5:26pm May 12 2012
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After the last attack, Cinccino fell over, knocked out from both the burn and hex. Touko's mouth was open. This was unheard of for her to lose. She'd rarely lost a battle, and she'd never once lost a battle to her rival, N, in the past. Either they were equally matched and they parted ways, or she won by a hair.
Now, the tables were turned. Her dear pokemon had fainted.
"Cinccino!" Touko ran to the field, picking up her pokemon in her arms. She looked up at N. Though she had several other pokemon that she could have used, she knew that they were no match for N's pokemon now. He'd gotten stronger since she'd last seen him, and she just realized that.
"You win. I forfeit. No more of my pokemon will battle you. Name what you'd like me to do." She looked down at her feet, and then at Cinccino. She called the scarf pokemon back into its pokeball, and sighed, a bit surprised at her defeat.
Love is all we need~
5:29pm May 12 2012
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"But the battle's not over yet. Are you sure..." N asked. He bit his lip, he wanted to do something with her, but she would hate him forever. And plus.... Zekrom would electrocute him to a crisp if he ever touched her. N looked away, calling back Litwick into it's poke'ball. He wasn't ready... he didn't know what to do.
"No... you name what you would like me to do... I... I'm afraid to do the decision I made."
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5:37pm May 12 2012
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Touko crossed her arms, placing the pokeball back into her bag. "I told you that I would do what you wanted me to. Name what I must do. I will do it." Her stare was blank, and her legs were straightened. She still had a defensive glance towards him. She noticed that her head was beginning to ache, so she peeled off her signature hat.
What Touko did next was unexpected. She pulled her hair out from its constant ponytail, and let her wavy brown hair flutter about her waist as it fell. Now that she knew he was stronger than her, she admired him a bit more. Of course, that also encouraged her to become stronger than him now, so she would be testing her strength and willpower against him more often.
Love is all we need~
5:53pm May 12 2012
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N swallowed deeply as he watched her hair fall. He bit his lip even harder. "Please... I think you would be even madder at me if... if I did this... so... you pick." he stuttered, color flushing to his cheeks. "I really can't do this... And well, not seeing you in a long time and you getting very upset about my absence... I think it should only be fair if you commanded me to do something." he sighed.
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6:02pm May 12 2012
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Touko clenched her fists. How did he know that she had been upset about N being gone? She sure as hell didn't remember telling him. Regardless of whether or not he knew, Touko decided to act like she was offended by what he said. However, her red cheeks contradicted with what she was about to say, and so did her shaking legs and akwardly-moving arms.
"Why would you ever think that I missed you! You.... you insolent being!" She clenched her fists even more, feeling her fingernails push into her palms. "I.... I never, ever missed you! Now, we made a deal at the beginning of the battle. Whoever won got to decided what the loser did. I lost, and you decide. I do not back out on what I say. Now, state what you'd like me to do!" She was breathing heavily now, a bit flustered from her speech.
Love is all we need~
6:06pm May 12 2012 (last edited on 6:07pm May 12 2012)
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N stared at her. "I didn't say that you missed me. I said you were upset, meaning you were mad..." he said. 'With that kind of outbreak, how am I suppose to tell whether or not she is telling the truth or not?' he thought. He studied her trembling figure for a few moments, then sighed. "No, you'll be mad at me. I don't want you to be angrier with me than what you already are, love.... I mean! Touko...." he swallowed hard.
He turned his back to her again, and sat down on the grass. He kept cursing under his breath, "Damn! How pathetic of me to have a slip out like that! Gosh... Damn it!"
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6:12pm May 12 2012
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Touko got even more tremulous after N's slip-up. She was then a bit sad at how he just turned away. What happened to the fiery N that was just arguing with her? She bit her lip, and moved forward.
She reached N in little to no time, given that she'd actually jogged a little. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and allowed the sensitive, softer side of herself to show for a moment before it disappeared again. She clenched his shoulder, but not hard enough for it to hurt.
"Just say what you'd like me to do. The worst thing I could do is not to do it." She had to keep the tenderness out of her voice.
Love is all we need~
6:18pm May 12 2012
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N tensed up, but then mumbled something. It was too low to hear though, which he was grateful that it didn't reach her ears. His cheeks turned redder as he started to panic. If he told her directly, she would definitely snap! What was he suppose to do? He was slowly admitting to himself that he liked her, but how much, and did she like him at all? 'I need Reshiram here, he'll know what to do.' he thought.
And, though as if it could read his mind, Reshiram flew down in front of his Master. "Reshiii!"
'Master, I heard a battle. Is everything alright?'
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6:26pm May 12 2012
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Zekrom was on Reshiram's heels, and landed slightly behind his mistress. Zekrom's sudden landing sent Touko's hair flying upwards, and she turned away from N. She wrapped her arms clingily around her black pokemon's black chest, but they didn't even make it half-way around the pokemon's massive torso.
Touko had given up. Fine. If N was too much of a coward, she thought, to tell her a simple command, then she'd just ignore him. She sighed in unison with her pokemon.
Mistress's cheeks are warm, Reshiram. Do you think that they made any progress? Zekrom asked, eyes boring into his other half's. She smells of anger and love- a potent combination.
Love is all we need~
6:35pm May 12 2012
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Reshiram looked into Zekrom's eyes. "My Master is as well, and love, but he is also frightened. My guess is no, they have not made much progress, but some."
N looked up at his vast white pokemon, "What do you mean, progress?" he asked. Reshiram gave him a look, then shook his head. "Master might be upset with me if he found out what my rival and I are doing..." N tilted his head, "Is that the truth?" Reshiram nodded.
N looked at Zekrom, then at Reshiram, Zekrom, then at Reshiram, then finally smiled. "Way to go Reshiram..." he laughed. Reshiram's cheeks went red as he glared down at his master, "No, no, no! Not like that... give me some slack, Master! He is... he is my other side. I ... I have no feelings for him in that sort of way! No, no, no! Nothing, nothing like that!" Reshiram roared, cheeks still filled with a blushing color. He walked away from his master, backed turned to them, even Zekrom.
N busted up laughing, "I was just teasing Reshiram!" he laughed, his mouth turning into a full hearten smile. Reshiram snorted, cheeks still burning up. "Reshi..."
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6:41pm May 12 2012
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Zekrom burst into a fit of laughter, which only seemed like snorts and roars, which seemed a bit strange for such a scary-looking pokemon; however, the grin upon his face gave some hint to Touko as to what was happening. He had heard the whole conversation, and he wasn't embarassed by it at all. He was in a neutral area with his rival now. Not liking him or hating him.
Touko's brows furrowed when she was shaken by the tremulous movements of the chest of Zekrom, who was in full-blown laughter. She released her grip on him, and sighed. "What's going on?"
Love is all we need~
6:43pm May 12 2012
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N couldn't stop laughing, "I teased Reshiram about him loving Zekrom," he breathed. Reshiram snorted, "Reshi..." "I don't love him! What on Earth gave you that idea?" Reshiram looked away, getting even more embarrassed now that even Zekrom was laughing.
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7:02pm May 12 2012
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Just like I'm teasing you for loving my mistress, Zekrom piped in, stopping his fit of laughter. He smiled at Reshiram. Stop blushing, Reshiram. He'll just tease you more.
Touko laughed, also. She was still awfully curious about what N was going to tell her to do. It would bother her in her sleep until she finally figured it out, which would likely never happen, she guessed. "Don't tease your pokemon, N. That's not nice." She ceased her laughter shortly afterward.
Love is all we need~
7:11pm May 12 2012
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N slowly stopped laughing, "Yeah, okay... sorry Reshiram." he smiled. Reshiram turned to his master, "Resh..." "It is fine, Master. But I will get payback. That will be the truth." Reshiram seemed to smile.
N nodded, then looked at Touko, and remembered why he needed Reshiram. "Reshiram, I need you advice. Your truth. Mkay?" he asked. Reshiram nodded, then picked N up onto his neck. "We won't go far, trust me. Only over there, Reshiram and I need to talk alone." N nodded.
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7:17pm May 12 2012
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Touko sighed, and rolled her eyes. "Go on. Hurry up, though. I feel nervous being left in the woods alone." She fidgeted with her legs a bit, dusting off her shorts. She said, "While you're gone, I'm changing into my sleeping clothes. Don't be a peeping tom." Touko was dead serious, but she allowed a smirk to be displayed on her face.
She reached into her bag, pulled out a silky, mid-thigh length night gown, and looked back to N, waiting for him to leave.
Love is all we need~
7:36pm May 12 2012
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N nodded, then flew away with Reshiram. "Reshi," "What is it that you need, Master?" he asked. "I need your advice, and I expect you to speak the truth, and nothing but the truth." "Of course, I am the being of Truth, but in exchange of any valuable knowledge from me, you have to speak Truth as well." "Fine, fine," N said hastily.
He hesitated for a moment, "How can a guy get a date with a girl?" he asked. Reshiram blinked, "You are asking a pokemon about a human problem?" N sighed, "It's urgent, and I am certain already that you and Zekrom can sense my love for her?" Reshiram did not reply, but instead was thinking on what to say to his master. How can he help him when he is a pokemon? Pokemon have breeding rituals, while humans... don't.
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7:42pm May 12 2012
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Touko was stripped down to her undergarments and was half-way through with putting on her night clothes when she felt Zekrom's cold, dragon nose nudge her back. He'd seen her tiny scar again. Though the scar was minor, the black pokemon still felt bad about being the one to deliver the blow that caused the scar.
The first time they'd met, Zekrom had battled her, and one of his attacks had gotten out of whack. The move had veered off course and struck Touko in the back like a boomerang.
"Stop it, Zekrom," Touko said, sighing. "Stop worrying about it. You're my pokemon, and you've never caused me any pain other than that one time, alright?" She finished getting dressed and stroked the spot between her pokemon's eyes. Zekrom calmed, and left the subject of her scar alone.
"I wonder what they're talking about," Touko said, scratching the edge of Zekrom's wing, which caused the pokemon to sigh.
Love is all we need~
7:27am May 13 2012
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Reshiram titled his head, "Well, let her gain your trust and get use to you I suppose. Even Pokemon try to gain their lover's attention in an friendly but affectionate way." He looked up at Zekrom, a slight blush still left in his cheeks, then looked back down to N, "Though sometimes we are afraid to do so."
N nodded, "Yes, but...I don't know what I should do. She is still expecting me to give her a simple command, but I am afraid." "And what is it that you plan to do with her, Master?"
"A kiss."
Reshiram blinked, "That would be too early. Even pokemon have to take their time, ride things slow." N nodded, "I know, but... she's looks and sounds so lovely, like an angel. My personal angel. What do you suggest?" he asked. Reshiram huffed, not even needing to think, "Take it in steps. Laugh with her, spend some time with her, take her out for dinner. Slowly reveal that you love her. If it's done too quickly, it could ruin everything." Once again, Reshiram looked up at Zekrom.
N followed his gaze, "I'm not the only one in love, am I?" he smiled. Rehsiram turned his head, "No."
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7:39am May 13 2012
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Touko's gown fluttered around her waist as a light breeze disrupted the clearing that she and Zekrom were in. She was beginning to feel a bit scared now. The wild pokemon around were getting restless, and Touko was terrified of the dark.
The only thing that kept her from being full-blown terrified at that moment was the light of the moon, and Zekrom's presence. She knew that as long as her pokemon was beside her, nothing would harm her. She heard the howl of a pokemon in the distance, and she stilled.
Zekrom chuckled lightly at his mistress's fear. He moved closer to her, and allowed her to get her feet back on the ground. He put his head beside hers and aligned their cheeks so that maybe she would feel safer.
Love is all we need~
7:48am May 13 2012
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N and Reshiram returned. N stared at her, color returning back to his cheeks again. She looked beautiful, especially when the breeze made her gown ripple in the dark air. She looked like a Goddess, a beautiful Goddess that will remain in his memory forever.
He swallowed, hearing his Pokemon laugh. "Looks who's in love now!" he laughed. "N and Touko, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Oh, what love birds you two would make! Ha ha!" Reshiram snorted with laughter. "N is sooo in love with Touko!"
N turned to his Pokemon, "Like you are with Zekrom?" he smiled. Reshiram paused, blushed, and looked away. "And you can't lie about it either, you have to tell the Truth since you are the Being of Truth." N laughed. "Reshiram..."
"Why are humans so good at making comebacks?"
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