6:41pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(OMG UR ON) Spark had a plan in her mind. She would run away. But not quickly... after a while. To gain Tess' trust for a moment, then take off and leave - hopefully forever. Running out on the large field in the park, she liked the feel of the wind on her fur and the sense that there was nature around her, along with fresh air. Being cooped up in a science lab for even a little bit made her uncomfortable, so this felt like Heaven now. Leaping into the air, she thought she would fly, but instead tumbled onto the ground. Quickly getting up, Spark tried to communicate with her strange appendages. They... squirmed for a moment. Growling softly, Spark thought, how would this ever work if she couldn't tell her wings what to do, couldn't function them properly? Gahhhmg. After about fifteen minutes, the Golden had gotten the hang of moving her wings. This meant the next step: Running, jumping, and... flying. Running, she could do. So Spark did run. Jumping was easy, too. So she leapt into the air. It felt like time slowed down so she could do what her goal was - flying. Snapping her wings out, the dog glided along the ground about a few inches up. Flexing her wings, she drifted upwards more. Flapping them again and again, she was as high as the treetops now. Heh heh, what'll Tess think of that? ( The wings are about, like, this big? / | O / |
[ O= the head, ________= the back, the slash/line things = the wings.] o3o )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:21pm Jun 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 657
(IKR?!?!) Tess sat down and relaxed, watching Spark first run, then jump, and fly. She hadn't expected Spark to catch on so fast, but was definetly happy she did. Soon, she would have to get to the store, so she could work on her next project. Although, her dog looked like ti was having so much fun, she couldn't bear to get over there and stop Spark. The scientist knew though, that it was time to go, because the store would close in a half an hour! She picked up Sparks leash, which she had taken off her dog before the flight, so it wouldn't bother her. Tess walked over to Spark, who was high in the air, how would she get her down? She was directly above her. "Spark! Time to go now. You need to practice landing! Now would be your one and only chance!" She tried to make Spark want to come down, but seriously, who wants to stop flying?
2:29pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Spark narrowed her eyes. Now was her time to escape. Giving a last "Woof", she sped off into the dark night sky, only the stars and moon illuminating her outline. Faster and farther she flew until Tess was a tiny speck. Soon, the dog's orientation was gone. She hadn't ever been to this part of the town. So, she aimlessly wandered about the place. After getting a small sense of where she was, Spark hunkered down in a large, hollowed-out, fallen tree trunk in a small woodsy area. Then she began to think about what she'd done.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:38pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 657
Tess noticed that Spark had purposefully flown off. In the back of Tess's mind, she had always thought that this would be a possibility, but she never really beleived it, just pushed it to the back of her mind. Now, it had come true, and she had no idea where her flying dog had went. Sure, she knew what direction, but that wasn't much help. Would she have to find a new dog, or would Spark come back here, not able to surevive on her own? That's impossible, because Spark had always been on her own, surely she could handle it again. Well, she might as well go to the store, and get what she needed. Tess sulked back to her lab, and grabbed her car keys, she locked her door, got in her car, and drove down a few blocks. When she go there, she had only 15 minutes left, so she quickly grabbed what she needed, paid, and left. That night, she couldn't sleep, she kept looking over to where SPark had slept. After a few hours, she managed to get to sleep, but dreamed about Spark.
2:45pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Spark later realized that now she couldn't live her normal life. What if other things started to happen to her, like other wacky things such as the wings? How would she get pain relievers or help without Tess? How would she survive with these clunky wings? No other dog had wings! To catch prey, she had to be silent and slow. But with her added height and weight due to wings, she'd have to rethink some things. How long would it take? Too long? So long she'd starve? Plus, how would the other animals classify her now? As a mutant, and abomination, a monster? Spark couldn't live like this! She just had to go back to Tess, no matter how much she hated the scientist, becuase her life sort of depended on it. So, lifting off into the air, Spark set off to go find the lab.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:34pm Jun 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 657
(I'm gonna have to do a fail post, cuz there is not much to say...) Tess only got sleep for about another hour before she woke with a start. The scientist sat there, trying to fall asleep, but it wouldn't happen. She hoped she wouldn't get insomnia now. Instead of continuing to attempt to sleep, she went over to the wall, and flicked on the light switch. She decided she could start on her next project, which was originally for her and a dog, but she could make the one for her now, and if Spark came back, make the dog version then. She grabbed the ingredients she had bought last night.
3:47pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Spark soon found her way back to the lab. Amazing how you can see pretty much anything you want from the sky, right? She landed on the roof with a very loud, echoing 'THUD'. Momentarily, she was dazed. -fail- (Tess should think it was a robber or something come to invade her lab, lol. )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -