C'mon... are scales really such a turn-off? [[CHerry and meh]]

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8:18pm Jan 19 2012

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[[Iunno. Two hours, maybe? o 3o]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

8:27pm Jan 19 2012

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[[Alright. :D ]]

My eyes opened to still be covered in Dan's blanket, on his sofa, in his living room, at his home. 
So that meant nothing before I had accidentally truly fallen asleep was a dream. What I had heard was real. 
I smiled, and lifted the blanket off my body and looked around for Dan. It was quiet. I stretched and got up from the sofa. 
I could already see it now. Ten years from now, Dan making me coffee in the mornings, then we'd snuggle on this very couch...
I found myself chuckling at the thought as I walked out of the living room and too where Dan was. 
Though that chuckle turned straight into a high-pitched scream. 
I screamed, putting a hand to my heart as I saw the tail that drooped down to the floor. After calming down a moment, I realized that it could be fake. Slowly walking over to Dan, I lifted his shirt slightly to see the tail coming out of his body. 
Like it was attatched. Like it was...
I screamed again this time as tears streamed down my face, though I didn't know why. Probably because that tail looked so familiar. 
"Oh my gosh..."
I whispered to myself as I started breathing heavy, putting the pieces together. My hand was brought to my forehead, trying to calm down. I must have sounded like... Ashley, with my screaming and crying. But I couldn't help it.

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11:21pm Jan 21 2012

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Dan had never been the lightest of sleepers when in his own home, and decided not to open his eyes upon hearing a scream, thinking it was a dream and nothing more.
When he heard it again, his eyes flashed open, and he sat up on the chair looking confused as he saw Paradise stood in front of him, a look of horror on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks.
He stood up, wondering what was the matter with her, and took a step closer. His eyes were full of nothing other than worry and concern, but they weren't his usual eyes; the usual green and violet were replaced with two glinting discs of liquid gold, the pupils little more than slits in the brightly lit room.
''Paradise...? Are you okay?'' When he took yet another step closer, his tail slid off the arm of the chair and fell to the floor with a slight thud, making him look back.
Upon realizing what it was that was terrifying her, and the fact that she now knew his secret, a look of horror and perhaps just a little fear flashed across his face.
He closed his eyes for a moment and the tail shrank back into his skin, no sign it had ever been there before. When he opened his eyes, they were human once more, but this time he took a step back from her.
Was she really that scared of him now, to scream like that, to cry? Then again, who wouldn't be? He was a monster, with or without his scales.
''... I'm sorry. If you... want to go now, go. I won't... I won't stop you.'' He had looked down, trying to hide the expressions held within his eyes, but looked back up to gaze into her own eyes on the last word. She really did have beautiful eyes, didn't she?
Both his posture and features betrayed his emotions; sadness, that she was scared of him; guilt, for letting her ever see him like that, for scaring her so much; and, perhaps most prominently, a look of fear. Fear of what, is difficult to tell; perhaps it was fear of rejection, or fear she would tell everyone, or maybe a combination of the two. Either way, he was... scared.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:35pm Jan 21 2012

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[[ ;-; 
I almost cried. 
Anyways, I'm going off for the night. I'll make sure to respond sometime tomorrow. :) ]]

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11:43pm Jan 21 2012

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[[Lololol. Big bad dragon's a wuss. |D
Und hokay. See yuu tomorra. <3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

8:29am Jan 22 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ He's a hunky wuss. 
And, I went on google to see if I spelled 'Hunky' right, and it gave me this definition:
A well built, sexually attractive man.

Should Paradise leave, or be too surprised that she wants to ask more about how it happened and stuff?
Realistically, anyone would run out that door the second they saw the tail go back in someone's body. That's just gross. But... We don't always have to be realistic... ]]

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10:11am Jan 22 2012

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[[LOLOLOL. Dude. I like. Love that so much.
Well. It depends on if you wanna see him be depressed and like. All incredibly bummed for a week, then something or other happens and he ends up meeting up with her again.
Or whether you want for eeeeverything to be hunky dory naow.
Personally, I find the first option more amusing to watch, but still. |D]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:59am Jan 22 2012

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[[Either way, I want to watch Dan be depressed and bummed, so we'll have her leave for now after saying mean things. :D
Ahhh. Making characters sad is always fun.~]]

The second he woke up and looked at me, his eyes stopped my heart - and not the way they usually did. Instead, fears claw wrapped around my neck, choking any words I wanted to get out. 
"You are... You're..."
I put a hand to my heart, looking away as the tail disappeared up his spine. (I still think it's gross...) I shivered, feeling nauseous.
"You're what everyone has seen. That... Thing."
I spat the last part out as if I was sick just saying it. 
"You're what I saw. You... Were on my roof. You flew..."
I whispered to myself, as if everything was finally being put together. That suspicion I always had about him - it wasn't just a hunch. It was there for a reason.
Because he really was something dangerous, hiding something like... Being a dragon. Or some big bird. 
I backed away from, looking up to see the normal human Dan that has now made me feel every possible emotion. 
At his words, I didn't hesitate to start backing up even more. 
"You're just a monster..."
I said through my teeth, angry at him. And me, for falling in love with him. 
"You let me get close to you. You let me love you. Knowing you were... This?"
More tears streamed down my face as I turning my back, went for the door, and left his home. I couldn't quite think of anything else but the fact that I fell in love with a monster.

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1:00pm Jan 22 2012

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[[Yes, yes it is. And. Especially when they're big tough guys. |D]]

Dan looked down, not wanting to hear her words, but thinking he deserved nothing less.
Every word she spoke pierced like a hot knife through my heart, the tone of her voice- of anger, fear, disgust- digging deeper than any actual wound ever could.
She was right in it all, of course. Him being a monster was more true than even she would ever know.
He had disgusted even himself, by waiting to push her away. He'd been selfish, wanted her friendship more than her safety and peace of mind...
And as if to make everything worse, she really had loved him. He'd let her. He'd let her get herself into such a dangerous, heart-breaking situation, knowing it could never work, knowing that if she knew the truth, she'd never want for it to work.
If that didn't make him a monster, then nothing ever would.
These were the only thoughts in Dan's mind as she spoke, thoughts of how much of a terrible person he was. He should have left town the moment he found himself falling for her.
When she turned her back and walked away, he stood still for a long time, not daring to move. Had that even been... Real? Had he really just made the only person he cared about have such a disgusted hatred for him?
After a few hours had passed, he turned and sat back into the chair, wondering what he should do. He should probably pack up his bags and leave town, just leave and never come back. Let her heart heal and have her forget about it.
He found, however, that he couldn't make himself go pack his things, couldn't stand up from the chair. He couldn't even sleep, and spent the rest of the night feeling sheer hatred at himself for allowing such terrible things to happen.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

1:35pm Jan 22 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[Though I'd love to make another heartbreaking, depressed post from Paradise walking home...
Time skip? :) ]]

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1:38pm Jan 22 2012

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[[Lolol shur. :3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

1:46pm Jan 22 2012

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[[If I did time skip to school, would Dan go? Because we shouldn't do school if he doesn't even go. We'll get block. D: ]

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1:50pm Jan 22 2012

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[[Actually, prolly not. :x After this he'd prolly spend all day and al night either sat at home drumming or flying over/walking through the forest. Iunno how he'd convince her to trust him, though. D: Maybe like... She gets in trouble or something, and he helps her out? Or she wants to know more and pops ovr? Iunno, these're just ideas. x3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

1:58pm Jan 22 2012

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[[[Hmmm... What kind of trouble did you mean that she would get in to? Like when the tree was about to fall on her that one time and he helped, or she 'get's in trouble' by a teacher or something and goes home early and somehow runs into him...?
We could always make an even bigger idea out of this. Like, maybe a 'pack' of dragons (I dunno a clever name for them.) finds out some how that he exposed himself, and they come to execute him and anyone who knows. xDDDDDD Then they can somehow talk without 'unexpectedly running into each other and Paradise all of a sudden trusting him again'...  ]]

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2:51pm Jan 22 2012

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[[Dude that's like. Omg. Epicness completely. o ___ o Solike. Who would they try executing first? o 3o
Also, a group of dragons is usually known as a flight. :B]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

2:57pm Jan 22 2012

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[[Well then Miss. Smarty, the flight  of dragon shifters could probably take Dan first. Like, I guess they have some kind of ability to be able to know what a dragon shifter... Person is exposed? IDK, anyways they find him, and hide him away (And torture in sick ways for the fun of it, to make the rp more fun to play out. ;) ) to get him to say who knows about him. 
Then they do the same to Paradise. 
Then they somehow get out alive. O-o ]]

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3:01pm Jan 22 2012

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[[LOLOLOL. Miss. Smarty. I like it. |D Also, I only know 'cos I'm like. Almost as obsessed with dragons as Dan is. |D
Torturing characters is the most fun thing in the world omg. o _ o]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:10pm Jan 22 2012

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[[Kind of like beating them up~
Lollllllllllllllll, well technically, you always beat me at the smart stuff. Like with how you say 'realise', though in my spell check it says it's wrong. Or the accent teaching you gave me. <333333 
So, I time skip to maybe a school day, Dan doesn't go to school, and we do the flight of dragon shifters scenerio with Dan first while Paradise is at schoooool.~
So I don't get writers block with Paradise, can I play one of the dragon peoplesss? ]] 

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3:19pm Jan 22 2012

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[[LOLYES. Beating up+ Torture= Epic winnnnn.
Lol. I'm just. Weird. Besides, Realise is wrong. It's some other word I can't remmber that it's different between English and American versions. |D
And of couuuuuurse you can play one of the dragon peoples. xD They are you're idea, afterall. ;D]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:32pm Jan 22 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ Hehe. We're so evil. xD ]]

I hardly slept a wink last night. My eyes were puffy from my pitiful tears that came through out the night, and my heart broke more then once. Finally, by 3:00 in the morning, I had found the common sense I once had to fall asleep. 
But I woke up thirty minutes later with nausea. Maybe emotions really could affect you physically. 
I was thinking about skipping a school day. Staying home, eating chocolate and ice cream, ignoring how desperate I would have looked. 
But, by 7:00 that morning, I told myself to get dressed and head out. Dan could be there, which just made me feel more sick, but at the same time I felt this urgency to tell him off again. Maybe expose him during lunch, with him right there for all to see. 
I found myself smiling at the thought. That monster needed to be dead and gone anyways. Maybe I could get the police to come to school...

That's what I thought about before my first period class started. But, the second the teacher started class, reality set in again. I hated Dan. The Dan that I was absolutely in love with just yesterday. He's a monster. I had covered my face in my hands the rest of the period. Not knowing whether to let myself feel this way, or just get him out of this world just in case any other stupid girl ended up falling for him instead.

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