8:29pm Apr 22 2013
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{sorry loves! I've had so much stuff to do!! college starting and all the tests and all that!}
11:00pm Apr 22 2013
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[[Oh, it's fine Ru! I completely understand. I have been super busy too. Probably not as much as you, but well enough. Just post whenever you can, and we will be waiting!]]
4:06pm Apr 29 2013
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10:12pm May 7 2013
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{After Tomorrow, or tomorrow, i'll give a good reply. My AP Calculus test will be done with and i won't be stressed as much.}
9:17pm May 9 2013
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[[Yay! Alright! I cant wait to get this going again :)]]
11:34pm May 9 2013 (last edited on 12:33am May 20 2013)
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{finally done and free from the stress of AP *censored*!! :D okay, now my reply.}
The two demons stayed where they were. Ieroe was still pressing on her chest, but when she grabbed his leg, he looked down at her, his eyes still an electric blue color from all the excitement he had experienced a bit before. She brought out the worst in him and he didn't care about that right now. He growled when she grabbed him and was about to stomp his foot down harder, but she spoke out loud to him. He let out a small chuckle at her words. He made his wings disappear. Both of them vanishing in a puff of black smoke and a sizzle as if they were burning. He put a little more height on his foot that was currently on her chest. Just a bit more and I could probably snap a rib into her lung... He smiled at her, the same Cheshire cat like smile he wore before. He growled through the smile.
"Just because you give up doesn't mean I won't just brutally hurt you in a way that makes it impossible for you to be recognized or well enough to try and explain what in hell's name happ-"
"Ieroe, cut it out."
Ieroe snapped his attention to the voice that spoke to him, which happened to be his brothers. He knew that voice by heart and could never mistake it. His brother's voice was calm and cold like his powers. His electric blues met his brother's laser greens. His eye twitched at being told to stop messing with the angel. She threatened his brother and that was something Ieroe was not going to stand for, but if his brother didn't want him attacking her, then he couldn't do anything about it. His brother was stronger and would surely hurt him for hurting her when he had already said to stop. Ieroe let out a huff and took his foot off her chest, but before he completely got off, he brought his hand back and down, claws out, towards her hand that was hanging onto his pants.
Skellig could already predict his brother's movement and ran towards his brother, as fast as he could, he wasn't as fast as his brother, but he could do okay. He ran and tackled his brother before flapping his wings, sending a cold blast of air at the ground, frost covered the grass where the gust hit. He had them both airborne and his brother's clawed hand was now digging at least two inches into his bicep. He hissed slightly and looks down at the angel that Ieroe had been about to attack.
"Consider yourself Lucky i stopped him. Now, answer me. You have others coming. true or false?"
Skellig let his blood run down his arm and drip onto the grass below when it reached his elbow. He looked at the pool of blood he was creating but then turned his attention to his brother, who was digging his nails deeper and growling like a mad dog.
{sprry it's so short!! I had no clue what to do... :( }

4:13pm May 19 2013
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10:54pm May 30 2013
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8:59am May 31 2013 (last edited on 9:00am May 31 2013)
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[[I will post today after school!]]
8:20pm May 31 2013 (last edited on 9:08pm May 31 2013)
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[[Gah! Sorry for the long wait! Also, I am sorry for my posts. It feels like I haven't rped in months and it's taking me a while to get back into character.]]
Annette's silver, glossy eyes were watching the demon above her intently. Every move he made, every gesture he wore, every word he spoke was etched into her memory. However, it wasn't because she was trying to gain leverage over him and saving up her memories to send abroad if need be, no, it is because he frightens her so. The smallest glare would make her freeze, double over and give in, but it isn't in her nature to give in, to let fear take her over and make her weak. Oh, no. But look he had just given her made her breath catch in her chest, or maybe that was because of the pressure he was adding.
The demon's bright blue eyes were set ablaze and looked at Annette with malice. From the angle she was at and the way the shadows dappled over him, his head looked like had been replaced by a skull, and the dark part of the empty eye sockets suddenly shone a menacing blue as he looked down upon her. The toothy smile he gave her sent a shiver down her spine once more, and she knew that she was about to end her life. His iron foot pressed down harder and slower, as if to keep the scarlet haired angel in agony. He was depressing her and it took all she had to keep her composure and not show any signs of weakness. However, Annette's head started to tingle along with her lips and the tips of her fingers. She was loosing oxygen.
Her silver eyes were now hard and she blinked slower. She gathered all her memories of this scene together, as one would do when hacking up a loogie, gathering all the junk and saliva until the time comes when it is time to spit, to project. The pain was getting stronger and tears were pricking at the corners of her eyes and the words the demon said were drumming against her ear drums, nothing was clear but her death.
Against the loud drumming of the blue eyed demon's voice came a calm hum of another. This voice was stern yet soothing, determined yet calm. Black was creeping into the corners of her vision as the pressure got stronger, however, the pressure wasn't getting stronger it was actually getting bearable. Annette blinked a few times and her vision cleared along with her head, though her fingers and toes and lips were still numb. The first thing she was clearly was the green eyed demon and instantly she felt a wave of thankfulness wash over her and she was on the verge of thanking him when she thought better of herself. She tried to let out a bored sigh, but instead there came a series of coughing attacks. Annette was finally getting oxygen into her lungs properly.
Quickly, maybe too quickly, the angel sat up and started coughing into her arm. The one that was connected to her hand that was connected to the demon. Her fingers were white, from either the fierce clenching or the lack of oxygen. Although after Annette finished coughing and was able to breath correctly through her raw throat, she realized what had just happened. The blue eyed demon was tackled by his brother in order to save her and the hum of his voice rang once again into her ears.
Silver eyes searched for the twins and found them nearby. Annette still sat in a upright position where she was pinned down, but now her eyes were on the other, more sane, she added, twin. Blood was trickling down his arm and into the grass. For a few seconds she sat, dumbfounded in her head but with an expressionless face as she examined his wound.
Now would be a good time as any to make your escape. She spoke softly and uninterested into the other angels head. She hadn't forgotten that he was there. I am sure if you back away slowly they wouldn't acknowledge yous presence. Since she knew they weren't as deep in danger as they had been, that there was no need to be nice and thank him and show him who she really is. Her cold outer character has been put back into play.
Annette wondered briefly why Ieroe- was it - was inflicting pain on his brother when he almost killed her for threatening the idea. With her eyes on the source of the wound, she shook her head mildly and lightly, "False". However, quite coldly and quietly she spoke to Ieroe in his head, You almost killed me for threatening to harm your beloved brother, however you are the one inflicting pain on him now. Then, even quieter, hypocritical demon.
When the boy turned around, her eyes flickered to the plant he was working with. It was dead, she could feel its life go by quick and then slip away. A small smile slipped onto her face and she was determined to mess with the boy. Since he didn't know that she was blessed too, then there was no real harm in messing with him and making him believe that a mere human might have seen him do magic. Gears were turning behind her mismatched eyes and she stared at him as he talked and as she worked up a plan. When he was finished with him smooth act, she started hers. Akuti crossed her arm and threw her chin up a bit, "Well the least you could have done was introduce each other or announce where you were going so I didn't have to feel abandon. And it isn't very kind to make assumptions. You can't tell what a person is thinking if you don't ask. You should really be more considerate." Her little speech was accusing and compared to the next little bit she's about to say, it's very ironic and contradictory in a way.
She dropped her arms to her sides and advanced towards him. She had to give him credit, he was acting surprisingly calm and collected, however, she wanted to see how he'd act if she gave him a little push. "Ah, well, what is done is done and maybe your right. I don't want to know what soil morning glories prefer." She said, tilting her head back and forth as if pondering on the idea of learning about soil. Akuti let silence lengthen between them. She was trying to appear bored, like she was admitting defeat and was going to retreat back to the main store. She now leaned against a table, "But" She began, "I would like to know which soil can make plants go through there full life cycle. I haven't read anything like that in books at the library or seen gardeners have such soil. Tell me boy," a devilish smile played on her mouth and her mismatched eyes looked him full in the face. She hoped that she was making him uncomfortable, "Which soil does such things, its almost as that happened magically."

5:37pm Jun 1 2013 (last edited on 5:38pm Jun 1 2013)
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Fray watched as the demon standing near him suddenly taken off at the other demon and tackled him off the angel, shocked. He had not been expecting that at all. If anything, he would have thought that the demon would have attacked him and let his brother kill the female angel. But no, that didn't happen, and, all of a sudden, both the demons' and the angel's death song dropped and became softer. Someone, the green-eyed demon, had made an action that prevented their death, or at least elongated the time before they would die.
The girl angel started coughing. She must have had issues breathing with the demon on her.. Without looking at him, she told Fray to leave.
He didn't want to go. Fray could hear the angel's death song intertwining with the demons, and it was just as powerful as the twin's. She was still in danger, as were the demons. It felt wrong to leave now, when the angel was at risk, but he reminded himself that he had strict orders from the higher-ups not to interfere unless otherwise told to. He was allowed to tell people what their song was like, but doing anymore was too much. He had done enough already. If she was to die, she would, and the same went with the demons. That was how things worked, how they always did and how they always will.
Fray's hands were shaking and clutched tightly. He relaxed his grip and could faintly feel a stinging sensation as his nails stopped biting into the skin of his palm. Fray closed his eyes and breathed out. He had truly believed that the demon would kill the angel, and he had feared strongly for her. He was still scared, but he shoved the emotion away. He opened his eyes again. Seeing that the demons' attention seemed to be away, Fray figured that it would be best to go now. Maybe that would be so focused on the angel that they won't even notice him leave.
Fray readied his wings, stretching them out so that he'll go far when he takes off. He started walking backwards slowly, and, thankfully, doesn't step on any sticks. He kept his eyes on the demons, ready to bolt if they so much as glance at him. Maybe they have forgotten him, and he'll be able to fly away without any trouble. Fray stops walking, figuring that he's far enough back. trying to be as quiet as possible, he takes off and flaps until he's above the treeline. With one more glance down at the angel, he turns to fly back to the city.
Kyle had started reaching for a morning glory as the girl talked. He reminded himself that he had not been rude to her, after all, it was he who asked her if she wanted to get into shelter. Even though he knew this, it was irritating to be called out on it as she was doing. Kyle's finger brushed against a tiny leaf when the girl mentioned magic soil. He froze and bit bid lip to keep calm. Fear rushed through him, followed by agitation.
She knew. He cursed himself mentally. Of course she did, there was no way she wouldn't have seen him use magic, knowing his luck. It's alright, Kyle told himself. Don't act frightened, it will prove that you're guilty. He flicked his eyes at her face and saw her mischievous ex pression. His eyes widened, and he glanced back at his flowers. She was toying with him, dammit.
"We make the soil ourselves here." Kyle answered hesitantly, attempting to improve the situation. "We harvest dirt from under a hundred year old tree, then mix it with the blood of a virgin on a full moon." He paused and glanced at the girl out of the corner of his eyes. "Of course, annoying girls who know too much work as nice substitutes..." Kyle doubted that she would feel threatened by his words, but maybe she'd think it was time to quit bothering him and pretend that none of this had ever happened. He didn't believe that would happen, either.
If, after he managed to get her to leave, she went and told someone that he possessed the magical abilities, maybe no one would believe her. She looked younger than him, but then again, he had never been quite good at judging people's ages. If someone did believe her and an investigation was started, maybe he could run away, or maybe it would just drop when everyone realized that he had some sort of useless power that couldn't be taken advantage of because it was so stupid. Yes, that sounded good. Even if everyone knew what he was, he wouldn't be locked or sent away because he truly was no treat with his crappy ability.
7:17pm Jun 3 2013
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Her mischievous smile grew wider as he started to sputter random excuses. Clearly they were of pathetic and desperate origins; mixing soil from under a century old tree with the blood of a virgin, of which could only be harvested on a full moon? Surely she could have some fun with that. Akuti almost let a chuckle escape from her sealed lips as he mentioned a threat. Or was he teasing her? She couldn't tell, but she enjoyed talking to this boy for some reason, he was unpredictable and said some strange things. Oh yes, she was going to have fun.
Akuti leaned further back on the table. As she tilted her head up to the ceiling, she could feel her heavy black hair fall into a plan, "I wonder what higher authorities would say about you using this 'special' soil? Does the manager of this shop or the owner who runs the whole business even know about it? Huh, its curious to think about them knowing. If they knew about all the blood you are spilling just for the sake of the plants, and if I may add, don't even grow properly and die quickly, as I've just witness, I wonder that they'd do. How would that fellow out front deal with foreclosure? What would you do if they shut down the shop, or worse, throw you in jail?" The words sailed out of her mouth in a nonchalant manner, as if this conversation was one she could have with anyone.
Akuti counted seconds of silence between the conversation. The time where all the words said were allowed to really sink into the mind. She figured that the longer the seconds, the more frightened he grew. She wasn't going to stop until he confessed to being a blessed human and beg her not to tell a soul. She would accept his plea but wouldn't confess to possessing magic herself. Right now she had something over him, and the power she held felt good. However, she wasn't just doing it for the power. This little game was to simply relive the stress and unwind her mind from the strange day she had. The slightest thought the sharp pain that entered her mind earlier was just going to make her confuse and frustrated.
For a brief second she wondered what time the store closed and how long she had to squeeze the confession out of him. Akuti returned her dual colored eyes towards the boy. Her stunning blue eye was probing the boy and provoking him in attempt to reveal the truth, whilst her timid brown eye watched in support.

8:56am Jun 6 2013
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3:00pm Jun 11 2013
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[[I'll post tomorrow if Ruru doesn't.]] [[So, this is pretty much a bump :p ]]
11:58pm Jun 12 2013
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(sorry guys.. o.o i just graduated and all that jazz....)
Ieroe continued to dig his nails into his brother's arm, not really caring that he could feel the warmth of his brother's blood dripping down his arm. His nails dug deeper, creating a bigger wound. He growled and hisses and struggled to get away from his stronger twin. He heard her oh so annoying voice in his head and growled louder, until he actually looked down and saw that, in fact, his nails were digging quite deeply into his brother's arm. He saw the trickle of blood that continued to pool below them. He quickly let go and looks down at his bloodied hand. His eyes got a little watery and he ran his hand over the wound, wanting it to start healing. It startefd to heal but not as quickly as it should have since it was created by another demon. He glared at the angel who was on the floor.
"I shoul dhave killed you when I h-"
Skellig released his twin and watched as his brother landed on the floor with a thud. He looked at the angel who was about to leave. His voice became loud and demanding.
"Angel! Do not fly away! I will hunt you down, should you!"
He returned his attention to the girl that was on the floor. His eyes now a dangerous electric green. He growled and flew over to her. He hovered close to her, close enough to lash out at her shoudl she do something stupid. He looked her in the eyes, her grey eyes stood out to him and he made a small hum or approval. He didn't know why he saved her, but whatever. He didn't really care. He breathed out, his cold breath ghosting over her face.
"I see that you speak truth. Tell me. What is your purpose with being here? You cannot have just decided that you'd go demon hunting."
(sorry it's super short, but i have no clue what to do with the twins right now.... :( )

9:06am Jun 13 2013
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Posts: 827
[[Awe! Didja hear that Rabbah, our Ru graduated! Con gradulation! Let us know if you need a few weeks to settle into college and stuff, whenever that time may roll around. I will post later tonight!]]
3:55pm Jun 13 2013
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[[u so punny, Leo. And congrats Ruru :3 ]]
Fray just barely heard the demon yell at him. He hesitated for a second, then two, then three, carefully hovering above the treeline and nibbling on his lip. He was out of danger, right? If he flew away, he would have a huge head start, and if one of the demons tried to follow him, then it might give the other angel a chance to escape. Or they might just kill her and chase after him, in which he would be risking human lives by flying to the city. He didn't know how fast the demons were, but they were strong, and they would hunt him down if they had to.
Fray made his decision and slowly drifted back down, landing only about twenty feet away from the demons. The green-eyed one had moved away from his brother and towards the angel. He was saying something, but Fray didn't manage to catch it. He pulled his wings back and folded them neatly against his back, trying to look less skittish than he actually was. Keeping his eyes on the two demons, the angel pulled off his headphones and put them around his neck.
He closed his eyes and listened to the music dancing in the air, getting a feel for it. He quickly picked out the angels, but the demon's mixed together, creating a strange blend. Had the demons' death song been an actual song they would have been decent apart, and magical if they were played together.
"The- They already know." Kyle choked out. "The Feds, I mean. They know, and they don't care one bit." He added, deepening his lie. How long was this going to continue? He flicked his eyes at the clock and read the time. He had an hour or so before it was time to close up shop. Too long, in his opinion. An hour with this girl breathing down his back, asking questions? He'd rather not have that happen.
Kyle turned his attention back to his plants. He had wanted to get this batch done, so it could be put out for tomorrow, but he didn't want to give it the magical touch he usually gave to plants with Akuti hovering over his shoulder. He would just have to do it tomorrow. Maybe he could come in early to finish up. He started cleaning up the counter, moving the tiny plastic pots with stems poking out to the side.
And then suddenly, while glancing up at the girl, Kyle had an epiphany. She was toying with him. She knew what he was, a mutation with abilities humans should not have. She knew, and yet, she was still here. That meant either she didn't care and wasn't going to tell anyone, or she wanted something from him to keep her quiet. Kyle narrowed his eyes at the girl.
"You said your name was Ah-cut-eey?" He asked, pronouncing it wrong. "Are you suggesting that you are going to snitch on me?"
[[u so useless, Fray :u]]
2:53pm Jun 14 2013 (last edited on 3:30pm Jun 14 2013)
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Posts: 827
The nails that were as sharp as knives slid out of the green eyed demon's shoulder. Annette observed Ieroe when he finally noticed the pain he was inflicting. It was strange to watch the demon's face loose its harsh composure and soften up a bit. He looked like he actually cared about something- or someone in this case- and felt truly sorry. To think that this demon, who was full of enmity, would actually have a heart was beyond extraordinary However, all that compassion that Annette could have sworn was there was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
His glare nearly stopped her heart. She wasn't prepared for his quick change of nature, though she should have known better. Annette felt like cringing at his words, but she knew that any weakness that she showed to these demons could be the key to end her life. She simply stared with bored eyes at Ieroe as he spoke, though her eyes quickly jumped to the other twin as he interrupted. The green eyed twin dropped Ieroe and his voice was no longer that calm hum she remember, it was more dangerous than Ieroe's.
Annette noted that this demon held the power to peace or destruction. Ieroe was just a pawn and this green eyed twin was the one to make the decisions. In a sense, she admired him for who he could be and the power he had to easily end a situation in peace, however, above her feelings of admiration, she knew she was more frightened of him than she would ever be of Ieroe. Annette could see this green eyed demon as a strong and powerful king who everyone adored but was frightened of and whilst he was sitting clean and powerful on his throne, Ieroe would be the one he'd send to do his dirty bidding. Just the thought sent shivers down her spine. It was the way he could be calm and dangerous at the same time whereas Ieroe was just overall dangerous and easily predictable.
Electric green eyes turned on her and she tried her hardest to keep hers level with his, even after he approached her and was near enough that she could feel his breath in the space between them. Annette wanted to flicker her eyes over towards the other angel, to see if he had returned like instructed to or if he made his escape. She hoped that he escaped. However, she didn't have the time to take a peek, she had to answer this kingly demon's question. As she stared blankly into his eyes she started to think about what had made her come here in the first place and why she confronted them. It took her a while to recall the event that took place early this morning, but what seemed like decades ago.
Annette turned her mind towards the green eyed demon and spoke to him calmly, I saw you through a rabbits eyes, She didn't know how much she should tell him, about her powers and about her knowledge. She knew she said something to Ieroe about the war and the power draining earlier, but she couldn't quite recall what. Two demons in the forest isn't unusual, but two demons in the forest that weren't lower class demons and twins to top it all off, now I find that quite strange, don't you? I simply came to get some answers, but it turned out that you two weren't as... She pondered on the last part of the sentence, trying to find words that wouldn't be too offensive, As willing to talk with an angel, such as myself. However, with her next sentence, Annette didn't attempt to rearrange her sentence so it wouldn't be less offensive. The rumors she had heard got her too upset to even try, Why are you demons trying to start a war with the Angel Realm, but before doing so draining their powers? That is a cowardice way, don't you think? Or are you two here to start the war, to drain more angels with what ever powers you may hold? Her voice turned cold when she started to talk, and the word 'demon' turned to acid when she spoke to him in his head.
Akuti watched as the boy continued his work. Even if she didn't have the power she did, she figured that she could still hear the gears turning in his head. It was fun to toy with this boy and hear the nonsense he came up with. "Huh," she said with a skeptical tone as he gave another lame excuse. She pushed herself away from the table and she walked slowly over to him. Akuti was about to go hover over his work when her turned to face her, looking into her dual colored eyes. A smile spread across her face as she heard the thoughts that were directed at her. So he finally figured it out.
Akuti stopped in her tracks and looked up at the boy. Her height sure didn't make her feel superior, but her secretive power did. She listened to the boy as he accused her. Her eyes narrowed as he pronounced her name wrong, but went back to the sly nature they started out in. She shook her head lightly, "Nuh-uh," she said playfully, "My name is Akuti. Pronounced ah-koo-tih." She said the pronunciation slowly and in a voice that made her sound like she was talking to a child. "Anyways," she said, changing the subject and acting like he hadn't figured her out, "I never said I would snitch. It was only a wondering thought. Though, would you mind showing me this 'special soil' you have?" Akuti broke eye contact with the boy and walked over to the plants he was working on. She looked down at a pot with a seedling in it and then picked it up.
The brown pot was being held in one hand and with the other she was fingering the soil. "This isn't the special soil, is it?" She asked, now holding the pot with both hands, and then holding it out towards the boy with powers. Her voice dripped with innocents and curiosity, though her facial ex pression beg to differ. Her eyes were slightly narrowed and prodding, her lips were tugged up by a playful smile, and the aura around her seemed sly and up to no good.

11:32pm Jun 14 2013 (last edited on 6:56pm Jun 16 2013)
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Skellig stared at the angel as she seemed to register that he was in front of her. He was getting impatient with angels, but hell, he needed answers. He looked at the girl and his eyes continued to stare at hers. She spoke to him in his head once again. A rabbit's eyes huh? Well, that seems like something you would know how to do since you are angel. They all have odd powers that they alone have. He stared at her and straightened himself up when she started to speak as though he was trash. HIs own race was something that she despised and it was quite entertaining to say the least. He loved how she was just so disgusted with his race. It was funny all the same and he just had to let out a hearty laugh. His laugh died down into a chuckle and he looked at her, his green eyes now a bit duller, but his smile was wider than before, revealing his pointed canines.
"You are quite the hearty young angel, aren't you? And don't you think that if I wanted to steal your precious powers, or drain you of said powers, I would have done so by now? Would I have stopped my own brother from ripping your throat out? Should I have let him just take your powers or something like that? Don't you believe that I could do it right as we are speaking and you would have no idea that I was?"
He gave her a small chuckle and hovered closer to her, his eyes once gain blazing green. His eyes focused on her and never once did they flicker or show any sign of fear in their depths. In fact, his eyes posed a challenge for her to say that he couldn't have done any one of those things while she was on the floor. He smiled and purred a low, demonic purr. He huffed out and his icy breath ghosted her face once more. He liked how he could see small ice cyrstals forming on her eyelashes. He was going to like this angel. He hovered lower and dropped himself to the ground before be plopped down and sat cross legged in front of her.
"You said you want to talk, then talk. I am the more patient of the two of us, yet he is the more emotional one. NOw, I have revealed to you a bit about ourselves, how about you be a courteous little angel and tell me about yourself then tell me what you want to talk about. I can keep my brother at bay only for a few hours at a time, so be quick about what you're going to say."
He smiled at her, a smile that could make him seem like the nicest man alive. A grade smile. He even made his wings disappear and his nails went back to their human size.
Ieroe glared at his brother's back, not believing what he was just put through. Typically his brother wouldn't think about harming him, even if from a fall. So maybe he went a little to far with the angel? He shrugged and stayed on the floor for a couple moments. He was getting tired and when he saw the other angel returning to them, he got an idea. He smiled and his wings appeared as his brother's disappeared. He flapped them hard and was off like a lightning bolt. His wings, well the air pushed from them, singed the grass below but didn't set it on fire. He flew quickly to the male angel and flew over him and around him.
He giggled and stopped to hover just eye level with the angel since he was taller than himself. He hissed slightly at that fact but then pushed it aside. He grinned at the angel and purred. He looked him over, up and down, down and up. He nodded and ghosted his lava hot breath over the angel's face.
"Ya know, you aren't very fast, are ya?"
He purred out and grinned wider. He did like how this angel looked and considered that maybe he would be able to befriend him in some way. Then again, his own aunt was after his tail and this angel was a worked of the Almighty. He shook his head at his thoughts. Befriending an angel was pretty much unheard of.
"Anyways , since you're not backup, who are you? And what are you doing here? You can't have just wanted to find a demon on earth."

9:17am Jun 18 2013
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Fray recoiled and snapped open his eyes as hot air puffed into his face. The blue-eyed demon was hovering around him, looking him over a few times. The angel tried not to wince back at the scrutiny, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He had never been so close proximity to a demon before, and never, never in such a precarious situation with one so near. Fray had never had trouble with demons before now; he had talked to one or two across a room once or twice, inquiring about certain people. He had found that demons could be cold and heartless, but also laid back and uncaring about species' differences at times.
"I've never really had a need or reason to fly fast, I guess. I'm Fray." He said, shrugging, then blinked. Was it rude to shrug to a demon? And, should he offer the demon his hand to shake? There was so many things the he didn't know about demons, even though he had spent years learning about them to prepare for Earth Duty. Fray had never bothered to pay any attention to the lessons; he had always assumed that he would never meet a demon one-on-one like he was now, that there would be someone with useful powers that could protect/get him out of danger. He wished now that he had paid attention like he was supposed to; offending the demon would most likely be very, very bad.
With the demon so close to him, Fray could pick out his song, separating it from his brother's and filing it away into his memory, figuring that he might need to know which brother was which in the future. Now that he could hear the blue-eyed demons song without it being mixed with his brother's, Fray could appreciate it more. Demon's songs were typically slow for some reason, but his was a bit quicker. There were many instruments, the angel suspected at least ten, but he could only pick out two, a cello and... Was that a bass? He had only come a cross a song with a bass a few times; it was rare because it was a newer instrument. It would probably be more common in a few hundred year's time, but for now it was quite uncommon.
"I'm, uh," Fray started, trying to push the demon's song out of his mind. It was the kind of song that he could spend hours admiring, but he didn't have the time for that. "I'm just one of the angels on Earth Duty. I, err, hear people's death songs, and that's about it. I was trying to get away from the city's noise, and when I passed you guys overhead, I could hear your song, and it startled me." 'Startled' was an understatement; he had nearly passed out from the intensity of it, but Fray suspected that admitting that he almost fainted from just being near the brothers wasn't the right thing to say at the moment. "It was, um, really, really loud, like stereo-on-full-blast-right-next-to-your-head loud, as well as very complex. I came down to see who or what produced it."
Fray tilted his head, looking over the demon. "Why are you in such terrible danger?" He murmured, not understanding. Other than the fact that he was very strong, the demon didn't look anything unusual.
Kyle scowled at the girl. He had been frightened for nothing. He turned and took the pot in one hand, and Akuti's hand in his other. He placed their hands on top of the soil, leaving the stem in between their fingers. He closed his eyes and breathed out, then in, then out again, calming himself. Slowly, he allowed his magic to flow through the girl's hand and into the soil. From there, the roots took the magic, and the plant's cells went on hyper-drive.
Kyle opened his eyes and watched, impassive, as the stem started to lengthen and grow leaves. A bud formed at the tip and enlarged, then turned a reddish tint, then, ultimately, opened, revealing a tulip head. Kyle slid his hand off of Akuti's, severing his magic from the plant, and it ceased its growth. He dropped his hand to the side and inspected the plant before letting go of the pot. The flower was perfect and looked like something that had come out of a magazine.
"You can keep that if you want; it's not going to last more than a day, though." That was the problem with his magic; not only did it speed up a plant's growth, but it also shortened its life. Had the tulip grown on its own, it would have survived around a week in it's fully bloomed form. There was a trick when it came to his magic: only use a bit at one time, otherwise the plant would die sooner than planned. Kyle had gotten better at limiting himself with his magic the more he used it, but the problem with using less magic was that it took longer for the plant to grow.