10:33pm Apr 23 2013
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Finn followed her out of the doors, relieved when she moved out of his space quickly enough. He'd had enough awkwardness in the past day to last him a lifetime.
He stood at the top of the staircase, Sera just slightly behind him and his gaze fixed on the bottom of the staircase.
He cringed slightly when he noticed the tiny puddle of dried blood staining the tiled floor.
I'll have to clean that up later. He mentally noted to wipe up the blood sooner or later.
While he believed Sera when she said that she could get down the stairs all by herself, he didn't want to take the risk of her falling again. He took the first step, turned to face Sera and held out his hand.
"I know you could. But I don't want either of use to get hurt again, so I'm going to ask you to take my hand just in case, okay?" He hadn't intended to make it sound like he didn't trust her, but it sure came out that way. He really only wanted them to be safe and helping her a bit would achieve that.
10:46pm Apr 23 2013
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Seraphiel was about to take the step right after Finnegan when he spoke and held his hand out for her. Her blue eyes narrowed a bit at his speech. It sounded a bit like he didn't trust her. She brushed her slight irritation away and reluctantly, surrendering her pride, took Finn's hand.
She took the first step just a bit less gracefully as Finn had, and took the second step with improved balance and grace. She was getting the hang o this whole earth thing.
"There's got to be an instruction manual in this house somewhere," Sera said. "There's so many machines in the kitchen with lots of buttons. There has to be an instruction manual." She knew that the angels who had prepared this home weren't that stupid. Or, at least, she hoped they were smart enough to make an instruction manual for angels who had recently arrived.
Love is all we need~
1:53am Apr 24 2013
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Finn couldn't help but feel relieved when she swallowed her pride and took his hand. He could tell that she felt as if he didn't trust her by the eye narrow and how reluctantly she had taken his hand, but at least he knew she wouldn't fall now.
He felt a twinge of pride at how much more gracefully and easily she went down the stairs. She had only learned how to walk yesterday, and she showed obvious improvement in her step.
Sera broke the awkward silence by bringing up instruction manuals and their need for one. Immediately the natural male instinct to show off just a bit and refuse help from anyone and anything took over.
"Psh. We don't need instructions. We can figure stuff out by ourselves." It was more of his instincts talking then his actual thoughts - of course they couldn't figure out stuff without instructions! For Heaven's sake, not even Finn had been on Earth for years!
They had successfully made it to the last step now, at where Finn took his hand from hers. He was just glad it hadn't ended how it had last time.
Even though he actually wouldn't have minded if it ended the same way again.

4:31pm Apr 24 2013
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Seraphiel noticed that she'd been clenching his hand slightly- not enough to really hurt him, but hard enough for it to be noticeable. Though, she wasn't sure if Finn noticed it. She put her hand by her side when they reached the bottom step, gulping slightly.
"I think that we should look for instructions," she said, pursing her lips. She knew what he was doing- her mother had always spoken of it when referring to her father. Her chest felt tight as she thought of her mother. She brushed it off again. Seraphiel wasn't done mourning, and she wouldn't be done for a while.
Her blue eyes looked at Finn for a moment, just long enough for a small awkward pause, then she said, "Well, either way, we should go to the kitchen." She pursed her lips, turning away from Finn and walking slowly towards the kitchen. She found it easier to keep her balance on earth if her hips swished- though, she didn't know that might attract attention to her lower area...
Still, she found that, the more stiff you were when you moved, the more likely you were to fall.
Love is all we need~
7:14pm Apr 24 2013
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Finn nodded, beginning to head toward the kitchen before he noticed how she was moving. His gaze unintentionally drifted downwards and he bit his lip.
Once he noticed exactly what he was doing, he mentally slapped himself out of it and moved his green eyes up to the ceiling. Finn...don't look down...just keep walking... He obeyed his moral compass and, carefully keeping his gaze on the ceiling, walked towards the kitchen.
Of course, in his attempt to avoid looking at Sera, he managed to run into her before entering the kitchen. "Oops," he mumbled softly, quickly sidestepping past her and getting into the kitchen as fast as possible.
Finally safe from his very boyish thoughts upon entering the kitchen, he wandered over to one of the cubbards and rummaged through it. To be honest, he had no idea what to make - it was a wonder he had remembered what spaghetti was last night.
8:28pm Apr 24 2013
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Seraphiel was oblivious as to where Finn's eyes were going. However, when he ran into her while walking into the kitchen, it threw her slightly off balance. Luckily, she was in the doorway, so she caught herself easily on the wooden door frame. There was no door- only a large door frame leading to the large kitchen.
Her eyes skimmed the area as she slowly walked over to the breakfast bar, sitting again, but on the counter this time, crossing her legs. She had a quizzical look on as she watched Finn assume his place near the cupboard. Something brightly colored caught her eye, and it looked awesome. There was a picture of... food, she guessed, on the cover. It looked really sweet.
"Hey, Finn," she said, straightening her back slightly from its hunched position. "Lower shelf, left side." She read the label aloud from where she sat, having great eyesight.
Love is all we need~
9:45pm Apr 24 2013 (last edited on 9:48pm Apr 24 2013)
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Finn turned from the cupboard when Sera said the word "Poptarts".
"What the hell is a Poptart?" He asked, one eyebrow raised. He tried to use polite language, but the word was so foreign and caught him by surprise. A bright blue box catching his attention from the corner of his eye, he turned just slightly. Seeing the word "Poptarts" in bright white letters, he grinned a bit sheepishly.
"Ohh. That's a Poptart. Uh...yeah. I don't know what they are, but we can look."
Taking the box from the cupboard, he set it down on the counter. He passed it to Sera and pulled up a chair in front of her.
"You open it this time," He told her, recalling last evening when he made a fool of himself trying to open the package of spaghetti. He couldn't imagine her doing any better, but at least he didn't have to look like a total idiot yet again.
Upon seeing her sitting her on the table, Finn couldn't help but grinning in amusement.
"You don't sit on tables, mate," he informed her teasingly.
He didn't usually say "mate" - he found it to be a bit too stereotypical, to be honest - but when he was playing around he found the word to be fitting enough to say. He considered Sera a friend by now, anyway.

10:16pm Apr 24 2013
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Seraphiel still found that foul language caught her a bit off guard sometimes. Still, she found it amusing, and a nice change to the way most people talked in heaven. When Finn spotted the poptart box, he probably had the biggest epiphany he'd ever had, she guessed. She stifled slight laughter.
However, when he brought the box over to her, asking her to open it, she bit her lip. and when he teased her about sitting on tables, she rolled her eyes. "I like high places, okay," she informed him back, sticking out her tongue. She promptly went to work on the cardboard packaging of the poptarts.
Whatever a poptart was, she hoped that it was edible. She was starving. Her stomach rumbled again almost as if on cue.
The box was picked up by her small, delicate hands, and she turned the box around one good time, looking at all of its sides. After evaluating a weak spot, she went to work on it. It took her about two minutes to open it, but Seraphiel could sometimes be compared to a raccoon- if she couldn't open it, she would tear it apart. And she was attracted to shiny things.
After managing to rip open one side of the box, she was startled to see more packages inside. She placed the box between her legs, offering a silvery package to Finn, keeping one at her side for herself.
"There's more packages. We'll open these together," she said, winking slightly at him. Was she... flirting. No. She couldn't be.
Love is all we need~
12:55am Apr 25 2013
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Finn stuck out his tongue a few seconds after Sera had. Liking high places wasn't a very good reason to sit on tables, but if it made her happy, why not just let her? Besides, it couldn't do any harm to let her sit up there.
Almost as if in symphony, his stomach growled just a moment after hers. He hadn't realized that he was hungry as well until now, and once he became aware of it, he actually was having trouble waiting for her to get it open.
When she opened the first package to reveal two more silvery packages inside, he took the second package from her and began picking at it.
He mentally noted the small wink. It was hardly worth remembering, though it did seem like some form of flirting. He had no interest in dating or anything of the sort after the "incident" many years ago, but he returned her wink anyway.
"Why couldn't they just use one package?" He wondered aloud after poking at it for a few moments, now trying to open it with his teeth. God, these new contraptions were just so complicated these days!
When he had finally ripped his open, he stared at the contents. It was a flat and dry, crumbly brown rectangle covered with some kind of white frosting or something and looked unappealing over all.
Just becaus he could, he hopped up on the counter beside her and held out the "Poptart", examining it further. He waited for Sera to open hers before he tasted it. He wanted them both to try this odd food together.

8:26pm Apr 25 2013
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She looked at Finn curiously as he began to open his package. She tried to open hers, as well. She found no place to open this, so it was interesting to try and figure out it's weak spot. It was most definitely a challenge. Her blue eyes squinted in concentration, brows furrowed, as she tugged at the corners of the package.
After that didn't work, she moved on to using her teeth, too, like Finn had done. She opened it around the same time that he did, finding the flat pastry inside, and raising a brow. She had earlier noticed the smell of the spaghetti. To her, it had smelled pretty good. So, before removing the pastry from the packaging, she sniffed it.
She held the pastry like Finn did, and offered him a small smile before biting off a piece from the middle of the poptart.
Her eyes closed and she let out a small moan. To her, anything sweet was good, apparently. Though she didn't know it yet, she loved sweets.
"Oh. My. Gosh." She paused. "This is..." Another pause. "Great."
Love is all we need~
11:39pm Apr 25 2013
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Finn stuck out his tongue and touched it to the pastry. It was rather flavorless judging by a simple lick, so he decided to take a small nibble at it. It still didn't taste like a whole lot, so he took a larger bite.
It tasted very...odd, to say the least. He disliked the dry texture on his tongue and the strangely bland, yet incredibly sweet, taste of the "Poptart". To be honest, he didn't like it.
Setting the square-shaped food back on the table, he turned to Sera.
"You actually...liked that?" he asked, head tilted to the side just slightly.
11:49pm Apr 25 2013
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Sera took another bite of what she had named as her breakfast, closing her eyes again. The fact that Finn didn't like the pastry at all stunned her into silence. She swallowed what she had in her mouth before speaking.
"Yeah, I like it," she answered to Finn's question. She took another bite. Half of one poptarts was gone. She looked at his, which he didn't seem to want to eat. Her blue eyes then looked up at Finn, swallowing again. Her throat was getting dry.
"Do we have any more water" The previous day, she'd had water with her spaghetti. She particularly liked the taste of it - even though there really was no taste. If she recalled correctly, the water had been in the fridge in clear containers- bottles.
Love is all we need~
12:10am Apr 26 2013 (last edited on 12:11am Apr 26 2013)
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Finn nodded, sliding off the table and wandering towards the tall box known as a refrigerator. He pulled open the door, finding a few water bottles on the top shelf. He took one down for Sera.
Finding his seat atop the table, he passed her the water bottle and traced the shape of the Poptart with his finger while speaking.
"I was thinking that I could take you outside today. You could see some animals or something and I could figure out where we landed." He didn't express his thoughts, but he hoped they were somewhere near or in Australian. It had been so, so long, and he craved to see his homeland again since his death. Judging by the warmth of the house, he could be pretty sure that they weren't even remotely near it.
11:00pm Apr 26 2013
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Seraphiel finished her first poptart as Finn came towards her with the bottle of water. When she grabbed it, it still took her a while to figure out how to open it, but it wasn't as hard as it was the first time. She gulped down the entire bottle of water in about thirty seconds, letting out a satisfied breath and wiping her lips free of liquid.
The other half of the poptart lingered in her hand. She pursed her lips, setting it down on the counter. She wasn't one to eat very much, despite how great food tasted to her.
"I'd love to see what earth is like," she said, grinning widely at Finn, blue eyes expectant. "I hope we landed somewhere nice," she said, looking up at the roof, wondering what her father was doing. He was probably too overwhelmed with his duties to spy on her, so she felt strangely free, for once in her life. Back in heaven, she hadn't been allowed to leave her room without an escort.
Love is all we need~
5:33am Apr 27 2013 (last edited on 5:38am Apr 27 2013)
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While Sera had finished her Poptart, Finn had broken his into many pieces to occupy himself for a while. He was still quite hungry, but he didn't want to eat the Poptart (that would be a difficult task anyway, considering that the Poptart was in dozens of peices) and he didn't want to bother looking for anything else. He'd just go hungry and eat later or something.
"Me too," Finn replied with a slight sigh when Sera said that she hoped they had landed somewhere nice. "Anyway, so do you need to like...do anything before we go out? Like, take a shower or whatever?" he asked, turning to face her.
To be honest, he wasn't sure what girls did in the morning. Guys didn't do a lot to get ready, though they did have to find clean clothes, one thing Finn had no idea how to find. He wondered if the angels had left them anything to wear of if they had just expected them to wear whatever they came in.
{I'm sorry, it is literally 3:30 A.M and I have little to no brainpower left.}
2:37pm Apr 27 2013
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Ooc:// It's fine. ^.^
Sera pursed her lips. She guessed that a shower couldn't hurt, and neither would putting on a pair of clothes different than pajamas. She laughed slightly at the clothes she was wearing- they were white fuzzy pants, and a white tee shirt.
"Yeah, I'll go take a shower and do some stuff. You can get ready, too," she said, nodding to him. As far as she could remember, she didn't think that he'd taken a shower. Not that that was a big deal, anyways.
She jumped off of the countertop and pranced up the stairs.
((I'm gonna timeskip because I hate describing shower scenes and dressing scenes. >.>))
Seraphiel came back down the stairs shortly afterward, and sat on the couch in the living room, rubbing her eyes. Her hair was a bit damp, and hung around her shoulders and chest in the same fashion that it always did- loose waves. She had slipped into a pair of clothes that she'd never worn before. Usually, Seraphiel wore white in heaven, as all royal families did, but now she wore a pair of denim shorts and a medium green tee shirt with the black outline of leaves on it.
Love is all we need~
8:23pm Apr 27 2013
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Finn noticed that while Sera had remembered to put on pajamas, he was still in the same clothing he had worn in Heaven. It wasn't that he was necessarily unclean, but he sure as hell looked like a mess. The majority of his shirt buttons undone and his hair was just short of a haystack. Sera had disappeared up the stairs, and silently he hoped that she hadn't noticed just how unorganized he looked.
{Yeah, I'm skipping those scenes too too. It feels like I'm like...watching them undress...which is weird...}
Finn had taken a shower in the second bathroom and had managed to find the clothing the angels had left for them. He picked something simple, just a gray hoodie and denim jeans. The hoodie had helped conceal his wings, and minus the small, hardly noticeable lump, he looked like an average person.
He thumped down the stairs a few minutes after Sera where he found her on the couch. He sat down beside her and fluffed out his still-damp hair with his fingers.
8:39pm Apr 27 2013
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Ooc:// I forgot to say that Sera had put on a jacket. >.> Just pretend that I typed that she had on a black hoodie to conceal her wings.
When Sera saw Finn walk in the room, she grinned at his actions- fluffing up his hair. Seraphiel didn't do anything to her hair other than brush it. It was an easy feat, seeing as how her hair naturally resisted tangling.
"So, I guess we'll leave, then?" she asked Finn. She didn't know all that much about humans- she knew that God had created them in his image, apparently, and that they had no wings, but, other than that, she didn't know all that much. She had enough knowledge to cover her wings, at least.
She stood up and stretched, then moved to stand in front of Finn, offering him both hands so that she could help him stand up. She knew he didn't really need help, but it showed how eager she was to learn about the outside world- about Earth.
Love is all we need~
10:38pm Apr 27 2013
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Finn looked from her outstretched hands to her face, a small grin tugging at his lips.
"Why thank you, my fair lady," he said, taking her small hands in his and pulling himself up. He then lead Sera over to the door, where he fumbled with the doorknob for a second before managing to open the door.
The sun was fairly high in the sky, the air warm and the sky nearly entirely cloudless. It was really quite a nice day, and upon feeling the warm air against his skin, he found himself smiling slightly.
It had been ages since he had felt the actual sun.
10:52pm Apr 27 2013
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Sera was glad as Finn took her hands. She noted that his were larger than her own, seeing as how she had small hands, even for a girl. What could she say- she was delicate! She nodded at his thanks, then followed him over to the door. When it opened, Sera was stunned by the feeling of the sun on her own skin.
It felt so good. In heaven, there was no.... sun. She knew what it was, but it didn't exist in her celestial home. Heaven had a sort of constant light that was pure and white, and clean. It was a beautiful light, but nothing like the sun. Though, no memories were evoked by the sun, which she found odd. Most angels received memories of past lives when they saw, or felt sunlight.
Her pale skin seemed almost out of place in this sunny area. Only a few kids moved around outside in the neighborhood, she noted. They were all tanned by the sun. She had never seen most of these things before, but words came to her head as she observed them. An odd contraption with two wheels, powered by a pedaling kid- a bicycle. A black, hard, rough substance on the ground- blacktop pavement.
All of it seemed slightly familiar, but not nearly as much as it should have been.
"Wow," she said, shading her eyes from the sun's light. There was an overhang that would normally guard their eyes from the sun, but given that it was morning, the sun's position was just in the right place so that it shone on their entire figures.
Love is all we need~