6:13pm May 20 2013
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Seraphiel understood what Finn was saying, and she sort of agreed. She probably would have found the prank funny if she had been the one scaring Finn, instead of Finn scaring her. She only pouted more, pushing her chin away from Finn's direction, and looking away from him. When he laughed, she felt herself blush again.
Finn was not making this easy for her. Every time he laughed, she wanted to laugh, too. Better yet, she found his laughter strangely... attractive. He laughed, and meant it. He seemed so nice when he laughed.
She turned her gaze back to Finn only to find him imitating her pout, and saying that she had looked peaceful when she slept. So.... he had observed her, instead of just not paying attention? She felt her cheeks burn, a blush staining the flesh there.
"S-stop it," she said, dropping about half of her pout. "I don't look like that." She dropped her pout completely, and scooted closer to Finn.
Love is all we need~
7:30pm May 20 2013
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Finn noticed that Sera seemed to have trouble looking him in the eye and kept blushing. I'm not...embarrassing her, am I? He wondered. He didn't know what he could possibly be doing that would embarass her, though. She also seemed like she was trying to be all pouty with him, but he seemed to be breaking down her wall...slowly... "Stop doing what?" he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly and raising his eyebrows, still grinning slightly. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He knew that she wanted him to stop imitating her, because she was looking kind of flustered, but as odd as it sounds, he kind of liked messing with her a little bit. She was so cute when she was all pouty.
When she moved closer, he instinctively did as well. He knew that he couldn't let them kiss again, though; he was already going to be in too much trouble for the first time it happened.
8:06pm May 20 2013
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Seraphiel kept her arms crossed, but her pout had stopped. When he continued to mess with her by telling her that he didn't know what she was talking about, she pouted again, looking away from him again. Though, his closeness kind of alarmed her- in a good way, though. When she had moved closer to him, she had expected him to move away.
"You do too know what I'm talking about." She poked him in the chest with her index finger, still slightly pouting. She didn't know why he enjoyed messing with her so much. Well, at least it seemed like he enjoyed messing with her- embarrassing her slightly, and making her pout.
"You know very well what I'm talking about." Her blue eyes met his again, brows furrowed in obviously acted anger. She wasn't angry at him, and it was quite evident. The last time she'd been angry at him, she'd really aggravated him, and that didn't end too well. Well, other than her nap. That was the only good thing that came from that fight. She felt really refreshed, though famished.
Love is all we need~
12:15am May 21 2013
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Finn knew that he'd have to lay off soon, because Sera wasn't really pouting anymore; she looked a bit agitated or angry if anything. A lot of it was either obviously fake or acted anger, but he could see why she would get upset if he kept acting like a child and prodding her into embarrassment.
He figured that one or two more remarks wouldn't hurt, though.
"I forgot," he replied, fake, sarcastic innocence dripping from his voice. When she poked him in the chest, he poked her in the shoulder before continuing. "Remind me of what I'm doing wrong, please." He wasn't quite sure what he wanted out of this conversation, but it was amusing him, so he didn't really care that there was no true, apparent purpose.
After thinking about it for a second, he realized that this conversation did have a purprose. It was revenge in a sense. Embarrassing her now was getting her back for when she had tried to provoke him just before their fight, and since he couldn't bring himself to hit her, this was the best he could do.
Although her eyebrows were narrowed and she was trying to look angry at him, Finn knew that she wasn't truly angry. If she did start actually getting mad, though, he'd knock it off.

12:34am May 21 2013
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Seraphiel gave him a disbelieving, 'are-you-serious' look when he said that he forgot. Now he was definitely trying to embarrass her. And, as much as she acted like she didn't like it, she really didn't mind. Sure, it wasn't exactly the best feeling in the world to have red cheeks in front of an attractive young man around the same age as her, but that would have to be overlooked.
"You're making fun of me when I pout. " She got closer to him again, almost as if to emphasize her point, and keep his attention trained on her. "That's not nice." Her arms crossed again, as she let out a 'humph.' She looked his face over, not in a way that would suggest anything, but she just liked to take in the details of his face.
A straight boyish nose, tan skin, light green eyes, lips that weren't too thin; he really was an attractive angel.
And she really needed to stop staring. She caught herself staring at his mouth for too long, and her cheeks automatically burned, as if she was scolding herself for the action. Though she would never admit it, she had been thinking of things other than just Finn's appearance when she'd looked at his lips.
Love is all we need~
1:10am May 21 2013 (last edited on 1:10am May 21 2013)
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{Last post for tonight because tired Sona be tired. :c}
Finn flashed her a very sheepish smile and gave a small shrug when she glared at him disbelievingly. He hadn't expected her to take him serious. Both of them knew that he was just trying to embarrass her, and judging by her constant blush, it was a mission accomplished.
When Sera leaned forward, he really wasn't listening to her at all. He could remember only being this close to her once, yesterday, at the bottom of the staircase where they had kissed. Even though he had seen her face plenty of times in the past couple of days, he took this opportunity to study her features. Pale, delicate skin, icy blue eyes, long black hair that fell perfectly...
He quickly snapped himself out of his daze and looked up at Sera to see that she seemed to be doing the same thing he had just been doing; staring. She was blushing an even deeper color now, and not because he was embarrassing her; was she staring at his...mouth?
He found that a little odd, but he didn't say anything. He had been staring too. It was awkwardly silent for a moment, but he couldn't force himself to break it. There was something about staring in her eyes that he couldn't understand, and all he knew was that he didn't want to break the trance.
Every little male instinct inside of him was chanting quietly, "kiss her! Kiss her!" It felt like the right time, but there was no way he could let what happened at the bottom of the stairs happen again. You were supposed to learn from mistakes, not repeat them. He knew that if she initiated something, though, he wouldn't try to stop her.

1:27am May 21 2013
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Ooc:// Awww. :c Yesterday was my first day of summer, and I know I'm going to be bored the WHOLE summer. >.> Not fun at all. <.<
Seraphiel felt an odd sensation in her stomach- it always happened when she got really nervous. She wasn't so much embarrassed, now, as she was nervous. Since, it seemed Finn had caught her staring. She didn't know if he'd been staring, because, by the time she'd looked up, he was already looking at her eyes. She bit her lip, and thought for a moment.
Then, for some odd reason, all of her thoughts left her, and she was left with only one action- an action in progress. She felt instincts telling her to do it, but her brain was screaming at her not to- that this was an irrational decision that wasn't to be executed. And, there was a good chance that her hide would be tanned by her own father if she did do what she was planning.
But, for a moment, she didn't give a damn.
And she leaned forward, and was about to let her lips come into contact with Finn's. She stopped only about a half inch from him, and her logic kicked back in, telling her what to do to avoid getting her heart broken- to stop whatever the hell she was trying to do. So she did.
In a hurry, but not in a startled way, Seraphiel pulled back away, her lips having never made contact with Finn's. She just looked at him for a minute, then licked her lips, and felt another awkward air surround them.
Dammit. Why did this always happen? And just when she'd almost gotten over the awkwardness from the kiss on the bottom of the staircase.
"Um...." She didn't know what to say, exactly, but the silence was unbearable, and it needed to be broken, even if it was a mere hum or a meaningless word thrown in there. "I'm sorry about earlier." She figured the best way to get her mind- and possibly Finn's mind- off of what she almost did was to change the subject by apologizing.
Love is all we need~
9:44am May 21 2013
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{Summer break has already started for you? We still have two weeks... I definitely understand. We aren't going to do anything.}
Finn almost leaned backwards in surprise when Sera leaned forward. Sure, he had wanted to kiss her, but he didn't expect her to make the "first move". He decided not to move away or attempt to try to stop her, partially just because he wasn't really sure if she could even go through with it. She didn't seem like the type of person who would do something that would upset her father like that.
She only got closer though, and it quickly became apparent that she was actually going to do it. He wasn't really sure if he should lean forward or tilt his head to the side or what, so he just kind of sat there and waited.
It all happened so quickly, and before he knew it, Sera's face was a mere half inch from his own, and Finn wasn't sure if he should close the gap between them, or if Sera just couldn't do it. Her decision was clear when she quickly pulled back, and piles of awkwardness quickly ensued. Finn sat back on his heels and bit his lip. He felt so stupid for not trying to stop it earlier instead of letting it get to the point where their faces were only a half inch apart.
It was eerily silent for a moment. He cleared his throat once in an attempt to break it, but Sera beat him to it.
"Yeah...uh....me too." He wasn't sure if she had been expecting a return apology or if she was just talking to help ease the silence, but he provided one anyway. He really was sorry, but at the time his mind really wasn't on that subject of last night. Was she really going to try to kiss me? The single question kept swirling around in his mind. Or was she messing with me, like I was just messing with her?
{I was going to make it longer but I have to go like, right now. :c}

10:23am May 21 2013
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Seraphiel felt the awkwardness in the air like a ten-ton weight bearing down on her chest. She knew that, by the look on Finn's face, he could feel it, too. Maybe, for the sake of both of them, Finn wouldn't bring what almost just happened into view. Her blue eyes jerked away from Finn's green ones.
Oh gosh. She was just so stupid! She wanted to go bang her head against a wall. Maybe that would knock the stupid out of her. Ever since she had been around Finn, all she had only been doing things that were so stupid. Things that put her reputation at stake.
The silence ensued when Finn had stopped speaking.
Maybe she should have just kissed him. Maybe it would've made things less awkward than not kissing him, but getting so close to doing it. She wasn't sure what would've been worse- this, or that? Her head was aching, and she almost felt as if she was about to cry.
Gosh, why did she do this? She should've learned her lesson from when Finn had kissed her, and all that had ensued was awkwardness. But no. Seraphiel couldn't learn anything, could she?
Once again, she was blaming herself for everything. It was a common occurrence when things went wrong- she would turn everything around so that it seemed like, to her, it was all her fault.
"Um..." She paused, unable to say anything more than that one word at the moment. "Do they have food in town?" She bit her lip, remembering what almost happened, as much as she wanted to forget for a moment to save them both from the awkwardness that they were suffering.
"I know you don't like cooking, so..."
Love is all we need~
11:44am May 21 2013
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Ooc:// Okay, so I realized that I haven't had Sera's demon marking start glowing just yet. And, I think it would be awesome to save that scene for when she and Finn actually kiss, and they both know what they're doing, and they don't get all awkward on each other. XD
Love is all we need~
10:30pm May 21 2013
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{Sounds good; I've been waiting for the markings to make an appearance. And...this is my third time typing this. So. Be grateful.}
Sera didn't say anything after Finn had, so even more awkwardness filled the air. It was almost like the silence was engulfing them in a dark cloud, practically suffocating them so no one could speak. He glanced up at her for a second, and she seemed to be feeling the awkwardness as well. Without anything else to say, Finn was left to sit and wallow in his own thoughts for a moment, still trying to process exactly what had just happened.
So, Sera had tried to kiss him. He got that. But then there was the question of why. She had been uncomfortable when he had kissed her, but then the next day she tried to do the exact same thing? It simply didn't add up. After knowing how it felt, how awkward it all was, he felt a small pang of regret for doing it yesterday. He was uncomfortable with an almost-kiss, so Sera must have been mortified yesterday.
He wasn't sure why he felt as uncomfortable with the thought of kissing her as he was. He had wanted her to, so when she almost did, he should have been pretty happy...right? Something about it just didn't feel right, though. Whether it was the wrong time or he just didn't want her to make the same mistake he had, he wasn't sure.
The silence continued for what seemed to be an eternity before Sera finally piped up. It was a pretty good suggestion, though there was one issue.
"I think I saw a few restaurants while we were out on the street, but...I don't think he have any money, so I'm not sure what we're going to do. I'll probably just have to make something." He surprised a sigh.
He really didn't want to talk about food, though. Although he was starving, he was feeling more starved for knowledge. He wanted to know why she had just tried to kiss him; why she had almost made the mistake he had that would get him in loads of trouble later on. He decided that he didn't want to make it any more awkward than it was at the time, and so he didn't bring it up. Yet.

10:56pm May 21 2013
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Ooc:// Okay. c: And I'm sorry you had to type it three different times. :c
Seraphiel was a bit put down by how Finn had said that they had no money. From watching the humans earlier when they'd went outside, she had learned what money was. Sure, she didn't know everything about it, but she knew that you had to have it in order to receive other things.
It wasn't that she didn't like Finn's food. She actually liked it quite a bit, really, but she wanted to learn what else was out there in the world. After the incident with the demons, she hadn't seen anything else, seeing as how she had kept her face buried in Finn's neck the entire way home with her eyes squeezed shut.
Then, an odd thing happened. The doorbell rang. It frightened Sera to the point that she actually jumped up and let out a startled yelp, unknowingly moving even closer to Finn. Whoever was at the door seemed to have heard the yelp, because a masculine voice called out from the other side of the front door.
"Hello?" It was a voice that spoke of worry and concern. "Is everything okay in there?"
Ooc:// I'm adding a side-character to the story. He's going to be pretty. :3 And pose a threat to Finn. As far as Sera goes, anyway. His name is Callum. It means 'Dove'. By the way, this is an experiment. Don't go crazy on me if I drop him out, because he may end up being a flop of a character. >.>
A particularly attractive angel stood on the doorstep, a bit worried by the noises that came from within the house. In his left hand he held two wallets, and in his left he held a set of instructions for the town. It would've been already in the house, had Seraphiel not arrived so suddenly. The angels already on Earth- angels like himself- only had about an hour of notice before the Princess of Heaven herself had arrived on Earth.
He was very tall, at a good 6'2", with tanned skin that wasn't too dark or light, shaggy strawberry blonde hair, and dark blue eyes the color of the desert's sky at night. He had lots of muscle to match his height, too. He seemed to be at least twenty years old, and possibly a little older, but not past his mid twenties.
"Hello?" His masculine voice called out again, obvious worry showing in his tone. Boy, if the princess had gotten hurt while he was present, her father would skin him alive and hang him to dry in the bright white light of the Lord. "Is everything okay in there?" He debated on knocking the door down to see if things were indeed fine and dandy, but decided against it.
The major part of being an angel on Earth was to go about unnoticed by humans- blend in.
Love is all we need~
11:53pm May 21 2013
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{I could totally see Finn being like, "lolokay get out." In other words, I don't think Finn is going to like him. c; Good idea, though.}
Finn could see that Sera was a bit disappointed by their lack of money, but he really couldn't do it anything about it. He couldn't really take a job because there was always too big of a risk along with it; if anyone found out that he was an angel, who knows what would happen. He imagined the worst, though; being sent to some kind of government lab to be dissected, or even worse, just being slaughtered on the spot.
Suddenly, the doorbell rung. Partially because he wasn't expecting it, he startled slightly, but partially because he had no idea who could be at the door. The first word that came to his mind: demons. Okay, it might have been a little unlikely that a demon would knock on the door, but he couldn't be too careful. If there was someone outside the door that wanted to hurt her, he wasn't just going to let them just waltz in.
He stood slowly and began walking cautiously towards the door, where a deep, masculine voice was calling through the wood. He turned mid-walk and held up a hand to Sera, telling her sternly (but not angrily) to stay on the couch.
He was careful not to open the door wide enough for this stranger to walk past, and instead just opened it enough to lean out of the doorframe slightly.
"May I help you?" he asked, a good bit of suspicion in his voice. The person standing before didn't really seem like a threat and had a good aura around him, and for some reason Finn could immediately tell that this other male was another angel. There was just something about him that was heavenly and clean and pure; the only threat the other angel might possess was winning over Sera.
Finn didn't know why it bugged him so much that this stranger was attractive, because he really couldn't "claim" Sera nor did he have any intentions to, but he could already just see this man waltzing in, sweeping Sera off her feet, and carrying her off.
He could already tell that they weren't going to get along, as well. Besides this other male being a threat to him as far Sera went, he just seemed a bit annoying, to be honest. Finn wasn't sure how he could tell that this other angel was going to be annoying; he just knew, okay?

12:34am May 22 2013
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Ooc:// Then Finn's REALLY not going to like when Seraphiel is all 'droolslobbr' when she sees him. I made Callum up to be a really beautiful man. So that I- I mean Sera- can drool over him to make Finn jealous and to add drama.
Seraphiel, like Finn, had expected there to be demons at their door. It seemed a bit too simple for a demon to attempt, though- just simply knocking on a door, or pushing the doorbell. From what little bit she knew about demons, she could infer that they were far from simple beings.
She wanted to come with Finn, but she accepted what he gestured for her to do, pouting again as she flopped back down on the couch. She was in a position, though, so that even if she couldn't see the door, or what was going on, she could hear what was happening.
"Oh, Mr. Finnegan," Callum said as a greeting to the princess's guardian angel. He sort of wished that he had been picked for the job of ensuring the princess's safety. And, by looking at Finn, Callum inferred that he was a better fit for the job. "I have something for you and Princess Seraphiel."
He sounded a bit formal, but that was to be expected. After all, he was so close to meeting what could be considered royalty. While Seraphiel wasn't literally a princess, many people referred to her as one, and formally addressed her as one.
Though, Callum could sense the tension in the air around this man, and he didn't like it one bit. Tension never hinted at good thoughts or emotions. Or good anything. Tension always meant something bad.
"May I come in to give it to Miss Seraphiel myself?" He slightly tilted his head at Finn. While most people wouldn't say no to such a simple request, Callum had an off feeling that he might receive the answer he didn't want to hear.
Love is all we need~
1:22am May 22 2013
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{Ehhh I'm having trouble imagining him as "beautiful" but that's probably because I'm on Finn's side. ;3}
Mr. Finnegan? No one had ever called him "Mr. Finnegan". Ever. It wasn't that he had a problem with the name, it was more that this angel was trying to be more formal than he needed to be.
"Finn's fine," he mumbled, but that was all he said to the man.
To be honest, Finn would have been more open to accept this guy and treat him more like a friend if he would just be cool with him. Finn did decide, though, that since this angel was obviously a good guy and on his side, he wasn't going to be rude to him unless something came between them. He already had the demons; he really didn't need any more enemies.
"Princess Sera" was also kind of new to him. He had always known that Sera was considered royalty, though he had never heard anyone address her as a princess. He certainly had never called her a princess before.
Although the male's request was simple and he obviously had good intentions, Finn was a bit reluctant and didn't move away or say anything for a moment. He still didn't fully trust this man, although there wasn't any reason not to trust him.
With a small sigh, finally he pushed the door open wide enough for Callum to step in and stood aside. He didn't really want a stranger just walking into the house, but whatever he had just be important if he had to deliver it all the way from Heaven.

11:35am May 22 2013
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Ooc:// I consider him beautiful because I just have a thing for attractive strawberry blondes.
But I'm still rooting for Finn. <3
Callum got the feeling that he wasn't going to be very welcome here, by the way that the Princess's guardian angel was acting towards him. Who was he to know? Maybe he had a thing for her. It was a plausible idea, and one of the first ones that came to Callum's mind. He knew that plenty of people would give everything to be able to have Seraphiel call them a loved one, or even a friend. Most people hadn't even met her, because her parents always kept her locked up in that castle.
A small sigh was given, but Callum could tell that this man was reluctant to let him in. And, honestly, he couldn't blame him. He'd just met him, and Callum, whom Finn didn't really know, had asked to come in and meet the very angel that Finnegan was protecting.
Though, as the door was opened a bit more, Callum let out a gracious smile in Finn's direction, and walked inside the house with ease, now believing that, at least if this man didn't like him, he had to trust him- even just a little bit- to even let him in the house. Of course, they were both angels, but Callum knew things weren't going to be silky smooth between them.
"Thankyou, Finn," he said, taking Finn's suggestion to just call him by that. Callum had to say that 'Finn' was much easier to say than 'Finnegan', but he still preferred to keep his formalities when around other males.
And then one of Callum's powers came into play. He felt an odd aura coming from the living room, so he followed to it. See, Callum could sense, feel, and even see auras if he tried to do so. Sometimes, though he could do it subconsciously if an aura was strong enough. And this aura was definitely strong.
He walked past the entryway, turned a corner, and went straight into the living room, walking towards Seraphiel at an increasing speed. He was in a trance.
Seraphiel had lost interest in the doorway, but when a particularly attractive angel- she could tell by the way he looked, and the air around him- walked around the corner, she felt herself stare for a moment. But, when he began to walk towards her like he was on a mission, she felt nervous, and sort of just froze.
Callum stopped a mere foot in front of Seraphiel, snapping from his trance once an odd mixture of auras hit him. It was both dark and light. It was almost disturbing to him. He had never seen or felt an aura as odd as this one. And this aura was also among one of the strongest he'd ever felt. It was like it was drawing things in towards it. Like it was calling.... something different than angels.
Immediately, he turned to Finn. He knew that this wouldn't have occurred in Heaven. Dark auras didn't exist in Heaven unless there were demons there, and that was a rare occurrence. This had to have happened on Earth, and it was Finn's job to watch over her- Callum had been told that when he came to deliver these things.
"What did you do to her?" he asked Finn, his voice accusative.
Seraphiel, whose face had been a mixture of fear and surprise, now looked at Callum with an ex pression of curiosity. What was he talking about? His voice was accusing Finn of something, but Sera didn't know what. Maybe he knew that Finn had kissed her. That would be awful.
Love is all we need~
6:52pm May 22 2013 (last edited on 6:52pm May 22 2013)
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Finn was glad when this man (who still hadn't given him his name) loosened up a bit and called him "Finn" as he had suggested. He could already tell that they weren't ever going to be friends, but if Callum was willing to call him what his friends did, they couldn't be off to that bad of a start.
Suddenly, Callum did something a bit peculiar. He up and left. Finn knew that he had come to bring something to Sera, but Finn had kind of expected them to go see her together; Callum's sudden urgency was a bit unsettling and unexpected.
Finn took a few seconds to stand in the doorway before closing it and turning to follow after the urgent angel, who appeared to be heading in Sera's direction. He was a bit anxious to see what the big deal was and why he had taken off so suddenly.
He quickly caught up to Callum, who was standing only a foot or so from Sera. What on Earth is he doing? He wondered, watching the male angel who appeared to be observing Sera with a perplexed ex pression on his face.
He must be confused by the wings. Callum probably had no idea that Sera had black wings, and it must be confusing him to no end. Finn was preparing to explain when Callum flat up and accused him of being the cause of her blackened wings.
This really made Finn's blood boil. Did this stranger really think he could just barge in and then accuse him of doing something he wasn't even capable of doing? Did Callum honestly believe that Finn turned Sera's wings black?
"What do you mean, 'what did I do to her'?" Finn's eyes were narrowed to green slits and one of his hands clenched into a fist. "I didn't do anything to her."
Finn was weary around this stranger at first, but now he was actually angry with him. Callum's accusations weren't even based around fact; no angel could turn another's wings black. It was physically impossible.
Upon looking over at Sera, he could tell that she was curious as to what Callum was questioning him of. She also looked a bit afraid; and although only anger showed on his face, he secretly was as well. How much does this guy know?

7:48pm May 22 2013
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Seraphiel could see the frustration on Finn's face. And... anger was there, too. Oh gosh, she hoped this wouldn't lead to violence. She didn't know who this man was, but he looked awfully familiar. Like she'd seen him before. Her eyes were wide, but she stood up anyways, pulling herself together to keep this from getting worse. Things were getting heated, and Seraphiel had never seen a fight, though she knew that she never really wanted to.
She stood, grabbing Callum's bicep in her hand. He turned his head to look down at her. And, upon seeing her eyes, he knew that nothing had happened to harm her.
"He didn't do anything to me, really. We don't know what happened to my wings. When we arrived here, they were just like this. All... black and stuff," she said to Callum, glancing over at Finn's clenching fist. She would try to maintain distance between the two. They seemed to already have issues with each other. Seraphiel wasn't sure how she knew, but she could almost sense a very bad tension in the air between the two men.
Callum scanned the eyes of Sera for any signs of hiding anything. And, as far as he could tell, she had nothing to hide. And, while she was looking up at him, he took a moment to look her over. Porcelain pale skin, pretty silvery eyes, and silky black hair. So, she really was as pretty as everyone had made her out to be. He wasn't sure where she got the black hair from, because he knew that both of her parents had light colored hair.
"Alright," Callum said, nodding. "I just wanted to make sure that things were okay." He turned to Finn, and actually apologized for accusing him of something that he, now, clearly didn't do. "I'm sorry for making accusations. In my line of work, you have to understand that anything can happen, and I have to respond immediately." He gave a nod in Finn's direction.
Seraphiel hoped that the apology would clear things up between the two.
"Oh, I have something for you, Miss Seraphiel," Callum said, holding out the appropriate pink wallet for her. He kept the regular brown leather one in the other hand for Finn.
"Please, just call me Sera," she answered, taking the wallet gingerly. "Um... what is this, exactly?" she inquired.
"It's used to store money- you can buy stuff here with it. It has plenty of money in it already," he concluded, then looking over to Finn.
"This one is for you, Finn." He took a few steps toward the other angel and held the wallet out.
Seraphiel had plenty of questions flying through her head. She didn't understand why God couldn't just give her all of the knowledge she would need to survive here. That would've been useful.
Love is all we need~
10:29pm May 22 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Hope you don't mind that my posts are a bit shorter; you have two characters to write posts for now, so. c:}
Finn was relieved when Sera stood up for him so he didn't have to, because none of his words came out right when he was angry. If he tried to explain himself at this state, his words would all be sarcastic and darkened with anger.
Another factor that surely kept the two from resorting to violence was Callum's lack of any angry reply back. He looked rather calmed, despite Finn's slight outburst.
Although he probably wouldn't admit it out loud, he was quite glad that hey didn't get into a fight. While the two men were nearly the same height, Callum had quite a bit more muscle packed on, and was at least a few good years older. The winner of a fight between the two was obvious.
Well, they definitely did not get in a fight; in fact, Callum's reply was rather professional and calm. Finn erased any hint of anger from his facial ex pression, because Callum obviously hadn't meant to anger him.
"Yup. I understand. Sorry for getting a little heated up." He gave a small shrug. It was a bit difficult to apologize after Callum had been the one being unreasonable in the first place, but it had to be done. They were just going to keep being mad at each other if Finn didn't forgive and forget.
He finally decided to glance over at Sera for the first time since he had gotten angry with Callum.
She was holding his arm with her hand and he was looking down at her, and their closeness sent a twinge of jealousy shooting through Finn's heart. It was hard to explain the sudden pang, but he didn't like seeing them so close.
Finn reached out and took the wallet when Callum offered it to him. He automatically flipped through it to examine its contents; just as Callum had suggested, it contained money. He slipped it into the front pocket of his hoodie and made a mental note to remind himself that it was in there.
Okay. You can go now. He didn't really now why Callum was still there; he had already given them everything he needed to, had he not? Finn just wanted him to leave before Sera began swooning over him,

10:52pm May 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// It's fine. I hope you don't mind that it takes me longer to reply than usual. I usually reply pretty fast. Now that I have to roleplay a male as well, which I usually never do, it takes a bit more of my own thought process to try and make Callum masculine. XD
Seraphiel was so glad to see that Finn lost his anger. Earlier, when Finn had to just walk away, she could tell that his temper probably wasn't the best. He was easily angered, and probably easily set off. Though, earlier, she had been aggravating the absolute piss out of him, hadn't she? Yep.
Callum, once the wallet was taken from his hands, moved back to stand by Seraphiel again. He felt as if he hadn't really started off on the right foot with Finn. He'd kind of just barged into their makeshift home on Earth, then accused him of doing something to the very Princess of Heaven. Yeah, he probably wasn't going to fix what had already happened, but at least the air around them was neutral. No anger or happiness. From what Callum could tell, at least.
Callum couldn't tell what it was about Seraphiel that he was drawn to. Or what it was about her that was drawing in something else other than him. He could still feel the pull of her aura, calling out to something darker than just angels. He wasn't sure if it was too dangerous, or if he should report it to his superiors, or even God himself, or one of the archangels. Though, he decided to just leave it be. The aura didn't seem to be hurting anything, and perhaps it was just a change in Seraphiel's personality. He'd heard of people going through minor changes once they came to earth. But nothing like this. Usually, their auras went untouched...
"Well, I'd best be going, hm?" Callum looked to Finn with a neutral smile, and was about to leave when he felt a slender hand on his bicep again, holding him in place.
He looked down to see Seraphiel looking at him with her silvery eyes. "No, stay," she said, signalling that she had questions that needed to be answered. "My wings wouldn't have been enough to set you off like that. You were looking all around me, too. What did you see?" She gave him a look hard in the eyes, trying to see if he would attempt to lie or not. She wasn't sure why she thought he would try to lie. She just did.
"Well..." Callum hadn't glanced over at Finn since Seraphiel had caught his eye again. "I can see auras, and yours is.... odd."
"What do you mean?"
Love is all we need~