2:49pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira sighed and leaned against the wall of the shower. "I... I don't know if... I can do this." he mumbled. "It's just too dangerous. I'm putting both of our lives in danger. Jakub would only use her to try and destroy me, and who knows what he'll do to her." he growled.
He sighed again and rinsed the suds out of his hair. "But I can't put her life in any more danger than what is necessary." His fangs still ached, growing a bit longer than an average human's canine. He slammed his fists on the wall, the need for Ari's blood grew deeper inside of him.
'You both can feed each other, you feed off of her blood, and if you take to much you can heal her by feeding her yours.' the voice at the back of his mind said. "No," he muttered. "I can't... I said I'll feed on animals, or others, while I'm with her. I can't break that promise as well..."
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4:05pm Apr 30 2012
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Ari jumped backwards a bit when she heard Kira's strong fists hit the wall. She hadn't heard much of the one-man conversation that was going on in there, but she had heard bits and pieces.
She knew that he was talking about her, but she didn't know the whole picture. She sighed and flopped backwards onto the bed, confused for the time being. Her hair splayed out behind her and she sighed, closing her eyes for just a moment before they would head out.
She just wished that Kira would be alright. Something seemed off about him lately. She sighed once more before she readjusted herself on top of the bed, trying to get comfortable. Maybe just a small nap...
Love is all we need~
7:15pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira finished up and got out of the shower. He scanned the bathroom for his clothes, but they disappeared. 'Odd,' he thought. He wrapped his lower half in a tower and entered the bedroom. He noticed that Arielle was on the bed laying down. He smirked, then headed towards the big room. He looked for his clothes there, and couldn't find it either.
He entered back into the bedroom and leaned against the door frame, holding the towel in place. "Uh... Arielle..." he spoke, his cheeks turning red. "Have you... uh... seen my clothes?"
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7:34pm Apr 30 2012
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Arielle jumped away from her sleep, a dagger in her hand that she'd retrieved from some hiding spot in her clothes. She then let her eyes rest on Kira's silver ones, and she let out an audible sigh, smiling as she did so. She placed her dagger back in a holster around her waist, which was hidden by her flowy tank top, and then noticed that Kira was half naked.
Her cheeks reddened and she shook her head in a manner that meant 'no'. "I-I haven't seen your c-clothes," she stuttered out. "D-didn't you walk into the bathroom w-with them?
Love is all we need~
7:46pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira nodded, his cheeks reddening. "I didn't see them in there though." he said, staring into her amber colored eyes. He swallowed hard, nervous being in front of a female like this.
He was breathing hard, uncomfortable, but it only made him look more attractive. his chest was partly shiny, due to the fact that he was still damp. His thick black hair went every which way, and his pale silver eyes seemed to glow. He let out a nervous sigh, staring down at the young girl.
'Feed,' his mind told him. 'Take her by surprise...' 'You can win this... and no, not her blood, but her herself. You love her, she's irresistible to you. You should be the first one to make a move.' a third voice entered the party. His bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to do.
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7:55pm Apr 30 2012
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Arielle was a bit stunned by how Kira looked. He seemed like he was trying to resist something. She was clueless to the fact that he was trying to resist her blood. She yawned and stood. "Are you okay, Kira?" She took a few steps closer to him, almost entranced by his silver eyes.
"If you need me to go search for your clothes, I can..." She looked down and crossed her arms.
Love is all we need~
8:01pm Apr 30 2012
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"W...Would... y...you like... me in... my clothes?" Kira asked, so low that it was almost a whisper. "I.. I mean.. um..." 'I wish that those voices in my head would shut up!' he thought. 'Infuse romance with feeding... it will make the moment much more enjoyable...' both voices in his head urged. His canines did ache for longing, but he didn't want to feed on her blood.
His hands began to shake. He wanted her blood, no, he wanted more than that. He wanted her all together. He whole body, her blood, her precious amber eyes, her wonderful rosy lips, everything. He didn't just want to feed on her, but to kiss her like a man should.
He swallowed hard as she came closer, so tempted, so tempted to reach out and wrap his arms around her. Feel her comforting warmth against his bare chest, her sweet breath breathing against this skin. The soft scent of her hair and her blood fusing together under his nose. He wanted her, not her blood.
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8:27pm Apr 30 2012
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Arielle blushed wildly, color flooding her cheeks when Kira asked her that question. She was embarassed, so she simply looked down and didn't show any signs of either yes or no. She peered up out of the corner of her eyes, the golden orbs landing on Kira's sculpted chest, and his damp black hair.
She bit the corner of her lip and felt her breathing stiffen. She didn't ask Kira any questions, lest she embarass herself further, but she simply kept her eyes, and thoughts, on Kira.
Love is all we need~
8:31pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira knew she was thinking about him. This made him feel even more uneasy. He leaned against the wall, staring down at her. "Y...You... have... pr...pretty... eyes..." he stuttered. 'Yeah, that a go Kira boy, embarrass yourself further...' he thought.
He bit his lip harder, hoping to draw some blood to ease his canines. 'What the hell am I suppose to do?' he thought, panic surging into his veins. 'The Fates, they are toying with you. they are the ones to misplace your clothes. They want to see if you'll feed on her, or make love.' a voice told him. 'I'll probably do both!' he thought angrily. He closed his eyes and turned his head away.
"I... I mean... I'm... not trying to be flirty... I'm just... speaking... the..the truth."
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8:36pm Apr 30 2012
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Arielle's cheeks reddened even more when Kira complimented her. She swallowed stiffly, and said, "Your eyes are entrancing." She had allowed the simple comment to slip from her mouth, but she immediately sealed her lips, vowing not to say anything that would do something more than what she wanted at the time.
"Um.... Are you sure that you've looked everywhere for your clothes?" She noticed that Kira was biting his lip unusually hard, so she said, "Be careful. Don't hurt yourself, Kira. You're going to end up drawing blood."
Love is all we need~
8:45pm Apr 30 2012
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"E...Exactly..." he replied, biting his lip harder. 'Just feed already, if you feed on the girl, it will ease your hunger and you shall gradually slip a kiss or two.' the voices taunted him. He tried desperate to sniff for prey outside, since a vampire's sense of smell surpassed any other, but all he could smell as Ari's blood.
I took a half step closer, now looking back into her eyes. He bit his lip harder, until he could taste the familiar taste of his blood.
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8:50pm Apr 30 2012
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Arielle frowned, seeing a single drop of blood on Kira's lip. "Don't bite yourself!" She furrowed her brows. "It won't give you any nourishment, and I know that it's nothing like human blood."
She moved forward and grabbed his arm and squeezed it, "Don't bite yourself..." She lost all traces of anger or frustration as she looked into his eyes again.
Love is all we need~
9:06pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira looked down at her, and immediately stopped biting himself. 'Anything to please the girl...' he thought. He looked into her amber colored eyes again and it seemed like he had forgotten to use English. His Russian side took over, and he used the language he grew up with as a little boy.
"Ti takAya kraslvaya, Ti takAya nEzhnaya. Ya nye ma-gu zhit' byes tye-bya." he said in his most Russian accent. He grabbed her arm gently, in a comforting way, and smiled at her.
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9:42pm Apr 30 2012
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Ari felt her heart stop when he spoke in Russian. The accent that Kira carried sent chills up her spine, and she couldn't help herself; she laced her arms around Kira and placed her head on his chest. She didn't care about how close they were, or how she could feel the heat of his chest seeping through her wavy golden hair.
She inhaled, and sighed. "You stopped biting yourself. Thankyou, Kira," she said, her voice a mere whisper. She still had no clue of what Kira said.
Love is all we need~
9:49pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira smiled and kissed the top of her head, but that only made his canines ache even more. He stiffened up again, his stomach felt tight with hunger and longing for her blood. He clenched his towel tighter, trying to resist the temptation to feed on her.
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9:57pm Apr 30 2012
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Arielle hugged Kira tighter, sensing him tense up. Kira's kiss had been enough to send chills up her spine. She knew why Kira had become so tense. He was hungry again, and Arielle couldn't help butthink that he had a ravenous appetite for her blood.
"Kira... It's alright if you take someof my blood. Just be careful not to get any on my clothes." She looked up at him, and waited for his reaction.
Love is all we need~
10:25pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira blinked at her, "You're sure?" he asked, but didn't wait for her answer. He titled her head, and bit into it, tasting her blood once again. The sweet honey taste touched his tongue, sweet, sweet liquid. His canines didn't ache as much anymore, but he kept on drinking.
He held Arielle tight, stopping occasionally to kiss the spot that he has bitten, then drank some more. Would would he ever do without her? 'Like I said in Russian, You are so beautiful, you are so tender. I can't live without you.'
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10:34pm Apr 30 2012
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Arielle winced when Kira first punctured her neck, but the feeling quickly faded with each bloody kiss Kira placed on her neck. Soon, Arielle didn't feel anything other than Kira's arms holding her and the occasional kiss that was placed upon her.
She shivered lightly and closed her eyes, blocking out any worries.
Love is all we need~
10:57pm Apr 30 2012
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Kira gripped her tighter, then shoved her to the bed. He continued to drink her blood though, while he still hugged her in his arms. When he reached to the point where he didn't need to feed on her any more, he stopped, but kissed her neck instead. Kissing up until their lips met.
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1:18pm May 1 2012
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Arielle allowed Kira to kiss her, and she cautiously kissed him back. She closed her eyes and opened them occasionally to stare into Kira's eyes. She could taste her own blood, but Kira's presence distracted her from that fact.
She could feel something unusual happening. Her heart was fluttering. That was a first.
Love is all we need~