12:12am Apr 17 2013 (last edited on 12:13am Apr 17 2013)
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When Sera told him the door was unlocked, he gave himself one final moment to prepare before turning the knob and pushing past the door. Upon seeing Sera on the bed, pillow to her mouth and eyes filled with wet tears, Finn felt himself crumble a little inside. So, she had been crying. And by the looks of it, pretty hard. He took it upon himself to lower himself onto the bed, turned to Sera with his legs crossed. He took a deep, quiet breath and looked up at Sera. "...hey," he began awkwardly, at loss for words for a moment. "I - I came here to say I'm sorry. For the third time today, actually. I'm really sorry for what happened downstairs. I do appreciate you helping me, really, I was just too stubborn to admit it. Lashing out at you, and getting angry...I just didn't want to admit that I was wrong. I do need you...I guess I just didn't see it like that. I need you to forgive me - again - because I hate seeing you like this. Seeing you so upset makes me upset." And then there was silence. Dead silence crept into the room, filling every corner and leaving Finn too drained to say anything more. What Sera may not have realized was how hard it was for him to both apologize and admit that he was wrong, and even being sincere about it as well. Anyone who knew Finn would know that that was about as apologetic as he could get. He truly, from the bottom of his heart, meant every word he said and was truly sorry. For a moment, he realized it might have have been entirely him that set her off. Something else had to be bothering her for her to get so depressed al of the sudden. It suddenly hit him - her mother. Of course, she had lost her mother just hours ago. That and not bring appreciated for something she did only to help must have been what was upsetting her so much, "And...Sera, you know that I'm here for you and if something else is bothering you...I need to know. Don't be afraid to tell me." He figured that he had better add that just in case she needed assurance or something. "But...if you want to be alone I can respect that and I can leave now if you want."

4:46pm Apr 17 2013
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As Finn came into the room, Seraphiel tried her best not to cry anymore, but she just couldn't stop the tears. They fell down from her face, onto the pillow, soaking the case. It wasn't possible for her to stop now. Her sobs were choked, barely coming from her throat so that she could hear Finn.
She heard his apology, and she accepted it, though she couldn't tell him that at that moment. She could only sit there, curled into a ball, muscles tensed, sobbing into a pillow, and trying to hide it from a guy that she'd just met, that she'd just hurt, and bothered, and pestered, and harassed.
The same one that was apologizing to her now.
She couldn't say a thing at all. When she heard him say that she could tell him anything, she didn't doubt it. He seemed like a good listener. But, she wasn't sure if she could share her problems with him just yet, in this sad, over-emotional state.
But when he said that he could leave if she wanted privacy, she found her own hand reaching out to grab his arm. Her sobbing stopped momentarily to speak clearly, but quietly, and in a shaky, desperate tone.
"Please, Finn," she pleaded. "Don't leave." She gave his arm a light squeeze. She didn't want him to leave. She didn't want to be alone. If it weren't for Finn, she would be utterly alone on this earth. She didn't know anyone that was on the planet. Just angels that were up in Heaven, and Finn.
She didn't want to be alone.
Love is all we need~
1:14am Apr 18 2013 (last edited on 1:17am Apr 18 2013)
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After he spoke, dead silence hung in the air. For the long moments of awkward quietness, Finn was glad it was dark and he couldn't see her cry. He knew that she was - the soft sobbing noises were enough of a hint - and had retreated into a small ball. He was so confused for a moment as she refused to say even a word of assurance. Does she forgive me? He thought, mentally panicking slightly. If she couldn't forgive him, then what? Would he...fail? Would she ever forgive him? While Finn sat there, totally assuming the worst, her voice broke the silence. "Please, Finn. Don't leave." If Finn weren't so stubborn, he might have admitted that he didn't want to leave either. Whether it was knowing that he would be alone for the rest of the night or leaving Sera in a state like this, he didn't know. He just knew that he wouldn't leave her until she needed him to. "I won't. I promise." His voice was soft and quiet, not wanting to upset her further by raising his voice even slightly. Shifting slightly but not breaking from her grip, Finn made himself more comfortable on the bed. "Can you tell me what is bothering you so much? I understand if you don't want to talk about it, though." He asked, his voice still quiet. It was fairly obvious why she was acting the way she was, but if there was something else, he needed to know. If he didn't know what was bothering her, how could he help her? He hoped that by talking about it wouldn't make it worse, but he found that it helped. For him, anyway. Besides, he knew how to deal with that kind of stuff. No matter how many years ago it was, he could still remember his brother's death and the day he finally left the mortal world and his family as a human being very well. Even now there would be days when he'd get depressed over it. If anyone knew how to deal with loss, it was Finn. Even though he had never been very good at giving advice, at least he could listen and be empathetic with her.

4:02pm Apr 18 2013
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Seraphiel swallowed as Finn didn't move. She'd messed up, hadn't she? She'd gotten too emotional in front of him. She was too much... She just needed to...
But, as he sat down, her thoughts subsided. She felt awful, her chest aching. She wasn't sure if it was the sobbing that made it hurt, or if it was something else. What she didn't know was that it was truly her heart aching for another opportunity to meet her mother. She wished so badly to just hear her mother's singing voice again- the voice so similar to her own. Seraphiel could sing, but not nearly as good as her own mother.
As Finn asked her what was bothering her, or if she could tell it to him- her thought process wasn't exactly going straight at the moment-, she let out a choked sob, her body lurching forward, removing her hand from Finn's arm to press the pillow to her face again. Her back shook as she cried for a moment more, sniffing afterwards to calm herself down.
"Finn..." She swallowed a lump in her throat. She felt awful, purely awful. "My...." Several tears ran down her face. "My Momma. She's gone. I won't see her again." She may meet her mother's soul again in a different body, but that person would not be her mother, and neither Seraphiel or the body inhabited by her mother would remember. She rubbed her eyes, but the tears kept coming.
"Why won't they stop?" She just really needed a hug. Or a box of tissues. Or both.
Love is all we need~
11:11pm Apr 18 2013
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After pulling her grip away and pressing her pillow against her face again, Sera responded with such sorrow in her voice that Finn felt his heart ache for her. He knew the pains - he'd experienced them many years ago, but even now he could think back and remember them. Remember how hard it was to stop crying and just how hard it was to realize that you weren't ever going to see them again. He hadn't the slightest idea of how to comfort her for a moment. While he was very sympathetic, he didn't know how to tell her that it would be alright and the tears will stop eventually, because he didn't know that. While he could assume the best and pray that everything would be alright, he couldn't control her emotions and ultimately it would be her choice to move on. Finally finding something to say, he kept his voice gentle and soft to keep her from growing even more upset. "I understand how you're feeling right now. Believe me. But just remember how much she loved you and what she was willing to do for you - and I promise you won't miss her as much." He reached out and gently touched her arm for assurance. While he rarely touched anyone affectionately, he figured she could use the extra support. He might have hugged her or something along the lines of that, but he didn't want to take the chances of creating yet another awkward situation again.
{Excuse the extremely late post, please.}

9:41pm Apr 19 2013 (last edited on 9:44pm Apr 19 2013)
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Seraphiel felt even worse when Finn hesitated for a moment to comfort her. It was obvious he didn't know what to do. She was probably making him beyond uncomfortable. She kept blaming herself for things happening around her.
Her tears seemed to slow with Finn's comforting words. It was a stereotypical speech of comfort: 'I know what you're going through. It'll be alright' that was the gist of it. But, somehow, hearing it from Finn made her feel better.
Before she knew what she was doing, she had moved her own arms to wrap around Finn in an embrace of sorts. Her blue eyes were no longer overflowing with tears- just a rogue drop of water here and there. It was an innocent, pure hug. She didn't know what possessed her to do it.
She didn't speak at all for a moment. She just breathed in and out, arms around Finn in a loose grip.
Love is all we need~
12:40am Apr 20 2013 (last edited on 12:40am Apr 20 2013)
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Finn's breath momentarily caught in his throat and he startled slightly when Sera leaned forward and embraced him lightly. Mindlessly, almost robotically, his arms moved to return her embrace and he sat there for a moment, arms wrapped lightly around her and his head rested gently on her shoulder. His hold gradually began to tighten and bit and two words slipped from his mouth in his almost overly-sympathetic state. "I'm sorry." Partially for the way he had acted earlier that night, but majorly because he didn't know what else to say but sorry for Sera's loss - and her mother and her unfortunate death.
{WB, sorry.}
1:14am Apr 20 2013 (last edited on 1:15am Apr 20 2013)
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Seraphiel's brain was screaming at her, virtually, What the hell are you doing?! She ignored it, blue eyes closed in comfort as she turned her hair to place her cheek on his shoulder.
She was beyond glad to feel his arms around her, too. As they tightened slightly, she also slightly tightened her grip. She clenched slightly at Finn's shirt, shaking for a few more seconds before just sitting there in Finn's arms.
"It's okay," she said in response to his apology. "I'm okay."
Love is all we need~
6:47pm Apr 20 2013
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Finn's right hand moved down her back slightly, moving her closer and pulling her onto his lap. While Finn wasn't exactly extremely physically strong, he found that Sera was light and moving her over a feet or two was actually considerably easy. He wasn't sure what compelled him to do it - he was still tired and his mind wasn't exactly clear, but he realized that it wasn't his lack of sleep that caused him to hold her almost like a baby. It was like a second nature of sorts, like when you would see someone crying and your first action is to ask what was wrong.
{Short because my friend is forcing me to go play Power Rangers with her.}
9:23pm Apr 20 2013
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Seraphiel wanted to cry again, but she found that she couldn't. No more tears would come out of her eyes. She was a bit shocked by this, but the shock switched when she felt Finn's large hand moving up and down her back. It felt nice.
Before she knew it, she was in his lap, being cradled like a scared child. She kept her arms around him as best she could, but she soon realized just how tired she was. With the events of the day sinking in, and the energy that it took to cry, she felt her eyelids becoming heavy.
"Finn..." Her voice was quiet and innocent. The warmth of his close body was like a lullaby, lulling her to sleep. He didn't get to finish her sentence before she was fast asleep, head resting on Finn's torso, eyes closed.
Love is all we need~
4:19am Apr 21 2013
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Finn had half-expected Sera to move away or struggle out of his hold, but instead she simply relaxed, quickly falling asleep in his arms with only a single word. Looking down at her small, silent body in his lap, Finn found himself smiling slightly. With her gray-blue eyes closed and ebony black hair falling into her pale face, she looked so innocent and fragile. But based around her outburst earlier in the night, he was beginning to realize that she wasn't quite as helpless as he had expected her to be. If he wasn't here to guard and protect her, he was actually convinced that she could fend for herself. Even though that the sky outside the window showed that it was very late into the night, he kept himself awake and somewhat alert. While the chances of an intruder or attacker were incredibly slim, he didn't want to take any risks by falling asleep until he was sure that there wasn't any danger lurking about. About a half hour into his watch, he began to grow so tired to the point where he'd half-fall asleep for a few minutes before realizing the task at hand. About an hour after Sera had fallen asleep, with no one to talk to and no obvious danger, Finn finally decided to go to sleep as well and closed his eyes. Before drifting away into sleep, he murmured quietly, "Goodnight, Sera..." and then plunged into darkness.

7:18am Apr 21 2013
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Ooc:// Timeskippppp~
Seraphiel had slept like a baby. Both literally and figuratively. She had stayed cradled in Finn's arms all night, not needing a blanket due to Finn's body heat. She had no dreams that she could remember, but that was good. She always found that she slept better if she didn't dream.
As fragments of sunlight filtered through the curtains, lighting the room ever-so-slightly, Ser's eyes fluttered open. She had forgotten where she was. When she found masculine arms draped around her, she felt her cheeks flush with color. She stretched slightly in Finn's arms.
"Finn," she said, roughing his face slightly. The last time she had seen him sleep, he was talking to himself, and was a bit hard to wake up. Maybe he would wake easier this time... "Finn..." Her voice was sleepy.
Ooc:// I'm thinking that they should go out into the town to get some stuff, and a demon attack should occur, or they should meet other angels or something.
Love is all we need~
2:39pm Apr 21 2013
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{Sure, I was kinda hoping that they could get out of the house. c:}
Finn had slept rather restlessly. The same dark, nightmarish dream haunted him throughout the night, and although the dream was never-ending and replayed itself over and over through his mind the entire night, he couldn't remember a single second of it. He had barely slept earlier in the night and finally "fell asleep" in the early morning, so when sun filtered in through the window and something touched his face, he muttered, "Go away..." very softly and gently batted at whatever was touching him. When a feminine voice said his name, his immediate instinct was to pull away and move away from the sound. Something weighted him down - something warm and heavy - and kept him from moving. What the...? He blinked open his eyes and looked down at whatever was holding him down, blinking again in confusion when he realized it was Sera. He was silent for a minute, thinking back on last nights events. They were a bit fuzzy, but he could vividly remember falling asleep with Sera on his lap. "Mornin'," he greeted, looking down at her and smiling slightly. "Sleep okay?" He stretched out his back and arms, yawning loudly and blinking his eyes to adjust to the light. He hadn't remembered how bright morning was on Earth.

3:04pm Apr 21 2013
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Seraphiel was silent as Finn seemed to wake up. As he told her to go away an batted at her hand, she grinned. In the mornings, she was easily amused. Also, she generally woke up in a good mood. Her hair was a bit messed up, and she noticed that Finn's hair was a bit roughed up, too.
He just looked too darn cute like that. She noticed that she had been staring after he had woken up and addressed her. Her cheeks gained a bit of color, but it wasn't overwhelming, seeing as how she looked a bit pale in the mornings. Of course, she was naturally pale, so it wasn't a big difference.
She stretched her legs out, yawning, and gave Finn a goofy smile.
"Morning," she said, running a hand through her hair. She looked down at her leg to see that the purple spot on her knee was darker and more pronounced. "Ow." It was all that she could muster up to say, it was faintly aching, but she knew it would hurt way more when she stood up.
Love is all we need~
12:21am Apr 22 2013 (last edited on 12:24am Apr 22 2013)
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Finn vaguely noticed that once he had woken up, she had been staring and a faint touch of color had stained her cheeks. For the life of him he couldn't figure out why she was looking at him like that but figured it didn't really matter. She was probably just embarrassed, and rightfully so - for God's sake she was literally sitting on his lap.
She flashed him a silly smile and he returned it. God, her smile was just so contagious.
Upon hearing Sera utter the word "ow", Finn began to search her for any injuries. When his gaze settled on her bruised knee, he looked up at her with one eyebrow raised. "What happened there?" he asked, "I told you that you shouldn't try to heal me." He huffed, arms crossed. In a way, seeing her injury made him just slightly angry. She hadn't told him about it and took it upon herself to make her injury worse by healing him last night, and because his job was to keep her from getting harmed, the fact that he could have prevented her from injuring herself further upset him just slightly. He expressed his slight irritation through a small frown but didn't look terribly angry. {Whenever I'm on my iPad things look weird because of the anti-coding thing. It's weird. Sorry. :P}

4:11pm Apr 22 2013
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Ooc:// It's fine, dearie.
Seraphiel was a bit ashamed to have revealed her injury to Finn. She was stubborn, and hated appearing weak to anyone. Even God himself. So, she pursed her lips together. Her eyes were downcast as he asked her what happened.
"I got it when I fell down the stairs yesterday. I can't heal myself, so I healed you instead. It doesn't hurt too bad," she said. Well, it didn't hurt bad at the moment, at least. In about five minutes, it would be killing her, she predicted, but she pushed those thoughts aside. Thinking about how much something would hurt wouldn't help at all.
"I'm sorry for not telling you, but I didn't think it was that bad yesterday."
Love is all we need~
9:51pm Apr 22 2013
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Finn expressed a small sigh. Carefully moving her from off his lap, he studied the purplish mark on her knee. It obviously wasn't anything too serious, though she could imagine how badly it would hurt when she stood. He touched his fingertips very lightly to the surface of her injury and looked up from where he was examining her wound.
"It's...alright. As long as you're okay," he paused to sigh quietly again. "Would you let me heal it? I'm not very good at healing, but I could try?" he suggested with a small shrug, his eyes moving back to the bruise.
He had planned to take her outside today, and he couldn't very well lead her around if she had a bruised knee. She would have too much trouble keeping up. That, and he didn't want to see the pain she would experience once she tried to stand.
He came to the conclusion that even if she refused his suggestion to heal her, he'd do it anyway. She had basically tricked him into being healed, so if she didn't want him to heal her, tough luck. He'd do it anyway, just like she had to him last night.
{Where are they, exactly? Like...which state / country?}

10:07pm Apr 22 2013
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Ooc:// I'm thinking perhaps they could be in Hawaii. After all, people say it's the closest thing to paradise/heaven. |D
Seraphiel held her breath as Finn moved her. He didn't hurt her knee when he sat her down on the bed. She really was light, wasn't she? Her bones were very light, but they were strong, she guessed, and Sera wasn't very muscular- muscles weighed a lot. Still, she was slim.
She pursed her lips at his offer for help. "I'll pass. I need you to stay strong in order to protect me. I'll be fine in a few hours, I think." Just like Finn, she was too prideful to accept help. She wasn't one to admit weakness. Last night, really and truly, crying in front of Finn had sort of killed her on the inside. She felt almost ashamed, but she knew she shouldn't be ashamed, so she pushed those thoughts away.
She scooted over to the edge of the bed, landing on her leg, nearly collapsing, forgetting how gravity worked for a moment, and also forgetting that her leg was throbbing like crazy. She winced, let out a small hiss, but swallowed the pain. Her stomach growled. This time, she knew what that meant.
"Jeez, I'm starving," she said, putting a hand to her stomach, keeping the other hand on the bed to steady herself.
Love is all we need~
9:32am Apr 23 2013
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{To be honest Iwasn't imagining Hawaii, but yeah, sounds perfect. :D}
Finn shrugged when she declined his offer. He had expected that, anyway. She was probably just too stubborn to admit that's he needed his help, even though the was the only reason he had come to Earth in the first place was to help her.
He decided that he'd wait until she was sitting down again before he attempted to heal her. There wasn't much use in trying to force her into anything.
When she got off the bed and hissed quietly, most likely from the pain of attempting to stand up, Finn realized that he might not even have to wait until she was sitting down. She might actually come to him and ask when she realized how painful it was to move.
And then came the low growl he had been anticipating. Sure, he knew that she would get hungry eventually, but so soon? God, he hated cooking. He never knew what to do / make and once he figured it out he always ended up burning it. At least the spaghetti didn't go up in flames last night.
"I guess that means I'm going to have to actually cook something again, right?" He sighed softly and stretched again, sliding off the bed and moving in front of her.
He was already dreading the stairs. It wasn't that he expected her to fall again, but there was always that possibility that she would trip again and bring him with her...
And we all know how that ended.

5:00pm Apr 23 2013
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Sera felt a bit bad when Finn seemed to be a bit agitated by her hunger. She couldn't help it if she was hungry! Still, she could see how it would be such a burden taking care of her. She cleared her throat, glancing at Finn.
Seraphiel didn't want to fall down the stairs again, as much as she had secretly enjoyed the kiss that Finn gave her. She doubted he liked her, though. She had hurt him, gone against his will, yelled at him, cried on him, made him cook or her. The list went on and on, to her.
"I can go down the stairs without falling this time, I think." She felt a bit used to gravity's pull on her now, so she was confident in her ability to walk straight now. Though, too much confidence never ended well with Seraphiel.
She brushed past him again, but didn't linger too long this time. As she exited the door, she spotted the stairs. She gulped and bit her lip.
Love is all we need~