Dodo, TessaJ, jayni: 25th Hunger games

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1:15pm Dec 23 2013

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Posts: 1,100
The 25th hunger games
In this hunger games, so it mentions in Catching Firepeople were voted to be tributes. It's pretty devastating to know that you have been picked by your neighbours to go and -probably- die.

My character:

Name: Astrid Melody
Gender: Female  
Age: 14
District : District 4 
Personality: Passionate and emotional...
Hobbies: Swimming.
History: Just a normal life...

(excuse my rubbish bio)


1:25pm Dec 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 248
Name: Harken Ratesby (Hark)
Gender: male
Age: 17
District: 11
Personality: Trickster, he will likely make your death as gruesome as possible, give the people a little something to see...
Hobbies: Pranks and climbing
History: just an average life in a district...


4:13am Dec 30 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Name• Evander Redline
Gender• Male
Age• 17
District• 4

Personality• Evander is very quiet and solemn, always watching. He rarely gets excited or stressed over anything (though being picked for The Hunger Games sure threw him for a loop!) and has only raised his voice a couple times in his life. But even though he's much more content to let another person do the dirty work, Evander knows when he has to step up and fight.

Looks• Redline is tall, about 6'4", with thick, dark, curly hair and evergreen eyes. His skin, usually a deep tan, will sometimes lighten enough for constellations of freckles to appear.

Hobbies• ...He likes making fishing rods. c8


11:30am Dec 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,100
Lets take it in this order: me, TessaJ, and Dodo 

1:30pm Dec 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,100
I stare at the swirls of the wall, trying to ignore the rapid thumping of my scared heart. The dull grey duvet rubs uncomfortably against my bare skin. That's the downside to living in district 4-everything is washed with salt water ( the capitol thinks we don't need water since we are literally surrounded by water)which makes everything dry and scratchy. Well.There are quite a few stills around,obviously, but my family is way to poor to afford to get anything more than water to drink from them.
Sighing, I swing my legs off the bed and glance down at my twin sister, Rochelle. We are,as the saying goes, like two peas in a pod. Same honey  -coloured hair;same splatter of freckles upon our noses; same sea-green eyes framing a tanned face. And we will both do anything for each other. Anything.We are as close as sisters can get.
That's why I am sitting here, trembling, staring fearfully at her.But that's not going to help her.
I run my hand tiredly through my hair, moving my gaze up to the half-broken tarnished silver clock. 05:23.I'm up; might as well start fishing.Its May, so the sun is already turning the horizon into a blazing fire. 
I pull on frayed brown trousers,slide my feet into my patched shoes,retrieve the smallest fishing net and a  bucket from the storage cupboard.I scribble a note on a piece of paper (Out  by the west end of the ocean .I'll be back soon.) and lay it on my bed in plain sight.
Maybe I'll see Liam,too, but I don't leave that on the note.My family detests his family passionately because Liam's aunt killed my Mum's sister in a Hunger Games.
But I still like Liam.
It's not his fault his aunt did that.
I open the door at let the mild morning air stroke my face, deeply inhaling the fresh aroma of salt water as I run towards the ocean.Water is my element.
I punch in our combination into the massive boat shed and grab Betsey, our boat.I try to haul it onto my shoulder to carry  but it's too heavy and I fall to the ground as it slams painfully on my head.I silently curse.
"Need some help with that?" 
That voice.The voice that melts my insides into syrup. The voice that I always yearn to hear.
Liam jogs up to meet me, picking up Betsey with  ease.
"Thanks," I mutter,feeling slightly foolish. Liam is my friend, but I feel more for him now, and feel awkward around him sometimes.
"Fish with me?" he asks.
"Yeah, " I reply as we walk towards the ocean.
Three hours later, we pull the boat back to the shore, which is brimming with fish. He divides the spoils while I pick mussels off the rocks and toss them into the bucket.
Suddenly he's there right beside me, close, more than friend close, those blue eyes gazing openly into mine.His hand cups my cheek as our lips meet. "Good Luck,"he murmurs, smiling  at me.
"I have all the luck I need.Just look," I whisper back, so sure.

So wonderfully, wonderfully sure.
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