CHeescake <3 and Meg (Private)

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8:10pm Sep 23 2012

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So, um yeah. Ideas?

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7:01pm Sep 24 2012

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I'm so sorry.

Threads are harder for me to post as fast.
And I really don't post fast on role plays in general because of school. :x

No ideas.
You like romance right? C:

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7:07pm Sep 24 2012

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Yeah. Romance is always the way I go, but I prefer a gradual romance, something that progresses after a long time rping. I hate it when people go two posts in: "I think I love you" So, do you want to do something like a humanoid or an animal sort of thing. I'm a good plot person, but I need some sort of general idea of something you might be interested. It could be rainbow unicorn flying magical dogs, I really don't care, but just give me something you like :)

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8:17pm Sep 24 2012 (last edited on 8:18pm Sep 24 2012)

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I liiiiiiiiike.
The following:

Humanoid Romance: Vampires, Werewolves, etc... 

Powered People: Any role play I do with these, they end up dead. So I'm always searching to try again. The ti[injection]tle pretty much explains it. Elementals/Powered people. 

Random Human Romances: I don't enjoy these as much as other more creative plots, but one time I did a random human high school romance and it ended up being one of my favorite romance role plays. It really matters who you're role playing with and how creative you are, I guess. Though, this idea still isn't a favorite, because there isn't no real plot to it. I recommend you look at the other ideas before going to this one. c:

Odd Pairs: Goodness, do I love these! The ti[injection]tle says it all. Odd pairs romance. People you think would never end up together. Master x Slave. Patient x Doctor. Forbidden Love. Popular x Unpopular. (Sounds so cliche but you never know how it could turn out. :P) Teacher x Student. (Kay, so I only like this if they are closer to the same age. It sounds creepy but hey... It's kind of so weird, it's scandalously delicious, in my opinion.)  Princess x Knight. Knight x Servant. Princess/Prince x Servant (Kind of the same as master x servant. Whatever. ) Good girl x Bad boy. (Another cliche, but how cute is it when the guy ends up being a better person in the end? :I -issuchahopelessromantic- )

There are SO many more odd pairs I could think of, but these are enough examples, I think. ;) 

Stranded: Oh how I love stranded on an island role plays. I'm still on the first season of LOST and I absolutely adore it. 

Arraigned Marriage/ Marriage for Convenience: These are also one of my favorites. I've never done a marriage for convenience role-play, but I read a book and loved it. Arraigned marriage is just what it says. An arraigned marriage. That would probably have to happen between a prince x princess, but if we could think of something different, I'm all ears for what you have in mind. 

Good vs. Evil: ... I'm still working on a plot that isn't as good as I thought, so I have no ideas for this. But I love good vs evil books, so thought I should add it to my growing list of ideas. xD

I feel like I have so much more ideas, but this is it, I believe. 8D 

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8:25pm Sep 24 2012

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I'd do a Powered people one with you. Or a Odd Couple/Forbidden Love. Stranded on an island isn't really my thang, nor is arranged marriages. Good vs. Evil Forbidden Love sounds extremely interesting. Maybe we could do something like there was an arranged marriage, but the Prince/Princess fell in love with someone else... Oh, I like that.

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8:29pm Sep 24 2012

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I like that too. 
But I thought arranged marriages weren't you thing? |D

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8:32pm Sep 24 2012

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I don't like arranged marriages where they actually end up marrying who they were arranged with XD

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8:33pm Sep 24 2012

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Alright then.
Tell me more about this plot you liked then. :o It sounded nice. :D

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8:39pm Sep 24 2012

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So, this is derp, but it shall do:

So, one of us is the Princess/Prince (I think Princess would work better) and we are arranged to marry someone who we don't love. Someone we hate in fact. (I'm going to call the royal character she) She gets desperate, and looks around for another prince who she could love, but no one is suited for her. She is completely desperate, but when all seems lost, she falls in love. Headfirst, desperately in love. Her lover loves her back, but he is a peasant, and his lineage is not the best. So, kinda forbidden love kind of thing.

Made up on the spot baby :)

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8:43pm Sep 24 2012

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Posts: 7,283
Lets do it.
So I'll play peasant doode? I got a character for that. ;o

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8:59pm Sep 24 2012

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/doesn't have a princess character/ I'm off picture searching. Do you want to start a different thread?

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9:06pm Sep 24 2012

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This is fine. *o*
I actually just like the ti
I don't really care about messiness. If you're the type to want to keep your threads neat and organized, we can make a different thread; I  don't care |D 

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9:15pm Sep 24 2012 (last edited on 1:03pm Dec 30 2012)

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Let's just do this one. Bio time, cause I found a picture :)

Name: Leanna Addison

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: linky

Personality: Leanna is sweet and kind, and she is fair to all of her subjects. She isn't the most outgoing person, but she isn't extremely shy either. She is kind and gentle, and she has an extreme soft spot for nature and small animals. She can be harsh when frustrated though, and she has lashed out at people sometimes when she is frustrated. She really tries to be kind in everything she does, though.

History: She's a princess.

Other: Afraid of vultures

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8:16am Sep 25 2012

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Name: Russel ( Rusty ) Parker 

Age: 23

Gender: Male


 (Josh Dallas, babyyyy. <3 )
Personality: He's a newer character, so I have none written down  yet. I'll just role play this out. :x

History: Gahhh. New character. :D

Other: He's a schmexy beast ;o 

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4:43pm Sep 25 2012 (last edited on 5:26pm Sep 25 2012)

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(( :o LOVE the character CH :) I'll start ))

Leanna sat on her balcony, running a brush through her hair. She thought of the events of the day, and how torturing it had been. She had been forced to sit through a fancy dinner with Jacob. Oh, how she loathed the man she was to get married to. She thought of the day they had first laid eyes on each other. She had been so excited, and before she had talked to him, he had seemed like someone who would be quite nice. The first words that had come out of his mouth were, "You are almost as gorgeous as me, my dear." What a snob and inconceivable jerk he was. He thought only of himself, and he made that fact clear to everyone. How her parents could have possibly managed to pick someone that bad, she had no clue. Of course, the country he ruled was second only to theirs in size and wealth, so Leanna's happiness may not have been considered when they chose. She snorted at the possibility of the thought. Her parents never thought of her when they made decisions. If she wanted to go to a friend's house instead of sit quietly in a meeting all day long, they would say that it would be a better image for her to go. Those were their two favorite words. Image and Appearance. She couldn't possibly hate two sounds more.

She sat there, running a comb through her hair, moping about how horrible her life was at the moment. No choices, no where to go, no free time, and especially no love. She hadn't been in contact with any boy her parents thought unworthy since she was eight. They had made it impossible for her to love anyone or anything.

She sat there quietly for a moment, letting the soft breeze ruffle through her hair and cool off her neck. She didn't know how long she had been sitting on her second floor balcony, it may have only been a few minutes, but it seemed like longer. It was impossible to concentrate anywhere but her porch. She let out a little tune, and her voice flowed dreamily through the air:

Under the snow, beneath the frozen streams
There is Life.
You have to know, when nature sleeps she dreams
There is life.

And the colder the winter, the warmer the spring,
The deeper the silence, the more our hearts sing,
Even though you can't see it inside everything,
There is life.

After the rain, the sun will reappear
There is life.
After the pain, the joy will still be hear
There is life.

For it's out of the darkness that we learn to see,
And out of the silence that songs come to be,
And all that we dream of awaits patiently,
There is life.

Her voice disappeared in the wind, and she sat in silence.

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6:11pm Sep 25 2012

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[[//subscribing ]]

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9:22pm Sep 25 2012

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(( Kk. Look up that song in the post. It's really good, but really short. That is actually the entire song. ))

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11:09am Sep 27 2012

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[[ Wait. So, if he's a peasant, he technically won't be around the castle, lol. How should they meet? :D 

Well, Rusty is more of a hooligan, we'll say. Maybe he did something that got him in trouble with the big guns somehow. I have an idea on what he could do if you like this idea, trolol. Anyways, maybe I can end it with him leaving the castle, after getting caught and such and such, and she sees him from the balcony. 


Once I wrote that out I realized there wouldn't be much for us to put, lol. ]]

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3:38pm Sep 27 2012

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(( Kk. Whatever you like. CHeesecake knows what to do ))

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4:14pm Sep 27 2012

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[[ :O 
I just realized I have to finish this computer assignment so give me an hour or two.c : ]]

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