11:06pm Jun 2 2012
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The Houndoom had snapped its teeth around the Stoutland's neck. The Stoutland howled with both pain and anger, before flinging the darn pokemon off. He scampered back to N, glaring at the Houndoom as if this was a battle between life and death. The Stoutland despised fire, with Litwick being the only exception.
"Take Down!" N commanded. Take Down was another one of Stoutland's moves that were good and strong. The large dog-like Pokemon barked and and charged full speed at its target, aiming to tackle the Pokemon down to the ground and slam him against the floor. _____________________________________________________________________
His ear twitched at the sound of a far away battle. His eyes blue blinked open and he uncurled himself, staring up at the far away tower. He could scarcely see it from this vantage point, but he could very well see a large white Pokemon standing in the tower's very top floor. The floor that he himself gave power to his master to end to quarrel between the Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideal, to end the fighting between Reshiram and Zekrom, and and to calm down the Dragon Force that rippled across the land.
He felt a major dip in the bottom of his heart, a sign that showed weakness and pain of a Pokemon or human elsewhere, close by. He frowned, but stood up on the cherry blossom branch that he was napping in. The small Pokemon turned himself invisible, and glided through the air towards the Sword of the Vale.
Many people and pokemon couldn't see him, and was unaware of Victini gliding speedily past their very noses...
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11:14pm Jun 2 2012
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Touko grinned as she watched her pokemon land a solid hit on N's. As Houndoom was thrown off of his target, he flipped over in mid air to land somewhat gracefully on his feet, but he skidded across the ground, growling at the Stoutland, whom he could see was staring him down.
Touko regained a straight face, and told Houndoom to dodge the attack, but the Stoutland was too fast, and landed a solid hit that did a lot of damage onto her beloved pokemon. She bit her lip as she watched Houndoom stumble and regain his balance, his face twisted a bit with pain.
Houndoom straightened himself out and let out a noise that was somewhere between a roar and a bark. Touko smiled. Her pokemon was tougher than she thought. She surely thought that that move would make her Houndoom fall, but her dog-like pokemon didn't, and Touko was glad.
"Houndoom, use hyper beam!" The houndoom opened his mouth, and waited a moment while the beam charged up in his mouth. Touko was skeptical about her decision, but she could always tell her pokemon to stop charging the move and dodge whatever attack the Stoutland made.
Love is all we need~
11:34pm Jun 2 2012
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N was proud of his Pokemon. Stoutland, raised since he was just a tiny Lillipup, had grown in so much power. The dog-like pokemon had a high amount of HP, and a good amount of PP, Stoutland was a tough for any opponent, except for Reshiram and Zekrom, of course.
Both Stoutland and N stared at the Houndoom, waiting for the perfect moment to dodge the attack. The Pokemon may look a little fat and scraggy, but that was just due to fur and muscle. The Pokemon had amazing agility, and was perfectly healthy and in good shape. Stoutland stared directly into Houndoom's eyes though, as if they had been enemies since forever. ________________________________________________________________________
Victini heard more roars, snarling, barking, and attacks being made as he neared the tower. "Veee!" it let out a hush peep. He now was flying faster than before, hurrying to see what was going on. He knew Reshiram was there, and that must mean that something terrible was going on. Last time he saw the great Vast White Pokemon, was when the two halves were battling each other. Reshiram had looked so hurt when fighting Zekrom, like he had to do it against his own will, but yet that fiery look that had been in his brilliant blue eyes that day had thoughts of its own.
He hid behind one of the marble pillars, though invisible, he knew that if Pokemon concentrated enough, that they were able to sense him. Plus, the power of invisibility could not last forever, and therefore he would soon shortly need to reappear. He stared up at the vast white Pokemon, then down at the small battle that rolled out before him.
A Stoutland and a... what was that? A Pokemon that Victini had never seen before. It carried the physical characteristics that Arceus had once described to him in dreams, but yet the name had escaped him. The Pokemon was not native to Unova, he knew, but was native to Hoenn.
Victini frowned though, the Hoenn-native Pokemon looked so weak compared to the proud dog Pokemon of Unova. He was unaware of what abilities this Pokemon might have though, so he won't give him power just right yet. He made a promise to the King of the People of Vale one day that he would only use his power to those who need it, like the King had.
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11:44pm Jun 2 2012
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Once the hyper beam was fully charged, Houndoom let the beam burst from his mouth and jet in the direction of the Stoutland. Touko smiled. "That's it! That's it!" She jumped back and forth from foot to foot, her eyes filled with fire.
She watched as the beam got closer and closer to Stoutland, and her Houndoom went slightly backwards due to the force of the hyper beam flowing from its mouth.
Zekrom's pokeball tingled in Touko's pocket. Touko was so caught up in the battle, however, that she didn't notice. She had her mind, her eyes, her ears, her soul, and her heart into this one.
Love is all we need~
12:00am Jun 3 2012
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"Dodge and use Take Down once more! That should finish him," N shouted, also pumped up about the battle. He was also pumped up about Touko's excitement, not only was she cute when she was scared, but also when her heart was set into battling. She was herself when battling, not needing to lie, to hide, or anything that she might do in a regular conversation to hide her love for him -though she doesn't need to now that he expressed it for her.
Stoutland tried to dodge, but the blast was too huge for him to miss. His thick fur had endured most of the hit, but had damaged his body greatly. He winced as he half-fell to the ground. He wasn't about to give up. "Woof!" he barked. He stood back up, the attack taking most of his HP down, but he was still very well capable of winning this in one last blow, unlike the Houndoom.
The dog-like Pokemon made images of itself, using Double Team, to confuse the Houndoom.
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12:07am Jun 3 2012
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Touko pumped her fist into the air when she saw how much damage her houndoom's hyper beam had done, her smile widening. She was surprised to see the pokemon get up, though. That Stoutland was tough. She bit her lip nervously as the Stoutland executed its next move.
Houndoom had always hated the move double team. It confused him way too much. He looked between all of the different Stoutlands with wide eyes, but he was still growling.
Love is all we need~
7:32am Jun 3 2012
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N chuckled, "He never used Double Team before... Must be new." All the Stoutland images barked, "Woof!" "Just trying to think of possibilities to win this thing!" N sighed, "Yeah, okay." he smiled down at his Pokemon. "But we are doing this for a reason..." "Woof!" "To train?" N shook his head, "Well, yes, in a way." Soutland growled, "Then that's all I care about..."
N rolled his eyes playfully, "Okay then, see if you can tell where the REAL Stoutland is, hu?" he smiled. ____________________________________________
Victini tilted its head, this was going to be a tough battle, and he wasn't sure on who to help. They both were incredibly strong, but yet they are both greatly weakened by one another. He frowned, the stare down that Reshiram gave them probably didn't help either. Why do humans do this? Why do they make Pokemon battle? That was always the question he pondered, even back a thousand years ago while Reshiram and Zekrom fought.
Victini's invisible image started flickering. "Victeee!" he gasped. He was running out of energy to keep up the invisible act. He was going to need to be visible, but with Reshiram around, that could be dangerous. Reshiram could want revenge for trapping him into a stone along with Zekrom. ____________________________________________________
Reshiram heard a soft little gasp inside the room. It was too high pitched to be Touko's, or any other Pokemon within this area. His blue eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of Victini. He did not have X-ray vision though, so he could not possibly have known about Victini hiding behind the pillar. He knew that Victini was here though, his plan had succeeded. Now the only thing they have to do is befriend Victini and possibly capture it, in order for N and Touko to be a step ahead of Team Plasma.
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1:28pm Jun 3 2012
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Touko bit her lip a bit harder. She moved her eyes from image to image. Though she didn't know which one was the real Stoutland, she pointed her finger to the image, and Houndoom stared at where her finger was pointing out of the corner of his eye. He growled, and waited for Touko's command.
"Use flamethrower!"
The houndoom opened his mouth and flames shot out as he ran towards the Stoutland his mistress had pointed at. He hoped that this was the right one. If it wasn't he would most likely lose the battle.
Love is all we need~
1:33pm Jun 3 2012
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The Stoutland widened his eyes as the fire aimed towards him. All the other images disappeared as the fire engulfed him, scorching his brown and blue fur. Stout barked and whimpered. "Lucky shot..." N smirked.
"Take Down!" he commanded. The large dog pokemon, now weaker due to the attack, hurled itself towards his target once more.
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1:41pm Jun 3 2012
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Houndoom couldn't dodge. He didn't have enough time to. After being so close to the Stoutland, he was thrown back by the attack, and landed on the ground with a thud, his eyes closed. He winced and tried his best to get up, panting heavily as he did so, but he fell back down onto his side.
Touko bit her lip and frowned. She yelled, "C'mon, big guy! Get up!" Her voice was encouraging, but no matter how hard Houndoom tried, he couldn't get back onto his feet. He was finished.
Then Touko felt the ball in her pocket slightly shock her. She yelped and said, "What the crap?" She pulled the pokeball out, still not taking her eyes off of N, his Stoutland, or her Houndoom. The pokeball tingled in her hand. Zekrom wanted out, and he wanted out now.
"Alright, alright," she said, throwing the pokeball to the side. The pokemon shot out of the red and white sphere, letting out a slight roar.
"I can smell him. He's here, Reshiram," the black pokemon said to his other half.
Love is all we need~
1:48pm Jun 3 2012
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Reshiram nodded, "I know," he snorted. He stared back over at the pillar, with N following his gaze. "He is?" he asked.
Victini gasped, both halves were here. This was bad, they could start fighting! But the Houndoom, it needed special attention. Victini took another deep breath, the fate of Pokemon were more important than being afraid of war. They would have started fighting already if that was the case.
He flew from behind the pillar and landed next to Houndoom, placing his three-fingered hands on his side. A light started to surround them, then it disappeared, giving Houndoom more strength. He then quickly flew away, trying desperately to keep away from the two halves.
Reshiram growled then reached out with his wing and grabbed one of the wing like features on Victini's rump. He held the Pokemon still in his large, white claws. "Victini..." Reshiram roared.
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2:17pm Jun 3 2012
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Ooc:// Omaigawd. What the crap, res?! I typed this super long post that was awesome, and then res ate it. -.-*
Houndoom gasped as he felt a hand that wasn't his mistress's upon his side, healing him with some power he didn't recognize. He looked up to see a pokemon that he didn't recognize. As the pokemon left his side, Houndoom stood and went after it. The pokemon hadn't even stayed long enough for him to thank him.
Touko tensed up as she spotted the Victini, and then she bolted after it as it took off, stopping when she saw Reshiram grab it by one of the wing-like features that the pokemon sported.
"Victini, please don't run. We're here for something important, and many lives could be at stake if you simply run. We won't hurt you. I promise." She bit her lip. "Reshiram, don't hold him too tight, okay?"
Zekrom moved forward and leaned down nearer to the Victini's face. "Do not be afraid, Victini. Reshiram and I can coexist peacefully now. We hold no grudges against you for what you did all those years ago."
Houndoom caught up with the pokemon and his mistress. "That pokemon... What is it?" He looked up at the Victini. "Thankyou for healing me."
Love is all we need~
2:23pm Jun 3 2012
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N stared at Victini, he had never really thought of seeing the legendary Victory Pokemon. He even doubted that Reshiram's plan would work. All he could do was stand in awe, like he did when he first met Reshiram. Just stand there and gape, eyes wide and mouth slightly open.
Victini squirmed in Reshiram's grasp. "Vee, ve ve! Veee!" "Let me go! Let me go!" Reshiram clearly had no attention on releasing the Pokemon, knowing that it would just flutter off and the team would have to search for it all over again with a new plan.
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2:55pm Jun 3 2012
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Touko felt tears start rolling down her face. It was partly because she thought that asking for Victini's cooperation was pointless, but mainly because she couldn't believe what was happening- another legendary stood before her, and was being sought out by Team Plasma.
She closed her eyes shut. "Please, Victini! Please listen to me! The lives of pokemon are at stake! Please understand!"
Houndoom was a bit startled by how his mistress began to cry. He walked over to her and gently nudged her leg, licking her hand, which was clenched into a fist.
Zekrom huffed and looked down at his mistress, unsure of what to do in this situation.
Love is all we need~
3:12pm Jun 3 2012
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N was taken back by Touko's sudden cry. He walked next to her side, holding the hand that didn't get licked by the Houndoom. "Touko..." he murmured. "It's alright..."
A large Tranquill flew into the room, snatching the Victini out of Reshiram's fingers. Reshiram blinked, unsuspecting for Victini to be carried away. "Traaa quill quill quill quill!" the bird pokemon called out before it dove out of the tower. N and Soutland rushed toward the edge of the ledge, looking down to see the Tranquill flying towards the ground. He clenched his fists, "Probably Team Plasma's Tranquill..." he growled. He turned swiftly back around to the others. "We need to hurry,"
Victini screamed again, "Veee, Victini vee!" it cried. It had never been so terrified in its life. A re- counter with Reshiram and Zekrom, being captured by one of the halves who wouldn't let him go, the room where so much of his history had been made was full of strangers! Now, being snatched away by a Tranquill, what was this?!
"Traaaan quill quill quill quill quill!" "I have captured the target,"
A grunt of Team Plasma let out a satisfied smile. "Good work, Tranguill. Ghetsis would be pleased." he held out a poke'ball and grinned down at the little Victory Pokemon. Victini gulped, and cried some more, "Victini!"
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4:04pm Jun 3 2012
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Touko squeezed N's hand and opened her eyes only to find that Victini wasn't in Reshiram's clawed hand anymore. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip, now determined again. Her tears dried as she turned to the sound of a Tranquill and Victini's cries. She removed her hand from N's and looked at Zekrom, nodding before she and Houndoom broke into a run towards one of the windows that looked out onto the city below.
Touko's pokemon were in sync with her this time. With a butt from Houndoom's horns, the glass easily shattered, and Touko threw herself from the ledge, Zekrom swooping down to catch both of them on his back. Touko's hair whipped furiously around her face as Zekrom sped off towards the ground after the Tranquil.
Love is all we need~
4:12pm Jun 3 2012
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"Tia, the brats are coming, riding on their Vast what ever color Pokemon." the other grunt grunted. The girl scowled, but then nodded at Tranquill. "Do it quickly," she hissed. The Tranquill squeezed Victini hard in its talons, pecking and scratching at it. Victini cried with rage, fury, and fear. "Veeee!" "I'm already weak enough, do we have to go through this?!"
When the Tranquill was satisfied from hearing Victini cry, Tia quickly bonked the Pokemon upside the head with a Master Ball, making the Victory Pokemon zap inside the device. The ball moved a good five or eight times before it went still. Tia and the other grunt gave a satisfied smirk.
((No, Team Plasma did not win Victini, ;D Trust me.))
N and Reshiram flew down as fast as they could after zapping Stoutland back into its ball. His eyes narrowed and his face grew serious, "How could I let that happen? How the hell could I let that happen!"
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4:26pm Jun 3 2012
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Ooc:// Alright.
Touko felt her heart stiffen, like she'd just seen someone kick a poochyena. Her eyes lit up with fire, just like her favored pokemon type, and she let out a growl as she simply stood there, boiling, enraged by how Team Plasma just took Victini.
She looked over at N and said, "It's not your fault." She directed her fiery gaze back onto the grunts as she dismounted her black pokemon, who landed on the pavement with a large thump, sending her hair flying upward due to the air that was displaced.
She took her place several feet away from the grunts. "What is wrong with you?! You're lucky I haven't had Houndoom burn you to a crisp!" She yelled several other insults at them and then finally put her head to her face. "Why can't you just stop being Ghestis's slaves? Just walk the hell away from the maniac! Have you ever heard of being above the influence?!
Love is all we need~
4:42pm Jun 3 2012
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"Team Plasma is trying to make the world a better place, where Pokemon are no longer enslaved by humans! How are we used as slaves if we are with him all the way on this project?" Tia snorted. "Silly little girl, she keeps having ideals pop into her head, but no truth to prove them." she laughed. N tensed up.
Tranquill hissed at all of them, even at Reshiram and Zekrom.
"Now that we have Victini, all victory will come to us, and soon, to Ghetsis!" the grunt behind her gave a wicked grin. "With victorious power by our side, not even Reshiram and Zekrom together can defeat us..." Tia winked. __________________________________
Victini opened his eyes, and gasped at his surroundings. It was pitch black here, no light but the glowing neon blue circles that hung on the rounded walls. The sight of his own self even surprised him. He was no longer a solid, colorful body, but a glowing, neon, blue aura. You could tell it was a Victini, by the way the head and ears took shape, but other than that, it was just a small ball of blue mist.
"Vee!" he called out, frightened. 'I must be alone in this... ball?' he thought to himself.
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4:46pm Jun 3 2012
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"And you have no thoughs of your own- not even ideals. You're nothing but Ghestis's slaves." Touko clenched her fists, stepping forward. "Release Victini!"
Houndoom stepped forward beside his mistress and howled, Zekrom doing the same, but with a roar. She looked to N. "What do you say we make short work of these fools?" She gestured to the grunts.
"And a world without ideals would be an empty place. Plus, everyone knows that a perfect world is not what Ghestis is after."
Love is all we need~