2:51pm May 21 2012
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N smiled, the strokes felt so good. He closed his eyes, relaxed by Touko's touch. "I love you..." he murmured, but it was so low that he could barely hear it himself. He started to breath evenly again, but he still felt weak. 'I am so glad she still chooses to be with me. I would never leave her, even if she hates my guts to death!' he thought.
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5:39pm May 21 2012
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Touko smiled as she felt N relax, and she was pleasantly aware of the warmth that was travelling up her hand and to her face. She'd blushed, her cheeks now bright red.
She felt Zekrom's pokeball vibrate in her pocket, and she tensed up a bit, curious as to what was going on inside of the pokemon's red and white ball. She shook her head and dedicated her attention back to N as she layed down beside him, and ran her fingers through his hair some more.
His hair was so soft, like Cinccino's fur, she thought. And it was such a pretty shade of jade green that matched N's eyes perfectly. She bit her lip, and tried to shake away the feelings that were making her heart beat rapidly.
Love is all we need~
7:08pm May 21 2012
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It just felt so good, Touko can make N feel like he's in heaven any day! He smiled, his hand slipping from under the blanket,holding on to Touko's other hand. More warmth and comfort surged through him as he held on to her smooth, silky skin. His cheeks went redder as he tried to hide his excitement.
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7:22pm May 21 2012
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Touko blushed when she felt N's hand wrap around her free hand. She stilled, squeezed his hand, and let out the breath that she didn't know she had been holding. She removed her hand from N's hair, and rolled over, so that she wasn't facing N. Her back was to his face now.
Her blue eyes searched the wall as she sighed.
Love is all we need~
9:02pm May 21 2012
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N opened his eyes when she stopped stroking his hair. He looked at her, blushing even harder when she squeezed his hand. But was she okay with them gripping onto each others hand? "Are...are you comfortable with this? Do you wish for me to let go?" he asked her.
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9:16pm May 21 2012
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Touko grinned. "You're sick. I'm just comforting you, idiot." The tone of her voice wasn't serious, given that she didn't just want to comfort him. She wanted to be able to be close to him- that was all. And if being close to him meant comforting him, Touko was happy to oblige.
She sighed, and rolled over, running her fingers through his hair again. She closed her eyes, and allowed N's excessive warmth to lull her into a relaxed state. She wasn't going to sleep, though. She would stay awake to make sure that N would be alright.
Love is all we need~
7:16pm May 22 2012
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N sighed, relaxed once again by Touko's touch. He squeezed her hand, cheeks blushing once more. He closed his eyes, with the strokes and warmth lulling him to sleep. 'Take it in steps...' Reshiram's voice echoed in his head. 'Do not rush love,' Reshiram wanted to drop down near his feet, 'What happens if she doesn't love me the way I love her?' he wanted to say.
He could feel Reshiram's warm, fiery breath melt the back of his mind. 'It is better to love a lady and treat her well than to show her no affection at all.' he could sense his answer. He felt even warmer, even weaker when Reshiram talked. 'Is it you that is making me sick?' he thought. He turned his head and looked at Reshiram's poke'ball.
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10:02pm May 22 2012
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Touko felt her hand drop as she felt Zekrom's pokeball vibrate again. This was getting strange. Zekrom must really have wanted out, Touko thought, raising her hand again to twist a lock of N's hair around her finger. She opened her blue eyes to find N staring at a pokeball.
"You alright, N?" Her voice was drowsy, and she was still tired even though she'd slept like a baby against N's chest. Her cheeks reddened at the thought, but she fought off the majority of the blush. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better soon?" She blinked slowly, fighting off sleep.
Love is all we need~
4:40pm May 24 2012
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Touko's voice snapped N out of his trance. He looked at her, "I don't know..." he replied. "Hopefully I'll be better soon so we can leave." He looked back over at Reshiram's poke'ball. The white bottom part slowly glowing a faint pink. N could feel the heat waves misting off of it, hitting his face, making him even more drowsier.
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5:39pm May 24 2012
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Touko sensed N's drowsiness and said, "Go to sleep, N. Don't make me pull out Cinccino so she can use sleep on you." She laughed lightly, and smiled sleepily. "That'll put you to sleep in a matter of seconds." She closed her eyes as she rolled so she was facing the ceiling.
"When you feel better, we'll head out to search for Team Plasma. Zekrom isn't resting well. It means that something isn't right, and my bet is that it has something to do with Team Plasma doing something bad." She twirled a lock of her own hair around her index finger before sighing.
"I'll wake you up in about an hour, okay?"
Love is all we need~
4:12pm May 25 2012
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N nodded, then yawned. "Yeah, okay." He squeezed her hand, interlocking their fingers together. He closed his eyes, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.
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10:08pm May 25 2012
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The hour came and went, but Touko didn't close her eyes once. She watched the clock on the wall tick away and wondered about N's well-being. She hoped that he didn't have a serious illness. If he did, they'd be stuck at this Pokemon Center for a lot longer than just an hour more, she thought.
When the hour came to an end, Touko rolled over to face N again and touched his shoulder lightly. "N, the hour's up. We have to get moving." She stood up from the bed and pulled her cap off, releasing her hair from its ponytail again, seeing as her head had begun to ache.
Love is all we need~
7:45am May 26 2012
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N woke up without fighting. He had a terrible dream, and was glad that Touko woke him up. He couldn't stand being away from her, and the dream had just shattered him! Reshiram and Zekrom -who were enemies, but now love each other, he could see that- were fighting nonstop, destroying the world. Touko had died in an incident due to the fighting, and N couldn't do anything. He was frozen there, panic rushing through his veins. His love was gone, dead gone.
He clenched his teeth, trying not to remember that awful dream. He was trying not to remember Touko's blood that surrounded his feet, trying not to remember the way her eyes had shown no sign of a soul inside her, trying not to remember any of it.
He turned his head and looked at Touko, happy that it was only that, a dream. "I...I'm starting to feel a little better. I suppose we can leave..." he said. He sat up and got out of bed, smoothing out the wrinkled in his shirt. He put his necklace back and and picked up Reshiram's poke'ball. It still felt warm, but he could no longer see the heat waves coming from it.
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8:18am May 26 2012
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Touko was glad that N felt better. Her face softened visibly from worried to relieved. She still stayed close to him though, lest he need help with anything. Her eyes darted up to the ceiling for a moment before she grabbed her pokeballs, placing Zekrom's in the first slot on her belt.
"So, I guess that we'll go to search for Team Plasma, now, huh?" She ran her hands through her hair, which was down on her shoulders. She'd thought about cutting it multiple times, but always decided against it. She would look strange with short hair, she decided. Not like herself.
"We'll stop somewhere for breakfast along the way."
Love is all we need~
8:38am May 26 2012
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N nodded, walking towards the door. "We need to be careful though, Team Plasma is bound to be searching for me and Reshiram, along with Zekrom too. And their appearance in Nimbasa City yesterday might've caught their attention..." he said.
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1:10pm May 26 2012
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"They're not going to get me without a fight. They must still be pretty pissed off that Zekrom and I beat Ghestis." Touko scratched the back of her head and motioned for N to follow her out of the pokemon center.
She grabbed her bag on the way out of the room, and when she walked outside, she felt the crisp air blow her hair around a bit. She sighed and popped her neck and knuckles before turning around to speak to N.
"Do you have any idea of where we should start looking for them?"
Love is all we need~
2:53pm May 27 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
3:56pm May 27 2012
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N thought about it for a moment, trying to remember any talk of a new plan before he left. Of course, Team Plasma could be anywhere, stealing Pokemon away from people in order to free them. They could still be after Reshiram and Zekrom, but he knew that they would want to aim higher than them now. He remembered one time, when he was little, how Ghetsis wanted to find Victini some day to lure out the others.
"We should try Eindoak Town. I have a sudden feeling that they might want to capture Victini before going on with any other plan." He said, scratching the back of his head.
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4:33pm May 27 2012
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Touko stretched like a cat and nodded at N. "Yes, well... You lead the way." Touko had never been to Eindoak town, so she was lost as to how to get there. She had not the slightest clue of what it would be like, but she knew that it was rumored that Victini was there.
She put her hands on her hips and said, "We may want to go into the forest before releasing Zekrom and Reshiram. I don't want to draw a crowd."
Love is all we need~
4:41pm May 27 2012
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Posts: 1,910
N stiffened, he didn't want to release Reshiram, although he knew that it wouldn't be permanent. His Pokemon's voice echoed in the back of his mind, 'I shall come in times of need. When you and the girl's mission is over, we shall unite once again.' N frowned, even though his Pokemon spoke the truth. And nothing but the truth.
"Yeah, okay. Let's go. And after that, we need a map. I have never been to Eindoak Town either," he sighed.
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