5:22pm May 15 2012
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Touko felt her cheeks turn red, warmth spreading throughout her entire face. How had N known? She visibly tensed up, and began to reject his offer. However, she realzied just how tired she was, and she bit her lip.
"I swear to god, if you try to pull any funny stuff, N, I'll kick you onto the floor." She pointed her finger at him, rolled over onto one side of the bed, and patted the empty space beside her. "This is for one night while Cinccino is resting."
Love is all we need~
5:28pm May 15 2012
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N nodded and laid down beside her. "I wouldn't dream of it..." he replied. He heard Reshiram's voice nagging at him in the back of his mind, like an annoying fly buzzing around his ear. "That wasn't the truth, Master. You can't lie to a girl and expect a relationship." 'No, but if I do tell her that I want to snuggle a bit with her, she'll freaking kill me, Reshiram!' he thought.
He sighed and pulled the covers over Touko and himself, trying to keep them both warm for the night.
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5:37pm May 15 2012
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Feeling N's warmth in the bed made Touko even more drowsy. She adjusted herself so that she was facing the green-haired boy, who was a good two heads taller than her, and she slowly fell asleep.
In her sleep, she felt cold seeping towards her from not being close enough to N, so she sub-consciously moved closer to him, resting her head on his chest.
Love is all we need~
5:46pm May 15 2012
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N wasn't asleep yet, and tensed up when she laid her head on his chest. But he soon relaxed and a wide grin crept across his face. He gently stroked the side of her head, enjoying the warmth that they were supplying each other with. He took his cap off with his other hand and laid his face close to the top of her head, secretly kissing the top of it gently. He smiled, but soon drowsiness had caught him and he drifted to sleep as well.
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5:51pm May 15 2012
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Ooc:// Timeskip to morning.
Touko woke up far too close to N than she'd remembered falling asleep in. She yelped, and scrambled backwards away from the green boy, immediately regretting it as his warmth left her. She had hit her head on the floor, and she rubbed it sorely.
She'd actually had her arms wrapped around him. When had that happened? She didn't remember embracing N before she fell asleep. She didn't even remember getting within a few inches of him. Whether it was her own fault, or his, she didn't know, so she just kept her mouth shut, and her eyes wide.
Love is all we need~
5:59pm May 15 2012
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N didn't wake up, but turned his head the other way when she crashed out of the bed. The crash wasn't that loud to wake anyone, but just a stir. But what did wake him was the sudden chill and coldness. He opened his eyes, trying to feel for Touko, but she wasn't there. He sat up, scanning the other beds until he saw her on the floor.
"Well what are you doing down there?" he smiled at her.
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6:06pm May 15 2012
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Touko's blue eyes drifted up to meet N's green ones. "We.... I was.... You pervert! You tried to pull something on me, didn't you?" Touko stood to her feet, feeling a bit sorry for N. If she continued trying to explain herself, she would only embarass herself. However, if she yelled at N, she would be able to avoid embarassing herself.
She stood there, chest moving up and down with each breath she took, fists clenched, but the blush on her face and the slightly soft look in her eyes hinted that she wasn't really angry, and that she was just yelling to save herself.
"I told you that I would kick you out of the bed if that ever happened!"
Love is all we need~
7:56pm May 15 2012
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Posts: 1,910
((i will be not on for a few days cuz im gonna be camping. cya! ill post as soon as i can when i get back))
N stared at her, "But I didn't do anything! I swear! Why would I do anything to you? I wouldn't want to ever, ever hurt you!" he shouted. He frowend deeply, closed his eyes and got out of bed,.
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8:03pm May 15 2012
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Touko, a bit surprised by how he didn't realize that she was just yelling to keep herself from being embarassed, just pursed her lips together. She swallowed stiffly, stretched like a cat, and yawned.
"It's too early to be doing that much yelling. I'm sorry. I just got really... surprised when I woke up with my face against your chest." She sighed, and bit her lip. "Forgive me."
Love is all we need~
1:31pm May 18 2012
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N sighed, remembering hthat he kissed the top of her head last night. "Um, it's fine..." he said before getting off of the bed to stretch. He placed the cap on his head and stared at his poke'balls -Reshiram's particularly.
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5:07pm May 18 2012
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Touko sighed and lightly scratched her head. She moved to the other side of the room, and turned to N. "Don't look over here. I'm changing." She tossed her gown into her bag as she peeled it off of her slim body. She put on the other pair of clothes and pulled her hair back into its usual ponytail, finishing off the look with her signature cap.
Love is all we need~
5:18pm May 18 2012
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Posts: 1,910
N was almost asleep by the time she finished getting dressed. His body ached for some reason, like he was on fire. His mind was tired, and his eyelids seem to droop down every second. His cheeks and nose were red, and his body felt hot. He turned his head and closed his eyes.
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6:40pm May 18 2012
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Touko's eyes were filled with worry as she looked over at her companion. To her, he looked sick. She could see his face and nose was red, and her brows furrowed. She walked over to his side of the bed and lightly placed her hand on his forehead. Sure enough, he was burning up.
"N! Arceus, you're warm!" She ran her hand down to his neck to make sure that it wasn't just his forehead that was hot. Sure enough, N's neck was even warmer. "I think you're sick..."
Love is all we need~
6:40pm May 18 2012 (last edited on 6:43pm May 18 2012)
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Double post.
Love is all we need~
6:51pm May 18 2012
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N looked at her, "Why would I be sick?" he asked. He had no flu, he had no cold, what could cause him to be sick? He looked over at Reshiram's ball, then at Touko.
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6:57pm May 18 2012
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Touko shook her head. She pulled out Cinccino's pokeball and stared at it for a moment before deciding to give her pokemon a few mor hours of rest. She sat down beside N and bit her lip. "I don't know why you would be sick, but you're really hot." Touko realized what she had said and she blushed. "I didn't mean it like that! Your temperature is too high."
Love is all we need~
7:14pm May 18 2012
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Posts: 1,910
N held back a smile and a laugh. 'You're really hot too,' he thought. He closed his eyes and cleared his throat. "But we have to keep moving... Team Plasma is still out there, and Ghetsis is still looking for me. You still have to complete your Pokemon Journey, no?" he asked.
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8:51pm May 18 2012
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Touko pursed her lips together and thought a moment. Her blue eyes stilled on the roof, and the brown-haired girl sighed. She swallowed a lump in her throat, and placed a gentle, small hand on N's shoulder. "Whatever journey lies ahead can wait until I'm sure you're well again, and you're not getting out of that bed until your fever goes down." She punted her index finger at him for extra emphasis.
Love is all we need~
9:35pm May 18 2012
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Posts: 1,910
N frowned, but didn't put up a fight with her. He felt too weak to, too warm. He buried himself under the blanket just a little bit. He wanted to hold her hand, but that would only spread whatever it is her had.
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8:55pm May 20 2012
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Touko, being naturally maternal in nature, reached out with her left hand to gently trace circles on N's back, which was under the covers, with her index finger. She sighed, and said, "Don't try to get up. I won't leave. I promise." She did something unexpected. She reached up from where her hand rested on his back and stroked his green hair gently.
Love is all we need~