3:02pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira nodded, still drinking her blood. "This is... like... nothing I have ever tasted," he sighed, lapping up a few more sips before breaking away. He sat next to her, blood trickling down from his lip. "But you only made it worse, not I want you even more than before." he sighed.
He leaned back on the couch, "But I'll be sure, that I will never hurt you. You... You mean a lot to me. You don't know how much," he said, blushing a bit and looking away.
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3:08pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle laughed a bit, and looked over at her arm, which was still bleeding. "You had enough?" She watched as a single drop of blood fell to the ground.
"You just met me today. Trust me, your feelings will fade over time. Many men have felt like this towards me. Almost all of them are dead now." She looked down, feeling guilty for her actions towards those who claimed to love her. Any lovers that she once had, other than Kira, were now dead. It was maddening.
She felt her throat tighten, and her eyes sting. "I'm sorry for saying that aloud. Just thought you should know what you're getting yourself into. But just know, I don't think I'll ever kill you. You're much too intriguing, and you're good company."
Love is all we need~
3:17pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira nodded, still not looking at her. 'So... she doesn't feel the same...' he thought. 'It's been centuries before I have actually found someone to love, but... I can't now.' He sighed and closed his eyes, turning his head straight.
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3:24pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle smiled brilliantly and stood, taking out a roll of bandages from her bag. She wrapped her hand with it, and said, "Well, we should go to bed. It's getting awful dark outside, and, though I'm normally a night owl, I need to sleep. Tomorrow, we both go to investigate about this mess."
"Oh, and Kira, don't look so glum. You're much more attractive when you're not sad." She wandered off into a separate room; luckily for her, it was a bedroom. She flopped down on the bed, and looked up at the ceiling.
Love is all we need~
3:32pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira smirked, and then frowned again. "Yeah, good-night.." he murmured. He decided to settle on the couch for the night. He didn't need to sleep, but he felt like having dreams about about Ari, even though she didn't like him back.
'If only she did,' he thought sadly. 'I would be the most luckiest vampire there ever was.' He rolled over onto his stomach and laid his head on the arm of the couch. He closed his eyelids slowly and soon fell into a nice sleep.
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3:50pm Apr 22 2012
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((Timeskip to morning~~))
Arielle walked into the kitchen, rummaging around for any food. None. She hadn't bothered to wake Kira. Why not let him sleep? He seemed to be acting strange lately, and Arielle wondered why.
They would go and investigate, and then she would find some way to cheer him up, perhaps. An idea hit her. Maybe they should go dancing... She decided to wake Kira now. The sun had just started to rise. She sat down in front of the couch and shook Kira's shoulder slightly.
"Wake up, Kira. We have to get going."
Love is all we need~
3:54pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira, waking up startled, fell off of the couch. "Oof," He sat up and shook his head, then looked at Ari. "Oh, hi there... I had an AWESOME FREAKING DREAM LAST NIGHT.... but.. uh... Sorry... Can't tell you." he smiled, standing up. "Anyway, you need breakfast? I can get you some."
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3:58pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle laughed and shook her head. She couldn't help but be curious about his 'awesome freaking dream'. "Tell me what you dreamt about. Please. If you tell me about your dream, I'll tell you what I've got planned for after we finish investigating."
She stuck her bottom lip out, and gave him her signature puppy dog eyes.
Love is all we need~
4:03pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira smiled, regular canine teeth this mourning. "Aren't we going to investigate like you said we were gonna be doing?" he chuckled, resting his chin on his hands. "And let's just say my dream... wasn't about blood, but about a special... young... girl... who's name just happens to be..." He gestured his hand to Arielle. "Take a guess."
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4:10pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle smirked. "Her name was 'take a guess'?" She snickered. "That's definately unusual. Give me a hint. The first letter." She then added, "And, we're going to investigate first. Once we finish investigating, I've got something special planned. You'll like it." She smiled up at Kira. "You might even like it more than I will."
Love is all we need~
4:23pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira raised his eyebrows. "Oh really?" he smiled. "Well, hopefully I do then. And you need to like it too. It won't be as fun if you don't like it." he said. He stood up and slipped his jacket back on, "Oh, and by the way. Her name begins with an "A" and she's the only female I haven't killed yet." He said then walked out the front door.
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4:33pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle rolled her eyes. She grabbed her messenger bag, slipped on her coat, and followed after Kira. "Kira, you need to stop all this before you make yourself sick. You were supposed to kill me, and I was supposed to kill you. We can't kill eachother, and now you like me, and all this stuff is going on. I think you're attractive, and you think I'm attractive, but all of this is just too strange. I don't understand everything."
"Plus, I don't want to hurt you. Everyone that's loved me before is dead, and I know that seems so stereotypic, but it's true. My parents were assassinated, and I assassinated all of my lovers. Bad things happen to people who like me." She ran a hand through her hair, sighing. "If you are determined in winning me over, then you're welcome to keep trying. There's no guarantee that it'll work, though."
Somewhere, deep inside of Ari, something began to break. All of these lies. Plastered on her surface wall for the sake of Kira. She liked him. She really did. He was just about the only person who had ever been merciful towards her, and she would never be able to hurt him. The sad thing was that, due to him being a vampire, Kira would live on long after she died. Her human life would be short in comparison to his.
Love is all we need~
5:18pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira nodded, "Sorry... I didn't mean to dream about you... I... just... " it was hard for him to explain. "Yeah, there are lots of beautiful girls out there, but I never fell for one. I haven't fell in love fore centuries. It may seem I'm taking this too hard, but I haven't loved in a long time. My family never loved me, I killed them. I never had any friends and so I killed random strangers. I even killed other vampires." he sighed. "I'm... sorry..."
He walked out the door, and stood outside, sensing his surroundings. A tear escaped his eye, but only because the sun got into it. He wasn't use to facing to the sun, he was more of a night kind of vampire. At least it didn't hurt him like humans think it does.
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5:26pm Apr 22 2012
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"You don't have to be sorry. Just be careful, okay?" Arielle caught up with Kira, and grabbed his arm lightly, trying to get his attention. "Listen, Kira. I just want you to know what could happen. I'm not angry at you, nor do I dislike you. I just.... don't know what to think right now, okay?"
"What's the fastest way to get back into the city?" Arielle already knew the answer, but she felt like asking anyway. Without a doubt, Arielle knew that the fastest way would be for Kira to piggy-back her there, given that he could run faster than any car she'd ever seen.
Love is all we need~
5:39pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira sighed, "I know you know." he turned his neck and cracked it, feeling good. "Um... so where are we going first, Roger..." he asked, his voice soft and low. He walked to the tree, but then froze.
He turned his head, first left, then right. He kept sniffing the air. Then, in a bl ink of an eye, he was gone. Without a trace. Without a scent.
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5:45pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle watched as Kira was there, and then he was simply not there. He was gone, and he left no trail to follow. She felt her hands start shaking. "Kira..." She felt her voice catch in her throat. Maybe he'd left her, she thought. Maybe he'd abandoned her.
Finding a comfortable place, Arielle sat and stayed put. She didn't know the way out of the woods anyway, and if she were to try to get out of them, she'd just end up getting lost. She felt her chest tighten, but she refused to let her emotions show.
Where did he go?
Love is all we need~
5:54pm Apr 22 2012
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Kira growled, "Where are you, you punk." He sat high up in the tree. "you've forgotten your girlfriend already? Is my scent that strong?" a mocking voice came from below. Kira looked down and scowled. "Get out of here!... And she's not my girlfriend! She... she... she doesn't... want me... like that." Kira sighed, closing his eyes.
"Ah, I guess you were a bad romancer?" the other man smirked. "I guess she just doesn't love you... at all. I mean.. who would?" the man pushed his bangs aside. "Vampire... you're a vampire... she would much rather go out with me..." "You're not even human," Kira muttered. "No, but I am more human than you are." "You're the same as me, punk!" "Why don't you call me by my name, Kira. Don't you remember it? It's Jakub." he grinned.
"What ever, just leave me and Arielle alone!" Kira growled and climbed down from the tree, starting to scurry back to the cottage. But Jakub grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. "Not so fast, romeo. You and me have something to settle."
Kira rolled his eyes, "Arielle!" he shouted. Jakub chuckled, "You're such a dumb vamp."
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6:06pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle heard a voice, clear as day. It said her name. It was Kira.
She ran towards the area where she'd heard the voice coming from. She never stopped running. She could've gotten lost. She could've tripped and fell, but her feet beat against the dark earthy ground, carrying her to Kira. Her golden hair splayed behind her, and, she saw something up ahead.
She saw Kira.... and someone else she didn't recognize. She pulled a dagger from its holster, and held it ready in her hand. Was this person friend or foe? He was holding Kira back. What was he? Human? Vampire?
"What's going on?" Her chest heaved with each breath she took, and her amber eyes searched both of them for any hint of what could be happening.
Love is all we need~
6:49pm Apr 22 2012
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"You are a very foolish vamp, Mr. Dusha." Jakub grinned. "Calling out this sweet young girl who doesn't love you, only using you just to stop the agencies. Do you think she even wants to be friends with a vamp? She's better with me than you."
"But you are me!" Kira growled, turning around the bite Jakub. But Jakub was too fast and knocked Kira to the ground. His fangs grew really big, so big that it ran down past his bottom lip. Kira scowled and pulled out his hand gun and shot Jakub in the chest.
Jakub screeched in pain, and Kira got up off the ground and ran to Arielle. "We need to get out of here," he said to her. "Hurry," he said before Jakub landed on top of him, biting down on Kira's neck instead, and started injecting the poison inside of him. "The Fates want you to die now, Dusha, they don't want you on the Earth Plane anymore."
"Kiss my grits, Jakub." Kira gasped.
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6:56pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle was still a bit confused, and why was Jakub talking about her like she wasn't there, and then saying that she was better off with him? She didn't even know this guy, but it was evident that he knew her.
When he sank his fangs into Kira, Arielle drew her dagger and said, "Don't touch him." When Jakub didn't release, she jumped towards him, amber eyes flashing, and swung towards his head, careful not to let her dagger slip towards Kira's neck.
"Don't touch him!"
Love is all we need~