5:08pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Well, if they got stuck in the forest together, she would have to feed from him a lot. o.o That would be interesting, seeing how her bites make you feel nice and stuff. xDDDD
Or, we could wing it. I'm not sure how we could do this, since there are so many possibilities. Hell, we could even make them start a war if we wanted. xD
I think the lost in the forest idea sounds pretty solid though. o.o ]]
5:26pm Jun 20 2012
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[ Before I start, have you watched Snow White and the Huntsmen? O_O That's what dark forest is from. It doesn't matter if you haven't, I was just wondering. ;) ]]
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5:28pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Yes! I loved it! Minus the whole 'Kirsten Stewart' thing. Her battle speech? Awful. xD
And that's a very good forest to be settled in. o.o ]]
5:34pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Really? I think Kristin did better in that then in Twilight. Stuff like Snow White and the Huntsmen is what she should stick more on, not... Twilight. -.- lol. I don't remember this battle speech. How was it awful? |DDDD -forgot-
^^ Well, that's why we made this rp, right? xD Back on the post I made, I remember saying, I want to do a Snow White and the Huntsmen based role play. And then I remembered saying 'Well I don't need it based on that, I just want the dark forest in it' or something along those lines.
Alright, anyways... I'll make my response on a different post, lol. ]]
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5:37pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ She did do much, much better than Twilight... I truly believe her battle speech ruined it for me though. It was just... Not inspirational at all. o.o You know, battle speeches are supposed to pump you up. Her's kind of just fell flat.
And alrighty. xD ]]
5:38pm Jun 20 2012
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Us hunter's had this sixth sense. It was like we could sense things that other could not. Sense who was a vampire. I was gaining more on the sense lately, as I studied vampire's body language, voice...
Now I could sense it. And everything in me told me this was another vampire in this village. Trying to be nonchalant, I wondered how I could get this one to go to the forest with me. If she didn't go there, I'd just kill her here.
"It's fine."
I said, discreetly grabbing a knife (-doesn't know what other weapons vampire hunters use-) before aiming towards her neck.
(Fail way to end. I didn't know what other way he could get her to run in the forest. C: ]]
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5:39pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ I thought she was pretty as Snow White. They made her look kind of horrible in Twilight for the most part. -_- Lol. But, hey, acting isn't all about appearances. Just my opinion. xDDD ]]
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5:45pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ How about a stake? |D -Shot- I'm so mean. >< ]]
Maeve nodded stiffly underneath her hood, eyes kept on the hunter's face. She was just about to turn her back when she heard the feint noise of an unsheathed weapon. Her whole body went rigid with fear. Her fight or flight reflex kicked in at that very moment.
Mae snarled loudly at the hunter, baring her long canines at him before sprinting off into the forest. It was dense and full of life, but she wasn't going to stay in the habitable region for long. The Dark Forest was calling her name, promising her shelter from the hunter.
[[ This was a fail hard post, fo' sho'. xD ]]
6:03pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Maybe... If we both fail together... We'll forget that we're failures. o.o Jk. Your post was fine. xD Omg, a stake. Let's pretend I said that instead, because that sounds much better.xD]]
The vampire ran away, just as I was about to slice her throat. Watching her, I saw her run into the dark forest. What, did she think I feared it too much? The dark forest could probably sense more evil in her then in me.
Following her, I slipped on a twig the second I came to the entrance of the forest. Getting up, I slowly walked deeper and deeper in, waiting for the vampire to make herself known to me. I ignored the blood that dripped down my chin from the fall. It'll only benefit me; maybe even lure the vampire to me.
"Show yourself."
I whispered, stake in hand at my side.
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7:33pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ We're not failures... It's just our posts. xD ]]
Maeve slowed her pace down to a jog, after all, there was no reason to completely drain her energy. She would need some for a fight, if it came to that. Then, a familiar scent wafted her way. Blood, but somehow different that what she had ever smelled before. It was sickening tantalizing. Perhaps it was just because it was a hunter's blood, but the vampire was unsure on whether to believe that or not.
Intrigued, Mae stopped, warily eyeing the trees around her. She had paused, for some crazy reason, because of the hunter. He had followed her into the dark forest, and now he was bleeding, bleeding a sweet blood that taunted her being. Thankfully, she had fed only moments before encountering the hunter, so she was able to resist a full on attack.
Show yourself.
Maeve nearly laughed aloud when she heard the human whisper this to her. Did he really believe her to be that stupid? But Mae never could resist a dare.
"Human!" She shrieked into the forest behind her. "Catch me if you can!"
9:51am Jun 21 2012
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[[ Haahahaha. But... What we write, is kind of what is in our minds. And if what we write are fails, then our minds are fails. And our mind is a part of us, so technically we are the failures. -shotshotshotshotshotshotshotshot- ]
Hearing her voice, I went straight ahead to where I heard her. Not responding so I could throw her off. Responding would mean telling her where I was. Though my footsteps were probably doing exactly that.
But as I came deeper and deeper in the forest, my feet kept slipping, almost as if the twigs were wrapping themselves around my ankles and yanking me down. My palms were bitten by bugs that I didn't even know existed, making them drenched in blood, and the more I inhaled the air of the dark forest, the more dizzy I came.
Vampire's weren't this important, to where I should risk my life. What was I thinking, going into the dark forest? I grabbed a handkerchief from my pocket as I stood hesitantly again. I might have twisted my ankle from the falling, for I was starting to limp now. Thinking about chasing the vampire was out of my mind. Now, I just wanted to find my exit.
Bringing the handkerchief to my nose, I tried ran forward, feeling like I was being followed by those annoying twigs. My eyes searching for the way I came, but everything was twisting in my vision. Monsters on all sides were closing me in, and I felt like something was grabbing a hold of my neck and squeezing the air from my lungs. I couldn't scream, but I fell to my knees - as though the twigs were bringing me down once again - and I groaned.
I was stupid for trying to come in. Vampires weren't this important! I risked my life, and now I'd pay the consequences. I closed my eyes, and let myself fall to the ground, my eyes closing as the feeling of darkness surrounded my entire being.
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2:28pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ ... I am a total failure. o.o Seeing how all I do is write.... -Shot- xD
Anyways, I'll be posting soon, in the next hour or so. -Just got off of work (Short work day! :D), needs to shower. And eat.- ]]
3:39pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ Take your time! I have to poof on and off a lot. Guess what? O_O I'm writing so much on the computer, that I actually am hurting my posture in my neck. I almost cried, seeing as I used to have good posture. My self esteem is ruined... ;-;
So, I'm forcing myself to work out in the morning now, which helps that. Plus, I can't be on all day like I like to. ;-; I guess you CAN have too much of a good thing... :( ]]
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9:05pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ o.o That is really freaking intense! D: I write on the recliner, so I don't really have issues with my posture. xD -Is so incredibly lazy- ]]
Mae listened for a response, but she received none. She wasn't surprised, he would have to be an idiot of a hunter to respond. Instead, the vampire listened to the forest, to where the strange birds croaked in annoyance at an intruder, where the trees and plants slithered around something that didn't belong, where his feet landed against the hard forest floor.
A vine started to twist its way up Maeve's leg, trying to pull her down to the forest's depths. She hissed menacingly at the branch, showing her dominance to it. At first, the thought seemed silly. It was a branch, not an animal. But, slowly and surely, the vine unwrapped itself from her leg and settled back down to the dirt it came from, laying motionless as if it had never moved. It seemed to know that Mae was a bigger predator than it was.
The sharp, sweetly metallic scent of the hunter's blood filled her nose once more, though it was much stronger this time. The fool! She thought angrily, walking back to find him. Coming into the Dark Forest... Humans' have lost all ability to think. Mae wrinkled her nose in disgust at the thought.
The vampire walked her way quickly to the smell, hissing at branches and vines that tried to tie her down. They all backed away as she hissed at them, and Mae was glad. She didn't want to have to deal with both the hunter and the forest.
Maeve arrived to the scene just in time to see the human fall to his knees, the branches covering him like an alive tomb. He was choking, she could see the vines wrapped around his body. For a moment, she thought about leaving the forest, leaving the hunter to die. But he had come in here with a goal... It would be a shame to let one so brave die an dishonorable death.
Sighing, Mae crept towards the mass of vines and branches, the human too. She growled, baring her teeth at anything that came her way. It all shrunk back from her. She used her sharp nails and teeth to gnaw through the vines that persistently clung to the hunter's unmoving body. It took time, but he was finally free.
Maeve looked around at the trees and hissed once more, making sure they had gotten the message. If anything in the forest was going to kill the hunter, it would be Mae, not the trees and vines. She looked at the handkerchief in his hand and shook her head. Once you inhaled the forests' poison, nothing would help but time.
After a minor search of the hunter's body for weapons, Mae came out with a stake. It was the obvious weapon, in an obvious spot. She was sure the hunter had more on him, but she feared if she exposed more of his flesh, she wouldn't be able to keep herself from feeding from him.
So, the vampire waited for the effects to wear off of him. She sat on a rotting log a few feet away, using a knife to cut and shape a pointed stick. She wouldn't use it for anything, but it was something to keep her hands occupied.
11:23am Jun 22 2012
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[[ -is a rebel and snuck on Res even though I should be packing- ]]
My neck burned when I finally opened my eyes. The feeling of the vines choking me to death was gone. Was this death? A bit burning on my neck, but the rest a odd peace? I opened my eyes to still see the same ground. To smell the same air. To feel the same evil presence. Was this hell? It would be one crappy heaven if it wasn't.
I wearily lifted myself up on my elbows, my ankle still throbbing from the fall, the blood covering my chin dry, but blood on my palms still dripping. Blinking to have my eyes adapt to this weird place for the dead, I turned to lay on my back.
Too see the vampire I chased in here. Whittling. A stick.
I gulped, and tried standing up on my two legs. Once seeing her, I realized I wasn't dead. I wasn't in a weird heaven, or hell. I was alive. In the dark forest. How was that possible?
"You cut away the vines."
I whispered. Speaking hurt my throat.
"You saved me?"
I said, lifting an eyebrow and putting my hands on my hips while I thought. If that wasn't what she did, then I wondered what really happened. I had passed out the second those vines squeezed hard enough on my throat.
The vines were out of sight. I guess the darkness of the forest was no match for the evil of a vampire.
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1:49pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ I love how long these posts are compared to our other Rps. |D
-Is going to edit and take my time since you're gone. :c - ]]
1:49pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ -is still here- ... -fail-
I know right? Bahahahahahaahahaha. xDD ]
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1:53pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ .... omg.
That just happened... -shot- |D ]]
2:00pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ -sits quietly in the awkward failure of Vin- ...
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4:50pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Pobre Vin. :c
I'd be embarrassed if I wasn't, well, me. o.o xD ]]
Mae didn't skip a beat as hunter began to woke. She kept her head down, hands still working on the stick. She could see the human in her peripheral vision, but paid him no heed. He was just waking up, and if she thought correctly, he wouldn't be of any danger to her.
The sound of his hoarse, quiet voice brought Mae's head up to look at him. Even though he was a hunter who was covered in dirt and some bruises, Maeve could appreciate a good looking man when she saw one. Hah, and she used to believe that hunters were the ugly creatures who haunted them in their nonexistent dreams.
"Saved you?" Mae repeated, a small trace of a smirk on her face. "Maybe so I could kill you myself." She stood up, tossing the stick aside and pocketing the dagger into its sheath on her belt. She grasped her hands together, examining him with bright, curious eyes.
"But, hunter," She spit the word out as if it were poison in her mouth, "I can respect your courage. I believes that's what it took to follow me into this death trap we call a forest. That, and extreme hate for my kind."
Mae smiled softly, as if he were a small child who needed an explanation for an extremely simple statement. "I would like to know your name, hunter."
[[ Meh. Stupid post.
-So much for editing... - xD ]]