9:09am May 13 2012
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Touko turned to face Reshiram and N, her eyes wide. She found herself running towards the two of them, her eyes wide with a smidgen of fear from the dark and the pokemon roaming the darkness.
She stopped only a foot away from N, her head angled up so that she looked into his eyes. "Where do you stay in this forest?" She grabbed the hem of her gown, and draped her hair over one shoulder to try and make it seem like she wasn't scared, but it just looked like she was fidgeting- a hint that she really was scared.
"I mean, I don't like staying outside at night."
Zekrom looked to Reshiram, a bit curious as to why his other half's cheeks were red.
Love is all we need~
9:20am May 13 2012
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N paused, looking away from Touko. "Um... anywhere... really. I'm trying to get as far away from Team Plasma as I can." he sighed. Reshiram's cheeks went to their original color, "Reshi," "Yup, he's a hobo..." he joked. N glared up at him, "No, I'm not a hobo. I'm a.... um... run away I guess..." Reshiram huffed, "What ever."
N sighed, "If you want we can go pack to town and rent out a room." he told Touko. Reshiram smiled, "Rent out a room so you can smooch all night." he laughed again. "Oh really? What about you and Zekrom? Flying out in the moonlit sky, flying to Paris and resting against the Eiffel Tower and have such a romantic night." N nodded. Reshiram huffed again, "Stop making comebacks like that... It's not gonna happen." "No, but you wish it did." N nudged Reshiram in the side with his elbow. Reshiram turned his head away, blush returning to his cheeks once again.
N patted Reshiram and stroked his snout, "It's okay, pal." he smiled.
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2:33pm May 13 2012
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Touko simply did not know what was going on. She just threw her hands in the air and said, "I'll just stay anywhere other than out in the open. For all I care, so long as Zekrom guards it, we could stay in a tent. Just not out here." She sighed.
Now it was Zekrom's turn to blush, but it was only slightly visible, due to how dark he was. He snorted, and rolled his eyes at N and Reshiram. It was no wonder that his mistress was angry with him. N was her match- her other half. They were polar opposites, just like he and Reshiram were.
Zekrom had figured it out.
Love is all we need~
2:58pm May 13 2012
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N sighed, "I don't have a tent. I usually spend the night with my Pokemon. They help keep me warm and I help keep them warm." he said. He stroked Reshiram, noticing Zekrom looking at him. He smiled, 'But whatever we may do, Reshiram and Zekrom will have some hell of a time, aren't they?' he thought.
Reshiram tilted his head. "Reshi reshi," "Where shall be go then, Touko?"
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3:17pm May 13 2012
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Touko thought it over for a moment, and shivered slightly. "Let's go to the nearest pokemon center and spend the night there. The rooms are free, and they hold more than one person." She licked her lips, and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.
Climbing up onto Zekrom, she looked to see if N would also mount his pokemon.
Love is all we need~
3:29pm May 13 2012
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N hesitated, then hopped on Reshiram's neck. "Let's go," he agreed. Reshiram looked at Zekrom, then flew off towards Nimbasa City. N enjoyed Nimbasa city, his favorite moments that he remembered there was the Ferris Wheel, where he rode on it with Touko. The sights were amazing, but Touko looked so beautiful with the sun shining behind her, and nothing but sky. Her hair had glistened like sparkling honey, even though her eyes showed confusion, but enjoyment. He wondered if they would get another moment like that.
In the mean while, for some reason, Reshiram sang. "Reshi Reshiiii!"
"Dance with me, We can dance forever. Together in the sky, With the moon shining with us.
With skin so black as the night, It dazzles and glistens, And I am dazed by such beauty. With eyes as red as a rose, Such a fine color, Such a fine glow. You never cease to amaze me.
Together, Forever, Like we once was. Should we unite again, And live eternity? Or shall we continue to hate and despise each other, Not knowing our true selves? I love you, You love me, So let us sing, And dance, For eternity."
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3:42pm May 13 2012
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Zekrom, hearing Reshiram's song, moved forward to join his other half in singing the last few lines of the song. He then looked over to the vast white pokemon, smiling when he saw the pokemon's blue eyes. He could feel how Touko tensed up being so close to N.
Touko watched as N's hair fluttered behind him, and she felt herself blush. Why did he have to look like a god, making her blush if she snuck even a minor glance at him.
Love is all we need~
3:59pm May 13 2012
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Reshiram glanced at Zekrom and blushed. Yet he continued to sing, "Reshii, Resh Reshiram,"
"Now that you are right next to me, My feelings I have to hide. Until I know how you truly feel. Although I am gaining more confidence, With every flap of a wing.
I enjoy the way you move, They way you dance, Sing, and fly. You're like a black angel Pokemon sent from Arceus, To bless and watch over me. Though we might've been enemies in the past, Nothing surpass, My love for you.
So you must understand, That we must be...
Together, Forever, Like we once was. Should we unite again, And live eternity? Or shall we continue to hate and despise each other, Not knowing our true selves? I love you, You love me, So let's sing, And Dance, For eternity."
N listened to Reshiram sing, casting a glance at Touko. Could Reshiram be singing about Zekrom, or be singing to tease him about his love her her? Touko was like an angel, sent from- Arceus?- all well, she had to come from some where. And yes, they were enemies in the past, but nothing can break his love for her. Not even if she admits she doesn't love him, he'll still love her.
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4:10pm May 13 2012
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Zekrom decided to just listen to the remainder of Reshiram's song. He didn't blush or turn away, but he listened. Reshiram's voice was heavenly, and he found himself slowly beginning to understand his other half for the first time. His heart soared.
Touko then smiled as the lights of Nimbasa city came into view. They were still miles away, but they were visible. She peered over to N, and genuinely smiled at him for the first time.
Love is all we need~
4:28pm May 13 2012
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N blushed at Touko, she was actually smiling at him! He couldn't believe it. The first time he ever saw her smile, and it only made her seem prettier. He smiled back, kindheartedly.
Reshiram looked over at Zekrom, blush on his cheeks. "Reshi," "Um, hello, Zekrom." He smiled at his other half, hoping that Zekrom didn't really understand his song.
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7:19pm May 13 2012
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Zekrom smiled back at Reshiram, and let out a huff to adjust to the altitude. His red eyes showed that he didn't understand Reshiram's song. He, however, noticed the blush and tenderly nudged the white pokemon with the edge of his wing.
Touko didn't expect N to smile back at her, so her cheeks were filled with color. She looked down and held down her gown as Zekrom descended into a vacant lot in Nimbasa city. She disjointed her pokemon and looked at N.
Love is all we need~
2:39pm May 15 2012
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Reshiram blushed like crazy when Zekrom nudged him. He smiled and landed on the ground net to him, letting N dismount. "So here we are, not far from here is the Pokemon Center." N sighed, pulling out a poke'ball and staring up at his pokemon. "Reshi!"
"Goodnight Master. And remember, the truth is always in your favor. Good luck with the girl,"
N nodded and zapped his pokemon in the small round device. "Let's go,"
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4:27pm May 15 2012
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Zekrom let out a final roar as he was called into the red and white ball in Touko's hand. She looked at her reflection in the shiny surface, taking in her blue eyes, pale skin, and wavy brown hair. She wondered if Cinccino would be well enough to be released out of her pokeball. She couldn't sleep without the warmth of the pokemon's soft fur around her.
N's command tore her from her daze. She nodded, and walked towards the nearest pokemon center, the neon sign clearly visible.
Love is all we need~
4:30pm May 15 2012
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N led her to the Pokemon Center and let her in first. The building was brightly lit, with Pokemon, people, and Trainers everywhere. Some of them didn't look too friendly, almost evil, which reminded N of his previous years in Team Plasma. He knew there were still ungrateful trainers out there who use Pokemon for no good, but he must seek those first instead of judging everybody. Touko had taught him that.
He sighed and took a seat on a cushioned bench that wrapped around a large plant.
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4:38pm May 15 2012
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Touko sat beside N, making sure to stay a ways apart from him, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable, or to risk blushing in public from physical contact.
She could feel eyes on her from the trainers around, and took a deep breath, letting it out in a rush of exhalation. The pokemon all seemed to be at ease, and there was soft chattering here and there. Her eyes closed, and she bit her lip.
Love is all we need~
4:48pm May 15 2012
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N looked at her, smiled, then looked away. This place did seem to be quite peaceful, but he wasn't usually the one to stay in these kind of places. Habit, of course. He usually healed his pokemon himself, using berries, healing herbs, and special treatment that Ghestsis had taught him. Using machines to heal a pokemon just seemed.... wrong. So many things could go wrong with machines, and using them on pokemon was just evil. It could release some sort of poisonous chemical that couldn't be seen from both the human and pokemon eyes, releasing it into a Emogla's cheek pouch could do much harm. Or what about the X-rays? If the rays can harm humans, it could surely harm even a Durant.
N knew, though, that Touko had to have a place to stay for the night. So he could at least be in this building for her. Here, she could rest easy and relax. She doesn't have to worry about her Cinccino getting taken away by Team Plasma, at least not yet for what N is sure about. He watched her close her eyes, and he leaned back and did the same.
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5:01pm May 15 2012
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Touko was jumped when an overly-happy voice of a nurse shook her from her half-sleep.
"You two must need a room, huh? Just follow me and I'll lead you to an open one," the nurse said, and Touko nodded.
She rose from her seat, smoothing down her gown, and wrapped her hand around N's bicep. She squeezed it and shook him slightly. "Get up, N. We're going to the room," she said, yawning. She didn't even feel like walking- that's how tired she was.
However, she forced herself to drag her feet and follow the nurse, hoping that N would follow.
Love is all we need~
5:09pm May 15 2012
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N grunted, "What room?" he asked, following her and the nurse. The nurse lead them to a back room with four separate beds. The tiny lamp that rested on one of the bedside tables was clicked on, casting a dim glow over the room.
N sighed and sat down on one of the beds. "Oh, you look familiar. Haven't I seen you before, with those... um... who were they... Team Plazma?" The nurse asked, tilting her head. N looked up at her, panic in his eyes. "Um, yes... yes you did... um.. now please go away." The nurse nodded and exit out of the room.
N kicked off his shows and laid back against the nice blankets, placing his hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. "Do you stay in Pokemon Centers often?" he asked Touko, showing her a small smile.
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5:12pm May 15 2012
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Touko looked at her pokeball, and decided to give Cinccino another night of rest as she got into her bed. She preferred to just let her pokemon rest things off instead of actually allowing pokemon centers to treat them. She hated hospitals, so she knew that her pokemon must not be very comfortable around complete strangers.
She looked over to N. "Yeah. I stay in them a lot of the time. I can't stay outside, because I'm scared, and tents are bulky." She bit her lip, hoping that she would be able to catch some sleep without Cinccino at her side.
Love is all we need~
5:17pm May 15 2012
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N caught her uneasiness. "Need anything? I can... I can help you. If you need anyone to sleep with ... um.. I can do it." He asked her, blush appearing on his cheeks. It sounded so weird to ask a girl that, especially if they liked you or if you liked them. But he wanted her to rest easy. It probably took a lot of her energy out to day screaming at him. He remembered her slapping him across the cheek. It still felt warm and sore.
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