5:17pm Apr 18 2012
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Two Assassins... both assigned to kill each other, both assigned to die. But a twist turned their faiths around, aiming to kill the REAL and TRUE evil that lurks beyond the shadows, causing chaos and mayhem. Can these two Assassins make it? Or will they both die, drowned in each others blood, and evil take over the world?
((This is a 1x1 RP between dialga2palkia and WolfieBelle only.))
Kira leaned against a rock, cleaning his fingernails with his dagger. A smug grin was upon his face, showing his extended fangs. It was so unfair, he had the advantage over his kill. Not only was he super fast, super strong, charming, and bloodthirsty, but an assassin too? His combat skills surpassed any other, as far as he knew. Being an assassin gave him too much of an advantage.
He heard footsteps behind him, and slowly turned around and saw his boss. He was a man around the age of 50, and had stone grey hair and wore a black stripped business suit. "Mr. Kira Dusha?" the man asked in a cracked voice. Kira stepped off the rock and towards the man, "Who else?" he teased.
His boss's ex pression didn't change, "You have a new assignment. This one will be harder and more challenging than the any of your other assignments."
"Ah, c'mon Mr. Kry, you know I'll have my prey down in a snap. What challenge could anyone possibly bring me?" Kira snickered, licking his fangs hungrily.
Mr. Kry didn't seem amused or touched. "Your next kill will be of another assassin, so watch your back, Mr. Dusha," he warned, before walking off and disappearing into the thick bushes of the Dark Woods. Kira rolled his eyes, 'Still, I have an amazing advantage even over my own kind! This assassin should be a piece of cake!'
He wiped his black bangs out of his face and picked up a picture that Mr. Kry had left. He smiled, 'A delicious, bloody cake.'
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5:54pm Apr 18 2012
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She'd been assigned a new target, and, just like all of her other targets, this one would be dead soon enough. She just had to find out where he was at, figure out what he was, as her boss had warned her that he wasn't human, and kill him quickly and silently. Ari didn't like the bloody, messy jobs that involved getting her hands covered in crimson-colored liquid, but, if it turned out that this 'Kira' character that she'd been assigned to kill was a vampire, she'd have to worry about his hands getting bloody.
Arielle shivered at the thought. Her long, wavy golden hair swished in the wind as she grabbed her signature weapons; several black steel daggers, a small crossbow, and the arrows that went with it. The crossbow fit into her backpack easily, and Ari headed out for the kill. Another kill meant another good paycheck, and, to be honest, she was enjoying her current lifestlyle. She was one of the best at her job, and as she'd been told by others who despised her, she was a bit too ambitious. If only she knew what kind of a hole she was getting into...
She looked in the mirror, staring at the girl in the reflective glass. Her eyes were the color of amber; warm and deceptively beautiful, accented by a few freckles that dotted her equally golden skin.
She left the mirror, not wanting to seem vain, as she was far from that, and looked onto the vast cityscape before her. This would be an easy job, she thought. Now, to find Kira.
Love is all we need~
3:02pm Apr 20 2012
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Screams filled the empty air as blood drained out of his victim. He could feel his prey squirm beneath him, then, laid limp still as he finished sucking out the sweet red juice.
He let go of his victim, and wiped the blood off of his face. A snack before killing his assignment would help him be able to resist going on a rampage at the sight of his target's blood. He had studied the picture of the target long and hard, memorizing every detail that the girl had.
Long golden, wavy hair; amber eyes; freckles; beautiful young girl that can melt a guy's heart away.
He smirked. 'Beauty tames the beast,' he thought. 'But sooner or later, the beast will strike.' He chuckled as he walked over towards the fine, dark oak table that was beside his bed, picking up just a few weapons. Weapons weren't really necessary for a vampire since they have speed, strength, brains, and fangs.
He picked up his long katana sword, some daggers, and a large black handgun that has extremely powerful bullets. He placed the katana in its case in his pocket, the daggers inside his black jacket, and the handgun in his jeans. He looked liked the typical human if you didn't know what he carried.
He stepped onto the balcony outside his window. The sky was getting dark, and the sun sank slowly behind the rolling hills. It was getting late, and late was perfect for assassins and bounty hunters. It helped them, gave them advantages into sneaking and killing. Especially for him, since he is a vampire after all, and nighttime was their time to shine.
"Now, to find this 'Arielle ', whoever and wherever she may be." he muttered to himself. He jumped down from the balcony, and glided to the ground.
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4:30pm Apr 20 2012
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Ari, after searching the city for the male for hours to no avail, sat down on the park bench, watching the dogs and people play before her. It made her angry that none of the people that she'd seen in the area had been him. Maybe he would eventually come to her unintentionally. Arielle sure hoped so.
If he didn't come to her sooner or later, she'd lose her paycheck, and, without a paycheck, she'd end up back on the streets, right where the assassination agency that she worked for found her. She fingered the daggers in the belt strap that was hidden under her hoodie.
Maybe this would be the first job that she ever failed. Arielle frowned at the thought. She had never failed before, and she sure wouldn't fail now, she thought, trying to convince herself of that fact.
Love is all we need~
4:47pm Apr 20 2012
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He traveled form rooftop to rooftop, tree to tree, alley to alley, trying to stay out of sight. Although the streets were almost deserted since it was near dark, his target could be anywhere. His target that was an assassin.
He leaned against a brick wall, next to lamp post that was already glowing bright orange. Across the street was a park, and a few dogs and their trainer played and ran around. Kira sighed, as he took out the picture of his target form his pocket.
He fingered Ari's golden hair in the picture. 'Too bad I have to kill such a beautiful thing...' he thought. He looked at her amber-colored eyes, feeling like it was staring into his. 'Charming... but looks won't stop my mission.'
A strong gust of wind blew the picture out of his hand. He cursed as he tried to catch the darn thing, but the wind was too quick and made it fly out into the park. It got caught around the bench's leg, and fell to the ground as the wind died down. There was a girl at the bench, and she could've probably see it if she looked down.
Kira cursed and climbed to the top of a tree, hiding in its leaves, peering out at the girl. 'What if she recognizes the girl? That would make my job even harder.' he thought worriedly, but then sighed. "What am I talking about?" Kira mumbled to himself. "I'm a vampire, I can kill anyone I want without a strain of worry or guilt. It's my living."
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1:26pm Apr 21 2012
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As a gust of wind blew Arielle's golden hair astray, she felt chill bumps rise on her arms and legs, so she rubbed her arms gently. Her jacket was a bit too thin for her liking. As the wind kept blowing, Arielle felt something flutter gently against her leg. A butterfly, she thought. Her gaze drifted down to where she thought the source of the feeling was. As the wind died down, she saw the paper fall still, landing face-up; on it, she saw a picture.
Her heart stopped. That girl looked just like her. She picked the paper up, and her mind was changed. That girl was her. Arielle felt chills go up and down her spine, and it wasn't because of the wind. Someone was after her. Was this Kira guy trying to tell her that he knew she was after him? Certainly not. As she took in the details of the picture, she felt her blood run cold. This picture was recent. From several days ago, actually. Her hair was styled the same as it was now, and she was wearing the shiny obsidian ring that she always sported around her right hand ring finger.
She turned to inspect her surroundings. Where could this picture have came from? She saw a bit of rustling in a tree, and the startled cry of a bird as it flew out. Arielle, being an expert on animals, knew that there was something in that tree that didn't belong there, according to the bird's cry. Her eyes narrowed at the tree, and she swallowed stiffly.
Deciding not to make any rash decisions, Arielle drifted off into one of the best places she could think of that would be quiet; a place where she could think. She stopped half-way through the alley, and held her hand out for one of the stray dogs to sniff. It woofed happily and nuzzled against her leg. She patted him on the head and leaned against the wall to pull out Kira's picture.
Where was this man? Was he a ghost or something? Almost none of Arielle's jobs had taken this long.
Love is all we need~
3:08pm Apr 21 2012
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"She saw the picture," he cursed. He sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back against the tree. "Well, now that she knows I'm after her, I might as well get this job done tonight." he muttered. A pain of guilt ran through his spine, can he really kill such a innocent, charming, little.... WHAT?!
What was he thinking! That's just what she wants her prey to think! So she can kill them when they turn their back to buy her flowers. Anyway, she was an assassin, so she's not all that innocent.
He climbed out of tree and sighed. He sniffed the air, trying to catch the sent of Ari's blood. He found a faint smell, but it wasn't strong enough. Just enough to remember it well, just enough to get his mouth watering.
Blood, fresh blood, delicious, fresh, juicy blood!
He smiled, getting out a small little blade and holding his arm out. No one was near by, and he couldn't risk invading the assassin's room, just in case she knew he was coming. He sliced his arm, leaving a deep cut. Blood started to gush out, and he slowly raised his arm.
It wouldn't do him any harm. He was drinking his own blood, it will just reenter his veins. The taste of his own blood though, was disgusting. To humans, blood just taste like blood. Vampire or not. But to vampires, that was a different story. Vampire blood tasted rotten, and sour, like spoiled milk.
He spat out his own blood, and blinked. He didn't feed on himself since he was a small child. He rolled his eyes, "I shouldn't be thinking about her in a charming way, and I shouldn't be thinking about how her blood would taste either. She is just one of my victims that I'm suppose to kill and get over with." he growled.
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3:30pm Apr 21 2012
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After a few minutes of thinking and petting the dog's head, she pulled out a bag of ham from her back pocket, emptied it in front of the dog, who gobbled up the meat happily, and placed the empty bag in a nearby trash bin. Arielle's mind was made up.
No breaks, no meals, and no sleep until she found her target, and stopped his breathing. Deciding that it was best to get a boost of energy, she headed out to find a coffee stand. And then she saw him.
He perfectly matched the picture, and, she had to admit, he was attractive. She was so focused on not being seen, she ducked behind a wall, and, seeing as nobody else was around but her target, she drew out one of her daggers. She hadn't even noticed that his arm was bleeding. Though she was used to the feeling of her own daggers cutting her, she still couldn't help but let in a sharp intake of breath as the edge of her dagger gently sliced into her finger, causing a few drops of blood to fall to the ground.
She quickly shook the blood off of her hand, and took a deep breath. Should she kill him now, or wait until afterwards to kill him, when they were even more secluded, and she had an even smaller chance of being caught?
Love is all we need~
6:54pm Apr 21 2012
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Kira smelled fresh blood, blood that wasn't his own. His mouth watered, but then he realized it was her blood he smelled. He smirked, "I'm not that dumb Arielle, my dear." he shouted. "I know you're baiting me."
A dagger was hitting in his jacket sleeve, he was waiting for the right moment. His eyes stared directly into hers, scanning her soul.
He paused, his finger twitched. Her eyes.... so amber... so... such a brilliant amber. Like honey, dripping off of its comb. So thick, so sweet. It was said that the eyes were the path to the soul. It was said that the eyes can tell a lot about a person. It was said the eyes were.... WHO GIVES A CRAP!! He was here on a mission and he was determined to reach his goal.
He took a step forward, but hesitantly. In all the centuries that he had lived, he had never seen a girl as beautiful as this one. He gulped, his mouth and throat going dry. He couldn't feed on her blood, he couldn't kill her. Even making her one of him was... was just a crime. He was going to need to be satisfied with his own blood. 'There's no time limit on when to kill her.' he thought.
He hesitated again, and cut his arm again. He licked the blood off of his arm, then began to suck it out. It tasted horrible. Nothing like human blood.
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7:31pm Apr 21 2012
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Arielle's mouth went agape. What did he mean, baiting him? Her brows furrowed in confusion. She watched him cut himself once more, and place his finger in his mouth. She felt her heart stop.
Those that drank the life of others. The deep, crimson liquid staining their souls with sin, and greed, and death. Eyes colored like blood-lust. Beautiful creatures. Wonderful creatures. Sinful creatures.
He was a vampire.
The realization struck Arielle a bit late, and she moved forward to stop him from drinking his own blood. It must have hurt him or tasted nasty or something. She knew it wasn't normal for vampires to feed on their own blood, and the very thought of someone cutting themselves on purpose made Arielle sick at her stomach. Self-inflicted pain bothered her.
"Stop it. If anyone will make you bleed, it's me. Stop it, Kira." Her face somehow softened, but she remembered that this guy, if she killed him, was worth a lot of money. He was what would fuel her paycheck. But, such a creature as handsome as him didn't deserve to die. No matter how sinful or unnatural it was. She had to kill him, but she knew that she wouldn't. She'd rather die.
Bloodlust-colored eyes. Entrancing eyes. She locked her gaze with Kira's, and she held out her hand, which held a dagger. She flipped her hand over, and allowed the dagger to fall onto the pavement, a clinging sound occuring as the metal hit the concrete. A drop of blood fell to the ground.
What was she doing? Arielle herself didn't know.
((Maybe he should be able to sense that there's some sort of key in her blood. But only if he noms on her. And, there's be a catch to the key-finding stuff; only he can sense that there's a key in her blood, since he has a key in his, too.))
Love is all we need~
7:54am Apr 22 2012
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Posts: 1,910
((sounds good, but what key?))
Kira looked over at her when she dropped the dagger. He was still tasting his own blood, ready to spit it out before he places more vampire poison and kills himself. The drop of blood on the ground was just too tempting, tempting him to just rush over there and give the "Vampire's Kiss."
He lowers his arm and spat the blood out. He couldn't even swallow it, how was he suppose to live on only himself?
He looked at Ari, worry, confusion, and feeling both sparkled in their eyes. He took a step closer, then another, and another. Taking graceful, fast steps to her, until he was exactly in front of her. Shes till opposed a threat with the other weapons she carried, but somehow he knew that she might not use them.
He tilted her head up, looking directly in her eyes. He swallowed hard, hesitating to feed on her blood. Just because he fed, doesn't mean he kills. He'll just take enough so she won't die, and won't become one of him.
He lowered his head down to her neck, nosing the side. He could hear the blood inside her, he could smell it, and he could almost taste it. His hands trembled, he didn't want to feed on her. Anyone, but not her.
He stepped back, letting go of Arielle's neck and stepping back against the wall. It was better if she killed him than if he killed her. "Kill me if you want, the more you live the more I want you." he muttered, dropping all his weapons. Some assassin he turned out to be.
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8:35am Apr 22 2012
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Arielle stilled under Kira's touch, chills going down her spine as she felt his breath on her neck. Was he going to bite her? She honestly couldn't care less about the pain of the bite, but it was making it very hard for her to comprehend the current situation.
When her target stepped away, she was shocked by his words. So he felt it too; this maddening, sick attraction- where it came from, she didn't know where. She heard the clang of his weapons falling onto the ground, and she swallowed stiffly, her cheeks pink from their previous contact.
"So you're just offering yourself up to die? Something's wrong here. I should kill you. You should kill me, or bite me, or do something other than surrender." She somehow managed to spit a few sentences out. "You were assigned to kill me, weren't you, Kira?"
((The key that allows them to stop the assassination agencies, who have banded together now, from completing their goal of world domination.))
Love is all we need~
8:49am Apr 22 2012
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Kira nodded. "You too?" he asked. He felt cold inside, how could he kill such a beauty? It was best if she killed him, so the demon, as he thought of himself, could go to hell. He never felt like this... never in his life. Why was he acting so now?
He was still pretty shaken up, so tempted to bite hard on her, drawing out as much blood as he can. But he had to resist. She needed to paycheck more than he would ever need. He was vampire, they lived forever. Humans, did not.
"C'mon, kill me. I'm not... I can't kill you." he sighed. "You should be feeling very lucky though, I'm a vampire__" it hurts to admit what he was. It was forbidden by the Vampire Code of Law to reveal what you are unless it's absolutely necessary. "_that's an assassin trying to kill you, but is resisting the urge to even lap up a miniature cute... I.. I mean cut."
'Great, Dusha you are in so much trouble! Cute? Really?! ' he thought. He clenched his fists, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.
"You know how hard it is for me, though? You're blood... I have never smelt anything like it. It's strong enough to put even the most tamed Vampires on a rampage for it. And if I was assigned to kill you... that just makes it even harder. I want to kill you, I need to kill you..." Kira growled. "Want to drink you, want to hear you scream in pain, feeling your blood, precious warm blood, slip down your neck and onto my fingers, want to feel you crumble and shudder and break under my grip!"
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8:58am Apr 22 2012
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Arielle nodded understandingly when he admitted as to what he was doing. "I had my suspicions that you were a vampire. I also had a feeling that you'd been assigned to kill me." When he said cute instead of cut, Arielle felt her cheeks redden again, though she tried her best to hide it; however, her struggles were in vain as she heard him start to talk about her blood.
He wanted to kill her, and she was so desperately tempted to let him do so. Her life was short; she was a human, and, if she died, she would get to see her parents again somewhere, she guessed. They would be a bit disappointed that their only daughter had turned to killing for money, but she would be happy just to see them again.
She swallowed stiffly as he finished his last sentence. She gently grabbed his arm. "Something's not right here. You're hungry, and it's basically unheard of for two assassins assigned to kill one another. The agencies are up to something. My superior has been acting strangely towards me, looking at me as if I was already dead."
Love is all we need~
11:32am Apr 22 2012
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Kira nodded, "You too?" he asked. So, she was assigned to kill him, good. "If you're assigned to kill me, just do it all ready. It's time to put this demon to rest." he said. 'Hurry before I give you the freaking kiss!' he thought urgently.
"My boss has been acting strange as well. His blood smells different. But even if it is uncommon for two assassins to kill each other, it has been done before." he said, drumming his fingers on the side of the brick wall. "Especially if one's a vampire and the others a human. It's basically suicide to send a human to fight a demon like me."
Kira sighed and closed his eyes, the smell of her blood was speaking to him now. Telling his instincts to kill, but he tried to hold back with all his might. "Beauty has the most delicate blood," he muttered.
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11:42am Apr 22 2012
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Arielle squeezed his arm tighter. "I'm not going to kill you. I mean, I wish I could, but.... I can't do it. Some part of me won't let me. It's like a dog on a leash, trying to lash out at a squirrel. No matter how hard the poor beast tugs, it's not going to kill it." She bit her bottom lip.
"I'm going to look into this. There's been a lot of strange goings on at the base." Her amber eyes stared into his. "Listen. You've got to take this into consideration. It's been a long time since two assassins have been assigned to kill eachother. I think they're trying to get rid of us." She pleaded with him to not just see the obvious, but look behind the walls that tried to hide things.
Love is all we need~
11:46am Apr 22 2012
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Kira stared into her eyes. He bit his bottom lip, "Can... can I help you?" he asked calmly. "If we're not going to kill each other, then... we should get to know each other and things. Stop whatever you think is going on with our agencies." he explained.
He liked the pressure that she was putting on his arm. It felt good to him, and he looked down at it once more, smiling.
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12:06pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle pointed her bleeding finger at Kira. "We're not going to kill eachother. I quit this assignment right now. From now on, I'm not going to kill anyone unless they plan on doing something really bad." Her eyes flashed with anger.
She let her anger fade, and furrowed her brows when he asked if he could help. "Sure, I guess. I'll take all the help I can get."
Love is all we need~
12:14pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira nodded and smiled. "And as for me, I won't let anything hurt you. I won't let anything touch you. Just think of me as a body guard, and if you don't like that, then just think of me as an extra you." he smiled. He reached out and placed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, then stepped back.
"We should get moving," he said. "If our agencies are going to get rid of us, then the FBI will surely be involved, studying our profiles long and hard. We need to find some place safe to stay while we plan on what to do. We can't go back to each others houses, our agencies know where we live, at least where I live."
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12:24pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle felt her cheeks redden when he moved a strand of her hair from her face. She was flattered that he was going to protect her, but a girl like her didn't need much protecting. Although, it made her feel much, much better that she wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt so long as Kira was with her, as he said.
"Yeah.... They know where I live, too. So, basically, I guess we're on the run now. I say we find some cheap place to stay and change places every night during the investigation."
Love is all we need~