12:52pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Bwahahahahaha! XD ]]
Markus watched as the football team ran off. He could smell that they were afraid of him. And for a good reason. He could kick their @sses back to the Stone Age if he so desired. But... He let them go as he hung back, crimson eyes on Andrew who refused to run. He barely gave another glance to the boys he downed because to him, they were defeated and didn't deserve to be looked at.
Though, a smirk curved his lips. Showing some hint of fang. A shrug moved his shoulders as he slipped his white hands into his pants pockets.
"Should be very scared," he said nonchalantly. despite the fight that had taken place a few moments prior.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:59pm Jun 18 2012
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Andrew's nostril's flared angrily as he stepped forward. It wasn't that Andrew was brave, I presumed. He was just too stupid to realize that Markus could probably do much more then hurt his elbow now that it was just one on one.
"I'm not scared."
He said, but I saw him back away with a confused ex pression when he looked at Markus. What was going on? I leaned in the bushes a little bit to see if Markus was doing something. He was just standing there. What was going on!
"Dude... You got some freaky teeth."
I heard, and I rolled my eyes. I couldn't even see. From what I remember, Markus had perfectly normal teeth. What did this have to do with anything? I looked around for the other guys that were hurt, but they had disappeared as well. Now it was just Markus and Andrew.
"And eyes."
He said with a more speculative ex pression. I noticed the eye thing, but didn't want to think of it anymore then my imagination. I mean, we were in a place where people had said they saw ghosts before. Everyone's imaginations were running wild. I shivered once more, feeling goosebumps up and down my arms. I hated this place.
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2:42pm Jun 18 2012
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Markus cocked his head, crimson eyes narrowing. He could smell the faint fear rolling off this boy. Though, he only smiled, furthering revealing his fangs. Parting his jaw slightly to show off their length, he said, "Yes. You scared. Just won't admit."
Then, he was right in front of Andrew. Jaws snapping together audibly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:51pm Jun 18 2012
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"No, I'm not scared-"
That's all I heard from Andrew before his eyes widened in shock and he backed away. I jumped back as well, and I was watching from the bushes. Was that fangs? A hand came to my mouth as my eyes couldn't tear away from it, no matter how much I wanted too. I didn't like it. It was so... Freaky. What was Markus doing? Wearing fake teeth or something to scare them away?
Andrew's voice drew me from my thoughts. "Whoa man!"
Andrew said, backing away until he tripped and fell to the ground. "What the heck are you? You're really creeping me out, man."
His hands were up and by his head in a surrendering position, but he was shaking all over. Did he actually think those teeth were real?
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3:40pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Fake teeth? You kidding. Those canines are real~ ]]
Markus chuckled when the boy backed up and fell, tripping over his own feet. But he stayed "smiling" keeping his fangs shown. "Good," he said, as he started to circle Andrew like a predator would to prey.
"Have five seconds. Leave or pay," he added as an afterthought. Andrew had five seconds to get off his scared @ss and leave or he was going to pay with his blood.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:46pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Bahahaha ikr. xD ]]
I gasped quietly. What was Markus planning on doing? I saw Andrew lift an eyebrow. Andrew was a stupid kid, never missing the opportunity for a fight. He wouldn't leave. "Are you crazy? I don't leave a fight without knowing the guy got what he deserved."
Though he didn't seem so sure when his eyes went to the fangs. Oh, come on. They probably looked more fake up close. I didn't know Andrew was that stupid.
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3:56pm Jun 18 2012
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"Deserve?" Markus asked as he continued to circle around the shaking boy. What did Markus deserve. He'd only been here a few days. Not his fault most of the girls thought him attractive, but they were she-wolves.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:04pm Jun 18 2012
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I frowned, not liking where this was going. Markus seemed so different right now, though he always had a mysterious air about him, something now was different. It was worse then feeling like there were ghosts behind me, ready to snatch me at any moment. It was almost like I actually feared him. What would he do to Andrew that made him so creepy?
"My girlfriend broke up with me, idiot. 'Cause of you."
Yeah. Yeah. It was the whole 'Dating for one week' relationship. I knew why Andrew was mad. He was the one who broke up with the girls. He's never been dumped, and now his pride was ruined.
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4:10pm Jun 18 2012
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The albino scoffed. He didn't even know his girlfriend. So why was he the cause of all this hate? Hades. Mortals had gotten even more complicated over the centuries. Though, he highly doubted he was at fault for Andrew's girlfriend breaking up with the boy.
"Me? No. You, maybe," he said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:13pm Jun 18 2012
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"The day you came, she sat next to you at lunch, and completely ignored me. What other reason is there? All she told me was she liked some other guy."
This was all sounding so immature now. Why wouldn't Markus just leave? I didn't think Markus was going to get beat up anymore, he was creeping me out too much, but this was just not worth anyone's time. I leaned my head back, my neck hurting from hiding out.
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4:21pm Jun 18 2012
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Markus just shook his head. This kid was getting so immature. Obsessing over something as small as that? Oh, Zeus. But, keeping a word on his promise since Andrew had yet to leave, he shot towards the boy, snatching the front of his shirt with one hand and lifting him into the air so his feet never touched the ground.
Markus was tall, standing at six foot two, and lifted Andrew a few inches above his head. The muscles in his arm bulged, but Markus showed no strain in the movement. He curled his lips back, showing his fangs fully and growled very much like a wolf.
"Now you pay."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:37pm Jun 18 2012
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"Whoa! Man, come on, put me down!"
He screamed, but he didn't seem agitated as he did frightened. My heart beat sped, and I wondered what Markus was going to do. There wasn't much he could do, other then beat the living daylights out of him. Andrew kept trying to wiggle out of his grip.
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5:45pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ If you don't mind, I'm gonna add a little something. Prolly in my next post ;D ]]
Markus cocked his head to one side with the sharpness of an animal and his hand held tight on Andrew's shirt. He pulled the other male closer as he fixated on an artery in the boy's neck. He could hear the beating heart pulse through it and a growling-hiss type of noise escaped him as he opened his mouth a bit more.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:53pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Kay. CCC: <3 ]]
As Markus opened his mouth, I gasped and ducked to keep the bushes from me seeing the rest. Okay. So the teeth weren't fake. My hands were shaking, and I couldn't help the nervous tears that burned in my eyes. Andrew still kept screaming protests, curses, and insults at Markus. I shivered, and pulled my knees to my chest. This was all a dream. I didn't watch Markus open his mouth to actually bite Andrew's neck. Markus's eyes didn't glow, and he did not have fangs.
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6:55pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Oh, he does have fangs, Paradise~ ]]
Markus ignored the screams, curses, and insults made by the boy he had his fangs in. His only thoughts were on the sweet blood running down his throat and soothing that hunger. While he usually preferred biting into a female neck, this one would do just fine. And if the mortal managed to live through it, he could always get Ariskye to wipe his memory and place in a new one.
Then pain erupted from his right shoulder. Real pain. Dropping Andrew, Markus fell to one knee as he felt the pain spread across his back. A groan left him. It only accentuated of how much pain he was actually in.
Screw the Fates! Was that silver!?
Using his left hand, he placed it as a protective barrier on the bullet wound as he saw booted feet come closer in even, measured steps. His eyes tightened as they narrowed and he swore angrily in Greek. He couldn't move to evade the boot as it kicked him onto his back, furthering the pain. But this human didn't care.
Another came forward and dragged Andrew a safe distance away before checking on the puncture wounds on his neck. "All clear here. Doesn't look like he'll turn," the human reported after several minutes.
"Good, good," said the other as the human came closer to Markus, aiming some kind of gun at his head. "Now you, vampire. So this is where you were hiding. Took us quite some time, but we finally found you. Now all we need to do is find your vampire and werewolf brother." The human smirked cruelly with unmentioned intentions.
"Gamí̱sou sta Tártara!" Markus snarled as he bared his bloodied fangs at the human, earning him a sharp kick in the side. He whined and shifted so he could protect that side form any further harm. He had forgotten how much those boots actually hurt since they were steel toed. But, they couldn't find his brothers. They were more skilled in hiding than he since they were both born in this land and he was from Greece.
"Den tha ta vreíte tóso éf̱kola, ta anthró̱pina," the albino finally said after a few minutes.
The human's smirk grew and became more nasty. "Oh really?" the human asked, cocking its head to one side. "I am highly doubting that vampire."
"Oi! Chief! We got another human over here!" shouted the other human as it pulled Paradise out of her hiding place. "She's not hurt. Apparantly she was watching the vampire and that boy over there."
Markus tilted his head and his eyes widened when he saw Paradise. What was she doing here? Then, reality slammed back into him and he glanced away. She'd seen everything. Heard everything. Now, she probably thinks he's a monster. Well... Truth is... He is.
[[ What is is saying for your enjoyment;
"Fnck you to Tartarus!"
"You won't find them so easily, human." ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:03pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Bahahahahahahaa. xD]]
I had heard voices, and Markus groan, but I refused to look up from my knees. I didn't want to have to say that all that was happening was true. Vampires didn't exist! I heard more men come around and Markus talked to them in Greek. I was shivering, and it took everything in me not to look. Why had I come? I was just hoping Markus would be alright.
Before I could make a run for it, I was grabbed and lifted from the bushes. My cheeks paled, and I kept my eyes on Markus since I didn't want to see the rest of them. I didn't know what was going on, and frankly, I was regretting ever worrying about Markus if he really was this 'vampire'.
The words of the men came back as I struggled to get out of the person's grip. Vampire. It was real? It couldn't be. This was all just a part of a nightmare. It had to be. "What's going on?"
I finally said, but I was so frightened by these turn of events, it only came out in a mere whisper.
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8:30pm Jun 18 2012
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Markus wanted to tell her. But the human beside him noticed the vampire wanted to say something and placed a boot on his unprotected left shoulder before applying pressure. His crimson eyes widened before he howled with pain. His fangs were exposed when he did that, unprotected by the barrier known as his lips. Curling in in himself slightly, his eyes were hooded with pain and his breathing came out in short pants. Silver hair shifted and fell in one crimson eye as he kept both glued to the pavement.
Instead, he kept silent this time. Which seemed to be the right thing to do since he didn't get kicked anymore. Even a wild vampire could be broken through violence and pain. And right now, he was so close to being broken.
The human male -- as Markus could now tell -- held Paradise close, oblivious to her struggling. "It didn't bite you did it?" he asked, referring to Markus as if the Greek was nothing more than an animal. The male then took a hold of Paradise's jaw and tilted her head back before examining her neck for possible puncture wounds. He found none. Which was an obvious relief... for the two human hunters.
Markus could feel the ghosts and entities living in this place pressing in. Asking urgent questions in his ear. Was he okay? Did he want revenge? Is the female allowed to be hurt? And so many more. The vampire replied a barely audible "No" that the wind picked up and spread to the ghosts surrounding them.
Then one spoke directly in his ear, unheard by everybody else. "You need help. Let us help. We can bring anybody you need to help. Just say their names and we'll tell them..."
Zaou Scar and Sanctum Raa, he desperately wanted to say. But he knew that would only get them captured and killed. Well, after the humans interrogated them thoroughly. He searched for other names of people he could call on for help. Though, none came to mind. Wait... Maybe those to... "Shadowspawn... Bane..."
"It will be done."
Then the spirits were gone.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:43pm Jun 18 2012
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It was no use trying to get out of the mans grip, and fear was what had me not ask the question again. I didn't understand if these guys were on Markus's side or mine. My hands were quivering and my eyes widened when Markus's fangs came in my sight. It was real. I swallowed nervously, my eyes averting. My heart rate sped as I finally came to my senses. Okay, so Markus really was a vampire. So what were these people doing here?
I tried pulling away when the guy looked at my neck. "Of course not! He wouldn't bite me." I said, feeling silly implying him drinking my blood. I was trying to have it all sink in, but really? A vampire? Those were supposed to be myths. If he was real, then what else that is supposed to mythical is real?
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9:19pm Jun 18 2012
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The male holding her, shook her slightly. "IT. Not him. It lost its ability to hold a gender when it was turned into a monster," the male said harshly before shaking his head. "But what would you know. You're a mundane. You're not supposed to know these creatures exist." Looking towards his boss, who was also male, he added, "Chief, do we still have that memory eraser?"
The one known as Chief shook his head. "It broke it when we last hunted it," he said, nudging the still Markus with the toe of his boot. Though the boot made contact with his knee, Markus whined softly.
The nameless male cursed violently and his gaze when back to the girl in his hands. Looking over her slightly, he turned back towards his boss. "We could always-"
With an exasperated sigh, the male released Paradise. She seemed too scared to run away and too scared to say anything about what had happened. So he just left her as he went to go rejoin his boss. As the two talked about something in hushed tones, Markus took this chance to glance up at Paradise. He wanted to say something to her. To help calm her down. But he didn't want a boot in his ribs. Or his spine.
"They are coming."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:35pm Jun 18 2012
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I didn't know what the guy that was holding me was going to suggest doing to me, before the other guy already declined the suggestion. Either way, I felt relieved when he let me go. My eyes went to Markus with a speculative glance. I still wasn't used to thinking of him as a vampire. A monster. Though that's exactly what he was. And I didn't want to get involved with this mess. Or him. The other guys were talking, not paying attention. And what would I do that would ruined their plans? I looked back at Markus with fear in my eyes. I wished the old Markus was back. The one that was annoying - but not a monster.
I could do it. Right now. Move my feet and run into the woods that was behind this old theater. I turned my head discreetly. There were a lot of trees. And it faded to darkness. Would those scary stories of this place really keep me from running? I had to do something other then sit here and wait for something bad to happen to me or Markus.
I just had to count to three. And I could run. In my head I did, and as silently as I could make my feet, I turned and bolted for the trees. My shoes slipped off the second I started running, so the twigs cut at my feet. I ignored it as I dodged the trees more easily then I thought I would.
I hid behind a tree to catch my breath. I was probably farther away now. Safe. I leaned back against the tree, glad that I was out of that mess.
[[This gives you nothing, sorry. xD I just didn't know what she could do other then stand there stupidly. |DDD ]
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