Dad, the horses are gone! (Private) which ones? (With tinkytasha) the mustangs

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1:41pm Oct 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 292
Plot: we know it
Rules: we know them
Name: Silver 
Gender: male
Age: adult:
Personality: He is kind and sweet to horses but humans he is a vicious.
Appearance: black with white socks and star. He has feathers on his feet and has a perfect everything.
Crush: none yet
Breed: Friesian x cob with mustang blood
Other: nope 

I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!

1:44pm Oct 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Name: Wish
Gender: female
Age: adult
Personality: sweet, kind, loyal and smart with horses short-tempered and wild with humans
Appearance: white with grey socks and star. No feathers and has perfect legs and a long tail.
Crush: none yet
Breed: Irish hunter x Gypsy Vaner with mustang blood
Other: nope


11:00pm Oct 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 292
As Silver struggled to get free, he neighed to see if his herd was with him. He heard one neigh. Who is it? He thought. He still struggled as the truck was pulling him along, head and tail tied to the truck, it was really sore. Suddenly it stopped, the people came in, he acted like a good boy, he neighed at them, the boy untied the tail rope and the head rope, he started leading Silver, suddenly Silver reared high and aimed at the boy he dropped the lead and Silver turned and galloped off eager to find his herd, but then, he heard a shot ring out and then everything was black, he woke up inside a stable, he neighed for his herd, still one reply he got up and looked out there she was, it was Wish. He started kicking the door hard with his back legs it broke but the people put him in another stall before he got out. He needed to get out, soon. He didn't have a run up but he tried, he took one step and then jumped and made it with no scratches. He galloped to Wish. They were happy to be together.

I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!

10:28am Oct 24 2013 (last edited on 10:29am Oct 24 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Wish heard the neigh and neighed back and knew it was Wish. She was fighting the truck but she knew she wasn't strong enough. She then stopped when the truck stopped and the man climbed out he undid the ropes and lead her close to the ramp, she then heard the hoof steps and tried to break free and then heard a shot that made her go in to the trailer she was good the whole 4 hours. When they got there she got out of the trailer eagerly and got into a meadow with stables there nobody was there, not even Silver. She heard a neigh and replied, it didn't sound like Silver she thought. She started nibbling on the grass, she heard the banging and saw a horse come out but the people caught him and out him in another stall. It looked like Silver. Then saw a horse jump out the stall, it was Silver. She galloped to him and he galloped to her. She reared up and started nuzzling him, they were happy.

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