8:16pm May 6 2012
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Touko slid off of her black pokemon as he landed. Zekrom kept his stance protective. His mistress's safety was of the utmost priority, and, if Reshiram or N ever put her in danger, he would end them both, or die trying.
I do not wish to fight. That would bring distress to my mistress. I suggest that you come to a similar conclusion as mind, Reshiram. Though we are no longer one being, we need to learn to get along. Your master has some sort of attachment to my mistress, and, though my mistress doesn't see it, I do.
Zekrom huffed. Touko stepped forward, trying to keep the tension in the air from getting the best of her. She swore she could almost see sparks in the air between Zekrom and Reshiram. Those two really didn't like eachother.
"You've been staying in a forest far from civilization, eh? You could've died, gotten sick, or been eaten by a pokemon." Touko glared daggers at her rival. She kept the worry from entering her voice, making sure that N didn't sense that she had actually wondered about him while she was gone.
Love is all we need~
2:39pm May 7 2012
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((what happens if Zekrom and Reshiram fell in love too. O.O.... tht would be...pretty awesome. xD))
N stared at Touko, "Trust me, I've been fine. My pokemon have been taking care of me, just like they did when I was a boy." he nodded. He sat down against the same rock that him and Zorua had rested upon that day. He looked at his reflection in the little rushing river beside him.
Reshiram watched his Master, then turned his gaze back to Zekrom. "Reshiram."
'Should we help them love as one?' he had asked his rival. He had no attention on battling him, but if anything came between him and N, then he would have to do what he will have to do. His blue eyed glare at his rival confirmed that.
Then, Reshiram turned his attention on Touko. He walked slowly closer to the girl, and stared down at her with curiosity in his eyes. "Reshi!"
'Greetings, young girl. I am Reshiram, the dragon of truth.'
'And although you may be Mistress of my rival, if you need anything, I am here. Master's wishes.'
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7:27pm May 7 2012 (last edited on 7:28pm May 7 2012)
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Zekrom answered Reshiram with a nod, and Touko looked up at her pokemon, who was looking down at her with his yellow-green gaze. His dark, smooth skin soaked in the moonlight as he nudged his mistress forward towards the white pokemon.
Though Touko wasn't normally accustomed to hearing a pokemon's voice, she could hear Reshiram's. However, seeing as the pokemon was a legendary one, she wasn't freaked out. Maybe it was just the legendaries she could understand.
"I understand," Touko said with a curt nod. She kept her blue eyes on N, and then looked back to Reshiram and Zekrom. She let her voice rise to a tone of leadership. "I doubt I will need anything, as I have taken care of myself for quite a while." She cleared her throat, and then turned her glaring gaze to N.
Ooc:// That would be pretty awesome. Let's just watch and see what happens. A forced romance gets boring after a while. That's why I'm having Touko slowly get over her anger towards N.
Love is all we need~
2:33pm May 8 2012
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OOC:// So she can understand Reshiram???
Reshiram nodded at Zekrom, then looked down at Touko. "Reshi,"
'If you and Master N need anything, me and ......Zekrom..... will always be here for you two.'
Reshiram then turned to Zekrom, giving him a some-what friendly glance before getting up and flying away. "Where are you going, Reshiram?" N called out. "Reshiiiiii-ram!"
'Master and girl should have time alone to know each other better; says the heart of fire.'
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9:49pm May 8 2012
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Ooc:// Only at certain times. Like, if he's speaking directly to her, she'll be able to understand him. Same thing with Zekrom and the other legendaries. I though that would be useful, given that they're eventually going to encounter all of the legendaries.
Zekrom nodded as Reshiram took off, silently agreeing with his opposite- his other half. He flung himself into the air after nudging Touko gently, and flew after the vast white pokemon in front of him. The black pokemon blended in perfectly with the night sky.
Touko felt a bit strange with the way that her pokemon had just left her. Nonetheless, she simply stared at N. "What just happened? What did Reshiram say?" She bit the corner of her lip nervously.
Her bright blue eyes searched the sky for her black pokemon, but either he was already gone, or he had already flawlessly camoflauged himself with the night sky. Which one, Touko didn't know.
Love is all we need~
2:47pm May 9 2012
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"He said if you or I need anything, him and Zekrom will always be there for us." he said weakly. He felt weird being alone with Touko, why did Reshiram and Zekrom leave? It's... it's not right. He wished that he could call back for them, but he knew that he couldn't. He looked up at Touko, "So... er... um.. How have you been since our last battle?"
Reshiram flew in the night sky, his tail flaring in the night, giving off a faint red glow. He looked back, his blue eyes scanning the sky. He could scarcely see Zekrom behind him. He turned his attention back to the front of him. "Reshi,"
'So what now, Zekrom?'
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4:11pm May 9 2012
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Touko sighed, and rubbed her head slightly. She wished that they wouldn't have left her alone with the boy who had caused her so much pain. She bit her lip, and said, "Since our last battle, I've been thinking about things."
She stayed where she was. She didn't want to get too close to him, but nor did she want to seem distant, though she really wanted to give N a hug and tell him how much he had worried her. Her eyes showed not a flit of emotion or care, though.
Zekrom looked forward at Reshiram, and let out a few calls that sounded similar to his name. He then observed the landscape below him slowly changing to a more modern scene.
"Zek, Zekrom," he said, nodding towards the ground.
"Maybe we should find where Team Plasma is at. That would help out my mistress and your master very much."
Love is all we need~
7:07pm May 9 2012
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N groaned, "I'm... really sorry, Touko. Please... I..." he didn't know quite just what to say. He was upset for making her upset, and he was even more upset now that he was making her uncomfortable, and not knowing his true feelings. He wanted to jump up and hug her, pat her hair and hold her close to him. But how could he?
Reshiram huffed, "Reshiram Reshi!"
"Team Plasma are still after us fizzle-head!"
Reshiram scanned the ground, making sure no human or pokemon saw them. "Reshi."
"It would be dangerous and too risky."
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7:12pm May 9 2012
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Touko crossed her arms, and said simply, "Stop apologizing." She stared N down, trying to test his patience and his emotions. Had he been worrying about her while he was gone? While she wasn't seeing him? Had he met any new pokemon?
She shook the thoughts away. Her curiosity wouldn't get the best of her. She was angry at N, and she would be for a while, but he could easily change her mind.
Zekrom begged to differ with Reshiram's decision. He snorted at Reshiram's thoughts on investigating being too risky.
"Both you and I have gotten more powerful since we've been with our trainers. However, I'll take your caution into consideration. Maybe we should look for allies."
Love is all we need~
7:16pm May 9 2012
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N looked at her, "Then what do you want me to do? I don't know what to do when I'm around you. you make me feel...different, okay?" he snapped. He then closed his mouth abruptly. He didn't mean to be so harsh, to sound so mean. He looked down, closed his eyes and sighed. "Touko..."
Reshiram nodded, "Reshi-Ram!
"Allies? Like who?"
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7:24pm May 9 2012
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Touko winced as N's harsher words hit her in the face. She had to admit that she'd basically been asking for him to snap at her, but she was glad that he would let some of it out. She wanted to let her mixed emotions boil a bit more inside of her before they gushed out.
"Then stop feeling different." She raised her chin up slightly, as if to make her seem arrogant. She hoped this was agitating N. Maybe he would hold his anger in and save it for a battle later. She wanted to release her anger, and battle at the same time. Hey, maybe they would even try to fight eachother physically.
"We're rivals, and we always have been. Nothing should make you feel different."
Zekrom sighed, and looked down, his head hung low with frustration. He shook the black appendage and said, "To be honest, I really don't know."
The sentence was harder for Zekrom to spit out than it seemed. There was nothing that the vast dark pokemon hated more than saying he didn't know something or that he was wrong.
Love is all we need~
7:31pm May 9 2012
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N clenched his fists. "I can't stop feeling different around you! It doesn't matter if we're rivals or not, Touko! God damn, please, just try to understand what I'm trying to say. If I don't know how I really am feeling, then hopefully a smart, young lass like you would!"
Reshiram roared, trying to comfort the vast black pokemon. "Reshi!"
'Some Ideals are left to be unsolved, Zekrom. Same as the Truth for me, so don't beat yourself up over it."
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7:36pm May 9 2012
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Touko's eyes flashed with a bit of surprise for a moment, and her pale cheeks flooded with color. She turned around, looked over her shoulder for a second, and clenched her jaw.
"Shut up, N. You left, and I never worried," Touko lied. "You should've done the same thing with me." She kept her gaze as cold as possible, but her pink cheeks contradicted with her eyes. She felt the same way, but he'd never get her to willingly admit it.
Zekrom nodded at Reshiram, and took in a deep breath, letting it out in a rush of exhalation.
"We should land up ahead. There's a clearing that seems to be unpopulated. We'll figure out what to do from there. It's a bit harder for me to think right now, Reshiram."
Love is all we need~
2:54pm May 10 2012
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In the inside, N was trembling with rage. 'She doesn't know anything! She doesn't know how much I cried and actually done both emotionally and physically harmed myself! I literally have scars, for her!' he thought. "And to thought she actually thought of me, after so long of thinking of her," I thought out loud, not caring if Touko heard or not.
He stood up and walked away, pausing between two trees, hesitating. "Should I leave, or not?" he asked himself. He glanced behind him at Touko. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight, with her hair shining like silk. He held his breath and swallowed hard. She looked exactly like an angel, or most likely, an she was an angel. Some color went to his cheeks and a small smirk played upon his face. "Should I leave, or not?!" he called out to her. ____________________________________
Reshiram spotted the clearing that his rival was talking about. He started to glide down towards it, landing in the empty field. He roared and looked up at Zekrom. He tilted his head, his blue eyes glowing and scanning Zekrom's self being.
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7:50pm May 10 2012
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Touko sensed his agitation, and she grinned. "Don't go just yet. Let's have a battle. Let's say that if I win, you get to choose what I have to do, and if I win, I get to choose what you do. It'll add a bit of.... inspiration to the battle. Make us battle harder, you know."
She pulled one of her pokeballs out of her pocket, and she threw it, her Cinccino coming out of the red and white ball. The small creature let out a few calls.
"Aah!" The pokemon stretched and said, "It's been so long since I've been out of my pokeball." Cinccino's eyes rested on N, and she jumped. "It's you! You left Mistress! Mistress was so sad!"
Touko had no clue what her pokemon was saying, so she simply raised her chin again in N's direction. Her pokemon had basically said that, while Touko had denied it previously, she had been worried about N.
Love is all we need~
3:09pm May 11 2012
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A battle sounded good to N. He blinked down at the Cinccino and tilted his head. "What do you mean?" he asked. He was certain that Touko didn't miss him, especially after he last remark. But could it be true?
He sighed and pulled out a poke'ball, and out flashed a Litwick. The pokemon chirped a bit, with the purple flame dancing upon his its head. It's yellow eyes sparkled down at the Cinccino, smiling and chirping again.
'Is it time to battle again?' it laughed.
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5:51pm May 11 2012
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Cinccino was a bit surprised at the Litwick appearing. She was expecting to be met by some strong, intimidating-looking pokemon. Instead, she was greeted by something that she would describe as a gothic candle.
She had to stifle a laugh as Touko regained her fighting stance.
Cinccino was getting tired of N's questions. "Nothing. Nevermind. Mistress just wants a battle."
Touko said, "Stop speaking to my pokemon. You might distract her." She took in a deep breath, and, without warning N of what was about to happen, she barked out an order at Cinccino. "Cinccino, use swift!"
Cincinno obeyed her mistress's orders, and rose its forepaws up into the air, stars rising around the mousey pokemon. She flicked her hands towards Litwick, and the stars were flung at the candle-like pokemon.
Love is all we need~
7:59am May 12 2012
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The stars had strucked the candle Pokemon. Litwick winced, but it was still able to fight. "Flame burst!" N commanded. The purple flame on its head became a little large, "Litwick!" it laughed and the flame exploded to several little bits of flame and sending it everywhere.
Reshiram heard a battle, and turned his head towards the direction they flew from. "Reshi Reshi Ram!"
"It sounds like a battle... What happens if Touko and Master N are in trouble? We shall go."
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4:21pm May 12 2012
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Cinccino had been so unimpressed by the appearance of her opponent that she'd nearly forgotten that it could use fire-type moves. Touko had also nearly forgotten about that.
"Cinccino, dodge it!" Touko yelled, eyes wide with excitement. The pokemon attempted to dodge one of the flames, but she jumped upwards too late, and was hit full-on by the flame. The fire knocked her back several feet and the scarf pokemon landed only a few inches away from Touko's feet.
Touko gritted her teeth. N wasn't going to take it easy on her- that was exactly what she had wanted. However, she now regretted saying that the loser had to do what the winner said, given that she had a chance of losing.
"Cinccino, get up, use iron tail!" Cinccino got up, as told, and used the given move, hurling itself at Litwick and turning around at the last moment, swinging its tail, which was now iron-like, down at its opponent.
Touko was particularly proud of this move, given that it was an egg move, a move only received through particularly excellent breeding.
Love is all we need~
5:18pm May 12 2012
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Litwick tried to hold the tail away, but couldn't and fell to the ground. He got up though, only receiving a small amount of damage. "Will-o-Whisp!" N commanded, clenching his fists. He was trying to do both, battle with all his concentration, but also think of what he could make Touko do if she lost. Or what she would do to him if he lost.
The candle-like pokemon's flame grew bigger once again, eyes glowing. The field exploded in flames, all of them disappearing except for the flames that appeared on his opponent. The attack had burned Cinccino, and now as they both were planning on what move to do next, damage was being done to it.
"Now use Hex!"
Hex was a ghost type move that doubles the power of the attack if the opponent is affected by a special condition. Seeing that now the small scarf pokemon is burned, Hex would be even more powerful than what it already was.
The aura around Litwick began to dim, and a small shadow ball appeared in front of it. Litwick let go of the shadow ball, and it disappeared, only the small remains hitting the pokemon. But still, double damage.
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