5:47pm Mar 17 2013 (last edited on 5:59pm Mar 17 2013)
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Posts: 827
A coup has taken place by the sister of the current king, and her massive family. For years, she has been planing and secretly converting lowly demons to her side. During the coup, the king was murdered, as well as his wife (unless she was already dead for some reason), but the twins managed to escape. The twins tried to seek refuge from some family friends, but they are afraid of the new queen's power, and reject the brothers.
Those who were loyal to the king and believe that the twins should be the new rulers rebel and wage war against the new monarchy. They seem to be winning the war until one day, the new queen announces that she has found a way to take the power of their archenemies, the angels. She tells the rebels that they should stop fighting her and, instead, join her forces to finally crush the angels for good. Reluctantly, the rebels agree.
As the demons start to join together and regroup, they all focus their attention on seeping the angel's power away. No one really knows where the power is going, and it is just assumed that the magic is going back into the universe to be used at a later date.
That is not the case. As the angels lose their power, humans are starting to gain magic. This is not that unusual because humans are sometimes 'blessed' with abilities by an angel or demon when they are born, but now, people in their late teens to early thirties are finding themselves with unheard of magic that they never knew that they had. Being that they do not know about the issues with the angels and demons, the humans think that they are magicians. Many without powers feel threatened by those who do, and convince others that the magicians are evil.
Because many people are are going out and attacking magician, some Earth-bound demons are taking advantages of the magicians and controlling them to do evil on Earth.
In the land of the angels, chaos is stirring. The angles are feeling drained and they are developing new weaknesses they never knew about. Some of their protecting magic and defenses are faltering, but their attack magic is still going strong. Well, at least for those who stay in the land of the angels. Those who have Earth Duty are losing even more than that. Their powers seems to be seeping, and even a few have trouble flying.
The twins, having taken refuge on Earth, are horrified by what is going on. They go to an old psychic who claims to be working for mother earth. Though the woman is a complete crackpot, her predictions are usually right, she gives wonderful advice, and she bakes insanely delicious pumpkin pie. The psychic tells the twins that unless their aunt is stopped, the balance of the worlds would be destroyed and beings of other dimensions would be able to enter theirs, which would be disastrous. The only way to prevent this would be to appeal to the angels and humans. Because it was obvious that humans would never agree to do anything (being that they are constantly at war over the stupidest of things) and the angels would never trust two demons, the only option was to make peace with a few of each group.
The twins go off (either separately with one trying to track down two humans and the other two angels, or they go together) to find some people willing to help them. I'm guessing that this is where we'll start the rp, being that this is where all of our characters start to come in. From then, they find each other, and the party of six go out in the world(s) to stop the new queen of hell.
Name: Age: Gender: Creature: Personality: History: (?) Other:

5:53pm Mar 17 2013 (last edited on 7:21pm Mar 18 2013)
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Posts: 1,557
[[You forgot about personality]]
Name: Fray Krane Age: 203 (which is like 20 in human years) Gender: Male Race: Angel Rank: Low side of the middle rank, but, then again, he is quite young for angel standards. He has been on Earth Duty for nearly 150 years now. He is quite good at his current job of warning angels/im.portant humans if they were in danger. He usually only spends about five hours making his rounds and listening to people before goofing off. In reality, he doesn't take his job serious enough and he probably only has it because not many angels have an ability quite like his. Power: Well, he can fly (obviously), as well as make his wings dissipate (yes, dissipate. If he simply made them disappear, then someone could run into them or something like that). Fray can sense what race a person is, or at least a general idea. His major power is hearing peoples' death song. The more in danger or closer to death someone is, the louder his or her death song is. Also, if someone has strong magic, his/her death song will be very complex and filled with multiple instruments. If the person has little to no power, then s/he will only have one or two sounds playing. The person's race changes the song's melody; demons tend to have low-pitched instruments playing slow music, humans have chaotic music that flutters between low and high-pitched sounds, and angels have elegant and smooth songs with string or flute instruments. Fray can never 'turn off' his ability, so when he's not using it, he blasts his ears with music, which blocks out all but the loudest of death songs. The down side to doing this is that it sometimes makes his ears ring and if the music is too loud, he drowns out the rest of the world and sometimes runs into things or gets run into. Of the plus side, it's better than listening to dieing people. Personality: Quiet, but not meek; contemplative, but not one to worry. Fray doesn't talk much, but when he does, he tends to be loud because he's speaking over music or death songs. He doesn't want to be viewed as a obnoxious person, so he keeps his mouth closed and opinions unspoken. He isn't exactly a sad person, he's more on the indifferent side, but it's not like he allows his power to affect his emotions or anything like that. He likes to keep to himself and walk around or read a good book in a place without other people. Appearance: Fray is five feet eleven inches tall, a height he considers average. He has sapphire eyes and messy/wavy dirty blond hair that he keeps about two inches short. Fray tends to wear loose, almost blouse-like, shirts that are comfortable to fly in under his black two-sizes-too-big hoodie and either jeans or shorts depending on the weather. Fray always has black fingerless gloves and he prefers to wear sneakers or go bare-footed. He has a pair of blue and black head phones that are usually over his ears or hung on his neck that connect to a blue mp3 pla.yer in hoodie's pocket. Fray's wings are mostly soft and white, other than at the feather tips, which are inky black from flying in smog too many times. His wings look like normal angel wings - long, sleek, and awkward in a crowded room. Fray tends to dissipate his wings when he is neither using them nor in a situation where wings are needed (like when with other angels). History: Nothing noteworthy. He developed his power when he was eight, and was sent on earth duty when he was forty-seven. Since then, he has been mingling with humans and demons alike, and warning clients how close they are to death. Other: Like Earth more than his home land, mostly because the powerful people aren't all together in the same building like in the angel's world. Fray isn't too fond of most other angels, and he usually ignore summons to the angel world whenever they are sent to him. Fray doesn't play any instruments because he doesn't want to feel entitled to play people's death songs.
Name: Kyle Matrix Age: 21 (Drinking age :D ) Gender: Male Race: Human Occupation: Kyle is a college student studying agriculture and works part-time at a flower shop where he secretly uses his magic to improve growth rate. Power: He has the ability to grow plants, specifically small plants like flowers and shrubs. His power consists of two different things: raising quality of a plant (making the flowers unnaturally large or fruit unusually sweet) and fast growth. He can make a single tulip grow from bulb to flower in about a minute He can grow a single bush in about five minutes. Kyle can also grow trees and other large plants, but it can take over an hour to do so, and it nearly drains him of all the magic in his body. The down side of his ability is that his plants are weak and they wilt after a few days, or weeks, depending on how much magic he uses to grow the plants. Also, when he uses his ability a lot in a small time period, he gets tired and sick. He's passed out once or twice because of exhaustion. Though he will admit that that it isn't much exciting, Kyle is happy that his power isn't attention-grabbing. There were some crazy people out there why were attacking power people, and he really didn't want to put a target on himself. Personality: Kyle isn't loud, but he doesn't hesitate to make his opinions and thoughts known. He hates being looked down upon or keeping things a secret, but he's been making an exception with his new found powers. Kyle loves plants; they are practically his life. Ever since his power of growing plants developed, he has devoted his time to learn more about his abilities and more about plants. Once he puts his mind to something, he has a tendency to stick to it until he achieves success or it end horribly. Kyle is surprisingly not very loyal to leaders, and he will sometimes go against their wishes to remind them that he is not just a brainless minion to be ordered around. He doesn't usually get attached to people, so he has issues showing his feeling to creatures other than his plants. Appearance: Kyle likes green clothes, which he finds quit fitting. His wardrobe consists of: 5 shades of green shirts, 3 pairs of green jeans, 1 pair of black jeans, 2 pairs of green socks, 1 pair of white socks, 1 pair of white shoes, and 2 pair of green shoes. When he's at work, he wears a light green t-shirt, brown dress pants, and a white apron smeared with dirt, and he ties back his hair. Kyle has dark brown, almost black, hair that is long enough to put into a tiny ponytail and brown eyes. History: Kyle was birthed by his mother, and grew up like any other child. The most interesting thing that happened to him was getting his power. Other: Not much.
[[bio-making drains my soul]]
6:03pm Mar 17 2013 (last edited on 8:16pm Mar 25 2013)
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Posts: 827
[[Haha! Oops!]]
Name: Annette Rose Age: 206/20 in human years Gender: Female Race: Angel Power: Even though Annette can fly and make her wings disappear, they do not fully dissipate. Angels on Earth Duty have this power, but since Annette has to go from the Angel realm and Earth, her wings don't fully dissipate. They can for a short amount of time, though. Annette's main power is telepathy. Her range for telepathy is large, being able to communicate with anyone she thinks of. She is very skilled with this power and, aside from words, she can send people memories or pictures from her mind. However, since Angels are becoming weaker and weaker, Annette has found that her range for her power is shrinking each day. Another power that Annette has is the power to see in the eyes of the person she is communicating with. It isn't just the simplicity of seeing what they are seeing, and the power is quite difficult itself. You see, when Annette looks is in the view point of the other person, the surroundings appear like they would if you were looking at a thermographic camera, though a more evolved version. The images are more crisp and precise and where as a thermographic's camera color would be red if it is hot and blue if it is cold, Annette sees it as blue for pure and red for evil, and purple for neutral. Rank: She still has many centuries to make it to the top, but so far, her rank is middle. Upper middle to be exact. She is a messenger between the Angel realm and Earth, able to transmute to both. Appearance: Annette [But if you want a desc[injection]ription then here] Thick scarlet red hair spews from Annette's lightly tanned skin with the color of copper to compliment it. Her hair falls long and straight down to her knees, that is usually kept in a loose, light pink scrunchy, that ties at waist length. Her thick, silky hair, puffs up around her diamond shaped head making her face look small. Her big grey eyes almost seem transparent in the sun, making her personality more believable. As for her body, she is lean, skinny (though has lots of strength in her arms) and stands tall at 5'6". Annette usually wears dark blue clothing with splashes of light pink. She wears silky dark blue gloves that ties around her middle finger and wraps around, down her wrist and covers up to her mid-forearm. The glove actually stops a inch or two above her elbow and unravels loose and wavy ruffles the rest of the way. On her gloves a half inch width of ribbon twines up her gloves, splashing light pink on the dark color. Along with the gloves, on her right wrist, she wears a thick golden bracelet with a strange silver design engraved around it. The bracelet also had a little charm dangling off of it in the same golden color. The charm circular and has the design of a little girl, that is supposed to be her, carved in the center. Now, back to her attire. Annette wears a silky dark blue T-shirt that cuts close to her neck and has a triangle cut out that starts slightly below her collar and shapes down into a sweet heart cut above her bust. A inch of silver lining follows the sweet heart neckline and where the neckline dips before starting the other half of the heart is a small heart design that follows the dip. As for the rest of her shirt, there isn't much. Her shirt stops right below her bust and sticks tight to her skin with an elastic hold. Down a little further, Annette ties a ribbon, similar to the ones on her gloves, around the small of her waist. The silky pink fabric ties fittingly around her and the bow ties neatly in front. Now a few inches below her bow, dark blue silky fabric (again) fit to her lower half figure in a similar design of high waist shorts, though starting a little under the waist line and stopping a little higher than mid thigh. Silver lining fr[injection]ames the bottom of the shorts, but this time in a swirly motion and as if they were buttons, there are two small sized-light pink hearts heading south from the top of the shorts. And under where the shorts stop, a sliver of skin is revealed before her thigh high socks and thigh high boots stop. For a change, Annette's socks are made out of cotton and her boots, purely out of leather. Her socks are a light pink color and her leather boots, which have heels, are a dark brown, but like ever other thing Annette has on, a splash of pink ribbon spiral down her boots and tie in a neat bow at the ankles. |x| Now as delicate and tear-able her clothes may seem, Annette actually has a huge leather jacket that is the same dark chocolaty brown her boots are, that she wears often and when it gets cold out. The over sized leather jacket is puffy due to its fuzzy lining inside and it hangs down to mid thigh, being the same length of her shorts. Personality: Soft spoken she is, but shy she will never be. Annette is brave and courageous willing to do whatever task she is handed, and always ready to prove people wrong. However she barely talks only leaving you with gestures or looks that overly convey her intentions. Words are something she sees as unnecessary, hence being soft spoken, but there are is a completely different reason for her use in emotions. You see, Annette doesn't convey emotions she feels, instead she conveys emotions that are bored, uninterested or no emotion at all. Emotions other than that are considered showing vulnerability, something that you will very rarely see in this Angel. Along with being soft spoken, and never vulnerable, Annette is very observant and doesn't have a temper. She can stand up for herself and will never back down from a challenge. But if there is anything you should know about this child, it is that she is not afraid to spill blood. History: It seems as if all Angel's history are the same. There is a point in life where the Angel starts to get their powers. They train for years before they get ranked and put on duty where they strive to get higher rank. Or, at least, that is how it is for Annette. She strives to get to the top and has been working from a very young age trying to perfect herself. She trains constantly and lets nothing get in her way, not even a childhood. Other:
Name: Akuti Kumari Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Human Power: Mind reader, however, her power has its limits. She can only tell what one is feeling or thinking when the thoughts have to do with her. She also has a power that is a little strange and is left without a proper name. A Feeler might fit the criteria, for this girl can sense any life form around her. Though, her range isn't as strong and broad as her skills with mind reading. Occupation: She graduated high school two years prior, but just barely. Intelligence isn't her forte, though strangely enough she enjoys volunteering at a library. Appearance: Dark brown hair tumbles down in thick locks that hold a few wavy strands of hair on a dark plateau. These dark locks travel down a petite body that appears to be around the five foot or taller range, and stops two and a half feet or so above the ground, half the length of the body itself. This body is a body of a girl with curves where they are appropriate and all in all her body seems to be at proportions. However, there is something little that throws the proportions off. Just above the cafe colored freckles that dot her lightly sun bathed sink from ear to ear sits a stunning bright blue eye to the left and a weak brown eye on the right. These strange, round eyes, that mirror the roundness of her face, have been nothing short of the devil himself. She hates them and tries her best to make them go unnoticed. Personality: It wouldn't seem like it, but this young lady has quite a temper, and an uncontrollable one at that. Her emotions usually seems to be all over the place. She isn't one to sit down and have a heart to heart talk, but she isn't afraid to be blunt and frank with you and she talks quite a bit. She has been ridiculed enough over her year to know no mercy to the fellow who set her temper ablaze. She gets overly defensive and very sensitive, which is the cause of her temper. Maybe, way back when, she would be the type of person who would cry out her feelings and reveal her fears to a stranger, but the fallen tears, along with time, has rusted her heart. Though, secretly she has these fantasies and dreams of being an actual lady with manners and elegance. Very subtly, does this side of her show throughout her personality. She is also very independent and thinks of only herself. She is very narrow-minded and only sees life through her own perspective, no one else's. History: It was bad enough having dual colored eyes, but now with this strange power surging through her veins, she feels more out of place than normal. Akuti curses herself for having two different colored eyes, she hates standing out. For years she has had to cope with a lot of things, and being ridiculed was one of them. In her years growing up, Akuti has learned to stay away, to hide in the shadows, to become passive and obedient But, she never does what she learns. You see, Akuti lived in a house with her four other brothers and sisters, along with seven cousins three aunts and uncles and her parents. The house was always in fast forward mode, and none of the adults ever had time for the children, so they had to lean on each other. However, for Akuti, it was different. She had no one to lean on and all of her cousins and siblings made fun of her for having two different colored eyes. She took in their hatred for years, she stayed in the shadows endured what ever spiteful words were thrown at her, but then, one year she snapped. At first, she started yelling back, edging them on for a change, but then, as things got more out of hand she started beating up whom ever ridiculed her. The parents didn't like this one bit, it was okay for the other children to hit her, but not for her to hit back. They kicked her out of the house and didn't want anything to do with her. From that moment on, she has learned to trust no one. Akuti has been living in any abandoned building she could find Other:

9:02pm Mar 17 2013 (last edited on 11:15pm Mar 17 2013)
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This is what they become when they turn into one demon: Transformation DemonThis is a power only these two have because they are twin demons. BTW: Forgot to mention that each brother can tear a hole to Hell, but they don't because their aunt.
Name: Skellig Fey
Age: 500/21 in appearance
Gender: Male
Creature: Demon
Power: He has typical demonic powers. He can catch up to you when he's far behind you, no matter how far. He can summon his own hell animal, which he called Jiro. He can control black ice, which is the direct opposite of hell fire, he calls it "Hell's Frozen Over" or "Hell's Ice". He uses that when he has to, but only as a combo with his brother's "Hellfire" because it's a burning hot them immediate freezing. He likes to use his claws as opposed to his teeth, but he will bite when he has to. His nails can be shortened and lengthened at will depending on the world he's in. He has heightened senses, like his brother, but they work for short distances and can hinder him when he's irritated. Skellig's main focus is his strength. He isn't as fast as Ireoe but he makes up for it with his strength. He works with Ireoe because Ireoe will distract with speedy hits and then he comes in and delivers powerful hits.
Appearances: Skellig stands at five feet six inches, which is still short considering his age and strength. He isn't all that concerned about height unless someone brings it up. His skin is an ivory color but not to where he looks pale. His hair is jet black and falls down to the base of his neck, where his shoulders start. He normally ties it back with a red ribbon he keeps tied around his wrist. On his head are two small horns, which look more like nubs, but they are horns, they point. His eyes are an electric green color that seem to glow, even in the light. (they are green in the human world) Around his neck he wears a chain and connected to that is a vial of blood, which he never says were he got it from. His canine teeth are longer than normal and stick out a little from his lips, but are obvious when he smiles.
His body is medium build, just a bit more muscle on his body than on Ireoe because of strength. He wears black shirts with green sweaters over that, but when he has his wings out, his shirts are normally tank tops with holes for his wings. His wings are ten feet across, so fiver per wing. His pants are black, no matter what, and his shoes match that. In the demon world, his pants are tighter and still appear like human jeans and his shoes turn into steel toes combat boots.
Personality: Skellig is a playful and mischievous guy. He likes to play pranks and jokes on other people, though it's all in good fun for him. He likes to play around and play fight with people and he doesn't use his super strength. He is laid back like his brother but will get super defensive if Ireoe is threatened or hurt. He will get aggressive with anything and anyone trying to hurt his only family and those he likes. He will protect what he can when he has to but tends to want to get the fight done and over with so that they are safe anyways. He can get competitive with Ireoe but that doesn't go on too long. He'll be nice so long as you are nice to him.
History: (?) Skellig grew up with his parents, who were demons, but they ended up leaving
him and his brother behind because that's kind of the way demons do
stuff. He stayed with his brother and they never really left each other
alone. Their family never really liked them because instead of trying to
make Ireoe the weaker of the two, he refused to do so and started to
work together with his brother when other demons would challenge them to
fights. His aunt is the one who wants to get rid of earth, but he is
disgusted with that and since they never liked him, he wants to kill her
with is own hands.
Other: Bi and doesn't have a preference
Name: Ireoe Fey
Age: 500/21 in appearance
Gender: Male
Creature: Demon
Power: He has the typical demonic powers. He can appear in front of you in a few seconds when he's far behind. He can summon his own little minion of hell, whom he called Kuma. He can control hellfire and he only uses that when he really has to, which isn't very often. He tends to just use his nails, which are longer and sharper than a normal humans nails, though he can lengthen them and shorten them depending on what world he's in. He can also bite but he hardly uses that. He has heightened senses but they only work for certain distances and sometimes can hinder him. Ireoe's main focus is his speed though. He isn't as strong as his brother, so he uses his speed to gain an advantage on his opponent and strike them fast while they are confused.
Appearances: Ireoe stands at a shorter five feet six inches, which is short considering his age and power level. He isn't really concerned about his height. His skin is an ivory color, but not super pale. His hair is jet black and falls down to his shoulders. He normally ties it up with a green ribbon he keeps tied around his wrist. On his head are two small horns, they aren't that big, but are obviously horns because they do point like the 'typical' demon horns. His eyes are a very icy blue color and looks almost white when in the light. (they are blue when he's in the human world) Around his neck, he wears a choker that has a small orb of blood attached to the front, which he never says where he got the orb. His canine teeth are longer than normal and poke ever so slightly out of his lips when he's relaxed. When he smiles, you can clearly see them.
His body is a medium build, so he has some muscle on him, but not too much. He wears black shirts with a blue sweater over them, but when his wings are sticking out, he wears a black shirt with two holes for his wings. His wings are ten feet total, so five feet per wing. His pants are always black or a dark blue and his shoes are black. When he's in the demon world, his pants are tight fitting leather with combat boots. His nails are normally five cm long, enough to have a point and painted black. He also wears a blind fold when he's fighting because he relies on his sense of smell to target and move quickly.
Personality: Ireoe is a chill kind of guy and is understanding of many situations. He tries to refrain from fighting, but if he has to, he will. He is kind to few, but if he is kind to you, it's more of an act of friendship than anything else. When he has a crush on someone, which is bound to happen in this rp, he will get flustered and try to avoid your eyes. He will protect his brother with all his strength and will defend anybody who he deems in need of help, though he will help you if you are nice to him as well. He likes to have fun and joke around, which is something he picked up from humans. He does get competitive with his brother, but that doesn't last long. He can cooperate with almost anybody, but if you're being an a-hole to him, he will be right back and never help you.
History: Ireoe grew up with his parents, who were demons, but they ended up leaving him and his brother behind because that's kind of the way demons do stuff. He stayed with his brother and they never really left each other alone. Their family never really liked them because instead of trying to make Skellig the weaker of the two, he refused to do so and started to work together with his brother when other demons would challenge them to fights. His aunt is the one who wants to get rid of earth, but he is disgusted with that and since they never liked him, he wants to kill her with is own hands.

11:50pm Mar 17 2013 (last edited on 12:18am Mar 18 2013)
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7:12pm Mar 18 2013
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Posts: 1,557
I am finished :3 /slow
Does anyone want to start?
8:27pm Mar 18 2013
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Posts: 827
[[Nose Goes! *touches nose* I would post but I am eating dinner and then after I have to homework. I will post later tonight or after school tomorrow. Plus, I still have to finish Annette's history.]]
9:32pm Mar 18 2013 (last edited on 9:37pm Mar 18 2013)
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Posts: 5,542
{i'll go if you tell me one thing: Are they on Earth already or leaving hell?}
10:08pm Mar 18 2013 (last edited on 10:09pm Mar 18 2013)
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Posts: 827
[[I am pretty sure that Rabbah set it up so that everyone was on Earth and looking for a way out of the war. Though, I think either way would be fine. ]]
11:03pm Mar 18 2013
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Posts: 827
[[Alright, I finished my bios and read everyone else's ^^ I added somethings to the powers for Annette and put down a lame history for her. I will have my intro up tomorrow.]]
11:35pm Mar 18 2013 (last edited on 11:36pm Mar 18 2013)
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Posts: 5,542
{alright then. Let's do this! I don't know what this town looks like so I'm making stuff up. XD}
The town was already in a busy state. The sun high above their heads and the buildings that they were walking in and out of. Their daily lives undisturbed and their friendly greetings to one another never wavered. The winds were just a breeze and helping to cool the Earth. The day was well underway and even the outskirts were busy. Squirrels and the like were gathering food and other items they may need for the day. Birds chirped happily in harmony with those around them, creating sweet lullabies. They scurried about quickly and efficiently. Their little bodies barely rustling the leaves as they ducked behind bushes for shelter from predators or ran along the tree limbs. Other than the light rustling of the leaves, there wasn't much movement or white noise. The winds would pick up every so often, taking city scents into the forested outskirts. The bears by the river would pick their heads up at the scent of fresh berry pies and the likes only to return to catching fish. Everything was normal and peaceful in the city, outskirts included, for the most part. Nothing was disturbed and nothing was out of place, except for maybe a jealous ex or a business man trying to quickly get to his office.
In the forest, creatures perked their heads up. Their ears twitching and their noses sniffing about, trying to figure out what was going on. Their basic animal instincts telling them something was out of place in their lands. Something was coming and it was dangerous or at least different to a point where they should stay away. A few rabbits scurried off behind bushes and some squirrels headed down to the forest floor to see what was going on. Their fur standing on end. They were all about to go back to their normal routine when a black slash appeared in a clearing not far from the forest edge. Animals jumped and scurried away. Even the bears were scared and started to move away from whatever the black slash would reveal. The inky blackness stretched out and widened, making a crude opening in the air. It emitted a foul aura and radiated a dangerous air. It hissed and hummed before a second slash appeared next to it, this one quickly spreading and opening like the first. They stayed that way for at least ten minutes. They just floated there and looked menacing. Animals slowly creeping up to the blackness to see what they were. Animals gathered, waiting, watching. The aura making them cautious but their curiosity getting the better of their animal instinct to run away and hide. Braver animals sat up from, being closest to the holes, but their bravery was short lived.
From each opening, a colored blob was beginning to show. One was red, the other blue. The two colors were soon spat out and they were dropped to the forest floor, sending the animals scurrying again. The two portals closed soon after, leaving the scene just as it was before they appeared, aside from the colored blobs on the grass. The red blob began to twitch, noises like harsh breathing coming from it. Moans were heard form the blue one, as if in pain. The blobs began to move significantly now. Pairs of red and blue wings uncurled themselves from around the things inside them. The wings having made the blobs look like blobs. Once the wings were off, they flopped down, going limp and draping over the figures' backs. The red winged one was revealed to look like a human. Skin an ivory color and hair as black as the portal he came out of. His eyes were closed tightly, as if in pain and his hands gripped at the grass below him. He hunched himself over, curling himself up before he managed to get himself kneeling on his elbows and knees. The wings disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving his appearance to be completely human. He looked over to the blue winged person next to him before getting on his hands and knees to crawl over. He reached his hand out and shook the other, a little roughly, but as gently as he could.
The blue winged person moaned again and turned their head to face the boy. Again, this one was a boy, about the same look to his face as the other. The only different was the bleeding wound on his forehead. He looked up at the boy who shook him and curled in on himself, doing pretty much what the other had done before. He managed to get himself to a kneeling position and picked his head up from his chest. Blood soaked the front of his shirt and drops were on his pants. He looked at the boy next to him and swiped his hand over the wound, sealing it instantly. His own wings disappeared in what looked like steam. He gave a weak smile before he stood up, his legs a bit shaky, but he could keep himself up by himself. He looked down at the boy still kneeling on the floor. He brought his arms under the boy's arms and hoisted him up. The other stood on his own, but he was putting a lot less weight on his right leg, which sported a large wound. He swiped his hand over it and it started to close, slowly but surely.
They made their way over to the shade of the trees by the river that was vacant of bears. They sat themselves down and looked each other over. The two smiled at seeing that the other was okay.
"Damn bro....... That.. that was one hell of a mess we got into with aunt.."
"Yeah, but we did get out. Wounded, but we got out. Plus, we did take on that little group of lesser demons trying to keep up in."
The two laughed at the memory. It was just a few seconds ago, but it seemed like a while ago since it was a quick little scrimmage and it ended uneventfully, except for the two wounds, one on each boy.
"Hey, Skellig."
The other hummed, acknowledging his name.
"You think she's really going to try and take out the angels? I mean... We hate them, sure, but completely wiping them out?"
Skellig shrugged and looked at his brother, unsure of his own answer, but knew he'd have to answer his brother sometime soon. He thought about it. Was she really going to wipe them out?Does she want to kill them or something? Seems dangerous since she'd upset their leader.. He shook his head and trained his electric green eyes on his twin.
"I dunno Ireoe.. I really don't. She's psycho. Crazy. She's like that hellbat we saw that one time. The one that tried to eat your face off."
Ireoe shivered, not wanting to remember that.
"Skellig, you think anybody saw us fall out of the Hell Portals? Besides the animals I mean."
"Dunno. Let's hope not. We shouldn't even be on Earth right now, but this is the safest place for us."

8:56pm Mar 19 2013 (last edited on 8:56pm Mar 19 2013)
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Posts: 827
The sun looked down on the busy city with arrogance. His rays burning any exposed skin they could find, only to be cooled off by the refreshing feel of the wind. The sun felt high and mighty in the bright blue sky, seeing as he was the highest he would be all day before he had to step down from his pedestal. Annette glared in the direction of the sun from the roof top of the highest building in the city. His warmth felt good on her cream colored wings, but on her sink, it burned. She adjusted her sitting position on the roof top so her wings could soak up most of the sun. From this high above the ground, she doubted that the human eye could see her wings, as huge as they were, so she kept them undisguised.
To her right she could see the busy city. She watched the humans and their motorized vehicles swarm from place to place. Mammals. She thought coolly. Her silver eyes watched the colorful commotion for several moments. Thoughts occupied her mind while her eyes stared mindlessly at the mortal world, Earth. It was a pity what mankind has done to Earth, conquering it and making it their own. Fighting over what piece of Earth was theirs. Annette couldn't wrap her mind around the idea of having Earth duty, what a pain it must be to watch humans evolve the world into destruction, to watch the years and years of destruction that humans are doing to each other and to nature.
Her thoughts were still swarming around in her mind, but this time they needed a change in scenery. Annette's blank eyes shifted, along with her head, left. Here she saw a canopy of green; trees. From the tallest building in the city, Annette's colorless eyes took in the shade of the forest which was located on the outskirts of the city. It was a nice surprise to see that mankind hasn't destroyed this part of nature, yet. To Annette, it was ironic that humans fight over land just to convert it to unappealing buildings, whereas there is no one fighting over the beauty of nature. Secretly, she despised humans and their wrong-doings, and she was grateful that she was a messenger between realms. Annette tried not to be on Earth longer than was needed, but for some reason, she was on Earth now.
In a bl[injection]ink of an eye, Annette would be on her way to the Angel realm, but after hearing the latest rumors that she had stacked up in her mind for weeks, she needed time to think. All she has heard so far were hushed rumors about the demons that she wasn't even sure were true. Did they really want to start a war? That seemed plausible, seeing as they are devious demons. There was also a quieter mention about sucking the powers out of Angels. This part of the rumors Annette was sure to be false. Did the demons really have the powers to do such a thing? Over the last few weeks she hasn't felt any different, her powers were still strong and aside from the long lived feud between angels and demons, what would killing off the angels gain.
Annette groaned and laid herself down against the ledge of the building roof. That was a naive answer she gave herself, but she was too flustered to accept the truth. She brought her arm up to her face and laid it across her eyes and closed them. The sun was bright and hot against her skin. The wind blew gently and cooled off the fire that was arousing within her. The faint scent of the forest filled her nostrils and right then she knew what she needed to calm herself.
Her mind reached out and searched for a small animal to communicate with. She needed someone - or in this case, something - to vent to and she wasn't going to find contentment in conversing with humans, and knew that angels were just as bad, at least when venting on this topic. It didn't take Annette to find a small rabbit that would suffice. At first, she just touched the rabbit's mind to let him know that she was there, then she laid all her emotions go. "Demons, who knew they were so tedious? I have heard, from the Angel realm that they plan on taking away our powers and starting a war with us. I don't know if it is true or not. I have just heard bits and pieces, but that infuriates me so much. To think they have the nerve to pull a stunt like that. To cowardly start a fight with us. Drain our powers and fight us while we are already on the grown." At first, Annette wasn't attentive to the world she saw through the rabbit's eyes, but after she got done venting and heard the rabbits weak fears, she saw. Two red figures were visible. They weren't as dark red as a demonic demon, but they weren't a light red from an evil human. Were demons in Earth? She sat up, breaking contact with the rabbit. She was startled at the sight the little critter saw. It couldn't be, could it? Was her mind playing tricks on her? Annette looked in the direction of the forest and stood up, expanding her wings.
[[I will have Akuti up later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I just needed to save what I did for Annette before continuing onto my next character ^^]]

8:58pm Mar 19 2013 (last edited on 5:03pm Mar 20 2013)
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Posts: 1,557
Fray was in the mood for flying. It had been nearly a week since he had last taken a risk and spread his wings outside. That was one thing he hated about the human world - it was unusual for people to have extra limbs that functioned well, and he could only fly at night to keep the locals from freaking out. When walking around in daylight, he had to make his wings dissipate so no one would see or accidentally bump into them. Fray missed the sensation of warm sunlight kissing his feathers, of being able to look down and see the world as it is, not as a massive blob of shadows that the town was at night.
The angel fingered his mp3 pla.yer in his hoodie pocket, then pressed the skip button. He wondered if he should take the chance and take a midnight flight tonight. He sure wanted to, that was clear. It would be quick, maybe an hour or so, long enough to properly stretch out his wings. Fray suddenly remembered the forest near town. He probably could fly over the trees, it's not like anyone was ever in there.
Fray turned right, off of the side walk he was on and down an alley way.This was a small town, nothing more than a dot on a map compared to the city he used to live in, but for some reason, it was filled with incredibly talented people. Alright, so maybe that was an exaggeration, but there was one or two people who held power that Fray knew of, as well as a handful of magicians. It seemed like the town had something in it that attracted people of power, which was why Fray had been stationed here in the first place. Though his ability, the power to be able to hear a person's 'death song', was tended to be used to tell how close to death a person was, it could also be used to tell if a person was powerful. Not too far down the alley, a single door was cut into the left wall. Fray stopped at the door, opened it, and entered, making sure to close it behind him. Inside was an office-like room with a few people in it. They looked like servants to Fray, or at least that was what he always thought of them as. He had been told their actual name once, but he didn't care enough to remember. All he really knew was that they worked for one of his employers. The possible servants paid little attention to Fray; they were quite used to his daily entering and exitings, and they kept typing away at their keyboards or talking on phones. It was business as usual for them, just like every other day. Fray moved past them and over to a bright green door across from the entrance to the alley. It led to a stairwell that went up three fights. He had flown up the stairs once or twice because he was on the verge of being late in meeting with his employer, but he was actually early for once, so he took his time climbing the stairs. It didn't take him long to reach the third floor. When he did, he paused at the door, fiddled with his mp3 to turn it off, and pulled his headphones off his ears and onto his neck. He listened to the ringing in his ears for a bit, waiting for it to go away and the sound of soft instruments to tingle his eardrums. The angel took a few breaths of air and let them out. Concentrating, he forced his wings to un-disapate. It only took about a second for his wings to appear, but it felt like much longer. For some reason, using simple magic was starting to drain him. Fray blamed the demon's war. He knew little about it, mostly because almost all information that reached him was little more than rumors and lies. Fray opened the door and walked into the room. The first thing he noticed was the music filling the room as if the classical music channel was being played on a radio. The second thing he noticed was that it was dark and had no windows. He had always figured that it was windowless for protection, but protection from what he didn't know. One person sat in the middle of the room, and two people stood in the back corners. The standers were bodyguards, the sitter Fray's employer. The angel gave a small wave to the bodyguards and shifted his wings. He thought it was quite obvious as to who he was already, but he said his name anyway. "Fray Krane, reporting for duty." The guards watched him indifferently, which Fray took as a sign to continue. He stepped closer to the man sitting. He was in a chair, reading some Dickens book. The man put the book down and glanced up at Fray. He was old, at least sixty human years, but he still had many more to come. Fray didn't know what the man dealt in, but he some sort of power in the human world since Fray had been told to listen to the man's death song every day. The angel didn't mind doing it, it had meant moving away from the boisterous city to a place more quieter. Fray closed his eyes and listened to the music flowing around him. The others in the room were unable to hear it, but for him, the song was a clear as day. At first, it sounded like a mass of chaotic noises thrown together with little to no pattern. The angel knew better than to think of the music like that, and he took it at one instrument at a time. He knew that his employer's death song had only the string group in it, so he ignored the trumpet and flute coming from the bodyguards. A few minutes later, Fray had the man's song swirling in his mind. It was comprised of a cello and violin, and the melody was slow rolling waves where the pitch went high then low. It was quite elegant for a human, usually only angels and a few demons had death songs so nicely made. Fray opened his eyes and reported to the man. "Not that loud. Maybe a five out of ten. Safe." He said. He had heard louder songs in the past, so he guessed that the man wasn't going to die anytime soon. ~~~ Strange things were happening on Earth, tiny, minuscule things overlooked by the busy and uncaring, and those who did notice glanced away in fear of the change to come, as if ignoring it would make it go away. But it did happen, regardless if people refused to watch or acted as if it wasn't true. It was a great thing, one of power and mystery, as well as danger and darkness. It fell upon the world like a translucent mist, invisible to the naked eye even though it was all around. Everyone was affected by it. A few people were targeted by it, and they found themselves with powers straight out of a fantasy novel. Magicians, they called themselves. They had magic in them, and they were able to control it. Some powers were small, like being able to read in the dark or make dirt wet by touching it. Some powers were large, like making the ground shake with the stomp of a foot or controlling another person with the wave of a hand. It was all quite amazing in the beginning, but then time passed, and the powers didn't leave like some thought they would. Those who were not blessed, the majority of the population, became distrustful and believed that they magicians were going to turn on them, to revolt and take over. The normal people went against the magicians, refusing to do business with them, and even sometimes attacking the magicians in broad daylight. Many of the magicians learned their lesson and kept their powers hidden, attempting not to draw any sort of unwanted attention. Some did, though, and, well, in most cases, that was the end of them. Kyle had no interest in being found out. His power was a small one, he could make things grow quickly, but knowing the anti-magicians, they would find some way to convict him. Kyle could only imagine the accusations; that he could be growing poisonous or illegal plants and selling them to killers. That wasn't true, of course, but it wasn't like anyone would listen to him. So he kept quiet, and they was just fine with him. [[lol, Kyle doesn't get an intro; it's almost an hour past my bedtime xD]] [[edit- finished :D]]
5:05pm Mar 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[It might be a bit late to be asking this, but where is the setting? Will all of our characters happen to be in the same town, or should they be spread out and we can pretend that the twins magically know where they are?]]
7:01pm Mar 20 2013
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Posts: 5,542
{i think the twins and Unique's characters are in teh same town since she saw the twins through a rabbti's eyes.}
7:03pm Mar 20 2013 (last edited on 7:04pm Mar 20 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[Oh and yeah. I thought they were going to be in the same town/city.]]
Magic, such a strange thing to ever exist on Earth. In the Demon realm or Angel realm, sure, the existence of magic in those realms were normal and has been normal since the beginning of time, or so Akuti has heard. However, magic on Earth has only been exposed to mankind for only a few decades or more. It was used carelessly and helpfully, people hated it and loved it. Mix emotions have been thrown around since magic has been introduced to the human race. Infants were blessed by angels or demons and gained powers at infancy, that was how the way of life sort of went, and people were just barely getting used to the idea when the cards on the table turned.
Akuti sat at a table in the library that over looked the city. Her eyes wandered from her lunch that was sprawled out before her to outside world that was separated her from fresh air's breath by thick glass. She was bored, but the librarians wouldn't let her volunteer without a thirty minute lunch break each day. Since the small library was further away from the central part of the city, customers weren't as abundant, thus the cost for employees were cut down, or else, if it wasn't, Akuti would gladly work there. But since she couldn't, she had to abide by the rules of her superiors. It annoyed her that she had to but, strangely enough, the library was the one place where she kept her temper at a minimum. It was always so tranquil and quiet, the place smelled of old paper and dusty shelves, but the smell and the whole aura of the place put Akuti at ease. So, if she wanted to stay, she would have to take a thirty minute lunch break. Nothing but boredom and irritation came from these breaks, though. There was nothing to do, so she let her mind wander.
It has been less than a year since the incident. Less than a year since Akuti woke up feeling more alive than ever before, less than a year since she has found a new way to look at the world, but also, it has been less than a year since she has had something to be afraid of. A few months ago Akuti woke up with an acing head, her mind seemed to be filled with unim[injection]portant thoughts that were never there before. It was more alive and chaotic than her childhood home, and Akuti hated it. That day she decided not to volunteer even though that was the one place where she found peace. That day she dedicated her time to figure out what was wrong with her head. As the day carried on, bits and pieces of the truth came to her, though her stubborn personality pushed it all away. It wasn't till late that night that she accepted the truth. That she woke up with new found powers. She was now a magician. It took Akuti weeks, maybe even a month or so to identify what her powers were and the limits to her powers. That day, the whole world changed and the whole world changed her.
Back at the library where the short blessed human sat, waiting in boredom, there was a change in atmosphere. Akuti didn't know this at the time, but something, or someone, who wasn't supposed to be on Earth appeared. At this point in time, all she could tell was that her head started to pound with an absurd pain. Akuti was still new at her powers and was unsure as to what was happening. Her pale hands grabbed at her dark hair and pulled down, her frustration was rising and she didn't want to disrupt her sanctuary. Quickly, she got up, leaving her lunch behind, and exited the building, not giving her superiors chance to ask where she was going. Akuti turned right and started walking back to her abandoned house that was located a little before the tree line to the forest.

7:03pm Mar 20 2013 (last edited on 7:07pm Mar 20 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[Ah, okay. I was planning on having my angel in the same town and my human outside it.]]
[[Edit- Just re-read Leo's post. I feel quite stupid now xD]]
7:11pm Mar 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[No, no. You could have your human in a different town. I could also make my human be in the town over. She could be looking for another abandoned house to live in and wanders over to the town all the supernatural creatures are in.]]
7:14pm Mar 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[Sure, if you don't mind. It would make things interesting that way. Maybe our human peeps could meet up somehow before the twin and angels find them.]]
7:15pm Mar 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[Awesome! Sounds good! Akuti is already out around town anyways.]]