12:33pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira nodded. "Some agencies, like mine, are a little bit like nomads. They have bases spread throughout the world, but they are well hidden. And I know where only one of them is located." he said.
He went over and picked up his his weapons, hiding them in his jacket pockets and pants pockets. "I cannot promise that I will not hurt others, and I know you know why. But I'll try and feed on animals as much as I can. You might find me gone some nights and some mornings, but just know that I'm either in a forest or by a farm feeding and that I will be back very shortly. It doesn't take long for a vampire to travel." he winked.
He flipped his dark bangs to the side and zipped up his black his jacket. He tightened his black and white scarf around his neck so it stayed on firmly, and pulled his dark gloves on his hands, slipping his fingers through the holes. "I like to make sure I'm dressed and ready before I start a mission." he joked.
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12:40pm Apr 22 2012 (last edited on 12:41pm Apr 22 2012)
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Arielle laughed a bit, and ran her fingers through her hair. She shed her jacket and stuffed it into her messenger bag, alongside her bow and arrow. She placed her daggers back in their holsters and looked back at Kira.
"So, where do you suggest that we stay? It's getting dark. We could stay in the woods, or we could find some other place to stay." She tucked some of her golden hair behind her ear, and crossed her arms.
Ooc:// Sorry. I've been having just a tiny bit of writers' block lately...
Love is all we need~
12:43pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira thought for a moment, then looked at Arielle. "I know a small little cottage where we can stay in. It doesn't have any habitats, well it use to... but.. um... yeah... It's clean, and it's by the forest. We can stay there. Locals still think the young couple is alive and lives there, so we'll be fine."
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12:46pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle was accustomed to tales of death, so it wasn't a surprise when Kira said that the young couple was dead. She'd killed many more people than she'd ever be able to count, so she simply nodded and cracked her neck before smiling at Kira.
She swept her hand out, gesturing towards the end of the alley that they were in, and said, "Lead the way, Kira. Any place to stay is fine with me."
Love is all we need~
12:50pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira grinned, "We better get there quick, no tell when the FBI will be on the search for us." He walked over towards Ari, grabbed her by the hand, and mounted her on his back. He let out a sigh, and took a few steps. Slowly at first, but he started to get faster and faster as they went. Some parts he was actually gliding with his feet off the ground, but to make sure that Ari was going to be safe and can't get flight sick, he made sure to stick to the ground.
It didn't take long to reach the cottage, and when they arrived he placed her on the ground. "You alright?" he asked, leaning against a tree staring at her.
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12:54pm Apr 22 2012
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When Arielle was lifted off of the ground by Kira, she gasped, and held on tightly. She closed her eyes and buried her face in his neck, not wanting to watch the landscape blur by. The wind scattered her hair, and she was surprised when she was set down so quickly.
She slowly opened her eyes to find Kira standing against a tree, and the cottage in front of her. She felt a bit dizzy, so she stumbled and held onto a nearby tree for support. "Next time you do that, give me some warning. That was... exhilerating, but I need to know when you're going to do that." She couldn't help but smile.
Love is all we need~
1:05pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira smiled, his canines the size of a regular human's. "Will do,." he chuckled and walked up to the front door. It was locked. He frowned and looked around, then kicked the door open using his strength. Not much though, since it didn't need much.
He turned around and smiled down at Arielle, "Droit de cette facon, mademoiselle." he winked. 'Ah, Russian speaking french. Nice,' he thought amusingly.
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1:16pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle was a bit confused as to what he said. She didn't speak any other language but english. "Excuse me?" She raised a brow, and straightened up, still a bit dizzy from the ride here. "I don't speak whatever language that was." She let out a light, airy laugh.
She walked up to Kira, but, seeing as he was blocking her way, she looked up at him and said, "Excuse me." Under any other circumstances, she would've pushed her way past someone, but these weren't normal circumstances. They were going to have to work together, now.
Love is all we need~
1:18pm Apr 22 2012
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"It was french for 'Right This Way, Miss', or madame, but I prefer Miss." he smiled, stepping out of the way so she can enter. "I'll go get you some chocolate to help with your dizziness if you want." Kira suggested, thinking that a dizzy, light headed partner wouldn't be a good companion to stop the agencies.
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1:24pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle smiled and shook her head. "I'm not good with languages. But I think it's interesting that you are." She stepped inside, flopping onto a nearby couch. It supported her back pretty well, so she layed down on it.
"And, yeah. Chocolate sounds nice." She twirled a lock of her hair around her index finger. "What other languages do you speak, Kira?"
Love is all we need~
1:30pm Apr 22 2012
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"Russian, French, English, German, and a little bit of Japanese." Kira said, walking over to a little "sweet jar" and taking a chocolate bar. "All part of who I am," he smiled. He walked back to the couch and gave Ari a bit of chocolate. "Mostly Russian blood though, I believe."
He leaned on an arm of the couch, staring at her with his sparkling silver eyes. "What are you good at, other than being an assassin." he smiled.
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1:37pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle took the chocolate and bit into it, allowing the sweet substance to melt on her tongue. She closed her eyes and smiled. When she opened them she looked into Kira's eyes, just now noticing that they were like a foil to hers. His were like silver, and hers were like gold. It was interesting. She had taken in all of the information when he asked her what she was good at.
"I play the violin and the piano. I sing and dance." She scratched the back of her neck half-heartedly, clearing her throat. "That's about all. Oh, and I train animals."
Love is all we need~
1:51pm Apr 22 2012
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((for some reason i feel like this song matches Kira... xD at least the main chorus ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obTS7IDGtXU))
Kira smiled, "Maybe you can teach me how to play the piano." he said. "What kind of music do you like?" he asked. The window let in some light from the moon, looking like Ari was glowing. It was beautiful, she was beautiful. The moon beams only decorates the background, it was her that, to him, was shining like the brilliant sun.
He leaned in a little closer, but then slowly backed away when he caught a whiff of her blood again. His canines ached with longing. 'Damn it,' he thought.
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1:59pm Apr 22 2012
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Ooc:// It does kind of fit him. Especially what you just typed. XD "Turn the lights off in this place and she shines just like a star." And then "I just can't pull myself away." Yep. Completely sounds like he's going to nom on her.
Arielle looked out at the moon, smiling. "The piano isn't that hard to learn how to play, and I like music from the Baroque period. It's intriguing. Well, at least that's what I like to play on the piano. I dance to all sorts of music." She yawned, and then looked back at Kira.
His fangs were elongated, she noticed. "You must be hungry, huh?" She swallowed, and said, "What's the difference between human blood and animal blood to a vampire?" She sat up straight, placing her hands in her lap and crossing one leg over the other.
Love is all we need~
2:10pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira shrugged, "Not much. Humans have more of a flavor to it though than animals. It's all in the emotions though, the emotions and thoughts. If a victim is scared to wits, then the smell and taste are more scrambled. Toasted, I guess you can say. Vampires like the raw kind though. If the victim is calm, than it is more mouth watering. Like salt water taffies, the way they make your mouth water when you eat them. And if the victim is in love, has a romantic thought or feeling, then it is even more tempting. Sweet, creamy, smooth." he smiled, imagining the taste.
"That is why vampires are so popular with romance, they yearn for the blood, but yet they don't want to kill because sometimes they fall in love. Especially if the victim is a beautiful, young girl, or guy, depending on your gender and what you aim for." he explained.
"Animals though, they get frightened easily and don't have the same stuff like humans do. If the vampire was an animal though, tastes would be much different, and they'll aim for animals instead of humans. But blood is blood to them, I suppose. Not really picky drinkers."
He looked over at her, taking in a small whiff of her blood again. He hid a smile, 'Beauty, delicious, delicately blooded, beauty.' he thought.
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2:23pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle took in the information. It was interesting. Intriguing, actually. "So, most vampires prefer to seduce victims and then drink their blood when they're calm, right?" She looked expectantly at him, and couldn't help but notice the way that he was looking at her.
"You need to feed soon, right?" Arielle considered her options. "My blood must smell different to you, doesn't it?" Before he even answered, she decided to test her hypothesis. Drawing a dagger from her pocket, she sliced the palm of her hand, wincing a bit as she did so, and allowed it to drip down her hand.
Love is all we need~
2:27pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira bit his bottom lip and stared at the blood. "What... the... hell... are... you.. doing?!" he asked, his body tensing up. His hands started to get shaky, and he tried to look away, get his mind on something else. He clenched the arm of the couch hard, his fangs causing him terrible pain, telling him to do it.
"I'll... g...go ... get you... some wash clothes... and... a bandage." he said through clenched teeth. 'Maybe I should've also told her about the blood's flavor when the vampire has feelings...' he thought.
He was frozen, couldn't move, and if he tried he'll be going straight to Arielle's arm.
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2:32pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle smirked. She was right. "C'mon. It can't be that bad. If you really need blood that much, then come here and get it," she said, her mood changing to playful. "Just don't turn me or anything like that. I trust you well enough."
She squeezed her hand, causing the blood to flow at a faster pace. "See. If you don't come over here, it'll be wasted." She tilted her hand upward so that the blood ran down her arm instead of dripping onto the couch or onto her clothes.
Love is all we need~
2:45pm Apr 22 2012
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"It... also... has ... a ..lot to do with... a Vampire's feelings..." Kira closed his eyes tightly. "About the victim..." he finished. "And... I said I wouldn't hurt you... I would be breaking... my promise..."
'But she's allowing you,' he thought to himself. 'She knows that you are hungry, she wants to feed you.'
Kira opened his eyes, hesitated, then slowly walked towards Arielle and knelt in front of her. "You're sure?" 'Don't ask her if she's sure... if she didn't want to feed you she wouldn't be doing this...'
He lowers his mouth down to her arm, 'More affective if its on the neck,' He paused just a few centimeters away from the cut. He looked up, but then changed his mind and went back to the arm.
He bit into her, licking the blood with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. He felt Ari tense up, but he kept at it, making sure to not put any vampire poison in her.
Her blood was amazing, so creamy, like butterscotch. It tasted much like butterscotch too, so sweet though, like honey. He never tasted anything like it, and his feelings towards her just makes it even better! It tasted way better than anyone he had ever preyed on, the most delicious thing he had ever consumed.
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2:56pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle allowed him to take her blood, wincing when he first bit into her. The pain faded away, and she felt herself become a bit... intoxicated. She'd read about a vampire's bite and what she'd heard was that it was supposed to calm the victim a bit. Sure enough, it calmed her. Made her a bit dopey, even.
She kept breathing evenly, only tensing up now and then, and the tenses didn't last more than a few seconds. She remembered what he said about a vampire's feelings toward the victim and that it affected the taste. "You didn't break your promise. It only hurt just a tad bit." She let out a small smile.
"Don't you feel better now?" Ari was starting to feel a bit light-headed, but not much.
Love is all we need~