8:04pm Mar 20 2013
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The sun was still high and the animals were slowly starting to come back out of their hiding spots. Their fears were pushed aside in order to gather food and supplies for the day. The bears, however, did not return to the river. They moved down stream and some moved upstream in order to stay away from the newcomers. Strong, dangerous newcomers. The two still sat under the tree. They didn't want to move until their wounds were completely healed. Their nerves were severed in several places from demon attacks, pin needle demon attacks. Their arms were unfeeling and it was difficult to orientate themselves when they couldn't feel anything around them. They sat there, breathing in slowly and trying to move their limbs. Their arms were just gaining feeling. The familiar sensation of pins and needles running through their arms was welcome.
Skellig hissed at the sensation but started to flex his fingers, open. close. open. He smiled slightly when he noticed that he could feel the grass under his hand tickling his palm. It felt pretty good and it felt like it was trembling in his presence. He didn't really like the fact that even nature seemed to fear him. He actually liked nature because it added some form of beauty to an otherwise dull world. The dirt was only brown, but add a few flowers and it's many colors. Add some grass and you got a garden of sorts. He sighed and swiped his hand over his forehead, unsure if the wound there was already recovering. He felt nothing, so he assumed that there was no wound. He could smell the blood on himself, so he looked at his twin before he crawled over to the river, splashing his face with water to rid himself of the red liquid on his face. He finished up and looked at his hands, seeing the blood poor off with the water. He nodded and looked around him. There wasn't anything around him, but there seemed to be something watching him. He shook the feeling and made his wings appear again.
They were the normal black and he stretched his wings out, wanting them to get some kind of feeling back into them. He smiled and flapped his wings a few times before he looked at his brother.
"YOu gunna stay there this whole time?"
Ireoe yawned and stretched himself out, wanting to get feeling back in his arms and legs. He smiled to himself and made his wings appear before he stretched them out too. He stood up and walked over to the river where he proceeded to clean the wound that was still on his calf. It was closed, but the numb feeling that came with wounds was still there and that bugged Ireoe to no end. He shivered at the cold sensation of the water washing away his blood. He didn't really like the coolness, but he'd deal with it. He finished up and looked at Skellig.
"We should get out of here. I don't know what's going on, but it feel uneasy."

10:50pm Mar 22 2013
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Posts: 827
The only problem was, was that the forest was so vast, dense and large, she wouldn't know where to look, she didn't even have the slightest idea as to what she was going to do when she found the two dark red blobs. Surly they were demons, Annette had settled that, however, if they were powerful, they could hurt her, they could even kill her. They could even, possibly, drain her powers, that is, if the rumors were true. This was Annette's dilemma, but it was too late to turn back now, she was already in the air, her wings absorbing the tedious sun's rays as she flew along the bright blue sky. She had been flying for a few minutes already and still had more than half way to go. The city was large, but it wasn't as vast as the forest. It also wasn't as dense. Annette could fly over the city and spot people easily, but where there was a thick green canopy, even her limits had limits.
By the time Annette had landed at the tree line, she had a plan in mind. She figured that she would just waltz into the forest and search. She would communicate with nearby animals and take any information their tiny brains held. Maybe step into their shoes and look around and if she caught a clue of anything, she would be sure to mentally mark the place where the animal was and head over there. If, for some reason, the demons decide to fly out of the forest, she would communicate with the birds, crows especially, to keep look out. Plus, on the upside, the sun was high and shadows were cast, so Annette would be able to tell if any large shadow appeared over head. And if all else failed, she would go back to the Angel realm and report what she saw. Annette was a messenger, that was her job, so why wasn't she reporting what she saw now? Everything, the superior angel told her, that has to do with demons, report as soon as possible. It was strange, up until now, Annette has never defied a rule of being a messenger.
Her dark leather boot reached out and stepped down, she now entered the forest. The predicament she was getting into held unknown dangers, seeing as the rumors could be true. However, Annette was simply curious. She had never really seen what a demon had looked like, her messenger work in Feyoth (City name?) usually consisted of giving messages to humans and using that time to take advantage of their vision, only to report the number of evil human souls around one pure one. It also consisted of observing the humans and report any unusual magic humans might be gaining. None of which has anything to do with demons. Supposedly her curiosity is getting the better of her. Just one peak and I will report my findings. She assured herself, not letting any fear weaken this opportunity, not that it would otherwise.
Annette walked deeper and deeper into the forest, and when she couldn't see the tree line, she sat down by a tree and searched for the minds of animals. She found a deer grazing in a meadow. She showed the deer a mental picture of the two dark red blobs, along with a question as to whether or not he had seen anything unusual or strange. However, all the deer communicated back to her was his hunger, and then he went back to grazing. Stupid mammals. She thought, flustered with the thought of an animal blowing off her question. Annette searched again and this time found a bunny in her burrow. She was sleeping, so in a dream like manner, Annette slipped the bunny her inquiry and the picture. The bunny flinched at the picture and a feeling of fear opened up to her, but that was all, for, like the buck, the bunny pushed her away. Well at least I am getting closer. She thought out into the air.
Sitting by the great large tree got her no where, none of the animals around there remembered anything about the demons except how frightened they were at one point, which could have been a fear of anything. Annette strode deeper into the woods and found a creek. She sat next to the flow of water and closed her eyes as she searched once more. The first dozen animals knew nothing but fear, again. However, this fear was different, this was a strong fear that would stay with them as long as their pea brains would let it. Annette was happy for the break through but none of it showed on her face. She just sat there, still and searching for the next mind. Sure enough she found the one. It was a fish. Annette opened up the question and the picture to him and the response she got back was curious at first, but then annoyance as he opened up a fuzzy memory to her. There was a boy, his hair was jet black his face pale and his eyes were ice blue. Small horns snuck out of the boys skull and a crimson orb was stringed around his neck. Annette watched as the boy washed off blood that was on the verge of staining his ivory skin. The memory the fish had made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She quickly thanked the fish and stood up abruptly, her left wing hitting itself on a branch on the way up. Annette hissed at the pain, and stood there, her ex pression was blank but her mind was dumbfounded. She had no idea what to do, but she wanted a closer peak. But wait wasn't there two demons? Annette saw one from the fish's eyes but not the other. There was her reason. She slowly started to walk down the stream, she made her wings invisible and took caution steps.
[[I think I am going to do Akuti later after Rabbah does Kyle, cause I don't know where Kyle is.]]

5:51pm Mar 23 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[I couldn't tell if you wanted me to post Kyle's intro, which I already have done, or do a normal reply. I ended up choosing the second option.]]
The man nodded and waved a hand, dismissing the angel. Fray turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. He sighed and leaned against it, looking down at the stairwell below. Suddenly, he was inexplicably tired. Maybe whatever was going on in the demon's world was draining him. Fray never really understood any of the 'balance' stuff he had learned in mock-angel-school, and it still confused him, even in the real world. Well, whatever it was, he would just have to deal with it. Fray dissipated his wings and put his headphones back over his ears. As he started down the steps, he turned on the music, letting it drown out his sense of hearing.
Fray left the building and returned to the sidewalk. Glancing up at the sun, he noted that he had no where he needed to be for once. The person that he usually visited in the evening had died recently, proving once again that knowing that death was coming did nothing to prevent it. If anything, it made it come quicker. The woman became paranoid, and she and tried to get Fray to hear her music twice a day for safety. The angel had declined; having to talk to her once a day was almost too much to bare. He had been paid well by her; she had somehow managed to convince her husband, who was pretty much the mayor, that it would be smart to report any demon sightings in the city to the angels.
Now that she was gone, Fray wondered if her husband would keep his half of the bargain. He guessed yes, being that he had yet to hear of any news involving angels being unwelcome in Feyoth. Fray didn't go to the man; it wasn't his job, and he knew that other angels would take care of it. He kicked a stray pebble on the sidewalk, wondering what he should do now. A new restaurant had opened near his apartment, maybe he would go and try out the food. No, that wouldn't work. If the place happened to be crowed, there was a chance someone was about to die, and Fray would be able to hear his or her death song over the roar of his music. It was insanely difficult to prevent himself from going up and talking to someone with a loud death song, to warn them and hope something changes for the good and makes them live longer, but Fray knew it was not allowed.
A shadow passed him at a rapid speed, way too quick to be a bird. Fray glanced up and saw a shape flying in the direction of the forest. He knew immediately that it was an angel, nothing else could be so large and move so fast in the air. Fray wondered slightly what it was up too, but he knew not to follow it. It could be a messenger or someone on an important mission.
A car went by five miles over the speed limit. Fray shook his head and headed home.
Kyle buttoned his green and light green striped shirt up. It was time to go to work, thank god. He loved his job, which was talking care of plants at a florist shop. It was the perfect job for him, all he had to do was water the plants and make sure they grow properly, how simple was that? And, not only was he paid, he also could practice his magic in the backroom when the store owner was manning the font desk.
Kyle pulled a deep green raincoat on, zipped it up, and pulled to hood over his head. As he walked out his front door, he shoved his house keys into his pocked but didn't bother grabbing the umbrella. It was raining outside, but it wasn't that bad, and he could make it with just his coat. Kyle left his apartment and locked the door behind him. He didn't own a car, but he did have a bike that he left outside his apartment in the hallway. It was rusty and falling apart, so he never worried about it being stolen. Well, no one had taken it yet, so leaving it alone seemed save enough for him.
The raid was pelting down when Kyle reached the store. He was glad to see the bright green painting on the front entrance of a huge smiling flower. He thought the picture was strange, but the store's owner, Mr. Napt, loved it, so he never said anything about it. Kyle got off his bike and pushed it into the shop.
"I'm here," He called to Nr. Napt, who was sitting at the cashier. He said hello back. Kyle went into the back room, where he hid his bike under a table and took off his jacket. An apron with the store's logo, the happy flower, on the chest area. Kyle put it on. Though it was girly, it was nice protection against dirt, which he tended to get everywhere. He grabbed a watering can and went back to the front of the store to water the flowers.
10:28pm Mar 24 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
The water swished by the wound and took the blood staining the skin away with it. The water was dyed a light pink for a second before the color would spread too thin to even be pink anymore. The water clear as it is normally. The chill of the river was numbing the pain from the stabbing wound on his leg. It was refreshing and it felt better than dealing with the pain how he had earlier when they escaped the depths of hell. literally. The water was soaking into his pants and Ireoe hissed slightly, hating when his clothes would stick to him. He removed his leg from the water, making it disappear almost instantly. He watched the steam rise and disappear before he turned over, trying to make himself more comfortable. His leg was slightly numb from the water and he didn't wanna try standing on it. He laid back on the grass, crushing it down when he laid on it. It was soft on his back and he smile slightly. This was why he liked Earth. Everything was so alive. BUt, they weren't welcome here. Demons were always bad luck to the humans. He sighed and closed his icy eyes, wanting to just lay there. He opened his hands slowly, the feeling in his arms coming back to him. The nerves were stinging slightly, then again, they had been severed during their fight.
He turned his head up a little, hoping to catch the slightly breeze that was blowing softly over him. He smiled at the coolness, his snapped his eyes open when he caught the scent of something un-nature like. He immediately flipped himself onto his stomach and sat up so he was sitting on his haunches. He sniffed the air again. They were upwind of the thing and that, at least, made Ireoe feel a little better about the situation. He knew something was wrong with the place they landed. The animals were all too curious and now it caused them trouble. He let out a low growl and quickly stood and ran over to his brother, who was still lounging under the large pine tree they had settled behind earlier. He stepped over towards his brother and looked down at the mirror image, who was sleeping under the shade of the tree.
Ireoe sighed at the sight. His brother was probably so tired after heavy hitting all those lesser demons when they attacked him. He shook his head and knelt by his brother, sniffing the air one last time to make sure they thing was still there. He confirmed that whatever it was, was still there and seemed to be getting closer. His eyes widened in alarm. One demon on Earth was one thing, but two twin demons was a whole other ball park and a troublesome one at that. He looked down at his brother and took his twin's shoulder in his ivory hand, his nails slightly digging into his brother's sweater. He shook him, gently at first, then more frantically and harder. He needed his brother to wake up and to wake up quickly. Now. preferably.
The shaking was a little calming, making the sleepiness stay around and fog his mind. When the shaking got rougher, the twin groaned, swatting at whatever was shaking him. Then he felt nails dig into his shoulder and his eyes snapped open. He yelped and shoved whatever was digging their nails into his shoulder away. He immediately regretted it when he saw that the thing he shoved away had been his brother and said person was now flat on their back at least a foot away from him. He gasped and crawled quickly to his brother.
"Ireoe! I'm sorry bro, but you were hurting my shoulder! Im so sorry!"
Ireoe massaged his shoulder and looked at his twin, who seemed to be sorry for what he did and it showed on his face. He chuckled a little and smiled.
"That's fine. I'm okay at least. But anyways, I woke you up because something's here. It's getting closer to us and I can't fight it alone. I'm not strong enough."
Skellig was relieved that his brother had forgiven him, but when he heard that something was coming towards them, he immediately snapped his head up and started to sniff the air. He stood up and walked a few paces before he sniffed again, wanting to confirm that his brother was correct. He caught the slightly whiff of something that didn't belong and Skellig cursed to himself. He grabbed his brother's arm and pulled his twin off the floor, keeping his brother close to his side. He didn't want his twin getting hurt. Sure, he could probably handle himself, but his speed was the only thing keeping him from getting stabbed in the demon realm. Those lesser demons missed taking his leg off only because his reflexes were kick ass.
He waited there, looking around and emitting a little bit of a menacing aura. His wings swishes out and he let out a low hissing noise. He glared back at his wings, unsure as to why they decided to come out on their own accord. He forced them away in a cloud of steam and then faced the way he could catch teh scent more. He stared, he got down into a fighting stance. His legs bent, ready to run if need be. His hands were already fists and ready to attack.
Let's see what you are...

8:53pm Mar 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
The clouds up above started to precipitate, slowly at first then more in an assaulting manner, though Akuti didn't know this at the time. After she left the library, she started down the busy street in a jog. She could hear peoples curious thoughts, but she pushed them away. She could feel each person, each live creature, with in a few yards if her, she pushed that away too. However, they weren't going away, each of everyone's thoughts of her and the feel of every live creature haunted the back of her mind. None of which helped her throbbing head. The lack of oxygen also started to kick in to the point where she had to stop and rest.
Akuti walked over to a wooden bench and lounged herself down the width of it. She balanced her head on the arm rest and closed her multi-colored eyes, rubbing at her temples. The rain that was falling started to rain down harder, but nothing she couldn't take, the rain was actually helping her situation, it numbed her body along with her head. Though, the numbness could have been due to the fact that her head was always buzzing. However, Akuti thought it strange that oh so suddenly, her mind should go into such agony as it did the day she first got her powers. It was a puzzling thought but not one that she cared to answer at the moment. Seeking for the answer would mean she would have to add more thoughts to her troubled mind.
The throbbing started to die down as the rain started to pour even harder, but still, Akuti didn't mind. Her attitude towards the rain was that everything will dry with time, though it was ironic coming from a girl with a rusted heart. But Akuti didn't mind if her clothes got soaked, they were old and didn't fit her properly. Slowly, she started to let her haunting powers back into her mind. The thoughts of others were at a bare minimum, though her feeler powers were strong. She could feel where everyone was at even though she didn't care to. It was interesting, though, sometimes when a person would walk by her with powers, his feel would be stronger and sometimes, depending on his powers, his mind would also be stronger. It was funny how her powers played off each other at time. However, this wasn't one of those times. This was a time when there was a person with a stronger feel to them than the rest of humanity. He wasn't too far away, actually, he was pretty close to where the girl with the multi-colored eyes laid. It was to the right of her and she felt that he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. Blue and brown eyes fluttered open and between the rain that fell into her eyes and her clear vision, she stared at a flower shop sign and gave a short giggle. Someone with powers was working at a flower shop? She shouldn't be the one to think like that, though. She helped out at a library. Her dual colored eyes closed and her mind started to take interest in her lesser, throbbing head.
Fear slowly crept into Annette's mind as she started to approach the area were the two demons were. Just a peak, a glance even. She kept telling herself. She wasn't sure if it was the left over fear that the animals were feeling or her own solid fear that was coursing through her veins, all she knew was that she wasn't going to turn back now. She had to confirm what the animals saw, she couldn't go back to the Angel realm with false information or else she would get demoted rank, possibly get sent to Earth duty, and she couldn't let that happen.
Annette stopped in her tracks and pondered her logic for a moment. Was she doing this for a selfish benefit or for the greater good of her realm? She was risking her life to find out information, true, but it was also curiosity that was moving her legs. Fiercely, she shook her head, her auburn hair swinging side to side around her waist and down to her knees. Mentally she cursed herself for pondering on non-important thoughts. She hated when others dwelt on the unimportant, yet she was just doing the same.
However, before she continued to walk, she thought it best to communicate with another critter to see if her objects were still there. They could have ran off while she was thinking. Annette got through to a turtle by the stream. He was looking down at the fish in the water, his jaws wide and ready to snap when she had interrupted him. She apologized but the turtle didn't care, all he cared about was his staving stomach. Again, she apologized and told him that he needed to look up so she could check if the two demons were still there. He assured her that they were, his jaws were wide open ready to catch his prey, but Annette was persistent Finally the slow, old turtle looked up and the sight she received was a bit on the blurry side. Mortals. She thought coolly to herself, keeping it as far away from the turtle as possible. She assumed that it was his old eyes that gave her the fuzzy picture.
Sure enough, the two dark blobs were still there, though they were closer to each other now. Annette couldn't quite tell what they were doing or what position they stood in. The outline of their bodies were crisp and clean as it had been earlier, now it was more rounded and it looked like their hands went into their legs and they honestly looked like blobs. Quickly she thanked the slow, old turtle and started to walk again. Her steps were still cautious and her wings still invisible, but ready if she needed to quickly get away.
As she started to approach the clearing, the trees grew more spread out, so it was harder for Annette to hide behind the trees without being seen. But somehow, she managed, for she was in view of the demons, and demons they were. However, they weren't just demons, but identical twins. They were both fair skinned with pitch black hair, though Annette noticed that one had electric green eyes and the other crystal blue ones. It was the one with crystal blue eyes that the fish saw, but it was the one with stunning green eyes that gave off a nasty aura. A true demon he was.
Annette pondered on what she was going to do now that she had spotted the two demons. Her answer hid in the back of her mind as other ideas took front and center. It would be a good idea if she got away now while she could, but that wasn't who she was. Running off and telling the Angel realm superiors was what a snitch would do. One who was too cowardly to stand up for themselves along with their race. And here is where her answer came out. She wasn't going to run off, she was going to confront them. A foolish idea, maybe, but a foolishly brave one, definitely. Annette stepped out from behind the tree and dissipated her wings, she wouldn't be running away. Elegantly, and calmly, but with a blank look on her face, she entered the clearing. Her silver eyes looked at each of the boys, "Demons," she said in her greeting. Her voice was calm, though she stood at the edge of the clearing, as far away from them as her curiosity would let. "You both aren't supposed to be on Earth in the human realm. I would advise you both to leave." Her fear didn't creep into her voice though it was most definitely in her mind, along with all of the useless rumors about the demons.

7:46pm Mar 26 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
Fray's apartment was simple, mostly because he didn't want to bother decorating if he was going to move to another place in a few years. Sooner or later, all of his clients would die from unforeseen circumstances, and when that happened, he would be sent away to somewhere else. That was partly the reason why he hadn't bothered to make any friends, he was going to have to leave them at a moment's notice some day.
As he entered, he turned off his mp3 pla.yer and lowered his headphones off his ears and around his neck. There was little chance of him hearing anyone's death song; it was early in the evening and his neighbors still had many years on them. Fray kicked off his shoes and headed to the kitchen. He opened his fridge and grabbed a pre-made ham-and-cheese sandwich off of one of the racks before moving over to his lumpy couch and flopping on it. He bit into it, eating the sandwich more our of boredom than hunger. Out of all the things he could be doing at the moment, nothing interested him at the moment. Strange, he thought dimly, had he been in his homeland, he would have been able to name a hundred different things he would rather be doing on Earth.
Maybe he should go flying, but then again, Fray had already decided that he wouldn't fly while the sun was still out. But then again, a small flight wouldn't harm anyone. Hopefully. He finished his sandwich, stood up, and brushed all of the crumbs off him. He shoved his shoes back on and left his apartment. He sauntered to the steps and instead of going down like he normally did, he went up. At the top of the steps, he headed outside and onto the roof thing. He never really understood why the roof wasn't slanted like most other roofs, but he wasn't going to complain.
The roof was vacant other than for a few pidgins cooing about. That was good. Fray made his wings appear and took a second to feel the wind blow against his wings. It was an amazing feeling, like he was free f all earthly bonds. Fray opened his eyes and stretched out his wings. Alright, he could do this. He would fly high so he would look like a large bird or buzzard from the ground, and he would quickly head to the forest where he would not be seen.
Fray didn't bother taking a running start, he just flapped a few times and became air born. As he rapidly gained altitude, he glanced down at the city below. He could see little cars cars moving on black paths and even more tiny people meandering about. His lips twitched up into a smile. From up high, the world was amazing, with little imperfections. It was spectacular, really. All he could hear was the wind blowing past him; he was too far from any living being to hear their music. This was the real beauty, the silence. Noise was too distracting, to harmful, but up here, the world was pristine.
And then, as the city below became an endless green, the peace shattered. Instruments, violins, trumpets, flutes, saxophones, violas, piano, guitar, and many, many more slammed against him, breaking his concentration. It was loud, pounding, chaotic. There was little rhythm to it, yet it was pleasing to the ears at the same time, or at least it would be had it not been on the verge of bursting his eardrums.
As his wings went limp and he started to drop, Fray thought about how low the chance was of running into someone so powerful and so close to death while flying. Pretty low, he reckoned.
Kyle was careful as he watered the plants; too little and they might wilt, too much and they might drown. He walked back and forth between the back room, where the water was to refill his watering can, and the front, where all of the flowers were. As he relieved the plants of their thirst, he talked to them, telling them how beautiful they were and of stories of faraway places. It was a strange thing to do, but it made him feel better, and he had heard that the carbon dioxide humans let off when they spoke was good for plants.
"You are a daisy. Though you aren't the most prestigious breed, you have a simplicity to you that many people love." Kyle murmured to a daisy in a pot. It was the only daisy the shop had at the moment; all of the others were either still seeds or sproutlings that had yet to bloom. He quite liked the flower, it could be found in the wild, which showed that it wasn't delicate.
It didn't take long for him to finished watering the plants, it was an easy chore that could be done quickly. He still had about an hour left of work, and there wasn't really anything left to do. Usually he would spend time telling customers how to properly treat plants, but it was raining today and no one had any interest in looking at flowers on such a dreary day.
"There is a girl laying on the bench outside the shop." Mr. Napt observed. Kyle had been in the roses area, telling them how scientists had genetically engineered their kin to have small thorns. He wondered if his employer wanted him to do something about the girl, or if it was a hint that he knew that Kyle was wasting time. If it was the second, then wasn't trying hard enough to look like he was working. Maybe he should go into the back room and pretend to work mix fertilizer while he practiced magic.
"How long has she been there?" Kyle asked awkwardly, tugging out a stray weed that had somehow managed to find its way into a pot.
"Not long. She must be cold, though. Did you know that it is raining outside?" Mr. Napt asked. Kyle moved over to a window to see the girl for himself. It was difficult to view her in the darkness and with the pouring rain, but he could make out a shape on a bench. "You should go see if she's alright." Was it a suggestion or an order? Kyle didn't know for certain which it was, so he went ahead and left the shop.
The rain was freezing, and by the time he got over to the girl, he was shivering. "Y-you still alive?"
3:16am Mar 27 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
Skellig looked around him before he relaxed his stance a bit. He kept his hands in fists, but he was no longer in a 'fighters stance', which wasn't very comfortable anyways. He scanned the area around him and watched for even the slightest movement. His ears caught the sound of something rustling and he snapped his head towards the river, but all he saw was a fish jump from the icy water and then splash down again. He hissed to himself, upset that this thing wasn't coming out. He wanted to know what was there, what was frightening his brother and making them both a bit jumpy. He sniffed the air again and was hit with the scent from before. It was close. Very close. Skellig thought that if he licked the air, he could taste whatever it was that was watching them. He was growing impatient as the thing just stayed some distance from them. He wanted this thing to just come out and show itself already.
"Demons, you both aren't supposed to be on Earth in the human realm. I would advise you both to leave."
The twins both snapped their head to look at where the voice had come from. Across the clearing, they saw a girl step out from behind the trees. She stepped out like it was normal to come across two demons in the forest, but Ireoe knew better. He could almost smell the fear that she was hiding in her. Ireoe looked to his brother and smiled a little. He stepped out from the shadow of the tree and sauntered a few steps towards her, his pointed nails lengthening just a bit, enough to where they seemed to form claws. He gave her a smile and his eyes seemed to glow a light blue. He purred.
"OH my my... The only things that know demon's exist are angels. So, it's safe to assume that she, brother, is an angel."
Skellig looked at his brother and was about to grab him but when he started talking, he knew his brother knew what he was talking about. He sauntered out to his brother and threw his arm around his brother's shoulders. He leaned on his brother and smiled at the angel.
"Oh? Is she now? Well, we all know we can't have her going back to report that we're here now, can we?"
Ireoe did the same to his brother and leaned on the twin. He smiled and nodded at his brother. He understood what his brother was implying and he knew his own role in what was going to happen. He looked at his twin then at the angel girl.
"Okay, miss angel. I hope you understand that we don't want to do this, but this kind of thing isn't taken lightly. And there's also the fact that you've crossed our path. I will say that I am sorry for what may come."
Ireoe gave her a smile before he got away from Skellig and stepped towards the angel a couple little steps before he 'vanished' from sight. He was fast on his feet and he knew it. He ran across the water, splashing up water and scaring some of the fish in the river. He ran over towards her and hopped into the air just a few feet from her and as he was coming down, he switched himself so his hand was out from, nails out. He grabbed her shoulder as he came down and pinned her to the floor, making sure to keep his grip on her.
(sorry this post is crap.... I hope i didn't control your character... o.o)

4:37pm Mar 27 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[Oh no, you aren't at all!]]
The rain started to numb her body to the point where it felt like the sky was ridding itself of pins and needles, willingly allowing Earth to take all the hurt. However, the pins and needles that were falling from the sky didn't seem to bother Akuti. Her exposed skin, seeing as she thought it was a good day to wear a wool skirt and a tight long sleeve shirt, started to turn red. But as long as the rain numbed her mind, she wouldn't budge. Akuti loved days like this, days where the rain stopped a portion of her powers from working. You see, her powers were just like her eyes, a nuisance. Although, she knew that no matter what she does, the wretched things that ruin her life will never go away.
Akuti grunted and adjusted herself on the bench. There was no use in dwelling over the impossible, so why was she even giving it a moments thought? If she was going to spend her time in the rain thinking of useless things, what was even the point of laying in the rain? A thought she should be concerned about was the throbbing. Akuti wondered why her head started to throb so violently. Sure her head throbs every now and then when her powers slowly start to get stronger and develop, but never before has she ever felt such pain. No, that wasn't true, once before she had felt a similar pain. When she first received her powers. That pain was similar, but this was worse. The pain that had came to her eased into her mind, almost in an elegant and graceful manner. The pain that she felt today was abrupt and violent, no grace or elegance.
Confusion, curiosity. A strong thought came through. Someone was curious as to why she was laying out on a bench. She had felt a stroke of curiosity earlier in her thoughts, but the rain had dulled the message, but this time the message and feeling was stronger and she knew exactly who thought it. It was the way the message came and how clear she received it, especially on a day like today. However, Akuti used her powers just to make sure. A sly smile snaked onto her face before disappearing almost as quickly as it came. She was right, it was the person who also had powers. It was another blessed human.
A small ding rang out faintly through the pouring rain and she knew it was he who was approaching her, his voice confirmed it. Such a silly question, Akuti thought as she fluttered her eyes opened to look at the boy. It must be strange to the boy, Akuti thought, having a girl with dual colored eyes look straight at you even though she barely heard you approach. A sinister smile quickly flashed on her face, but it wasn't directed towards him, just her thoughts. And with a bl ink of an eye, Akuti was sitting up right on the bench, leaning forward towards the boy, "I am still alive, but the real question is; are you still alive? I am not the one shivering as if I were in a bath of ice cubes. Plus, a little rain never hurt anyone." Sure she could tolerate the cold and with stand it for quite a while without shivering, but the truth was, was that she was freezing, though she was too numb to feel it. Akuti smiled at the boy, the warmth of it radiated through the curtain of rain but it also radiated her lack of trust with this boy.
Those words, her warning to each of demons, were the last words she would verbally speak to them. She wondered why she even bothered to talk to them, she could have communicated with them through their minds. Annette was ashamed of her foolishness, her stupidity. She knew that this scene wasn't going to pan out fairly, two demons against one angel. A small hope flickered inside of her, maybe they would be gentlemen and just talk this over with her, but as soon as she saw the ice blue twin step towards her, finger extended, she knew that that wasn't going to happen. Only angels can uphold a graceful ti tle such as gentlemen, and while humans tried their best to mimic the angel's ways, demons never tried at all.
As soon as the second twin, with abnormal green eyes, spoke, Annette knew that she would be the one regretting staying on Earth, not the demons. Her eyes dulled and her ex pression grew bored, though behind her fake ex pression, the gears in her head turned frantically trying to search for a solution, an outcome that will insure her safety. However, she didn't have time to find a solution, as soon as the blue eyed twin had his say, he was on top of her. She barely even saw him coming. Her eyes lit up with a sudden realization that she was falling before they quickly transitioned to a guarded ex pression.
Her back was on the ground and her body was pinned tightly to the ground, Demon, She thought to the blue eyed twin coolly. Is this how you repay your savior? By capturing her in such a harsh manner? The fear in her mind was gone, however no other emotion replaced it. Her mind was hollow along with her feelings. Everything happened so quickly that she didn't have time to process. Do you realize what my power is? I can communicate with anyone, anytime, any range. You say that you don't want me to report back, but how do you know I haven't already, before I reveled myself to you. Did you think I was doing that without any protection? How do you know, at this moment, I am not calling for help? Now what are you going to do about that? Maybe you are just going to suck me dry of my powers like I have heard you awful creatures have been doing! Maybe that is what you came to Earth to do. Once you have drained me of my powers, you are going to move onto the rest of the angels. Then your brother there, will he be the one to start the war? A cowardly act, I would say.
Annette had said enough, maybe even too much. She didn't mean to add the last part, the part about the rumors she has been hearing, but it was the last thing on her mind before it went blank. She turned her creamy white face away from the demon and looked at the other one across the lake. Brothers they were. It was strange to run into demons, especially ones that aren't of the lower class, and more strangely, ones that are brothers, twins nonetheless. The whole predicament seemed off, but Annette just couldn't put her finger on it.

7:48pm Mar 27 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
His wings decided to start working again right before he hit the trees, and he landed in the canopy with slight difficulty. He didn't bother tying to plug his ears to keep the death song, that never worked, but as soon as he became semi-stable on a branch, he shoved his headphones onto his ears and poked blindly his music pla.yer until it turned on and was loud enough to mostly drowned out the song. Even with the volume on high, Fray could hear the death song in the back of his head. It was beautiful, really, but now was not the time to be lollygagging about, he needed to find who was making it, he or she was very powerful and very much in danger.
Technically, Fray was not supposed to involve himself with someone just because the person was close to death, but he would make an exception. The song was coming from someone magically strong, he could tell that by the complexity and amount of instruments. He had never heard so many different sounds in a single death song before, and he was intrigued by it. He wanted to meet this person, to shake his or her hand and warn the person of the danger to come.
He looked down and scanned the ground below for any figures, but he only saw Earth nature things like leaves, roots, and bushes. It didn't look like he would be able to find the person easily, which he hadn't expected it to be. It looked like he would have to actually walk around and search. Fray dropped lightly to the ground and folded his wings back against his wings. Not He guessed what direction the death song was coming from and headed that way, only knowing that he had chosen the right way to go as the song intensified.
Fray walked for a few minutes, listening to both his music and the song playing in his head that only he could hear. He didn't think it belonged to an angel, mostly because the melody didn't follow the angel's normal pattern, nor did he suspect it was a humans. That just left demon, but he hoped that the melody was some sort of fluke. Though he was on Earth Duty, he did not have some sort of power that many of Earth Duty had that protected them from some magical attacks. Not that having a small amount of defense would help against such a mighty opponent.
He came across a river and as he glanced around, he thought he could see figures far downstream of it. More than one, possibly two, but no more than four. One of the figures suddenly rushed across the river at a blinding speed, too fast to be a human, and making another figure fall. An angel could just use their wings to fly over an obstacle, so there was little chance of it being one of Fray's kin. Fray spread his wings and flapped three times, gaining air, but staying low enough not to hit branches. He sped towards the group, fearing the worse of the situation. When he was close enough to see the figures, he landed near by, but hopefully not close enough to be in immediate danger, keeping his wings outstretched. "Hey! Get off her!" He shouted to them louder than he needed because he had issues hearing himself over his music. It was probably not the most elegant thing he could say, but there was not much he could do.
Kyle took a step back, partly out of surprise when the girl sat up and partly because of her strange eyes. He had heard stories of people with different colored eyes, but he had never thought that he would ever meet a person with them. The girl's eyes were blue and brown. It was an interesting mixture, and he thought that it fit her, even though he didn't know much about her. He listened to the girl's words, and stayed silent for a few moments, thinking over the question.
"I know that I am alive because I feel; isn't that enough." He answered and shrugged. He thought the question was stupid, but he didn't want to sound unsophisticated, so he kept himself from saying that. Kyle awkwardly scratched his head, more of because he was unsure how to proceed than because his head itched. Was there a certain etiquette when talking to a girl in the rain?
"Um. I thought you looked cold, and I was wondering if you would rather be in a building if you had to lay down." Kyle gestured to the flower shop. "You can come inside if you want; we'll be closing soon, but you can stay until then." He offered to the girl. He wondered if he was being creepy by asking her, but she could always say 'no', and he would leave.
12:29am Mar 28 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
Ireoe was shocked to say the least. She was talking. Not out loud, but in his head. She could speak through his thoughts and subconscious mind. He didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit. In fact, he hated it. He didn't want her to be able to talk to him. He didn't want to hear her thoughts. When she mentioned the whole talking to the heavens already, he snapped his eyes towards her. He let out a low hiss and brought his face down to his lips were close to her ear. His voice dropped to a whisper and his grip on her tightened. He gave her a chuckle, first thing. It was funny really.
"If you called... We can always bond.. create.. become stronger than we are apart.."
He left it at that and he brought one hand up, nails out, fingers splayed just a bit so when he stabbed, it wouldn't just be one spot that was damaged. He brought his hand down, but just as it was to connect with her neck, he heard someone shout at him. His hand stopped millimeters from her neck, the tips grazing just a bit. He brought his icy eyes up, past her head and towards the trees on the other side of the river. He searched around until he found a pair of large wings. Too large for a bird, but just the right size for an angel.
"You did call. My oh my, how fun. It wouldn't have been any fun to just take down one angel."
He sat up, his weight settling on her stomach with his hands still digging into her shoulder and one just about to pierce her neck. Sure angels probably didn't die that way, but why not let her suffer a little? He trained his eyes on the angel across the way. He smiled at him. A toothy, Cheshire cat like smile. His canines clear as day and the horns on his head just made him look a bit creepier. He looked to his twin from his peripheral and then focused back on the male angel across.
"And why, my good sir, should I get off her? She's an angel, much like yourself, who will report that twins.. demons nonetheless... are on Earth. Their precious little earth filled with those humans that have seemed to taken angelic powers? Now, explain as to why i should get off her. Maybe I will.. But then again.. maybe I won't."
He brought his hand that was hovering over her neck down a little. His nails just poking and stretching out the skin. They didn't sink in, but when he moved them just a bit, they created very small cuts in the angel's neck. Not deep enough to be considered wounds, but just a scratch as if she had scratched her neck a little too hard. He gave the male angel another smile.
Skellig stood still throughout the whole ordeal, not wanting to get his brother distracted from the angel under him. He watched as his brother leaned in closer to whisper something in the girl's ear. He didn't know what she had said to him, but with the energy between the twins, he could feel that Ireoe was getting impatient with her. He smiled slightly at his brother, knowing he could take the girl on his own. At least, with his speed he wouldn't worry about Ireoe getting hurt again. Ireoe was bringing his clawed hand down on the girl's neck. Skellig's smile grew wider. Angels. They think they're so strong and great... tch. Foolish. He watched his brother's claws get closer to her neck, but just as he was going to strike, another voice rang out n the forest. This one was male. He looked around and then at his brother, who spotted the source of the voice already.
He followed Ireoe's gaze and found that there was another angel across the river. A male angel at that. He heard him shout about Ireoe getting off the girl before he landed. The boy's wings were outstretched and they looked rather large. He shivered slightly, unsure if Ireoe could handle the guy on his own. He watched Ireoe sit on the girl, his butt on her gut and his nails poised to strike her neck any time. He smiled at his brother, but when he started talking to the angel, it put him on edge. Angels were probably defenders of their own kind as well as Earth, but two angels in one place with one being attacked? That was a big issue for Skellig. He elongated his nails, turning them into claws and he started to walk towards the bank of the river, ready if the angel boy tried to attack Ireoe. He would still have to make it past Skellig. Plus, if he did manage to get close to Ireoe, his twin was speedy enough to get away and distract the angel while he delivered the final blow.
He watched and poised himself, ready to fight the angel if he tried attacking his kin. The energy between the twins hummed and each one of them was now emitting an aura of darkness. It wasn't all that visible, just barely a dark outline around each twin. Skellig hissed and looked at the male angel, his electric green eyes never leaving the angel's form, afraid of having him attack while he isn't looking.

2:05pm Mar 28 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Akuti felt and saw the boy's surprise and the corners of her mouth slipped up into a devious grin. She watched him, her ice blue eye pierced through the rain and stared at him while her weak brown one lingered behind. She wondered if it looked uncanny, no, she hoped it looked uncanny, for as he talked, she started to take an interest in the boy. He sure was an interesting fellow and she wanted to get a good feel for him. She wouldn't let him slip out of her grasp.
Her eyes narrowed and she sized him up for a moment before taking him up on his offer, but not without commenting on the feeling he gave off when he confirmed his liveliness. "Touche" she said, holding the 'che' in her mouth longer than was necessary. Akuti wanted to say more, but any more would give away the fact that she had powers too. She pondered on his question, just squinting at him in silence, even though she already knew what answer she was going to give him. "Thanks for the consideration and gracious thought." Her voice was almost sarcastic, and she sounded like she was going to decline the offer, "but I am not cold." She let silence linger in the air before she opened her eyes fully and stood up. She was shorter than he was, she could already tell even from the distance. Akuti walked up to him and stopped when her shoulder was inches away from his. She looked up to him and said, "However, I will take you up on your offer." She started to walk towards the flower shop's door, "But don't get the reasoning wrong, you seem like an interesting person, it has nothing to do with hospitality." Then she turned and walked inside. Her words were harsher than they needed to be, but she heard his feeling when he answered her question, and she was a tad bit angry.
It took Annette by surprise when, out of her peripheral vision, she saw the demons face come down close to her own. Though she didn't fight him, she wanted to see what he was about to do or say. She felt his grip on her tighten, and she tensed up, trying to save herself from the pain that she was certain to come. For a brief second, she wondered if this was the process of sucking the life, or powers, from an angel. But that foolish thought cleared her mind when she heard his voice. He spoke to her in a low whisper, so low she was certain that the eavesdropping trees couldn't hear. His lips were so close to her face, they almost brushed her ear as he spoke.
His words were peculiar. They were incomplete and held no meaning to her whatsoever. Her knowledge on demons, let alone twin demons, was nonexistent. She knew nothing of their powers or about them. She has heard nasty stories about demons, but those were just stories, and these two twins, especially the one on top of her, seemed to be living up to their expectations. Once the blue eyed twin finished his strange answer, she turned her face so it was facing him. Her silver eyes sparkled at him and her ex pression went blank as she tried to comprehend the meaning of his words.
Once again, her thoughts were stopped short. Nails, sharp ones, were coming down to defile her neck. Her thoughts scattered and she tried to think up of a plan before he drew a fountain of blood from her neck. She had it, she was going to splay her wings out and quickly fly upwards. Surely by doing that, he would fall and cause no harm to her. However, her plan didn't make it to action because, right before his nails pierced her neck, and her wings were about to appear, a shout had frozen time.
All three of them searched for the loud voice and to Annette's surprise, they all spotted an angel. What a coincident. She thought humorously to herself. Once she discovered the owner of the voice, her attention turned back to the blue eyed demon. The timing couldn't have been better, her bluffs could grow and evolve into something that would throw the two demons into a corner and surrender.
The devious demon adjusted his position so that he sat directly on her stomach as he spoke to the angel. He was heavy but nothing she couldn't with stand, well at least for now. It was the feeling of his nails on her neck that made the hair rise on the back of her neck. She didn't like the feeling, it was uncomfortable and it was agonizing to know that he could harm her at any moment. She had to act now or she could never get the two demons cornered.
Annette stared at the blue eyed demons face as she spoke to him in his mind, trying to get his attention to focus on her, not the other angel. If you think I have just called for one reinforcement you must be a fool. Killing us may seem easy, but once there are a good fifteen, or more, angels surrounding you, you will be the ones in trouble. She told the demon lightly. She was about to add more, but first she needed to deal with the other angel. She couldn't have him saying anything that would give the fact that she didn't actually call him, away.
She turned her mind towards him, but still looked at the demon. Quickly she said to him, Don't speak. I have the power to communicate with anyone at anytime at any range. They think I have called for you, so don't make them think otherwise. She told him briefly. Annette had to speak to him louder than she would a normal person. His mind seemed to be already loud with something else, thoughts maybe.
Right after she shot the angel the message, she turned her mind back to the demon twin on top of her, Wouldn't it be a pity if the angels came and killed your brother first? Or captured both of you and made you watch your brother die right before your eyes? Angels are violent and cruel when they need to be. Maybe they will torture him to get information about why YOU, demons, not humans, are draining our powers. She paused a moment to soak in his features, the demonic look he has to him and the dark aura around him. But then again, that can all stop. Let me and the angel over there go. Don't hurt any of us and I will make sure my reinforcements wont come. But make a move again, or attempt to kill me again and I will be sure to send a message to all of the angels, those on Earth duty and those still in the Angel realm, of who you two are. Her eyes flickered over to the green eyed twin, curious as to what she should do to him. Annette thought about sending him a message to throw him off, but she didn't want to give her powers away so easily. She would speak to him if he was about to make a move on the other angels. And by his stance. She might need to do that.

4:23pm Mar 28 2013 (last edited on 7:49pm Mar 28 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
She was strange; overconfident, somewhat arrogant, Kyle thought. He wondered if he would have gone to her in the first place if he had known she would act that way. She didn't have to agree to his offer, but she was acting like he had forced her to. The young man shivered and headed inside. The shop was warmer than it had been when he had left it, though maybe it just felt that way because he was cold. Kyle waved to his employer at the cash registered, but his action went unnoticed; Mr. Napt was looking at the girl.
Kyle decided that now would be a great time to go and move seedlings into bigger pots. He mentally excused himself, hoping that no one would notice him slipping into the back room. He was happy when he managed to leave the main room; he had been slightly afraid that he would mess up somehow and the girl would blow up at him. He moved a few small pots and disposable seed-planting containers over to a wooden table and took a seat at it. Kyle glanced at the clock above him, only forty-five minutes until closing time, and mentally prepared himself. He had been told that moving plants when they were young into bigger pots didn't hurt the plant, but he still couldn't help but think that it was a very unpleasant experience.
Whenever he ever had to partake in changing pot, Kyle liked to give the plants a little magic. It was always something tiny, too much and they would grow rapidly and die just as quickly. He had learned a while ago that there were fatal consequences to making plants grow that involved them dieing at a young age. It was sad really, he thought. He could make a flower show its beauty in a few seconds, but he was unable to keep it that way for very long.
As he popped the small seedlings out of the plastic containers and placed them into real pots, he whispered to them, telling them about the world and how marvelous it was. He threaded his fingers in the soil, letting his magic seep into it's roots.
Fray hadn't heard what the demon had said, mostly for obvious reasons. Between the lovely death song and his loud music, he would be able to hear anything, nor was he willing to take off his headphones. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the other demon - were the two brothers; they looked identical - move closer to him. It was unnerving, he felt like he was being stalked like some sort of pray.
Fray was about to ask the demon on his fellow angel to repeat whatever he had said very loudly, but an unknown voice in his head told him to stay quiet. Fray was happy to oblige to the strange voice, who he suspected belonged to the angel. Demons were difficult creatures, they were easily enraged and could become dangerous at any second. Or, at least that was what Fray had always been told. He had met his fair share of demons on Earth, and they weren't all that bad, as long as no one mocked then or did anything stupid.
Maybe some polite talking could make them calm down, but it looked a bit late for diplomacy, and Fray wasn't really good at communication. What do you suggest I do? And what exactly is going on here? Other than, you know, you being attacked by two demons. He thought to the girl. He turned his attention to the standing demon, who was probably the most dangerous at the moment.
[[Fail post is fail, sorry guys.]]
11:09am Mar 30 2013 (last edited on 11:09am Mar 30 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[Bump Hey guys, I am going camping for spring break so I wont be able to post right away, but I will try. So, sorry if it takes me a few days.]]
1:10pm Mar 30 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[It's okay, I'm going to be away as well for the majority of this week. Have fun, Leo :3 ]]
10:15pm Apr 1 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{sorry guys. I was out of town for the weekend. :( no computer. BTW tell me if i use too much gore. Im so used to it i don't know your capacity to handle it. ^^;} Her voice was really annoying him at this point. He wanted to make her shut up. Shut her out of his head, but angels had a better understanding of how that type of power worked and he knew he couldn't be able to shut her out. He could try, but it would be in vain. He hadn't been listening to her as his brother stalked towards the male angel, but once she said they'd kill his brother first or make him watch his brother die, his thoughts immediately snapped to what she was saying. They could capture them and then make him watch as they tortured and killed his brother. He would be helpless without his only family. They grew up together and the thought of watching his twin die right in front of him, brought out something in him he hadn't seen in a long time. His imagination ran wild with ideas. They would have his strapped down to a chair and Skellig would be on a table, dissected and bleeding. His eyes wide with terror as they continued to cut into his body. See what made a demon tick. They would try to see if they could regain some power by killing a demon. His hands would be strapped down, so he couldn't even claw his way out of the restraints. His brother would be laying on the table, lifeless. Close to death, close to breaking. His sanity gone in the past few hours that they both sat there. Ireoe would scream and shout and kick and react to every little thing they did to his brother, but would be too helpless to even help him. He was nothing without Skellig's strength. He couldn't break out. Another image was of Skellig tossed into a pit, like the ancient roman's did. They would toss him in with some celestial creature that would tear his brother to shreds and eat whatever remained intact. He would be chained down, helpless once more. He could have to watch his brother be torn apart. His blood spilled on the heavens.
Those images were enough to bring a few tears to Ireoe's crystal eyes, but they immediately went to a blazing blue color. Anger bubbled in his veins and he let angry tears fall from his eyes, blinking when they blurred his vision. He growled low in his throat and bared his fangs. He wouldn't stand for it. He wouldn't. He couldn't let that happen at all. He would never be able to live with himself. He looked pinned the angel girl down with his stare. His eyes practically glowing like blue fire. He hissed at her, like an angry cat and continued to growl like a lion waiting to pounce. "You. Will. Not. Kill. Him." Five words. Each one was practically dripping with venom and hatred. How dare she even think they would allow themselves to be captured. Did she not know anything about demons? Probable not. Twin demons were rare and even more so since they can turn into one demon that was a combination of both their powers. He retracted his nails and swiftly stood from her gut, but weighed his foot down on her chest, pressing hard enough to bend her ribs just a little. Sure he was using a lot of strength and probably can't break her ribs, but it was going to be uncomfortable. He growled and his wings opened up. There was a gust of hot air. The main structure of his wings was black, typical color for demons, but all the middles of each stem was blood red. Ireoe's voice dropped to a whisper and he smiled down at the angel girl, his smile a bit more crazed. (Like tle="" href="http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb480/Yumekichi11/pictures%201/1621ff0e.jpg">this, but smaller since his mouth isn't that wide...) "You will regret your words. You wanna play with demons. You'll get to. Imagine the fun when your angel backups have to peel your skin off the trees and pick your bones out of the river." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skellig caught his brother's punctuated words. You. Will. Not. Kill. Him. So, they wanted to kill one of them. He growled low in his throat, not wanting to let that happen. They would probably go for him first since he was the stronger of the two, but then again, they may go after the weaker twin first to get him out of the way. Skellig let that thought cloud his mind. He could see all kinds of scenarios that didn't end well for angels and the twins alike. He could see himself laying on the floor, broken and lifeless. Then Ireoe in that same spot but more broken since he was weaker. It brought a sad emotion to Skellig. He didn't want his brother to die. It was his only family. But if this angel male showed up, then that means they may have more on the way. He looked at the boy and noticed he was wearing something on his ears. He looked harder and saw they were headphones. He only knew that because they both had a pair back in hell. He'd have to speak loudly if he planned on getting past the music that was probably blasting within those headphones. He growled and when he felt the hot rush of air, he looked at his brother. His brother's shoe was on the girl's chest and his wings were splayed out, slightly making him look threatening. He chuckled a little. His brother wasn't all that threatening, but that smile was giving him the creeps. He had never seen that smile. He shivered a bit and let his own wings splay out. There was a burst of cold air that washed off the river, some parts gained a little la yer of ice on the surface of the water. He growled low and looked at the angel on the other side. He felt like he should attack him, just in case. But then again, that wasn't something he was going to do unprovoked. Sure, he was a demon, but only if his brother was in trouble was he going to attack. Ireoe was the better thinker and if he saw the angels as a threat, then Skellig was there to help him along. His eyes seemed to glow green and he stared at the male angel. ".. skin off the trees and pick your bones out of the water."
Skellig shuddered. His brother could really be threatening when he wanted to be and it made him excited. Maybe he'd get to have some fun with the angels before they died. They'd have to finish it quickly though. There was bound to be more coming from the heavens and from around the world if they didn't kill them quickly. He let out an exasperated sigh. He wished he knew what had his brother so agitated, besides the girl herself. It must have been her words. He growled and hopped over the river, it wasn't a long jump, but he needed to be closer to the male angel. "You!" He barked at the male. "How many angels are here.. Tell me, or i'll rip your throat out much like my brother was going to do to your partner over there."

5:55pm Apr 3 2013 (last edited on 6:04pm Apr 6 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[Don’t worry Ru, and the gore you used isn’t too much. ^^]]
Her silver eyes and her bored expression watched the demon on top of her, though her thoughts and her true sight were on the demon with the green eyes and the angel, who had, for some reason, came to her rescue. From her peripherals she watched the two watch them. Throughout the whole ordeal, she had come to realize that the demon with green eyes played his actions off of what his brother did. It was interesting information and was hoping to play out the situation on it, but things were starting to turn towards the worst.
Annette focused her attention back on the demon above her. He hadn’t responded right away, so she thought she might have won. She communicated back with her fellow angel; I can’t explain all that has happened it will take too much time but for now you should- The demon above her changed, and not for the better. His features started to take on a wild and demonic look, more so than it was. His features darkened, yet brightened with a malicious glow. No, it wasn’t a glow, it was a fire. Any hope that she had obtained from soaking in situation was now shattered. She saw the look in his eyes and the venom in his voice and knew that if she couldn’t turn things around, this situation was about to become blood bath.
The demon stood up, and it was foolish for Annette to think, even for a second, that he was about to let her go. Because once he got up, and the crushing weight that was on her gut was now chest, though the pain was worse. His foot came down on her like lightning and it took the breath away from her for a moment. She gasped in hot air when she could finally breathe again, and she noticed that his wings were now splayed. This wasn’t a joke and each word he spoke to her sounded eerie, like nails on a chalkboard. Her heart thumped fast and hard and she knew he could feel it beneath his iron foot. Annette shivered against his words and the demonic look he gave her. She was truly frightened, though this wasn’t the time to be afraid, it wasn’t only her life on the line, but the angel who tried to help her.
What you should do, she spoke calmly to the angel and tried to hide away the fear in her voice, is get out of here. I can handle them on my own, I will try to talk sense in them, but I fear that there is nothing more to do. Do what you must, but the bluff isn’t holding up; just don’t attack until they attack first. I am going to try to talk to the green eyed twin.
Her silver eyes, now glossy with fear, turned towards the other twin; don’t attack him! She spoke in his head, her voice raised a little. She saw the demon move closer to the angel and she needed to distract him before he started attacking, if that is what he was going to do. She had no clue what to say to him. Annette knew that she couldn’t pull the same trick she did on his brother, so she was going to take a new approach, pleading. Don’t kill him, I should say. You may think he is my back up, but in all honesty, I do not know him. I am the one you should be worried about, not him. If you should take any anger out, take it out on me. However, I will beg you, please talk sense into your brother, I have tried, but he seems outraged by my words. Annette had no other options than to spill everything, but hold onto something, her memories. They would surely come in handy if they were to kill her. A message to everyone, demon, human and angel, about what had happened here. She would do that if it were the last thing she ever did. I told him that I had reinforcements coming and that he should let me go if he wanted to- She picked her words carefully, not be discovered, but that didn’t work. So please, we will be out of your way if you could just- She stopped there, leaving him with options. She hoped that he was easier to negotiate than the one hovering over her.
Her face turned back towards the twin with a dark aura. Annette gulped and moved her fiery red hair out of her face with her free joints, and then took hold of the demons leg. The action wasn’t her fighting back, but trying to get a little more room to breathe comfortably. For a long while, she just stared up at the demon, trying to think of what she would say. She needed words that wouldn’t provoke him, or taunt him or threaten him. She needed words that wouldn’t give him what he wanted. A small smile, almost too small to be visible, crawled on her face, “I surrender, you win, kill me, I won’t budge. Fight me and I won’t fight back.” It was interesting, how she spoke aloud this one time, and she spoke loud enough to be heard across the clearing. “I am not a demon, I don’t kill people who don’t deserve to be killed, why would I kill your brother, he had done nothing to me.” Annette’s tone held little venom and were spoken in such a manner that almost seemed to be spat out. She didn’t know if she chose the right words, but she hoped that something in this situation would change.
There was a ding up above her and a breeze of warm air welcomed her bone-chilled body. Akuti let out a sigh of relief, and allowed the warm air around her loosen her tense muscles. Her head throbbed lightly and she was glad that the rain had numbed it, but she didn’t know how long it would stay that way. She hoped that the pain wouldn’t come back, but the uncomfortable feeling she felt itching at the back of her head, didn’t go unnoticed and she knew that it would come back, and it wouldn’t go away until she found the source of the pain and fixed it. There was another ding behind her and she turned her head slightly to see the boy come in. There was a cool breeze that came in with him, but it disappeared as soon as the door closed. Akuti gave him a small smile and opened her mouth to say something when she saw him wave, but he wasn’t waving at her, someone in front of her. She turned around and her dual colored eyes found the person the wave was directed at. It was an old man, he wasn’t old-old, but old enough to be a father to her, or maybe even a young grandfather. She noticed grey in his hair, but his head wasn’t consumed by it. The man’s eyes didn’t seem to notice anyone but her, and it made Akuti slightly uncomfortable.
The boy who had welcomed her in was now retreating to a back room and she would have followed him and scolded him for leaving his guest, but there was another person involved. She had always minded the rule, respect your elders, and that was why all the workers at the library liked her. “Oh, hello there sir,” she took a few steps forward and was about to introduce herself, when she remembered that she was sopping wet, “Oh, how rude of me, I am sorry that I have come into the store like this, soaked to the bone and whatnot, but you see your co-worker had allowed me to stay until the store closes.” Akuti was rambling a bit, and color had come into her washed out face, either due to the suddenness of her introduction and embarrassment, or from the warmth.
Akuti started to stand there uncomfortably, and in her mind she hated the boy for leaving her like this. She looked down and twiddled her thumbs, she didn’t know what to do or say. She was wet and didn’t want to get the rest of the store wet, so she stood and thought and felt for the blessed boy. She found him in the back room and could feel the energy he was giving off. He was doing magic. A smile curved onto her face and her eyes narrowed, he was a sneaky one, but not so sneaky for Akuti. So his powers have something to do with plants then? She wasn’t sure for sure, but she felt a small boost of growth from plants and could feel him doing magic, so it was her best assumption. A forest green towel distracted her from her thought and her facial expression went back to normal. The man who sat behind the counter now held a plush green towel with the stores logo out of her. The towel wasn’t big, it was the size of a dish towel, but it would dry her up better than the heat in the store. Gratefully she took it from him. “Thank you, sir.” She said pleasantly and gave him a smile before working to dry herself off. She squeezed out the water from her hair, into the towel, then she patted her arms and legs dry, and then squeezed out the water from her skirt and shirt into the towel. She dried herself the best she could, but she was still soaked, though she was no longer dripping. Akuti had thanked the man again and then went to seek out the boy. She knew exactly where he was though. She entered the room he was in quietly and stood in the door way for a while watching him. His back was turned towards her so she couldn’t see what he was doing, and there was no fun in that, so she gave herself away, “Knock, knock” she said and the back of her hand tapped on an invisible door. “That wasn’t very nice of you.” She started to approach him, where he stood, “Leaving the girl you invited in, not even a word like good-bye?” She was angry, but wasn’t going to blow up on him just yet, she needed more momentum. She shook her head, her wet black hair moving in strands, and clicked her tongue against the back of her top teeth and the roof of her mouth in a tisk sound.

12:30pm Apr 6 2013 (last edited on 3:00pm Apr 6 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
Fray was surprised to hear the demon's voice; he was shouting at the angel. Fray paused, thinking over the words, then lowered his wings and raised his hands defensively. He didn't know what to say; he had never been in a situation like this before. Sure, he had ran into many demons, it was practically imposable not to do so on earth, but it was always in a semi-peaceful situation and he just ignored the demon. He had no such luck this time; not replying was probably one of the worst things he could possibly do, right under attacking. Fray forced himself to speak.
"I, err, honestly don't know. I just happened to pass over and..." And what? Heard your death song and nearly fainted/fell to his death? There was no way he could say that; not only did it sound strange, he doubted that the demon would believe it. Hell, if someone had tried to use that as an excuse, he probably would have doubted it!. Unsure of what to say, Fray didn't finish his sentence, and just stood there.
A voice, the other angel's, entered his mind. He listened to her, and when she paused, waited for her to finish. So it looked like she wanted him to retreat. That would have sounded like a great idea to Fray if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't think that the demons would just let him go. And there was the girl, too, who he wasn't going to just abandon to save himself. That was just not right, and he doubted that he would be able to live with himself if he just left her. I'm not leaving. He thought to her, deciding that it would be better to die than to leave the other angel.
Fray looked over at the demon standing on the angel, than over to the one near him. They looked almost the same, maybe they were twins? If so, that would explain the unnaturally loud death song; the two being near each other probably amplified the music, making it much more painful to listen to. Fray turned his attention to the demon hear him, the one he had been talking to. He took a breath in, calming himself, and spoke.
"You both clearly in danger, I... I can tell, and though I don't know why you are, killing either of us will do nothing but put you in even more danger. Our superiors will start to ask questions, and when our bodies are found, people will start to look for our killers. Wouldn't it be easier to just leave now and get a head start before whatever is coming for you comes?" He asked quietly, hoping that he wasn't screwing things up worse than they already were.
Kyle jumped, not expecting anyone to come up and talking to him. He was so shocked, he somehow forgot to stop sending magic to the plant in his hands. He watched as the plant, a yellow tulip, sprouted, growing leaves and budding. It's flower opened, more like lengthened, and then wilted. The petals and leaves shriveled up and dropped to the table. When the step became brown and toppled over, Kyle looked up at the intruding girl.
"My apologies, but I was unaware that you cared about that kind of things." He told her bluntly as he discarded the dead flower and brushed off the dirt. He could feel his heart beat quicken as he mentally freaked out over the fact that someone had seen him use magic. It was his fauld; he shouldn't have been using it since he was fully aware that someone could just walk in and see him use it, but she wouldn't had ever know if he hadn't had jumped and killed that flower. Alright, calm down Kyle; maybe she didn't see it. Maybe she would think her eyes were playing tricks on her and she wouldn't say anything.
"And anyway," he tried to continue smoothly, "it's not as if I left the building or left you alone. My boss is in the other room, you know." He paused. "I thought that you would rather be by yourself instead of me bothering you. Unless you actually care what kind of soil morning glories prefer." He added the last part in on a whem, figuring that the girl wouldn't care for random information that would probably never help her in life.
[['Kay, done :3]]
10:15pm Apr 10 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
12:57am Apr 13 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{sorry! I will reply tomorrow though. it's almpost 12 where i am and yeah...}
6:45pm Apr 16 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557