8:12pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess decided to take a nap, she settled down on her little bed she kept at the lab, in case she worked late, and didn't have time to go back to her house, or was too tired. Right when she was about to drift away, she noticed Spark had woken up, and was staring at her coldly, although, dogs can't do that, right? She must be imagining it. She couldn't fall asleep with a dog that should have powers soon, that could be dangerous. SHe had meant to give Spark flight, maybe they should go outside to check it out, she could see little nubs starting to grow.
8:18pm May 14 2011
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Spark lashed out at the human with claws and teeth. She bit Tess, even though it was probably just a hard-ish nip. Then she clawed her and attempted to run out of the lab. But the door wouldn't budge. Spark snarled. Curse the fact that she didn't know how to open doors!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:34pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess knew this dog would be hard to handle, she would resort to sedating again if she had to, but that would be hitting the very, very rock bottom. SHe grabbed the dogs leash she had put on before she sedated the dog. she also put on a muzzle on the dogs mouth, she tied the leash to her bed. "I'm the good person, okay?" She knew the dog wouldn't understand, but she still felt the need to say it. She went over a grabbed a bandaid, since she was bleeding by Sparks actions. "You are a naughty dog, Spark. Your name is Spark from now on, you live with me."
8:37pm May 14 2011
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Spark snarled and thrashed around, trying to get the muzzle off. She attempted to pry it off with her claws, too, but to no avail. Then a scorching pain came to her back. Her vision was laced with stars. Spark stumbled around, trying to regain focus. But in the end, she collapsed on the ground and her eyes closed.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:15pm May 15 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:36pm May 19 2011
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(Ok... So, if you're not here by Sunday, I'm letting this die.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:07pm May 21 2011
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Posts: 657
(Oh...relax! I've been sick, and you know that, I told you I'd get on today, and I am! :D BTW: What is in your signature?) Tess sat down, she looked over at the dog, which had drifted off into a sleep. She didn't mean for it to go this far, she hadn't sedated the dog, so what was the reason for this? The brunnete decided she would work on her new project soon, while the dog was resting, and getting used to the big change, she would go out and find more ingredients for her next idea, it owuld be brilliant, and help the relationship between the two hopefully. Tess grabbed her jacket off a hook, nothing special just a white lab jacket, ashe locked the door, and first she went to the grocery store, here she would pick up some herbs, and loater on she would find other stuff, she didn't quite know what the mixture would all need quite yet. She ran over a checklist in ehr mind, making sure she got everything she needed, that she knew about, then set off to go check up on Spark.
6:27pm May 21 2011
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( xP AND IT'S MY DINO I TOLD YOU ABOUT STEWPID >>'';; ) Spark woke up and felt all woozy again. Where was she? WAITTTT. In that lab, yeah, duh. Why was this repeating itself? Or was it just her? Neh. Anyways, Spark felt better now. Seemingly lighter, too. The pain was gone. But what exactly had the scientist done? Well, whatever it was, she couldn't identify it right now. Trotting about, the golden was able to find a kitchen and a fridge. Using her paws and muzzle, she raided the fridge and grabbed some leftover french fries. Ripping off the nylon and nudging the fridge shut, Spark gobbled down the food. She was very hungry. And thirsty... Hm, where was some water here? Water bottles from humans wouldn't help - that stupid cap is too tricky. So what? Wait for the human? But what if the human wouldn't know what she wanted or something? Neeh. That's for later to worry about. Stretching, the plate was abandoned after the food was gone and no longer on it. Spark felt strange, though.. Like, there was something else stretching that wasn't there before. Something apart from her body.. (Eheh, neeh. owo Sort of a fail. But the wings are in. )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:22pm May 21 2011
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Posts: 657
(Ohh, hehe, doen't exactly look like too much of a dino, lol. also, u realize that there is food and water bowls sitting out?) Tess had grabbed everything she had needed and headed back to the lab, soon she would need to get something to eat, her stomach was making growling noises that weren't pleasant sounding, and that would definetly need some food to solve them. SHe hung up her jacket on the hook when she got back to the lab. She noticed Spark was up, she went over and pet Spark, but stopped when she realized that Spark had been a bad dog while she had been gone. Tess looked around, she had snuggled free of her muzzle, which apparently she hadn't buckled on very tightly. Not only had Spark done that, she had opened the fridge and eaten the french fries Tess would've eaten for supper. "Bad dog!" SHe said to her dog.
3:03pm May 22 2011
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Neeh, Spark didn't mind too much that the human waas calling her a bad dog. She'd done lots of bad things for survival. Hey, it's a fact of life - no animal can be "good" all the time. So she just sat down and wagged her tail with her tongue lolling out of her smiling mouth. Oddly enough, she felt lighter yet. Hm. But still something... added? Oh well. The scientist would be freaking out if her experiment went well by now. Or maybe she hadn't noticed...? Deciding to take a look for herself, Spark walked over to a nearby mirror. Oh... wow. No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! She was ruined! Noo.... couldn't the scientist take it away..? Spark wanted to weep. To sob and break down and die. This wasn't her. This monster... This thing... Was not her. What image played across her eyes was not real life. Because the truth was, medium-size, pure white, angelic -looking wings sprouted from her back. Wait, could she fly? Ohh, gosh. Well, if she could, that's part of the bright side. right? Eh... maybe. But right now, nothing felt like the "bright side". Is there even a bright side to the world? Probably not.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:03pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess tried to keep a straight face, but she oculd tell the dog didn't want her to mad. SHe didn't know why, but maybe it was the dogs cheerful face, and cute little tongue sticking out, but she forgave Spark, besides the poor dog probably didn't know any better. Then she noticed the dog started acting weird, it went over ot the mirror, and looked at itself, like it was a human or something! It was remarkable to see and watch. Although, it was a bit of a bad thing, considering the fact that humans are way to skeptical of their image, so maybe the dog was freaking out about the white things that were now growing on her. It sure seemed like it, she seemed to be trying to find a bright side, but couldn't. Tess had to admit, the dog didn't look the best with wings, but there was a part that made the dog look so adorable! Wait, how would she take Spark out in public looking like this?! She thought that she just wouldn't, but then she realized all dogs need fresh air, and time outside. SHe would just have to take Spark out at night, when no on else was awake, besides Spark couldn't learn to fly with her brand new wings here! Could she? No, she needed space, and the ceiling in here wasn't nearly high enough.
5:11pm May 28 2011
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They looked... sort of pretty, though. Was that the bright side? Was the bright side also that she could fly? Oh, so maybe there were bright sides. But bad sides overruled those. Spark wanted to turn on this scientist. To murder her painfully. But she couldn't. First, that wasn't her at all - Spark would never kill anybody. Second, who would be able to change her back if not the scientist who had made her this way? If only she could communicate with humans, the scientist might change her back. Or at least make the wings smaller. The more Spark thought about it, the more it didn't seem as bad. Turning away from the mirror, she decided to be nice to the scientist for once. So... Spark laid down by the human's feet and looked up at her with the cutest face.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:43pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess thought that the wings would probably grow on both of them as long as they had an open mind. But, she couldn't really make the dog have an open mind, because they can't communicate with eachother, would it be time to go over to the drawing board, and bring out another idea she wasn't planning on using for almost 10 years? It sure didn seem like this would be the only option, but for now, she owuld give the dog extra love and care while she worked on her idea. Tess reached down and pet spark, "You aren't such a bad dog, are you? You know what? I'm gonna make something that will help us all out! For now, just stay here, later we'll go out for a walk at the park, give your wings a test run, sound good?" The scientist had a few giant marker boards along the white walls of her laboratory, each with an idea. The one on the left wall was the one she would need ot use, this reminded her she needed to erase her wing plan, that was completed, she owuld need to add another, maybe, if she had time. Tess grabbed her clipboard, and headed over, she was dragging her stool behind her. She looked at the drawing, it showed a human brain, and a dog brain, this was printed off the computer, and on her clipboard, no way she could've drawn this. On the marker board was a list of ingredients she would need, some very weird, at least they would take a shot, not drink, she didn't know if she would drink.. Lizard urine, even for science.
5:47pm May 28 2011
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(Ewwww, lizard urine? D; ) Spark got up when Tess started moving. Now she knew the human's name - Tess - after scouring around. Trotting over, she laid down beside the stool and looked up at what Tess was doing, analyzing everything she could. -fail-
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:05pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 657
(Ya, haha, i knew you'd say something like that..) Tess looked at the, she hadn't noticed that it was already a few hours later. Her eyes started drooping, it was 2:00 A.M. Time to take Spark out for a walk. "How would you like to go to the park, get some excercise, and try out your wings?" SHe knew the dog couldn't possibly understand her, but it was comforting to have some one to talk to, she grabbed Spark's leash, and attatched it to her collar. The scientist was grasping the dog's leash tightly, not sure what tricks the dog would try and pull. After their walk, she could go to the 24-hour pharmacy, and see if some of the items she needed were there, she knew some were, and some weren't. Tess walked out of the lab, shut the door, and locked it, slowly walking towards the park, she reached into her pocket for her flashlight, and switched it on.
6:22pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 9:13pm May 28 2011)
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(Lol.) Spark gleefully enjoyed the fresh air. Alas, Tess had said that she was going to go out on a test run of her wings. How would that work out? Maybe it wouldn't. But it probably would, though, since her wings were supposed to be there for something. It was dark outside. Couldn't they have gone out in the light? Oh, wait. Then people would see Spark. And she knew she would automatically be classified as on abomination. So that was most likely the reason why.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:27pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 657
( ;) ) So far, Spark had been a good dog, and not try to get out of the collar, which was a good sign. Although, when they got to the park, and Spark would attempt to fly, Tess wouldn't be able to hold onto the leash, otherwise it would be harder for her to fly, she had to trust Spark would come back to her side. Besides, what else would she do? Now, she was proabbly so used to the scientist feeding her, it is probably more easy for her. She just better not lose all her hard work. And if anyon eelse found Spark they would take credit, and say they invented the potion that made Spark the way she was, you know, with wings. That was something she just couldn't deal with. When the two of them got to the park, Tess led the dog over to a bench. "Now, Spark, you need ot be a good dog, okay? I didn't have to take you out here for some fresh air, okay? Now, you have wings, this means you can fly, you are going to give it a test run, okay? COme right back to me afterwards, okay?"
9:31pm May 28 2011
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If Spark rolled her eyes in a doggy fashion. Always with 'okay?' at the end? Seriously? She wasn't stupid. Oh, well. Somehow, she'd need to "answer" back. Hm. What would the human be able to comprehend with her tiny little brain? Ok, maybe not that tiny because this was scientist and could concoct things, but still. Now the question was revamped. What would the human expect to hear? After a moment of thinking, Spark knew the answer. She needed to bark. "Woof," was her reply to Tess.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:32pm May 31 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:24pm Jun 2 2011
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Tess knew the dog wouldn't actually be able to communicate with her, but it comforted her to have someone to talk to for a change. The scientist didn't speak dog, but she just had a feeling in her gut that Spark had meant, "Okay." By her bark. This made her smile. "Well, if you remember all that, then just go on ahead. I'll be right here, watching, waiting." Tess made a little motion with her hand saying for Spark to go ahead, then she sat down on the park bench, keeping her flashlight on Spark. She, of course, would have to watch Spark at all times, she knew she should trust, but they just met not that long ago, and it wasn't exactly a good memory.