "What are you doing?" Kind of a stupid question, because he knew exactly what she was doing, but in his anger he wasn't thinking exactly. His hands were balled into fists and in all honesty he wanted to hit her, but he contained himself. She had good intentions, sure, but he had already told her multiple times to save her energy for herself. He was just trying to look out for her, but she just wouldn't let it go.

9:35pm Apr 15 2013 (last edited on 9:35pm Apr 15 2013)
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Lol. Finn's just like:
Sera bit back giggles at his words. He was... talking to himself in his sleep. She was finished healing him by then, but she had forgotten to remove her hands. Though she wouldn't willingly admit it, she enjoyed touching Finn, or even being close to him. He was a nice person, though a bit rude at times, but she guessed that was her fault.
When she felt a hand slap hers away a bit hard, stinging the skin where it made contact, she yanked her hands back from Finn and towards herself, balling them together and placing them against her chest. She was startled. He'd given no real signs of waking, other than the slight shudder, but she didn't think that was even a sign.
When he stood up, standing taller than her, wings flared, she cowered down slightly, biting her bottom lip, frightened by his display. His fists were balled up, and ready to hit something. Seraphiel hoped he wouldn't hit her. She was praying he wouldn't hit her, even if she did kind of deserve it. She'd caused so much trouble for this boy. She'd just wanted to help!
He asked her a question and, while she didn't think it required an answer, she provided one anyway.
"I w-was healing y-you..." Her voice was quiet, and she slightly stuttered. She looked paler than usual, and her knee was hurting from the small amount of lost energy. It was a whole different shade of purple by now, but Sera hadn't noticed.
Love is all we need~
10:58pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Okay, I laughed harder at that then I probably should have. ;3}
Finn stood there a moment, green eyes glaring at her and hands slowly clenching and releasing. After a moment, there was a quiet fluttering noise and his wings had been pulled back. His hands finally became still and he slowly sat down, turning to face her. In the dark he could only vaguely see her outline - she was cowering down a bit and looked rather frightened. For once he actually couldn't feel bad for her. He had warned her multiple times, but if she didn't get it by now, she deserved to be scared, at least a little bit. He would admit, though, he did feel a lot better since she had healed him. It hardly made up for the fact that she blatantly ignored him, but he supposed at least it wasn't an entirely worthless cause. "Mm-hmm. Now, tell me - did I ask you to do that?" He couldn't help but making it very clear that he had stated that he didn't want her to help him. He figured that putting his anger into words was a little nicer than hitting her, anyway. But the gist of it was, he didn't need or want her help - it was his job to help her and it totally diminished his purpose of coming here if she did his job for him. In the back of his mind, he did appreciate her efforts, but the girl just didn't know when to stop. The further he thought about it, the more he realized acting out was a little extreme. She had meant well, he supposed.

4:38pm Apr 16 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// I giggled at it a bit.
Seraphiel was glad that he didn't hit her. She let out a breath she didn't know that she'd been holding, her posture relaxing ever-so-slightly as he sat down. She could breathe now. Finn was sitting down, at least. His wings were not visible anymore, and he didn't look like an avenging angel. She really did deserve to be yelled at, or hit, or something. In her mind she did, anyways.
But it was in her nature to help others- her maternal nature was almost overpowering at times, and it got in the way of things occasionally. Despite wanting to help so much all of the time, it didn't always end up with things going in her favor, like this instance, for example.
"No," she said quietly to his question. She looked down at her feet, ashamed for a moment of what she'd done, but then she looked at Finn, who was sitting. "You feel better, though, don't you? Don't lie." She didn't change her tone from speaking quietly. It was almost like she was making sure that she did a good job at healing him.
Or, she just wanted him to admit that she had made him feel better.
Love is all we need~
9:00pm Apr 16 2013
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Finn knew by her exhale and relaxation of her muscles that Sera was relieved that he had not lashed out sy her. He, however, was still quite worked up and still felt the urge to hit something. He wanted her to leave so he could go back to sleep, but she just stood there while Finn stared at the carpet. He felt a sting of anger when she asked him if he felt better. Sure, he did feel a whole lot better, but she was *censored* him quite a bit. Prodding at his nerves like she was doing would only anger him further. Though the majority of his anger had died down, the combination of his irritability and his tiredness threatened to push him back over the edge. "I guess so." He responded using the same quiet tone she had used, though his voice was edged with aggravation. He was tired and if she wouldn't drop it and go to bed, he would end up hitting her. Even though somewhere in the back of his mind he had no desire to physically hurt her, his sleep-craved, clouded thoughts currently controlled his mind and kept him from thinking clearly.

9:46pm Apr 16 2013
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Sera felt nervousness drifting back in during the quiet time that Finn gave her. It was silent in the room, only the sound of the air conditioner and a nearby ceiling fan. It was supposedly hot outside- mid-summer, apparently.
Sera looked down at her feet at his response. It wasn't the admittance of defeat that she'd wished to hear come from his mouth. It was tinged with aggravation, and he wasn't thankful at all. She was a bit more hurt by the realization that he wasn't glad that she had healed him- that she had used her energy on his wound. Sure, she'd done it against his will, but she'd helped him!
It wasn't like she'd snuck up on him in the middle of the night and bopped him on the head!
She crossed her arms, pursed her lips, and said, "Fine. I'm sorry for helping you. I'm sorry for healing you." Her stance was defensive now, not cowering. "Are you happy, now?"
"I've wasted my energy on you, woke up in the middle of the night to come and heal the wounds that I gave you in the first place. I thought that you would be at least a little appreciative of it, but you're not, are you?" It was a rhetorical question. "You were sent here to look after me, and I don't want to be a burden! My mother always told me not to be a burden on anyone, despite my royal ti tle!" At the mention of her own mother, tears tinged in her eyes. It wasn't Finn that was making her cry. The full realization that her mother was gone had hit her, and she was breaking down.
"Dammit, I'm going to bed!" It was the first curse word she'd said in her life. She stormed away from Finn, now, not out of anger, but to hide the tears that were flowing from her eyes, down her cheeks, spilling onto the floor. She found the staircase, and stubbed her toe on the first step.
She cursed again, turning away, not wanting to risk falling down them again. Finn wouldn't break her fall this time. She turned a corner and went into a hallway that had two doors. Randomly stepping into one, she found that it was in fact a bedroom. She had no intentions of sleeping now, but she did the first thing that came to mind.
She grabbed a pillow, sat on the bed, pressed the pillow to her face, and cried. The fabric and stuffing of the pillow muffled her cries a bit, but it wasn't enough to keep them from being inaudible. This house had high ceilings, so she knew that the sound would carry. Maybe Finn would think that it was an animal outside or something.
She doubted that he was that dumb as to think that. He would know what it was, most likely. Sera, in her emotion-filled speed-walk, had even forgotten to lock the door.
Love is all we need~
10:26pm Apr 16 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Finn just sat there as she rambled on and on, totally at loss for words and drowning in regret. She looked so upset, and although he'd seen her slightly depressed earlier, he didn't think it even compared to this. She yelled, cursed and then stomped upstairs. Sitting there, absolutely dumbfounded and feeling like an awful person, Finnegan tried to figure out what to do. There was no way he'd be able to go back to sleep now - he felt absolutely terrible. Even worse knowing that he had planned to hit her if she didn't go away. Burying his face in his hands, Finn sat alone in the dark for a few minute before sitting back up and turning to look at the stairs where Sera had just disappeared. Sighing softly to himself, he got off the couch and headed towards the staircase. He could have sworn that he heard quiet sobbing upstairs and felt his guilt intensify. She was crying. Because of him. Finn had never made a girl - or anyone for that matter - cry. "Sera?" He called softly, but either she couldn't hear him or was too upset to answer but he received no response. He carefully ascended up the staircase and paused at the top, listening for which room the sound of crying came from. Tracing the sounds to the room at right, he crept towards the door and knocked quietly. "Sera...? Sera, it's Finn," no, really? "We need to talk. Please." He knew that for once, this apology would not be difficult for him. While his apologies were usually pained and forced, she deserved one so badly and he had so much to say that it all should come easily. While he waited for her to give him the okay to come in, he stood there and tried to figure out exactly everything he did wrong. He'd probably start with apologizing for how much of an idiot he was. Then he'd tell her that he needed her just as much as she needed him. And that he did appreciate what she had done for him. That he was wrong (this would be the hardest to admit) and that he was sorry.
{I'm not going to make my text small anymore because it looks like less writing that way. c;}

11:01pm Apr 16 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Sera had been upstairs only or a few minutes when she heard the dreaded knocking at her door. Finn announced himself and then said that they needed to talk. Seraphiel didn't need anything, just like Finn didn't need her help earlier.
She wanted so badly to tell him to go away, for him to leave he alone. Couldn't he even give her time to weep properly? Sera had never experienced such an awful feeling of loss like the one she fel every time she thought of her mother.
"The door is unlocked." Sera momentarily pulled the pillow away from her face just long enough to say one sentence, virtually inviting him into the room, before pulling the pillow back to her face. She was unable to stop crying. She wasn even sure how she had managed to speak to Finn. It wasn't his fault that she was havin a minor emotional breakdown
She still sat on the bed, though she was sitting in a crumpled style now, with the pillow only covering her mouth, tear-filled eyes on the door, waitin for when Finn would come into the room..
Love is all we need~