6:12pm Jun 1 2012
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Zorua smiled, "Zorua!"
"But it's fun, Houndoom! Mr. Houndy! Mr. Doom!" she laughed.
N bit his bottom lip, then held on to Touko's hips and bent his head down and kissed her neck. He did it briefly though, he didn't want Touko upset. Zorua howled and bent her ears down, happy that N took action.
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6:22pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko wasn't moving away, but she didn't expect for N to put his hand on her hips and lightly kiss her neck. The feeling of his lips on the thin skin there made her blush, and when she heard Zorua howl, she knew that it had been the dark pokemon's planning.
Touko looked down, her face on fire, the spot on her neck where N had kissed her tingling.
Houndoom's eyes widened when he saw N make a move on his mistress. He laughed lightly and then asked Zorua, "Oh. I see. They're mates, aren't they?" He grinned.
Love is all we need~
6:24pm Jun 1 2012
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Zorua laughed, "Zorua zor!"
"Ha, yes, yes ,yes, yes!" she laughed, eyes sparkling.
N looked at Touko, "You're not bothered by it... are you? You seemed upset when i nibbled your ear at the cafe. I don't want to see you upset..." he said, nudging her in her side.
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6:28pm Jun 1 2012
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Houndoom looked at the ground, a smile playing on his lips.
Touko shook her head. "I'm not bothered by it. It's just that in the cafe, I wasn't really sure if I could handle it. You just startled me was all. But being startled isn't all that bad." She looked up at him and sighed. "I just... Don't know what to do in situations like that. Nobody's ever done that to me, so..."
Love is all we need~
6:31pm Jun 1 2012
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"Well... now you have." N smiled. He kisses her softly on top of her forehead. He smiled at her and continued to walk with her hand in his. "Ghetsis tried to convince me that you were using me, that I should stop wasting my time with. But my time is not being wasted if I'm near you. It actually has been well spent, being with someone that I love." he sighed, grateful for finally releasing his emotions to her.
Zorua yawned and curled up under Houndoom's legs, watching the two talk and walk.
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6:36pm Jun 1 2012
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Houndoom looked down. Beneath him, Zorua was simply chilling out. " I am not a shade tree. I suggest you move before I accidentally step on you." He let out a chuckle.
Touko blushed, and leaned her head onto him. "That person that I mentioned that was hurt when you left was me. I didn't know what to do once you left. My life was just sort of... blank. I felt like something very important had left." She bit her lip. "I thought I should tell you that now."
Love is all we need~
6:52pm Jun 1 2012
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N kissed the top of her head, "I'm sorry for leaving. It was hurtful for me too, but I thought it was necessary." he sighed.
Zorua barked at Houndoom. "Zorua!"
"Make me you big mutt!" she laughed.
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6:55pm Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 6:56pm Jun 1 2012)
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Houndoom grinned and reached under him, holding his mouth on the nape of Zorua's neck. He held her up like a mother would do to a pup, careful not to hurt her, and placed her at his side. " I said I'm not a shade tree." He laughed.
Touko's cheeks turned slightly red as he kissed her head again and she buried her face in his arm as she saw just how close the tower was now. "Just don't run away again, please. You made me worry too much." She bit her lip.
Love is all we need~
7:14pm Jun 1 2012
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Zorua smiled up at Houndoom, and changed into a female houndoom.She howled and winked.
N held onto her hand, "I won't, not without a good reason to." he promised. He gazed up at the large tower, "Well, here we are."
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7:35pm Jun 1 2012
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Touko squeezed his hand and frowned. "Don't leave even if you have a good reason to." She sighed when they reached the tower, and she slightly shook.
"Yep. Here we are. Might as well start looking around." An idea popped into Touko's head, and, as much as she hated to propose it, she knew it would help them. "We should go to the roof. We'll be able to see the whole town from up there, and we'll spot Team Plasma faster."
Love is all we need~
10:03am Jun 2 2012
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N nodded, "Good idea, but it would take most of the day to climb this baby." he sighed. He couldn't draw out Reshiram now, not in front of public. It was just too risky. "But I guess we have no choice..."
Zorua shook her head, "Houndoooom!" she howled, still in her Houndoom form. She giggled and turned into a large Unfezant. She giggled again and placed both N and Touko on her back. She flapped her wings and picked up Houndoom with her talons. "Hehehe," she laughed at the dog-like Pokemon.
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1:15pm Jun 2 2012
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Houndoom was startled, and let out a bark, but he soon calmed down and relaxed in Zorua's Unfezant talons. He looked down at the ground below him, his ears perked up with interest.
Touko was startled when she felt something put her onto its back, and she grabbed N's arm, her eyes wide. She looked down to see an Unfezant, whom she guessed was actually Zorua, and slightly relaxed, but didn't stop clenching N's arm.
Love is all we need~
9:16pm Jun 2 2012
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N bit his lip to keep back a laugh. Touko acted so panicked! It was amusing to him, of all the things, heights? She was afraid of heights? He smiled and clenched on tightly to Zorua's Unfezant feathers. "Here we go!" he said as the Zorua-Unfezant flew to near the top of the tower.
When they arrived to a platform that lead up to a large room, the Zorua-Unfezant dumped them off of her back and placed Houndoom down. She landed in a corner and changed back to her original Zorua form.
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9:25pm Jun 2 2012
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Touko clenched N's arm as Zorua flew them through the sky and landed onto a platform, where they were set down. Her houndoom was unfazed, while Touko was still shaking. She couldn't help but look down at the city, and that just made it worse.
"Let's go inside. Let's go inside now." She began to pull N in the direction of the room, Houndoom following his mistress.
Love is all we need~
9:57pm Jun 2 2012
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N had a difficult time holding back his laughter. Touko looked so cute when she was scared. He pulled out his poke'ball and zapped Zorua in as they both ran inside.
The room was large, with large marble pillars, floors, and walls. Up above them was a high platform, with a flight of stairs giving entrance to the platform. The room echoed with every foot step, though the outside world could easily be seen by the large balconies. Spiral staircases led to the lower levels of the tower, but all that they needed to focus on, was the upper ones.
N released Reshiram from his poke'ball, "Reshiram, you and Zekrom know Victini better than anybody, I hope. Do you know anything about this tower that we can use to help guide us to Victini?" N asked, with a voice so strong and noble, it sounded like he too, was an ancient boy from the legendary past. Like the Hero of Truth.
Reshiram snorted, "Reshi, Reshi-raaaaam!"
"Victini was a friend of the King of the People of Vale, who was the father of my previous master, who's blood of truth now rests inside your own very veins. The Tower is very strict to Victini, limiting his access to parts of this town and the rest of Unova. Though Victini himself can turn invisible at will -unless that power is also denied by any powerful cause- he is most likely to be in a grand festival or a peaceful garden. Yet battles also draw his attention, he helps those who need it, and gives them victorious power. I may suggest that you and Touko have a small Pokemon battle to draw out the small little Pokemon who fought along side the King."
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10:03pm Jun 2 2012
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Touko tried not to focus on any of the windows. She could see the town far below, and she really did not wish to see how far up in the air she was. She allowed N to lead her into the room, and stopped by his side, clinging to his arm. She did not like this one bit.
Given that Reshiram wasn't talking directly to her, Touko only heard the calls of the pokemon's name. She knew he was saying something important by the way he carried himself, and she bit her lip, looking up at N, keeping her eyes away from the clear glass that surrounded them.
"What is he saying, N?" She tugged lightly on his shirt sleeve.
Love is all we need~
10:10pm Jun 2 2012
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"I see. Pokemon battles would be easiest to draw Victini out. By what Reshiram is telling me, Vistini is a Pokemon with a tender, caring heart and will help those who are failing by giving it some of its victory power. You and I should have a small brawl, one of us would majorly defeat the other, but not enough to knock out the Pokemon. Victini should sense the drama, and come and help whatever Pokemon that appears to be losing." N nodded, smiling down at Touko. "Shall we?"
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10:13pm Jun 2 2012
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Houndoom barked behind Touko, hearing what N had said. Touko grinned and said, "Alright. Let's do this." She took several steps back, shaking again when she saw how high up they were. She bit her lip. Houndoom wasn't her strongest pokemon, so she guessed that she would most likely lose this battle.
However, Houndoom needed some battle experience, so Touko chose to use him in the battle. She looked at N and said, "I'll let you have the first move." A grin appeared on her face, but her eyes kept darting to and from the windows.
Love is all we need~
10:18pm Jun 2 2012
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N, judging by the look of the Houndoom, figured that he wasn't Touko's strongest Pokemon. She wanted her Pokemon to battle, but yet she also wanted this to be quick and easy. He got it. "Stoutland, go!" he threw out a poke'ball, and out came a large dog-like pokemon. It seemed like the way its fur was set, that it had a large blue cape with a large tan mustache. Stoutland was one of his strongest Pokemon, but the Pokemon was lacking the experience due to his absence of battling.
"Crunch!" N called out the attack like it was nothing. The Stoutland ran towards the Houndoom, mouth wide and fangs extended.
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10:27pm Jun 2 2012
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Touko looked away from the windows at the start of the battle, her fiery spirit taking over. She tensed when she saw that N had called out a move. She clenched her fists and yelled out the commands.
"Houndoom, jump in the air and use fire fang!" Houndoom followed the commands, but jumped a bit too late, and got nipped on the back leg with Stoutland's crunch; the move did a moderate amount of damage, and Houndoom winced, but followed through with his mistress's orders.
He opened his mouth and revealed his teeth to be on fire, and aimed himself downwards at Stoutland, his fiery, sharp teeth ready to clamp down.
Love is all we need~