2:37pm Dec 22 2013
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11:04pm Dec 31 2013
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Skellig yawned once more and wanted to curl up again. He sighed and nodded. She was right, even if he hated to say that. He took his shirt back from her grip and looked at her. He knew she was right. It pained him to say that she was right rather than wrong. He let out a small growl. He wanted Ireoe right now, but that wasn't going to happen with them not doing anything. He glared at her, not really liking this whole situation. "Fine. We can leave. We can go to the city." He ground out, not really sure what else to do anyways. "Food isn't an issue. I can have Jirou find us food. He still comes to me, even if I'm human"
{Sorry.. I really suck at this right now... o^o}
1:27am Jan 1 2014
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Posts: 827
Ah, it is okay, this rp is getting a little slow. And anyways, mine will be short too~
No snarky comments, no throaty hiss; Prince Skellig said nothing and did nothing to fight against her angelic words that rang uncomfortably in her throat. All there was was a nod, a growl, and a glare before his words accepted her proposition. Annette was waiting for something else, something more - a catch to his compliance - but nothing came except Prince Skellig offering a way to find food. For a silent moment all the red-haired angel could do was stare at the demon with silver eyes that searched his features curiously. Throughout the long morning, this might have been the only time that Prince Skellig had contributed something to their odd predicament. This seemed to be the only time he had not fought against her. It was strange to see Prince Skellig so defeated, but she assumed that the strange compassion he felt towards his brother and the fact that they were no longer together, along with , his wariness must have finally implemented some sense into his thick skull. For the time being Annette allowed herself to trust his oddities, "Who is Jirou?" The angel, though grateful for not having to go through the trouble of finding food herself, didn't want Prince Skellig to summon something if there was a possibility that the murderous demons in the Underworld could trace this 'Jirou' back to them. With a hint of skepticism in her voice she asked, "This 'Jirou' wouldn't be something that would give your psychotic aunt insight on our position, now would it?"

10:11pm Jan 1 2014
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Skellig scoffed at her assumption. Jirou would never do that, plus, it wasn't like Jirou was going to even let himself be caught or whatever it took to get to him. He shook his head. "Of course not. He's not stupid. And he can only be found by his creator. Me." He stated matter of factly. He looked at the angel as if she were rather dense. This was soemthing that most people knew when they were demonic or heavenly. He looked to the sky, noticing that the sun was actaully going down. He hissed and snapped his fingers, causing snow to fall from his fingers. "Jirou!" He called loudly. In a flurry of ice and snow, a fox like creature came bounding towards Skellig. His fur was icy blue and it's eyes were electric blue. It bowed to Skellig, before looking towards annette.
1:52pm Jan 2 2014
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The corners of her lips spiked up for a short-lived amused moment due to the words that were sharply thrown at her and the scoff that brushed her off. The angel knew that his compliance wasn't something that would last. His icy blue eyes looked at her as if she was quite the ignorant creature and Annette couldn't help but narrow her silver eyes on him, though as he became aware of the looming sky overhead her eyes dropped off of his face and onto the snow that was dripping from his fingers. The name Jirou was thrown into the air and in moments time a creature of snow and ice came buckling towards Prince Skellig.
A demon hound, that was what Prince Skellig had been referring to. Or at least a demon familiar. The name Jirou simply didn't do Annette any justice so how was she supposed to know that Jirou was a familiar? The thought annoyed Annette but she pushed her feelings aside as she observed the icy coated creature bow to Prince Skellig and then turn it's electric eyes towards her. It's eyes reminded the angel of Prince Skellig's blazing eyes when she first met him - lacking trust and ready to attack if need be. Her mouth quirked into an amused smile, similar to the one she previously wore. She eyed the demon hound with curiosity, carefully watching it's moves then shifted her face to look at Prince Skellig. Her smile was gone and she looked at him expectantly, "Isn't your demon hound going to fetch us food? Come along, we need to find shelter." With one last glance at the creature, Annette turned her back towards them and started to walk into the foliage that surrounded them in search of shelter. Her ears were strained for movements of attack and she subtly readied her muscles incase she would have to take off flying to insure her safety. That demon hound was a supernatural creature, so did that mean that it could also break Prince Skellig's pendulum? The angel wasn't sure so she would have to take precaution until she found the answer.

6:09pm Jan 5 2014
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Posts: 1,557
[woohoo I have returned.]
Ieroe growled for some reason, then moved away from him. Fray saw that Ieroe was about to drop, and reached out to steady him. When he grasped at the demon, he realized that he didn't have a good enough hold and wasn't strong enough to keep him up, and Ieroe pulled him down. Fray flailed a bit, but it was useless and he ungracefully flopped on the ground. Fray sent a questioning glance at the demon. "Um, okay. You alright there?" He had realized that Ieroe was weaker than he had been, but he wasn't expecting the guy to just fall like that.
Fray considered getting to his feet immediately and then realized that he really didn't want to. The other demon prince and angel were out of sight now, but he didn't really care. They would find their way, and Fray could easily figure out where they were by listening to their song.
Ignoring Akuti's first question, Kyle took a second to look over at a clock. "In about an hour, I guess. It officially closes in thirty minutes, but I have to stay for an extra thirty to officially mark down what was sold and whatnot." This was also the time he usually used to work a bit of magic into the soil for the plants. Not that she really needed to know that. He turned back to the girl. "Why?"
[ahaha it's short but at least I've finally replied.]
6:23pm Jan 5 2014 (last edited on 6:51pm Jan 5 2014)
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Posts: 827
Rabbah <3 Ah, seeing this made me the happiest person in the world! You've came back to us <3
The features that had rested so calmly on her face now scrunched in disapproval. An hour, that was all she had before the dense magician would kick her out. A pondering thought played on her mind and she strained her ears to seek the answer. Was it still raining outside? If it was then the soft pitter-patter couldn't be heard above the hum of the lamps that warmed the room she stood in.
With the slightest of movements Akuti replied the boy, "Why, you ask?" She inhaled deeply before continuing, "Why else? I would like to know when I would have to leave, or better yet, when you will kick me out." The corners of her mouth quirked into a crafty smile and her tired voice rang with an overdramatic and playful tone, "Holding the knowledge of when the ruthless flower shop magician would kick out the poor girl who had wandered in sopping wet will prepare little ole me when the time comes to venture out into the cold dark world to seek refuge Woe is me!" Akuti ended her scene and opened her pale blue eye to see what Kyle's reaction would be.

8:05pm Jan 5 2014
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Ieroe looked at the angel and sighed. He was tired already and they hadn't done anything. He just wanted to get into the city. He looked up at the Angel and smiled. "No.. I'm anything but fine. I'll tell you a little secret. Skellig and I, we were born as two people, but our powers and magic abilities are actually that of 1 demon. We can combine into 1 demon and our power is that of what we both have. Speed and Strength." He fell against the Angel and shook his head. He really didn't wanna move but they needed food. He snapped his fingers causing fire to flash out. "Kuma!" He shouted out. A blazing dog came running to the Angel and his master. It barked at the demon prince and looked at the man who he was leaning on. He growled low.
Skellig sighed and looked at the angel. She would obviously want to know if this animal could break the pendulum. "He can't break this you know. He can no ability to. Jirou, go catch some food." He smiled at the fox and pet his head gently. He walked witht the angel, gathering a couple little twigs for a fire and some large pieces to keep it burning. "We should stay in the forest for a bit until we have to move.."

9:46pm Jan 5 2014 (last edited on 6:22pm Jan 11 2014)
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Silver eyes stole a glance back at the demon who had begun to talk. Had the angel really become so predictable? Words were truly what exposed a person and revealed vulnerability, and this red-haired angel had already spoken more than she was comfortable with - especially towards these princes. Annette suddenly regretted helping the demons though her pride wouldn't let her go against her impulsive promise.
Despite the rubbing irritation, Annette let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding in. It seemed as if her body was going against her regretful thoughts, for she relaxed and became at ease with the situation now that she knew Prince Skellig still needed her help and protection.
Foot steps fell behind her and she could hear them pause as the prince picked up dry twigs. The angel walked at a slow pace and constantly scanned her surroundings for shelter while she tried to connect her mind to any animal that resided around her at the same time. All the while the she thought back to the glance she stole and the gentle touch she witnessed and the kind smile Prince Skellig gave the demon hound. She didn't expect to see kindness associate itself with the prince while he was separated from his other half. It was strange yet refreshing.
Her thoughts ended when her mind connected with a near by chipmunk. She touched his mind to let him know that she was there, not wanting to startle the thing, and then she asked, Shelter, do you know of any place big enough to house two human-sized creatures for the night? With her question she sent the critter an image of a cave and then a clearing that might help the pea brain animal understand. Of course, Annette didn't expect a response from the critter - she couldn't understand the tongue of mankind's creatures - but through the eyes of the chipmunk she saw all that she needed to to understand. Thank you. She commented before terminating the communication.
"Agreed." Annette said shortly, a late response to the last thing that Prince Skellig had said. The angel stopped in her tracks and looked back at the boy who had a bundle of twig in his arm. A smile lit her face and she didn't attempt to seal it away this time, "Oh, how ironic our situation is. A demon prince prepared to make a fire with an angel as they seek shelter." She inclined her head, "There is a small cave up this way. It shouldn't be too far." Annette turned to lead the way.

11:02am Jan 7 2014
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Fray listened to Ieroe confide in him. Their powers were connected like that? He had realized that they were related in some sort of way, the explanation the twins had given made since, but this was new to him. He had never heard something like that before. Angles powers could be connected, but it was usually through some sort of bond, and it was was difficult and dangerous to achieve. Demons, of course, functioned differently than Angles, and not much was really known about them since they, understandably, tended not to tell their secrets to an enemy. He wondered if it was possible for other demons to do the same, to connect their powers like that. Or maybe it was just because they were twins from a powerful family.
Ignoring that the demon leanied against him, Fray opened his mouth to ask Ieroe a question about connections and how they worked, but Ieroe shouted something he didn't recognize. Fray then was about to ask what that was all about, but he was distracted by the dog on fire. It growled at the angel. Not surprising; it was probably trained to attack angels. Not sure of how intelligent the dog was, he raised his hands to show it that he wasn't holding a weapon, and then slowly moved them to his headphones. He slipped them down off of his ears and listened to the dog's music. It was low like a demon, but it had the calming melody like that of an animal.
"You know this dog, Ieroe?" Frey murmured.
Kyle scowled at Akuti. "If I remember correctly, you were perfectly content to continue lying on that bench in the rain. You had no interest in coming in here, and once you did, you complained." He rolled his eyes and leaned against a table, brushing his fingers against a leaf, and then tested the soil to see if it needed more water. "And it's not like I'd just kick you out. If it is still raining by then, I'd give you an umbrella or something so you wouldn't have to walk home or wherever you're going." The girl might be annoying and a bit irritating, but Kyle wasn't some sort of heartless freak that would just kick some poor person out in the rain.
Even if that person was Akuti, and that was what she expected of him.
5:34pm Jan 10 2014
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Posts: 827
My replies might be a little stunted and late these next two weeks. Semester finals are coming up and I need apply for scholarships. So stressful!
The blue eye flutter close as a scowl was shot in her direction. Akuti couldn't stop the smirk that crept on her face as Kyle refuted her overdramatic monologue. This florist was truly dense but she didn't mind, for he never ceased to entertain her. "Touché!" She said simply as her mind took her back to the events that happened earlier that day. Curiosity hovered over her mind and persistently nudged her to find answers and willing her to question the other mage.
The mage in secret pushed herself from the table and opened her eyes. She was being pulled from her curiosity and into the words that Kyle spoke. Akuti made a face at him. Her features seemed to be scrunched in disapproval yet her eyebrows questioned his words. She could hear his feelings; she knew how he felt about her yet he still spoke kind words. Why? She wondered as she studied him carefully, afraid that if she overlooked something her understanding of people would crumble.
Despite her lack of understanding, nudging curiosity and boorish personality, all Akuti could do was finally snicker. After that moment of silence the girl finally spoke up, "Ah, Kyle to the rescue like always! How kind of you." Her voice dripped with sarcasm though truth shimmered out of her words. It had proven true that Kyle had been the one to invite her out of the rain and offer her an umbrella on her way home.
"Hey, Kyle," Akuti only had an hour. She had an hour to find out answers about what happened that morning and about magic in general. With her sharp tongue and intense temper Akuti was hardly granted the opportunity to talk to someone, let alone someone who also had magic. Forming her questions into a word game was something that Akuti was favorable of, however, Kyle seemed quick to end her games with his passive personality and abruptly genuine words. Asking straight forward was the only way, "Since you are so intent on revealing your life and secrets to other people, won't you tell me more about your powers? Where you born with them? Do they have limits? How do you control them and do they ever act up?" Her voice was the softest and most serious it had been since their encounter. Akuti turned to the plant that they had used magic on earlier and bent over to look at it eye leveled. It was now wilted and dead.

4:32pm Jan 11 2014
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Ieroe continued to lean against Fray and closed his eyes, tired from everything already. His brother carried a lot of the muscle power, which weakened him when one was human. He sighed and nodded.
"Kuma... stop it.. He's not an enemy, he's a friend. yeah. He's a tried. just calm down Kuma."
He looked at the dog, which immediately stopped growling and walked over to the angel, sniffing at his clothing and then the headphones. He knew this angel was different than the others. The dog then placed his head on Ieroe's shoulder.
"Fray, this is Kuma. My hellhound."
He sighed and leaned heavily on Fray. He didn't even wanna get up now. He felt way too tired. He let out a small whine of protest before he sat up finally. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his hellhound, running his hands through the flames of the animal as if it was fur. He smiled happily at the animal.
"He's my pet and I don't know if he will listen to you, but feel free to ask him anything that you may need. He can hunt and pretty much do what you need him to."
Skellig smiled at the girl as she pretty much seemed confused by the whole thing but he didn't really care. He sighed and held onto the twigs. He looked at the girl as she walked and continued to follow her, unsure if she would even want him to follow. Oh well, he didn't care. He stopped when she did and listened to he talk.
"What the hell... I know it's ironic, just don't rub it in my face.."
he growled at the girl but still followed the angel as she walked.

6:49pm Jan 11 2014
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Posts: 827
There was a peaceful air that hugged the two creatures as they ventured into the depths of the forest looking for the cave. No one was arguing, fighting or trying to kill one another; only silence laid in the space between the prince and the messenger. To Annette, the red-haired angel, this was bliss. Silence was a thing that she could never get enough of. Earth was so noisy and the Angel realm was bustling with action and chaos since Angels started to loose their powers, however, now there was this serene silence that Annette could just divulge herself into.
The angel smiled secretly at the comment Prince Skellig threw into the open spaced. Even though he probably resented her and blamed her for the whole situation, it was interesting to note that even they could cooperate and, in a sense, trust each other; not only was she trusting him not to attack and kill her, he trusted that she won't go to her superior and get the twins interrogated. Was this because the heat of the day no longer shone upon them? Or maybe Prince Skellig was simply too weak and tired to resist? Nay, she too wasn't resisting.
Against the thick and dense foliage rocky terrain jutted out from the ground to create a small and dark opening. It blended well with it's surroundings, the cave entrance was laced with ivy climbing on its walls and the rock was stained with a thin la yer of green moss. Although it wasn't in eyesight, Annette heard the faint trickle of water. The angel smiled at her accomplishment and turned to face Prince Skellig, "Well, your Highness," She said evenly though it insinuated sarcasm, "After you."

11:50am Jan 12 2014
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Posts: 1,557
[Good luck with finals!]
The angel glanced over at the demon leaning on him as the fire dog quit growling and began sniffing at him. He held out a hand to the dog, wondering if it would hurt to touch it, since it appeared to be on fire. Fray decided not to risk it. The hell hound kept its distance, and moved over to its master once it decided that he didn't smell like a threat. Fray looked over at Ieroe again. The demon seemed to be tired, which wasn't unexpected. The angel doubted he would be able to walk all the way to the city. Could they fly? No, probably not. With most of Ieroe's energy and strength sucked out, Fray had no interest in risking getting up into the air, only to have Ieroe faint on him or something. He knew that he wasn't strong enough to carry or fly the demon very far, either. So that left walking. Or, more likely, staggering until the caught up with the other two. Speaking of the other angel and demon, where the heck were they? What exactly made them think that separating would be a good idea? Fray doubted they even knew where the city was, which meant either they were walking blindly, or the angel had flown up to see which direction they should go. That would involve abandoning the demon prince turned human for about a minute. Not good. Luckily, Fray could distantly hear them, so they weren't too far away. "Ieroe, we need to get moving before someone finds us," Fray murmured. The dog-thing gave him a cold look, which was ironic being that it was on fire. He wondered if...Kuma could carry Ieroe. Hell hounds were supposed to be strong, right? And since Ieroe was a fire demon, and Kuma was a fire dog, the flames wouldn't hurt him. That would definitely save time... "Do you think your dog could carry you for a bit?" ~~~
After an elongated pause, Akuti turned happy again, which honestly kind of freaked Kyle out. Seriously, how did she keep changing her emotions so quickly? Anger, irritation, joy, amusement... It was like she could just pick and choose how she wanted to act without a single thought, like she just pushed a button and, poof!, that was what she was feeling. Gods, females were weird... Kyle blinked in surprise as Akuti began shooting out questions about his powers. He wanted to growl out 'why they hell do you think I would ever tell you more about my powers,' but her voice held a serious tone that made him held the comment back. He didn't understand why she cared so much about something like this. They were just some stupid powers, so why did they matter? It wasn't like they were amazing or dangerous or anything like that. They were just... His powers, and it was strange to hear someone else act like that wasn't the case. "Um. I don't really know if I was born with them, but I remember I didn't begin using it until I was thirteen. Everything before that was mostly accidents. I guess there are limits, but... Usually it's just because I get tired if I do too much, I guess. It's really easy to control them, I usually have to... tell myself to use my powers, so they don't do things I don't want to. Sometimes they act up, though, but usually it's my fault when they do... And I guess I mess up at times if I'm not paying attention or surprised, as you can see..." He gestured to the dead flower.
3:22pm Jan 12 2014 (last edited on 3:22pm Jan 12 2014)
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Posts: 827
Akuti flinched. The girl wasn't surprised that Kyle felt the way he did though she was caught off guard by his sudden and rather deive feelings. Throughout the time they spent together all she felt from the boy was his hatred towards her and the unwavering annoyance she caused him, however, now he thought she was a mental patient! Well in more or less words. Although, despite the relentless and, probably, inevitable feelings he felt towards her, they weren't the reason she flinched.
Why the hell do you think I would ever tell you more about my powers? Those words pierced her mind sharper than any fragment of feeling she had collected before. Those words made her cringe inside and made her knees weak. They reminded her of her past and the bad memories she tried make disappear. Was this how Kyle felt? Did her words make him want to curl up in a ball and blend in with the shadows? Surely they couldn't have, they were all good(ish) natured and jokes, nothing so serious.
Akuti stood up straight and turned to look at the boy. She couldn't help but stand dumbfound for a few moments trying to gather up pieces of herself that he had easily blew to bits. It wasn't that Kyle hurt her feelings, - well, he did but nothing she couldn't recover from - it was that he caught her off guard when she was being serious. How cruel, she thought as anger started to bubble over the sorrow, burning it to bits. Akuti clenched her fists and her jaw was flexed. All she wanted were answers yet he had to go and think something like that towards her. Couldn't he be more careful with his thoughts? She could hear thoughts or feelings that had to do with her, she was always a step ahead yet he just ran loops around her. Her small body couldn't take the overwhelming emotions that were coursing through her veins and ever nerve in her body; she was going to blow.
The girl opened her mouth to blow off steam but as soon as she did Kyle's voice cut though the air between them. He spoke. He was telling her of his powers. Why? After thinking such cruel things to her, why would he tell her about his powers when he didn't want to? The nudging curiosity settled back in her mind and the anger that had been overflowing now retracted back into her heart.
She listened as he talked and ruled out the differenced between their powers. His powers weaken when he gets tired while her powers make her tired. His is easily controlled while her's is seemingly uncontrollable. She wondered if it was her fault that her powers act up and are uncontrollable. Maybe her mind isn't strong enough to manipulate her powers and tell it what to do. Or maybe she simply lacks the knowledge of the workings of her powers.
Akuti let out a tired sigh once the florist was finished talking, "Geez Kyle, I really don't get you." She sank to the floor and pulled her knees to her chest, gathering her skirt and securing the end of it under her bent knees. The girl rested her chin in the crook her knees made and looked up at the boy. Her dual colored eyes watched him and she wondered if she should reveal the secret she teased him with earlier. He had been too thick-skulled to decipher her intent, but maybe now was as good of a time as ever to tell him. "Your words are so harsh yet what you speak is so gentle and passive." Akuti decided that if he figured out that she had powers, she wouldn't deny it, though reluctantly she would subtlety help him. "You didn't have to tell me about your powers if you didn't want to. You are your own person, you don't have to bend at the whim of others," The girls scoffed and continued, "However, there are nicer ways to tell people off, though I shouldn't be the one to talk." She teased.

3:55pm Jan 21 2014
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Posts: 5,542
Ieroe looked at his dog and then sized him up. Maybe if he could feed the dog more fire he would grow. Then again, that might not work. He shrugged. "I think he might be able to, but you'd have to feed him fire or at least coal. He'll grow." He nodded and leaned against the dog anyways, knowing the dog would try anyways. He sighed and flapped his wings, getting himself to stand up. He sighed heavily and almost fell back over. "I can walk a bit. I'm just tired."
Skellig humphed at her before he walked into the cave, holding his armful of sticks and twigs. Jirou followed soon after with a rather large fish and a smaller animal. It appeared to be what would have been a rabbit had it not almost been stripped of the skin. He appeared very happy.
(Sorry guys... This post really freakin' sucks..... It's not you guys either..)
6:50pm Jan 21 2014
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Posts: 827
Awe, it's okay Ru! I hope everything is okay <3 ~I'll wait till Rabbah post to reply :)
11:16am Jan 26 2014 (last edited on 5:19pm Jan 27 2014)
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Posts: 1,557
[[It's alright Ru. If you're having trouble replying, then just take your time <3 ]]
Oblivious to Akuti's almost-retort, Kyle didn't turn around he heard her sigh and sink down. He blinked, not quite understanding why she was sitting down. What a confusing girl... And how were 'his words harsh?' He had tried to explain things to her, since she had asked in that way. Was he not supposed to tell her what she wanted to know? Was it just some sort of trick question? Kyle didn't know, and he figured the only way he would ever be able to understand was if he asked Akuti. He didn't consider questioning her an option, though, because she could tell him if she choose to, and that even if he did ask, it was doubtful that she would say anything useful.
"I wasn't planning on telling you off," Kyle finally stated, not realizing that Akuti had meant that he had told her off, "but if that was what you were expecting, then the way you regard your fellow humans is more warped than I had originally though." He hesitated, then also sat in the ground, even though there was a chair nearby. "I mean, really. I didn't say anything that mean to you. Not even slightly mean. Or harsh. How could what I said even been considered harsh?"
Kyle stopped talking and looked at Akuti, squinting at her. "Are you hearing words that I'm not saying? Because I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything harsh." Kyle wasn't going to let this go. The girl had said some pretty weird things a few times, seeming to comment on something he hadn't said. It was weird.
Fray didn't have any coal or fire on him; it wasn't a normal thing to carry around. Climbing to his feet, the angel watched as Ieroe attempted to stand. The demon stumbled and nearly toppled over. Fray darted forward and awkwardly caught Ieroe under his arms and kept him up. He pulled the other back to his feet, not letting go once he was standing. "I'm just going to hold onto you for a bit...." he mumbled, rearranging his arms so one was wrapped around Ieroe's waist. "We can just sort of walk like this..."
[[woop it's finished.]]
3:33pm Feb 4 2014
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10:47pm Feb 7 2014
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Posts: 827
No growl or vicious sneer came from Prince Skellig as he entered the dark opening, only a simple humph as he made his way into the cave while Jirou followed close behind. The sight of the demon hound that was seemingly made of ice unnerved her. The familiar seemed to come out of no where with his prey dangling from the tight grip of his jaw. The animal was limp and lifeless in the mouth of the demon hound and the sight made the angel wince a bit, reminding her of the situation she had gotten herself in. Precaution was key though the danger that had surrounded Prince Skellig before was now fading. He was a threat, the enemy, no one in their right mind would begin to trust a demon, let alone a demon lord. If that, indeed was the case, then Annette was slowly but surely starting to go insane.
The angel closed her eyes and took a deep breath, I am only obligated to help this pitiful demon. It is a promise I made on impulse and I must now pay. He is a demon and I am an angel. He is supposed to be the enemy and I the savior. Becoming comfortable around Prince Skellig was the last thing that this angle wanted to do so she repeated those words to herself over and over again, insuring that her heart and mind wouldn't waver without her permission. Annette had never met a fallen angel and the stories that reached her ears were that of legends and rumors though if there was such a way to become a fallen angel she supposed she was only picking herself up just to fall down. Becoming close to Prince Skellig would be her doom and she wouldn't allow that, for she was on a mission to save the world, and she kept telling herself that.
Finally, silver eyes opened and a dull gleam shone through them as she made her way to the mouth of the cave with graceful movements. "Now, how is the Prince of Ice going to make fire?" Annette questioned mockingly as the darkness surrounded her. Although light shone through the cave entrance, what greeted her beyond was nothing but inky shadows. Her heart stopped. Was the darkness always this thick? Did it always touch her with bone-chilling fingers? Annette had never spent too much time in the dark so she wasn't too sure. Her breaths came to her in ragged inhales and uneven exhales. For two centuries she had built up a wall around herself; for two centuries she learned not to show any vulnerability and purge herself from all her weaknesses. It had been so long since she had felt an unreasonable and absurd fear as she was feeling now. She tried to calm herself and steady her breath - such a weakness shouldn't exist in her heart - but it was no use. She needed light but her ridiculous fear had taken her body as a captive and wouldn't release her. Annette could feel the cold sweat above her brow and she could feel the weakness in her knees and the way her lip trembled slightly. Despite her effort to make her voice sound flat and uninterested, it cracked and trembled as she spoke softly, "L-light... Any t-time now."
~~~ "Ah, see, that is your problem, florist. People never plan or mean to do anything. It is the deceitful tongue that hides the truth but it is the mind that glimmers with it. My expectations aren't what is warped here, it is that mind of yours that hides your true feelings. What I expect, Kyle, is ones true intentions, not some lies that are built to protect one from the darkness in the world. The words you speak may not be harsh but the heart that lies behind them is. You may think that you are harmless and cannot harm but that would be considered being blithe and ignorant. Maybe you mean good, maybe your words are spoken in good nature but is that really what you believe? Do you really think that the words you coat so sweetly cannot be unraveled?" Akuti hadn't meant to go off tangent in her retort, but the words couldn't stop flowing from her parted lips. The secret mage hadn't meant to chide the boy so harshly and in all honesty, the words that swirled around the air between them was not meant for the florist, it was meant for all those who have wreaked havoc on her life.
Akuti let out a tired sigh and leveled her dual colored eyes on the boy in front of her. He had joined her on the ground and didn't break eye contact. She wondered if he ever became unnerved by he dual colored eyes like most people did. She wondered what he thought of them, for she new what he though of her. Akuti wanted to desperately ask him but she realized that she would be going off topic and she was already rambling on about something that didn't have to do with the situation they were currently in. With a slow bl ink and a light shake of her head, Akuti took a different approach to this conversation, her voice growing lighter and kinder, "Words: distinct meaningful element of speech. Speech: the ex pression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. Sound: produced by continuous and regular vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person, as opposed to noise." As she recited the definitions, there was pride and honor she felt towards the library that had sheltered her and the books that had taught her the knowledge that now ravished in her mind. "There are more ways than one to communicate."
Akuti saw determination in the boys eyes when he spoke to her and something small, acknowledgement or approval, sparked within her. "So, I don't know, Kyle, am I hearing things?" A mischievous smile played on her face as she annunciated each words and slowed her speech to emphasize the phrase she spoke, "It wasn't my place to ask you about your powers in the first place. Why the hell would I think you would ever tell me more about your powers?" The smile dropped off of the girls face in an instant after she finished mocking him and she stole her gaze away from the boy and rested her forehead against her knees, "Try to guard your mind a little, will you?" She mumbled from her huddled position.
