7:22pm Jul 10 2013 (last edited on 10:48pm Jul 13 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 827
A surge of power emitted from Prince Skellig and the shock and concern was bluntly apparent on Prince Ieroe’s face. What was the powerful demon up to now? With emotionless sliver eyes, Annette watched as the ice demon in front of her morphed into its true form. It was frightening but interesting at the same time, though she couldn’t slow the fast pace of her heart beat when she imagined his reason for awakening this wicked and demonic form, of which was much more gruesome and twisted than she could have ever imagined. When he splayed his wings, any precipitation or moisture that was lingering around the clearing that the four supernatural beings were occupying turned to a powder like substance that humans called snow. Prince Skellig fumbled with a pendulum and a bracelet before one of them glowed a threatening green that reminded her of his eyes. Annette had to shield her eyes from the assaulting light and when her vision cleared, Prince Skellig stood before her in human form and talked to her, his voice dripping with sweetness that was obviously fake. Why? Why would he go to such drastic measures when all she asked was if he could control his powers a little? Annette’s intention for bargaining was more than just a fair trade; she was also looking out for his safety. The naïve angel didn’t know how else to keep them out of their crazed aunt’s radar, so this could work, right? Prince Ieroe’s voice was filled with hatred and spite but he didn’t make her feel fear like before, instead she felt guilt. It was guilt that surged through her veins and made her heart feel heavy. As a distraction and a helping hand, she tried to think of the pros and cons of this impulsive decision. Annette knew that this made him defenseless and made him vulnerable and powerless and probably hurt him both mentally and physically along with it taking a toll on Prince Ieroe too, however, this would also be good coverage and a good way to hide from their aunt. If she had a demon search for the two princes by the intensity of their powers then this would conceal them better along with help them blend into the Human Realm. Although her mind tried it’s hardest to push the shame and guilt out of her head, it was no use either way, she would have to fess up and claim it. Annette stood speechless at Pince Skellig’s actions for a long while. She didn’t know what to say and didn’t really understand the situation or how the pendulum worked. The weakness of Prince Ieroe must mean that it was something that they, no, she, would regret later. Guilt was already eating her alive but she held her front and looked uninterested in what just happened. Finally, the angel spoke up knowing that her ex pression didn’t match her tone, “You didn’t have to go that far.” Her voice was quiet as she spoke aloud. She felt shame loom over her face and hatred spill out of the twin demons, “But I think this is a good idea.” She looked down at her feet as she spoke. She didn’t know why she felt so bad, why he made her so emotional, but he did. “It is a great way to hide from your aunt if she was to hunt you down by your power, and it also allows you to blend into the human world more.” She paused for a second and noted that the other angel had approached Prince Ieroe and started to comfort him. Annette now raised her eyes to the humanized demon and for the first time in a long time, her silver eyes shone with an emotion that wasn’t emotionless or bored, “Though if another demon did happen to find you and attack, I promise that I will defend you with everything I have in me.” She let a small breath slip through her peach lips; she knew that she would be true to her word and that she would die if it meant that she would be saving his life.
Kyle had a way to him that both frustrated and enticed her. He knew how to navigate through her rude commentary and her uncontrollable temper, then turning the conversation around and take the reins. Akuti looked at the boy in disbelief. She had insulted him and stepped all over his pride, but he still managed to put that all aside and become concerned about his beloved plants. Jealousy settled at the pit of her stomach as she wondered what made the plants so special and what they ever did to deserve his concern and affection. She let out a disapproving grunt, “Why do you care so much about these plants? Is it because you can use magic on them? Is using them what makes them so alluring that you just can’t help but feel compassion towards them?” It was strange to feel jealous of plants but Akuti couldn’t help it. Despite her childish feelings she sluggishly made her way towards the plant. She brought a careful hand to the leaves and fingered them a little before giving a passive sigh, “Sad is the last thing it is feeling. It feeds off the compassionate way you feed it magic. You can feel its happiness with a single touch.” She shook her head and her stark black hair moved more freely since it was drying quite well. Kyle was an interesting boy that was for sure, though he was always ruining her fun. While Akuti stood staring at the plant, she wondered what she would do once the flower shop closed and they’d have to go their separate ways. She was curious how long they had and yearned for time to pause. It had been a long time since she had been able to forget her life and have fun, even if the fun included teasing a flower shop boy.

3:08am Jul 12 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{btw dudes, i forgot which angel/human ended up with the twins....}
Ieroe looked at the angel that had come to comfort him and he turned his head once against to face the front. He didn't want to deal with the angels right now because of all this. He let out a sigh and looked at the dark patches that his fire had created. He wanted to go back home where his brother could flaunt his power and take down anything that stood in their path. He didn't want to have to try to defend his brother. He knew he couldn't take down anything that was stronger than he was. He'd take way too long or end up badly injured then his brother would just worry more and feel bad about not being able to defend his blood. He shook his head.
"No. Im not okay. I'm weaker than I was before because he is half of what we are. With him being a human and that breacelet holding his power, he can't do anything. I can't transform into a stronger demon either."
He sulked and when the female angel had said she'd defend his brother, he couldn't help but snort.
"I hope you know that if we are hunted by demons, they won't send lessers. They'd send those that are closer to our power level, which in Hell is rather high. We aren't two demons. We're one. Just two different parts to one demon. But we have our own personalities and persons."
Skellig yawned and looked at the angel who said she'd guard him with her life. He honestly didn't think she'd be capable of it. He smiled at her, it was very human but still held a hint of his demon side. He fliddled with his bracelet and looked at the pendulum rock. She was so confident this would be good, wasn't she. He shrugged and locked ees with her again.
"Ya know... Just say the word and this pendulum will break. I'll regain my powers instantly. But this process can only be one once anyways. I mean, it takes all my power and stores it in this rock. I have one rock."
He held the bracelet out to her and then looked towards where he believed the city was. He could still feel energy around him, so he could at least pinpoint people who were gifted or cursed... depends on how they see it. They needed to get to eh city as soon as they could since they now needed to walk unless Ieroe carried him, which wasn't likely. He yawned and looked at the angels.
"Well, are we going or what? Would you prefer Ieroe also go human?"

10:21am Jul 13 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[does it really matter? With the way things seem to be going, we'll probably end up d/a, d/a, and h/h. Unless we would rather decide on the pairings now and have something different. And we still need to figure out how the humans meet everyone else. (or we could just wing it)]]
Fray slipped his headphones off of his ear just in time to hear Ieroe speak to him. So he was weaker now, not just his brother. That would explain the way their songs were acting. They both had lost many of their instruments, so it was not quite surprising. The angel was shocked that Skellig could do that in the first place. He had never heard of anyone being able to draw their power out of themselves and place it into an ob ject. He wasn't even aware that anyone would ever want to do something like that. What would it be like if, one day, he was able to stop hearing the death songs? That was a disturbing thought. Sure, they were annoying and upsetting and painful, but they were comforting, too. Only living things could give off death songs, and he had never had to question a person's life before.
"There is no need for both of them to do.... that." Fray spoke to the other angel, but he kept his eyes on Ieroe. "One is enough." He didn't want to explain himself to her, but he would if she went against his words. Listening to their songs, he knew that anyone but them would simply mistake Skellig as a human and Ieroe as a medium-level demon. It was doubtful that someone would recognize either, being that they were so much weaker than before. Unless they came across someone who had met the twins in the past, which they would just have to wish didn't happen.
Fray knew that they wouldn't be able to fight anyone that the current Queen of Hell sent after the twins, not with Skellig lacking power and Ieroe being so weak. He himself was not a fighter, he had never truly fought ever in his life, so he was useless. That left the female angle, who said that she would protect the ice demon. Fray wasn't sure how strong her telepathic powers were; she might be able to use compulsion, which would be helpful.
The angel forced himself to his feet and slipped his headphones back on. He had nothing to say to Ieroe that would comfort the demon, nothing that wasn't a lie, at least. He and his brother were in serious danger now, with how loud their songs were playing and the fact that they were just about defenseless. Fray held out a hand for Ieroe to take.
"Let's start moving; the sooner we get to the city, the better." He told them.
Well, for one, plants didn't attack him with harsh and hurtful words. Kyle held his tongue, though, knowing that wasn't what Atkui wanted to hear. And it would be rude (not that everything else he had already said hadn't been), and he was tired of fighting her. For some reason, the magician had the notion that maybe, just maybe, the girl would make a good friend once she calmed down, but he told himself that he was being stupid, and filed the thought far, far away.
After a long pause, Kyle finally said, "I don't always get people." He wasn't sure why he was telling the girl this. She was just going to take the information and tease him with it, but he continued on. "Sometimes I look at people and I just don't understand them. They hate for the silliest of reasons. They put themselves into situations that they know that they can't escape from, and then they beg and plead to get out of them. They get enraged, and then they lash out at others to make themselves feel better, that they are more worthy." Another pause; he hadn't meant to say the last one, but it had been on his mind. "Plants don't do this. They fight each other because if they don't, then they will die. They live to survive, to reproduce and pass down their genes because the good of the species comes before themselves. Their only god is the sun, because it provides the energy to create food. They provide to the earth, whereas we just take, take, take like a never-ending hunger. Plants know who they are, they know that they are plants and they might be eaten or get trampled on or dry up, and they don't care, because they know this and they accept it."
Kyle sighed. He hadn't meant for his monologue to be so long, but he had gotten drawn into it. Plants were everything to him, and not just because of his power. He had loved and cherished them long before he became blessed with an ability.
2:00am Jul 14 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
I don't really mind which way the pairings go, however, I was under the impression that it was as Rabbah stated; d/a, d/a, h/h. As for them all running into each other, maybe Akuti could live in or near the same apartment building as Fray and then since she can sense presences, she notices something is wrong or the overwhelming surge of power from all three, now, cause her to pass out or something? And somehow Kyle is with her? I don't know, but if not, I mean, we could wing it.
She knew that her protection wasn't promising. She knew that she was weak compared to Prince Skellig and Prince Ieroe. She knew that their aunt wouldn't send lesser demons, that she'd send demons with strength that was less then Prince Ieroe but could still hold her down. She knew it all and yet she was still willing to risk her life for the decision that Prince Skellig made and she stood beside. She snapped her silver eyes towards Prince Ieroe, the emotion completely drained from them. "I know," she said with a bitter tone, "I know I am practically helpless and useless, but that doesn't mean that I won't risk my life for Prince Skellig. I believe that this is the right decision and I will stand by it 100%." Annette didn't know if the words that came out of her mouth were true or just sounded good. That was exactly why she hated speaking aloud; the truth gets jumbled up with pleasantry.
Right before Prince Skellig spoke up, the mouthy angel quiet words came from her parted lips, "Maybe this will also help you learn to be more independent and not rely on your brother so." She spoke under her breath, but even so, her tone took on a light nature. Her silver eyes wandered back to Prince Skellig and they locked. She could see the demonic way he smiled from her peripherals and it made her uneasy while their gaze went unwavering. She didn't flinch when he spoke or at the uncanny way his eyes were no longer electric. Her dull silver eyes watched him yawn, and when he was finish, she spoke, "Why are you two getting so worked up about concealed power if you can break it in an instant? If we, or you two, were in any danger all you'd have to do is break that measly rock and then you'd regain your full powers, right?" She sighed, but kept hold of his gaze before dropping it to her feet and speaking quietly, "Geez, make me all worried and guilty before telling me..." Her voiced drifted off and she hoped that no one heard her, and she was sure that they didn't because Fray spoke his part.
The red haired angel kept her eyes low as the other talked. She was debating if it would be a good idea for Prince Ieroe to go human as well. If it was as simple as Prince Skellig made it out to be, then there was really no problem in him doing so, right? Unless there was something more to sealing their powers away that Prince Skellig didn't care to share. Was their some restrain or injury in sealing away their powers or was it just a matter of their pride and ego, their vulnerability and lack of power. If the only thing they needed was to break the stone, then what is the worst that could happen? They would have their powers restored before the enemy would even have the chance to attack, right? When Annette decided that there would be no harm in having Prince Ieroe turn human too, she grew attentive and realized that the male angel had denied for her. She didn't want to be imprudent and didn't want everyone to turn on her, though she was sure that they had already, so she just kept quiet and walked forward into the thick forest, dissipating her wings before she reached the treeline.
Akuti snickered slightly, hearing the directed feelings and thoughts that entered the flower shop boy's mind. A good friend, huh? Her snicker turned into a sincere smile. She knew she was arguing too much, but he got under her skin, and on top of all of that she wasn't really the social type. She didn't know how people's feelings worked and didn't know when to stop or what her actions might have done to cause such a terrible outcome. She had relied on her powers since she got them and used them a a major crutch, but before then, she had no inkling as to how her words affected people.
It was sort of humorous, the way she was thinking those things before Kyle started to talk. For the first time since their meeting, she actually understood how he felt; she didn't understand people either. However, the mutual feelings came to a halt when he was sure that she was going to tease him with the information and then started to talk nonsense. Was he trying to hint that he didn't like her? She didn't get that vibe off of him at the moment, but the words that came out of his mouth willingly sounded like he was describing her and her blunt and rude personality. Akuti opened her mouth when he paused, but before she could find the words that she wanted to say to him, he started to talk again.
By the end of the conversation, she was enraged once more. He had insulted her without the intent and trampled all over her feelings without a slightest notion of even doing so. She let out hot air when she grunted at him, "Don't just assume that I am always going to tease you! It is quite rude, you know!" She crossed her arms and turned on him, her eyes blazing, "You really don't get people! I mean, I am sure I have no room to talk, seeing as I don't fully understand the capacity of human emotions, but nonetheless, you cant just jump to conclusions! There are reasons for everything! Your plants live to survive, wanting nothing but to bask in the sun, not caring what happens to them meanwhile attempting to make an environment where their genes will grow in hopes that it will be for the greater good of their species, as you say, but humans have the exact same intentions!"
Akuti started sputtering words that didn't make sense to her, she was just so frustrated that it didn't matter what came out of her mouth so long as she was scolding the boy, "We humans live for our loved ones, and when that is threatened, we fight back, we fight for survival, just like plants. Although, unlike plants, we feel love and that is the reason for everything that you think might be silly. We hate because we love, we put ourselves in hopeless situations because we want to protect our ones we love, we enrage and lash because we don't know what to do with the overwhelming emotions." She took a short pause because her words made her head pound, and the nonsense that flowed out of her mouth made her ears ring.
Her tone was now quieter and her words more gentle, "Anyways, I know how compassionate you are towards your plants and how much you love them. I know how irritable mankind can be and the absurdity of their actions, but don't forget that, while plants have all these great qualities, they lack the most important thing; the warmth of emotions and a human body. They might yearn for their Sun god, they might give back to the earth and they might not care if they get trampled, but at the end of the day, they aren't the ones who will comfort you and love you, no matter how strong your love is." She shook her head and sighed. Akuti hadn't meant to blow up on him and say such strange things, but in the end, it wasn't her mind that was doing the talking.
I honestly have no clue what was up with Akuti O.o

10:57pm Jul 17 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{those pairs are fine with me. :3}
Skellig couldn't help that he wanted to fly for a second. He cursed himself in his head for wanting to try something like that even though he knew he would put himself in more danger than necessary. He knew using his pendulum was going to be dangerous but he also forgot that his brother was affected by him sealing his powers away. They were part of one demon, so if one made their power disappear, that one demon was now half demon and half human. He mentally kicked himself for not thinking about how this would affect his own brother. He had said he wanted to protect him, but by doing this, he's put them both in a lot of danger. He sighed as he followed the angel girl. He was being really stupid and doing things before he thought about the consequences. He would blend in better, but at the cost of their safety.
"telling you now, i can't release my own powers. The stone can only be broken by a non-human. And I'm human. Ieroe is weaker than a non-human because we are two halves of a whole. So, one of you two would have to break it."
Ieroe looked at the male angel and took his hand, hoisting himself up. He stood there for a second, waiting for the weakness to catch up with him. When it did, his wings disappeared and so did his flames. His breath was normal human tempurature, as what his body. He sighed noticed that he was barely giving off any energy. He wanted to go away but he really coulnd't. He had to stick to these two people. It was some kind of comfort, but it still scared him because something strong could attack them.
{ugh! Sorry this is crap.. D: I'm having writers blcok for some reason...}

11:45am Jul 24 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,557
[[oisifa sorry for being so late :c ]]
Fray helped the demon prince to his feet, and, seeing the condition Ieroe was in, carefully put an arm around the other male. The demon looked like he was about to faint at any moment. Or maybe he was just seriously overreacting because he could tell how weaker the other was through his song and just by looking at him. "Hey. You aren't going to pass out on me, are you?" Fray murmured, unsure of what he would do if the demon did. Well, he would try his best to catch Ieroe, but then what? As he had already stated, they needed to hurry up and make their way to the city as soon as possible. The longer they stood here in the forest, they easier it will be for someone to find them.
Fray had been planning on flying back home, but now, with Skellig human-ish and Ieroe seemingly unable to use his demon powers to their full extent, it looked like they would just have to walk. From where they were, the angel had an idea of what direction the city was, and he could guess that it would take maybe an hour of stumbling about before they escaped the forest, and then another thirty minutes through a field before they actually reached the city itself. Then they would either have to continue walking until they got to Fray's apartment, or they could try to catch a cab/public transportation.
Kyle was shocked when the girl began yelling at him; he hadn't thought that she would take offense from his words. But then again, he didn't really know her, did he? She was just some girl he had met not too long ago, it wasn't like they had been childhood friends. There was probably, no, certainly much he did no know of involving Akuti, and, most likely, that was never going to change.
When they girl mentioned not assuming that someone was going to tease him, Kyle began to protest, even though she continued to talk. "That's not true; I have every right to assu-..." He cut himself off, realizing that he had never outright said anything about that to begin with, he had only talked about his plants. So where had she gotten that from? Surly he had not accidentally allowed it to slip out without noticing. Sure, he had thought it, but that was it, and there was no way the strange girl could have heard what he was thinking.
Kyle listened halfheartedly to Akuti's rant, still stumped on the assumption thing. He leaned back against the table behind him and eyed the girl. For some reason, even though she was telling him why humans were better than plants in the fact that they had emotion, Kyle believed that she understood him and also had issues comprehending other humans. Maybe that was why she had provoked him in the beginning, because she was unable to understand and thought that she could learn by watching his actions. Or maybe he was getting this completely wrong and he was over thinking things. Yeah, it was probably that.
The magician looked down, not really sure of what to say. How would a normal person reply? He didn't know, and neither did he want to continue this topic; it was obviously going nowhere fast. But what else was there to say to the girl? The weather? No, it was crappy, and a conversation about the rain wouldn't last very long. Books? Kyle didn't usually read anything other than books and journals about plants.
"I, um, er... Do you have any pets?" Kyle asked on a whim, desperately changing the direction of the conversation.
[[lol this is obviously the start of a beautiful friendship xD And I can't remember if we've (kyle's) already established the fact that Akuti is replying to things he didn't say (i'm too lazy to look it up...) so I went ahead and mentioned it (possible again).]]
[[ugh, short replies are short. Sorry about that.]]
2:31am Jul 26 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Haha, Kyle <3 gotta love his denseness. I don't believe that Kyle has taken note on Akuti's abilities, however, it was mentions before that if she confessed to having powers, he wouldn't be surprised and that he would believe it since she always seems to be a step a head of him. Or something like that. If my memory serves me right, that was the only mention of Akuti's powers on Kyles part.
Annette heard someone follow in her footsteps, but didn't turn around to see which of the three it was. She was still trying to wrap her mind around the workings of the pendulum. The angel had never heard of sealing away one's powers and found that it was a peculiar topic to think about. Was it only demons who were capable of sealing away their powers? Maybe only strong demons, seeing as the demon Prince had to reveal his true form before making it all disappear? Obviously Prince Ieroe was growing weaker but to what extent? Annette wanted to know more; more about the Princes and more about the pendulum. She wondered why Prince Skellig's powers could only be sealed away once and what made the stone that held his powers so special. Maybe there was a way to seal away the powers that the demons were sucking from the angels and taking form within humans. Maybe-
It was Prince Skellig who followed behind her, for it was his voice that informed her more on the returning of his demonic powers. It was his voice that tore her away from her probing thoughts and presented her with an opportunity to understand the situation. Annette kept his words in her mind and tried to see the severity of the matter at hand, and why Prince Ieroe seemed so troubled by the situation. "Then that means one of us angels will have to stay with you at all times, correct?" That solution seemed just as practical and as simple as the last conclusion she made. If only a non-human could break the stone, then that would mean either her or the other angel would always have to stay by his side in case a dangerous situation arose. "The other angel and myself could be with you at different times, switching on and off, however, since it was my words that brought you to your current state, I don't mind being by your side. It only seems logical, seeing as I am the only one who believes that this is the correct decision, and," Annette stopped in her tracks and turned to face Prince Skellig. Her silver eyes gleamed with a shadow of a smile as she met his not-so-electric green ones, but not before sweeping over the other two and taking note of their snail pace, "I did say I'd protect you with my life, did I not?" She turned around and began walking again, but at a slower pace so that the others could catch up.
After a moment, the red haired angel spoke again, though her voice was a tad quieter and it sounded a bit strained, "If you would, could you tell me more about the workings of your pendulum?" Annette was getting tired of talking, so she took the opportunity that the Prince had given her when he brought up the topic of the pendulum again. It was true that she wanted to know more, however, words have been coming out of her mouth since she had made a deal with Prince Skellig and they have been nothing but a nuisance. They made her mouth dry and gave her throat an uncomfortable feeling. The telepathic angel wasn't used to speaking aloud so much. One or two words were rare enough, and she had been speaking sentence after sentence. Annette wondered the exact rules of their compromise, so before he could respond to her commentary and inquiry, she spoke, though her voice was small and soft, almost child-like, "H-hey, Prince Skellig, do you, um, think that, uh," Annette hated herself for being so bashful and shy. It wasn't like her to stutter and stumble over her words, yet here she was, stuttering and stumbling like a mere human. There was no grace in the flow of her words like there was previously, and she realized that it was her emotions that were seeping onto her tongue. The, usually, emotionless being was shocked, but continued on, her eyes staring at the ground instead of the path ahead, afraid of the demon's answer. "I could speak to you in your mind when it is just the two of us?" Annette wasn't being fair and she knew that. She figured that he could only hate her for asking such a bold query while he was suffering more than she, but the selfish angel couldn't help but ask.
The temperamental girl unfolded her arms, letting them hang loose at her sides. There was silence in the air. Akuti wondered what he thought when she was ranting. Although she heard faint thoughts pertaining to her, her mind was a complete mess and words just flowed endlessly out her mouth that she didn't have time to dwell over what he thought about her, however, now that it was clear again, she was itching to know. Was he thinking more foul things about her? She couldn't tell for certain, so her dual colored eyes just stared at him questioningly, while he tried to answer her rant. Akuti took notice of the way he was eyeing her throughout her lecture and wondered if he finally figured out the game she was playing with him.
The petite girl started to burst out in laughter. Her eyes were tearing up and her chest hurt from the giggles that were boiling out of her. No, surely he didn't understand a thing. If Akuti were in his shoes, she would have tested her hypothesis, not ask if she had any pets. She was a fool for thinking that this boy could have caught on so quickly. He, himself, even stated how horrible his people skills were and how he didn't understand mankind. People Skill... Understanding. The laughter ceased quite abruptly and her face flushed red. She turned her head away from him, trying to hide the red tone in her cheeks. Akuti remembered part of what Kyle had thought and it made her embarrassed, for it was somewhat true. She didn't start out provoking him because she didn't understand him, but as she gave up her fun, she realized, through his spiteful thoughts, that she ended up provoking him and making him mad with out the intention. It wasn't the realization of her actions that made her cheeks warm, but the comforting sensation of truth to his thoughts; they understood each other quite well.
Akuti cleared her throat and turned back to eye him. Her face was no longer red, but it no longer held laughter or amusement any more. For a moment, she just stared at him, her gaze went unwavering though it seemed kind of lost but nonetheless, held a spine crawling seriousness. Then, in a flash, she had a wicked smile on her face. Maybe they really didn't understand each other; maybe it was just the idea of having common ground that made her feel comforted, although, that was just as embarrassing. Akuti decided to play with Kyle a little more, in attempt for him to come to the realization that she, too, is a blessed human. "This is obviously a great start to beautiful friendship; small talk!" (Heh, heh. Stole the line from you, Rabbah >:D)
She wore a mocking grin as she narrowed her eyes, making gestures as she spoke with heavy sarcasm, "I don't have any pets, Kyle. They are harder to understand than people, don't you agree?" She lowered her voice a bit and started to imitate Kyle, "Oh yes Akuti, I agree with you, that is why I only have plants! Yup my house is full of them!" She switched back over to being herself, "Ah, typical Kyle! I could have guessed that your house was full of plants. You are such a sentimental person, I bet you have wonderful knickknacks all over your place. Oh me? Well I live in abandon buildings or where ever I can get a roof over my head. Why? Oh that is a long story, but to make a long story short, lets just say that my dual colored eyes got me ridiculed and teased and that my parents, along with my four brothers and sisters and seven cousins, of whom I beat up for ridiculing me, didn't appreciate me standing up for myself and kicked me out." Akuti switched over to being Kyle, "Wow, hard life. How do you make a living?" Back to Akuti, "Oh, you know, this and that. I volunteer at the library if that is what you are wondering, but enough about me, what about you?" Back to Kyle, "My life isn't that interesting. I work at this flower shop as you can see, and I have led a normal life; parents who love me and would do anything for me, siblings who adore me though surpass me in knowledge and profession, but that is okay because I love working here and my magic is needed here. The joys of helping plants in need, let me tell you. Anyways, my family knows of my sudden magical abilities and support me and still love me. But you know, my life has been normal, well up until I ran into you. Oh, and look at the time! It's time for me to go back to my normal life cause the shop is now closed. Good bye!"
Akuti ended the montage of what could have happened if they continued the small talk. "I suppose that is what would have happened if we continued down that road." She said blandly. All the enthusiasm in her little act was now drained out of her and she was actually feeling worn out and tired, though it was expected. The throbbing pain, the bone chilling rain, the rants and rambles, the embarrassment, the games; it was a fulfilling day and she didn't know if she could take much more of it. She remembered that her lunch went uneaten and her breakfast was sparse. Since she didn't stay at the library, she knew that she missed out on getting invited over for dinner at one of the librarians house, so she'd be going without dinner. Akuti leaned back on one of the tables and tilted her head up. She closed her eyes eyes and breathed slowly, though she knew that being in a trance wouldn't help her much. She tried to make her mind active as much as she could while listening to the movements Kyle made. She wondered what time they closed. Although she was tired, she didn't want to miss the opportunity of staying in such a warm place. Surprisingly, she didn't feel like picking on Kyle, and she realized that the act she just showed him wasn't for the sake of him coming to the realization of her secretive powers or willing him to ask her if she possessed said power. Instead, it was a way to avoid the long road of small talk, for she knew that she would have blown up on him throughout their conversation, and honestly, that just took up too much energy.
Again, I have no clue what is up with Akuti O.o Sorry for such randomness~ Though, I am pretty sure that what I wrote reflected on how I was feeling. For the second to last paragraph I was very lively and awake, but now, as I am finishing the last paragraph, I am dead tired.

7:33pm Jul 26 2013
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Ieroe felt his cheeks heat up a bit at the angel's arm around him. He had never been in close contact with someone like this, other than his brother. He calmed himself down and the color disappeared from his cheeks. He looked at the red-haired angel and his brother walking. They seemed like a good pair, not in a relationship kind of way but more of a comrade sort of way. Skellig was smart and knew just how to get things down. He used people's powers to their best of their ability and then pushed them for more. His own power was unmatched and his strength was a force not to be messed with. The angel was smart as well. She seemed rather witty and knowing. She seemed to know what to do when she came into a dangerous situation though she didn't seem to think all of it through. He blinked. She really wasn't all that strong, at least from what he saw earlier when he practically air tackled her to the floor. Her skin was easy to pierce if the paper-cut scratch on her neck was anything to go by. She was light, but then again, maybe that was from being able to fly. He shook his head when the male talked to him. He looked over to the angel and chuckled.
"No, I won't pass out. I just... I find it easier to fly places when I'm weaker because it expends less of my energy. My wing pretty much use hot currents of air so stay up and let me glide. One good flap should do the trick to get up. But I'm more worried about Skellig. He's never used his pendulum like that."
He bit his lip and gnawed at it with his canines. He drew some blood but it was quickly boiled away by his still slight hotter than normal skin. He licked his wounds and they closed up easily. He didn't know what to do about this whole situation and he really didn't want to think of the consequences of what was to come. He knew he couldn't protect himself in his state. He was much slower now than before. He couldn't step and disappear anymore. He hissed to himself.
"I'm just worried about the whole thing."
Skellig's eye twitched. The nerve of this angel to request the use of her power when he couldn't use his own. He wanted to growl demonically but since he was human, it merely put strain on hsi vocal cord. He hissed at his own stupidity and looked at the back of her head. He didn't know what to say to that since she seemed to be unable to keep her voice up as she talked out loud. He rubbed his temples and sighed.
"Fine angel. Use your sacred powers. I don't care anymore. Being human is exhausting me."
He continued to walk and stay behind her because he really refused to be next to her. He didn't care what she though and he really didn't care about her power any more. But it would be nice to punish her for her actions against them. He listened to her talk and continued to walk as she spoke. His pendulum? Should he really even tell her about it for all that she's done? He bit the inside of his cheek and looked down at the bracelet that held the little pulsing pendulum. He figured that he might as well give her some information on it if she was the one that was going to break it.
"There are only three in existence. Mine. Ieroe's. and the second one that hangs off Ieroe's bracelet. All three were created by my father for the use of punishing demons who abuse power and who deserve to live on Earth as a mortal. Die a mortal death within a year. Each stone is carved differently depending on what it does. Mine was carved from obsidian. Blackest stone of magma. It allows me to turn myself mortal without fearing having my powers gone within the stone. But it has to be broken or at least given a good sized crack."
He looked at the stone on his bracelet and poked at it. The stone was rather interesting to him since he had never really used it all that much. He had figured out how to use it but that was dangerous since his brother would also be affected by the stone too. He sighed and looked to his brother. Then back to teh angel girl.
"Ieroe has two. One that allows him to do the same thing mine can... And the other... Well, is more dangerous. It removes all traces of power from around him. He can virtually make himself and those around him immune to being sensed, but it drained your energy as long as you use it until it started draining the very power you're masking."

5:17pm Jul 30 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Bump. I will be busy this week and if Rabbah replies within the week, I might be slow to reply.
6:40pm Jul 30 2013
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Posts: 5,542
{Alright then. I wait for you two. :3}
3:39am Aug 6 2013
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1:44pm Aug 12 2013
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Posts: 1,557
[[sorry for taking so long, I'll reply tomorrow]]
5:17pm Aug 12 2013
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Posts: 827
Yay, Rabbah's back! It's fine~ reply whenever you get a chance.
5:52pm Aug 13 2013
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Posts: 1,557
Fray noticed Ieroe blushing, but he didn't mention it, thinking that this was not the time or place to comment on it because, well, it wasn't. They were all in serious danger, for one. He let go of the shorter male and stepped to the side, giving him some room. The angel felt the same way, their situation was obviously very messed up, but there was little that could be done at the moment to improve their odds, so they were all just going to have to suck it up and keep walking forward. Fray didn't tell Ieroe that though, and, instead, he reached over to catch the demon's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
He dropped his hand as they neared the others. He wondered if they knew where they were going. Sure, they were facing the right way, but that didn't mean they weren't just walking in some random direction. Fray himself wasn't quite sure which way they should go, but that issue could easily be solved by flying up and looking around. Not that he was offering; if the others thought they knew where they were going, then that was where they would go.
"Were you waiting for us?" He asked, noticing how the other two had slowed their pace for them.
Kyle watched the girl as she laughed at him, not sure if he should be offended or just ignore her. He frowned as Akuti began talking to herself - or was she taking for him? It took him a second to realize that. -, conversing with herself. He listened to her ramble on silently, growing irritated by the girl's assumptions. There were so many things that he could correct her on, like how he didn't mind animals, how he only had five plants in his house, how he was an only child. He swallowed all of those complaints, but one of them he had to voice.
"No one else knows." He stated blandly. "Other than you, of course." His mother, even though she was very supportive of his interests, disapproved highly of anything magic related. Even if she hadn't cared about the magicians, Kyle would have never told her because it wasn't something she needed to know.
[[fail post is such a fail /sigh/]]
7:32pm Aug 16 2013 (last edited on 8:46pm Aug 16 2013)
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Posts: 827
Her wish was granted. Prince Skellig had actually agreed to her greedy intention and unfair query. The red haired angel felt guilty, feeling that she was taking advantage of his weakness as a human. She cleared her throat slightly and, before he could inform her on the pendulum Annette let out a hushed voice that she willed to be heard, "Sorry." Although this angel had just met the demon and had came into his acquaintance by sheer luck (would you call it that?), she had already started to realize the toll it was taking on him. Aside from draining his powers, the demon seemed more passive. Prince Skellig had seemed so high and mighty earlier, king-like, and although she feared that side of him, she also admired it. However, ever since he gave up his powers, the burning kingly side of him seemed to dim to a small flicker. It were as if the eyes truly were windows of the soul, for once his electric green eyes dimmed, so did his personality.
Annette dropped her thoughts when Prince Skellig's voice rang behind her. The locks of red that spewed from her head bounced up and down as she nodded, understanding what he was saying and absorbing it all. After Prince Skellig had stopped talking and fell silent, the young angel's gears in her head started to turn. Was there a way to make more stones? Was it only their late father who could create them and give them the power to steal one's power? Again, did it only work on demons? Annette's face lit up, though once she realized that an emotion had enter the premises of her features, they were quickly detained and sealed away. Was there a way to amplify the stones power? If there is, is there a way to drain the powers from the humans and return it to the angels? Or would it be better to drain the powers of the demons, like their aunt? Could any one work the stones or was it specifically made for Prince Skellig and Prince Ieroe?
She shook her head a bit, trying to pull her wild thoughts together. She wondered what she should ask Prince Skellig and what she couldn't. Annette started out small with her questions, Do those stones only work on demons? And is it only you and Prince Ieroe who can use the stones or, for instance, could I work the stone? Speaking through Prince Skellig's mind was so much easier and made her feel, lighter somehow. The burdening feeling of not using her powers even though she was more than capable of made her impatient. Her jaw clenched tightly and she worked the muscles in them. She had no room to think such things. Annette pushed those thoughts aside and continued on questioning the demon Prince, Also, is there any way we could make the stones? The angel was going to stop her inquiry there, but the excitement that was only allowed to fly around in her chest wouldn't let her stop, You see, I was thinking that maybe we could use that dangerous stone and somehow amplify it to take away the powers that had been purposely sucked from the angels and leaked to the humans and return it to the angels!
Annette didn't hear the other angels question, for she was too caught up in her thought and bustling ideas to hear the words of another. The angel stopped and turned to Prince Skellig once more, her silver eyes were shining with excitement, hope and innocence as she thought to him. It never once crossed this dense angel's mind that it might not be the right time or place for such ideas, Of course, we could also cut the leakage at the source. It would be a win, win! Us angels would be happy and you Princes wont have to take refuge on Earth and seek help of angels. If there was a way to seal your aunts powers with the remaining two stones, maybe we can do it! We would have to come up with a solid plan and everything, but maybe this is what we need! A trace of a smile lingered on Annette's face and her eyes that shimmered with such emotions were no longer looking at Prince Skellig, but through him, envisioning her grand plan that she was so sure would work. It wasn't until she saw the movement of the other two that her emotions recoiled and any trace of happiness vanished. She just stared at them with dull grey eyes and cocked her head to the side, wondering if they had said something.
There was that tingling feeling again. His simple words made the blood rush to Akuti's cheeks. It was the same feeling, the same blood rushing experience that were symptoms of the way his hand touched hers, and the way his mind felt warmer than usual when he was obligated to feel concern towards her. She was too worn out to deny her feeling and be embarrassed at the redness of her cheeks, so she bathed in the added warmth it gave her. Her dual colored eyes were still hidden behind her eyelids and her head was still tilted back so the lights above shone on her face. Her elbows still rested on the table behind her and her breathing was still slow as a smile crept onto her face. However, this smile wasn't like the ones she had previously worn, this one carried a sense of innocence, "Ah, since when did I get to become the lucky girl who you confided your secret in?" Her voice was soft and tired, though a half playful tone caught on some of her words.
Akuti opened one of her eyes, the soft brown one, and peered at the clock that hung up on the wall. It was mid afternoon and her stomach growled softly. Her smile sunk into a frown and her hand locked over her belly, though she still rested her elbows on the table, "So," The girl started while she closed the eye she had just opened, "When does your shop close up?" It was a question she didn't particularly want the answer of, but she figured that she should probably know what time she would have to leave, just so she didn't get too comfortable. The abandoned house she had taken refuge in was a half an hour walk, if not longer.
Sorry for such a short post >.<

12:26pm Aug 19 2013
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Posts: 827
4:28pm Aug 21 2013
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{sorry I lagged on a bros. D: I'll try to be on more often, but this week may be a little awkward cuz I'm starting college and I gotta get my stuff together.}
Ieroe couldn't help but to blush faintly when the angel grabbed his hand, then again, he chalked it up to never having any physical contact with anybody besides his own brother. He shook the thought away and kept his head down. He felt drained of power already and his brother just used the stone. He supposed it drained much more because they hadn't used Skellig's stone in a while. He sighed and rubbed his temple. He was going to get one hell of a headache soon. He leaned on the male angel, needing something to support him. Ieroe looked at the two ahead of them and realized that they were probably having some kind of conversation, although since he could only hear his brother's voice, he assumed that the angel was allowed to use her powers. His head snapped up from where it had been resting on the male angel's shoulder and he growled. His growl coming out as a mix of tiger growl and demonic noise. He was going to walk up to them, but he felt so drained that he just fell to his knees, not wanting to get up. He hated that stone and the ones he wore. Even if one was activated, the other two would barely work. Ieroe's stones were kind of draining him but not to where he couldn't handle it. The only thing he wasn't used to, was how heavy his wings were now. They weighed him down and had him on his knees.
Skellig felt rather overwhelmed with the amount of questions she seemed to be throwing at him. He could hear it all in his head and even if he was normally so calm about everthing, this was going to frustrate him becasue he knew his human brain was rather lacking when it came to the angel's powers. He rubbed his temples at all her questions, but he knew she was merely excited. He felt like nsapping but being human didn't make him very scary and the pendulum was draining more of the power that hethought it would. It felt weird being human, not being able to make her stop by letting power leak. He sighed and heard a thump, not assuming anything and just continued to walk behind the female. He thought about her questions for a bit.
"No they don't only work on demons. We've taken powers from fallen angels and such. Anybody can work a stone that can sure power in it. So basically anything not human or earth animal. Only Ieroe and myself can make the stones since they are demon pendulums."
He didn't really know what to say about the whole, taking from humans, giving to angels thing. He ahdn't heard of a stone being used that way.
"Well, I don't know about the whole, take from human, give to angels thing. These stones mainly take away from one person and give to that same person. I'm going to say you'd have to make them specifically to do what you want. Which would take a while.."
{sorry that was crap.... D:}

10:54pm Aug 28 2013
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9:27pm Sep 5 2013
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6:39pm Sep 6 2013
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(I replied but idk if Rabbah will be on anytime soon. D:))