2:49pm May 1 2012
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He smiled down at her, glad that she didn't take it offensively. "Ti takAya kraslvaya." he murmured in her ear. He gently nibbled the top of her ear playfully, then went back down to her neck to feed again. 'If this would happen forever, then I would be a happy vampire.' he thought happily.
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7:54pm May 1 2012
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Arielle shivered when Kira whispered in her ear. She moaned lightly when he nipped her ear and ran her hands through his dark hair. Her eyes closed in a wince as he went back to her neck to feed, but she quickly got over the first shock of pain. Ari wrapped her arms around Kira's neck and sighed as he fed.
Love is all we need~
4:44pm May 2 2012
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Kira chuckled against her neck, hands gliding up to her hair. 'With blood so thick like honey, with a creamy taste like those Bit-O-Honey candies, how can I ever stop?' he thought. He stopped after a sip of her blood then returned back to kissing. 'Ah, and the most heart stopping thing is that she is accepting this. She is not fighting, she... she loves me.'
One of his hands came down and began to slid up her shirt, but stopped and rested near her belly button. He nudged the side oh her head with his nose, feeling the rise and fall of her breathing. He smiled, fangs still the vampire size. He wasn't done feeding yet, but he decided to take a break and enjoy her warmth before going back for the third time.
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5:08pm May 2 2012
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"Kira, take it easy," Arielle said once she felt his hands slide slightly under her shirt, but she was glad when he stopped at her stomach. His hands were warm against her skin. She was beginning to feel a bit dizzy now, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. A familiar question came to mind.
"Wait. Who do you think took your clothes? It wasn't me, and you went into the bathroom with them on. Something's behind this..." She kissed his jawbone lightly, and trailed kisses down his neck to his collar bone, tracing his chest muscles with her fingers.
Love is all we need~
5:16pm May 2 2012
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((must be a weird scene marking out with a vampire when he's naked. xD))
"I don't know," Kira whispered, enjoying her kisses and the little paths that her fingers made on his chest. "A voice in my head - no I'm not insane, I assure you I still have my marbles- told me that the Fates were playing around with me, testing." he said before he kissed her deeply on the lips. He played with her hair, feeling the soft strands fall between his fingers.
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5:27pm May 2 2012
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Okay. This all just got a little too weird for Arielle. She paused tracing his muscles, and asked, "Pardon me for this question, but who on Earth are the Fates?" She furrowed her brows and kissed him back. She shivered and nearly melted when he played around with her hair. That was one of her few weaknesses.
"And either you passed this test with flying colors, or you failed epically." She giggled a bit, and ruffed up Kira's hair before kissing him again.
((Mneh. He still has the towel around him.))
Love is all we need~
5:37pm May 2 2012
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Posts: 1,910
Kira smiled again, kissing her again before explaining. "In the Vampire world, there are three Fates. I guess you can consider them the God like rulers of the supernatural. They are in a slumber right now, but trust me they are still awake. Jakub, one of the Fates took him in, like I said. So Jakub is like a "Son of a God" kind of Vampire." he chuckled. "The Fates have powers over certain things, powers that can control things in our world. Both of ours, actually. They rest in the center of our worlds, the crossroads. They can do anything, and they love putting the supernaturals - humans as well, but mostly supernaturals- in tests. this one though, is harmless. they just wanted to see which of the pulls are stronger. My crave for your blood, or your love."
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5:43pm May 2 2012
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Arielle cocked her head to the side. "Well, that's different. I'm just a marionette in this world, aren't I? They put me through tests, and play me like a pawn. Oh well. I'll just defy them with my whole being. Nothing they can ever do or say will change me."
Ari smiled and said, "Well, if we don't find your clothes, we need to get you some. Because I don't think it would be very ethical for you to go investigating naked." She nuzzled his neck, and kissed his jaw again.
Love is all we need~
5:47pm May 2 2012
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Kira chuckled, sliding his hand up farther, but making sure to miss those... lady bumps. His hand rested on her shoulder as he lowered his head against her neck. Taking a few small sips before kissing the wound, then kissed her under her jaw. "Just a few more moments, I'm enjoying this quite thoroughly." he sighed.
He let his tower loosen as he continued to play with her hair. "Your hair is really soft too," he teased.
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5:54pm May 2 2012
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Arielle gasped when Kira's hand moved again, sighing in relief when he simply placed his hands on her shoulders. She shivered when he kissed her wound, and then her jaw, but she also was enjoying this.
When Kira resumed playing with her hair, she almost purred. She reached up with one hand to mess with his hair also. "You really need to get some clothes on. Now. We need to investigate before they figure out where we're at and what we're doing..."
Love is all we need~
5:59pm May 2 2012
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Kira groaned, not wanting to get up, but did anyway. He sat n the bed, towel almost fell off, but he luckily adjusted it just in time. "Okay then, first off, clothes." he sighed, getting of the bed. "Here little clothey clothey clothey, come here, don't be shy. Oh clothey!" he smiled.
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9:36pm May 2 2012
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Arielle folded her arms, and winced as she sat up, given that Kira wasn't on top of her anymore. "Yes, um... Kira. I don't think that's going to work..." She let out a few giggles, and said, "You may want to ask those voices in your head that, since you followed through with their little test, if you can have your clothes back."
She winced slightly as her wound tugged against her skin. "Is their any way that this can heal without me drinking your blood? No offense, but blood is nasty. I am so not a vampire."
Love is all we need~
2:46pm May 3 2012
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Kira chuckled, "It's only two small little punctures in the side of your neck." he smiled. He walked over towards her and wiped the trickling blood away, "You can't even see the holes. It should stop bleeding any second now, since you're still alive."
He got up off the bed, "And no, the voices in my head don't work like that. Most of the time they are my own being talking. The truth in my soul, nothing more."
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4:08pm May 3 2012
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Arielle sighed. The voices just have to make everything difficult, didn't they? She thought a moment and said, "Since the couple that lived here is dead, I'm led to believe that there are some clothes for a man here. She patted his chest, and walked around him. "Time to start looking through drawers, Kira." She let out a light laugh.
Love is all we need~
4:12pm May 3 2012 (last edited on 4:13pm May 3 2012)
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Kira smirked, then rummaged through the drawers. All the clothes in them seem to be too small or too big. He frowned, "I don't think I should be going around town with my pants sagging to my ankles..." He looked at Arielle, "I'll be back, I know a place where I can "try on" new clothes." he smiled before vanishing with a speedy blur. When he returned, he was wearing a outfit that looked like this: ((only he doesn't ahve silver hair... its black... and he doesn't have those machines...))  "Better?" he asked, giving her a teasing look.
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4:19pm May 3 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Arielle was a bit startled when Kira returned so quickly. When he stood in front of her, Arielle felt herself blush again. She bit her lip, trying to keep her eyes away from his, and said, "You look.... sexy." Her voice tapered off to a whisper at the end, the last word barely audible to her own ears.
Love is all we need~
4:21pm May 3 2012
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Posts: 1,910
Kira picked up the last word. He smiled, "Thank you, but I don't think I'm near as sexy as you." he winked and walked out of the room.
He sighed and stretched, grunting a bit before leaning against the wall. 'I feel so refreshed...' he thought. 'Arielle's blood can refresh anyone.'
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
4:29pm May 3 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Arielle felt herself blush again, and she nearlu cursed for it. She needed to stop doing that. She walked out after Kira and said, "How quickly do you think that you can get us to the alley where we first met?" She raised an eyebrow, remembering the time that she dropped her weapon. The time that she surrendered the urge to kill for this.
Love is all we need~
4:31pm May 3 2012
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Posts: 1,910
"Saying that a ran to the thrift store, tried some clothes on, and ran in a split of a second, pretty fast. Why?" he asked, turning his head to look into her brillant amber eyes.
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4:33pm May 3 2012
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"Because there just happens to be a secret entrance to my company's headquarters." She smirked, and flicked a bit of her hair over her shoulder. She crossed her arms in a challenging manner. "And, since we're going to investigate, we probably need to get there soon."
Love is all we need~