7:01pm Apr 22 2012
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Jakub hissed at Arielle. "Go ahead, cut me, it won't hurt me. Only blood loss." he smiled. "Arielle, don't... just go." Kira pleaded. "Yes, listen to your boyfriend in which you don't love..." Jakub laughed. "Ah, boy, do I really feel sorry for you Kira," "SHUT UP!" Kira hissed, his eyes growing black with hate and madness.
He broke free from Jakub's grasp and and took Arielle's dagger and shoved it in the side of Jakub's head. Jakub screamed, and then held Kira's head firmly. "If only there was a fire here!" Jakub screeched, showing demon like teeth.
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7:05pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle reached up and yanked her dagger back out of Jakub's head, and slashed at his arm, hoping that if she could injure it badly enough, that it would cause him to release Kira. "Demon! Die!"
She prayed that this would work. She prayed to anyone that was listening. It had been a long time since Arielle had last prayed, and she sure hoped that whoever was looking down had their eyes on her.
"Release him, you devil!" Arielle screamed.
Love is all we need~
7:10pm Apr 22 2012
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Jakub hissed again and shoved Arielle to the ground. Then he shoved Kira to a tree and a iron rope suddenly appeared, tying him to the tree. his weapons appeared on the ground, and he turned to Arielle. "Hallo, babe." he smirked. He ran vampire fast to her, grabbing her by the throat and throwing her to the ground. "Like I said, only blood loss," he muttered. He got his own dagger and sliced Arielle across the chest. "But you... it would be much much more."
Kira screamed, "Arielle!" he cried. "Leave her alone, you monster!" "You're just calling yourself that, Dusha."he laughed.
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7:16pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle growled and hissed in pain as her own dagger sliced her. She'd never thought someone else would cut her with her own dagger. It made her angry. "Let Kira go. I could care less about myself. And don't ever call me babe, you demon." She struggled under his grip, only able to spit out a few words due to his hand around her throat.
She thrashed, and said, "Just let Kira go, please." Her eyes began to water.
Love is all we need~
7:20pm Apr 22 2012
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"But I am Kira." he smiled. He had the same dark hair, the same silver eyes, the same muscles. The only difference was the nose. His was more rounder than Kira's. "Isn't that right, Kira?" he shouted over his shoulder.
Kira cried, "Just let her go..." Jakub shook his head and clecnhed Arielle's throat tighter. Kira could see her face going red. "Yes, god damn, you are me, now let her go. Let Ari go... please.." Tears were streaming down his face. Jakub loosened his grip, but still held firmly. He chuckled darkly. "Oh Dusha..."
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7:26pm Apr 22 2012
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Arielle coughed when Jakub loosened his grip. She coughed up just a tiny bit of blood, which landed on her lip. "What do you mean you're Kira?" Sure, Arielle had noticed the physical similarities between the two, but Jakub seemed more harsh than Kira.
"Kira, don't worry about me! Focus on getting out of those bindings." She yelled over at Kira, who she could see was crying. It made her heart break a little that he was crying.
Love is all we need~
3:00pm Apr 23 2012
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Jakub laughed like he was mad. Okay, maybe he was a little mad, but more evil minded. He smelt the blood coming from Arielle, and grinned. "Don't... no.... JAKUB!" Kira shouted, struggling hard against the bindings. Jakub ignored him and lowers his head towards Arielle's neck. "Just a little sip..." He paused though, then changed his mind. "No, I want to see her suffer first."
He stood up, grabbed a broken branch, and whacked her hard across the head, sending her flying through the air. He dropped the branch and caught her, twisting her arms hard, and scratching long thin marks all over her.
Kira yelled, his face going red with rage. He clenched his fists, and the bindings glowed a bright red. They burst about and he rushed towards Jakub and punched him away from Ari. He hissed at Jakub, his eyes all black, his face pale, and teeth that looked sharp as a needle and belonged to a demon.
Jakub grinned though, and disappeared in a flash of white light. Kira stopped hissing, and his eyes return to a moon-silver his teeth went back to a regular human's. He turned around and looked back at Arielle. She was bleeding badly, loosing too much blood. "Arielle..." he gasped, tears in his eyes again.
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4:27pm Apr 23 2012
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Arielle, bleeding and broken, la yer on the ground. Blood was trickling down her chin, flowing from her mouth, and her arms had been scoured from Jakub's claws. She looked up at Kira and let out a weak, pained smile.
"Hey..." Her breathing was ragged, and she struggled to speak. "Your eyes... They're entrancing." She let out a pained laugh. "I never expected I would die at a vampires' hands."
Love is all we need~
4:30pm Apr 23 2012
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Kira didn't know what to do, and pciked Ari up and ran back to the cottage. He kicked the door open and set her down on the couch. "Arielle... Arielle... No... You won't die, I promised nothing would hurt you... But I broke it, but you still won't die." Kira cried again, burying his face into Arielle's neck. "No... please..."
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5:40pm Apr 23 2012
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Arielle smiled, blood still trickling out of her mouth. "I might die, Kira." Her hands trembled as she reached forward to lightly stroke his cheek, and she coughed a bit. "But I also might live."
"Distract me from the pain. Please, Kira." She swallowed stiffly.
Love is all we need~
2:47pm Apr 24 2012
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Kira calmed at the touch of Arielle's hand. He smiled, and bent down towards her face and kissed her gently on the lips. "You're not going to die... I.... I think I know what to do." he murmured softly.
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4:14pm Apr 24 2012
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Arielle's eyes widened as Kira kissed her, and she weakly wrapped a tremulous hand around his shoulder. She let out a ragged breath when Kira pulled away, and nodded. Whatever Kira could do to help would be fine. "Just don't turn me." Arielle wanted to stay human for just a while longer.
Love is all we need~
3:54pm Apr 25 2012
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"I won't," he promised. Then he glanced around his shoulder, just to make sure Jakub wasn't around anywhere. Then he quickly glanced back down at Ari, "You know how vampires feed off of blood? Well, humans can do the same thing with vampires. Vampire blood can give healing and power and strength," Kira explained.
He sat up and grabbed a dagger form his belt. He rolled up his sleeve and turned his arm over so he could slice it easily. He looked back up at Arielle, then sliced a long cut on his arm. The blood oozed out, the warm but cold feeling in Kira's skin. He leaned back down, "Don't worry," he assured her. He raised his arm up to her mouth and watched his blood trickle inside. He tilted her head up so it was easier to swallow.
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4:34pm Apr 25 2012
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Arielle was surprised at what Kira did. Though the blood didn't taste good to her, given that she was a human, all she could taste was rust, and metal. She had to force it down in order to heal.
As she swallowed Kira's blood in large gulps, she felt her wounds start to burn. She pulled away and let out a cry of pain as her cells began to regenerate and multiply. Her wounds sealed up, and there weren't even any scars left to show what had happened.
When the pain ceased, Arielle let out a few ragged breaths, and then wiped her mouth. She felt so... strange now. "Who was that?" She was referring to Jakub, who had nearly killed her. "He's..... insane, but he looks just like you."
Love is all we need~
4:47pm Apr 25 2012
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Kira bit his lip, "He's... me... in a way." he hesitated, then sighed. "A long time ago, when people still believed in us, a group of scientists captured me. They took me to their lab, ran some tests," he started to explain. He looked away and had a distant look in his eyes, as if he could still see the thing as if it were playing out in front of him.
"They wanted to study the vampire body, study about our venom and our blood. But they had only duplicated my DNA, and they had let him grow out, thinking that they could actually tame vampires. But it ended up in a disaster, as you can imagine. Vampires are vampires, and a fresh, young, hungry one is almost impossible to tame. Fortunately, after he had destroyed the crazy lab, one of the Fates took him in and raised him. Although that was clearly a fatal mistake, as Jakub killed him as well."
He sighed again leaned back against the couch. "Just think of him as a very much darker version of me. I'm naturally dangerous and my character is not a very nice one. I'm just only nice right now because I care about you. A lot. Jakub on the other end can't act nice. He has no good side. Always dark, always evil, always on the kill. I'm... actually some-what surprised that he had found me. I disguise my scent well, or maybe it was because of your scent."
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5:14pm Apr 25 2012
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"What do you mean maybe it was because of my scent?" Arielle narrowed her eyes. She understood about the whole Jakub-Kira thing now, and she felt enlightened. However, she couldn't help but think that there was a good side to everyone. She used to think that she had no good side, but then she actually displayed some of it with Kira.
"We still need to investigate today. Afterwards, you and I are going dancing in town." She pulled a cloth out out of her messenger bag and dabbed her face clean, but there was still a bit of dried blood on her neck.
"Oh, and does this place have a shower?" She pinched her nose. "'Cause I really need one right now."
Love is all we need~
4:07pm Apr 26 2012
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Kira smirked, "So that was the surprise?" he grinned. "I'm not a really good dancer, but... I suppose we could have some fun." he nodded. "And for the shower... I am not sure. there should be a bathroom beside the room you spent the night in." he said.
He got off the couch and stretched, wincing a bit. "When you're done, I'm gonna take a shower too." he said through a stiffed yawn.
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5:19pm Apr 29 2012
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Arielle nodded at Kira and walked out of the room, trying to ignore the ever-pressing feeling that Jakub wasn't going to leave her or Kira alone. She stripped down and took a long, hot shower. She got out a few minutes later and slipped on an extra pair of clothes that she constantly kept in her messenger bag.
She walked back into the living room in a pair of tight leather pants and a green tank top. Her golden hair was damp and hung over her left shoulder, leaving the right side of her neck fully exposed. She stretched like a cat and looked over to Kira. "Your turn."
Love is all we need~
5:26pm Apr 29 2012
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Kira smiled and walked towards her. Her hugged her close and kissed her neck gently, then let go and walked into the bathroom.
He quickly undressed and turned the shower on, stepping in and wetting his air. He tilted his head upward, enjoying the feel of the rushing water on his face. His canines ached again, his loss of blood for the first time made him loos energy. 'You could've bitten her right then and there, I'm sure she wouldn't have minded if she fed you again...' his back thoughts told him. 'No!' he hissed at it. 'I promise I wouldn't hurt her, she already lost enough blood...' 'But now she is replenished. You never know, she might have too much blood where it feels uncomfortable for her... even not... you're hungry... and you crave for her blood. Her blood is the most delicious you have ever tasted.' his mind told him.
He growled. "I won't hurt her..." he said out loud. "Even if I am hungry, and I yearn for her blood, I love her and I won't hurt her..."
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5:39pm Apr 29 2012
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Shivers were sent up Ari's spine when Kira kissed her neck. She was surprised that he didn't just bite her. She smiled at the amount of self control that he displayed constantly.
Arielle was a bit surprised at the voice coming from the bathroom. Maybe Kira was singing? No. She heard him talk. It was no musical tune, unless he was simply speaking the lyrics. She found herself interested in this matter, so she made her way into the bedroom that she had spent the night in and she placed her ear on the door that separated the bedroom from the bathroom.
Love is all we need~