9:48pm Jun 16 2012
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Fool? Markus only helped with that. The male was a fool for even trying to come up against him. And how did he get this guy's girl to break up with him? The vampire didn't even know her.
Wiping the spittle from his face, the vampire tsk and stood. He stalked over to the male with every sing predatory grace working and wiped his hand on Andrew's shirt.
"Girls? Didn't know Americans allowed Harems," he said, shrugging his leather-clad. "Rather demeaning, too." He turned his back towards the jock and moved to pick up his back pack. Not for any particular reason. Just to see if the jock would do something with his back turned.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:54pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Yayyy, 10th page~ ]]
Andrew gave Markus a disgusted look as Markus wiped his hand on his shirt. The guys face was still red in anger, and Markus seemed too casual for anyone's liking. They were all waiting in anticipation for his response, and it never came.
The second Markus turned around, Andrew did what reminded me of a snarl and rammed into Markus in a tackle, as if they were playing foot ball. Many gasps came, waiting for Markus to retaliate.
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10:08pm Jun 16 2012
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Markus had anticipated something like that and rolled across the tabletop. Planting his booted feet on the ground on the other side, the vampire cast him a very dirty look. Eyes started to glow with their own luminescence as his lips curled back into a snarl as a very threatening -- and very animalesque -- growl escaped him. Though, he did not allow his fangs to extend.
Now was not the time nor the place.
Struggling to keep his sudden anger in check at the boy's stupidly thought move, Markus snarled, "When. Where." Not questions. No. He was too pissed to ask questions.
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10:13pm Jun 16 2012
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No! He wasn't supposed to agree! Gosh, couldn't he see the size of Andrew? Markus may be able to defend himself well, but he won't do nearly as well when there is about 7 or 8 ( -doesn't know how many people are actually on a foot ball team. xD- ) other guys ganged up on him. I hoped Andrew would chicken out, but his cocky grin only grew wider at Markus's response. "Tonight. Behind the old theatre."
That was the place the cops never got in time. Andrew didn't even have to say the name of the theatre because every teenager in the community new what the 'old theatre' was. So many crimes were made there and some cops sometimes even refuse to go because they've had heard haunted stories about the place. Some still believe it's true. I face palmed with one hand. Markus was an idiot if he really accepted this.
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10:21pm Jun 16 2012
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Markus's snarl turned into an evil grin. He had explored this place well enough after dark to know where that was. This would be fun. Extremely fun. Considering that the place was actually haunted.
Ghosts didn't bother vampires that much. But they -- the ghosts -- got a kick out of scaring the sh!t out of humans.
Markus suddenly let out a laugh. A merciless, horrible laugh.
"Better dig your grave," he said when he was finished.
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10:28pm Jun 16 2012
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Shivers ran up and down my arms and back at Markus's laugh. It only made me hate his clothes more, since it seemed to all fit...
"Nah. I'll be too busy getting your grave ready."
Andrew said before turning back to the foot ball team, who were already pumped up in beating Markus up now. I wanted to punch Markus in the groin, I was so angry. He was stupid. It was a good thing we didn't end up as friends - if we weren't already - or I'd be more grieved about his soon death. I knew he was going to die. I mean, Andrew was at least 3 times his size.
The bell rang, and everyone seemed depressed to go to class after something like this pumped them up. I grabbed my things and went out of the cafeteria, purposely going around the table as to not pass by Markus.
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11:23am Jun 17 2012
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Markus highly doubted that, but his grin never left his face. Oh, he was so excited for this. So much more than if those people actually found his brothers. Besides. He could beat up on some mortal flesh with the help of the ghosts. He was almost disappointed to hear that annoying bell ring.
With a tsk, he slid the waterbottle into his backpack and slung it over one shoulder. He noticed Paradise skirt around the opposite side of the table and frowned. He knew she wanted him to say no, but for the immortal life of him, he had to say yes. Acting as a mortal was getting a little boring.
And these jock jerks needed to be taught a lesson.
So, Markus waited until Paradise was out of the cafeteria completely before heading off to his next class.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:20pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ Time skip to tonight? ]]
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8:05pm Jun 17 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:17pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ I'm just going to have Paradise follow, since I don't like going out of her point of view. :u ]]
The bushes that hid me from the impatient, waiting foot ball team had thorns that kept piercing my skin as I tried moving to a position to where I could see them - but they wouldn't see me. My knees where hurting from me sitting on my heels to long, and my shoulders and back ached from ducking. It's been half an hour, and no action happened yet. Markus wasn't even here. But I couldn't just let Markus get killed out here without someone to at least call the police if it starts going to far. I already had my cell phone in hand, ready to dial if anything went overboard.
"He's probably chickened out."
I heard Andrew say before adding, "Probably afraid of the 'demons', and 'ghosts', and 'monsters'..." He went on with the things people made up in the passed superstitions. He was saying it loudly, as if he thought Markus was hiding and Andrew had been trying to scare him. Instead, he was scaring me.
I wasn't surprised that people have made up stories about this place. The evil here was palpable, and I kept turning around as if something was watching me and going to suffocate me at any moment. Or worse, take me away...
I shuddered and turned my head behind me once more. Nothing was there. I'm fine. But I was still completely aware of something touching my shoulder. I shrieked, and turned. To see just another thorn from a branch. My heart rate slowed, but soon raced again as I saw Andrew look over my way as he heard my scream. He paled, and that's when I realized he might have thought it was one of the 'ghosts' he was talking about. I smirked. He wasn't such a man after all. I put my hand over my neck defensively, my imaginations running wild as I imagined some scary monster coming out and strangling me by my neck. I shivered. I wished I'd never gone out here.
But I had too. Markus will see why soon enough when he's gasping for air on the ground all bloodied in the first five minutes of the fight,
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8:33pm Jun 17 2012
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Markus, in fact, hadn't chickened out. He rolled into view on his motorcycle. The headlight bright against the dark night. He paused there, waiting as he leaned on his handlebars and watching the jocks. The headlight shone in all their faces so they couldn't see his features.
Then, he turned the bike off, which killed the headlights. Dismounting the machine and shrugging out of his leather jacket, he set it across his seat before going to confront the waiting jocks.
Even in the dark, his white skin, silver hair, and red eyes glowed. Brightly. Making him a fairly easy target. But he would be anything but.
"Waiting long?" he asked as he drew closer. His head tilted to one side as he listen to a voice on the wind only heard by him. "Ghosts say you mock me." A laugh bubbled up from him. The same laugh as before, during lunch. "You'll soon regret."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:42pm Jun 17 2012
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When Markus arrived, I made sure to duck low so that I wasn't noticed. How humiliating it would be if he did somehow end up in this alive and caught me watching. I looked over at Andrew, who walked forward toward Markus while the rest stayed slightly behind to let him do the talking.
"Riiiight. So you believe in ghosts now?" He mumbled 'What a freak' faintly to the boys behind him. But I surely recall him paling when he heard me scream. Hmm... "Let's get on with this, before the 'ghosts' decide to join in."
Andrew said in a more mocking and cocky tone as he walked ahead of the foot ball team boys to reach for Markus's collar, fist aimed for his nose.
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8:50pm Jun 17 2012
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Markus shrugged. Some might join if they tasted blood on the air. Definitely the more violent ones whispering words of torture in his ear. Feeling the collar of his shirt stretch ever so slightly, Markus glanced at the fist coming for his nose.
But it didn't connect as flesh slapped against flesh.
Instead of his nose, the albino's hand stood in the way. Using his other hand, he swatted away Andrew's on his collar and twisted the other, waiting before he heard a distinct craaack in the elbow before kicking the boy in the stomach, sending him backwards.
He did all this without moving an inch. But he yawned, feigning boredom.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:54pm Jun 17 2012
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I gasped quietly from the sidelines as I heard the crack of Andrew's elbow from all the way over by the bushes. I wished I could have just stopped this fighting now.
Andrew held his elbow as several curses spat from his mouth angrily. His face was boiling red, and the other boys started crowding around him. With Andrew hurt, he might not fight as bad, but he came in the crowd still. Either way, Markus was definitely dead.
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9:53pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ I can't think. Can you skip my turn this time and continue on with Andrew and his pack advancing on Markus? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:57pm Jun 17 2012
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The first blow was at his head, while Andrew, behind him, kicked him in the back of his knees. He couldn't use his arm, but his legs were useful. I kept my hand over my eyes, but peaked through once in a while to see what was happening. Another kick went to his side, while the same person from before punched his face again. Soon it just looked like every person on the team found different parts of Markus to bend, kick, bite, or pull. I finally kept my eyes closed fully, not wanting to see anymore.
[[... Better? O_O I usually avoid fighting scenes, so I can't help my lack of creativity. xD Bahaha. ]]
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8:45am Jun 18 2012
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[[ Yea~
And its fine. Though you should practice fight scenes. They're a natural occurrence everywhere... ]]
While the rest of the team worked at attempting to inflict as much damage to Markus as possible, the vampire himself did not feel much. He was like a shade, dodging around their kicks and punches. Though he managed to get in a few hits himself, it wasn't enough to beat them back.
'This is fighting? Then it has downgraded since the last time I fought,' he thought to himself as he gave one particular play a nasty uppercut to the chin before connecting his fists to the male's chest twice.
The jock fell over with a groan and clutched at his chest.
Markus smirked, glowing eyes pulsing, as he saw a trickle of blood roll down from the other's split lip. And a hunger rose in Markus, seeing as he had been surviving off water bottle blood for the past few days. He missed drinking right from the vein.
His trance was interrupted by a cheap shot to his lower back. Though, the vampire growled and retaliated with a back-fist to the jaw, breaking the bone. The male Markus hit let out a strangled cry and backpedaled, holding his broken jaw.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:51am Jun 18 2012
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[[ Bahahaha, very true. :D ]]
My eyes weren't watching, but I heard cries and cracks all the way over by the bushes. I imagined Markus on the ground, bloodied and bruised, though at least it would bring more color to his pale skin... I tore those thoughts away as I finally looked up, to see Markus alive and standing, three guys not counting Andrew, holding some kind of bone in pain and groaning. The rest of the foot ball team had backed away after seeing the third hit, their steps hesitant.
"Come on! He's nothing to be scared of!"
I heard Andrew say angrily as he still held his elbow. The other guys seemed to not only want to stop this fight, but also terrified. I was still surprised that someone actually beat half of them in the first five minutes of the fight. Something touched my elbow, and I gasped - almost shrieked, but good thing I didn't - and turned around to just see another bush touching me. I tried slowing my fast heart rate down as I looked back out at the theater to see the other guys that weren't hurt from the fight running away. The ones hurt, still seemed to shocked to do anything. But my eyes focused more on Markus's eyes. Obviously, I was used to his eyes being red now. But were they supposed to glow like that? I swallowed, more intrigued now on him then on the fight at all.
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11:27am Jun 18 2012
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[[ The bushes are being creepers~ XD ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:29am Jun 18 2012 (last edited on 11:29am Jun 18 2012)
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[[ Bahahaha Paradise is a creep. |D ]]
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