4:35pm Jun 1 2012
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N blinked, them slammed his head on the table when Touko left. 'I had upset her, I knew I shouldn't of done that! I knew it... Reshiram said take it in steps... but I don't think he meant this quickly of a step! Foolish of me... now she's going to hate me!' he thought.
His head ached a little for slamming it down, but he didn't move. He just rested his head on his arms and buried his face into them. "Foolish of me... Why did I do that?" he asked himself. "Son..." came a deep voice.
He didn't recognize it for a moment, too buried in his thoughts about Touko. He jumped though, as he looked up to see Ghetsis. "Wha... what are you doing here?!" he asked. Ghetsis sat next to him, "I watched you and that girl... You held her hand and nibbled her ear. You cannot do that! You are kind and leader of Team Plasma, and you have a job to do. Stop waisting your time with that girl and come on!"
N sat there, glaring at his father. "No, I won't leave her!" he said.
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4:42pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko felt Zekrom's pokeball vibratein her pocket, and she stood, and heard a voice as clear as day in her head as she touched the ball that held her dark pokemon.
Go into that cafe right now. Please, mistress. You must do this, before bad thinngs take place.
Touko was startled, and she stood there for a moment, her eyes wide before she heeded the voice's words, and stepped back into the cafe carefully, only to see the man that she had defeated in a pokemon battle long ago. The leader of Team Plasma. The most evil man she knew.
"Ghestis." She said his name aloud, trying to restrain herself from calling upon her pokemon to attack him. Hadn't he learned to stay away from both N and Touko?
Love is all we need~
4:48pm Jun 1 2012
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"But N, Team Plasma needs you..." ghetsis said with a grim look on his face. "No! I'm done with the whole Team Plasma business, dad! You only use me to aim for you goals, and it's time for me to make my own dreams." N growled, clenching his fists. "That girl, she is doing this to you, son! She's making you not be you..." "I was my own self when I left so don't blame Touko for anything!" "That girl..." "Her name's Touko..." "Yes... Touko... anyway, if you think I'm using you, try looking away from your passion of her and see the truth! you claim to be the Hero of Truth to Reshiram, but yet you can't see she is using you as well!" "That's because she is not using me. If she was, and I couldn't see it, then Reshiram would've done something by now, but no!" "That Pokemon is as blind as you are then!"
N gritted his teeth, "Leave me alone! And leave Touko alone as well. If you even come near her, I swear I'll..." A stare from his father stopped him in mid-sentence. "You'll do what, son?" he asked. N closed his mouth and turned his head away. He couldn't do anything...
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4:52pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko fished out an ultraball that held a pokemon that wasn't native to this region. She hadn't battled with her Houndoom in a while, but she knew that he would be able to put Ghestis to shame. The red laser let out the hound-like pokemon, who growled.
"Step away from N now, Ghestis. He may not be able to do anything to you because you're his father, but I have no relations to you. I can easily make you sorry for what you're doing right now." Touko took on a different air, and what few other people that were in the cafe began to stare.
Love is all we need~
4:54pm Jun 1 2012
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Ghetsis looked up at Touko then sighed, "No need to fight, little girl." "Touko..." N growled up at his father. Ghetsis tightened his jaw, "Touko... I just came along to talk sense into N, no harm done, is there?" he asked.
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5:00pm Jun 1 2012
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"If you don't move away right now, there will be harm done directly to you, Ghestis, and both you and I know that I'm not a little girl. I beat you. You need to give up and leave before I make a fool out of you." Touko tensed up, and Houndoom growled.
Several people began to leave the cafe.
Love is all we need~
5:03pm Jun 1 2012
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Ghetsis raised his hands, "Very well, I shall leave. But this won't be the end, my dear.... Touko. N and I will talk later." he said, before -poof- he disappeared out of then air. N huffed, then leaned back in his chair. 'What a wonderful way to start the day...' he thought grimly.
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5:05pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko walked up to N and gave him a hug, Houndoom calming down a bit. He sat down on his haunches behind his mistress, and panted slightly.
Touko looked up at N, her face red with anger. "I swear to Arceus, I will kill that bastard." She put her cheek on his chest, being so short.
Love is all we need~
5:10pm Jun 1 2012
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N's eyes fluttered close and hugged her back. "Touko..." he murmured, resting his chin on her head. He didn't want to let her go; she wasn't using him. She would never do that. And he would never use her.
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5:16pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko sighed into his chest, smiling at how he smelled. He smelled woodsy, like safety. She closed her eyes, and finally pulled away, reluctantly, though. She bit her lip and said, "We now know that Team Plasma is here, and that they're most likely looking for Victini."
She brushed some of her hair behind her ear, looking up to N. "Where do you think we should look for them?" She hoped and prayed that he wouldn't say the tower. She didn't like heights.
Love is all we need~
5:23pm Jun 1 2012
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N sighed, "Anywhere..." Victini could be anywhere, in any garden, by any building. This was not going to be an easy search, especially if Victini can turn itself invisible. He leaned back against the table, head bent down and eyes closed.
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5:28pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko stroked Houndoom's head and wrapped her small hand around N's larger one. "Listen. We've just got to start somewhere. Maybe Zekrom and Reshiram can help us." She put her head lightly on his arm, not being tall enough to put it on his shoulder.
"Where do you think that we should start?" Touko stroked Houndoom's back, stopping when she reached the base of his tail. The pokemon leaned into her touch, his eyes closed.
Love is all we need~
5:37pm Jun 1 2012
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N blushed just a small bit, "We could try around the tower, but Victini could be anywhere." he sighed. "But maybe Reshiram and Zekrom would know. Victini was the one who helped stop their fighting."
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5:41pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko winced at the words. She'd have to go to the tower. She bit her lip, trying to seem brave, and said, "Yeah. Let's try the tower. If Victini's not there, we'll get Rehiram and Zekrom to help us then." She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat, and looped her arm through N's, her cheeks slightly red from the previous encounter with Ghestis.
Love is all we need~
5:44pm Jun 1 2012
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N nodded, "Alright. Let's go before Team Plasma gets there." he said before leading Touko out the door. It would be quite a walk from here to the tower, but as long as Touko was with him, N knew nothing could stop them.
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5:45pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko allowed N to lead her, all the while looking at the tower with wide eyes. It was quite a distance from here to there, but she would be fine. She'd had to walk all over the region before, and she could make a walk from a cafe to the tower easily.
Houndoom followed behind Touko and N, sniffing the back of N's leg slightly before deciding that the green-haired boy didn't pose a threat.
Love is all we need~
5:47pm Jun 1 2012
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Zorua popped out its poke'ball, smiling up at N and Touko. It dacned around their ankles, making hard for them to walk, "Zorua, knock it off." N commanded. The Pokemon didn't listen, and shifted into the young girl with long blonde hair it changed to before."Hehehe," it giggled, before running off. N sighed, "What the heck..."
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
5:55pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko bit her lip to keep from commanding Houndoom to attack the Zorua. It wasn't behaving, and N didn't seem to have control over it. Maybe it just had a rebellious nature, she decided. She sub-consciously pulled N closer to her, her hand clasped around his.
Love is all we need~
6:01pm Jun 1 2012
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N blushed, but didn't move away from Touko. Zorua came up behind them and pushed them closer to each other. She giggled again, and twirled around in circles, changing back into Zorua and smiling at Houndoom. "Zorua!"
"This is fun!"
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6:10pm Jun 1 2012
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" You're strange..." Houndoom shook his head, wondering why the Zorua was interfering with his mistress and its master.
Touko noticed that her hip touched N's when she walked once Zorua pushed her closer to N, and she blushed furiously, her cheeks turning as red as the top half of a pokeball.
Love is all we need~