6:05pm Jun 18 2013
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Posts: 5,542
{I'm going to put Ieroe's response up then I'll do Skellig's when Unique replies. Then I'll wait..}
Ieroe chuckled at the angel's obvious nervousness. Maybe he really didn't know how to act in front of a demon, then again, he rarely interacted with an angel, so his own manners my not even be what he should be doing. He hovered closer to the ground and could tell the angel was going to be much taller than he was. He hovered higher, not wanting to be looked down at, literally. He smiled and looked at the angel's face. He was a looker and that had Ieroe's cheeks warming up. He cursed himself and hovered a little closer.
"Well, Fray, you've told me quite a bit about yourself and whatever power you've been blessed with. Though, as an angel, im sure you were born with it. Well, since you've honored," he hissed the word, which caused a super heated breath to ghost the angels' face, "me with such information, i might as well give you some in return." He smiled and made his wings disappear. He fell the extra six inches to the floor and landed on his feet. He looked up at the angel and really noticed how short he was compared to him. He reached for the angel's shirt and tugged him down so they were eye level.
"Say anything about my height and I'll make you wish you did know how to fly fast." He released the boy's shirt and looked at him. "I'm Ieroe, a demon of flame and lava, my brother is Skellig, demon of Ice and Snow. Weird, yes."
He purred once he finished, his own curiousity about the boy was quickly elevating. He smiled. "So, I'm going to guess the louder a 'death song' is, the closer someone is to death since you seem to be okay with me being this close. Well, I'll fill ya in. The new Queen of hell... Our aunt, took over my father's crown and is trying to hunt us down since once we turn 500, we can take over our father's throne by way of battle. She wants us dead and is draining angel's of their power to keep them from interfering in her little plan."
He sighed and looked at the angel. He knew that was something that Skellig may not have wanted these angels to know, but whatever.

11:49pm Jun 18 2013
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Posts: 827
Gah!! Ruuuuu! You make me want to post so badly, the suspense is eating me alive! But I have to go to bed cause I gotta get up early tomorrow :(
I will post sometime tomorrow.
5:20pm Jun 19 2013
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Posts: 827
Silver eyes narrowed at the green eyed demon as he started to laugh abruptly, though the ex pression they held didn't waver. Annette despised these demons, it seemed as if they liked to be witty with their speech and actions though with a sly touch. As he tested her with his words, she couldn't help but take interest in the challenge his eyes presented. She knew exactly what he wanted her to do, it was written all over his face.
When the green eyed demon breathed icy cold air into her face, forming tiny ice crystals on the tips of her eyelashes and any other strands of hair that were framing her face, she took up his challenge. Though, for a brief moment she was taken aback when he plopped down in front of her smiling and talking as if they were childhood friends that were about to catch up. Nonsense, She spoke coolly into his mind, Maybe having the power to steal Angels' powers aren't in your capacity. Maybe the demons who can steal the powers are already in the Earth Realm, or perhaps waiting for you to give a signal for them to come and are waiting in the Demon Realm. Maybe the only reason that you valiantly saved me was to get some answers, Annette over exaggerated the word valiantly when she spoke to him in his mind.
Though, never mind that. She paused for a moment and took in his features. He was closer now and less intimidating. His face was a smooth ivory color and his hair was long, but tied neatly back, and was as black as night. The shade of his skin and the color of his hair were contradicting colors, but nonetheless of what she would expect from a demon. Annette didn't want to stay silent for too long, so she continued on, Since, for a moment, you seem compliant and not rampant like your beloved brother, I shall give you what you want in exchange for simple answers. She stole a quick glance at Ieroe and the other angel. Annette figured that the other angel had came back when she saw Ieroe fly off some where. She observed them talking and was surprised to see how much shorter Ieroe was than the angel boy who was foolish enough to return. Her silver eyes quickly gleamed with amusement, but when she turned back to the green eyed demon, it was gone.
Let me know if Ieroe, er- the demon gives you any trouble. She spoke to the angel, not sure if he knew the blue-eyed demon's name or not. If the other angel was in trouble, she didn't know what actions she would take.
There isn't much to share. Annette spoke to the green eyed demon once more, I am known as Annette and I am a messenger between the Angel Realm and Earth. My powers, as you probably have already figured, is telepathy, though I also hold one other. Annette didn't know how much she should share, but she figured that the more useless information she told about herself, the more information he would give her, I can see through the eyes of the person I am communicating if I chose to do so, however the world I see through their point of view is equivalent to a thermographic camera, as I believe the humans call it. Though my powers are more crisp and precise, adjusted to the different Realms instead of heat. For example: blue is the color of purity, red is the color of evil and purple is the color of balance.
Annette shook her head lightly, her red thick and strait long hair moving with the movement. Anyhow, enough about me. What about yourselves? What brings you to Earth if not to drain Angels from their powers and start a war? And if you don't have the power to drain Angels, what is your powers? She batted her eyelashes that had ice crystals at the end of them, at him, I assume something dealing with Ice and your brother fire? She recalled the breathtaking heat that entered her lungs when Ieroe splayed his demonic wings.
The scowl he shot her didn't faze her, instead Akuti thought she might have won. She was waiting for his confession, for him to say that he did have powers and start to beg her to stay silent. The playful smile that was splayed on her face started to turn into a demonic grin as the suspense built up inside of her, however, her face flushed all of its cunning ex pression when the boy grabbed her hand in one of his and the pot in the other. Her eyes grew wide and her face turned bright red.
His hand was warm as he laid it over hers. Akuti was still in the process of thawing from being frozen to the bone, and when he took her hand, she melted. She felt soil underneath her palm, but her eyes didn't follow their hands, and she didn't watch him conduct his magic, instead she watched him. His eyes closed and he took a breath letting the magic flow from him, to her, and then finally to the plant. Akuti could feel the plant grow even though her attention wasn't focused on it. She watched the boy slowly open his eyes and monitor the plant's growth, and when he was satisfied he slid his had off of hers.
The warmth was now gone, but the feeling of his hand on top of hers was lingering. Akuti stood stiff and still for the longest time, even after the boy had stopped talking. Her heart was racing and the warmth of her cheeks wouldn't cool down. Her mind was racing and her dual colored eyes stayed wide. It wasn't until she realized she was staring at him, as the silence grew between them, when she grabbed the pot and turned on her heels. She was hugging the pot close to her chest with her back towards him. Akuti wouldn't face him until her face had cooled down.
It made her mad knowing that he had been able to turn her into stone with a simple touch, what, was he Medusa now? "Kyle, you idiot!" She shouted at him, with her back still turned towards him. It was the first time that she had ever called him by his name. It shamed her to even think about how she liked how the name rolled off her tongue and how it felt in her mouth. Akuti's heart sped up and her face was now beat red. No, She thought to herself as she realized what might be happening, I don't have feelings for him! He doesn't have the slightest bit of manners and is too easy to pick on. Though his hands were soft and- She cut herself off before she could continue her thoughts. Just the remembrance of his nearness to her made her mad.
Akuti was in denial and the only way she could prove that she wasn't falling for him was to yell at him, "Why did you do that?!" She spun around and faced him, her face still taking on various shades of red. She held the pot fiercely to her chest with one hand and pointed at him with the other, "You weren't supposed to give yourself away that easily! Where is the fun in just showing me your powers? I was trying to provoke you, make you sweat, but instead you show me! Like it is nothing! You were supposed to beg me to keep quiet and I would continue to make you fret! Why? You were supposed to be the fun that would let me escape from the sharp pain! You weren't supposed to give yourself up that easy. Where is your common sense? What if I were to tell someone that you had powers?" Her voice was loud and by the end of her rant, she was panting softly. Her dual colored eyes stared at him with betrayal.

8:35am Jun 20 2013
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The demon must have never heard of personal space before, because he continued to approach Fray. As Ieroe got closer, the air around them warmed up a good few degrees, and the angel swore that he could see spots around the demon that seemed to shimmer with heat. Slightly worried that the demon might accidentally singe his feathers on accident, Fray outstretched them half way and then made them dissipate. They were gone in three seconds, and left his back feeling bare, even though he was wearing a shirt.
Ieroe was short, which explained the excessive hovering, and seemed quite self-conscious about it. Fray quickly realized that saying anything about the demon's height would be very, very bad. He had already seen what Ieroe had done to the other angel while enraged, and he had no wish for that to happen to him. Instead, Fray kicked off his shoes, lowering himself by maybe half an inch. "Um, would you rather sit?" He asked, knowing that if they were on the ground, he wouldn't be that much taller than the demon.
Fray tilted his head, listening to Ieroe explained his current situation. "So you're a prince, then?" Fray asked before he could stop himself. He looked over the demon, surprised. It wasn't that Ieroe didn't look like a royal, he was certainly good-looking, but the angel had never seen anyone from Hell's royal family before. "That would make since, I suppose," he mumbled. "You do seem rather strong..." He hadn't heard anyone with such a complex song before since the last time he entered the Angel Realm years ago.
The other angel spoke to him, cutting into his thoughts. She seemed to believe he might have trouble with Ieroe. So far, the demon prince had been... Pleasant? Could Fray really say that? He had yet to be hurt by Ieroe, and even though he had been threatened a few times, he got the feeling that the demon did that to everyone. I am fine. Worry about yourself; I think you might have gotten the worse brother. The other one, Skellig, hadn't harmed Fray either, but the angel didn't have to hear his death song to know he was powerful; the simple bark of command that Skellig had sent his way when Fray had tried to escape was enough.
Fray's eyes had wandered over to Skellig and the female angel while he had been thinking, and now he turned them back to the demon in front of him. "Are you supposed to be telling me this? Or you going to end up killing me because I 'know too much'?" He asked with a chuckle, trying to make light of the situation.
When the girl turned around, Kyle had turned back to his plants, thinking that she would just leave or something. He did not expect for her to turn around and start screaming at him. He jumped, started, and twisted around to stare at her in shock. So this was all just a game to her. He fists clenched in agitation. How many other defenseless people were antagonized by her? How many mutants like him had truly believed that they would be captured and taken into custody because of her cold and spiteful words.
Kyle had never been so angry before in his life. He wished that he had some sort of ability that was useful so he could use it on Akuti, to make her hurt for what she has done. He gritted his teeth and glared at her, matching her eyes with his own ferocious intensity. He detested people like her, the people who thought they were better than others and that they had the right to push others and kick while they're down.
It was sickening, but so was how he was currently acting. Kyle slowly forced to calm down, taking in deep breaths, and then letting them out through his mouth. He was not an angry person; he could get irritated at times, but rage was not an emotion he tended to resort to. It was wild and nearly impossible to control, and it made his thoughts swim with darkness. He could never think straight when he was angry, which sometimes resulted in him hurting someone.
He did not want to cause pain, Kyle reminded himself. He just wanted to stay under the radar and live his life the best that he can. If he had a useful or dangerous ability, he would have been found out for sure, and where would he be then? He was lucky that his power was so small, lucky that he was smart enough to evade being captured. And, with that thought in his mind, he looked indifferently at Akuti and told her, "I do not believe that you have any right to be angry. If anything, you should be sorry for what you tried to do."
4:30am Jun 21 2013
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Posts: 5,542
{dudes, i forgot I hadn't replied.. o.o sorry...}
Skellig giggled slightly at her mind talk and decided that maybe he should really just explain this whole situation to her. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at her. He kept his eyes on hers before he began to look at her. She was purely angelic. Her skin was rather good looking, not many blemishes in sight. Maybe a scar or two, but none that were very visible. He could see her hair wasn't out of place and the ginger locks fell in waves. It was beautiful in it's own way. He had seen so much red in hell that it wasn't a beautiful color any more. Unless it was blood. He shook his thoughts away. She didn't seem like such a big threat.
"Since you seem to be keen on speaking to my mind, i'll just speak out loud to piss you off."
He smiled at her and when she guessed his power, he couldn't help but make his smile bigger. A cheshire cat like smile. He decided that he should show her a bit of his power so he placed his hand on the grass and pulled out a flower. He twirled it in his thumb and forefinger before he held it at her eye level, which was slightly below his own. He took a breath in and gently blew on the flower. Ice crystals began to form and pile up on the flower. He stopped once it was a little ball of ice on a flimsy stick. He nodded to her.
"I am Skellig, demon Prince of Ice and Snow. For a demon in hell, it's weird, but who cares. That over there is Ieroe. My younger brother by about a minute. He is the demon prince of Flame and Lava. Twins, obviously from our looks alone. Anyways, in all honesty, I can't take your powers away. I don't have that authority until I'm 500 and King."
He gave her a smile and looked at his brother, who seemed intrigued with the other angel. He sighed. He looked back at the girl.. no.. Annette. He looked back at Annette and smiled. He changed to speaking in his head. I don't take powers, but I am powerful. I am strength based unlike Ieroe who is speed based. That's the only drawback to being a twin. One gets one thing, the other gets another. I got strength and he got speed. Anyways, the only reason I'm here is to escape my aunt. She's mad insane with power. I don't know why we let her into the family in the first place. She's done a coup and took over my father's throne. Our father is the Devil himself. so yeah. Pretty tough guy to beat. ANyways, she managed to and is now hunting us down because we wanted to rebel. But ya know, demon princes' have people on their side. Oh no... She!
He growled at this point and grabbed the flower he had frozen. He focused his energy into his hand and created snow from ice, which he began to vigorously turn into different shapes between his open hands. He growled again and two little nubs on his head elongated to at least three inches. They curved inward. He hadn't noticed but he switched to speaking out loud again.
"She took over and not wants us dead. She said they would drain angels.. Ya know. Take over the place above and all that. She wants to make sure you guys won't get in the way.. One on one, you're no issue. But as a battalion, you're pretty damn okay. She is draining them. She wants us dead so we can't take over at 500. So, we came to earth. Only we can make holes to Earth out of all the demons in hell..."
Ieroe smiled at the angle's concern. It was logical considering that he was a demon and demons rarely let people they tell information to get away. He giggled almost cutely and shook his head. He looked up at the angel again and really noticed how short he was. The aneg;'s wings were gone, so he looked very human. He blushed a little, getting kind of flustered around attractive people and he had to admit, angel's were beautiful creatures. humans. people? He shrugged.
"I wouldn't want blood on my hands and who would want to waste such a pretty face like yours."
He practically purred that last sentence. He smiled and looked at the angel over by his brother. Skellig seemed to be having an okay time with her, but he was still unsure as to what his brother may do to her. If she didn't give information, she may be killed. He didn't really care, but demons really should kill angels for obvious reason.
"I'm not killing you, so you should relax Angel Boy. Fray... Anyways. So, ya now know my situation here.. But ya know, I can't really do anything about it right now. I can't drain angel power and I can't go to hell."
He sighed and flopped down on the floor. He sat crossed legged and started to play with a small ball off fire he conjured in his hand. he loved to play with fire. It was a beautiful thing. He sighed and threw the ball towards the sky. When it got to Fray's face, it shifted shapes and turned into a small bird before it flew higher and burst like a firework. Ieroe sat on the floor and then made his eyes shft to the floor too..
"I guess I could be called a prince. In hell, there really isn't a "prince" ti tle. We don't say Prince Ieroe or Prince Skellig. Just Ieroe and Skellig. Though we've been called the Ice and Fire Lords. Since we're technically strongest in Fire and Ice. Then there's bad things with people knowing we're high standing. Like death threats and battles and constant kidnapping threats."

10:33pm Jun 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Skellig was the name he presented her with, or more like Prince Skellig as he explained. At the beginning of their conversation Prince Skellig was very vivacious and seemed full of life as he mimicked and mocked her. However, by the end of his introduction, he had taken on a dark and desperate aura. It was strange to see him in the state, just like it was strange to see Princce Ieroe with compassionate features. Annette supposed that they truly did balance each other out in almost every way possible; their powers and their personality.
Annette looked down at the flower and watched as the demon covered the flower with ice. Her eyes lit up for a second before going back to being dull and emotionless. It was true that it was quite unusual for a demon's power to be of ice and snow, but Annette couldn't help to be amazed. And once Prince Skellig had finished giving a demonstration of his power, she looked back up and into his eyes and watched him as he spoke.
Annette didn't find it annoying at all when he spoke aloud, for mostly everyone did, unless they were too far away to for her ears to hear. It took her by surprise when he started to speak to her in her mind. It had been a long time since someone so close had spoken to her in her mind. She figured that since it was a demon's words that flowed through her head, the sensation and voice would be unpleasant, but Prince Skellig's words were the same calm hum that she remembered, and she strangely took a liking towards it.
Prince Skellig had changed to speaking aloud once more and when he was finally done talking, Annette couldn't help but feel sorrow for the demon. She wouldn't know, but she supposed that it would be hard to get ran out of your own realm and be forced to take refuge else where. She didn't know how the twins could be as calm as they were with the knowledge of their father's murderer. Annette didn't know her parents and she supposed that they died sometime while she was a child. She didn't mind though, she grew up content with life that was full hard work just to get to the rank she is in.
The red haired angel wanted desperately to ask what happened to his mother, but instead words slipped through her lips, "I'm sorry," She said softly, so quietly she didn't know if she actually said something or not, and before her mind could register what her body was doing, she saw her hand reach out towards the demon. Her hand had just barely touched his hand that was working vigorously on the snow before she pulled away and laid her hands firmly in her lap. She had let her composure slip and even as she was pulling it together, she knew that she couldn't look him in the eyes, so instead she looked down at her fingers that had grazed his and studied them.
Prince Skellig, I suppose you want something in exchange for this information. Since you are a demon of such importance, I don't think you would let me live with this kind of knowledge, thus putting your brother and yourself in danger. Annette's voice was quiet as she entered his mind. Her heart was racing, she was afraid that he wouldn't hear her out till the end and just kill her because of her recent actions, but she continued on, So, in exchange for my life and that foolish Angel over there's life, what do you want? Do you want our help? Maybe for us to find you a safe place to stay until you come up with a plan? She was reluctant to ask, but she empathized with the creature, and when she realized how vulnerable she was being, her stubborn side stepped in, I've worked hard to get to this ranking and helping you two could ruin my life and everything I had worked towards, so don't think I am doing this out of pity, I simply just want to keep my life. Annette wondered when lying became so easy for her to do. Earlier she had lied in attempt for her life to be spared, but she wondered what her reason for doing so now, was.
Akuti's eyes went straight to his hands when they started to form into fists. Though with the increasing warmth that was starting back up in her cheeks, she directed her eyes back up to his eyes. She could see the rage that crept into his features and a malicious smile grew on her face. She let out a sigh of relief. Seeing him in anguish and frustration made her feel better. Akuti needed to let her excess emotions out, and she hopped that she had made him made enough that he would explode on her.
That wasn't the case. The events turned foul when she noticed that he had started to calm down. What was he doing? Didn't he want to tell her off and let her know how he really felt? She had seen the disgust and the anger on his face, so why wasn't he releasing all of that negative energy onto her? Akuti cocked her head to the side, she was now intrigued as she watched him calm himself. She knew that she had a bad temper and there were people who had no temper at all, but she had never witnessed a person who was about to blow deflate.
Akuti opened her mouth, but Kyle spoke before her. Instead of asking him the question, she started to laugh at him like he said something that wasn't possible. "Would it be more humane if I apologize?" She said with laughter still in her chest, "Should I feel sorry for my simple act of fun?" Her laughter started to die down and her voice was beginning to rise though her face didn't show any signs of anger, "I didn't even touch you or harm you in anyway, and you think I should be sorry? You are the one who grabbed my hand, remember? I don't think it is fair to tell me that I have no right to be angry when you invaded my personal space. How would you feel if I walked up to you and grabbed you?" Akuti attempted to cross her arms with the flower pot in hand, and then she threw her chin up to the air and gave a small hmph.

8:21pm Jun 22 2013 (last edited on 8:22pm Jun 22 2013)
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Posts: 1,557
[[haha 'foolish angel' xD]] [[Also- Ash, you mentioned something about demons being able to heal themselves (I think it was skell), so I went ahead and figured that they 'roe could as well :x Sorry if I'm wrong.]]
Fray watched as the ball of fire took shape and became a song bird. For the fleeting moment that it was near his face, the angel could see the detail in ever feather and the way its beady little eyes flickered back and forth. The bird flew over his head and exploded. His eyes widened in shock as the fragments from the original burst also flared a half a second later as it fell to the ground. Fray, his legs shaky at the show he had just been given, sat down beside the demon. He pulled his shoes back on, regretting ever haven taken them off; his socks were probably dirty now.
When he was finished, Fray looked studied at Ieroe. He had noticed that the demon kept blushing around him. Was it because his body was over heated, and it was a natural reaction? Or maybe the demon was nervous for some reason? He doubted that; Ieroe didn't seem like an apprehensive person, nor had he flushed when he was around the female angel. Maybe it was just some strange demon thing and Fray was over thinking it. Yeah. That was probably it.
He was glad to know that Ieroe wouldn't be killing him. Of course, the demon could be lying, but Fray didn't believe that. He didn't know much about the prince, but he thought he could trust him on that. "Oh. I guess we, angels that is, don't exactly have a monarchy system either. Er. I don't think so, at least." He laughed awkwardly and ran a hand through his hair. Fray had never cared enough to learn much about his own society, being that he was much too excited about going down to Earth where he wouldn't have to listen to overly complex death songs that gave him a headache.
"Anyway," he started, changing topics. It wasn't that he didn't like talking about Ieroe's situation, it was quite interesting, but there was something he'd rather talk about. "Are you hot? Like your skin, I mean? And what about your brother? You said he controlled ice? Would he be cold?" Fray's excitement at being so close to a demon for the first time; he had so many questions to ask, and since Ieroe didn't want to hurt him, he figured that now was as good a time as ever to ask them. "And your arm. Your brother injured you, and it looks like it's healing. Do all demons have the ability to heal, or are you and your brother special?"
"You look and sound ridiculous." Kyle stated blandly, insulting the girl. "I suppose it would be best if you didn't apologize; no one wants to hear you lie more than you already have. And, by the way, your version of 'fun' is quite revolting." Though she was right, Akuti hadn't touched him, she had proved much distress, which was probably just as bad. Maybe. She was right; he had grabbed her hand, but she hadn't exactly protested or tried to prevent it. Kyle didn't have a grip of steel, and the girl could have easily escaped him if she had truly wanted to do so. He didn't believe his defense for his actions was good enough, and he felt a bit guilt for them.
"This is getting us no where. Why don't you just lea-" Wanting to end the conversation and forget about what had happened, Kyle had started to turn around, when he suddenly noticed the plant in the girl's arms. He froze, cutting off in the middle of the sentence, and stared, dumfounded. The flower was still beautiful and radiant and picture perfect, but the leaves at the bottom of the stem were starting to shift from a deep green to a mucky brown. This was not right; sure he knew that that the flower was going to wilt prematurely, but this was too soon. It should have had ten hours at the least to be flawless, but here it was, drooping.
Kyle reached over and blindly groped for a magnifying glass, and when he couldn't find one, he turned and saw it immediately. He snatched it and moved closer to Akuti. He held it up and inspected the leaves, forgetting about the girl. She was no longer important, not when a plant was starting to die when it should prosper. "What the hell...?" He mumbled to himself, realizing, that, yes, the leaves were wilting. "That's not possible..." Had he done something wrong when he used his magic? He hadn't felt anything wrong. Kyle had never had this happen before. Was he starting to loose his abilities? Or maybe... He suddenly remembered that he had used his powers by sending it through the girl's hand. Could that have caused this.
"Akuti! How's your hand? It's not tingling or numb or green, is it?" Kyle barked out, forcing himself not to just reach out and take the hand and scrutinize it.
3:57am Jun 23 2013 (last edited on 5:20pm Jun 23 2013)
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Posts: 5,542
Skellig smiled and looked at the female angel. She wasn't scared of him, like most things were and would go right for the throat, figuratively, when he spoke challenges to her. He liked this angel a lot. She was rather witty and brave enough to stand up to demons, high ranking demons for that since they have a human shape. He looked at his brother for a split second and when he determined his brother wasn't in any kind of danger, Skellig completely relaxed and let his shoulders sag. He propped himself on his hand with his elbow on his knee. He looked at the girl.. Annette. He really wasn't going to remember to call her that. He thought about her proposal and he started to weight the pros and cons of having an angel help him with all this. He really didn't want to bring another being into their situation because his aunt would most likely kill their companions off once she knew about them, which meant either they would have to fight for themselves or the twins would have to be near them most of the time they were around. Neither one would cause must trouble.
He shrugged and realized that she could probably get in trouble, which she verified when she said she could lose her rank. He thought more about this whole situation. He could ask for help and get them to give them a safe haven here on Earth, or they could refuse the help and possibly be found out by other angels or anything that could see them for what they really were. He hummed and closed his eyes a bit. He growled and opened his eyes.
"Alright, well, you said you might get in trouble. We could use help in finding somewhere safe since we've been down here only a few times but we always end up somewhere different each time. But since you could lose a rank or whatever the hell you're worried about, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not you wish to help us. We can fend for ourselves, strength wise."
He finished talking and went to prop himself up with both hands. He was squishing his own cheeks and trying to think, causing him to rub his face and make weird faces as he squished his cheeks with different amounts of force. His slightly agitated look melted away into a grin and he looked at the girl once more.
"But ya know, what happens when people discover that two angels have helped demons out. Then there's the fact that if you don't help us, your Mr. 'High and Mighty' may just send more and more angels to get us. Which means more and more angels will have their own powers drained."
Ieroe looked at the angel and smiled a bit at his antics. He seemed rather excited for an angel being around a demon. He actually liked it. People were normally scared of demons, so people never get the chance to really know what makes a demon tick. He thought about the first few questions. He never thought about them before that. Was his skin unnaturally warm? What about Skelligs? Was his naturally cold? Ieroe looked at teh angel.
"I don't think either of our skins work that way, we're just immune to being burned by fire and ice. I mean, im sure it might feeling hotter and colder than a normal human's but not by much. We do have a human appearance, obviously, so we gotta be as close to humans as possible."
He shrugged and looks down at his arm. He hadn't ben hurt by his brother but he had been injured before this. He looked up at the angel and tried to think of some answer to that. The boy was smart, but he didn't actually know if all demons did that. He knew higher ranking demons could, but lesser demons, he wasn't sure. He searched his mind for all the information before actually coming up with a somewhat good answer.
"Healing is a higher ranked power. It's basically a way to survive if you are injured badly or a limb is almpost severed. Lesser demons do not have this ability because they have not the mental capacity to understand how it works."

4:42pm Jun 23 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
I will post Annette later. I feel like hers will take longer than Akuti's and I am on a time crunch at the moment ^^
Akuti gave the boy another hmph but instead of throwing her chin further up in the air, she turned it so she was looking at him. She scrunched her nose and stuck her tongue out at him. He was being rude and she was going to protest and tell him off once more when he suddenly took interest at the plant. His wild and concerned eyes took her aback. She didn't know that he felt such compassion towards the plant, especially since all she felt radiate towards her was hatred and annoyance. Once again her features softened and she cocked her head at him, though her heart leaped out of her her chest when he suddenly approached her, but when she noticed that his attention was focused on the plant and not her, it settled down.
Akuti looked down at the plant with her dual colored eyes as he examined it. From her point of view, it seemed like there was nothing wrong with the plant, it was still perfect in every single way, however it felt different; the plant way dying. Kyle seemed so worked up over it and recalled him saying that it was supposed to last a day. She wondered if the plant's death was her fault, since she too possessed powers. Akuti was curious, wondering if the plant had received too much magic since the flow of Kyle's magic went through her before it reached the plant.
When Kyle turned his concern to her, her faced warmed. She looked away, not meeting his eyes if he decided to look at her. For some reason Akuti felt the need to be defensive about the situation since her own guilt was poisoning her mind, "Why would my fingers be green or numb, stupid? They are fine, nothing is wrong with them. And if they were numb, and I am not saying they are, don't forget I was laying out in the icy rain as it numbed every aspect of my body. Plus, maybe you were being distracted and accidentally let too much magic slip into the plant, people make mistakes you know?" She couldn't stop herself from pro*censored* against him, but reluctantly she set the plant down on a table and thrust her hands out towards him, "See?" She asked him, not looking for herself, somewhat afraid that she was wrong and they actually were green. "Inspect them all you want but I assure you that there is nothing wrong with them." Or at least I don't feel like there is anything wrong with them. Akuti stared at the plant that was slowly starting to wilt. She was trying to distract herself from the idea that the boy might touch her hands again.

8:45pm Jun 24 2013
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Posts: 827
Eh, I was going to edit out my last post and then bump this thread, but I suppose I'll just post Annette here so Rabbah knows that we're all done ^^
Since her head was facing down into her lap, Annette couldn't see Prince Skellig contemplating on whether or not to take her up on the offer. The silence grew between them, but it wasn't tense, just empty. She wondered what he might be doing, planning on killing her for offering up such a bold idea? She wasn't sure, but when she heard him hum, she figured that he was thinking about taking her up on the offer. Or maybe he was deciding which way he was going to kill her. Annette shook the idea out of her head and figured that she was just being paranoid, however he was still a demon, so it was probable.
From beneath her long red lashes, she looked at Prince Skellig with her silver eyes. She was curious what he was doing, but as soon as she looked up at him, his eyes snapped open and he gave a low growl. At this, her eyes became attentive, then bored, but she raised them anyhow and looked at him when he spoke to her. Annette was surprised at how considerate he was being. He was strangely nice and thoughtful, but she supposed that it was probably just a fake front. In the Angel Realm, they didn't have a King and Queen, let alone princes, instead they had just one superior and a council that helped the superior along. She figured that the two twin princes had been through a lot and had many fronts, one of which being proper and convincingly nice, well at least for Prince Skellig.
She watched the young demon prince mush his face as he though, giving strange and funny expressions as he went along. Annette knew that she would help them regardless of his answer. A small smile played at the corners of her mouth while she watched him. The smile was unconsciously attached to her face, but when Prince Skellig grinned and spoke once more, it disappeared. She had noticed that she smiled and her face grew warm but she ignored it and stared blankly at him while she spoke to the other angel.
I don't know what Prince Ieroe has told you thus far, but they are in a heap of danger and, though it is quite reluctant, I am going to help them find a safe haven here on Earth. You are not obligated to help but if you want, no one is stopping you.
Annette turned her mind over to Prince Skellig, And who'd be the one to drain those angels' powers? You admitted that you couldn't and I am sure if other angel's were after you, then your aunt would be able to get a better target on the two of you. Surly then you wouldn't be able to be safe again, not you or your brother. Really, who are you trying to convince with your words? She shook her head, still not understanding the whole 'power draining' procedure Annette started to twiddled her thumbs and she looked down at her lap again, I don't know if your story could be trusted, Prince Skellig; it could be true, or half true. You could be using us angels just because you got stuck in this situations. Nonetheless, I will help you. I can't promise anything from the angel yonder, however, if you could call your brother and the other angel over here, I am sure that would be a great help, since you have such a bold and demanding voice already. She recalled his stern tone when commanding the other angel to return.

6:10pm Jun 25 2013
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"Humm... I suppose that makes since." Of the few angels who had a healing ability, almost all of them say that it takes a lot of straight and extensive knowledge of the way an angel's body works. Fray would have never had the patience for it. Thought, it was interesting to hear the high-powered demons could heal themselves. A nice survival tactic, he supposed. Maybe that was why it was so difficult for angels to take out strong demons. He wondered how injured a demon could be and still manage to heal themselves.
So Ieroe didn't know how his skin felt; that was odd. Had no one ever told the demon? Maybe, since he was the son of the King, it was disrespectful to touch him, or that saying 'your skin is unnaturally hot' was considered offensive in their society. "Well, haven't you ever been curious as to what your skin felt like? I mean, by knowing, wouldn't you have more information about your powers? Also, if it turned out you did, you might be able to focus your heat on a specific spot on you, and then-" He babbled, enthusiastically, reaching out his hand to touch Ieroe, then halted. Fray retracted his hand, laughing awkwardly, and ran it through his hair. "Erm. You probably have tried that already, sorry."
God, he was being stupid. Ieroe was probably hundreds of years old, even if he didn't look older than twenty in human years, so he'd have time to learn about his powers and discover all that there was to know about them. Offering the ideas to the demon was like telling a bird how to fly or a cat how to purr; it was ridiculous to think he could do that.
Ashamed at his own actions, Fray glanced away, blushing remorsefully. He couldn't believe himself; usually he was much more controlled, but he was overly thrilled because this was his first close encounter with a demon. Maybe, once things settle down, he would be less excited and be able to have an actual conversation with Ieroe (or even Skellig) without asking so many questions.
The other angel was back in his head. It was a strange feeling; he was used to hearing things that no one else could, but her voice unnerved him greatly. "It seems like we're going to be helping you." Fray told Ieroe suddenly, looking at the demon, then glancing where the other angel and Skellig were sitting. He knew that he didn't have to join in with the group, but it felt like the most sensible thing to do at the moment. If what Ieroe has said so far is true, then if the twins are taken out by their aunt, everyone will pay for it. The angels, the humans, and even the demons themselves.
Kyle turned his attention from the plant to the girl's hands, specifically the one he had touched before. It looked like any other hand, even when he held the magnifying glass up to it. He turned and snatched a small silver flashlight. Switching it on, he held it up to the girl's hand. Nothing unusual, which (hopefully) meant no problem. He glanced up at Akuti to see if it was alright, then took her hand in his own, running his fingers over it. The hand was smooth and a bit cold, but, as the girl had already stated, she had been outside in the rain for who knows how long.
"Akuti," He said, letting go of the girl's hand, content that there was probably nothing wrong with it, and turned back to the plant. "I've never used my powers on someone before, not even accidentally. I've done it to myself once, but it was like connecting a circuit; it left me for a second, but then I could feel the power reentering me. No one else has really known what I can do, so it's not like I could use it on them." He brushed a finger against one of the tulip's petals. It was soft and had, so far, yet to wilt.
"But... It, er, I don't think you were affected when I used it on you; I think everything transferred properly to the plant, which is good. The plant, on the other hand, isn't as lucky. I've never had an issue with controlling how much power I put into a plant. When my ability first appeared, I had problems with execution after using it, even for small things, but I've gotten better at that. Sometimes, if I'm startled, it'll spaz out on me, but other than that... no problems." Kyle turned back to the girl. "You're sure you don't feel anything strange?"
4:02pm Jun 27 2013
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Skellig just laughed at the girl once she stopped talking into his head. He knew that he wasn't trying to convince her one way or the other. He couldn't help it when he ended up rolling onto his side and his frosty breath was leaving ice crystals on the grass. He wiped his eyes of tears and then he sat back up. He looked at the girl and wiped his eyes a bit more. He really wanted to laugh more, but he knew that was a little disrespectful in front of another Great Being. He looked at her once he was done getting all the tears from his eyes and then he gave her the nicely smile he could, his canines a bit longer than before.
"Ah, little angel, but i'm not convincing you one way or the other. I believed that you should be the one to choose whether or not you help out a demon on Earth. I know how it works. It's almost the same with demons. You're sent here, you take some notes, if you see something wrong, you note it. You may investigate and should it be something you need exterminated, you exterminate it. Otherwise, you report back. Should you help the thing, you face consequences for your actions."
He smiled like he knew it all, which he didn't, but he had more knowledge than his brother on certain matters of the Greater Beings. He shook his head and stood up from his spot on the ground. He stretched himself out, even his wings decided to join the party, sending a blast of cold air out onto the grass and onto Annette. He furled his wings back, but they stayed visible. He took in a deep breath and let it out. He looked over to his brother and the other angel, who he could only assume was going to help them as well and not report back to the big man. If that happened, well, he'd get Ieroe to hunt him down and then he's personally go deliver the killing blow. He shook his head. That may be thinking way too far ahead. He shrugged and looked at the pair once more. His voice boomed over the quiet area, though he wasn't yelling at all.
"Ieroe. Angel Male. Get over here. We need you both here immediately."
As he stood there, waiting for them to gather themselves and come over to them, he held his hand out for the angel girl to grasp. He felt kind of bad for how hard Ieroe took her down. He's been on the receiving end of that and it hurt like... well, it hurt really bad once you landed.
Iereo laughed at the angel's seemingly never ending discomfort with his questions. He smiled and shook his head playfully. He didn't know why, but this angel was rather entertaining and he wanted to get to know him better. This was his first time being around another Great Being and this one wasn't a demon. He liked how the angel's feathers, when he had seen them, looked so soft, compared to his leathery wings. He noticed that angels seemed unnaturally pretty. He didn't really mind. Demons were the same way, except the less human you got, the uglier you were. He laughed at the thought. He had never decided to take on a demonic form, besides the one he and Skellig both make, and he was glad he hadn't. Maybe looked like creatures that Cerberus had for lunch and spat out again. He shivered just thinking of the dog. That dog was his to command, well, the Royal Family could command him, but he still managed to scare Ieroe with his size.
"Well, I'm over 400 years old, so I've had some time to experiment with my own powers, though it's not much. I never tried to see if my skin was hotter than normal because I live in Hell.. Everything is too hot to compare to. Many other demon species have different ranges of body temperature and some normal temperatures can be well over 100 degrees. So yeah. I mean, Skellig is naturally cold, i know that much. I think."
He shrugged and was about to ask his own question when he heard his brother's demanding voice. He hated that voice so much because it made it seem like SKellig should be the next ruler of Hell, not both of them. He sighed and looked at the Angel. He gestured his head towards the other pair on the other side of the river. He stood up and stretched himself, his wings splaying out and releasing a blast of heated air. He flapped his wings and flew over to the other pair, hovering just a foot from them both. He let himself fall to the dirt but kept his wings curled towards his body.

1:18pm Jun 28 2013
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Posts: 827
The twiddling of her thumbs stopped, and her head shot up when bursts of laughter was thrown into the air between them. Just as Annette looked up she saw Prince Skellig fall and roll onto the grass, leaving ice crystals where ever he breathed. She didn't know the extent of his powers and the aspects he could control and what he couldn't, but she thought it was strange that he should be so open and uncaring of his powers. She thought that he should at least try to conceal it a little, and the same went with his laughter. His amount of confidence to do whatever he pleased was unnerving.
She watched him wipe away his joyful tears and speak. Now Annette wanted to laugh. She didn't know if he was mocking her or if he was just being strangely nice. It was hard to say, but she just stared at him while he spoke and even afterwards. He smiled and stretched, his wings splayed rushing cold air at her, sending shivers down her spine. The display of his wings reminded her that she had kept hers bound and hidden away for far too long. She never kept them away for so long, and the only reason she did was in fear of Prince Ieroe damaging them. Since she was now safe, or at least it seemed like she was safe, she made her creamy white wings appear behind her back while Prince Skellig was turned around. Her wings were feathery, soft and huge. She loved her wings and she loved the way the sun felt on them, however she didn't have time to dillydally in a matter of less importance.
Really? And you call yourself a Prince? She spoke to him right before he called the other two creatures over. And after he did, he turned to her. For a few moments Annette stared at his out reached hand and debated on whether to take it or not. Surely she could help herself up, but in the spur of the moment, she outstretched a creamy hand and placed it in his. She shouldn't have been surprise that his hand was cold, but she was, "You're cold." She mumbled under her breath, heaving herself up with his hand, dull pain rushing to various parts of her body. Once she was standing, she quickly placed her hand back to her side and continued to speak into his mind until the other creatures had arrived, I suppose you fit the human deion of one; confident yet cocky, charming yet frightening, powerful yet considerate. However, you need to be more mindful of both your powers and personality. Don't forget that we are in the Human world where seeing a demon would frighten many. It would be a pain to be hunted down by Demons, Angels and Humans, don't you think?
Prince Ieroe and the other Angel now appeared in front of them and Annette stopped chiding Prince Skellig. Once everyone was assembled, she started to talk to them, speaking in each of their minds as if she was talking aloud, Since Prince Skellig and Prince Ieroe need refuge from their crazed aunt who seeks blood lust and the potential threat from the Angel Realm if they were to find out that you two are here, we have decided to help. She didn't know how much the other Angel knew, so she was recapping, hoping that the reason he was over here was because he decided to help the twins, However, the only problem is, where will we hid you two? I could easily find a cave in the forest, I know a place that is hidden away behind a waterfall, but there is a chance that other demons might find you or an angel flying by with x-ray vision or some type of power to detect demons, there is also a possible chance of a human who has gone hiking or adventuring stumbling upon you two. Though, if you want, I am sure the Angel on Earth duty could find you a nice place in the city, since I am not very accustomed to the city. That would also give us a better opportunity for communicating with you two more easier. Annette stopped talking, wondering if she had said too much too fast, so she quickly thought to them, Any ideas or commentary? Objections or problems?
Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see a magnify glass examining her hands just as they did the plant, and then he brought out a flash light. She scoffed at the absurd lengths he was going to make sure that she was okay. She knew that the only reason he was so concerned with her hands was because of the plants. Akuti knew that he could never truly be worried about a girl who has bullied him as much as she did. The thought of her bullying him was somewhat humorous, and when she was about to laugh at the idea, he snatched her hands. The laughter recoiled inside of her and she stood frozen and still as he ran his fingers over her hands. She knew he was just examining her, that this was nothing more than over precautionary measures, but still, Akuti couldn't help but adore and savor the feeling.
She could feel her face warming up very rapidly and she was about to snatch her hands back when he let go. It was both a relief and yearning . Akuti knew that she would probably end up blowing up on him and telling him how stupid he was being for being this worried about a stupid plant and stupid magic, but at the same time, she secretly yearned for his touch once more. But all of those thoughts were forgotten when he seemed to open up his life story about his bond with his magic. Once he was finished, Akuti couldn't help but laugh, even though she could feel his concern and how uneasy he was about the whole thing. She surprisingly felt bad about keeping her powers from him, and with that feeling, she thought up another game. However, he probably wouldn't participate if he was mad at her for laughing.
"Sorry for laughing," She said halfheartedly. "Kyle, don't worry I am fine. I am sure that the plant's death wouldn't be in vain, and it isn't your fault for trying something new like this and it ending up in failure." It would be difficult to tell if her words were sincere or mocking, but Akuti tried to make it sound sincere although she was earnestly mocking him. "The only way to learn more about yourself or your powers would be to experiment and take whatever the result is and try to better it. " She looked down at her hand that had Kyle's magic flowing through it, "Say," She began, "What do you think would happen if you were to transfer your magic through the hands of another blessed human?" Akuti tried her best to hide her mischievous smile, and when she couldn't, she turned her back to him. She began the whole mind game with the intent on revealing her powers to him, but if he still didn't understand then the game would be more fun and challenging for herself.

12:36pm Jul 3 2013
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Posts: 1,557
[[asdfjkl; so things aren't really going as planned with replying to you guys (it's because I'm having fun and feel horrible whenever I get online...), so I'm just going to tell you outright that I won't be replying to any of our rps until Monday (maybe Sunday if I'm not dead from traveling), unless it's like a chit-chat-ey thing, which I can do on my phone. Sorry :c ]]
6:22pm Jul 3 2013
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{that's fine Take your time. I'm just waiting for your reply so we don't go too far ahead.}
2:57pm Jul 8 2013
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Posts: 1,557
[[alright, I'm back and all :3]]
Fray was glad to see that he hadn't offended Ieroe. Not only would that have been very bad and probably dangerous, but also it would have ruined their questionable relationship, and he did not want that to happen. The angel hadn't known him for very long, maybe only thirty minutes, but he didn't mind Ieroe like he minded other high-powered creatures. And, well, he wanted to help the demon, as well as ask him many more questions. Like how old Ieroe was. Fray himself was 203 himself, quite young for an angel. He knew that demons aged differently than angels, just like humans did, but it was still surprising to hear that someone who didn't look much older than him was more than twice his age.
He also wanted to offer to touch Ieroe and tell him if his skin felt hot. But, before he could do so, Skellig called from across the river and demanded that they come to him. The fire demon stood, and Fray got to his feet also. Ieroe took off before he even had the time to get out his wings. The angel let his own wings out, half opened like he had them when they went away, and followed. The demon was a lot faster than he, but they didn't have to fly very far, and he quickly caught up. Fray landed easily on his feet close to the other angel and dissipated his wings immediately.
The other angel began to talk to him though her mental powers. He grimaced, wishing that she would just speak aloud like normal people do. It was already known that conversation could be made via thoughts, and that bothered him. Her voice sliced through the beautiful music that came from the twins, and he didn't want the woman to hear whatever he was thinking (if she even could do that, he wasn't sure). He didn't express his opinion, not wanting to be rude, and he listened (was that even the correct verb?) to what she had to say.
"Their aunt was probably be sending the best trackers she can find." Fray stated. "And, most likely, they will try to find the two of you thought your power, being that you're so strong. I'm not trained in the art of tracking, but even I could easily find your guys if you were out in the wilderness, now that I know your death songs. Unless we are able to find some place that naturally gives off its own magical trace that will confuse anyone looking for you, I don't think we should keep them in the woods." Fray was not usually one to talk so much like this, but he understood the nature of the situation, and it could be fatal if they hid the twins in the wrong place.
"The city, on the other hand, is a noisy and hectic place that will confuse even the best trackers. There are a handful of other powerful people there, too, and you'll be able to blend in without too much trouble." Hopefully, that is. It was possible that someone would recognize the twins, maybe another demon, but they could only pray that wouldn't happen. "And if someone did find you, they might hesitate attacking you in public, with all of the angels around and the fact that humans have recently been experimenting with anti-demon weapons."
"And, err, I know my way around the city, and I already know where we can keep you two." Fray added quickly, looking down and shuffling his feet. This place would be his own apartment, of course. It wasn't spacious, but there were two bed rooms, and it could easily house all four of them - four because he was assuming that the female angel would be joining them.
Kyle glanced at the girl. "You're face is red." He stated. "Do you have a fever? You didn't happen to get a cold from being outside in the rain, did you?" The magician asked. He told himself that he didn't actually care, but he didn't wish for Akuti to get sick. Even if she deserved it. He turned back to the plant. The flower started to droop, and he watched as the color darkened to brown, and then a petal dropped. "If I happened to ever meet someone blessed by the gods, and if, for some reason, I happen to use my magic on them, though I don't see why I would ever do that, I would imagine that the spot I used it on would..." He paused. "Would begin to sprout plants and turn green." Kyle decided.
That was not true, of course, but he could tell that the girl was messing with him, and he had no problem messing straight back. He wondered, though, if Akuti was trying to tell him something. Maybe she was hinting at that she was a fellow magician. He doubted that, but, at the same time, he knew that if she said she was, he would believe her. That would explain... things. Like how she seemed to be a step in front of him throughout the conversation. Though, she could just be a very quick thinker and able to make a witty reply without much effort.
[[short kyle reply, but I thought that would be alright because fray is being useful for once...]]
2:31am Jul 9 2013
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Skellig let the angels speak to one another and listened when the male angel decided it was time to talk to him. He noticed the discomfort with the female angel talking into his head. It seemed to bug him, probably having to do with the death songs. Maybe he always heard them and when the girl spoke, it corrupted the songs. He tapped his chin with his nail, which had grown longer just in case they were attacked before they got to the safe place. He growled low in his throat and grabbed his brother's shoulder, yanking him towards him. Ieroe's shoulder hit his brother's chest and Skellig whispered in his ear, making Ieroe shiver because of how cold his brother's breath was.
Skellig released his brother and looked at the angels. He knew they could handle themselves, but then again, anti-demon weapons was never good for them. His own aunt tried to use one against him before and that wound still left a scar that ran across his chest and Iereo's chest too since Ieroe was stupid enough to jump in front of him. He sighed heavily and looked at teh girl.
"Look, i know your power is to talk to us with your mind, that's all fine and dandy..."
His voice grew icy and his eyes hardened, darkening and appeared to glow. He let his power seep more from his body.
"...But so long as you are around me and Ieroe, I wish you to speak out loud. I do not want you corrupting my brother's mind with your games and I know you can. You can twist words and feed me something different yet say they're the same. I am very protective of my blood. So i want to know what you say to him. Is that clear?"
Ieroe was slightly scared of his brother when his power seeped through. His own power matched, but when the other twin let his strength show, it was different. This aura was pure strength. It showed just how much damage he can do with a simple black as night color that seeped from his brother. He let his wings disappear and he went closer to the angels. His brother was rather scary when he was like this and he didn't wannabe too close for fear to being attacked. He noticed that his brother's aura was beginning to seep into the land, which isn't good. It would permanently kill the grass and trees because it was ice and technically pure evil. He rounded on his brother and slammed his nailed hand into his brother's arm, causing the other to let his focus slip and his power no longer seeped out of is body.
He looked at the angels and smiled.
"Sorry about that. BUt seriously.. So what he says. He'll proably just rage if you don't.."

2:27pm Jul 9 2013
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Posts: 827
The words that flew out of the other angel’s mouth were reasonable and sounded like a good plan, more than she could ever do or provide for the twins. Annette wasn’t accustomed to Earth and what lurks on the soil it is made from. That was an understatement; she knew, she just didn’t experience the customs of one who had Earth duty. Usually she wasn’t on Earth long enough to see how much damage an anti-demon weapon could cause, or how easy it was for demons to blend into the sea of humans, or how to navigate around the city. Annette felt useless, and while one part of her felt bad for not being able to help, the other part was hoping that she would be able to leave this chaotic group and not have to worry about demons and just focus on moving up ranks. No matter, she still needed to help out, and right when she was about to speak up and give her insight on the inner workings of the Angel Realm, Prince Skellig spoke.
Annette was taken aback by the sudden change in Prince Skellig’s personality. Of course she knew that he had a frightening and king-like side to him, but she wasn’t expecting him to change so fast. From the playful and nice demon he was just moments ago, to the untrusting look and betrayed tone he gave her. She could see the power he gave off and the way ice started to seep from his body and onto the earth. She wondered what he said to Prince Ieroe when he pulled him close or why in the world he was saying something like this. She had never twisted her words as severely as he was claiming and in the end, she had told him everything. It kind of hurt Annette, the way he was accusing her and how nasty he was acting. Was this because her hopes for him were too high? Was it because how convincingly nice he was earlier? She was mad at herself for letting him get to her like that, for letting him fool her and for thinking that he might be a trustworthy demon. Apparently, there was no base for trust in a relationship between demons and angels.
The angle had heard his proposition loud and clear, but she couldn’t help turning her mind to him in a harsh and cool manner, not letting the other two hear her words. Didn’t I just tell you that you have to control yourself a little? Her features showed no sign of being fazed by his threat though she desperately held onto a sliver of hope that was telling her that he wouldn’t tear her head off. Do you realize what you are doing; how much power you are releasing right now? How do you expect to hide from your aunt if you keep overdoing everything and letting your power go out of control? You are lucky that your brother stopped you, or else I am pretty sure this forest would be frozen over by now. Apparently your brother isn’t the only one swayed by emotions. Annette shook her head a bit; she didn’t know why she always insisted on arguing or proving her point to Prince Skellig, but for some reason she couldn’t stop herself. However, she figured that Prince Ieroe was serious when he said his brother would rage so she decided to meet the ice Prince half way. The red haired angel now turned her mind to everyone, Nonetheless, I am not going to waste my breath talking aloud, but if it really annoys you that much, I suppose I just won’t converse. Though, I will meet you half way and promise to try to contain my power and speak aloud if you promise to contain your powers and temper.
Annette felt a bit bashful, for she didn’t realize how uncomfortable she was making everyone. Usually in the Angel Realm she kept to herself and when she had to report, it was usually on paper or a quick thought or memory to her superiors. When she was on Earth there was no one worthy of conversing with. The only ones she truly conversed with were with animals and they didn’t seem to mind her rants and rambles. Annette wasn’t used to dealing with creatures that held such strong emotions so she didn’t really know when to stop. However, she knew she wasn’t going to be compliant to an absurd request such as the one Prince Skellig made. She had used communicating through the minds of people since she was born, so stopping now was like asking the twin demons to stop using their powers. It was a fair trade right? Annette wasn’t sure, they have lost so much already and she wasn’t sure if she was being selfish. Still, Prince Skellig’s answer would be a curious one.
In an instant, both her hands flew to her checks and tried to hide her blushing face but what use was that if he had already commented on it? Her back was still turned to him and she willed herself to calm down and as her face started to cool down, reassured by the fake concern he was giving her, she spun on him. “We are in a plant shop surrounded by blazing lights that are supposed to be for the plants, what do you think?” Her voice was bitter, “It’s hot in here, that is all. I am fine, I am old enough to take care of myself, and I have been for years, so I don’t need your fake concern.” She knew what he thought about her, she knew that he thought she deserved getting sick, she could hear any thoughts that were about or directed at her, there was no way he could hide them unless he knew her power. If, or when he found out that Akuti was a fellow blessed human such as himself, she wondered how much she could improve her skills or how he will try to keep her from hearing his thoughts that were about her.
She listened to his reply and it wasn’t as hopeful as she was expecting it to be. It was dull and gave her no opportunity to pursue her game. Akuti watched him with her dual colored eyes and tilted her head side to side, pondering on what she should say next. She wasn’t sure if she should expand more and blow up on him more or if she should continue the debate she started. On a whim she picked the latter, “Anyways, you must be very inexperienced with your powers if you let this poor plant die. Unless you just hate nature and that is why you kill them all the time.” She wanted to make him mad, maybe then they could get somewhere and if not then she would have some fun. It was a win, win on her part, “Do you think they deserve your hatred and spite too?” She knew this wasn’t true, she knew how much he cared about the plants, but Akuti wondered if he would catch onto what she was hinting at.

4:36pm Jul 9 2013 (last edited on 4:45pm Jul 9 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{I'll just post so that Rabbah can have a little more to work with. :p}
Skellig let the blood seep from his wound before he looked at the angel. She was trying to bargain with him. After being put through an attack by lesser demons and being driven from their home, she still wanted to take more from them?? From him! He growled low in his throat before he caught an idea. His features softened and he smiled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a pendulum. He looked at the angels and gave them a nice smile as if he hadn't just threatened to kill one of them for speaking into their minds.
"Alright, fine. Have it your way, Princess. But be warned. Once i do this, im helpless. Unless you, who wants me to control myself, tell me that I no longer have to."
He noticed his brother's look of shock and shrugged. He let his full demonic form appear. His canines now poked from his lips just barely, his nails grew longer and pointed. His eyes were glowing green and the two nubs on his head were full fledged horns. They twisted and rounded back so the point was facing out to the back. His wings unfurled and sent a blast of cool air, creating snow from the moisture in the air. He took the pendulum and then fiddled with a bracelet he wore. He removed it and turned it around until he found the hole that was shaped like his pendulum. He slid the piece of rock in and hisses a few words in his own demonic language. The pendulum glowed green and a string of green began to seep from Skellig and into the rock. As the string continued, Skelligs horns disappeared, his wings went away, his canines went to normal human size, and his body started to gain a normal human body temperature. When that was done, he looked at the angels.
He had teh appearance of a normal human. His power was gone so he couldn't even seep. His wings couldn't be summoned and his breath no longer held the icy cool. His canines were normal and his nails were normal too. His eyes no longer glowed with power, but they were a human shade of green. He placed the braclet back on himself. He smiled a the female angel and said in a voice that was dripping with fake sweetness:
"There. I'm human. So good luck trying to defend me should anything happen."
Ieroe stared at his now human brother. He could feel himself becoming weaker since they were two parts of one stronger demon. He blinked and then looks at the female angel. She was the one that made Skellig do this. She wanted him to appear normal and reign in his demonic powers? That's like telling an angel to journey through Hell. He watched his brother talk with a calm face and calm personality. He didn't know what to do. This angel had his brother turning human and that wasn't goo at alll! If they were attacked, Skellig would be the most likely to take whatever it was down. He couldn't do as much damage without calling out to his animal. His eyes blazed blue and he turned to the female angel.
"You... How could you do that? How. Why? He's human!"
He growled that last bit out. Fire flared from his mouth as he spoke. The flames grew darker as his mood decreased. He let out a huff, sending fire out from his mouth and it made a skull. He growled and then realized that his brother was probably going to be hurt as a human. His mood darkened to sadness and the flames that were dancing on the grass dimmed until they were nothing. Ieroe sunk to his knees before he sat on the grass and pulled his knees to his chest. His wings disappeared and his powers dimmed. He barely seeped power at all at this point.

5:14pm Jul 10 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
Fray blinked and looked from the other angel to Skellig. What was going on? The demon had ordered her to quit using her mind powers, and then she got irritated. Or, at least that was what it seemed to him. He couldn't hear her words, surly she was communicating with the ice demon, so he could only speculate what was being said. Maybe it involved the use of her powers? Judging by Skellig's reaction, that was probably not the case.
Skellig said, not shouted Fray noted, something that was directed at the other angel and made little since to him. The demon's body began to morph into something wicked-look, and the air practically buzzed with energy. Fray's hands automatically went up to his ears, his palms pressing against his head, as the twin's songs intensified, even though he knew that it wouldn't make any sort of difference. His eyes blurred and tears began to gather at the edges, and he shut them. His head screamed in pain, the death songs playing wildly in his mind, growing stronger and stronger as more and more instruments appeared. He had never experienced anything like this before. Sure, people got stronger over time, but never this drastically. It was like the demon had some sort of magical shield around him that only allowed a tiny portion of his powers to show, and then the shield suddenly crumbled, reveling his true strength.
Fray would have never imagined that Skellig possessed this sort of power, even though he had known that he was the heir to the throne of Hell. His legs wobbled and he fell to his knees. The song's intensity was starting to fade, a few of the instruments went away, but it was still loud, signaling danger, danger, danger.
He recognized the loud song to be Skellig's. Ieroes' was slightly quieter than his brother's, but both of them were much louder than they had been before whatever just happened. Fray took his hands off of his ears, they were now ringing, and rubbed the tears out of his eyes. He could hear some words being said, but they were too quiet for him to fully comprehend them over the songs and the ringing. He opened said damp seeing organs and saw that Ieroe was on the ground. What was wrong? What exactly had he missed.
Fray slid his headphones over his ears and fiddled with his mp3 pla.yer in his pocket, starting his music. He needed his music; he wouldn't be able to live with the songs pounding in his mind and meddling up his thoughts. With his music cranked up, Fray forced himself to his feet and stumbled over to Ieroe, before falling down on the ground beside the demon. He reached out and touched Ieroe's shoulder. "Hey... You okay?" Probably the most insensitive thing to say, but Fray had no idea what was going on.
Akuti was being defensive. He had somehow struck a nerve, though he wasn't very sure how. The girl acted untouchable, and yet, his words had affected her. Gee, girls were weird. Kyle didn't really understand her. But, she was insulting him again, so that was good, right? It meant that she wasn't deathly sick or dieing or anything weird like that.
But she did bring up a good point. Did he hurt his plants when he used his magic on them? Did they hate him for what he had done? He didn't really know. Surly, if they felt anything, it would be contentment for they way he treated them. Should he ask first before he used his magic? Kyle had always thought that the plants he 'helped' looked happier than the ones he didn't. Was he wrong to think that?
Kyle knelt down beside a potted plant, he thought it was a tiger lily, and inspected it. "Akuti. I used magic on this one yesterday. Does it look sad to you?" He asked. It looked fine to him. The giant leave sprouting from the bottom of the stem were an unearthly beautiful green hue. The flower had yet to bloom, but yellows and oranges could still be seen.