4:57pm Jun 3 2012
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"Oh, is that so?" Tia chuckled. "Very well, I shall let Victini go," she said. She took out the Master Ball and tossed it in the air.
The blue circled lights began to change into a red, along with Victini's blue misty body. There was a blinding light as his now red form got released into an area where the both the atmospheric and air pressure was more suitable. As he landed, he felt himself becoming a solid, collecting his own color again. He opened his eyes and uncurled himself, leaping up into the air. "Veee!"
"Victini," said Tia. Victini, floating in the air, looked back at his... mistress? "Stored Power!" she commanded. That was one of his moves, but whom was he suppose to attack? He was a peaceful Pokemon, who normally didn't pick fights. And he was certain that Reshiram and Zekrom could smash him like a bug. But he did so anyway.
His body began to glow a pink-ish purple, he curled up, with his eyes closed shut, then uncurled, releasing the power. Large psychic waves splashed over them all.
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5:46pm Jun 3 2012
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Zekrom felt the waves hit him pretty good, and he winced. Houndoom was unaffected by the psychic type move, being completely immune to psychic powers. Touko watched as the Victini followed the orders that the grunt gave. She looked to N with wide eyes. She didn't want to fight a pokemon that she was supposed to befriend, but it seemed as if she had no other choice. Even she felt the psychic waves washing over her, hurting her.
Her eyes burned, tears threatening to surface from the pain, but she winced and pushed the burning away, looking to Houndoom, who was unfazed. She peered at Victini.
"Forgive me, Victini. It must be done."
She remembered something about Victini- it was weak against ghost type moves. She turned back to Houndoom, who stepped forward.
"Shadow ball! On the Victini!" She clenched her fists, and Houndoom opened his mouth as a ball of shadows formed and then shot it out towards Victini.
Ooc:// The accuracy rate for shadow ball is one hundred percent, so there's not a chance that Victini can dodge. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
Love is all we need~
6:57pm Jun 3 2012
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((i know, i wasn't going to let it dodge it anyway.))
Victini got hit pretty hard with the Shadow Ball. It weakened him just a little bit though. "Veeee!" it growled. Tia smirked, "All according to plan, Flame Thrower!" she shouted. though she knew it still wouldn't effect Reshiram or Houndoom much, she was making Victini aim for all of them. And with Victini's Victory Power, it had a greater chance of winning than any Pokemon here.
Victini's body lit on fire, then entered its mouth, there it held the fire in its mouth, then released it to every one of them.
Reshiram was harmed by the psychic attack, but not so much by the fire one. He growled at the Team Plasma grunts, Victini didn't mean to hurt them. He could tell that much by the look in the small Pokemon's eyes. _________________________
N frowned, trying to guard him and Touko from the fires. His back was to the flame thrower, hugging tightly onto Touko. "This needs to end..." he muttered.
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8:02pm Jun 3 2012
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Houndoom didn't feel much of the flamethrower. He winced a bit, but he just stood there, stepping in front of N to block a bit of the damage being done to them. He was thankful to the green-haired boy for protecting his mistress.
Zekrom winced as he was hit with a moderate amount of damage. "Victini, resist their commands. You are stronger than them. You don't have to do as they say."
Touko was preparing to be hit by the fire when she felt arms wrap around her. She could feel the heat going around her and she opened her eyes, only to look up into N's. She bit her lip and said, "Hold on, N. I think we've almost got this one. I'm going to attack the grunts from now on, not the pokemon."
She closed her eyes and buried her face into N's chest, taking a deep breath before saying, "Houndoom, use fire fang on the grunt girl!"
Houndoom obeyed, and launched himself from in front of N, over Victini, and straight towards Tia, mouth open, fangs aflame.
Love is all we need~
8:06am Jun 4 2012
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((imma gonna let Victini have an Italian accent. don't know why. xD)) Victini's eyes widened, were they actually going to hurt his mistress? 'What am I-a thinking? I am-a free Pokemon-a! I am-a legendary, and legendary do not-a get-a captured! I refuse-a to obey-a anymore!' he thought. But he still couldn't bare seeing ANYONE get hurt. But the poke'ball must have some effect on a Pokemon, creating a small bond where they have to at least partially obey?
"Victini, Protect!" Tia grinned. Victini stood there for a moment, before calling of a faint "Vee vee!" and using the move Protect over Tia, the other grunt, and himself. "Victini!" "I am-a so totally confused-a!" he admitted, hearing Zekrom's words. ________________________________
N looked up at Reshiram, who shook his head, reading his Master's face. "I have told you, I would only battle if necessary due to my strength." N huffed, "But this is necessary!" he fought. Reshiram shook his head. "Victini is fighting the urge, and poses no threat to any of us. It is not necessary."
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4:58pm Jun 4 2012
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Touko bit her lip and closed her eyes for a moment. Victini had protected the grunt girl. She clenched her jaws and fists, and she watched as Houndoom was bounced off of the protective barrier, landing a mere few feet away from her. She caught Houndoom's attention.
"Houndoom, come here, big guy." She stroked her pokemon's head tenderly as he came to her side. "Victini, she is not your mistress. You can leave her," she said, speaking loud so that the victini could hear her.
"You do not belong to her. Resist her control. Would you like all the pokemon in this world to have to suffer because of Ghestis?" She spat out the man's name as if it was poison.
"Please, Victini," Zekrom said, his voice soft. He peered over to Reshiram and N. "N, Victini seems to be reconsidering things. Perhaps you should join Touko in persuading him to resist that girl's control."
Love is all we need~
6:39pm Jun 19 2012
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Reshiram nodded. "Reshiram, you need to listen to us. Team Plasma is only using..."
"Veeee~!" Victini almost looked as if he had tears in his eyes. "I know! But I can't help it, it's like something is forcing me to obey them!" Victini curled up into a little ball in mid air, plugging his ears. "Help..."
N stared at Victini, then at Touko. "We need to somehow release Victini. I don't know how, but I believe Team Plasma had made their Poke'balls... more advanced, in a way." he shrugged.
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6:46pm Jun 19 2012
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Touko pursed her lips together and stared at Victini as it curled into a ball, its ears plugged. She wanted so badly to just tackle this grunt from team plasma.
She then turned to N and snappishly said, "You were a member of Team Plasma once, N. You should know what to do! Please think!" She pointed to Victini. "You wanted to stop people from doing things like this to pokemon, didn't you?" Tears formed in her eyes. "Well stop her now, N. This is what you wanted to do. Stop her, please..." One tear fell down her cheek.
Zekrom watched as Victini was in the air. "Resist, Victini. You are a legendary. You are capable of such feats."
Love is all we need~
6:55pm Jun 19 2012
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N watched the tear escape off of her cheek and fall to the ground. A type of energy built up inside him, and his throat went dry. The grunts; they were hurting Victini, which was hurting his Touko.... his life. He clenched his fists and glared at (what did I name her? Tia? -_-'). He had once believed he was so strong, that we would be the hero to set Pokemon free. Now's the time to prove that he was right.
"How about we play a little game, Tia?" he shouted. "Follow the way when I was still in the team. If you lose, it proves that you and Victini has no bond, has no passion for each other. If you win, you had proved me wrong and you are able to keep Victini."
A small smirk twitched over Tia's lips, "I have Victini's victorious power, Lord N. How could you possibly win?"
Victini's eyes stole a glance from every one. He looked over at Zekrom and Reshiram, then at Touko. "Ve..." "Please, help..."
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7:00pm Jun 19 2012
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Touko was so happy when he said that he would fight Tia. But it was terrifying to know that if N lost that Victini would belong to Team Plasma. She licked her lips.
Zekrom turned to Reshiram. "I hope your master can live up to his words." It wasn't said in a snob-like tone, but more in a worried tone.
Touko heard Victini's words since he was talking to everyone, and not just another pokemon. She clenched her fists and said to Victini. "Please don't worry. We're going to get you out of this mess..."
Love is all we need~
7:20pm Jun 19 2012
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Tia laughed and decided to use Victini for her Pokemon in the battle. "What pathetic Pokemon will you send out?" she laughed. N stiffened. Why was she part of Team Plasma with that kind of attitude? Anger boiled up inside her, "For your information, no Pokemon is pathetic! they are strong in their own way, smart, strong, clever, fast, you name it! What grunt are you to speak about Pokemon with so much coldness?" he growled.
But Tia just yawned and did a shooing motion with her hand. "Let's just get this started. Ghetsis has a job that you didn't finish." N huffed, but then looked back at Reshiram with pleading eyes. "Is this necessary now?" he asked. Reshiram' blue eyes looked sad, as if N was asking him to kill. He let out a soft groan, "Reshiiii!" "Let's do this."
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7:32pm Jun 19 2012
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Touko smiled. Reshiram was strong. Strong enough to be Zekrom's even match in a battle. She had no doubt that if she and N were to battle with Zekrom and Reshiram that they would be equally matched.
Zekrom gave a slight laugh and said, "I've got fifty poke on the white one." He said it to nobody in particular, but he hoped that Reshiram heard. Perhaps it may lighten the situation, and allow Reshiram to think clearer.
Love is all we need~
7:37pm Jun 19 2012
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Reshiram had heard Zekrom, and blushed a bit, showing up well on his white skin/fur. "Reshiii!"
N commanded an attack, "Flamethrower!"
Tia smiled, laughed and shook her head. "Fail... Victini, Protect!"
Victini protected itself, the fire moving around the bubble, but not damaging anyone or anything. Sweat drops appeared on Victini's head, "Veeeee...."
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7:43pm Jun 19 2012
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Touko frowned. It was unusual for a pokemon to be able to execute protect twice in a row. The more the move is used in a battle, the less of a chance it has of being executed successfully.
She bit her lip. This was killing her. The victini seemed like it didn't want to do this. If N beat this girl in the pokemon battle, Touko would finish it off by delivering a good kick to the gut.
Love is all we need~
7:42am Jun 20 2012
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When the protection bubble flickered off, Victini looked hurt. "Ve...Victini..." he gasped. He glared at Reshiram, but the glare was not full of hatred, but full of plead.
Tia laughed, "Double Edge!"
Victini's outlined glowed a bright white, then it smashed its tiny body into the side of Reshiram's, somehow dealing great damage. Reshiram just took a step back, and glared down at the small Legendary. Victini himself was even damaged by recoil.
N clenched his teeth. "Reshiram, use Dragon Rage!"
((you can control Tia and Victini if you want... :/ this might be a long battle. ;D))
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