1:04pm May 11 2013
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Ooc:// oh... I'm sorry...
Seraphiel felt a bit bad at his sigh. Luckily, she was lighter than most people. She had hollow bones to make it easier for her to fly. Speaking of flying, she desperately wanted to do just that. She felt his strong arms encase her as she was lifted from the ground.
Almost instantly, she buried her face in her neck, essentially, in her mind, hiding from the world. Hiding from the demons. From anything bad.
She felt eyes hot on her body. Human eyes. They held no ill will, but a bit of curiosity and confusion. Seraphiel snuggled closer to Finn, her breath reflecting off of his neck and back into her face. She closed her eyes, eyelashes just barely brushing the skin of Finn's neck, and kept her eyes closed for the rest of the time.
Love is all we need~
10:28pm May 11 2013 (last edited on 10:29pm May 11 2013)
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{It's okay, I thank you for your concern though. ♥ My friends figured it all out and I haven't had a panic attack since last night, so things are going pretty well. c:}
BiC - Finn was glad when he had finally carried Sera up to the house and could escape the eyes of the townspeople and rest for a second. He didn't realize how much that carrying Sera had tired him out until he actually reached the house and he was ready to collapse.
When he got to the door of their house, he stared at the door was a second, trying to figure out how to open it without totally dropping Sera. He managed to get it open after a few minutes and nudged it open with his shoulder, then walked inside and gently lowered Sera onto the couch. He sat on an armchair opposite of the couch he had laid her on and sighed in relief.
"You're welcome," he said quietly, sounding rather exasperated.
1:54pm May 12 2013
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Ooc:// I'm glad they figured it out. :3
Also, on the topic of panic attacks, I have them, too. When your back starts hurting, and you can't breathe and stuff. So, yeah. I've learned that only YOU can stop them. YOU have to calm yourself down. It took me a while to figure that out.
Seraphiel felt herself calming down over time, and, when she felt herself finally placed onto a couch, she let out a long sigh that she didn't know she'd been holding in. She didn't want to speak at first. She didn't even open her eyes. The experience with the demons truly had upset her. Those were the people who'd killed her mother. Sure, it may not have been the same people, but they were associated with each other somehow. Sera just knew it.
After several minutes of just sitting there, not shaking anymore, but still a bit frightened, Sera spoke. Her voice was almost inaudible. "Thank you." She swallowed a lump in her throat. "Thank you."
Her eyes finally opened and she looked over to Finn. "I'm so sorry." She was sorry for him getting involved in her problems, but it wasn't like Finn could've objected. God sort of told him to do it. And defying God had some serious consequences.
Love is all we need~
10:22pm May 12 2013
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{I've figured out that if I leave the room for a minute I can calm myself down pretty well. Thank you very much for the advice, though. :3}
BiC - Finn had relaxed into the thickly cushioned chair, eyelids drooping closed, grateful for the rest and warmth it provided. After not sleeping well and having to carrying Sera all the way home, he was tired out. He was practically asleep when a voice startled him out of his daze.
"I'm sorry."
Finn opened his eyes and raised one eyebrow in confusion. What is she talking about? His mind was sill partially asleep and wasn't processing properly. After mulling over her words for her second, he finally gave a tiny shrug and replied slowly.
"For what? You were easy to carry. You're pretty light,' he said, still unsure of what she was talking about.
7:30pm May 14 2013
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Ooc:// Welcome, dearie. :3
Seraphiel was unaware of Finn's sleeping gaze. It seemed like an eternity before he spoke, but when he did speak, relief washed over Seraphiel. Then, she put her palm to her forehead, pursing her lips at Finn's ignorance of her mental state. Now that he had a large chance of perishing in her name, she felt obligated to make him like her, or at least enjoy her company.
But, dealing with the loss of her mother- someone very close to her- caused her great pain, so she was also hesitant to get close to him. Though, considering the fact that they had kind of kissed each other at the bottom of the stairs after she kind of crushed him with her entire body, she was considerably close to him, if that counted.
"I'm sorry for you getting involved in this." Note that she didn't say that she was sorry for getting him involved, because she hadn't gotten him involved. She was sorry that he was involved in this in the first place. She herself didn't even want to be involved in all of this bull crap. All of it was so scary, and serious, and life-endangering. Especially for Finn. Especially for him.
"And I'm sorry for freaking out in the alleyway. I probably could've done something to stop them back there, but I didn't. I don't know what I could've done, but I could've done something." She was just so damned tired of feeling so weak- so helpless all of the time. "I just hope I don't end up getting you killed," she mumbled, convinced that Finn couldn't hear, despite his semi-close proximity.
Love is all we need~
1:14am May 15 2013
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Finn tilted his head to the side just an inch as Sera spoke. She's sorry? He thought, mentally shaking his head. I've been a terrible guardian to her. I've done nothing but hurt her, and now I'm going to get us both killed. Why is she sorry? He quickly pushed away his thoughts when he realized that she wasn't speaking any longer.
"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm such a terrible protector of you, and that I won't be able to do a damn thing when the demons come back. I'm sorry that you had to get stuck with me instead of someone who could actually protect you." He blinked a few times, fighting back tears.
Knowing that it was going to be his fault when Sera was taken by the demons truly destroyed him on the inside. He was going to fail - there was no positive outcome to this, no "fairy tale ending". They were both screwed and it was going to be all his fault.
"And...don't be sorry. This is my job and I'm going to do all in my power to do it right. To be honest, you couldn't have done anything back at the alley - neither of us could have. The demons are just too powerful. I'm going to try to figure out how I can defeat them if it means I can protect you, so don't you worry about it, okay?"
Finn barely caught her last remark and added softly, "Don't count on me dying, but if I do, don't worry about me. I've already done it once." Even though he was desperately afraid of death, once he realized that he was practically facing it, he knew that he'd have to lead Sera to believe that he wasn't scared, no matter how much he was.
{Haha. Writer's Block = cured. >D}

10:51pm May 15 2013
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The apology that Finn gave her in return made Seraphiel a bit surprised. She hadn't expected him to apologize. He honestly had nothing to apologize for, other than the little incident in the stairwell, and he'd already apologized for that. She wished that she could just stop thinking about it, but it was kinda hard to stop thinking about it when she still had a painful reminder of her own fall on her knee. The joint was a blue color, and throbbing again.
Though Seraphiel could've protested against his apology, and his protest against her own apology, she didn't. She knew that it would lead into one big protest between them that would last for way too long, and waste both of their time, when that time could be spent preparing for when the demons were to return. She hoped that time wouldn't be any time soon.
As he finished, she felt her heart warm up when he told her not to worry about anything, but she felt sick at her stomach when he said that he'd already died once. She knew that dying wasn't an enjoyable thing. She couldn't remember when she'd died, given the fact that she had never died, but it was understood that nobody really truly wanted to die. Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
"Okay," was all that she said to him. She didn't want this to end up being even more difficult than it already was.
"Hey, can you teach me how to cook?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe I can cook you something next time, and you won't have to worry about that part. You can teach me how to take care of myself on Earth."
Love is all we need~
11:09pm May 16 2013 (last edited on 11:09pm May 16 2013)
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...okay? Sera's reply caught Finn off guard and left him a bit surprised. So he had just said everything on his mind, totally poured his heart out, and all he got was...okay? In a way, he was glad that she left the conversation at that and didn't push it into a fight, but it also bothered him quite a bit that she hardly acknowledged his little speech.
When Sera brought up cooking, he gave a half-hearted shrug and stood up. He flexed his back and shoulder muscles, then stretched out his wings slightly beneath his hoodie. He was going to be sore in the next morning; he could tell.
"Sure," he replied bluntly. He didn't see why he couldn't be blunt if she was going to be.
He was a bit agitated, and it would be difficult to perk him up. Combined with his tiredness, he really wasn't his usual upbeat self.
{hnng or not.}
6:22pm May 17 2013 (last edited on 6:22pm May 17 2013)
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When Finn shrugged, stood up, and stretched his wings, Seraphiel followed his actions, standing up, too. Her blue eyes closed as she stretched her arms, then attempted to stretch out her wings. She found it hard to do under the hoodie, so she shed it, tossing it onto the couch, then flapped out her wings completely.
Now, her wings' blackness was the least of her worries or fears. She felt her feathers brush against her arms, then she stretched them backwards. She pulled a hair tie out of her pants pocket, pulling her hair up into a ponytail on top of her head, her hair out of her face, now.
Finn's blunt, sharp-edged reply seemed a bit agitated. Had she upset him? She just couldn't win, could she? She had done everything in the past five minutes that she could think of to not agitate or upset him.
"Okay, then," she said back, just as sharply as he'd said his reply.
Without further adieu, she left Finn, and pranced over to the kitchen, hips swishing as always. Though, this time, they seemed to be doing it a bit more than normal. She was trying to provoke him. Probably not her best idea, but she was angry, and it was all that she could think to do other than hit him.
Ooc:// Lol. Seductive Seraphiel Mode, ACTIVATE~
Love is all we need~
2:55pm May 18 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Grumpy Finn Mode, ACTIVATE! x3}
It wasn't like Finn was trying to be rude or agitated with Sera, but with the fateful demon encounter and Sera's response to his "speech", he really wasn't in the best mood. That, and he had hardly slept last night, and the lack of rest was only contributing to his anger.
When Sera replied with the same amount of bluntness in her voice, Finn realized that they were just going to be mad at each other for quite a while until one of them said something to attempt to lighten up the mood. Finn wasn't going to be the one to cheer them up, though, so he just didn't say anything.
Finn followed Sera to the kitchen with much less enthusiasm in his step, not quite noticing the abundance of swishing in her walk. He really wasn't very mad until he realized that Sera was moving more provocatively than usual. It was one thing to unknowingly provoke him, but it was another to it on purpose. Before she seemed to rather clueless of how the male's mind works, but she seemed to be figuring it out quickly enough and was using his own instincts against him.
He exhaled loudly through his nostrils, but didn't say anything to Sera. He decided to not to let it get to him, though. Instead, he just attempted to ignore her, but she was being so distracting. It was a wonder that he made it to the kitchen without running into her or a wall or something.
No matter how much he watched to thump her on the head or something of the sort, he just slid into a kitchen chair and waited for Sera to take a seat.
{Finn was officially been autocorrect to Fin, Fun, Finland, and Finnish.}

3:41pm May 18 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// This is totes Finn right now:
And that's quite funny. It tried to correct Seraphiel once to some weird, outlandish word spelled even weirder than her name. XD
Seraphiel felt a small smirk of satisfaction cross her lips when she realized that Finn's footsteps were unusually heavy. Was she agitating him? That was a rhetorical question in her own mind. If she was agitating him, that was just what she was aiming for. Though, sooner or later, things were bound to come to a head, and something either terribly good, or wonderfully bad would happen.
She sat down on top of the counter, one leg crossed over the other, not bothering with a chair, and half-heartedly tucked her wings against her back. Black feathers were still visible, but her wings didn't take up as much space this way. She crossed her arms, looking at Finn with an indifferent ex pression.
Now that she was sitting down, she would have to give the provocativeness a rest. She couldn't really seduce someone while sitting down, now could she?
"What are you going to teach me to cook? Or are you so bi-polar that I'm not going to learn how to cook anything at all?" Oops. Had she let that last part slip? Yes. Yes she had. The way that Finn had acted, though, was a bit bipolar. He'd been faking okay-ness earlier, telling her not to worry about him. Now, he was acting all grumpy and huffy.
Well, it was too late to go back on her own words now. She'd just have to see how all of this played out.
Love is all we need~
5:00pm May 18 2013 (last edited on 5:03pm May 18 2013)
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When Sera smirked at his obvious discomfort and distraction, Finn's suspicions were confirmed. She was just trying to agitate him! What she didn't know was that if she pushed it too far, he would get very agitated, and it wouldn't be pretty.
Finn looked up at Sera, who had not taken a chair, but had decided to sit on the table. It might have been a little easier to teach her how to cook if she was at eye-level, but whatever floats her boat.
What Sera said next took him by surprise. After a second's thought, he realized that perhaps his sudden emotion change could be considered bipolar. So maybe his personality had shifted quite a bit in the last five minutes or so, but she was the one who was trying to make him angry.
He sighed very softly, closed his eyes for a moment, and ran his fingers through his hair. He just needed a second to calm down before he responded.
"Well, I was going to," he said simply. He left it at that and let her take it as she would. In short, he was trying to say that he wasn't going to help her if she was only going to try to agitate him.

5:10pm May 18 2013
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Finn's lack of reaction got her off guard. She'd expected that to really agitate him, and to probably push him over the edge. Boy, was she wrong. He'd taken the time to respond calmly, but that agitated her even more. Now, they were both agitated, and at their breaking points. They were like fire and gasoline at the moment, one ready to set off an explosion.
So, she guessed that he wasn't going to teach her anymore. She didn't let the disappointment show on her face. She just let her small smirk grow wider into a more prominent, cocky, sassy grin. Now, it wasn't like she was trying to agitate her as much as she was angry. She had a tendency to unconsciously aggravate people even more than when she was purposefully trying to do it.
"Oh, well that's great. You'll just have to cook for me again later. And I know you enjoy that, don't you?" She was becoming more sarcastic the further her anger got to her. She knew that Finn didn't like cooking. He never complained about it, but, by the way he sighed when it was meal time, she knew he didn't like it.
She stayed where she was, not wanting to give up her ground.
Love is all we need~
5:35pm May 18 2013 (last edited on 5:37pm May 18 2013)
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Just as Finn's oddly calm reply had surprised Sera, her sarcastic, biting reply had surprised him. He felt his mouth pull into a tight frown, his bright emerald eyes narrow, and his hands clench into fists beneath the table. He knew that girls weren't always as sweet as they came off; but this? How could such an innocent, kind little angel girl respond like that, especially after he had tried his best to calm them down?
Well, the time for "calming down" had certainly passed now. Both of them looked really pissed off, and anyone who had not witnessed the entire argument would think it was ridiculous that such a heated argument began with the word "okay". In a way, Finn wished he hadn't gotten so angry with her in the first place so they wouldn't be arguing right then.
He responded in a moment, his voice just barely below a yell.
"Actually, no. You can enjoy figuring out how to do it yourself." With this, he stood up angrily, shoved his chair aside and disappeared up the staircase in under a minute, his face reddened with anger. He knew that he had to get out of there; if things got any uglier, he'd probably end up hitting her, and he didn't know how he could live with himself if he struck her. No matter how mad he was at her, she was just too innocent to hurt.
Finn locked himself in one of the rooms. He wasn't sure if it was Sera's or his own, but at the moment, he didn't really care. He leaned against the bed fr ame and stared up at the ceiling, taking long, deep breath and trying desperately to calm down.
{Probably my last post until tomorrow, unless the cabins have Internet. c:}

5:46pm May 18 2013
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Seraphiel was almost stunned as Finn up and left in a flurry of noises, his chair scraping against the tile floor noisily, and his footsteps trekking up the stairs loudly. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Wow. She really could piss someone off if she wanted to, couldn't she? She then realized that she was being quite the difficult angel. Why had things escalated to such a height, when they were supposed to be cooperating?
She was still angry though, and not really accepting that she was just as much in the wrong as Finn had been. She had been the main instigator of the fight. If she'd have just let everything be, nothing would've flared up this big. She, like Finn, exited the kitchen, and cleared her throat as she sat on the couch, examining an odd contraption that she found.
After a few minutes, she found out how the television remote worked, and she had it on Animal Planet of all things. Most of the animals confused her to no end, but she found them relentlessly fascinating. There were so many different types. The documentary she was watching focused on animals from a place called "Africa". Large, lumbering beasts with long snouts and big ears and flat feet ran together in herds. Though, the main animals that caught her attention were the cheetahs. So fast and agile were they that they almost appeared to fly when they ran at their incredible speeds.
She just sat there, mesmerized for a few minutes before she laid down on the couch, and, before she knew it, she'd drifted off into a slumber. Somehow, even when she was angry, she could still sleep. She often found it easier to forget about things when she slept, too. Though, in her sleep, her stomach rumbled slightly.
Love is all we need~
1:38pm May 19 2013 (last edited on 3:09pm May 19 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
{Yeah. Cabins. It's my friend's birthday and she invited me to stay in a cabin with her and two of her friends. It was fun, but no Internet, obviously.} Finn stared blankly up at the pure white ceiling, now laying flatly on the bed with his hands folded on his chest. As his anger slowly faded away, so did the crimson color painted across his face. His breathing slowed to a steady pace instead of the quickened breaths induced by his previous anger. Minutes passed and absolute silence passed through the house. He was kind of relieved that Sera didn't come for him, because all he wanted was silence and time to think. After a few minutes, the sound of the TV clicked on downstairs and it was apparent that she wasn't coming. The bed was warm and soft, and before Finn even knew it, he was falling asleep. Even though he was still decently angry, he could fall asleep in nearly every situation given and this was no exception. Finn awoke a while later, feeling starved half to death. The small nibble of Poptart he had eaten in the morning hadn't sustained him even at the slightest. Whether it was minutes or hours that he had been asleep, he wasn't sure. The sky outside the window was still bright, so he assumed it was only mid-afternoon, and he hadn't slept long. The TV was still on downstairs, so when he finally mustered up the courage to descend down the flight of stairs, he was surprised to find Sera fast asleep on the couch with some show called "Animal Planet" flashing across the screen. When Sera was asleep and not being a total pain, she was kind of adorable. He found himself smiling slightly while watching her quietly sleeping body, but his smile quickly faded away when he remembered their fight earlier. He stood silently at the stairwell for a second, trying to decide his options. He figured that he had two choices: he could be productive and get himself some food, or he could stand over Sera menacingly while she slept. He decided to go with the latter and carefully crept over to the sleeping angel. He knelt down on the floor beside she couch she was asleep on and straightened his back until he was tall enough to hover over her, then leaned over her until their faces were but a half foot apart. Waking up to a guy leaning over her would probably scare the crap out of her, but he didn't really care. She deserved it for provoking a fight between the two of them, anyway. {OKAY OKAY OKAY STORY TIME. Even though we were out in the woods, being the nerd I am, I brought my iPad. So there was no Internet, but I decided to type my post on the Notepad app. When I finish, my friend comes over and she wants to read it, so I let her. She looks up and goes, "Who's Finn?" And I say, "My character." "Like, Huckleberry Finn?" "No, like, my character Finn." "You know, maybe the nature out here will inspire you! Because, you know, Huckleberry Finn did live out in nature. 83" Anyway, just thought that was funny. x3}

3:32pm May 19 2013
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// LOL. That's quite funny. The majority of my friends don't know that I roleplay.
Seraphiel was sleeping quietly for a good while. She hadn't even moved. Though, her dreams weren't all that pleasant. She had the feeling of someone staring at her in her sub-conscious slumber. She moved just a bit so that she was laying on her back, her nose only an inch or two from Finn's.
Her dream faded away when she regained consciousness. It took her a minute to open her eyes, and when she did, they had that sleepy look to them. Her stomach growled. Her vision cleared relatively quickly, and she noticed she was face to face with... someone. Their faces were too close for her to process who it was.
All she could do was let out a muffled squeal, not being able to move anywhere without running into the person hovering over her. Her wings flopped beneath her, trying to spread out with the sudden startling she'd gone through. When she realized that this person had unmistakable green eyes, she pursed her lips, then pushed her head to the side, placing both hands on Finn's shoulders and trying to push him away.
"You're a real butt, you know that?" Her heart was still beating ninety-to-nothing, and her cheeks were now red with embarrassment.
Love is all we need~
8:39pm May 19 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{My friends wouldn't know either if I didn't reply to RPs literally everywhere I go. They're all just nosy I guess. x3}
Finn was almost ready to give up when Sera didn't wake up. She was obviously caught in a pretty deep sleep, and chances were, she wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon. He was just deciding that he should get up and make something to eat when Sera finally rolled over and opened her eyes.
Her reaction was priceless. Her wings were flapping furiously like a flightless bird and her feeble attempt to offend him by calling him a "butt" only made him laugh harder. He sat back on his heels, still snickering softly and grinning. He was obviously the only one amused, but he didn't regret it. Not at all.
"Mission accomplished," he managed to say through a laugh. He managed to settle down a bit as his laugh faded away but a small, amused smile still tugged at his lips.
10:20pm May 19 2013
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"That wasn't funny," Seraphiel said, pursing her lips and sitting up when Finn moved away, brows furrowed, cheeks still red. She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted slightly. Her wings stretched out as she tried to stifle a sleepy yawn, wanting to remain serious around Finn.
"Stop laughing," she commanded weakly, bottom lip sticking out in a slight pout.
"Why did you do that, anyways?" She moved her gaze to look directly at him, blue eyes not sleepy anymore. Instead of getting mad... she'd just gotten a bit pouty was all. In reality, she just wanted to laugh at Finn's laughter. His laughter was so contagious that the only thing that kept her from laughing had been the adrenaline received from the scare.
Love is all we need~
12:29am May 20 2013 (last edited on 12:29am May 20 2013)
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"It just wasn't funny because you couldn't see yourself." Finn was still grinning, but no necessarily becaus he was still amused. He liked to feel happy, and after the fight, both of the two in the house were far from happy. The smiling and laughing helped cheer him up, if at least a little bit.
Her feeble command only made another short burst of laughter slip out. Her little pout and demanding voice made her look like a small child after not getting its way, and her little command really didn't help cease his laughing at all.
"Why did you do that, anyway?" If he were to be absolutely honest, he really had no idea. So, he just gave a small shrug and replied simply.
"I was bored and you just looked so...peaceful. And you deserved it for saying mean things to me." He added the last part in a somewhat childish voice, folding his arms and imitating her pout.