5:47pm May 5 2010
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Mmkay, Mand. ^^ This is the thread, like we discussed over the Rmail. The plot's simple: it's some horror-type thing. Two teenagers are having a sleepover, the parents are out, and some guy breaks in and it's all horrible. As for the bios... Should I make them?
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:00pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 480
You can if you want. :) Can't wait to start ;)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:03pm May 5 2010
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^^ Aww. <3 Name: Age: Gender: (You get the girly. o3o) Appearance: Fears: (Yes, we need this. :3) Other: Dur. ono You post your character first. <3
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:38pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 7:43pm May 5 2010)
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Name: Molly Asher Age: 17 Gender: Female - Appearance: Molly has long blonde hair that hangs straight down her back, big light blue eyes, and fair skin. She usually wears colorful V-neck shirts and ripped blue jeans and has a silver bracelet that her father gave her.
- Fears: Spiders, ghosts, scary movies, fire, losing her family, and dying.
- Other: Her parents are out of town on vaction in Tahiti for their anniversary. She and her best friend, (your character, Kira ;]), are staying at her house for the week alone until her parents return.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:35pm May 5 2010
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Name: Adair -lastnamedoesn'tmatter- Age: Seventeen Gender: Boy...y. Appearance: Like the picture. C: Sorry for the drawing-y appearance.
 Fears: Losin' his friends, family, being alone, being on stage, large dogs, sometimes gore, and that's all I can think of right now. Other: He has piercings, thank you very much. ono
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:40pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 480
Aww, I feels bad now D: I'll change that fear.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:59pm May 5 2010
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xD Lawlz. No, it's fine. He'll pretend to be offended everytime she gives him a horrified look or somethin'.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:14pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 480
Haa okay but I already changed it. ;) So do you wanna start?
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
9:17pm May 5 2010
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ono Noo. I gotta go, anyway. :U
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:27pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 480
Alright, I gotta go, too. But I'll post first tomorrow.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:08am May 6 2010
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xD Lol. Okayy. I'll wait till after school, then. o3o *prods characters* o-o They can have some time to watch scary movies or some sh.it.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:48pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 480
(okay here it goes. ;)) Molly ran her fingers through her long hair as she bent down, trying to decide what movie for her and Adair to watch. "Hmm.. I bet he'd like to watch a scary one." She hesitated for a moment before pulling the first one she saw from the shelf and popping it into the DVD player. Her soft foot steps could clearly be heard as she padded down the hall where her best friend, Adair, sat waiting for her on her big bed. "Hey, I've got a movie in." A smile lit up her girly face and she flopped down beside him and resting her cheek on her hand. "It's a scaaary one."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:18pm May 6 2010
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Adair grinned when he saw Molly again, and then let out a completely fake whine. "Nothing your little movie library has can scare me, Molly-Polly. Not even," He took a glance around, then let out a tiny, dramatic gasp, covering his mouth. "this movie." he finished, trying to keep from laughing out loud.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:09pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 480
"Hey, it was the first one I saw," Mollie stated before walking over to the fully stocked mini fridge she had in the corner. She opened the silver door and pulled out a bottle of rootbeer and a strawberry yogurt. "You know, I've never really been here alone before. It's just so big and quiet." Her house was alot like a mansion, with three floors and many, many rooms. "Do you want anything?"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
9:01pm May 6 2010
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"I'm here, though. Are you saying I'm like a ghost?" Adair asked, cocking an eyebrow and smirking. When she asked if he wanted anything, he paused, mulling over the question for a bit, then nodded, holding out his hand and saying, "I do, if you have any coke."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:40pm May 7 2010
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( D< Yo, Mand! )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:15pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 480
(Im sorry. I had to work. D:) "You know what I mean!" Sticking her tongue out, Mollie pulled a coke from the fridge and tossed it to him. Her bare feet padded across the white carpeted room and she flopped back down next to Adair. She lightly poked him in the side. "We dont have to watch a movie if you dont want to. I'm sure we could find something else to do." Of course there was. There was a room full of entertaining stuff down in the basement. Exercise eqiptment, xbox's and multiple tv's, a giant sterio, ping pong. You name it and it was probably down there. You could hardly call it a 'basement' at all. More like Gigantic Gameroom. "It's up to you, Buuuuuuuuddy." Mollie chuckled and then took a bite of her yogurt.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
1:49pm May 9 2010
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Le Bump
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
2:32pm May 9 2010
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( Oh, sorry. o3o ) Adair snorted, then lightly stabbed Mollie's side, saying, "Shank," under his breath when he did. "Okay, now that I've stabbed you," he said, flicking his head to get his hair out of his face. "let me just say that I think you're asking me that so you won't have to watch the movie." He smirked again.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:20pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 480
Mollie scoffed. "What?" She laughed and then pushed Adair off the bed. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She doubled over laughing, holding her stomach with tears coming out of her eyes. "Oh, wow. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to push you off." Mollie wiped her face and then reached down to help him up. "I'll watch the movie. I'm not scared!"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)