4:49pm May 27 2012
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Ooc:// I didn't mean like, releasing the pokemon, as in setting them free. XD I meant letting them out of their pokeballs.
Touko began to walk towards the forest, and she clenched and unclenched her hands, trying to work the stiffness out. She pulled out a pokeball, and her beloved Cincinno was let out of the red and white orb. The scarf pokemon climbed up Touko and rested on her shoulder, nuzzling her mistress's head.
Cincinno spotted N and noticed that the tension between he and her mistress had seemingly disappeared, and been replaced with something far different. She furrowed her brows in frustration and glared at the green-haired boy.
"I see that you're feeling better, Cinccino," Touko said, smoothing down her pokemon's silky fur.
Love is all we need~
2:22pm May 28 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
2:28pm May 28 2012
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N looked at Cinccino and smiled. "Hi, I hope that Litwick didn't hurt you too much." he said, scratching the little pokemon behind the ears. Its fur was soft, and it made him feel good. "Wow, really clean and soft," he murmured.
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3:24pm May 28 2012
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Cinccino didn't like N touching her, so she opened her mouth and nipped N's hand, the one that he'd pet her with. She then said, " Don't touch me. Or my mistress. Back up." She then smelled a strange smell, and it smelled like Touko and N mixed together.
"What did you do to my mistress? She smells like you! Did you two..." Cinccino growled.
Touko was surprised at what her pokemon was doing. She looked to N and said, "What's she saying? Why is she growling? Did you do something to her?"
Love is all we need~
3:32pm May 28 2012
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N caught on to Cinccino's sentence. "No! Not at all," Color flushed to his cheeks, 'Though I might've wanted to just a little bit...' he thought shamefully. He turned to Touko, "She doesn't want me to touch her or you, and she smells our scent mixed... She... um.. think we did it..." his cheeks turned even redder.
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3:43pm May 28 2012
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Touko laughed, and petted Cinccino's head. "I promise, Cinccino, that we didn't do what you think. We just had to stay in the same room at a pokemon center. That's probably why we smell like that." She tried to blow off what her pokemon thought, but her red cheeks showed that she was quite embarassed by what her scarf pokemon had implied.
Cinccino sighed in relief and rubbed against her mistress's cheek, almost purring.
Love is all we need~
4:07pm May 28 2012
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N smiled at Touko and Cinccino. He could see that they share a special bond. How could he use to think that all humans are just using pokemon? Some yes, but definitely not Touko. She treats her Pokemon so well, she cares for them so deeply. They seem like they're family to her...
Just like Reshiram and Zorua were family to him...
"Uh, er... we better go get a map from the pokemon center. If we want to stop Team Plasma from anymore trouble, we better go now." he said.
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4:11pm May 28 2012
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Touko stopped in the clearing, turning around to face N. "Yes. We should get going." She pulled out Zekrom's pokeball, and said, "Come on out." The red laser let out the black pokemon, who let out a roar as he materialized.
Touko walked forward to her dragon pokemon and tenderly stroked the edge of his wing. She then climbed up onto its back, and gave it a hug around the neck, smiling as she did so. Cinccino adjusted on Touko's shoulder, and prepared herself for when Zekrom would take off.
Love is all we need~
4:27pm May 28 2012
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N let out Reshiram out of his poke'ball. He climbed upon its neck, stroking its fur. Reshiram roared and looked at Zekrom, and smiled at him. He then turned his head back towards N, "Reshi."
'If I am to help you win Touko, you must help me win Zekrom. I decision is decided, I now know my true feelings for him.' he said quietly. N smiled, "Don't you think it's a little weird to fall in love with the same gender?" he whispered back. Reshiram shook his head, and said nothing. N chuckled.
"Let's go," he said, and Reshiram took to the air.
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4:40pm May 28 2012
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Touko smiled, and Cinccino let out a squeak as Zekrom took to the skies. Going closer to Reshiram. The black pokemon smiled at his other half, and smiled.
Cinccino had heard what Reshiram said, due to her overly-sensitive ears, but she ignored it, seeing as it was too confusing for her to understand. Cinccino was naively innocent, knowing nothing about love or winning someone.
Touko felt her hair flutter around her head, and she let her blue eyes stare at the sky, feeling the sunlight on her face. She looked over to N again, and thought how he looked like a god on his legendary pokemon.
"So, how long will it take to get to Eindoak town?" She didn't realize that she'd blushed, her cheeks red.
Love is all we need~
4:49pm May 28 2012
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"Reshi," Reshiram mumbled to N. "Reshiram says a few miles or so, and that it wouldn't take long to reach it in flight." he said to Touko.
Reshiram eyed Zekrom, a huge amount of blush on his vast white cheeks.
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4:54pm May 28 2012
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Touko nodded and said, "The sooner we get there, the sooner we can find Victini. We've got to make sure that Team Plasma isn't going to hurt it." She smiled and looked over at N. "When we get there, we'll stop to get breakfast, and we'll get looking for Victini after we eat."
Zekrom looked over at Reshiram, and he blushed, too, though it wasn't very visible on his black face. "I'm glad that we seperated long ago, and that we are now two individual beings."
Love is all we need~
3:45pm May 29 2012
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Reshiram nodded, "As am I. As separate beings, we are able to understand more of the world and its meanings. To be able to have separate thoughts and beliefs. To have emotions that we would have never have."
The sound of breakfast made N's stomach growl. He placed his hand on his belly and smiled, "Yeah, sounds like a good plan to me!" he laughed.
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4:05pm May 29 2012
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Zekrom let out a grunt of agreement. He flew a bit higher into the sky, purposefully making Touko's hair whip around in the wind. It was a wonder her cap didn't fall off. The black pokemon snorted as the blue-eyed girl gripped onto its neck tighter.
"This is what I'm talking about," Touko said to herself. "Flying high in the sky, this is as close to heaven as you can get while you're alive." She smiled up at the sky.
Love is all we need~
4:10pm May 29 2012
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N looked up at Touko and Reshiram. He let out a gasp of amazement. She looked like an angel riding on Zekrom's neck, high up in the clouds where the sun shines through, with the breeze making her hair dance like ribbon. He felt his cheeks burn with blush, and he smiled up at her.
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4:14pm May 29 2012
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Touko looked down at N, and, though her mind told her not to do it, she couldn't help herself. She winked at him with her left eye, and Zekrom flew to the other side of N, levelling out with Reshiram.
Touko looked forward, though she glanced at N out of the corner of her eyes every now and then.
Love is all we need~
4:27pm May 29 2012
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N couldn't help but smile even more when he winked at her. His cheeks went even redder. 'I swear, I blush more when I'm with her than any other time of my life!' he thought jokingly. He too, kept looking straight ahead, but couldn't help but think more and more about how beautiful Touko is.
Reshiram smiled at Zekrom, then dived down in the air. When he was close to a grassy hill, he let the air carry his wings straight out and let the wind blast himself back up. He flew with speed up past Zekrom, spiraling through the clouds. He slowed down when he went way higher than what Zekrom had.
The sky was full of sunshine, and clouds surrounded N and Reshiram, covering any signs of a civilization below like a white fluffy blanket that sparkled when the sun's rays hit them. It was like a never ending see of sky up here, beautiful and amazing. N smiled and tilted his head up, the ponytail that kept his green hair tamed fluttered out behind him. As well did the flaps of his shirt and necklace that we wore around his neck.
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4:43pm May 29 2012
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Zekrom flew up to where Reshiram had gone, staying a bit to the right of his other half. He smiled and looked over at the white pokemon, then up to N. He could tell that his mistress had feelings for him, but his mistress was strange, and didn't openly admit things like that, he knew.
Touko grinned when she felt the wind go through her hair, and she looked over at N. He looked so majestic, atop his white pokemon. She then spotted an upcoming town down below.
"Hey, is that Eindoak town?"
Love is all we need~
5:03pm May 29 2012
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N opened his eyes and peered down over the side of Reshiram's neck at the clearing of cloud. There was a large tower, and a large town was built around it, along with many gardens and small lakes. Reshiram roared, "Eindoak Town, home of Victini, and the Sword of the Vale."
N tilted his head, the larget ower must've been the Sword of the Vale. He had heard of legends of where the King of the People of Vale had to rely on Vicitni's power to stop the fighting between the Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideals, and Reshiram and Zekrom. together with Victini's power, the King had to move the Sword of the Vale to calm down the destructive Dragon Force aura and stop the wars. The king had died shortly after though, so Victini couldn't be released from the Protective Pillars, therefore trapping it near the area beside the castle.
Team Plasma had studied all kinds of legends about Pokemon for years -with N always thinking it as a game and a story before he was old enough to become king and leader of the group. He knew it wouldn't be easy to track down Victini.
"We have to find and track down Victini as quickly as possible after we're done eating. If Team Plasma gets their hands on it, then their corrupted plans will most luckily succeed." he shouted over to Touko. 'But what happens if they aren't searching for Victini? What happens if we are just wasting out time searching for something we cannot find, while Team Plasma is out there causing more trouble?' He thought. He narrowed his eyes, "No, we aren't wasting our time. It is best to get to Victini first and have victory on our side before they can even start their plans." he said to himself.
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6:42pm May 30 2012
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Touko didn't like heights at all, so she hoped that the large tower that was in the middle of the town didn't have anything to do with Victini. She thought that Eindoak town was nice, and quite large. She smiled as she saw several gardens and some small lakes.
"I had figured that, Reshiram," Zekrom said back to the white pokemon, his red eyes searching the scenery below him.
"We'll eat breakfast quickly. That cafe down there looks nice," she said, pointing to a small building below. "And after we finish eating, we'll start our search immediately." She felt Zekrom shift beneath her, and Touko's hair whipped around her face as the pokemon landed in a clearing near the trees, where there weren't many people around.
Love is all we need~