6:49pm Apr 29 2013 (last edited on 6:49pm Apr 29 2013)
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{Just continuing from what we did over Rmail~}
Finn was glad when she didn't push the vampire question any further. He really didn't want to try and explain what they were, partially because he couldn't really remember himself, but he didn't want to scare her.
When Sera mentioned they looked like angels, he turned to examine them. They were very angelic, so pure and innocent looking. When Sera continued walking, he followed after her, his gaze finding the sky when he noticed how she was walking again. He wouldn't bring it up, but he hoped that she realized how distracting that could be to a male.
As they were walking, a sign came into view and Finn took his gaze from the sky to the sign. He hadn't read in such a long time, but he recognized the word "Hawaii". It was an island somewhere out in the ocean, which would explain the slightly salty breeze. While he had never been there, he could recall hearing about it being very paradise-like.
"Close. I think it's pronounced Ha-wi-ee," he told her. "It's like an island by the ocean."
"Vampires?" Seraphiel couldn't do anything but let her mouth hang open at the word. "What's a..." She dismissed the thought. Finn seemed like he wouldn't want to explain what they were. She could see it in his eyes just barely.
"They're so.... innocent. They look just like angels, but...." She trailed off for a moment. "They don't have wings." She continued walking, her hips swishing like they did in the house. She would have to learn to stop walking like that, or she would get oggled every five seconds on the street. Plus, she and Finn seemed out of the ordinary already to natives.
She spotted a sign that had large letters in bold, sc ript print stating, "Welcome to Palm Isles, A Hawaiian Community for All Ages". Her brows furrowed at the sixth word. She pointed to it.
"Finn, how do you pronounce that?" She was very smart, it was just that she'd never heard of Hawaii. She tried to pronounce it herself. "Ha-wai?"
Finn trailed after Sera, taking in the surroundings. Wherever they were, it was beautiful there. Along with the pretty scenery came the peaceful atmosphere, and Finn was beginning to realize that he wouldn't mind staying here at all. He was pretty sure that once Sera became comfortable here that he'd have to go back to Heaven, but at least he could enjoy his stay here while it lasted.
A small group of children was playing in the neighborhood, and upon watching them, tiny bits of memories from his childhood filtered in. It was odd to remember how he looked when he was a child, even if just vaguely. It had been so long since he had looked like that and it was almost a bit startling to remember.
"Those are human children, right?" Finn almost found this amusing. They were on Earth: there wasn't anything but humans here.
"Nope. Vampires." Finn knew that he would be the only one amused by his joke, considering the fact that Sera probably didn't even know what a vampire was. He hoped that she didn't ask what they were, because they were basically just demons and he hated stirring up the memory of her mother's death.
"Err...I mean, yes. Those are humans."
Seraphiel felt awful for continuing to think of Finn in such a way. He probably secretly hated her by now, anyways. She'd tortured him a good bit. Apparently, she'd even prompted him to kiss her. She swallowed, her throat feeling dry for a moment.
"Why don't we just wander around until we figure out where we are. I'm sure it won't be too hard," she said, turning back to Finn and giving him a smile. "I guess I'll lead," she continued, beginning to walk out into the culdesac that their house was situated in.
Several kids stopped and stared at the newcomers. More so at Sera, really. She looked out of place, with pale skin, and hair darker than the usual black. They continued with their playing once an older kid motioned for them to stop gaping at the two young adults.
"Finn..." Sera's voice was quiet. "Those are human children, right?" She had a strange feeling just by looking at them. It was her maternal instincts- not quite as strong as the feeling she'd felt when lying over Finn, thinking he was hurt at the bottom of the stairs. But, it was still a strong feeling nonetheless.
With the general happy feeling and the bright sun illuminating Sera's beautiful figure, Finn was tempted beyond relief to do / say something incredibly stupid. Even though he shamefully enjoyed what had happened at the bottom of the stairs the day before, he knew he couldn't let anything like that happen again.
He was glad when Sera turned away and turned his thoughts elsewhere, because two words that would create a very awkward atmosphere threatened to spill out. You're beautiful.
Shaking away all other thoughts, Finn responded with a small shrug. "To be honest, I don't know. I still have no idea where we are, so I don't think it really matters were we go. You could probably just point in a random direction and we could go that way." While talking, his eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for a sign or something that would reveal their location.

7:39pm Apr 29 2013
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So it was pronounced Ha-why-ee. She raised her brows in surprise. Why someone would even name a place that was a mystery to her. Still, she guessed her name was a bit different, too, but she thought it was relatively normal in terms of angel names. Seraphiel was the name of the first angel of song. Sera sported the name proudly.
She repeated how Finn pronounced it, then walked some more- there were convenience stores, but no real downtown area, yet. She was amazed by the beauty of things. As she walked for another few minutes, she saw swaying palm trees, beautiful people- humans-, and heard the crashing of waves on the sand.
She guessed that she knew the majority of things around her by pure instinct- you picked up more than you realized in heaven, she guessed. She had heard her mother and father talk about many things that she was just now remembering.
"Finn," she said, moving towards a colorful animal in a tree. It was a bright scarlet color with hints of blue and green. Seraphiel stopped about nine feet away from the scarlet, feathered animal. It was beautiful. She looked from the animal to Finn, then back to the animal.
"What is that thing?" It cawed at her, but it wasn't an aggressive caw.
Love is all we need~
10:08pm Apr 29 2013
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Finn was rather enjoying the peaceful walk through the neighborhood. Everything was just so calm here, and for a short while, he could actually forget that he had the vital job of guarding the royal daughter of Heaven. He could actually relax a bit for the first time in over a day.
He still kept himself alert for any suspicious activity or any demonic beings (he had been warned that there could be demons after Sera), but the only thing that set him on edge was the small handful of men that gawked at Sera. For whatever reason this made him just a bit jealous.
It was interesting to see how intrigued Sera seemed to be of everything as well. Since he had been to Earth before (twice actually), it was all interesting enough to him, but he'd seen it all before. She seemed to be fascinated by even the people, something Finn had seen many times in the past.
Finn paused and looked up to the tree where Sera seemed to be examining something. He looked at the feathered animal, brightly colored with vibrant shades of red, blue and green. Though he couldn't recall the exact name of the animal, he at least knew that it was a bird of some sort. ' "That would be a bird. A parrot of some sort, I think," he explained, his gaze still on the bird. This was one thing that did truly fascinate him. He hadn't seen a bird, let alone one so beautiful, for so long and it was very interesting to see one again.

10:25pm Apr 29 2013
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Seraphiel grinned at the bird, and it cawed at her again before flying off. It seemed to be very tolerant of people, but she didn't know that. She just knew that it was pretty, and she was a bit disappointed that it flew away, though understanding- she would get away from a situation, too, if someone just stared at her.
She was oblivious to the fact that several men actually were staring at her.
"Hm... So a bird's an animal." She knew that it was. It sort of just clicked in her head that a bird was an animal. She wasn't sure how it clicked, but it did. She looked at the tree branch for a moment more before continuing walking. Before long, they were nearing a downtown area, with more people staring at both Finn and Sera. It seemed to be a moderately-sized town, with a downtown district, a public school, a private school, and beautiful beaches.
"This place is a city- like the ones up in heaven, right?" She looked over to Finn. "It kinda stinks, though," she said, coughing slightly. The smell of cigarette smoke and gasoline fumes were in the air, and Seraphiel, who had only experience fresh, clean air up in Heaven, didn't have much tolerance for such things.
Love is all we need~
12:07am Apr 30 2013 (last edited on 12:08am Apr 30 2013)
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{It might have helped that Finn told her a bird was an animal...x3}
The bird had flown off all too soon, and the slight disappointment shining in both Finn and Sera's eyes was obvious. He watched it disappear into the distance and then turned and followed Sera into the downtown area.
The moment they stepped into the town, more stares were shot their way. It was just as Finn had suspected: they must look so odd together. Sera must look so foreign to the townspeople as well, with her dark features and pale complexion. Just about every single person there was well tanned by the nearly constant sun.
"Not quite a city," he responded eventually. "More like a town. And I wouldn't talk about Heaven like that - people might think you're a little....insane." He had learned this the hard way on his second time on earth and didn't want Sera to make the same mistakes he had.
"That's how a lot of places on earth are," he replied when she mentioned the smell. "You get used to it." He shrugged slightly and took a few steps, faltered after a few paces and waiting for Sera.

6:36pm Apr 30 2013
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Ooc:// I didn't read that he told her it was an animal. >.> Did you type it?
Seraphiel felt a bit uneasy, finally under all of the stares she was given. Before she knew it, she had reached back and grabbed Finn's arm. She wasn't used to being stared at by humans, and, to be honest, she felt like they were a bit scary. They didn't have that heavenly air about them that all angels did, and a few in particular seemed very shady.
She felt like she was being watched by a malevolent force, too. Someone, or something that wanted to hurt her. She felt chills on her skin.
"Finn," Sera whispered. She'd mentally noted his statement about not speaking of heaven in front of humans, but she didn't say anything about it. She wanted to say that she was scared, but that wouldn't really be true. Seraphiel was scared of one thing that she knew of. It was darkness. She let her voice trail off, hugging Finn's arm and staying close to him as they walked.
Interestingly enough, most of the humans looked away when Seraphiel got so close to Finn. They thought that they were a couple, or were flirting. Most people didn't enjoy watching others' love lives, so they didn't watch at all. Seraphiel was clueless as to the reasoning behind why the humans looked away, but she was glad that they stopped staring.
She didn't move away from Finn.
Love is all we need~
7:48pm Apr 30 2013
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{Oh, it hardly matters - back in the kitchen Finn gave birds as an example of an animal. ^^;}
Finn was somewhat startled when something grabbed his arm. He looked down and was relieved to see only Sera clinging to him, though he wasn't exactly sure why. Sure, there were strangers staring at her, and holding onto him seemed to draw their attention away, but something else had to be up.
He suddenly realized what seemed to be bothering her so much.
There was an odd, almost malicious feeling in the air, and he couldn't blame Sera for sticking close to him. He was feeling ever more protective of her, not just that they were out in such an unfamiliar place, but because he got the sense that there was someone who wanted to harm her. He didn't question her actions or even attempt to shake her grip, he just continued on their walk, keeping himself slightly ahead of Sera so if, in worst case scenario and someone did attack, he would be the first to be struck.
"You okay?" he asked after a moment when she still didn't move from his side.
{I really have to go and don't have time to make it any longer, sorry.}

8:07pm Apr 30 2013
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Seraphiel didn't think that Finn had even noticed until he had spoken to her. It was a single question, the applied to such a variety of things.
Are you okay?
She really wasn't sure. She'd never felt so nervous. And, with the feeling persisting, she actually was becoming a bit frightened. She hated feelings of being stared at, and, even worse, she hated feeling scared. Seraphiel was stubborn, and hated to admit to her weaknesses, as Finn had earlier seen. Plus, her knee was aching again.
"I need to get out of sight," she said impulsively, traveling further into the downtown area behind Finn. As they passed an area between two stores, she made a turn into the vacant alley. It had no dumpster at the end of it, so at least it didn't smell.
She was virtually dragging Finn, she had realized.
"Someone was watching me- I could feel it," Seraphiel said, biting her lip and looking up at her protector. "And it didn't feel like human eyes were on me."
She turned to look at the entrance of the alleyway, only to find one girl and two men blocking the entrance. They were dressed in solid black, and held that same frightening aura that Seraphiel had felt around her. She let her eyes widen. These people looked sort of like humans, but Seraphiel had enough common sense to know that they weren't.
And they definitely weren't angels.
When they were about nine feet away from Seraphiel and Finn, they all smirked, the female stepping to the front. Her voice was like liquid velvet, dripping over Sera's ears like warm honey. It was frightening, too, like a trap waiting to spring.
"Miss Seraphiel, would you like to come with us? We can keep you more safe than this guy ever can," she said, gesturing to Finn with a look of disgrace.
Sera couldn't do anything but hide behind Finn, peeking around him and shaking her head in a 'no' motion very firmly. Now, she really was scared. These people, despite their words, clearly didn't have kind intentions.
Ooc:// I'm a doofus, okay. >.> I'm sick, so my brain isn't functioning properly.
And you can powerplay the three demons if you'd like. I have no emotional attachment to them.
Love is all we need~
11:03pm Apr 30 2013 (last edited on 12:19am May 1 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{No, no you aren't. D: I shouldn't have said anything. Sorry. To be honest, I'm the real doofus for exiting out of the tab with my post on it the first time...^^;}
Finn could practically feel her anxiety and distress as they walked down the street with her on his arm. He was beginning to grow slightly anxious as well, painfully aware of someone with dark intentions for the both of them was watching, just waiting for the moment to strike.
When Sera began to half-dragged him down the road, telling him that she needed to get out of sight, he assumed that she needed to tell him something rather important, judging by the urgency in her step. When she pulled him into an alleyway and told him that she felt like someone was watching her, he bit his lip and tried to think of a way to reply. He had felt the unsettling presence as well, but he assumed that they were just the stares of the shadier townspeople.
"I...I felt it too, but are you sure that -" He was stopped mid-sentence when he felt the presence again. But much closer this time.
He turned away from Sera to see three black-clad figures blocking their only exit. They were far too dark too be humans, and they certainly weren't angels. He could only come up with one logical conclusion: demons. Finn knew that the satanic creatures would find the pair eventually, but it seemed like it was too soon. They had gotten here only yesterday. Couldn't they just get a break?
Though the girl, presumably the leader, spoke with a silkily peaceful tone, Finn saw through all of it. She was obviously just trying to lure Sera into some sort of trap, but Finn didn't see any logic in their plan. Did they honestly expect Sera to believe that they were "nice people" and that they could protect her better than him? So maybe he wasn't the best protector. Maybe he had hit her, yelled at her, and kissed her all within one day, but he was certainly a better guardian than a bunch of demons.
Finn moved to stand directly in front of Sera, completely shielding her from the demons' views. He stood there silently, attempting to think of some kind of threat that might scare them away or at least intimidate them. The only things he could come up with were just empty threats, however.
In a jolt of realization, he realized that he was going to die a second time here. All three of the demons were probably armed, so not only did they have the two angels outnumbered, they were the only ones with weapons. Not only did Finn lack weaponry, he didn't have a single power that could protect them. If he had to die, at least he could die doing his job well and protecting Sera. He could die happy if he knew that he'd spared her.
"You won't touch her. Not while I'm alive." Still an empty threat, but he had to say something. Something that would convince them that he was stronger than he actually was. That he was more impressive than the pathetic little angel boy he knew he was.
{This was painful to write a second time. ;~; //sob And it was longer last time too...}

9:06pm May 2 2013
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4:26pm May 4 2013
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6:59pm May 4 2013
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Ooc:// Didn't you know? I've abandoned you. :3
Okay, I've had a lack of inspiration, but, lucky me~ I'm inspired now, so I'll write this long-butt thing. :3
Seraphiel was shaking behind Finn. She'd never realized just how scary earth could be. She knew that these people weren't angels, for sure, and if they weren't humans, that left only one choice.
They were demons.
That was what terrified Seraphiel so much. It was people like this who had slaughtered her mother in cold blood, left Seraphiel and her father alone, with only each other, and now her father was truly alone, for Seraphiel was on earth. She hated them. She hated them so damned much.
(( The reason her markings haven't shown up yet is because I'm saving them for a special scene I have in mind. >D ))
She clutched Finn's shirt, hands tremorous like an earthquake. Her blue eyes were squeezed shut, but, as she heard the demon speak up, she opened her eyes again.
The female demon's voice was still the same tone. A silky, smooth, persuasive lie. "Well then, we'll just have to fix that then, won't we? We prefer to get a kick out of fighting with our enemies, so we'll wait until you're prepared- when you're ready to fight. Until then, we'll have our eyes on your beautiful little angel", she paused, continuing in a quiet voice that wasn't audible to the two angels, "even if that's only half of what she is." She was referring to Sera, who peeked out from around Finn's body.
The female demon gave Seraphiel a falsely kind wave, and an equally false smile. The two males offered a wink that would send most females into spasms of uncomfortableness or embarrassment; however, it only made Seraphiel scared. She knew these men didn't have good intentions for her- they were just this female's goonies.
The female simply disappeared into a ball of flames, which flickered out, revealing nothing but thin air. One of the males did the same. Before the last male disappeared, he licked his lips while staring at Seraphiel, then spoke in a deep voice.
"See you later, sweetheart," he said directly to her, paying Finn no real mind- it was almost as if to them, he currently wasn't even a threat.
He then disappeared in green flames.
They had been so deep in the alley that no humans had apparently seen the scene.
Seraphiel's grip loosened on Finn's shirt, but she just stood behind him, still stunned, and scared, and silent. She hadn't said a single thing. Not one word. She was still shaking, though.
Love is all we need~
12:23pm May 5 2013 (last edited on 12:24pm May 5 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{Well that wasn't very nice. >:I Pfft, just kidding. I understand. :D}
Finn could feel Sera trembling behind him, and he began to realize that he was shaking just a bit as well. Though he tried to keep himself calm and strong for Sera, he knew deep in his heart that he was doomed. Dying was one of his most intense fears, right beside love.
When the female spoke, Finn didn't reply or allow any true emotion to cross his face, just stood rigid in his place in front of Sera and grit his teeth.
He tried to relax himself knowing that they wouldn't fight today, but it was hard, especially knowing that the three would be back and when that happened there would be no chance of survival for the pair of angels. Demons were a very powerful race and everyone knew it. Finn would need experienced celestial powers, something that would take decades to perfect, to even think of defeating any demon.
He knew that he would have to find some kind of weapon or learn how to do something other than healing before the demons came back. He had no idea how he'd do either of these things, but he'd have to if he wanted to protect Sera.
The female vanished along with one of the males, though the second men lingered for a moment while looking at Sera like she was some kind of meal. Finn's jealousy finally boiled over and he made a rather immature and very rude gesture with his middle finger just as the second male vanished.
He finally turned to Sera and took her firmly by the shoulders. "Are you okay?" he demanded, but his tone wasn't fierce and was instead filled with concern and worry. It was hardly worth asking, because Sera looked absolutely terrified, but rightfully so. The creature who had just murdered her mother only yesterday was standing before her just seconds ago.

2:26pm May 5 2013
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Seraphiel flinched as Finn took her by the shoulders, frightened by the sudden action, and the firmness of his grip. Her blue eyes shut when he asked her if she was alright. No, she was not alright. She was definitely not okay. Not at all. She'd just seen someone like her mother's murderer.
"No," she said in a soft voice, wanting to cry, but not wanting to cry all the same. She kept her eyes closed, still shaking. "I...." She couldn't form a complete sentence. She was trembling all over, still.
She tilted her head upward to Look at Finn, opening her eyes finally. They were shining with what could be tears, but they weren't. They weren't going to roll down her cheeks. She wouldn't allow it. She'd already cried in front of him not too long ago. She did something that she didn't expect herself to do.
She slowly wrapped her shaky arms around Finn like she'd done the night before, remembering how just having him close had calmed her down. She didn't stop shaking, though. She didn't hold him too tightly. Her face was against his chest, though. She wasn't sure why hugging Finn made her so calm.
Maybe it reminded her of her dad, or maybe it reminded her of her mother.
Or perhaps it was something different entirely.
Love is all we need~
10:33pm May 5 2013 (last edited on 11:06pm May 5 2013)
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Finn could tell that Sera was surprised by his sudden roughness. It wasn't that he was trying to scare her - she really didn't need any excess fear lingering about, that's for sure - but he tended to be more aggressive when he was afraid. It was just an easy way to mask his true emotions.
When she looked up at him, he looked down to see the wetness clouding over her blue eyes. The poor thing looked even more upset than he thought she'd be. He couldn't think of a way to express his sympathy that he had for her, because he was literally feeling the exact same thing. Sure, he could say "I understand", but he didn't want her to know just how scared he was as well.
For whatever reason he was somewhat expecting her hug. She seemed to be the kind of person to be calmed by physical interaction. She still seemed to be really shaken up, so he instinctively moved his arms to return her embrace, only just a bit tighter, because she seemed incapable of tightening her own grip.
He wouldn't admit it to her, but her embrace was helping to calm him down as well. It was somewhat comforting to know that he wouldn't be totally alone when he was being slaughtered by demons - even if she was the reason he was here in the first place and the demons wouldn't be trying to kill her, at least he had some form of support.
"Do you want to go back?" Finn asked quietly, an odd constrast to his slight aggression earlier. His head resting came to rest lightly on her shoulder as he spoke. He had almost added the word "home" to the end of his sentence, but the place they were currently staying at would never truly be "home".

11:16pm May 8 2013 (last edited on 11:16pm May 8 2013)
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7:53pm May 9 2013
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Seraphiel nodded, face crinkled into an ex pression that didn't want to let the tears out. She forced them to stay behind her eyes. She buried her face into his chest, shaking a bit more before she realized he'd been talking. She was so easily scared by demons. They were such powerful beings, and she knew that she would probably die. She was so going to die.
But, worse than that, she was scared for Finn. She hadn't realized that she'd grown attached to him until the real fear of losing him set in.
"I want to go back to the house," she said. "Yes." Her voice was almost inaudible- a near whisper of sound. She stopped shaking, but didn't let go of Finn. Her blue eyes were closed again, squinted shut, mouth pressed into a thin line.
Ooc:// Sorry for the late responses. I've got a lack of inspiration lately, and it's ticking me off. >.>
Love is all we need~
11:00pm May 9 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Nah, it's alright - I would have been too busy to reply anyway. I just happened to get some time to sit down today.}
"Do you want me to carry you?" his voice was quiet to match hers, a tiny smile tugging at his lips. Sure he was still scared, both for himself and for Sera, but he figured a harmless little joke wouldn't hurt.
Even though he had totally meant that as a joke, if she really wanted him to carry her all the way through town and back to the house, hell, he probably would. He didn't think it was possible to grow so fond of someone within such a short period of time, but he was really beginning to take a liking to her.
{Short, sorry. I've been really depressed today and all my RP replies have sucked. .-.}
9:00pm May 10 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// I'm sorry. :( what's depressing you? If you don't mind me asking...
Seraphiel was surprised at his words. Sure, they sounded a bit joking, but she sensed kindness behind them. And, deciding that she really would hate walking home, she responded.
Her head bobbed up and down in a nod. "Mhm." She couldn't say too much at the time.
She held onto Finn tighter, swallowing a lump in her throat, and furrowing her brows. He was her security here. Her protection. And now he was in danger of dying.
Ooc:// There should be an instruction manual on the door for the house and the town. XD also, it should include locations for holy weapons.
Love is all we need~
11:28pm May 10 2013 (last edited on 11:29pm May 10 2013)
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{Nah, I don't mind at all. c: Well, I've been having a lot of anxiety lately and recently actually had a pretty intense panic attack at school and a smaller one earlier this morning. It's really random because I haven't actually ever had one before, and it's just kind of scary because I might be developing panic disorder. And my two really close friends, who I've both known since I was six, got in a pretty big fight yesterday because of something I said. Like, one of my friends actually hit the other. I just felt so terrible. //endrant// so yeah. Sorry about that, I just really needed to get that out...}
BiC - Finn sighed slightly when she nodded. He really hoped that she would say something like, "No, I'm fine," so he'd have an excuse to not have to tire himself out, but he supposed he'd better just do it anyway, because he didn't really think that she was in a state to walk anyway.
He muttered something under his breath along the lines of, "here goes nothing," and managed to pick up Sera, holding her in his arms bridal-style. He was lucky that Sera was pretty light, because he really wasn't very strong. He just prayed that he didn't drop her.
The first step he took he staggered slightly, but he quickly got used to Sera's added weight and carried her out onto the street. The second he stepped out of the alley, practically everyone stopped what they were doing for a second to stare, but who could blame them? They were some of the only non-natives in town and they had walked out of an alley with one person carrying the other - that was admittedly a bit odd.
Finn was unfazed though and just kept walking without meeting eye contact. It felt like a long walk with the weight of another person in his arms and the stares burning against his back.
