1:42pm Aug 21 2011
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Private role-play between Reina and me. Name: Age: Species: Gender: Looks: Personality: Pets/Familiars: Other:
hello my name is elder price
8:44pm Aug 21 2011 (last edited on 8:47pm Aug 21 2011)
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Name: Eva Borghese Age: 22 Species: Human Gender: Female Looks: With her petite, curvacious figure, Miss Eva is quite a stunner, so different from the tall, slender girls who seem to be in fashion. Well, Eva was never one to pay attention to the fashionable set. Her hair is a rich, dark brown, falling in shining waves to the small of her back. Its luscious hue is streaked with a softer russet, as well as splashes of black, adding a depth to the silky cascades. Her skin is as deep and and sun-kissed as bronze, free from the curse of that orange look some well-tanned people get. Her eyes are a bright peridot green, splashed with other shades of green, as well as the occasional flecking of gold. Personality: Eva is... Bright. A lot of this comes from her upbringing, which was typically Southern Italian in that family and friends are the most important thing, above money or honor or what have you. So she is a warm, happy, social person. She loves to be the center of attention, regardless of whether that attention is good or bad. It's usually good, though, as her relaxed and sunny disposition makes it very hard for people to stay mad at her for any period of time. She has an odd gift for uping the mood of a room with her presence, something which she uses quite often. If Eva isn't smiling in some shape or form, then something is seriously amiss. Pets/Familiars: A white cat named Artemis and a tan Irish Wolfhound named Boru. Other: She loves to sing, and does so often.
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9:06pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// I can't wait to see your guy. :3
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9:30pm Aug 21 2011
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Name: Cain --will come up with a last name. xD-- Age: 762, but looks 24 Species: Demon :o Gender: Male Looks: Cain has short-cropped brown hair with just a few natural white streaks in them. His hair always has a tousled appearance about it, but the locks gather up to the front of his head and fall just at the top of his forehead. Cain doesn't have a very intimidating look about him, but the flat line his lips are always in and the powerful way he carries himself makes people wary of him. He is 5'8'' and, unless he's not wearing a shirt, you can't tell that he has as much muscle as he does. (or his six-pack |D) Cain's eyes are a deep crimson red near the pupil. As you move out toward the iris, more orange comes into view, along with golden flecks in his eyes. When in his demonic form, his eyes turn amber and his canines get enlarged. His tongue becomes forked and a two demonic wings sprout from his shoulder blades. Personality: Cain does not release any emotion unless it constists of anger or irritation. He doesn't like for people to get in his way, but he tackles things on more of a sly approach instead of head-on. He has a knack for waiting things out and therefore, is extremely patient. Pets/Familiars: no ._. Other: Like? 8D
hello my name is elder price
8:47pm Aug 22 2011
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Ooc; Bump
hello my name is elder price
10:40am Aug 23 2011
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ooc:// He sounds effing gorgeous. Do you want me to start?
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11:17am Aug 23 2011
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Ooc; Woohoo. xD and if you want to start, sure. c:
hello my name is elder price
11:28am Aug 23 2011
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Aaaaah. Beautiful. Eva took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp morning air, and gave a deep, pleasant sigh. Spring was in full bloom around her, and the cool nip of the early hour gave hint to the gentle warmth that would be the main feature of the day. The young woman pinned her hair in a loose bun at he nape of her neck, a few of the black-brown tendrils falling free. She stepped out of the shade of her stately townhouse, looking to the wolfhound on his leash beside her. The massive beast's head reached her shoulders, though considering that she stood a scant 5'3 herself, this was only a feat of minor proportions for one of Boru's historically large breed. With a click of her tongue she led the tawny hound down the sidewalk, making a way to the walking path in the park, where she and Boru would complete the ritual of the morning walk before she went to get ready for work. Boru plodded along happily, staying obediently at his mistress's side as they moved into a light jog, his long-legged trot perfect to keep pace. Meanwhile Evas small, rounded body was filled with a familiar burn, and a sense of accomplishment. Despite the light la yer of baby fat and her considerable curves, no one could say that the girl was out of shape. Her toned calves showed in her jogging shorts, her voluptuous torso hugged by a workout shirt, showing the slightest muscle in her stomach and arms. Soon, however, she tired, and sat on a bench, rewarding her running partner with pets, oblivious to all else.
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12:14pm Aug 23 2011
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It was early. The first few rays of the sun were just peaking over the horizon, the wispy clouds that hung lazily in the sky were highlighted with a soft pink hue. The man walking on the near scant sidewalks paid no mind to the beauty of the sky above him. His crimson and orange eyes were looking at only the area in front of him, but his other senses were alert to everything around him. He took in a deep breath; different scents assailed his nose and his mind worked quickly to sort through all of them. One, he picked out amongst the others, as he had been doing since he had arrived to the city. It was closer this time and only a dim spark of excitement flickered in his gaze before the stony ex pression took hold again. With his hands pushed into his coat pockets, he followed the scent. Another was mingled with it and he sighed as he recognized the stench of a canid. Most animals other than humans could see him for what he was, with their closer touch with the natural world around them. The ancient information did not worry Cain in the least. He found himself crossing the street and heading to a park. The scent was stronger here and after years of searching for her again, he found his pace quickening to a brisk walk. He decided to follow one of the sidewalk paths that wound through the park, but paused when he broke into a clearing. There she was with a rather large canid companion at her side. Cain's head tilted slightly as he surveyed her. She was different from the last time he'd seen her, of course. Her glossy brown hair stretched down her back in rolling waves. He could see a slight smattering of sweat on her forehead and he could faintly hear the sound of her heart rate dropping steadily; she'd just taken a break from a run. Her petite face caught his eyes longer than was per usual when he surveyed others, but he paid it no mind, consoling himself with saying it was just because of the long wait he'd had to go through to find her. He wasn't about to take a quarrel with the dog so he sat on another bench similar to hers a few yards down. From his pant pocket, he fished out a travel sized book and set his eyes down to the text.
hello my name is elder price
12:32pm Aug 23 2011
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Boru noticed the man before his mistress did, turning his rather large head in the intruder's direction. Quickly the beast corrected himself. The man wasn't an intruder, at least not the usual kind. He was intruding on humanity. Looking from Eva to the man-thing, he established differences. Human, demon. Female, male. Friend, foe. The dog rose instinctively, deep chocolate gaze steady on the so-far nonthreatening figure. Of course, Eva didn't know any of this. All she saw was Boru behaving oddly, and a man moving to sit on a bench. Her usual curious, friendly, and some-what nosy disposition made it impossible for her not to approach him, despite Boru's unusual unwillingness to cooperate. She gave the man her best and brightest smile, being suitably rested from her run, having caught her breath. "I hope you don't mind my asking, but what are reading?"
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12:46pm Aug 23 2011
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Cain's eyes flickered upward when he heard the woman approaching. He glanced down at the dog, the size of it making his brows raise slightly. He looked back down at the text in his book and finished up the sentence he had broken off from. He put his thumb on the bottom of the page and closed the book while he looked up at the woman. "False Memory by Dean Koontz. I admit it's a rather dark read, but I'm a fan of all of Dean's work," he replied to her, then turned his gaze back down to her companion. "He's a beautiful companion," Cain complimented, but he didn't move his hands to attempt to stroke the beast. "I'm Cain," he told her. He had felt the need to look away from those green eyes; he had recognized them from all those years ago. Of course he knew it was her already, but seeing her eyes was...odd. He hoped the passing of time had buried all thoughts of him from her mind.
hello my name is elder price
12:57pm Aug 23 2011
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Eva's smile widened, and she gave what was to her friends her signature shiver of joy, but something that would, to strangers, appear rather strange. "I love Dean Koontz! The Odd series is especially interesting. I admit that I haven't read False Memory yet, and do tend towards more comical literature, but the occasional darker novel is a nie break from pattern. And thanks! My name is Eva, by the way, and this is Boru. He's usually a bit more friendly." Turning to her dog in consternation, Eva wondered what could possibly be wrong. Boru, who was, as his mistress said, usually a very affectionate animal, stared at Cain with a kind of single-minded defensiveness. It was exceedingly out of character. Then again, this was the first time he'd been faced with a demon before, so naturally the behavioral patterns were new. Since this was moot, as Eva didn't know that Cain was a demon, she was confused and mildly concerned. She felt like maybe she should leave, but kept looking back to those strangely colored eyes, and found herself unable to leave. Not physically unable, more like extremely unwilling. Those close to her always said that she'd been both cursed and blessed with cat-like curiousity, and this gentleman sparked that curiousity to no end.
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1:06pm Aug 23 2011
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Cain merely nodded to Eva as she talked more of Dean Koontz. He slid his thumb out from the book and slid it back into his pocket, knowing he'd remember his place the nex time he opened it. He found himself looking away from her eyes again; the way she regarded his with curiousity and an obvious willingness not to leave made him feel a bit edgy, but not in the bad way he had thought. His eyes settled on Boru and he cocked his head slightly. He didn't meet the dog's gaze, knowing that was a show of a challenge. Instead, he held a fisted palm out to the dog and looked down at the beast's muzzle. I will not harm you, nor your master, he tried to say in the aura around him. Hopefully the dog would be able to at least pick up on the essence of what he was trying to say. He thought of bringing up the blood magic book to spike her curiousity, but he had no idea how she would react to the memories that may come with it. He frowned slightly, suddenly at a loss of how to approach the topic without hurting her. His frown deeped at the prospect of him being troubled at the thought of hurting her.
hello my name is elder price
1:20pm Aug 23 2011
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Boru perked, and his nose caught a whiff of the emotion. Not enemy. And that was all his brain could muster. Like flicking the 'off' switch on his hostility. The dog was instantly perked up, playful and relaxed. He sniffed the demon's hand, mouth pulling into the distinct ex pression of a canine grin. With his more customary affection he licked the extremity, whip-like tail wagging steadily. At the sudden shift Eva relaxed, giggling. "There we go. That's my precious boy. Like I said, this is way more normal for him. Such a big, sweet oaf." She dropped into a crouch by her beloved pet, not even considering that in some ways this as physically opening herself up for physical vulnerability, or could be seen as giving someone the mental upperhand. She just didn't think along those lines. Instead she wrapped her arms around Boru's thick neck, planting a kiss on his furry cheek. For a moment, his defensive posture had made her more concerned about needing to leave. Usually if Boru didn't take to someone, it was bad news. He just seemed to get things. She wrote it off to some weird sense that animals had and people didn't. So seeing the canine relax really just chilled her a bit. They would start jogging again soon. Maybe.
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7:58pm Aug 23 2011
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Cain watched Eva squat down by Boru, and his brows tilted up only slightly as he watched her. Boru, he hoped had received the message, but from what he could see by the dog's posture, he had. Something about Boru having calmed down seemed to have an effect on Eva, her muscles seeming to slacken a bit, if he had seen it right. He cocked his head slightly to Boru before turning his crimson gaze back on the woman. He had to get closer to Eva, get to know her a bit more so he could have her work up the courage to show him the book. Then he could take it and make off with it; the idea unsettled him a bit. He cleared the thoughts and gave Eva a soft, rare smile. Hopefully, it looked heartwarming as he intended it to be, he hadn't used it in so long. "Maybe we could talk books some time? I could take you out for coffee," he offered.
hello my name is elder price
8:11pm Aug 23 2011
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The invititation was, she admitted, a tad startling, but... Not at all unpleasantly. She even felt a bit tickled, and a delicate pink damask colored her cheeks. Lowering her gaze for a moment she looked back up to meet his wonderfully strange eyes, and nodded. "That sounds wonderfull. It's been a while since I just got to have coffee with someone." Boru was equally pleased by the idea, his tongue lolling happily. Eva didn't get out enough. Sure shehad a small group of aquaintances from work, but there wasn't a lot of interaction with her co-workers, and most of them thought she was a bit... off. So they left her alone. At least she had himself and Artemis for company. Speaking of whom, Boru felt that the feline would be most pleased by news of their mistress's new companion.
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8:21pm Aug 23 2011
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"That sounds great," Cain said and stood with a flourish. He fished out a piece of paper and a pen, and quickly wrote down his cell phone number. He held the slip out to Eva, his typical stony ex pression sliding back onto his face before the fake smile he had plastered on before grew noticably fake to her eyes. "Here's my number and there's a great coffee shop just around the corner. I'll leave you to finish your run," he said politely and forced himself to look into her green eyes so he could convey the message properly.
hello my name is elder price
8:32pm Aug 23 2011
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With a giggle and a nod Eva accepted the slip, waving before taking off with Boru in tow. For lack of a better place to put it -no pockets- she put it in her sports bra, ignoring Boru's chiding look. It was like her just knew. Heh. That would be ridiculous. The two jogged the rest of the way home in companionable silence, entering te townhouse with heavy feet and heavier breathing. Immediately Eva went for the shower, wanting to wash all that icky sweat from her body. She kept the water reasonably cool, not hot, the way most people seemed to like their water. That would just be silly; showering in hot water when she wanted to cool off. After her shower she stepped bare into her room, allowing the fans to further lower her temperature, drying her in the process. Hr hair hung wet to the girl's hips, her movements calm and completely at piece. She dressed in a comfortable white t-shirt and black yoga pants, acceptable wear for one of her profession. But... She found Cain's number, and dialed it, ignoring the warning in her mind that she would seem overly eager and scare him off. Two hours after recieving the number wasn't that bad... Right? "Uh, hi. It's Eva, the girl from the park."
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8:41pm Aug 23 2011
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Cain walked briskly back to the apartment he had been staying at. He ran his hands through the silvery white wisps in his hair as he plopped himself down on one of the moderately clean couches in the room. With a sigh, he flicked on the television and flipped over to the news. Stories of depression, hunger, and war hit him over the course of an hour and a half, and the demon sighed in peace. He rested his head on the armchair of the couch and stretched out his limbs, crimson eyes only slightly focused on the broadcasts. He blinked after another half hour when his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He fished out his Dean Koontz book and threw it on the coffee table before digging his hand back in his pocket and grasping his vibrating phone. He didn't recognize the number, but he picked it up anyway. "Cain," he said gruffly and blinked when Eva began to talk. "Hello, Eva," he greeted, pursing his lips when he realized only two hours had passed. "How was your run?" he asked when she said 'the girl from the park'.
hello my name is elder price
8:54pm Aug 23 2011
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"It was lovely, thanks. I was just wondering..." She turned to Boru, who had seen the little thrill she'd gotten from hearing the man's voice. The chocolate eyes seem bemused, and when she turned to Artemis, the feline's eyes were somewhere between indifferent and disdainful. She ignored them completely, returning to her train of thought. "Did you want to meet before or after I went to work?"
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