C'mon... are scales really such a turn-off? [[CHerry and meh]]

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4:16pm Aug 26 2011

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[[Nu, you jjust think I do. And, also, is it weird that I actually DO belive in dragons? =x Be honest.]]

Dan smiled as the teacher struggled to pronounce his name. It was still slightly off in the end, but it was as close as any teacher ever got, anyway. He listened to the names with interest. None of them were highly interesting, so he got bored of that and gave up. Shoving his lizard book back in his bag, he pulled out the stuff he'd need for class. Probably should have done that first, he thought, but oh well. No turning back time now.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

4:23pm Aug 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283

You believe in them? o-o
uhh, no that's not wierd at all... ]]

"And, Paradise Wright?"
Mr. King, ended the attendence after me, since I was always the last one on the list. Seeing as my last  name started with a 'W'.
I mumbled quietly so no one could look back at me.
"Okay. Now that we've finished attendence, let's get to the lecture."
Mr. King was the type of teacher that had the students sit down, watch him in all his beer belly glory, while he talked about something no one truly cared about. By the end, you'd find half of the students sleeping.
I grabbed my pencil and started taking notes as fast as I could to get every detail down.

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4:38pm Aug 26 2011 (last edited on 4:40pm Aug 26 2011)

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Posts: 3,809

[[... There's more proof of Dragons existing than of Jesus Christ. Then again, I don't even belive in Jesus Christ, so. That's not saying much.>.<]]

Dan rolled his eyes at the thought of a lecture. He was smart, and already knew all the things this dumb teacher was saying. Instead of writing notes on something he already knew, he decided to write something else. Exactly what,now that, he couldn't be sure of.

Golden eyes glitter in the inky black shadows,
Reflecting the light of the silver disc that is the moon.
Skeletal branches reach down and claw at your shirt,
As you hope you stumble across someone soon.

A fiery blaze lights up a clearing ahead,
Though what surrounds it remains hidden by the trees.
Walking closer, you see the face of a man.
And looking at his eyes causes your blood to freeze.

His eyes are golden, burning red on the light from the fire.
His jaw is set back, two small canines poking over his bottom lip
Snow white and pale, as is his skin, save for a single drop of blood.
He stands and smiles, an eerie smile. He grabs your jacket, and as you run it rips.

He is left with a piece of cloth in his hand, that eerie smile still on his face
His eyes turning into black pits as he watches you run away
He runs after you, and strikes you down easily
You have heard stories of what he is. The creature that fears the day.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

4:47pm Aug 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283

[[Actually there is proof that Jesus Christ is real. 
But, hey, I'm not going to make you feel bad about believing in dragons. We all have different beliefs. :PPPPPPPPP ]]

As I was writing my notes, I couldn't help but notice that Dan wasn't even writing notes.
"You know, you should really be listening to what Mr. King is saying. He won't like it very much, if he found out you were just... Writing about anything else."
Just as I started back writing, Mr. King looked at me.
"Paradise, is there something you wanted to say infront of the class?"
Face heating up, I shook my head.

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4:51pm Aug 26 2011

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[[Really? What is it? And I never claimed there isn't any proof of Jesus Christ being real. I just claimed there's more proof of Dragons.]]

Dan just shrugged his shoulders and fixed a couple of punctuation and spelling marks, before placing his pen on the table and staring lazily out the window, his heterochromic eyes studying the scenery outside. Overall, not much.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

4:58pm Aug 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283

[[The bible talks about many things that Jesus Christ has done for us. Like healing, saving. He even was crucified for our sins, so we had a chance to be in heaven with him.
And, sorry. I misunderstood. Bahahahaha xDDD ]]

When class was over, Mr. King asked me if he could speak to me after class. After a long lecture about how I shouldn't be talking to people during class - during his teaching - I was finally able to leave the room and go to my next class.
With a relieved breath, I left the class room and walked to my locker to get my books for next class.


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5:53pm Aug 26 2011

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[[I don't really view the bible as very reliable, no offence intended. There are just too many plot holes, if you can call them that. Moving on.]]

Packing up his books, Dankaylan headed to his next class, P.E.. That had been productive, now hadn't it? Sighing, he walked down the corridors, ignoring the looks he was so used to by now because of his eyes. Reaching the hall, he opened the door and stepped inside, wondering what sport they would be doing today, and wondering what class that other girl had next.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

9:18pm Aug 27 2011

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Posts: 7,283

[[Lol. I'm not offended. xD
Sorry. Res ate my post to this I think D: ]]

Ugh. P.E.
Gym was the worst subject for me. I tended to be a bit of a klutz. Reluctantly I walked inside the gym, hoping I could hide in the locker room today.
"Hey Paradise."
And there he was. Eddie.
I said, my voice much more jumpy then I wanted. What was with me today?
"You better go change before Mr. Smith makes you run more laps."
Eddie said with a laugh before patting her shoulder and started running to his guy friends. I smiled, promising myself I would never ever wash that shoulder again. Or the shirt.
I bit my lip nervously as I trudged to the bathroom. As I did, I saw Dan. I did a small wave to him, just in case he hasn't made new friends yet, and started for the locker room again.

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11:03pm Aug 27 2011

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Heading to the mens locker room, Dan got changed. Was that other boy, the on she had gone to when she entered, really that blind? The way her voice took on a jumpy tone, her shoulders facing towards him... yep, she had a huge crush. So why was he so ticked off with that? It wasn't like he could get in any relationships anyway, what with his... situation.
Sighing, he quickly got changed, before running out into the hall again. Gym was always easy for him. He was quick and agile, and was pretty good at sports.

[[Lol, Res eats posts a lot.x3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

10:42pm Aug 28 2011

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Posts: 7,283

[[Sorry. My power went out for the whole day. The second I pressed 'post reply' to my reply on here, my internet shut off.


Anyways, I just realized that you didn't reply to this because my post was eaten ONCE AGAIN. I don't feel like redoing what I wrote, since I'm getting off. So this is just a bump for myself for tomarrow when I get on and reply to all rp's.
Yeah. Thanks for... Patience, if your still on. hahahahahah. :0 ]]

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8:44am Aug 29 2011

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[[Lols. No problem, no rush. x3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

2:41pm Aug 29 2011

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Posts: 7,283

After I quickly changed in the locker room, I relucantly left and slowly started back for the gym. Searching for just one glimpse of Eddie. Hopefully, that wasn't an obsession sign. In my defense, I just liked him alot.
"Miss Paradise, so glad you'd join gym with everyone else today instead of hid in the locker room."
Mr. Smith said before looking to everyone else.
"Alright, I want everyone to run around the gym for four laps. Then come to the middle so we can start making teams for dodge ball!"
I groaned. Dodge ball usually ended with me never dodging the balls successfully. I started for a run around the gym. Some students in the class tried walking when Mr. Smith wasn't looking, while other's ran as fast as they could to impress everyone.
That included Eddie.
I wonder if he's trying to impress me...
I thought to myself sadly, knowing that wasn't true. I was so caught up in Eddie, watching him discreetly, that I wasn't watching who was infront of me. Before I knew it, my body banged right against someone's back. I toppled to the ground, and rolled my eyes. Sneaking a peak at Eddie to see if he saw my fall - thank God he didn't - I looked up at the person I ran into.
"I'm sorry, Dan."
I said embarressedly (If that's a word D: ) and started getting up.
"I ...Eh...wasn't really watching where I was going."

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2:46pm Aug 29 2011

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Dan had been walking, not really wanting to show off his speed in front of everyone, like some big kid on sugar. ''That's ok.'' He said, helping her to her feet. He'd walked one lap so far, and was now bored. Seeing Eddie, that guy she liked, far ahead and into his second lap, his big kid on sugar within him shone through.

Smiling at Paradise, he turned around, before proceeding to run at speed around the gym, completing four laps in the space it took for an average kid to do two, before running to the center of the gym and standing looking bored. He wasn't even tired, hadn't even bothered going full speed.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

2:51pm Aug 29 2011

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Posts: 7,283

I smiled at Dan, glad that it was him that I ran into and not some girl that always stared me down rudely.
Before I could even respond, he turned around and ran faster then anyone I've ever seen. I stood there, not caring about the students saying,
"Watch it." as they ran past me.
My jaw open, I watched him in the middle of the gym, already finished.
I whispered before hearing the gym teacher.
"C'mon Paradise. Don't just stand there!"
I smirked as I started for a run again.

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2:58pm Aug 29 2011

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Dan smirked as her jaw dropped. That had been the effect he was going for, yes. His brows twitched slightly in amusement as she ran around the gym, almost at a snails pace compared to him. Hell, even that 'Eddie' boy was slow compared to him.

He folded his arms, and did his best to have an overly bored ex
pression on his face.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:03pm Aug 29 2011

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Posts: 7,283

Once everyone was finally done, all the students were in a group in the middle. Some were eyeing Dan down with a teasing smile - I'm guessing they were impressed by his running. So was I, but I wasn't looking at him that... Creepy like. More of in amazement. It was pretty cool.
The guys were glaring at him, since he was taking all the attention from the girls. I giggled as I watched, even Eddie was kind of irritated.
It sent a pang in my chest to realize that he was jealous that those girls weren't looking at him. That meant he wasn't even thinking of me. I frowned as Mr. Smith came to the group.
Alright, lets do team captains..."
Mr.Smith said, while rubbing his hands together.
"Dan. Why don't you be a captain? And... Eddie. You'll be the other. Dan, you choose someone in the group first, then Eddie. And, so on."
After saying that, Mr. Smith went to go get the dodge balls. I shuddered, realizing that I'd be forced to play.

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3:07pm Aug 29 2011

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Dan smirked at this. He had no intention of letting Eddie get Paradise. ''Ok, then. Since I have no clue of any of your names, and nor do I care to learn the names of a few of you skirts tucked in knickers bimbos, I pick... Paradise.'' He folded his arms and somehow managed to lean into thin air, smirking smugly.

Ticking off dumb guys and attracting attention from even dumber girls was always fun, if a bit tiresome, sometimes.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:11pm Aug 29 2011

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[[HOMG. <3333
I'm in love with Dan. Like, really. ]]

My jaw gaped open yet once again at his comment. How could he say something so easy like that?
Some girls looked offended at the comment, others didn't care - still watching him.
"Uh... Okay."
I said quietly before going to his side.
"I'm not very good at... Sports, Dan."
I warned as I crossed my arms.

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3:15pm Aug 29 2011

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[[Lololol. I knows. xD He is like. So cleverly sarcastic and luffable. xD]]

Dan just smirked once again at the looks of shock on the girls faces. ''Don't worry. D'you really think anyone else, no matter who I pick, stands a chance? Besides. They hit you, I hit them back. Ten times as hard.'' He said, waiting for that Eddie kid to make a pick.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:18pm Aug 29 2011

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I heard Eddie say. It only hurt me more. That was the girl he always talked about. I swallowed and tried a small laugh at Dan.
"I don't know. Andy-" I stopped and pointed at the big kid in the group discreetly. He had a bulldog face and was 5 times heavier then any student in this class. "Is the best at this game. I usually get bruises from his hits. You wouldn't stand a chance against him."

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